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Against all odds, the Senate, weary of the same old faces and desperate for new leadership, turned to you.

Palpatine is enraged at the lack of victory but remains in the Senate.

It is 10 years before the Clone Wars. The Republic is failing. There is talk of separatism, secession, and civil war. There has been no change, in a thousand years.

And now it is coming to an end.

You are the Republic's last hope for survival. Good Luck.
The New Chancellor New


SV's Questing Fanatic
California USA
My Loyalty is to the Republic: (The Supreme Chancellor Quest)

A Galaxy in peril. Following the fallout of the Naboo Crisis, Chancellor Velorumn has been unceremoniously removed from office, a scapegoat for the Republic's failure to address the growing threats. His removal has thrown the Senate into chaos, with political alliances shifting like quicksand.

Many Senators, long-standing and powerful, have begun vying for the now-vacant position of Chancellor. Chief among them were two towering figures: Senator Sheev Palpatine Of Naboo, a masterful strategist known for his political cunning, and Senator Bail Antilles, a respected diplomat celebrated for his idealism and integrity. For most, the contest seemed destined to come down to these two. Political insiders whispered their names as the inevitable heirs to the Republic's leadership, expecting that one of them would steer the galaxy through these troubled times and lead the Republic into a new era of peace.

But the Senate, and indeed the galaxy, had overlooked an unexpected contender. A rank outsider, you—a figure no one had seen as a serious competitor. Far removed from the entrenched power circles of Coruscant, you had quietly been making bold, calculated moves. While others clung to the expected rules of the political game, you played it differently. Behind closed doors, you made deals and formed alliances in the shadows, navigating the labyrinth of Senate politics with surprising finesse.

Where Palpatine and Antilles stood tall, you remained in the background—until the moment came for you to strike. With wild ambition and relentless determination, you defied expectations, gathering enough support to catapult yourself into the highest office in the galaxy. Against all odds, the Senate, weary of the same old faces and desperate for new leadership, turned to you.

Now, you stand as the most powerful sentient in the galaxy.

But first, who are you who has clawed their way to power?:

[]What is your name?

[]What do you look like?

What were you before you came to the highest office in the Republic?:

[]The Opportunistic Diplomat: A former ambassador from the mid-rim that has often been overshadowed by the Core Worlds, your expertise lies in diplomacy and negotiation, and it was something you excelled at. For years, you worked in the background, quietly forging alliances and mediating disputes without much recognition. Once you became Senator, your cutthroat sense of dealings and compromises made you a respected voice in the Senate… before becoming a force to be reckoned with when you rose to power by capitalizing on uncertainty and chaos. But not through the usual smoking and boozing as others before you had done, No you quietly gathered support from lesser-known but critical factions, making sure no one truly saw you as a threat until it was too late.

  • Master Negotiator: Skilled in diplomacy, you excel at brokering deals, making alliances, and navigating complex political landscapes. Your ability to mediate and compromise means you can get opposing factions to work together. (Increase Political Power turn rolls by ten)
  • Low-Profile Strategy: Your rise to power went largely unnoticed until it was too late for opponents to stop you. This gives you a tactical edge, as you are less likely to have entrenched enemies. (During Political Power Turns, and Legislation Turns, opposition rolls to stall or stop your legislation, will suffer a minus 10 to the rolls)
  • Versatility: Able to work with both powerful and lesser-known factions, you can appeal to a wide range of interests, allowing you to build broad coalitions.(You are not hindered by any roll malus when working outside of your political faction)
  • Lack of Public Recognition: You worked in the shadows for much of your career, meaning you may lack popular appeal or a strong public image. This could make it harder to rally public support during crises. (All Political Power turns, and legislative actions, cost double then normal Political Power, or Dice Cost)
  • Political Opportunism: Your ability to shift and adapt could be seen as a lack of core principles, leading to trust issues with both allies and rivals who may see you as unreliable or purely self-serving. (You can swap factions but suffer -20 to all rolls for the turn when you do so)
  • Dependence on Factions: Your power base relies heavily on the support of lesser-known factions. If they feel sidelined or betrayed, you could lose your footing quickly.(You are dependent on your political faction and the cohesion of said faction for any long-term political power gain. You must keep them happy or lose legitimacy every turn until you are removed, or the faction's goals change.)

[]The Idealistic Outsider: You were supposed to be just some governor on some barren outer rim planet. Just another sentient that was supposed to do their job, go home, live a comfortable life… and maybe retire to a nice life. That was not the case. After all, soon the senator and the leaders in the system loved you… for your hard-nosed anti-corruption tactics against the Hutts and Black Suns, trust-busting tactics, Workers' rights, and making corporations like Czerka and others pay their due. It led to them trying to kill you on more than one occasion, but soon, you found yourself being groomed to be the successor. Then as you entered the Senate on a very populist platform… one that should have gotten you killed. But that same platform made you possibly the most popular senator from the Outer Rim. And you expected to play spoiler to Palpatine and Organa to get what you wanted… not become the most powerful Sentient in the Galaxy.

  • Strong Moral Compass: Your anti-corruption stance and populist platform resonate deeply with the common citizens, especially in the Outer Rim. You are seen as a champion of the people, which can lead to widespread support. (When campaigning on issues that help the common people, Gain a +30 to all political power rolls, and legislative rolls.)
  • Resilient: You have survived multiple assassination attempts and political sabotage, proving that you can handle adversity. This makes you appear tough and unshakable. (All assassination Attempts against you, will have to succeed Twice before it can do any lasting damage)
  • Fresh Perspective: Coming from outside the typical political elite, you bring new ideas and approaches that could disrupt the stagnant bureaucracy of the Senate. (When making allies with younger to fifth-term senators during political power turns, they will gain a bonus to becoming part of your allies or towards your government faction.)
  • Inexperience with the Core: You're from the Outer Rim, meaning you may lack the deep connections or understanding of how the Core World politics and high-level Senate dealings work. This could leave you vulnerable to manipulation. (Auto fail all core world senator allies rolls until you pass 5 pieces of legislation. After that, suffer a -10 to rolls when recruiting those same Core world senators. All Legislative rolls will have a permanent roll malus of -5)
  • Populist Support: While your populist platform is effective in the Outer Rim, the Core Worlds, and corporate interests may view you as a dangerous radical, creating significant opposition from powerful sectors. (You are beholden to the will of your constituents even more than usual and if you do something they don't like…suffer a massive roll malus on political power and Legislative rolls for two turns)
  • Naïveté: Your idealism, while admirable, might not be suited to the cold realities of galactic politics. Without compromising, you could find yourself isolated and unable to enact the changes you want. (The QM will give you the friendship of someone you really shouldn't be friends with, who is considered your strongest political ally. And if you do not help them with their dedication every turn… you will be automatically removed from power, and the game will automatically end.)

[]The Calculating Technocrat: You worked deep within the Senate's infrastructure, overseeing trade agreements and logistics. While others engaged in public debate, you understood the power of systems and numbers, subtly influencing policy behind the scenes. To think you were expecting to just work as a Senator to pay back your friends and allies who helped you. Then you saw the opening and went for it. To think… You did this to make sure you passed the Republic's budget for the year.

  • Master of Systems: Your understanding of logistics, trade agreements, and the inner workings of the Senate makes you an efficient and detail-oriented leader. You know how to navigate bureaucratic red tape with ease.(Political Power and legislative rolls for galactic trade deal, Systems logistics, and resources gain +30 and DC of the those projects are halved.)
  • Pragmatism: You focus on data, numbers, and long-term goals, making you highly rational and objective in your decision-making. This could lead to stable and effective governance. (gaining Political Power rolls are halved, and your gain are increased by x2)
  • Low-Key Leadership: You didn't rely on charisma or popularity to rise to power, which means you may be less vulnerable to public opinion or populist revolts. (You are not likely to be blamed when things go wrong with the Public, and you can have a higher chance of directing it to your enemies with a bonus +20 to the attempt)
  • Lack of Charisma: Your cold, data-driven approach can alienate people. While effective, you may struggle to connect emotionally with both the public and your peers in the Senate. (All political power actions that recruit allies suffer a -20, but if you somehow succeed their loyalty is a rank higher than normal. )
  • Limited Vision: Your initial goal was simply to balance the budget and manage systems. This narrow focus might hinder your ability to inspire or lead on larger, more existential galactic issues like war, peace, or social reform. (You have no real agenda at the start and the legislative turns are increased until you release a manifesto. Suffer a -30 to all legislative rolls until you have an agenda.)
  • Unseen Enemies: By quietly rising through the ranks, you might have made enemies who resent your behind-the-scenes influence, particularly among Senators who feel they've been outmaneuvered. (You have a random Faction in the Galaxy that absolutely wants you dead more than usual who will always stall your objective, but you can never know who they are until you complete several actions investigating them)

[]The Cunning Powerbroker: For years, you were the whisper in the ear of those in control, helping them navigate political waters while amassing favors and influence. Second only to Palpatine. You were the one who made the moves happen. Got policy passed. Funding ships, anti-pirate campaigns… And so much more. Palpatine was however not amused you were doing the same thing he was doing, so he expected your candidacy to actually help him… mostly because he thought you owed him.

  • Political Savvy: You've been manipulating and maneuvering through galactic politics for years. Your deep understanding of how power works, and how to wield it, makes you one of the most capable politicians. (Increase the number of legislative Actions you can take in the Legislation turn, and half their political power cost)
  • Vast Network: You have amassed countless favors and debts, giving you influence over key Senators, military officials, and trade magnates. Your ability to call in these favors is unparalleled. (Political Power gained through networking is increased by a factor of 4.)
  • Underestimated: Many, including Palpatine, thought you were merely a support player, which allows you to maintain an element of surprise and strike when others least expect it.(You are not entirely understood by the Senate, in spite of your years in it, and your opponents suffer a -30 in any attempt to discredit you)
  • Trust Issues: As a manipulator, your reputation for being the "whisper in the ear" might cause distrust. Allies may question your loyalty, fearing you could turn on them as easily as you've helped them. (The DC of maintaining trust in a faction is increased as you are a known…flip-flopper)
  • Rivalry with Palpatine: Palpatine expected to use you as a pawn, and now that you've outplayed him, he could become a dangerous rival. His resentment could lead to a significant political showdown. (Palpatine will do everything in his power… to make you look bad, and removed from power. You do not know what that means)
  • Lack of Vision: You've been the architect of other people's agendas for so long that you may struggle with setting your own. Without a distinct ideological platform, you could come across as directionless or purely opportunistic. (Your lack of a real plan is a hindrance, and you need one fast. Every turn you do not have one will see you lose half your legitimacy per turn until you are removed from power. That plan cannot last more than 4 turns before it must be replaced with something new. And Ganing Legitimacy will be cut in half for every legislative success.)

AN: Lets go save the Republic everyone.
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Jar Jar Binks of Naboo, Supreme Chancellor of the Republic New
Jar Jar Binks of Naboo, Supreme Chancellor of the Republic

Planetary Sector: Naboo (Gungun Population)

Species: Gungun

Exploits: Diplomatic advisor to the Jedi order during the Naboo Crisis. Supreme Commander of the Gungun forces during the Naboo Crisis. Diplomat for Peace and Alliance Treaty to Naboo and the Gungun.

Political Faction: None (notably aligned with Senator Palpatine of Naboo.)


Strong Moral Compass: Your anti-corruption stance and populist platform resonate deeply with the common citizens, especially in the Outer Rim. You are seen as a champion of the people, which can lead to widespread support. (When campaigning on issues that help the common people, Gain a +30 to all political power rolls, and legislative rolls.)

Resilient: You have survived multiple assassination attempts and political sabotage, proving that you can handle adversity. This makes you appear tough and unshakable. (All assassination Attempts against you, will have to succeed Twice before it can do any lasting damage)

Fresh Perspective: Coming from outside the typical political elite, you bring new ideas and approaches that could disrupt the stagnant bureaucracy of the Senate. (When making allies with younger to fifth-term senators during political power turns, they will gain a bonus to becoming part of your allies or towards your government faction.)

Inexperience with the Core: You're from the Outer Rim, meaning you may lack the deep connections or understanding of how the Core World politics and high-level Senate dealings work. This could leave you vulnerable to manipulation. (Auto fail all core world senator allies rolls until you pass 5 pieces of legislation. After that, suffer a -10 to rolls when recruiting those same Core world senators. All Legislative rolls will have a permanent roll malus of -5)

Populist Support: While your populist platform is effective in the Outer Rim, the Core Worlds, and corporate interests may view you as a dangerous radical, creating significant opposition from powerful sectors. (You are beholden to the will of your constituents even more than usual and if you do something they don't like…suffer a massive roll malus on political power and Legislative rolls for two turns)

Naïveté: Your idealism, while admirable, might not be suited to the cold realities of galactic politics. Without compromising, you could find yourself isolated and unable to enact the changes you want. (The QM will give you the friendship of someone you really shouldn't be friends with, who is considered your strongest political ally. And if you do not help them with their dedication every turn… you will be automatically removed from power, and the game will automatically end.)
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Political Factions New
Political Factions:

Major Factions

  1. Federalists (Republic centralization)
Leadership: Sheeve Palpatine, Senator from Naboo.

Ideology: This faction advocated for a strong, centralized Republic with increased executive power to manage the growing threats of separatism and internal instability. They believed that the Senate and the Chancellor should have the authority to intervene in planetary and system affairs, especially in matters of defense and security.

Key Issues: Centralization of power, military expansion, and anti-separatist policies.

Republican Constitutionalists (Decentralized):

Leadership: Bail Organa (Alderaan).

Ideology: The Constitutionalists wanted to maintain the autonomy and sovereignty of individual star systems and sectors. They feared the rise of authoritarianism and believed in preserving the decentralized nature of the Republic, where systems had significant control over their own affairs.

Key Issues: Protection of planetary sovereignty, resistance to military buildup, and limiting the power of the Chancellor.

Trade Federation and Corporate Interests

  • Key Figures: Nute Gunray (Trade Federation), Wat Tambor (Techno Union), Passel Argente (Corporate Alliance).
  • Ideology: The Trade Federation and other corporate entities such as the Techno Union and the Commerce Guild held significant influence in the Senate. They advocated for economic liberalism, free trade, and the protection of their commercial interests. They often lobbied for policies that would allow them to operate without excessive regulation from the Republic. They have also been abusing many of the new laws that allowed them to build private security forces.
  • Key Issues: Deregulation of trade routes, tax relief, and corporate autonomy.
Military Reformists (Republican Security)

  • Key Figures: Wulf Tarkin (Erindu sector Defense Fleet), Others yet to be known in the Senate.
  • Ideology: This group believed that the Republic was vulnerable to external threats (such as the Separatists) and needed a standing military to defend its borders. They pushed for the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic and supported a larger defense budget.
  • Key Issues: Military expansion, security against external threats, and preparation for potential civil war.
Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions

  • Key Figures: Senators representing Outer Rim and less developed systems. (Unknown to you)
  • Ideology: These factions represented worlds that were often neglected by the core-centric policies of the Republic. They advocated for more equitable resource distribution, investment in Outer Rim infrastructure, and protection against exploitation by corporate interests.
  • Key Issues: Economic development of underrepresented regions, opposition to corporate exploitation, and more equitable representation.
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State of the Galaxy. New
State of the Galaxy.

Senate Cohesion: [Disbanded] [Every Man for Himself] [Divided Senate] [Usual Gridlock] [Senatorial Consensus] [Regional Unity] [United Bloc] [The Voice of the Galaxy] [The Alliance]

Intelligence:[Banite Lacky] [Compromised] [Nonexistent][Counter-espionage security][Rudimentary Espionage] [Security Clearance 1][The Spymaster][Republic Security Apparatus][The Light In a Void]

Army Power: [Russan's Rejection][Demilitarized] [Planetary Security Forces] [Planetary Strike Forces] [Sector Defence Forces][The Judicials][Outland Security Force][The Republic's Regiments] [A Republic Army] [The Grand Army of the Republic]

Navel Power: [An Idealistic Dream] [Scum and Smugglers][Planitary Defence Fleets][Outland Defence Fleets] [Judicial Assault Fleet] [The Republic Navy] [A Grand Fleet] [Total Domination]

Jedi Order: [Extinct][The Dark Times] [Fallen Order][Broken Saber][Damaged Prestige] [Light of the Order] [Guardian of Peace and Justice]

Economy: [Bombed Out Ruin][Great Depression] [Recession] [Stable][Growth][Fast Growth] [Economic Boom] [Economic Miracle]

Criminal: [Legalized Crime Syndicate] [Disruptive Forces] [Cash and Cartels] [A Manageable Problem][Sector Crackdowns] [Regional Anomaly] [Clean Lanes Clean Streets]

Rim Stability: [Wars and Warlords] [Active Civil Conflicts] [Growing Unrest] [Factional Divides] [The Usual Suspects] [Stable-ish] [Peace] [Harmony]

Separatism: [A Confederacy of Independent Systems][A Conspiracy of Madmen] [Mass Discontent] [A Loud Whisper] [Growing Discontent] [Sector Favoritism] [Unity and Grumbles]

Social Order: [Knightfall] [Open Revolt] [Smoldering Discontent] [Annoyed Population][ Stable] [Watchful Peace] [Publicly Supported Goodwill] [A Starbird in Flight] [A High Republic]
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The Government of Chancellor Binks (as of Legislative Turn 1): New
The Government of Chancellor Binks (as of Legislative Turn 1):

Vice Chancellor: Grants +3 actions to political power turn. One Legislative action can now be rerolled if he succeeds in the Debate Roll during the legislative results. More bonuses will be unlocked the more successful your government is.

Bail Organa: The newly minted Senator from Alderaan, Bail Organa, is a diplomat to his core. He has a natural charm that wins over even the most stubborn of opponents, able to diffuse tension with a smile and a few well-placed words. As a first-time senator from a core world, Organa is something of an outsider in the cutthroat world of Senate politics, but his status as a newcomer is offset by his wealth and powerful connections. His family's deep coffers and long-standing relationships with influential figures give him the resources to handle nearly anything the galaxy might throw his way. Organa's diplomatic skills would be a tremendous asset, especially in forging alliances and keeping the peace during tense negotiations. However, his relative inexperience in the brutal realities of the Senate might leave him vulnerable to manipulation by more seasoned politicians. Choosing him would be a gamble—a play for unity and optimism—but one that could pay off if he manages to navigate the complex dynamics of power with the same grace he uses in diplomacy.

Minister of Economics: Stops the decay of the Economy of the galaxy, and leaves it at stable. If it involves the Economy, gain an additional reroll during the debate roll. More bonuses will be unlocked the more successful your government is.

A'dama Jensen: Your former opponent in the election, A'dama Jensen, is as cold and calculating as the systems he manages. His mind works like a machine, processing every detail with methodical precision, and he has a long history of working as a top-tier bureaucrat. Many see him as the perfect candidate for this role. His mastery of administrative detail and his talent for creating smooth, efficient workflows make him a natural fit for managing the complexities of the economy. However, there's an air of mystery surrounding him. Some believe his robotic demeanor is merely a façade—an artificial mask hiding who he really is. While this could mean he's more adaptable and versatile than he lets on, it could also signify deeper flaws beneath the surface. Jensen would undoubtedly bring a structured, almost mechanical efficiency to the Ministry of Economics, ensuring that regulations are enforced with absolute precision. But will his impersonal approach resonate with the wider population, and more importantly, will he have the flexibility to deal with unpredictable economic crises?


Minister of Intelligence: Stops the Decay of the Intelligence for now. If you invest actions to the intelligence agencies, they gain a +10 to their rolls. On investigation actions during Political power turns… gain a reroll. More bonuses will be unlocked the more successful your government is. Minister is currently Palpatines pawn, and will roll against you during political power turns to cause one of the galaxy parts to downgrade.

Armand Isard: Young, ambitious, and constantly maneuvering his way up the political ladder, Armand Isard is a rising star in intelligence circles. Handpicked by Palpatine for his potential, Isard is known for his adaptability and quick thinking—he has a knack for adjusting to the ever-changing dynamics of power and intelligence work. His ability to read situations, alter strategies on the fly, and make the most of limited resources makes him an attractive candidate for this crucial role. But there's something more you've noticed about him—something even Palpatine may have overlooked. Isard's drive to rise through the ranks isn't just ambition; it's desperation. Beneath his polished exterior is a man who is desperate to escape the feeling of being a mere cog in the grand machinery of politics. He wants more than to just serve the system—he wants to break free from it. This hidden vulnerability could be your leverage. If you can offer him a way out, a chance to escape the rigid confines of his current role, you could earn his undying loyalty. Isard could become not just your Minister of Intelligence, but a valuable ally willing to bend the rules to further your agenda. The question is: can you trust him with the secrets that will shape your reign? Or will he remain bound to Palpatine?


Minister of Fleets (Secretary of War): The quality of officers and sailors will not decrease, however, it will not increase. When sending the Fleets out on patrol or operations in political power Turns, gain +10 to their rolls. When training and drilling them, gain +20. On legislative turns, gain +10 to the debate rolls when involving the fleet or army of the republic. More bonuses will be unlocked the more successful your government is.

Wilhuff Tarkin: Wilhuff Tarkin is a rising star in the fleet, though his ascent has been marked by controversy and fear rather than admiration. Cold, calculating, and undeniably ruthless, Tarkin approaches warfare—and leadership—with a level of pragmatism that borders on brutality. To him, logic and efficiency take precedence over all else, and this has made him a divisive figure among his peers. While many find his methods harsh and unpalatable, there's no denying his competence. Tarkin has an almost surgical ability to assess and exploit weaknesses, both in his enemies and within the Republic's own ranks. However, there is a deeper concern that comes with choosing Tarkin. He believes that the Republic is in need of radical change—a fundamental reshaping of its structure and purpose. This makes him not just a capable military leader but also a potential political risk. His disdain for the status quo could lead him to pursue drastic reforms, using his position as Minister of Fleets to push the Republic towards a more authoritarian stance. If you appoint Tarkin, you'll gain an incredibly effective minister who will stop at nothing to improve the fleet's strength, but you may also be planting the seeds for future unrest.
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[X]Plan: Master of the Senate
-[X]Lyn'don Jhonson
-[X]The Cunning Powerbroker


[X] Plan The One True Chancellor
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[X] Plan Every Man A King, But No One Wears A Crown
-[X] Ro's Morcornal Lengar.
-[X] This but female (I don't even know what the females look like.)
-[X]The Idealistic Outsider:

Down with the technocrats and monopolizing scum! Down with the corruption and petty tyrants! Down with the Hutts!


[X] Plan The One True Chancellor
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[x] Plan: The Dragon of the Republic
- [x] Erlang Loong
- [x] An crimson humanoid Chinese dragon with two long whisker on his face, wearing a gold and white kimono
- [x] Opportunistic Diplomat
[X] Plan The One True Chancellor
-[X] Jar Jar Binks
-[X] Your favorite Gungan
-[X]The Idealistic Outsider:

actually screw it, the thought of palp getting his seat stolen by a bumbling buffoon is too funny for me not to try to get happening
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Hm im really undecided the last hurra of the Republic the system is to damaged to really save it but we could go for the Master Diplomacy and try to work trough it but we would have issues with the outer rim regadless or we go for the outer rim guy and try to be the one who is the ideal of the Republic.

I chnage my statement let jarjar binks rule i mean have you seen the Star wars fic where he is Chancellor of the empire that shit was hilarious.
[X] Plan The One True Chancellor
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[X] Plan Every Man A King, But No One Wears A Crown

[X]Plan: Master of the Senate

[X] Plan The One True Chancellor

Hm im really undecided the last hurra of the Republic the system is to damaged to really save it but we could go for the Master Diplomacy and try to work trough it but we would have issues with the outer rim regadless or we go for the outer rim guy and try to be the one who is the ideal of the Republic.
Not as damaged as it would be after 10 years of Palpatine undermining it from a position of Leadership. We can still turn this around. Won't be easy, though.

[X]Plan: Crush 'em all, Nick!
-[X]Nicholas 'Nick' Cru'sher
-[X]The Cunning Powerbroker

...Don't ask. Please. I literally got this idea from an alternate History where Khruschev became an American Immigant and, eventually, President of the United States during the Cold War.
Also, I think Cunning Powerbroker fits him best.
I really don't expect this to get Votes, but...oh, well.
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[X] Time to Tip Some Scales
-[X] Morgan
-[X] Me choosing a boring option. I like the clothes though.
-[X] The Idealistic Outsider

Going with a probably boring option, I just wanted an excuse to post this. If it wins, happy accident but Im going for it anyway.

Edit: Might as well put an actual contending vote.

[X] Plan Every Man A King, But No One Wears A Crown

[X] Plan I am Iron Man

Edit: voting this to make sure Jar Jar doesn't win.

[X]I Definatly didn't Ask for this!
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