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[X] "Yes, I trust you. You, like myself, are used to being dismissed by the ambitious power brokers of the Republic. To them I am underdog figurehead. Propped up that I may fail and, in that failure, create opportunity for their gain. You they see as a tool and weapon, useful or dangerous, but not an ally to grant a say in the path forward or extend trust. But I know that people can be so much more than that, if you give them the chance. If I am to make the republic a better place, a more righteous government, with a brighter future, I must first believe it can become such, and I must believe in the men who I have chosen to stand beside me and work to bring about that brighter future. Today, Isard, I believe I have gained the greatest treasure a sentient can earn, a friend I can trust to be honest with me, and it is all thanks to you, and your willingness to recuperate my trust by confronting me for to get answers and trusting that the answer I gave would be honest.
[X] "As I said before, with my life."

Sometimes, the short answer is the best answer.

[X] Tap the dataslate, and replay the clip one more time. "I said this when I had no idea you were listening. Why would I change my answer when you ask me to my face?"

Tempest's answer is also pretty good. Has more oomph to it without making it too long.
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[X] "As I said before, with my life."

Sometimes, the short answer is the best answer.
Fuck it, this I change my vote for.

[X] "As I said before, with my life."
Edit: Also adding this @TempestK
[X] Tap the dataslate, and replay the clip one more time. "I said this when I had no idea you were listening. Why would I change my answer when you ask me to my face?"
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[X] Tap the dataslate, and replay the clip one more time. "I said this when I had no idea you were listening. Why would I change my answer when you ask me to my face?"
[X] Tap the dataslate, and replay the clip one more time. "I said this when I had no idea you were listening. Why would I change my answer when you ask me to my face?"

This is the best quick delivery
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Isard nodded grimly. "I've never had anyone give me that kind of faith before... Not from someone in power. Palpatine... he uses people. But you... you gave me a choice." He paused, the weight of his words hanging between you. "That's why I'm going to ask you this now."
Some nice IC confirmation on Palpatine's style. And in a way, shows exactly why he was flippable to begin with. Because, at the end of the day, Palpatine is a pure-blooded politician, cultivating connections in the name of furthering his own agenda, while Mr. Binks is not. Which, makes it feel like Palps was banking on his manipulation skills and our inexperience in order to prevent the weak point of his relationship with Isard from being exploited. Only for his own manipulations to blow up in his face by giving a strong opportunity for Binks to show his trust in those he chose, even if it is ill advised for a politician to hold so much trust, especially for one with a close relationship with another politician.
[X] Tap the dataslate, and replay the clip one more time. "I said this when I had no idea you were listening. Why would I change my answer when you ask me to my face?"
[X] "As I said before, with my life."
[X] Tap the dataslate, and replay the clip one more time. "I said this when I had no idea you were listening. Why would I change my answer when you ask me to my face?"

Sometimes, a sentence says more than an entire speech.
[X] Tap the dataslate, and replay the clip one more time. "I said this when I had no idea you were listening. Why would I change my answer when you ask me to my face?"
[X] "As I said before, with my life."
[X] Tap the dataslate, and replay the clip one more time. "I said this when I had no idea you were listening. Why would I change my answer when you ask me to my face?"
[X] "As I said before, with my life."
[X] Tap the dataslate, and replay the clip one more time. "I said this when I had no idea you were listening. Why would I change my answer when you ask me to my face?"
[]The Federalists and You: You want to learn of the opinions of your constituents… and rather, your potentially greatest allies within the Senate. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 + 15 => 19

Much as you try to build bridges between yourself, Palpatine and his allies…

They much rather were more waiting and seeing.

They did not want to back sentients who were still able to lose.

So, I just realized that the Federalists just sabotaged themselves this upcoming Legislative turn. With the free support from the constitutionalists, that means we're more likely to pass a major law in their favor.

Man, it's just not Palpy's day, is it?
So, I just realized that the Federalists just sabotaged themselves this upcoming Legislative turn. With the free support from the constitutionalists, that means we're more likely to pass a major law in their favor.

Man, it's just not Palpy's day, is it?
They did not want to back sentients who were still able to lose.
And all because we aren't all powerful. XD
"You might lose, so you aren't worth our backing."

"Looks like it's time to help decentralize the Republic, with the help of my buddies, the Constitutionalists!"

Thinking over my previous joke about gungans vs the senate guard...we should probably replace the Senate Guard as our body guards before people (cough Palp's cough) try and kill us.
Edit: because to be honest...I think criminals in the lower levels might actually be better at fighting then them.
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… I am now demanding a metal gear omake…

Though I say the Jedi should be the operatives while jar jar plays the role of colonel
jar jar suffering an assassination attempt by a mandalorian in public, proceeds to flail around (cue nat 100) which causes him to look like he doing CQC techniques which lets him take down a fully armored mandalorian in seconds by himself with his bare hands :V
… I am now demanding a metal gear omake…

Though I say the Jedi should be the operatives while jar jar plays the role of colonel
jar jar suffering an assassination attempt by a mandalorian in public, proceeds to flail around (cue nat 100) which causes him to look like he doing CQC techniques which lets him take down a fully armored mandalorian in seconds by himself with his bare hands :V
Okay....I had an idea...what if Jar Jar got a hold of something from Warframe? Anybody remember that "Meesa gonna fight the Corpus" image that showed up on Reddit? Cause somebody made a Jar-Jar version of a speech by the Corrupted version of the Grineer character Vor.

Look at them thesa comein to dis place whena thesa know thesa is no pure. Tenno use da keys, but thesa is mere trespassers. On missa, vor, know da true power of da void. Mesa cut in half, destroy, but through its janus key, da void call to missa. It bringa missa here and here mesa reborn. Weesa cannot blame these creatures, thesa is be l by a false prophet, a impostor who knows no da secrets of da void. Behold da tenno, comein to scavenge and desecrata dis sacr realm. Missa brothers, did missa no taleo of dis day? Did missa no prophesize dis moment? Now, missa ganna stop them. Now mesa chang, reborn through da energy of da janus key. Forever bound toda void. Let it be known, if da tenno wanna true salvation, thesa ganna lay down thesa arms, and wait for da baptism of missa janus key. Isa time. Missa ganna teach these trespassers da redemptive power of missa janus key. Thesa ganna learn its simple truth. Da tenno is nocomebackie, and thesa ganna resist. But missa, vor, ganna cleanse dis place of thesa impurity.
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