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[X]I Definatly didn't Ask for this!
[X]Plan: Crush 'em all, Nick!
[X]Plan: Master of the Senate
[X] Plan I am Iron Man
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We'll be a laughing stalk if we go with jar jar. No one would take us seriously at all. Why would they listen to a bumbling fool who doesn't know the first thing about galactic politics?

The technocrat at least knows what they are doing and will be taken seriously.
He was trying to pass a budget, not cause the downfall of the previous administration.

so He really didn't ask for this. hence the plan name.

See, Bumbling Idiot.

Therefore, that reasoning is invalid against the likes of Jar Jar Binks (You can reasonably argue Jar Jar gives in the papers for the Gungans to be recognized as a 2nd Inhabitant of Naboo in the Senate, and somehow from that winds up as the Chancellor.)
My fellow Voters we need to Support Jar Jar Binks for Chancellorship or all else is lost come VOTE for the better tomorrow.
The Republic needs you now !
Here is the thing and this is just me:

I don't care who wins. My only care is to provide an entertaining quest and…

Hope I can have this kind of vote again every turn.

Cause this shit gives me life in a way I haven't had in a long time.
Oi, no shaming on the Jar Jar.
No I mean literally he can't be an experienced general because he's had all of a single battle, and he can't be a soldier because he didn't go through basic training for the Gungans. Saying otherwise is spreading false information and can be considered treason as this is for electing the highest office in the Republic.

@tri2 Jar Jar delegated that battle to a much more capable general and went to fight on the front. While I commend the self awareness to know you don't have the required skills and have someone who does lead, we can't really credit Jar Jar with the Generalship
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