How powerful would the Composit version of
Donald Duck be in the setting?, Just curious.
Ok, so:
Take the Donald from the Early Cartoons, add ALL the abilities and skill they have been shown to have in things like "Ducktales", the Mickey Mouse Toons, the House of Mouse etc... Now, Add ALL the Comic Book powers and appearences - including things like The Parodies (Dante's Inferno, Gulliver's Travels, Dr.Jekyll etc...) - to the repertoires.
Still following?
Then, after THAT, add everything from Kingdom Hearts - from KH1 up to KH3 - , and lastly All the "Special" Animated Movies (Who Framed Roger Rabbit? , The Three Muskeeteers, Christmas Carol etc.)
And that, is Composite Donald. Incredibly strong, won't attack at full power most of the times. Even when they "explode in anger", they are not even using 12% of their true power. If you do, however, Dip those he cares about (Friends, Family, Loved Ones and Voice Actors/Creators/Animators), then you are as good as dead. Hope you like getting Zettaflare'd in the face , bucko. And yes, they CAN defeat Goku.
Funny thing: they are technically the Weakest of the Mickey-Donald-Goofy Trio, with Goofy above him (due to Goof Troop and A Goofy Movie), and Mickey as the Top One (Everything stated before, plus the Games where Mickey is the Sole Protagonist)