? Actually, Familiar of Zero is pretty much averse to the 'shounen powerup' button. It's not Bleach, and it's not really shounen even though it has some elements of a harem comedy. Saito and Louise get their asses kicked quite often and scrape by due to luck as often as not in the anime, even then there tend to be consequences, and the Light Novels are even more averse to the typical DBZ powerups.That was... Pathetic. Seriously, it is an anime universe that danger unlocks a new level of power and nothing happened.
Anyone that thought that Henry was going to anime "unlock next level", for shame. shade is more realistic than that.
"For those...we cherish," Raven croaked, "We die...in glory."
The chant finished, and the noise of another whip surpassing the speed of sound echoed. I saw it come, I saw it come faster than the blinking of my eyes. I saw it come, and stared with pure fright as the black of Raven's feathers moved to protect me with his whole frame, his wings clutching me in his last embrace. I closed my eyes. I closed my eyes and I screamed.
And then I heard it crash against the ground.
"Now, I am satisfied," Charles said sharply, sheathing his swordwand with a sordid click.
Indeed, he stacking four Winds in his Vicious Wind and having it cut through the blizzard, but perhaps only nick Charles.What would have been unrealistic would be Henry then proceeding to win because no way does fresh Square beat experienced Square.
If every time somebody was pushed to the brink they went up a rank in spellcasting the FoZ world would be filled with Squares. Henry hasn't been pushing his magic further constantly like Tabitha did.But it is realistic. One of the canon methods of ranking up is by being pushed to the brink and beyond. In fact we are explicitly shown this happening in Tabitha's fight with Bidashal with her breaking through from Triangle to Square. What would have been unrealistic would be Henry then proceeding to win because no way does fresh Square beat experienced Square.
I pretty much assumed that this was what had happened. Even if Henry has broken through the threshold of triangle, he wouldn't surely know it just yet; Charles still overwhelmed him in power.What would have been unrealistic would be Henry then proceeding to win because no way does fresh Square beat experienced Square.
In this portion in particular, it seemed to me that Henry had gained new insight into his magic; possibly into the realm of Square.A billowing tempest of ice, a
snowstorm by all means, no-a skewering filled with sharp, deadly edges of ice and crystal. This was Charles', whose runic name was The Ice, signature spell. A blizzard of unparalleled dimensions, a snowstorm that was meant to rip and shred with merciless precision, who spoke of ice age cold winters and devastating, frozen storms-and as it came towards me, towards us, towards Raven's wounded body and my pitiful frame, I heard it.
I heard the wind's hollowing screams and the agony it felt.
The guy who wanted to off his daughter's twin was moved by compassion?I think the duel started with Charles simply wanted to maim Henry, but when he saw how Raven and Henry were honestly more concerned about each other then the fight itself, he realized that Henry was likely being honest about trying to do right by his daughter. Once he realized that Charles decided to simply let the two off with a mild beating.
But this is anime.
Well, that part is more likely to end either in adorable or in alcoholic comas. I mean, if his Sister or Tiffania it'd be like playfighting a kitten or a puppy. If Joseph, well, the only fight I see them having is a drinking contest...
If every time somebody was pushed to the brink they went up a rank in spellcasting the FoZ world would be filled with Squares. Henry hasn't been pushing his magic further constantly like Tabitha did.
With the water magic shown in setting those injuries have all the impact of a spanking.And again, Henry did not get off scot-free. He and Raven got injured, lots of scarring, he could have had a second die in his stead, he did not. Remember, Josette should have died at Charle's hands had he really wanted to make a bid for the throne.
I think it's because we were kind of expecting more of a serious consequence for acting like a suicidal buffon these last few chapters. When someone tries their hardest to get themselves killed, seeing them not get killed is kind of a dissapointment.
So? Henry screwed up slightly. What else could have he have done? Send a second to die in his place when it is expressly his own actions that led to this?With the water magic shown in setting those injuries have all the impact of a spanking.
With the water magic shown in setting those injuries have all the impact of a spanking.