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Well, here we go again...

This started off as a prompt in the Taylor Varga discord channel. The prompt was "What if Taylor got the powers of the Juggernaut?" A bit of research, 3 days of writing, and 4 days of dueling editors, and this is the result.

Also, Worm canon has been thrown out of the building.

Worm is the IP of Wildbow. The Juggernaut and related things are the IP of Marvel Comics.

The posting schedule for this will be whenever I get time to come up with a segment.

*Update* My Life as a Teenage Juggernaut updates on the 4th Saturday of the month, barring Real Life™ interruptions, like illness, medical procedures, vacations and so on.
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01 - 'Naut to Worry...


[Has Delusions of Authorship]
Mythic Iowa
May 2009

Taylor had spent a good portion of the last two weeks crying. Her mother had been killed while walking down the street by some drunk driver. She never felt a thing; the impact had severed her spinal cord between the second and third cervical vertebrae, making her death pretty much instantaneous.

The funeral had been a quiet, sullen affair, with her maternal grandmother and great-aunt coming to help sort through her mother's effects. Taylor tried to help, tried to get her life back together. But her pillar of strength, the center of the family, was gone.

And then the relatives were gone, leaving Taylor and her father, Danny, alone in the house. Fortunately, Zoe and Emma came over frequently, and Alan made sure Danny got some initial counseling for his grief.

Still, it left Taylor with a lot of time to herself.

She was currently going through some older boxes in the basement, looking for something of hers that had been moved down here at the end of winter. As she finally found it, she noticed that it was sitting on top of a small wooden box she didn't recognize. She took the book that she'd been looking for, set it off to the side, and then examined the wooden box.

It appeared to be old, with the corners of the box reinforced by iron brackets. A couple straps of iron ran around the box horizontally with another pair running vertically. A pair of solid hinges connected the lid to the base, and a lock and latch kept it closed. The key had been placed in a cloth bag that had been tied to the handle.

She pulled the key out of the bag and, with some difficulty, managed to open the box.

Within lay a ruby couched in the silk lining the box. It was larger than her fist, and appeared to glow with an inner light. She touched it…

No, child, you are not ready.

…And she pulled her hand away. What was that? She shook her head, unsure if she'd actually heard anything.

She closed the box, carefully balancing the book she'd been looking for on top of it. After cleaning up from her search, she picked the box up with some difficulty and took it upstairs to her room.

Oh, my, we can't have that.

Taylor found that the task became a little bit easier as she made her way up the basement stairs and then up the stairs to her room. She placed the box under her bed and began to look at the book she'd been searching for. Stuck between a couple of pages was a scrap of parchment that turned out to belong to her mother. It was written in a messy scribble so that while it was in her style of handwriting, she couldn't make heads or tails of it.

Taylor felt that it was important and that one day, it'd be needed.

* * *

January 3rd, 2011

Taylor had been shoved face-first into a locker filled with what could be generously called filth to the cackling laughter of Sophia, Emma, and Madison. She'd tried to resist Sophia's manhandling of her, which got her hit hard enough that she was sure one of her ribs was broken, and she was having a bit of difficulty breathing.

Taylor closed her eyes. Not in surrender, but in an effort to calm herself, to try and think of a way to get out of this mess.

Say the words, child.


[Counter Proposal]



Taylor spoke. The words were not of a human language, but one far more ancient, never meant for a human mouth. Yet somehow she said them. She was suffused with a rose-red light, and power surged through her stick-thin form.

- - -

Out in the hallway, Sophia stumbled, and Emma stopped to help her.

"Sophia," Emma asked her disoriented cohort, "what happened?"

"Hebert's trigg…" She never got to finish the sentence as the locker they'd stuffed Hebert into exploded.

Madison, who'd been watching the scene from across the halll, got flattened by the locker door as it shot across the hallway. After the door fell away from her, she slid down the wall. A few groans meant she was still alive, but not in a good way.

The tearing sound of metal preceded Taylor removing herself from the locker by the expedient method of ripping her way out with her bare hands. Her clothes were in tatters over her now greatly expanded form, barely preserving her modesty. She turned to look at Madison where she was whimpering in pain and fear before focusing her gaze on Sophia, who was struggling to get up, and Emma.

Taylor started moving and took a step forward.

Sophia got up and began groggily walking away, Emma following her.

Taylor's footfalls came faster as she built up a good head of steam.

Sophia took one look behind her and quailed in fear. The look in Hebert's eyes was one that she'd never forget. She took off running.

- - -

Janice Blackwell was just coming into a hallway intersection when she noticed both Sophia Hess and Emma Barnes go running past. There was some commotion further back down the hallway the two had just left. She could also smell something foul.

She turned her head to follow the pair and didn't see the freight train bearing down on her from behind.

Taylor didn't even notice that she'd flattened the principal.

Blackwell's last thoughts before slipping into unconsciousness were that the stars were out early, and she hadn't realized that a set of train tracks had been run through Winslow since the students had arrived.

- - -

The first attempt to block Taylor's charge was at a set of doors. Slamming them shut and then barring them with an appropriated broom – never mind the cursing from the janitor – was only minimally successful in the fact it slowed her down for a fraction of a second before she smashed through the doors, steel frames, and impromptu bar as if it were all tissue paper.

The pair heard the noise behind them, and Sophia decided to cut her losses. Instead of turning at the next corner, she ghosted through the wall. Emma, not realizing what Sophia had planned, ran headlong into the wall. Even dazed, she still had the presence of mind to try and get out of Taylor's path of travel only to fall over as the other girl didn't bat an eye at the would-be-impeding wall and left a rather large hole in her wake.

She tried to get up and get away, but some debris had landed on her leg, fracturing the bones in her right shin. It wasn't a bad break, but for a girl who'd never known physical trauma, she acted as if her leg had been amputated.

* * *

Sophia was running out of options. Ghosting through walls didn't work; Hebert simply barrelled through them. Trying to lose her didn't work; her pursuer somehow re-oriented on her and continued her unstoppable, relentless pursuit. And she was getting faster every second.

She'd finally reached one of her caches of equipment and grabbed a mask and one of her I-definitely-shouldn't-have-this-let- alone-at-school crossbows with the bolts with broadheads on them. It was cocked and ready, so she slipped her mask and cowl on, had a bolt in hand…

And her preparations were interrupted by the prey crashing through the wall from the rear of the closet.

Ghosting through the cloud of debris, Sophia hit the floor running and headed down the hallway, Taylor in relentless pursuit.

- - -

When the building started to shake, most of the teachers had the presence of mind to start evacuating students, especially when the vice principal hit the alarm for "Get out of the building!" Since most of what was happening was in the upper floors, many of the students quickly made their way out of the building and to their assigned assembly areas in preselected locations around the school property. The rest were not far behind them.

Windows blowing out was evidence that the fight was moving around in the building, showering debris out into the parking lot. Then windows on the lowest level began blowing out, and that was soon followed by a parahuman in a black cowl, carrying a crossbow, phasing through the wall. She floated slowly to the ground, turned to face her more tangible pursuer, and let fly with a bolt that appeared to be made of shadow.

Her aim was true. However, Taylor didn't give a fuck about how good her opponent's aim was, and the shadowy bolt just stopped about where Taylor's skin began before falling away.

Sophia then realized that she was in a dangerous position, since she was now within arm's reach of her opponent. Or she may have realized she was in trouble when a hand twice the width of hers grabbed her head and lifted her from the ground. She tried to ghost her way out…

...And couldn't. Oh, she could turn into a living shadow. She just couldn't for some power/bullshit reason escape the hand.

"You know, it'd be really nice if you set her down," a new voice said.

- - -

Taylor looked at who'd spoken. Man dressed in a red costume, shock of reddish brown hair, a mask covering the lower half of his face. Assault. Probably one of the nicer heroes in the area. Popular with the teenagers, too.

"Why?" Taylor responded. "So she can run and shoot at me again?" She gave Sophia a little shake, causing the dangling girl to swear.

Sophia mumbled something from behind her mask, unintelligible because she was basically talking into Taylor's now rather sizable hand.

"Ah, Shadow Stalker," Assault snarked. "You may not be aware of this, but a video of you shoving a girl into a locker was dropped into the PRT's anonymous tip line. And of course, there's the fact that every trooper here saw you take a shot at a new trigger, and the crossbow bolts that are scattered on the ground are ones that shouldn't be in your possession.

"So, miss?" the red-clad hero continued, taking another step closer. "If you'll allow me, I'll restrain your captive so she can't run away, so you can let her go and we can talk about things like sensible people, OK?"

"Sure, fine, whatever," Taylor rumbled. She lowered Sophia down to where the hero could reach the girl's arms, and he applied first a bracelet and an anklet to her, and then zip cuffs.

"And that should do it," Assault smugly stated. "I can take her off your hands, if you'd like?"

Taylor simply dropped Sophia, who was caught by the hero and passed over to waiting PRT troopers.

"Now if you'll come with me, we'll get your statement about what happened."

"Fine," Taylor muttered.

* * *

Emily Piggot glowered at the other people sitting in Conference Room Two. Namely Assault (who cheerfully waved back at her), Sophia (currently wearing prisoner orange), Miss Militia (currently holding a Brute-rated taser aimed at Sophia), Agent Jan Davidson (who had a guard standing behind her), and Armsmaster.

"I've seen all the videos," she growled toward Sophia. "Even without the video of you, Miss Barnes, and Miss Clements shoving Miss Hebert into the locker, there is also the fact that the body cams of nine PRT troopers caught you in possession of equipment that violated the terms of your probation. That alone gets you sent to Fort Leavenworth, and doesn't include anything else that you get charged with from the last couple of years. The rest of this morning's events do you no favors."

She turned to fix her glare on Agent Davidson. "You should have been reporting this to me the moment she—" Emily pointed at Sophia "—went off the rails. Not covering it up. What we find in your records and on your computer will determine what happens to you.

"As you have both asked that you have a lawyer present for any interviews, you are currently being held until we can find representation for you. Your choice of legal counsel, Sophia, has a severe conflict of interest in this matter and has been recused from the case by Judge Hamilton. Unless you tell us of another option, you'll have one assigned to you by tomorrow. Agent Davidson, yours will be present at your interviews this afternoon. You are both dismissed."

Once the two were removed from the room, she focused on Armsmaster. "How goes digging into Hess' PRT phone?"

"While she did remember to securely erase things on her phone," Armsmaster stated, "she had forgotten that they are also backed up daily to our secure storage here. Even a cursory examination of the message traffic between Hess, Barnes, and Clements corroborates Miss Hebert's accusations of grand theft, assault, harassment, and attempted homicide. A deeper and more thorough examination of the data will probably make that list even longer. We have also secured a warrant for her civilian phone, and are in the process of examining it."

"And Agent Davidson's computer?"

"There is sufficient evidence to prove that she has been covering up Wards' misdeeds for quite some time. Very minor things with Triumph, nothing that is still actionable, but with Hess, things got more severe. There also appears to be some evidence of misappropriated funds. Dragon and I will have more evidence by morning, and it should also be enough to secure a federal warrant for Principal Blackwell's arrest… Once she gets out of the hospital."

"Good. OK, Assault, your turn."

"Ah, yes. Our newly triggered parahuman is one Taylor Hebert, age fifteen. This morning, she was five foot eight inches and one hundred twenty pounds," Assault reported. "At roughly seven forty-five this morning, she was physically assaulted and pushed into her school locker by Hess, Barnes, and Clements, and then locked in. Two minutes after that, she triggered.

"Within five seconds, Clements had been flattened by the locker door flying off its hinges and striking her. Broken ribs and nose, sprained ankle. Hospitalized, but expected to fully recover. Miss Hebert proceeded to tear her way out of the locker and immediately focused on Hess and Barnes. They'd realized they were in deep and fled the scene as Hebert began advancing towards them." Assault took a moment to drink some coffee from the cup he had on the table before continuing.

"It was in the initial stages of the chase that Winslow principal Janice Blackwell was looking into what was going on when Hess and Barnes ran by. Since her attention was focused on the pair, she did not see Hebert at all and subsequently got run over. Miss Hebert later stated she didn't see Blackwell either and hadn't noticed she'd literally run over the woman. As Armsmaster said, hospitalized.

"Barnes was the next one down. Hess decided to cut her losses and phased through a wall instead of turning. Barnes slammed into the wall, stunning herself. Hebert followed Hess by going straight through the wall, said wall losing the resulting physics debate. A large chunk of debris broke Barnes' leg, a simple fracture, but it kept her in place until EMTs retrieved her. The chase continued through several more rooms and floors of the building before culminating in Hess using a hunting crossbow, broadhead bolts, and her power on Miss Hebert to no effect, which was caught on camera. The building is being checked for stability and repair estimates. I got the impression the inspectors are unhappy with something more than the damage, but couldn't find out what."

Emily nodded. "For now, Hess is under arrest, bail denied due to violation of her probation and the fact she's a flight risk. Agent Davidson is suspended pending the result of our investigation. What about Miss Hebert?"

Assault leaned back in his chair. "She is currently sitting down in Medical, getting an examination. Her trigger event took her from five eight and a hundred and twenty pounds to six ten and three hundred twenty pounds, most of it apparently muscle. Based on observations, she's a brute / breaker, maybe some thinker tossed in, because she was able to follow Hess through walls and floors despite multiple turns. I'd probably rate her slightly higher than Glory Girl."

"Really?" asked Director Piggot. "Why?"

"While Glory has punched through walls, they usually slow her down quite a bit," Assault explained. "Miss Hebert just kept right on going, not breaking her stride at all.

"As to her personal situation, once we took Stalker off her hands and took her statement, she wanted us to call her father so she could get a ride home," Assault continued. "When her father – Danny Hebert, de facto head of the DWA – arrived, we all found out that she could no longer fit in his car. After providing transportation to her house, she couldn't fit in the door. That, and she broke a step on their doorstep. So I offered the use of one of our apartments over in the annex."

"Good," Emily said. "Bad enough that one of our own caused this mess. If Legal doesn't already know, warn 'em that a shitstorm is incoming."

* * *

Jan. 10th, 2011

It was lunchtime at Arcadia High School. The current gossip of the week had to do with the wrecking of Winslow, an alleged educational institution that mainly functioned as a gang recruiting location and close-quarters combat training area when something kicked off inside the building.

One media wag joked that Brockton Bay now had its own brand of "Winslow" Swiss cheese. Another compared the results to Squealer (a local vehicle tinker villain) touring the building. Several mentioned the place was long overdue for "a good airing-out" but were surprised it had been done so literally.

"Wow," Victoria Dallon stated as she read the current news while the cell repeaters were on for the lunch break. "All that damage to the building, but only four injured."

"Well, the cape who triggered did her best to try and not harm people getting out of the building, despite someone's attempt to kill her," Carlos added. "I'm glad Shadow Stalker got caught on camera so we don't have to deal with her attitude anymore."

"Ah, Stalker, we'll hardly miss you," Dennis intoned.

"Grimderp girl has become gone-derp girl," quipped Dean.

"Nice one."

"I wonder what happened to the new trigger?" Chris asked.

The question, of course, was rhetorical to all but two of them. As the Protectorate's East-Northeast's Wards, they knew exactly what had happened to the new trigger. She was currently staying in the PRT building's residential annex because she was too big to get into her own house.

The cafeteria suddenly fell silent as one of the double doors was pretty much filled by a new arrival. Her head almost reached the top of the doorframe; she was nearly seven feet tall. Her arms were each the size of a grown woman's leg, and her legs were like small tree trunks. There were clear indications of muscle, but not excessively so. She was wearing clothes that fit her frame well and were acceptable for the school's dress code. (People familiar with the situation believed there had to be thinkers involved, a rush order with Parian's workshop, or both.)

She had her long, brunette hair pulled back into a ponytail which fell in gentle waves to her mid-back. Her green eyes watched from behind a pair of round glasses as everyone looked at her. Crowd and amazon regarded each other for a moment, before the girl in the door sighed and began moving carefully towards the lunch line.

"That's her, right?" Vicky asked.

"Yes, it is," Dean answered. "Be nice, Vicky. She's had a really bad week and is still coming to grips with both her trigger and the amount of destruction she caused. Please?"

"Yeah, I get it," Vicky said. "Worst day ever, and then in one hour does more damage than I've ever done."

"To buildings, anyway," snarked Amy. "People are a different matter." She'd been watching the girl who had no difficulty navigating the crowded cafeteria. People, even members of the football team, parted around her like the Red Sea did for Moses, and she calmly made her way through the serving line and to a table that had enough space for her to sit at. Which happened to be the table all the Wards (and two of New Wave) were sitting at.

"Hi, I'm Taylor," she said quietly. "Is this space taken?"
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'Naut a problem... Or Is It?
Our esteemed OP has stated that Taylor might be having a few issues controlling her strength.

This statement caused some odd thoughts in my brain and led to this bit of probably non canon silliness.

Juggernaut's Trail of Destruction

Taylor yawned as she woke up in the PRT guest quarters. She'd been right last night to not go home and sleep. Her bed wouldn't have fared any better than the PRT's bed had. She was sleeping on the mattress, laid directly on the floor after a couple of restless turns had cracked the welds on the frame of the bed.

She got up and grabbed one of the large T-shirts the PRT had supplied last night and tried to put it on. She resisted swearing as it basically fell apart around her chest, the flexing of muscles as she tried to put it on too much for the simple cotton weave. She tried the largest size they had sent up, and sighed as it settled on her, loose enough to breathe in, but still too tight around the biceps.

She looked at the jeans and didn't even bother trying any of them on. Any pair of jeans that was big enough in the thigh would have a waist suitable for two, maybe three of hers. Sweatpants for the win this morning. The first pair of sweats she tried seemed to work, until she bent over to put her socks on. Both sides of the sweats split wide open as her thighs flexed.

"Thank God for drawstrings." She had found a pair that would let her bend over and squat without splitting, but the waist was too big without the drawstring.

Taylor considered it a major triumph of her morning that she hadn't busted the string trying to tie it, like she had the first shoestring she had tried to tie. She looked at clothes and snarled silently. If one freaking idiot said anything about her needing 6X mens clothing, she was not going to be responsible for what happened to him.

By lunch, Taylor was ready to hunt down the entire roster of the E88, just so she could break something that wouldn't cost somebody money. So far today, she had broken a cup trying to have a cup of tea, put her hand through a swinging door trying to open it, and dislocated a trooper's shoulder, merely by bumping into him in the hallway. She'd crushed or broken four doorknobs before finally getting turning it just enough to open right.

She had a lot more sympathy for Glory Girl this morning, and resolved to never use that 'collateral damage' nickname for her again.

She hoped that whatever machines they were going to test the powers out with this afternoon weren't very expensive.
The Dangers of Approximations
Part of the issue here is that I use a rough conversion of 1 meter = approx. 40 inches when writing.

Yes, I know that 1 meter = 39.37008 inches, so 2 meters is 78.74016, or 6' 6 3/4", which is a whole lot closer than 80".

A closer approximation is 39 3/8", which is .00492 off...

Suffice to say Taylornaut's head contacts the lintel of the door. Or do you really want this?

Taylornaut uses HEADBASH!!! It's SUPER EFFECTIVE!!!!!!!

Door suffers Super-Ultra-Mega-Critical Hit!!!!!!!!!

Door is Knocked Out...

Wait, who am I kidding?

Anyway, Taylor's height is stated by Assault to be 6' 10", or 2.08m. So yes, she's tall enough to do the above Pokemon™ skit without thinking about it to any normal door she encounters. She'd rather not get Vicky's nickname applied to her.
"Naut a challenge
I know it is a rather bad thing to say...but I bet Vicky is gonna challenge Tay to an arm wrestling match to establish herself as Queen Brute(conflict drive and teenage drama are a hell of a drug) of the group...and end up with a broken arm or something. Amy is there to fix it, but it would be funny.

Vicky: "You are going down, T!"

Taylor: "Vicky, this is a bad idea..."

Vicky: "Nonsense! Carlos time us."

Carletto del Escudo: "On 3...1, 2, 3!"


Pan Pan: "Damn it, Vicky..."
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Still 'naut a problem...
"Hi, I'm Taylor," she said quietly. "Is this space taken?"

"No," Dennis said. "Just please don't eat me."

"Dennis, for fuck's sake!" Carlos hissed. "We're trying not to upset her, and you say that?"

"Uh...I'm standing right here." Taylor was looking at the occupants of the table, unsure how to act. Dennis was staring at her slack-jawed, Carlos looking at him like he wanted to strangle him. Dean was trying to embed his face into the table, and Vicky seemed unsure whether to laugh or cry.

"I'm sorry," Dennis said, sounding very much not sorry. "She's just...I mean look at her!"

"You didn't have to say it out loud," Dean mumbled against the table. "We're going to get in so much trouble because of you."

"Still right here."

"Hi! I'm Vicky." No credit for guessing who said that. "You must be Taylor. Welcome to Arcadia." Taylor smiled and took the other girl's offered hand, looking around the table again before looking Vicky in the eyes.

"Welcome to the madhouse, huh?" she said. "Is it always like this?"

"You mean these fucklechucks?" Vicky asked. "No, this is a good day. Most of the time, they're worse."


"You look me in the eyes right now, Dean Stansfield, and you tell me I'm wrong."


"I thought not. Anyway, Taylor, you're probably hungry. I'll walk you to the lunch line and keep the paparazzi away so you can get some lunch."
02 - 'Naut to Fear?
"That's an awful lot of food," Dennis noted as Taylor sat down.

"I know," she answered. "Doctor's orders until we figure out my new 'normal'." Part of the reason for her loaded tray was that she actually had been instructed to eat more by the PRT doctors; she'd been found to be borderline malnourished, even at her new size. Which was embarrassing; fortunately, an understanding nutritionist suggested a few ways to deflect discussions away from the idea.

The other part was her body was building muscle to support her new frame (and a surprise growth spurt) at an accelerated rate. Right now, she had to use a little bit of her power just to walk and get around. As she built up the required muscle to move unaided she was having fewer and fewer accidents – breaking fewer things and injuring less people she accidentally ran into – because her power was less active just so she could do normal things.

And shredding fewer clothes. Parian had made a few things that had no small amount of spandex in them so they'd stretch as she moved and wouldn't rip easily. She'd made them loose fitting, too. Those were fine, but everything else seemed to eventually just give up.

"Well, we need some introductions," Vicky stated. "In case you didn't know, I'm Vicky. Glory Girl when in costume."

"Dean," Dean Stansfield said with a smile. "Probably better known as Vicky's walking wallet." There was a snicker or two from the other boys at the table. Vicky just smiled and fluttered her eyelashes at Dean.

"Carlos," the young and rather nice looking hispanic man said with a nod. "The redhead who thankfully has his mouth full is Dennis."

The aforementioned Dennis gave a half-wave with a few fingers as he worked on eating a sandwich with both hands.

"Amy," said the mousy-haired brunette sitting near Vicky. "You probably know me better as Panacea."

"And I know Chris from a shared class this morning," Taylor finished. During the introductions, about half of the food on Taylor's tray had disappeared.

Dennis got a silly grin. "Maybe you should try Fugly's Challenger," he suggested. "It might be enough of a burger for you."

Carlos shook his head. "I think they have a Cape Rule about that, at least if you were hoping to get it for free."

"I just hope all this food doesn't go to fat," Taylor muttered.

"High protein for long term energy, and fat to help build up your body's reserves," Amy stated, obviously listening despite reading a paperback novel. "The extra protein will help build additional muscle, since you look a little too thin for your height. If anything, add some more fruits and vegetables for trace nutrients and fiber." The healer cape shifted her gaze from her book to Taylor for a moment to add, "I think you'll notice when you're back to – you know – your new normal."

Taylor nodded in reply as she was busy wolfing down the other half of her lunch.

- - -​

Taylor sighed and carefully leaned against the wall next to the door of her temporary apartment. She'd made it through school without breaking anything at Arcadia. However, despite having been assigned a perfectly normal (and smaller than any student) locker, and even opening it and carefully closing it again, she couldn't force herself to use it. The thought made her hands shake.

Carefully – and that was the watchword of most of her actions in the last week, usually qualified by the word "very" – she hung her hoodie up on the hooks provided for coats and hats, setting her backpack on the floor under it and made her way into the bedroom to change. The room was bare and spartan, though she did note that the bed had been replaced. Again. A bit of a nightmare had her thrashing in her sleep and she'd managed to destroy the frame.

She'd actually seen the scoreboard the Maintenance guys had running in their office at the entrance. She wasn't surprised that such existed – the dockworkers had similar half-joking, half-serious things in various locations – and was shown that every Protectorate member had one for something, much to her amusement. The one she took the greatest delight from was "How many times Shadow Stalker has been shocked."

She went over to the fridge, after a chuckle at the image of Sophia dancing an electrically powered jig, and pulled out one of the dietary supplement shakes the nutritionist had recommended. So far all the flavors were pretty tasty, and they actually came in a size she could comfortably hold in her hand. The shake was drained in short order, and she checked the clock. The schedule had arrived this morning and she had her first power testing appointment in about twenty minutes.

Her father should be showing up later, to go over the results of the first round of tests and to have the second or third meeting the the PRT Legal department over both the settlement with the suit against the PRT – her dad had gotten Quinn Calle to handle the legal end of things – and how they would be dealing with the case against the Brockton Bay School District, because both the Heberts and the federal government had a bone to pick with them. Something about misappropriated funds from the federal end.

One thing to come out of the chase and demolition of Winslow that wasn't so nice was the charge of assault coming from (former) Principal Blackwell. That was one more reason why she was here instead of home; she could technically be said to be in the custody of the appropriate branch of law enforcement while the case was being processed. She giggled at the amount her bail had been set for – the absolute minimum of twenty dollars, immediately paid – so she was free to wander the city as needed. She'd been told by her lawyer that the charge would almost certainly be dropped because all the video evidence could prove that it was an accident, but the legal system had to run its course

Not that it would stop Blackwell's caterwauling in the hospital. Which had apparently prompted the hospital staff to exclude her from being healed by Panacea.

The PRT had also smoothed over the difficulty of her demolishing a good portion of her school while she chased Sophia around and through the various floors, using terms such as "citizen's arrest", "hot pursuit", and "trigger event", all of which got a slight smile out of the judge before he agreed with the lawyer. Some wag had even compiled the assorted pieces of available footage together so that they had coverage of the complete chase in real time, sometimes using multiple viewpoints, and set it to Yakety Sax.

She frowned slightly. She could see the humor in it, kind of, if she could ignore the fact she'd been locked into her locker and then triggered. Which she mostly couldn't. She felt a growing anger... and remembered the basic calming exercises the counselor had taught her. She closed her eyes, slowed her breathing, and thought of quiet and peaceful things.

It took a few minutes, but she eventually calmed down. It wouldn't do for her to break some more things in her spartan accommodations.

Assault had told her that they were cycling some of the older things they had in storage through her apartment. Stuff they were looking to get rid of, but couldn't just throw it out. But if it got broken, say by a new brute, that was fine. What Taylor cared about was that it was unlikely she'd be charged to replace the furniture she'd broken, which was becoming a rather long list. Also apparently getting recorded in a dedicated journal over in Maintenance titled "Desired Obsolescence."

Fortunately, she appeared to be getting a handle on things. She was using normal eating utensils again instead of plasticware or eating finger food, hadn't broken any dishes or appliances in two days, and hadn't snapped any writing implements since yesterday afternoon. After the first incident with a pen, she used wooden pencils whenever she could. Who knew that the PRT's pens had that much ink under pressure in them?

And poor Miss Militia, getting coated with ink when it broke.

Quickly and carefully, she put a hot pocket into the microwave and waited a bit while it cooked. She'd set out the stuff she'd need for her afternoon schedule before she left for school in the morning, and used the time to gently empty and refill her backpack. The microwave signaled it was finished as she set the pack down. She took the sandwich out, blew on it to cool it down, and proceeded to eat it in three quick bites. She knew it was hot, could even tell that it was hot, but the heat didn't hurt. One plus to being a brute, she thought to herself.

She noted the time, carefully retrieved her hoodie and backpack, and left the apartment, locking the door behind her.

* * *​

Taylor walked into the appointment room a bit early. Waiting for her was Assault, idly flipping a pencil between his fingers. "Hey," he greeted her. "How've you been doing?"

She sat down in one of the reinforced chairs in the room. "I think I've got a better handle on not breaking and bending things," she replied. "I expect Maintenance appreciates that."

"Eh, a bit of that, and a bit of having someone who can get rid of some of the older stuff that we can't just toss without actually asking for it to be broken so we can throw it out," Assault allowed. "We've got warehouses full of old crap like that."

"So why not donate it to homeless shelters or something?"

The red clad hero opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. "You know, I don't think anyone's tried that angle. I think PR would love it, and looks good for you, too. Might have to run it past Legal, though."

"Does being a government employee mean common sense and intelligence goes out the window?" Taylor asked the world at large.

She was answered by a chuckle coming from the persons entering the room. The larger of the two was almost as big as she was, while the smaller of the two had a shifty air about him. "A question asked by probably every government employee. Hello, I'm Doctor Nickelovich-Smythe and this is my assistant, Doctor Roger Brown."

"Hello!" the smaller man said with a wave. "I usually go by Roger."

"You can refer to me as Doc," Dr. Nickelovich-Smythe added. "It'll be easier on everyone. Your father signed off on the basic and intermediate tests, so we're ready to begin when you are."

"OK, Doc, let's get this over with," Taylor answered.

Roger clapped his hands together. "That's the spirit!" he enthused. "Our first stop is the basic brute testing. Which is probably pointless for you, but the Director starts yelling if we don't follow procedure."

- - -​

"Well, so much for how much she can lift," Roger groused.

"That was every free weight we had in the testing area," Doc added. "So far that's two metric tons."

"Like it was a Nerf ball. When we get to the intermediate lab, we can use the hydraulic press. Anything else in here?"

"Let's see. Done. Done. Doesn't apply. Done…"

- - -​

"It broke." Doc was looking over the remains of one of the impact testing machines.

"It did," Roger answered. "I'm beginning to see a pattern here."

"Or at least a trail of debris."

"I think we should use the oldest punching test machine we've got for the next bit, along with the new one," Roger suggested.

Doc nodded. "Makes sense. The old ones were rated to ten meganewtons of force being applied. If it doesn't survive, it should prove to be a good test of the new, non-contact version."

- - -​

"That was instructional," Roger noted, looking at the remains of the old punching machine again.

"Indeed," Doc added. "If something physical gets in the way, she will absolutely wreck it. Even if it can handle the physical loading."

"At least the old machine was scheduled for decommissioning this year," Roger finished. "And the new machine?"

"Registered a force of 9.87 meganewtons. And that was just punching air," Doc answered. "Good thing the baffles and backstop were able to dissipate the shockwave."

- - -​

"OK, Taylor?" Doc asked via the PA system.


"We're going to start the hydraulic press. Be sure to let us know when it becomes too much of a strain. We're going to start where we left off with the free weights, at two metric tons and slowly ramp it up, OK?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Also, if the machine notices a sudden drop in resistance it will stop before it travels an inch. Still, if it starts getting too much, say something," Roger added.

"Got it."

"And here we go."

With that, the head of the massive hydraulic press began moving downward. It came to rest on Taylor's hands, and simply stopped.

-twenty minutes later-​

"What are we up to?" Doc asked Roger.

"We just hit 1200 metric tons," Roger said, watching the instrumentation panel. "We could go higher, but I don't know if it's worth it."

"Why would you say that?"

"I'm pretty sure we're nowhere near her limit. Every time I've increased the load, the amount of resistance from her goes up in perfect sync, and the only thing she's complained about is how long this is taking," Roger explained. "It's not supposed to be run this hard in this position, and the pumps aren't exactly new. If I turn it up again, we may blow the hydraulics."

"One last increase, and hope the safeties work?" Doc asked.

"They'll work," Roger answered. "Separate and redundant system."

"Taylor, we're going for one last increase, OK?" Doc spoke into the microphone.


"Do it."

Roger turned the dial to 1250 metric tons and pressed the shielded button to register the change. In rather short order, one of the hydraulic pumps exploded (thankfully contained by the unit housing) and the safeties lifted the plate back to a safe position and then the physical locks secured it. Pinkish-orange fluid began to dribble down to the floor from above.

Taylor showed no indication that anything had happened, only being a bit startled when the pump had its rapid unplanned disassembly event.

"Taylor, I think we're done for now," Roger spoke into the microphone. "Why don't you go shower and change, and we'll compile the results. We'll go over them when you get done with that."

"OK," Taylor answered as she stepped out of the testing apparatus. "I'll meet you in the conference room."

Roger cut the mic and turned towards Doc. "The Director is going to yell at us," he said in an offhand manner.

"True," Doc replied. "But look at it this way: Miss Hebert tests in the upper 1% of all parahumans, worldwide. Brute: Yes is actually pretty close to being accurate."

* * *​

"So, what do we have?" Director Piggot asked, looking at the power testing staff and Assault. "Besides a pile of broken and destroyed equipment that was on the list to be decommissioned anyway, and one broken hydraulic press?"

"Ma'am," Doc started. "It would be easier to sum up Miss Hebert's threat rating as Brute: Yes."

"I'm not in the mood for jokes," Director Piggot growled.

"I shall clarify," Doc continued. "We don't have the capability to accurately test a brute of her level, which puts her at 9+ immediately. She took the impact force of a fifty car freight train moving at 60 km/h. She didn't move, let alone bruise or even get scuffed. She totaled a mechanical punch testing machine rated for ten meganewtons of force. And without seeming to try, she pushed back hard enough to blow one of the heavy duty industrial pumps on the hydraulic press. Which were nearing the end of their duty cycle and have replacement recommendations on file."

"Overall," Roger continued, "she was pleasant to work with and initially worried about breaking the equipment. That was why we used the soon to be decommissioned units and made sure she knew that. The only other piece of equipment we used was the contactless punch machine, and it performed flawlessly. And is still intact."

"Armsmaster will be pleased to hear that," Assault added.

Doc nodded in agreement. "We have some indication of mid-level breaker abilities – namely what appears to be a conformal forcefield that protects her and anything she's holding – which could make for some interesting improvised weapon situations. Also low level thinker abilities, mainly the ability to keep track of her objective despite obstacles in her way.

"Miss Hebert's intelligence is above average, but her early school records suggest that's natural and she shows no indication of any other powers. The observed phenomena of Shadow Stalker being unable to escape her grasp was apparently due to the forcefield and not any trump abilities." Doc set his papers down.

"At least she's not prone to violence," Director Piggot acknowledged. "And has a fairly good sense of humor about what's happened."

"Miss Hebert would be a pain to fight," Assault said, getting to his part of the meeting. "Based on what happened at Winslow and what I observed here, she's probably unstoppable once she gets moving towards her objective, barring her deciding to stop. Putting her down isn't likely, and confoam isn't going to hold her long. Heck, if she doesn't need to breathe, burying her won't actually stop her. I suspect one of those intercity missiles would do more damage to the city than it would to her.

"If she gets hold of you? The best option would be to surrender immediately. And getting punched might be safer than her wanting to take you somewhere, because I doubt anything will stop her from dragging you there, either. Or just throwing you."

The red clad hero thought for a moment. "She could be slowed down or redirected easily enough, temporarily. But actually rendered unconscious or killed? It might take the Triumvirate to try. Or an Endbringer, which I hope she never meets. I suspect the best ways to stop her from doing something to you would be either to get out of her way, or talk her down. The obvious method – a human rated master – well, we don't have a friendly one on hand to test."

Director Piggot nodded. "Thank you, gentlemen and Assault, for your input. Recommendations?"

"If she doesn't go for the Wards, and I don't blame her if she doesn't, find out what she needs to become an affiliate. She could benefit from some of the training available," Assault answered. "And we don't want to be on her bad side."

"One thing I did see is that she has some flexibility issues," Roger added. "She mentioned that her PhysEd teacher at Arcadia has her doing some basic yoga to help that. I'd recommend some tai chi and some martial arts for control and discipline, so that if she does fight a normal person, he doesn't get reduced to a bloody paste. Maybe dance or gymnastics for non-combat situations."

"We should also be worried about her intelligence," Doc continued. "And I don't mean losing it. From the way she was asking pertinent questions, she will be sure to find new and interesting ways to apply those abilities of hers beyond just punching things into the ground."

Assault nodded. "A lesson I wish Glory Girl would learn."

* * *​

At home, while getting ready for dinner, Vicky sneezed. "Collateral Damage Barbie senses tingling," she said, looking around.

"What are you going on about this time?" Amy snarked from where she was helping.

"Someone's trash talking me," Vicky answered.

"You've watched too many cartoons," Amy grumbled.

"You watched them with me, dear sister," Vicky retorted.

"Girls, please, get the table set!" Carol chided her daughters from where she worked at the counter.

"Yes, Mom..."
Ask a stupid question...
Doctor Nickelovich-Smythe made a note on his clipboard. "Good. Now, commencing the secret identity test. As requested, you're in civilian garb. As an added obfuscation, please put these on." He handed Taylor a pair of dark sunglasses.

Roger explained. "Height was an issue, so we've brought in Narwhal, who is also out of costume."

Taylor looked over in surprise as the taller woman entered the testing chamber.

"Both of you, please adopt neutral, casual stances," Roger suggested. "Bring in the 'civilian.'"

Assault entered the chamber. "Whoa!"

Doctor Nickelovich-Smythe carefully asked, "Can you determine the identity of any of these women?"

Assault tipped his head back to look Taylor in the eyes (or sunglasses). "Taylor Hebert -- can't miss that hair. Kind of tall, too. And..." he gestured vaguely with his hands "...built."

"And the other?"

"Narwhal, obviously."

"And how did you determine that?"

Assault tried vainly to control his silly grin, while wiping away some drool. "I never forget a nude."

Battery appeared, as if by magic, and slapped him in the back of the head.
03 - 'Naut a Problem
Taylor soon settled into a routine. Wake up, eat, go to school, eat, come home from school, eat, undergo her PRT sponsored training, eat, shower, go to bed. Her dad visited most evenings, keeping her apprised of the ongoing renovation of the house, the investigations, and how the Union has a significant amount of work because of her rampage – at least that's what Blackwell's lawyers were calling it – through her former and alleged high school.

This evening, she had her first session with a PRT trainer in both tai-chi and aikido, something that would hopefully help her with her control and flexibility. That way she wouldn't be punching people through whatever available surface all the time, only when some brute needed it.

Right now in Brockton Bay, that was very few people. She had to be careful with most of the local brutes, because Dauntless, Aegis and Triumph all seemed kinda fragile. Vicky and a few others could take one of her punches (or so the testers claimed), and she didn't want to find out how durable Hookwolf or Fenja and Menja were, nor Lung. Not without assurances that seemed very unlikely.

It hadn't taken PHO long before a Juggernaut (the name PHO had given her after surprisingly little debate, along with a warning that making boob jokes about that name would be frowned upon) vs. <Insert Villain Here> thread to have started up. Right now, they were going back and forth about her versus the Protectorate in a sparring match. Assault with his kinetic control was seen so far as the most likely to beat her in a match, with a side-thread spawned to argue over some supposedly relevant math details. Both she and Assault agreed that if he won it would be because of the latter's experience and skill. If power alone was the deciding factor, he'd lose.

She made her way from her apartment – it was her last week in it – down to the locker room adjacent to Training Room Two. She changed into her workout clothes and headed out into the room. Three people were already there chatting. Neil Pelham – Manpower – was well known to residents of Brockton Bay, and was one of the few people in the city taller than her. With him was Vicky. And the third person was apparently their instructor.

"You must be Taylor?" the woman asked. At Taylor's nod, she continued. "I'm Julia Caine. I'm not terribly formal, so any combination of Sensei Julia Caine is fine." The woman was slightly above average height, leaving her still more than a foot shorter than Taylor. Her black hair was cut short and neat, and her brown eyes were alert. She was wearing typical workout clothes, loose fitting and comfortable.

"I've asked Mr. Pelham to assist mainly because he's more your size, which makes things easier to start with."

"Vicky's told me about you," Neal said, extending a hand for a handshake. "I had problems keeping my strength under control at the start, but managed to get a handle on it through martial arts."

Taylor took the offered hand and shook it carefully.

"Everyone here is a brute of some kind," Julia continued. "I'm more defensive than strength and not powerful enough for the Protectorate, and you already know about Glory Girl and Manpower.

"With introductions out of the way, let's begin by warming up..." Taylor was soon introduced to the warm up stretches and the initial positions of taijiquan.

- - - - -​

After doing the warm up exercises, she was introduced to the basics of aikido. And the mats. Several times. Taylor knew why she was going through this, but getting thrown by not only Manpower but by the instructor multiple times without achieving anything was beginning to make her upset... And realization dawned that this was another part of the training. Discipline to keep her temper.

She pushed back up to her feet, took a deep breath, and exhaled. A couple of breaths later, she resumed her stance.

Julia nodded approvingly as she got back up. "Now here's how you avoid that," she said, and ran her through how not to get thrown every time. Slowly and carefully they went through the kata, and soon Taylor was only being thrown every other attempt.

She'd take whatever steps forward she could get, since it meant failing less. And Vicky made a very satisfying whump when she hit the mat. Even better, the blonde didn't complain about it.

- - - - -​

Around the PRT building in Brockton Bay, there were several cafes, fast food eateries and actual restaurants, all catering to the workers in the buildings nearby. Sometimes a few PRT workers would stop in for a meal before or after their shifts, but on-duty personnel used the cafeterias in the building.

One of these was a place called Brockton Brews, who served some of the best coffee in the city and had some decent baked goods to go with it. Sitting at a table that had a very good view of the front of the PRT building was a rather good looking young woman enjoying her morning coffee and muffin. She was dressed in casual clothes like most young women who were between high school and college age, and mainly – like any number of ever-present cape fans – watching the coming and going of people from the PRT campus.

She ignored most of what her power was telling her; about the petty affairs, bank account details, who was lusting after whom. Occasionally a few tangential details about PRT operations, but nothing really major. Her boss had better sources of intel than her for that.

No, her boss wanted her to get information on any new parahumans in the Bay.

Like that obvious brute who'd been living in the PRT apartment block for the last two weeks. The girl was huge, and as Alec had snarkily said, "Obvious brute is obvious." She was a couple years younger than herself, only just being a sophomore in high school.

Sure enough, the girl was right on time, coming out of the door to the building several minutes before the bus arrived that would take her to Arcadia. She let her power analyze the girl, getting the usual sputtering, erratic results she had the last two times. However, turning her power on what the girl was doing gave more accurate information.

Subject showing greater control of strength, some improvement in flexibility. Not breaking furniture constantly. Worried about her family. She typed that into her phone; it was something the boss would be interested in knowing.

The girl managed to squeeze herself onto the bus, taking a seat in the area normally reserved for people with disabilities because that's the only place she'd fit. The bus then drove off, and Lisa decided she needed to move on instead of hanging around the rest of the morning like yesterday. Wouldn't want to get too predictable in her patterns.

She finished her coffee and muffin before leaving for her next assignment of the day, which would be going over the data she'd collected overnight and coming up with a report.

While walking, she considered the matter of her boss. He'd put their little team of capes together and pointed them at various targets. He'd supply some resources for them, and allowed them to keep a percentage of any assets confiscated.

She'd never met him in person. She knew he had hired a lot of mercenaries, who performed small precise operations in the region. A number of these had been directed towards any or all of the three main gangs in the city. Their own jobs were pointed at small-time crooks and minor parahumans, with the occasional poke at the main villains.

The boss had made good on some of his promises and was clearly working on the rest. Brian had an official and above-board job and was getting help on getting custody of his sister; their mother was being investigated by CPS. She and Alec had basically been given new identities, and Rachel was having her case looked into. So far, enough evidence had been uncovered that they might get her involuntary manslaughter charge reduced or thrown out.

Life was good, thought Lisa Wilbourn. I just hope the doom chicken doesn't drop the other shoe from orbit.

- - - - -​

From another vantage point, someone else was watching, too. Victor had noted the first appearance of the excessively large teenager when she had debuted on PHO, having proven to be unstoppable by Shadow Stalker, who had been a minor thorn in the Empire's side. Now he was following up, trying to predict which way she'd move.

Kaiser had said that as a small favor to the girl, for whom the unwritten rules were nearly tracing paper transparent, they wouldn't go to any lengths to determine who her parents were, nor make a recruitment attempt. She had, after all, dealt with one of the Empire's problems. Victor suspected Kaiser also didn't want the girl doing anything similar to her debut to an Empire cape.

"This is hilarious," Victor muttered as he closed the curtain and put down his binoculars.

"How so?" his wife asked, from where she worked at a computer in the small office.

"OK, you've got a girl who triggered. As part of her trigger, she had a growth spurt. To the point where she can't realistically have a secret identity," Victor explained. "Because it makes putting her civilian identity and cape identity together ridiculously easy."

"Dear, didn't Max tell us not to go looking for her identity?"

"For her family. Nadine, how many nearly seven foot tall teenagers are there in Brockton Bay?"

Nadine typed something into her computer. "There are currently two. One is a girl, Taylor Hebert. The other is a young man, David Atwell. Panacea will be treating him for a recently diagnosed tumor in his pituitary gland." Nadine realized what she'd just done, and facepalmed.

"That was far too easy," she muttered.

"I think the only people who may not know who she is," Victor continued, leaning back in his chair, "are the Merchants because they're just that oblivious. She hasn't gone out as a cape yet, so we're not going to bother her. And if she doesn't target Empire interests, probably not after, either."

"So how soon until Brad sticks his foot in it again?" Nadine asked.

"Hopefully not for a while," Victor answered. "Coil's men gave him a pretty stern warning the last time. He's still healing from taking a sniper's bullet through his right eye. Max has just about had it with his lack of discipline."

= = = = =​

"So Taylor?" one of her classmates asked.


"You think about going out for any sports?"

She sighed; she had known this question was coming. Fortunately, she had a ready made answer, and the best part of all was that it was mostly true. "A certain track star at Winslow kind of turned me off to the whole sports thing," she explained. "Also against doctor's orders. So, yeah, no sports for me for a while. Unless there's a tiddlywinks team?" Left unsaid was the fact the school knew she was a parahuman, and as such, was not allowed in competitive sports activities. It wasn't like there were too many other students with similar restrictions. Mainly Vicky and Amy, even though the latter wasn't a brute.

She could do laps around the track and other non-competitive activities, and did her warmups (Julia-sensei had stressed the importance of stretching and warmups. Also, to quote Vicky, "Cramps suck.") with everyone else. She still had to do the basic physical fitness assessment, too, if only to prove that somehow her quite visible physique actually did what it was supposed to instead of being just for show. For deniability there was a cap on lifting, and she got to practice making it look harder than it was.

After warm-up, she would either do her yoga exercises, or help the coach keep score or time or anything else needed for whatever competitions were going on.

She was not looking forward to the swimming portion of PE, something she was allowed to participate in because there wouldn't be any racing unless you tried out for the school team, just individual evaluations. She didn't know whether or not her new body would sink or be able to float or if her power would do something peculiar. Something she'd better find out – in private. Hopefully she could schedule some testing time in the PRT gym.

- - - - -​

Done with school for the day, and having said goodbye to Vicky and Amy, Taylor got off the bus at the public library. She needed to use the reference section for some homework, and then spend some time on the computers looking things up and reading her email. Hopefully, she could find a phone large enough for her much larger hands so she didn't risk breaking the library's computers. Sure, she had a stylus so she could hunt-and-peck without hitting the wrong keys, but she used to be a touch typist, damnit.

Her few inquiries were soon complete. She was going to meet her father and they would be going to dinner at Tony's tonight, a nice family run Italian restaurant a couple blocks away from the PRT building. Her martial arts class was before dinner, so she could get that done and have a nice evening with her father.

Then, from somewhere in front of her, she heard an unbelievably loud engine and people yelling and shouting in a panic. Not close and no visible cause, so she only slowed slightly as she continued walking forwards towards her destination when she was suddenly faced with something that looked like it might have started off life as a commercial truck, and now resembled something you might have seen in that Mad Max movie. The only thing she could do was cover her face with her arms before the road-going terror hit her.

There was a brief flash of crimson…
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04 - 'Naut Gonna Lie


Taylor looked around for the source of the voice. She was in a chamber that was very, very red, in every hue, shade, tint, and tone imaginable. Red stone for the floor, walls and ceiling; red crystal for columns, red fabrics with red designs for the banners, red armor on the red figure sitting on a red throne. Even the cloud of fractal sparkles floating near the throne was red. Red, red, red, red, red!

"I prefer to call it crimson."

Her mind came to a halt, and she turned bodily to face the figure on the throne who had greeted her. "Err, hello. I don't mean to be rude, but where am I, and who are you?"

"Know, child of Annette, that I am Cyttorak, Tyrant Overlord of Strength," the red figure sitting on the throne stated. His appearance was what Taylor thought would be appropriate for an actual devil – red skin, dark red hair, red glowing eyes, red horns and all the muscles. Only wearing somewhat normal boots instead of having cloven hooves. "Occasionally, it pleases me to empower people and watch what happens, directing them to some end.

"Through your mother," the entity continued, "I discovered the machinations of another that would lead to the destruction of not only this world, but every version of it in this multiversal strand. I cannot allow that, for reasons that are my own.

"Now, for the reason I have summoned your mind here,"
Cyttorak continued. He gestured to the cloud-thing. "The being that has connected to you to grant you powers and I are having a bit of disagreement, and we need you to decide the matter for us."


Okay, so the cloud of fractal sparkles can speak. Sort of.

"Yes," Cyttorak answered the sparkling figure. "You've already told me that my design skills suck. I am a god of unstoppable strength, not of art. What I have provided in the past has worked sufficiently well."


"What do I care about presentation? It is a most capital suggestion, though." Cyttorak looked at Taylor. "How do you want to appear?"

That's what they were arguing about?

In front of her floated two images. One was her wearing a rust and blood red sleeveless bodysuit, with a hemispherical helmet that, quite frankly, looked goofy. The outfit had bands of some material around her upper and forearms, and some knuckle dusters, along with a very heavy pair of boots.

The other image was her wearing a variation on Alexandria's costume. Again, it was in rust and blood red, but instead of the hemispherical helmet it was a helmet that fitted her head, with a mirrored visor that concealed her face and a shorter back that allowed her hair to hang freely. The body suit covered her entire body, with gauntlets covering her hands and lower forearms. The boots were more feminine. Like Cyttorak's, they were also practical.

"With all due respect," Taylor said, "I like portions of both designs. For instance, the bodysuit and boots of the first version, and the helmet and gauntlets of the other. I'm assuming that these will be as indestructible as I am?"

"They would be a manifestation of my power," Cyttorak answered. "So yes, no mortal agency could destroy them. You can easily survive having one of your world's nuclear weapons going off underneath you, and at best it would inconvenience you, and your costume would be intact. You don't need to breathe or eat, although you may choose to enjoy either or both. You are conceptually unstoppable. Once you start moving towards a goal, you cannot be stopped by any outside force."

"That's good to know," Taylor muttered. "So even if I can't swim, I won't drown." She'd find out if she had to be physically moving towards a goal for the unstoppable part to apply. Given that the being talking to her was a "god of strength," she figured it would be limited like that. If not, the possibilities presented…

"The only thing you need to watch out for are attacks which affect your mind," Cyttorak continued. "What my partner here says you call master and stranger powers. Your helmet should protect you from those, but for some reason, that which fastens it to the rest of the suit is the weakest point. It can therefore be removed, which renders you vulnerable."

"So don't get in close to the Simurgh, important safety tip," Taylor snarked.

"Indeed. Though if it gets in your way, you will triumph. And the destruction will be glorious!" Cyttorak cleared its throat. "Anyway, with the matter of your costume settled, go forth and let those who oppose you learn what unstoppable really means."

= = = = = = = = = =​

Brockton Bay

Squealer shook herself awake. She'd hit something solid, and the airbags had deployed. Her latest creation was currently wrapped around that something.

She could hear the groaning of metal as if something was doing severely rude things to her truck, followed by some very sulfurous swearing (from her own mouth) as the tinkertech enhanced metals in the frame began to deform. Metal shrieked as it was bent, twisted, and torn as if whatever they'd hit was angry and probably the brutieist brute to ever brute.

Hmm. Might have a bit of a concussion there. She'd have to take it easy for a couple of days, except her buttmunch of a boyfriend probably wouldn't let her.

The dash and console in front of her began to move as whatever she'd hit continued tearing her truck in half.

Note to self: Avoid trying to drive through unknown things.

And then the largest pair of gloved hands she'd ever seen managed to push through the steel and plastics and heaved. With a groan from the metal around her and a growl from the thing freeing itself from the wreckage of her truck, it tore down the middle, exposing her to the wintry weather and possibly the largest parahuman she'd ever seen, even bigger than Manpower or Trainwreck.

"There you are," the voice of the figure clad in blood and rust red growled, its face obscured by a mirrored faceplate. Another heave and the former truck became a temporary piece of modern art. "C'mere," the voice muttered, and a hand the size of her head reached for her.

Squealer panicked and pulled her hog leg shotgun out of its holster and fired both barrels. Sure, it wasn't lead shot, just a collection of number one size rubber pellets, but it should startle the obvious cape into pulling back and not grabbing her like picking up a burrito.

Did it startle the cape? Hell, yes. However, it had the exact opposite of the desired effect. With a roar, the cape ripped her now defunct project in half like it was a sheet of paper, fully exposing her to the daylight and cold air.

She finally got a clear look at the cape she'd hit. The main thing that struck her first was all the red. Sleeveless bodysuit in rust and blood red, with a visored helmet, the cape's mouth exposed. Gauntlets on both hands, a rather heavy belt, and boots that looked like they could stomp Behemoth into a hole in the ground.

The cape spat out a rubber pellet. "That wasn't very nice," the cape growled in possibly the deepest female voice Squealer had ever heard. "Now, are you going to climb out peacefully, or am I going to have to extract you forcibly from what's left of your truck?"

"Well, hello again!" Assault chirped. "Funny meeting you here."

"Hello, Assault," Taylor answered. "Do you want her, too?"

"Not in the way that could be implied from that question," Assault snarked back. "But I would like to take her off your hands. She's a person of interest in several vehicular crimes and a whole mountain of moving violations."

It was while they were talking that Squealer tried to sneak away. Unfortunately, she had forgotten about the squad of PRT troopers that normally accompanied any of the heroes while they were actively pursuing a villain. She took three steps before she heard the familiar sound of confoam sprayers opening up.

Unfortunately for them, both Assault and Taylor were standing too close. Fortunately, while they were trapped they weren't fully encased in the stuff like Squealer was.

"I hate it when this happens," Assault said in casual conversation. "So, do you have a cape name yet? Or do I put you down as Bruty McBruteface? Or maybe Brutilla?" The smile he had told Taylor he wasn't being serious.

Taylor sighed. "As much as I know this will be a mistake, call me Juggernaut." With that, she decided that she didn't want to be encased in containment foam, so she started moving towards the sidewalk. The hardened foam didn't stick to her, so it was a matter of carefully pulling it apart and getting out of the street.

Assault watched from where he was still trapped. "Huh, don't see that every day."

Squealer wished she'd seen it, whatever "it" was. At least she'd get some rest. And maybe a burrito.

- - - - - - - - - -​

The PRT officers took Taylor's statement and made note of her cape name for the official record. Armsmaster had arrived halfway through the ordeal, and had begun taking various sensor readings around the site before he joined a rather slimy Assault and much cleaner (and apparently costumed) Taylor in the large PRT van.

"So, what happened?" he asked.

"Got hit by that thing on my way back to my apartment," she said. "I heard some commotion ahead of me, and when I looked up, it was too late. I extricated myself from the wreck, and was going to do the same to the driver when she pulled a gun and shot me. Startled me more than anything else, and then I ripped the thing in half and shook the driver loose." She took a sip from the cup of water she had at hand before continuing.

"Assault showed up soon about then, and the driver tried to make a break for it, so we all got foamed. I walked out of that because being stuck in the middle of the road is asking for trouble," Taylor continued. "I decided to stay put off to the side until things settled down."

Armsmaster nodded. "And the costume?"

"Power provided. It's as damage resistant as I am."

"I like the color," Assault commented from the shower in the van. "It's so… red!"

Armsmaster glared in Assault's direction, and Taylor could imagine the grin on the irrepressible cape's face. "How did you get out of the containment foam?"

"I decided I didn't want to be trapped in it and walked out," Taylor answered. "It apparently doesn't stick to my costume – or my forcefield, either. And I'm stronger than it is."

The tinker frowned. "That was something taken into account during the design process. There should not have been any way for you to get any leverage once it hardened."

Taylor sighed. "With all due respect, Sir," she said, "in addition to me not being encased, consider what the term juggernaut means and take it to the extremes. It appears that if I'm trying to move towards something, I can't be stopped."

"That's very disturbing," Assault added. "What if it applies to things that aren't actual movement?"

"I'd like to try and find out," Taylor answered. "In a controlled, safe environment with a limited audience. Can I go now? Or are you going to run me back to the PRT building so I can dismiss the armor and make my class?"

= = = = = = = = = =​

Tony's Pizza was a place both Danny and Taylor enjoyed. It was a small family-run pizza place that also had a selection of very good and relatively inexpensive Italian food on their dine-in menu. It also did business with all the cape groups in the city and was considered one of the neutral locations, if only because it kept the pizza deliveries coming.

As such, for a small consideration, you could reserve a room and have a decent amount of privacy for your dinner. It wasn't in too much demand for various reasons, but it was there.

Tonight, it hosted the Heberts.

"And I've got connections," Danny smugly admitted while he and Taylor waited for their appetizer order. "So, I heard you had an interesting afternoon."

"Is it all over the internet?" Taylor groused.

"Mostly the aftermath," Danny admitted. "Though people are worried about the girl who got hit."

"I find that surprising. Probably worried as an afterthought."

"Actually," Danny said, "Reave made a statement on social media about that, saying that the girl who'd been hit had been taken to the PRT's medical clinic for observation. That seemed to quiet most people.

"Also, nice costume," he added. "How long did it take to make?"

Conversation stopped for a moment as the waiter came in with their appetizer order before finding out what entrée they wanted to order.

"Actually, it was provided by my power," Taylor admitted when they were alone again. "Dad, what can you tell me about what Mom got up to in college? I – heard some things recently."

"That's something I'm not quite sure about," Danny admitted. "I mean, I know the generalities, but not all of the specifics. You know she fell in with Lustrum's group, right? And that I got her out. Two days before Lustrum was sentenced to the Birdcage, her lawyer delivered a package to your mother. Whatever it was, she didn't want her lieutenants getting their hands on it, but she didn't trust the PRT either. Apparently leaving the gang didn't stop Lustrum from trusting your mother."

"Kinda makes some sense," Taylor muttered, "given what they let Shadow Stalker get away with."

"I never found out what was in the box," Danny continued, "only that your mother told me it was better that I don't know. She admitted that it was an artifact of some kind after a good deal of badgering, and that Lustrum's lieutenants could have used it to cause a great deal of trouble."

"While we were cleaning up after Mom's funeral," Taylor said, "I found a box in her stuff in the basement. It contained a fist-sized ruby. Not my fist size then, but my fist size now." She held it up so Danny could have a reference. "It had a few scraps of paper with some indecipherable writing on it, and the ruby had an internal glow. It said something to me when I touched it, something about me not being ready. And then doing something to me when I was having difficulty carrying things up the stairs, making it easier for me to do that. I thought I'd imagined it, but after today I'm not so sure."

"I think I'll want to take a look at that when you move back in," Danny said after some thought. "The renovations should be done by this coming Tuesday, so we should be able to get your stuff out of your little apartment and back into your room that evening."

Then the food arrived, and they had more important things to take care of.
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Money for nothing...
*At some point in the near future*

Taylor was jogging, not for exercise, since there was no amount of running that could even cause her to break a sweat, but as a form of moving meditation.

Ever since she changed, it seemed to be easier to do things, any thing, if she was moving.

The day was quite warm, the sun was shining and her music player was rolling through some new music.

In short, it was a perfect morning.

She reached the halfway point and turned around to head home. She was looking forward to her first shower in the new bathroom. For the first time since her change, the shower head was taller than she was and she'd be able to wash with both hands, without having to hold the shower head over herself.

She was jarred out of her thoughts as she saw two very muscular men flanking a skinny little guy. She started slowing as she tucked her headphones away. Recent experiences made her very wary of a guy with bodyguards, even if squashing Coil and his mercs had been a short adventure.

She stopped about ten feet from the three men and opened her mouth to say something, but the little guy beat her to it.

"You were right, Johnny. She's perfect. Clean definition, no unsightly marks or tattoos, but still average enough for proper pictures."

Taylor blinked, absorbing the man's rapidfire talking. "Excuse me, but who are you?", Taylor asked, wondering if she should be flattered or insulted.

"Ah, sorry. I'm Larry Jackson and I want to photograph your body."

As Taylor bristled, the two muscle men groaned, one covering his eyes and the other facepalming.

"What he means to say, Miss, is that he's a photographer with Muscle magazine, and he'd like to work out an agreement for completely innocent modelling."

Taylor blinked again, feeling lost. The muscle man talking to her pulled a magazine from his pocket. "Look, you see these ads, that show just an arm, a leg or some other muscle group? We need two or three female models to flex for the camera, but women that are big enough, defined enough to make good models, usually don't have time, desire or interest in just posing muscle groups."

Taylor stared at him for minute, thinking about it. "You want me to flex, so you can use my muscles to sell protein powder or something?"

Larry nodded vigorously, saying "You have no idea how hard it is, finding female models for a muscle ad. And since the sponsor is matching my money, I can offer you three hundred dollars an hour to model."

Taylor had been about to say no when he said that and she gaped at him. She'd been too broke most of her life to just ignore that kind of money.

Fifteen minutes later, she was on her way home, a business card in her pocket.

She still had no idea if she'd take the job or not, but since her father would have to agree to it, she had time to think about it.

And no matter what anyone said, the half smile she wore had nothing to do with imagining Emma's face when she found out Taylor had modeled for a national magazine in her very first gig.

(There was a girl in my Army unit that lifted daily. This is basically what happened to her, jogging near her house one day. She did the gig, and got paid six thousand dollars for two days work. If I had known they paid that kind of money, I might have lifted a few more weights.)
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