Interlude: Look Who's Here...?
{Credit to: @CoreBrute }


Ah, a new player has joined. It's been so long. Strange looking fellow, a bit older than normal players, but Jadus wasn't exactly a spring chicken. Gods, I hate that-oh wait it's starting.

The new Link immediately went up to the mask salesman to begin the start of the game...and then started hitting him with the sword.

What is he doing? That's not supposed to happen. And now he's running into a wall-is he trying to glitch through it? Wait now he's going in circles, what is he attempting to do now? Well, hopefully he'll get onto the next part of the game soon enough.


Ok, he's finally actually gotten to Clock Town, now the game can start. And now he...he's fallen down. Well that's fine he's just-and he's walking into a wall. Now he's trying to buy some milk with a sword. Now he's attacking the walls with his sword. Is this some new speedrunning hack?


The moon has crashed multiple times, and he's still in Clock town! What hell is this and how am I trapped with him!?

BEN screamed louder than possible, before collapsing under the mental strain. But as it lost focus, a small piece he held under control reached out to the player...

-Back in the real world, Third Person POV-

"Ahh, what the heck?!" Dr Robotnik threw his headphones off. He'd plugged the cartridge into an emulator in his van, and was shaking his head disappointed. He hadn't played a Nintendo console before as he was growing up, as they didn't exist in his universe – not that he had much time for video games anyway, being the young prodigy he was. But he was certain he'd mastered this game, when a strange scream came through the speakers before it suddenly crashed.

"What are these readings?" His computer - that had been tracking the emulator - noted a huge spike in an unknown energy just before the game crashed.

"AUGH, if only I had more time to examine that energy! Stone! Get me an Austrian goat latte, it's the only thing that can possibly make me feel better!" "
Right away, Doctor"

Suddenly he heard a beep, and saw the messenger system on his computer was active.

Ben: Hi, how are you! I saw you were playing the game, do you need some help?

The computer also began tracking much smaller pings of the strange energy as the message came across.
Robotnik rubbed his stache, intrigued. No one should be able to contact him. Everything was wirelessly connected in the Van, but he'd made sure to turn off internet access while he played the cartridge, in case it was some kind of virus.

"On second thoughts Stone, hold that coffee." He began typing back.

GR34TSTACHE420: That's very generous but I think you'll find I'm an expert in all fields. Tell me though, who are you and where are you communicating to me from?

Ben: I'm Ben! Small letters, not like the other BEN. He's very loud, it's difficult to get a word in, but you managed to tire him out. Do you want to talk? I haven't spoken to anyone in so long.

The great Robotnik clasped his fingers and gave an evil grin.

GR34TSTACHE420: Indubitably Ben. I want to know everything about you.

: Learned the lore about Ben Drowned.
Made friends with Ben, the spirit (?) trapped inside the Majora cartridge. Unlocked Occult actions:
- [
Try to transfer the Spirit - Safely]
- [Try to transfer the Spirit - By Force]
- [Project: H.a.U.N.T.e.D. ]
Received warnings about BEN. Discovered Spirit/Ghost energy.

Ivo gains +1 Intrigue and +1 Occult!
Last edited:
As you can probably tell, we are FINALLY done with the Turn 1 Parts.

From now on, the effort goes towards Turn 2. So cross your fingers that the plan you hatch wotks.

"To-Do List" [Unfinished]
— To-Do List : Varied Edition—

Stats power Listing Numbers

  • 0: Incapable of that field.
  • 1-6: Crippled Being/ Minimal knowledge
  • 7-14: Normal Human.
  • 15-22: Skilled Human/ Good at that.
  • 23-34: Talented Being/ Proficient
  • 35-48: Gifted Being.
  • 49-62: Expert of the field.
  • 63-72: Great Genius.
  • 73-99: Living Legend.
  • 100+: The Perfect Being.

Ancient Poems

  • Beowulf (Beowulf, 8th Century)
  • Gilgamesh (The Epic of Gilgamesh, ???)

Live Musicals:

  • The Phantom of the Opera (The Phantom of the Opera)
  • Judge Claude Frollo (Broadway , The Hunchback of Notre Dame)


  • Dr. Jekyll/Mr.Hyde ("The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde")
  • Dorian Grey ("The Picture of Dorian Grey")
  • Van Helsing ("Dracula", Bram Stoker Version)
  • Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson (The Hound of Baskerville)
  • Professor Moriarty (Sherlock Holmes)
  • The Headless Horseman (Brothers Grimm Version)
  • The Headless Horseman (Washington Irving Version)

Urban Legends:

  • Jack the Ripper (English Stories, Composite)
  • Baba Yaga (Slavic Folklore, Composite)
  • Baba Jaga (Baba Yaga Mythos, Composite)


  • Jeff the Killer (Creepypasta, Minor Villain)
  • Ben Drowned (Creepypasta, Major Villain)
  • Ticci Toby (Creepypasta, Minor Anti-Hero)
  • Judge Angel (Creepypasta, Minor Anti-Heroine)
  • Jason the ToyMaker (Creepypasta, Minor Villain)
  • Slenderman (Creepypasta, Main Villain)
  • Zalgo (Creepypasta, Eldritch Villain)

—To-Do List : Godly Edition—

Primordial Beings:

  • Gaea, Primordial of the Earth (Hellenic Mythology, Composite)
  • Ouranos, Primordial of the Sky (Hellenic Mythology)
  • Nyx, Night Incarnate (Hades 2018)
  • Nyx, Primordial of the Night (Hellenic Mythology)
  • Pontus, Primordial of the Sea (Hellenic Mythology)
  • Eros, Lust Incarnate (Hellenic Mythology)


  • Themis, Titaness of Justice (Hellenic Mythology)
  • Mnemosyne, Titaness of Memory (Hellenic Mythology)
  • Kronos, Titan of Prosperity (Hellenic Mythology)
  • Atlas, Holder of the Sky ("12 Labors of Heracles", Greek Mythology)
  • Helios (Hellenic Mythology)
  • Selene (Hellenic Mythology)
  • Prometheus (The Eagle)

Children of Gaea:

  • The Hekatonchires/ 100-Handed-Ones [Cottus, Gyges, Briareus] (Hesiod, "The Theogony")
  • Typhon the Destroyer (Hellenic Mythology)

Olympian Gods:

  • Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth, Oldest and Strongest Child of Reah (Hellenic Mythology)
  • Demeter, Goddess of Harvest, Mother of Persephone ("Hades and Persephone", Hellenic Mythology)
  • Hera, Goddess of Marriage, Youngest Daughter of Rhea ("The Judgement of Paris", Hellenic Mythology)
  • Hades, Lord of the Underworld, Oldest Son of Kronos (Hellenic Mythology, "Hades & Persephone" Myth, Version)
  • Hades, Lord of the Dead (Disney, Hercules)
  • Hades, Father of Zagreaus, God of the Dead (Hades, Supergiant Games)
  • Hades (God of War 3)
  • Poseidon, God of the Sea, Ruler of Atlantis (Hellenic Mythology)
  • Poseidon (God of War 3)
  • Zeus, God of Lightning, King of Olympus (Hellenic Mythology)
  • Zeus, father of Hercules (Disney's "Hercules")
  • Zeus (God of War 3)
  • Ares, God of War (Hellenic Mythology, The Trojan War)
  • Athena, Goddess of Wisdom (Hellenic Mythology, "Arachne")
  • Athena, Master Tactician (God of War 2)
  • Apollo, God of the Sun (Hellenic Mythology, "Hyacinthus")
  • Artemis, Goddess of Hunting (Hades 2018)
  • Artemis, Goddess of Maidens ("Callisto", Hellenic Mythology)
  • Hephaestus, Blacksmith God ("The Golden Net", Hellenic Mythology)
  • Hephaestus (God of War 3)
  • Hermes, God of Travellers (Hellenic Mythology, "The Slayer of Argus")
  • Dionysus, God of Wine (Hellenic Mythology)

Chthonic Beings:

  • Persephone, Queen of the Underworld (Hades 2018)
  • Persephone, Goddess of the Underworld (Greek Mythos)
  • Thanatos, Death Incarnate (Hades 2018)
  • {Heroball} The Erinyes [Alecto, Megaera , Tisiphone] (The Orestes, Greek Mythology)
  • Alecto, Tormentor of Passions (Hades 2018)
  • Megaera, First of the Furies (Hades 2018)
  • Tisiphone (Hades 2018)
  • The Graeae Sisters [Deino (Δεινώ), Enyo (Ἐνυώ), Pemphredo (Πεμφρηδώ) ] ("Perseus and Medusa", Greek Mythology)
  • The Fates/Sisters of Fate [Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos]
  • Cerberus, Infernal Mastiff (Disney's "Hercules")
  • Cerberus, Hound of Hell (Hades 2018)
  • Cerberus, Guard-Dog of the Underworld (Greek Mythology)
  • Hypnos (Greek Mythology)
  • Zagreus, Prince of the Underworld(Hades 2018)
  • Melinoë, Princess of the Underworld (Hades II)
  • Hecate, Goddess of Magic
  • Hecate, Mistress of Witchcraft (Hades 2)
  • Makaria (Hades III)

Atlantean Deities:

  • Amphitrite, Queen of the Seas (Hellenic Mythology)
  • Triton, Child of Poseidon (Hellenic Mythology)
  • King Triton, Ruler of Atlantica (Disney : The Little Mermaid)
  • Ariel, Saviour of Atlantica (Disney, Kingdom Hearts : Final Mix)
  • The Little Mermaid (Hans Christian Andersen , "The Little Mermaid")

Minor Greek Gods:

  • Eros, God of Intimate Love, Son of Aphrodite ("Eros and Psyche", Greek Mythology)
  • Pan, God of Wilderness
  • Nike, Goddess of Victory
  • Nemesis, Retribution Incarnate (Hades II)
  • Nemesis, Goddess of Revenge
  • Iris, Messenger of Hera, Goddess of the Rainbow
  • Hebe, Goddess of Youth
  • Eris, Goddess of Strife ("The Apple of Discord", Pre-Trojan War)
  • Eris, Goddess of Discord (Dreamworks, "Sinbad the Sailor")

Demigods/Famous Heroes and Villains:

  • Heracle (The Twelve Labours of Heracles, The Argonautica, Greek Mythology
  • Hercules (Disney "Hercules")
  • Perseus ("Perseus and Medusa", Greek Mythology)
  • Theseus ("The Minotaur", Greek Mythology)
  • Theseus and Pyrithous (Greek Mythos, Attempted Abductions)
  • Theseus and Asterius, the Bull of Minos (Hades 2018)
  • Odysseus, Itachan Tactician (The Odyssey)
  • Achilles and Patroclus (The Iliad)
  • Orpheus ()
  • Menelaus (The Odyssey, after reuniting with Helen)
  • Agamennon (The Iliad, Book 6)
  • Callisto , Hunter of Artemis ("Callisto", Greek Mythos)
  • Callisto (Hades 2018)
  • Arachne, Weaver of/for Athena ("Arachne", Ovid )
  • Psyche, Goddess of the Soul, Wife of Eros and Aphrodite (Eros and Psyche)
  • Atalanta ("Atalanta", Greek Mythos )
  • Cassandra of Troy (The Oresteia)
  • Io, Hera's Assistant ("Io" , Greek/Roman Mythos - Ovid Version)
  • King Leonidas (300)
  • Xerxes the Great (300)
  • Medea ("Medea")
  • Circe ("The Odyssey", Greek Mythology)
  • Pandora ("Pandora's Pithos" , Greek Mythology)
  • Calypso ("The Odyssey", Homer)

Greek Monsters and Bad Guys:

  • Echidna, Mother of Monsters (General Greek Mythology)
  • Medusa, Ex-Priestess of Athena/Minerva ("The Tale of Perseus", Ovid Version)
  • Gorgon Medusa (Mycenaean Version)
  • Medusa (Hesiod/Plato Version)
  • The Minotaur (The Labyrinth)
  • Scylla and Charybdis (Homer, "The Odyssey")
  • The Sphinx (Greek Mythology,"Oedipus Rex")
  • Tantalus
  • Sysyphus
  • Ixion
  • Niobe (Niobe)


  • Greek Kratos (up to "God of War: Ghost of Sparta")
  • Norse Kratos (God of War : Ragnarok)

EPIC: The Musical (by Jorge Rivera-Herrans)

  • Odysseus Laertis, King of Ithaca
  • Penelope Icares, Queen of Ithaca
  • Eurilochus of Same
  • Polites the Pacifist
  • Athena, Goddess of Wisdom
  • Telemachus, Prince of Ithaca
  • Aeolus, Master of the Winds
  • Hermes, God of Travellers
  • Circe, Sorceress of Aeaea
  • Polyphemus the Cyclop
  • Poseidon the Ruthless
  • Zeus the Thunder Bringer
  • Àntinous, Head Suitor
  • Calypso, Forgotten Goddess of Oogyia
  • Scylla, the Sea Terror
  • Charybdis, the Insatiable Monster
  • Siren-Penelope and her Siren Pack

Norse Gods:

  • Thor (Marvel, Comics)
  • Thor, God of Thunder (Norse Mythology)
  • Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe, Infinity War)
  • Loki (Norse Mythology)
  • Odin the All-Father (Norse Mythology, Composite)
  • Freya
  • Baldur
  • Ymir
Egyptian Gods:

  • Ra (Egyptian Mythology)
  • Isis (Egyptian Mythology)
  • Bastet (Egyptian Mythology)
  • Anubis (Egyptian Mythology)
  • Toth
  • Orus

—To-Do List : Death Edition—

  • Lobo de la Muertè (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish)
  • Nightmare and Nightmarionne (Five Nights at Freddy's 4)
  • Death (Castlevania)
  • Death (Adventure Time)
  • American Death (Family Guy, The Simpsons)
  • Xibalba and La Muerte (The Book of Life)
  • Thanatos (Greek Mythology, "The Tale of Sisyphus")
  • Grim (Billy and Mandy)
  • Reaper Knight (Shovel Knight)

—To-Do List : Whatever Edition—

  • Homer Simpson (The Simpsons , Composite Version)
  • Bart Simpson (The Simpsons , Composite Version)
  • Marge Simpson (The Simpsons : Videogame)
  • Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons : Videogame)
  • Mr.Burns (The Simpsons, "The Flying Hellfish")
  • Sideshow Bob (The Simpsons, "Cape Feare")
  • Uzi (Murder Drones , "Pilot")
  • N (Murder Drones , "Pilot")
  • Serial Designation J (Murder Drones , "Pilot")
  • Serial Designation V (Murder Drones, "Episode 2")
  • Doll (Murder Drones , "Episode 3")
  • Cyn (Murder Drones, "Episode 4-5")
  • Doomguy (Doom)
  • Hypnos (Hades 2018)
  • Charon (Hades 2018)
  • Peppino Spaghetti (Pizza Tower)
  • Theodore Noise/The Noise (Pizza Tower)
  • Fake Peppino (Pizza Tower)
  • Pizzaface/PizzaHead (Pizza Tower)
  • Chell (VALVE; Portal 2)
  • GLaDOS (VALVE; Portal 2)
  • Wheatley (VALVE; Portal 2)
  • Blitz-o (Helluva Boss, "Pilot")
  • Anim-Dude/ Scott Cawthon (FNaF World)
  • William Afton (FNaF : Books)
  • William Afton/Purple Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's : Ultimate Custom Night)
  • William Afton/ Steve Raglan (FNaF, 2023 Movie)
  • The Aubergine Man (FNaF, Composite Version)
  • Stanley (The Stanley Parable)
  • The Narrator (The Stanley Parable)
  • Pomni (The Amazing Digital Circus - 2023)
  • Ragatha the Doll (The Amazing Digital Circus -2023)
  • Jax the Rabbit (The Amazing Digital Circus)
  • Caine the Ringmaster (The Amazing Digital Circus)
  • Robin Hood (Robin Hood Legends)
  • Little John (Robin Hood Legends)
  • Prince John Lackland (Robin Hood Legends)
  • Sheriff of Nottingham (Robin Hood Legends)
  • Tron Bonne (Mega Man Legends)
  • Megaman X (Megaman X Games)
  • Rock Light/Mega Man (Rockman Classic Games)
  • Dr. Thomas Light (Megaman Archie Comics)
  • Dr. Light (MegaMan Classic Games)
  • Dr. Albert Wily (Megaman Archie Comics)
  • Dr. Wily ( MegaMan Classic Games)
  • Sigma (Megaman X)
  • Bomb Man (Mega Man 1)
  • Metal Man (Mega Man 2)
  • Dust Man (Mega Man 4)
  • Knight Man (Megaman 6)
  • Willy Wonka + Oompa Loompa (Burton Version, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
  • Gandalf the Grey (Lord of the Rings, Book)
  • Gandalf the White (Lord of the Rings, Movie)
  • Monty Python (Holy Grail's Black Knights)
  • Jambi the Genie
  • Leeroy Jenkins (Memes)
  • Robocop (Robocop 1)
  • Terminator (Terminator 2)
  • Spock (Star Trek)
  • Dora the Explorer (Dora the Explorer, Aged Up)
  • Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
  • Donald Duck (Kingdom Hearts, Disney)
  • Donald Duck (Disney, Composite Version)
  • Goofy Goof (Kingdom Hearts, Disney)
  • Mickey Mouse (Epic Mickey, Disney)
  • Power Rangers (Power Rangers)
  • Doc Ock (Spiderman 2003)
  • Miss Pauling (TF2 Comics)
  • Heavy (TF2)
  • Medic (TF2)
  • Spy (TF2)
  • Pyro (TF2)
  • Sniper (TF2)
  • Marie and Callie (Splatoon)
  • Smithy (Super Mario RPG: Legend Of the Seven Stars)
  • Shadow Queen (Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door)
  • Shadow Peach (PM:TTYD - Remake , a Peach whose Shadow Queen remained stuck inside her, even after her defeat.)
  • Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)
  • Count Bleck (Super Paper Mario)
  • Anarky (Batman Arkham: Origins)
  • Spiderman (Tony Hawks)
  • Lego Spiderman
  • Superman (Man of Steel)
  • Iron Man (Marvel Comics, Golden Age)
  • Tony Stark (MCU)
  • Batman (Batman: The Animated Series)
  • Batman (DC Comics, Silver Age)
  • Batman/Bruce Wayne (Batman 1989, Tim Burton)
  • Lego Batman Roaster (Lego Batman 1 - 2008)
  • Hulk
  • Mr. Incredible/ Bob Parr (Pixar, "The Incredibles")
  • Lego Mr.Incredible (Lego Incredibles)
  • Light Yagami (Death Note, Manga)
  • Kira (Death Note, Anime)
  • Kira - Yagami (Death Note, Composite Version)
  • Kris ( Deltarune 2019)
  • Gaston (Disney, Beauty and the Beast 1992)
  • The Beast/Prince Adam (Disney, "Beauty and the Beast" 1992)
  • Captain Hook (Peter Pan, Book)
  • Captain James Hook & Smee (Disney, Peter Pan 1952)
  • Big Bad Wolf (3 Little Pigs, Brothers Grimm)

Suggestion Box

(Put your ideas for a character here. Please specify which media they are from):

Batman's Rogue Gallery: High Edition (The likes of Joker, Two-Face, Bane etc.):

  • Joker
  • Two-Face
  • The Riddler
  • The Penguin
  • Ra's Al Ghul
  • Clayface
  • Poison Ivy
  • Harley Quinn
  • Catwoman
  • Bane
  • Killer Croc
  • Man Bat
  • Scarecrow
  • Mr. Freezer
  • Mad Hatter
  • Dr. Hugo Strange
  • Killer Moth
  • Deathstroke
  • Deadshot
  • Professor Pyg
  • Black Mask

Batman's Rogue Gallery: Low Edition (All the Important criminal that appeared in the Animated Series and/or the "Really Important" Comics):

  • Hush
  • Calendar Man
  • Lady Shiva
  • Babydoll
  • Maxie Zeus
  • Roxie Rocket
  • Inque (Batman Beyond)
  • Dr Phosphorus
  • Blight (Batman Beyond)
  • Prometheus
  • Victor Zsasz
  • Ratcatcher
  • Firefly
  • Rupert Thorne
  • Joe Chill
  • Carmine Falcone
  • Roland Daggett
DC's Lesser Criminals:

  • The Carpenter/ Jenna Duffy
  • Catman
  • Owlman
  • Penny Pincher
  • Dr. Death

Undertale (2015) Cast:

  • Frisk
  • Flowey /Omega Flowey
  • Toriel
  • Sans
  • Papyrus
  • Undyne / Undyne the Undying
  • Alphys
  • Mettaton / Mettaton EX / Mettaton NEO
  • Muffet
  • Asgore Dreemur
  • Asriel Dreemur
  • Chara Dreemur
Amazing Digital Circus (2023) Cast:

Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson (Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of Baskerville)


Martial: 21/20

Diplomacy: 20/35

Stewardship: 19/24

Learning : 55/30

Intrigue: 63/32

Occult: 1/0


Greatest Detective:

Professor James Moriarty (Arthur Conan Doyle; Sherlock Holmes)


Martial: 20

Diplomacy: 35

Stewardship: 31

Intrigue: 40

Learning: 40

Occult: 1


The "Napoleon of Crime": +30 Intrigue. Moriarty has a lot of connections to the Criminal Underworld.

American Death (Family Guy - The Simpsons, Seth MacFarlane - Matt Groening , 1999 - 2000)


Martial: 10 (He broke his ankle twice; both times he was chasing a fat guy)

Diplomacy: 10

Stewardship: 7

Intrigue: 13

Learning: 8

Occult: 25


Touch of Death: Death instantly kills anyone who touches him.

Death's Dog: Death brings his dog along for dog deaths. Slightly lightened workload, +2 Diplomacy.

Overall Informations:

Chell (Portal 2)


Martial: 27

Diplomacy: 9

Stewardship: 4

Learning: 18

Intrigue/Sneak : 36

Occult: 0


Mute Protagonist: Chell can't speak. Diplomacy Actions have their "Success DC" increased by 20, if Chell can't communicate in any other way.


Portal Gun: Can create Space-Defying Portals, as long as it is used on Smooth-Surfaces / MoonDust-Surfaces. Increases Chell's Intrigue Stat by 6 Points when used properly.


Kris (Deltarune, 2019)

Special Stats

LV 1 - HP 20/20


Martial: 12

Diplomacy: 11

Stewardship: 8

Intrigue: 19

Learning: 16

Occult: ???


Not. A. Puppet. : Kris doesn't like it when someone tries to manipulate them. DC to control them (in ANY way) increases by 40 Points.

Determined (?): For better and for worse, Kris has the Soul of Determination.

Ben Drowned (Creepypasta)


Martial: 8

Diplomacy: N/A

Stewardship: N/A

Intrigue: 35

Learning: 13

Occult: 32


Supernatural Anomaly:

Videogame Boogeyman: +(20) in general, when acting in the Internet.

Creepypasta: + 15 when Scaring/Harming directly someone. - 50 when attacked by Thinner and/or Deprogrammer.


Gaston (Disney: "Beauty and the Beast" 1992)


Martial: 28

Intrigue: 9

Learning: 5


Boastful Hunter:


Mario (Super Mario RPG, 1996)

Special Stats

Level 26 / 30

: 196

Special Attacks: Jump, Fireball, Super Jump, Super Fireball, Ultra Jump.


Martial: 27

Diplomacy: 28

Stewardship: 23

Intrigue: 24

Learning: 22

Occult: 19



Savior of the Mushroom Kingdom:

Plumber: +30 when Acting on Plumbing related issues.


Blue Salopette: +2 Intrigue.

Hammer: +3 Martial.


Geno (Super Mario RPG, 1996)

Special Stats

Level 26 / 30

: 196

Speed: 30/30

Special Attacks: Geno Beam, Geno Boost, Geno Whirl, Geno Blast, Geno Flash .







Occult: 35


Alive Puppet:

Star Warrior from Up Above:




Mallow (Super Mario RPG, 1996)

Special Stats

Level 26 / 30

: 196

Special Attacks: Thunderbolt, HP Rain, Thought Peek, Shocker, Snowy, Star Rain







Occult: 24



Prince of the Cloud Kingdom:



Smithy (Super Mario RPG, 1993)

Special Stats

HP: 2000/2000 (Final Boss HP)

ATK: 230 (Final Boss ATK)

DEF: 130 (Final Boss DEF)


Martial : 58

Diplomacy : 11

Stewardship : 20

Learning: 20

Intrigue: 25

Occult: 35


Bad Temper: Smithy's temper has been known to get the better of him on multiple occasions. When it activates, Smithy receives -5 Diplo and +5 Martial. The Trait lasts until he calms down.

Master Craftsman: Smithy can create powerful and complex magical machines from nothing but raw material, these 'Machine-Mades ' can be of any level of intelligence, but most of them are likely to be just mindless minions.

Special Attacks/Spells

Sledge: Smithy's favorite spell, it conjures a massive hammerhead that crushes enemies underneath it. [Base Damage:80]

Meteor Swarm: He calls down swarms of meteors down the enemy, somehow this even works indoors. [Base Damage:50]

Fire Saber: He projects a beam of energy from the tip of their hammer, and then swings it at the enemy. [Base Damage:40]

Van Helsing (Bram Stoker's "Dracula")


Martial: 30

Diplomacy: 27

Stewardship: N/A

Learning: 38

Intrigue: N/A

Occult: 17


Supernatural Connoisseur:

Vampire Hunter:


Valac (Lesser Key of Solomon)

Martial: 32
Occult: 45

Asmodeus (Lesser Key of Solomon)

Martial: 42
Occult: 48


Astaroth (Lesser Key of Solomon)

Occult: 50

Peter Parker/Spiderman (Spiderman 2004)

Martial: 9/23
Diplomacy: 12/14
Stewardship: 16/13
Occult: N/A
Superhero - Double Life:
Spider Senses:

Superman (My Adventures with Superman)

Martial: STEEL/50
Diplomacy: 20
Stewardship: 22
Intrigue: 32
Learning: 26
Occult: ???/18
Kryptonian: Superman's weakness is a particular rock known as Kryptonite.
Flight: Superman can Fly.
Super strength: Superman has Superstrenght, and knows how to control it. +20 when he actively has to use it.
Superhero - Double Life:


Wonder Woman (DC Comics - "Golden Age" Era)

Amazonian Warrior :
Justice League Founder :
Lasso of Truth : This Lasso makes anyone caught by it reveal the Absolute Truth. DC Autopass on any and all Intrigue Actions that require it.

Hal Jordan/Green Lantern

Lantern Corp - Green :
Green Lantern Ring + Green Lantern Battery :


Sinestro (DC Lantern Wars)

Occult: 25
Lantern Corp - Yellow :
Yellow Lantern Ring + Yellow Lantern Battery :


Star Sapphire

Martial: 15
Lantern Corp - Pink :
Pink Lantern Ring + Pink Lantern Battery :

Peppino Spaghetti (Pizza Tower, 2023)

Martial: 23 (Despite being just a "pizzaiolo", he had to beat up many unruly customers. Especially the armed ones. Beware his slaps and kicks)
Stewardship: 18 (Decent Pizzeria owner)


Theodore "The" Noise (Pizza Tower, 2023)

Martial: 15

Pizzaface (Pizza Tower, 2023)


Dimentio, Master of Dimension [and Pleaser of Crowds] (Super Paper Mario, 2007)

Martial: 30
Diplomacy: 32
Stewardship: 4
Intrigue: 41
Learning: 8
Occult: 49


Jack Spicer, Evil Genius (Xiaolin Showdown, 2003)

Martial: 17
Diplomacy: 18
Intrigue: 25
Evil Boy Genius: Jack

Monkey Staff:This magical item, or Shen Gong Wu, when activated by saying it's name will transform the user into a human monkey hybrid, granting them enhanced reflexes, agility, strength and tail strong enough to support himself. +15 Martial when activated.
Jack Bots: Being an evil genius he naturally has his robot minions do most of the fighting for him. While numerous they are sadly rather fragile, at least compared to his super human monk enemies at least. +7 Martial and Intrigue.
Heli-pack:What at first seems to be a simple backpack is in actuality a Heli-pack granting Jack flight, a gift from his grandmother when he decided to become evil, it allows him to observe battles and attack from above. It's also handy for quick get-a ways if need be.


Jack, AKA Killer Bean (Killer Bean Forever, 2008)

Martial: 40
Diplomacy: 9
Stewardship: 10
Intrigue: 32
Learning: 7
Occult: 0
Ex-Shadow Bean: Once a top agent of the Shadow Agency, he left after the group takes a sinister turn. Still, Killer Bean retains their assassin training. +10 Martial, +10 Intrigue.
Loose Cannon: A genius in combat, but tends to be a hothead otherwise.
Failing on a non-martial action may lead to combat.
Killer Bean's Guns: Custom designed gold and black pistols, these are the Bean's go to weapon for the job, and the custom ammunition lets everyone know who left the mess.
+10 to combat rolls, after a firefight, will fail intrigue checks if someone recognizes the ammo and know who Killer Bean is.


"Big" Jack Horner (Puss in Boots, the Last Wish)

Martial: 33
Diplomacy: 6
Stewardship: 14
Intrigue: 18
Learning: 10
Occult: 20
Magical Obsession: Gives Jack a bonus when finding and acquiring magical artifacts, with a malus towards recruited Hero Units' loyalty due to his tendency to prioritize his thirst for magic over the lives of his workers
Magic Nanny Bag: Can store near-unlimited amounts of items.

Jack the Ripper (English Folklore)

Martial: 28
Diplomacy: N/A
Stewardship: N/A
Intrigue: 38
Learning: N/A
Occult: ???

Stingy Jack (Irish Folklore)

Martial: 7
Diplomacy: 23
Stewardship: N/A
Intrigue: 12
Learning: N/A
Occult: N/A
Hallow's Eve Icon:
Irish Folkloristic

The Headless Horseman (Washington Irving)


Gandalf the Grey (The Lord of the Rings, 2001-2003)

Martial: 35
Diplomacy: 57
Stewardship: 31
Intrigue: 51
Learning: 44
Occult: 74








Frodo Baggins


Curufinwë/Fëanor (Silmarillion)

Martial: 42
Diplomacy: 20
Stewardship: 35
Intrigue: 60
Learning: 50
Occult: 40

Saruman (Lord of the Rings)


Sauron (Lord of the Rings)


Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Adventures 2)


Dr. Eggman (Sonic the Hedgehog, 1991)


Gwyn, Lord of Cinder (Dark Souls: Remastered )

HP: 4,185/6,745

Special Status: EndGame Boss - Hollow God

Crossbreed Priscilla (Dark Souls : Remastered, From Software)

Martial: 28
Diplomacy: 20
Stewardship: 6
Intrigue: 15
Learning: 10
Occult: 28
Crossbreed Dragon-Kin:
Cloaking Invisibility: Can go Invisible, adds +40 to Intrigue.
Lifehunt Scythe: +66 Martial. A symbol of Death.

Pinwheel (Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition)

Important Stats
HP: /
Strength: 10
Intelligent: 15
Occult: 15
Necro-Student: They are good with Necromancy. They can create up to 5 copies of themself.

Seath the Scaleless (Dark Souls : Remastered, 2018)

Occult: 50
Grandfather of Magic:

The Look-See, The Grief Monster (The Look-See/Live-Action, Landon Stahmer, 2017)


Martial: 45 (The Look-See regularly rips the limbs off of people and once fought the Grim Reaper on even ground.)

Diplomacy: N/A

Stewardship: N/A

Intrigue: 25 (Like all Horror Monsters, Look-See is great at hiding, in addition to messing with the minds of Its victims.)

Learning: N/A

Occult: 60 (The Look-See can teleport, freeze time, and once nullify a wish to kill it, by killing the monster sent to do so.


Divine Creature of Darkness: As one of the five Divine Creatures of Darkness, the Look-See holds power that makes it stand above other monsters of Its kind. +10 Martial, +15 Occult, ???.

Grief Monster: Its MO is to target people who are unable to "release" themselves from their grief, guilt, obsession, or whatever internal conflict is keeping them "stuck" in their lives. The Look-See can only target mortals struggling with some form of grief, should it try attacking someone without any guilt, or Its target manages to overcome their grief, even for just a bit, the Look-See will be briefly stunned. Note: This does not apply to non-mortals.

tick-tock-tick-tock: When someone is targeted by the Look-See, they have until the end of their turn to resolve their grief, or, less likely, repel or kill the Look-See. Should they fail to do so, this will result in a round of "combat" (really, more like finding and destroying transitional objects of grief, while the It toys with them), and should they fail, the Look-See will automatically kill them.

Eyeless: Despite the name, It has no eyes in the traditional sense. Immune to all effects and attacks that require eyes to target.

See You: That said, It's got the name for a reason. Automatically passes all checks to locate Its target.

It's Just a Flesh Wound: Recovers from all damage between encounters.

The Look-See's watch: This watch is given to those the Look-See makes It's proxy. ???

Notes: Before attacking a victim, they are warned of Its coming, usually via a proxy under Its "employment"; "If you yourself can not release, then It will come and take a piece." These notes or graffiti serve as beacons to the Look-See, and anyone who sees them is in danger.

Mr.Fisk / Kingpin


Marinette Dupain-Cheng / Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug)
Martial: 11
Diplomacy: 4
Stewardship: 8
Intrigue: 7
Learning: 4
Occult: 4
Mentally Broken:
Super-"Hero" of Paris:

Martial: 215
Diplomacy: 50
Stewardship: 30
Intrigue: 160
Learning: 80
Occult: 255
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The Council of Death - Part 4


The Otherwordly Organization of Deaths (O.O.D.) is an inter-planetary and cross-dimensional organization founded after the Chaos of the Merge first cleared up.

It was founded by the 8-Bit Reaper, the Fairytale Reaper, and the Greek God of Death on January 27, 2020.

The Council of the Otherwordly Organization of Deaths (C.O.O.D.) is a major component of the Organization. The Council determines where reapers can and cannot operate, how many souls need to be recollected immediately and which can stay a bit longer on Earth, what Agent should they dispatch for which Crisis, and so on...

Usually, there are 12 Members of the Council, even if the number can increase up to 24 and decrease down to 6.


The Council
: Has control of the entire Organization.

Reapers: The Agents of Death. They also double as Psychopomps, but their main duty is to Hunt Down specific Souls and bring them down when their Natural Time is up

Psychopomp: The ones who collect souls and guide them to their afterlife,in each sector of the World(s).

Afterlife Guardians/ Underworld Jailers: They are the ones who make sure that a Soul STAYS in their designated Afterlife Areas. For the more wicked souls, the Guardians become Jailers.

Ghoul Accountants: These poor souls are the ones who keep count of every single souls that has died/been collected in each part of the World(s).

Apprentice Reapers: There are Beings in the Universe with abilities akin to the Reapers; be it a Symbol of Death (usually a Scythe and/or Hourglass), an Epiteth, Imagery, or various Actions that intrigue some of the members of the Council.

These few Beings are selected in the mortal world and invited to join the Organization - an already rare Event by itself; Only a few will make it to the "Apprentice" Rank, and even fewer will become full-fledged "Reapers". Until those rare cases, the Apprentices are on the lowest step of the Organizational Ladder - well, excluding the Accountants, but they aren't getting sent out to do Missions anyway....


Council --> Senior Reapers--> Psychopomp --> Middle Reapers--> Jailers --> Apprentice Reapers --> Accountants --> Janitors --> Unemployed Spirits.


The Original Death
: The Angel of Death himself, the Knight of the Apocalypse... and he didn't appear in this world. At least, not the Truest version of him.

The Leader (Fairytale): The Second Most-Famous Death of all times, this Reaper has taken many forms based on various folklores: sometimes they appear as a cloacked fox, sometimes they appear as a rabbit, other times as a golden skull or a drowned lady.... regardless of their appearance, they are the most competent Reaper the Organization and Council has on hand, due to their many millennias of experience.

The Gods (Mythology): From the Aztec to the Greeks, these Reapers earned their titles and got remembered for centuries. Due to them being Actual Death Deities, they are the ones having the easiest time carrying out a Mission.

The Animated Ones (Animation): On the other hand, these Reapers are often seen as a joke. Due to the fact that Animation is relatively "young" in Society-terms - barely even a century of existance -, most of the Reapers of this Group tend to be on the more mellow side of Judgement. Regardless, when they need to get the job done, they Get The Job Done.

The "Unique" Ones (Videogames): These Reapers are the youngest group, and are also responsible for balancing the entire Videogame Afterlife System.
It's a nightmarish mess, with way too many loophole and get-arounds ready to be exploited.
They are, usually, the ones who need to work the hardest to keep a Soul where it SHOULD Belong.
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David talks about random stuff
Anyway, the Luigi' Mansion series has been doing pretty well. Still following the canon for all 3 games, but now most ghosts have hobbies.

For example, Madame Clairvoya (LM1) has a travelling caravan now, The Triplets (LM3) usually are with her, and similar things.

The Paper Mario Universe is incredibly confused: realistically, Sticker Star and Color Splash must have happened in order for Origami King to exist, but at the same time barely anyone remembers or aknowledges them.

The Super Paper Mario original characters are wondering why the heck everything is so full of Toads now, and Dimentio has escaped the Underwhere.

Paper Jam Bros. has happened, but just like Sticker Star and Color Splash barely anyone remembers it. But both the RPG Mario Casts and the Paper Mario casts are still connected and interacting.

They share some ideas and adventures, and note the similarities and differences in the stories they have lived thru.

And Mainline!Mario is just sitting back, looking like a retired grampa with a flanel sheet over his legs. He also interacts with the other Marios, and is secretly (but not so much) the Composite!Mario as well. Yes, it was an headache trying to understand what was happening. And yes, he has a way to go to Our Earth whenever he wants (he appeared in the ADS and Commercials, so he kinda needs a way to be at Nintendo whenever something new is being planned). Also, the Composite!Mario Cast canonically knows at least Japanese and English, with Daisy knowing Arab as well, Wario knowing German, and the Mario Bros. speaking full Italian.

Other canon language stuff:
The Kid Icarus Cast knows Greek, English and Japanese.
Fire Emblem only knows Chinese and Japanese.
Kirby and his pals know English. And only English, even if they have (mostly) the Kirby Anime accents [spanish for Meta Knight, New York for Dedede, Non-Existant for Kirby]
Samus Aran knows English, the Mother Cast knows English and Japanese, Pokemon is a complicated mess (but they mostly all know their regional language [Kanto Jhotho Hoenn Sinnoh = Japanese, Orre Unova = American English, Kalos = French, Galar = British English, Paldea = Portugese and Spanish, Alola = English with Hawaiian accent and Hawaiian])

Anything else?

Oh, yes. The greek myths have already happened (99% of them), but some characters have been taken from before and after certain events (Athena is Trojan War, Demeter is the Tantalus Dinner story, Persephone is from her own story, Arachne is middle of her story).
There's also multiple contradicting versions of characters, for example the 3 Medusa (Born a Monster, Still a Monster but Mated with Poseidon, Roman Priestess of Athena) who now live in the same cramped cave, in the Agean.

I'm just rambling now, don't worry too much about it.

[Completely Unrelated Idea, not pertinent to the Quest]

How I would write a Medusa Story

It starts put with Medusa as a Monstrous Gorgon, who then goes to Athena because she wants to not be hunted down.

Since Athena is still relatively happy about winning the city of Athens, she accepts Medusa and gives her a boon: a human look.

With time, the gratitude that Medusa felt for Athena turns into arrogance.

Poseidon notices Medusa - in either forms - , and does his thing.

Athena, who is disappointed that Medusa became vain, decides to add injury to the insults-and-grave-injusry : she takes away her human-looks-boon and makes Medusa even uglier, with a Stone gaze to boot.

The pain of losing it all drives - over the years - Medusa insane and resentful. Now she is delusional AND deadly.

Cue the Perseus story. Everything goes on as the myth says, but there are a few more desriptions of medusa.

Feathered legs, Raptors feet, a bloated Scaly chest and arms, face full of Tusks and Hairs, Snake hairs, double chin, wings at the back of her head and under her armpit, handsnthat look like they've been inflicted with every type of STD....

In short, a truly disgusting and horrifying depiction of Medusa.

[That was, my re-interpretation of the Medusa story/backstory. I took all 3 "original" versions of Medusa, and tried to crate a nice blend.
Every character in that story is both unlikable and kinda understandable; Medusa wanted to survive, she asked help from a God and recieved that help - but then she grew arrogant, was double-punished and became an even worse monster than before; Athena was doing some goodwill - and felt betrayed/disappointed when her boon was used against her -, but she also went way overboard when punishing Medusa; Poseidon is a creep who generally had little involvment in the original 3 stories, so he still remains a petty god who does horrible things.
Really, in an hypotetical retelling that includes this backstory, the only good guys would be Danaê, Perseus and Andromeda. And even then, only Perseus tends to have a good deal of spoken lines.]

(Yes, I wanted to get that thing out of my system. Hope it inspired some of you. Maybe send some horrific fanart if you feel like it)

{Yes, I took some inspiration from "Arkham Asylum: a serious house on a serious Earth". Go read that story if you like disturbing stuff or the Arkham games}
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Oh, yes. The greek myths have already happened (99% of them), but some characters have been taken from before and after certain events (Athena is Trojan War, Demeter is the Tantalus Dinner story, Persephone is from her own story, Arachne is middle of her story).
There's also multiple contradicting versions of characters, for example the 3 Medusa (Born a Monster, Still a Monster but Mated with Poseidon, Roman Priestess of Athena) who now live in the same cramped cave, in the Agean.
1. What about the Norse Gods? Are they from post ragnarok, or are they still preparing for it?
2. What about Medusa's sisters, are they still around in the same cave?

Other canon language stuff:
3Have any language translators like Babel Fish from Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy entered the mainstream yet?

And Mainline!Mario is just sitting back, looking like a retired grampa with a flanel sheet over his legs. He also interacts with the other Marios, and is secretly (but not so much) the Composite!Mario as well. Yes, it was an headache trying to understand what was happening. And yes, he has a way to go to Our Earth whenever he wants (he appeared in the ADS and Commercials, so he kinda needs a way to be at Nintendo whenever something new is being planned). Also, the Composite!Mario Cast canonically knows at least Japanese and English, with Daisy knowing Arab as well, Wario knowing German, and the Mario Bros. speaking full Italian.
4. Does Composite/Mainline Mario have a working relationship with Nintendo? Like hire him for doing stuff? Is he friends with Old Donkey Kong or are they still enemies/rivals after the whole first Donkey Kong game where Mario kept him in a cage, and Donkey Kong kidnapped Pauline?
1. What about the Norse Gods? Are they from post ragnarok, or are they still preparing for it?
2. What about Medusa's sisters, are they still around in the same cave?

3Have any language translators like Babel Fish from Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy entered the mainstream yet?

4. Does Composite/Mainline Mario have a working relationship with Nintendo? Like hire him for doing stuff? Is he friends with Old Donkey Kong or are they still enemies/rivals after the whole first Donkey Kong game where Mario kept him in a cage, and Donkey Kong kidnapped Pauline?
1) The Norse gods already went thru Ragnarok. But, since they were not supposed to come back after Christianity pretty much destroyed their Religion in Real Life, they are now in a precarious situation.
As in, even if Ragnarok has already happened, they are at risk of suffering a second one. One who will not be contained to just Scandinavia, but most of the Northen Emisphere.

2) They are around. Shteno and Eurayle. 2 sets of them, Monstrous Pre-Hellenic and Roman. Sadly, no "Medusa Sisters" novel version, since those versions appeared in late 2023.

3) Yeah. They are chilling. No bad things happened to them.

4)Yes. He works with Nintendo, and most of everyone respects him and considers him friend-adjacent.

Yes,he developed a "buddy" relationship with Composite!DK and with Cranky Kong. As well as the Composite!Link (Legend of Zelda), Composite!Sonic (games, cartoons and comics combined) and several others. Composite!Pauline is just the Original Pauline who then evolved with the "Mario vs Dk: march of the Minis" seties, and then she became the Mayor in "Super Mario Odyssey".
No, he isn't a secretely evil guy. He is Mr.Videogame himself, and he's feeling old.
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David talks about random stuff 2
Ischia. The place where I am right now, as of writing this.

It's an island off the coast of Naples, with Procida and Capri nearby.

It is famous for Typhon Foot (Greek/Roman Myths), "delizie al limone" and other lemon-based products, the "Sant'Anna Festival" (it happens every 26th of July), and its nice beaches.

In this Quest, despite the fact that Typhon could awake at any moment, it is still a nice vacation spot. Scylla (Greek, The Odyssey) has drowned a couple of insufferable "vayassi" (loud people who are usually racist, ignorant and too political), but she is also on vacation.
You can see her at the beaches of "Ischia Porto" (Ischia Bay), chilling at Bagno Italia, near the rocks and boats. Good for her.
out of curiosity, what version of the devil, and I mean devil with a capital D, exists in this world?

We have the Hazbin Versions, the Cuphead versions, the "La Divina Commedia" one, the One who went to Georgia and lost his fiddle, the Robo-Devil one from Futurama... there are a lot of them, and I'm sure I am still missing some.

No actual Christianity, because that was not included.

We have the Hazbin Versions, the Cuphead versions, the "La Divina Commedia" one, the One who went to Georgia and lost his fiddle, the Robo-Devil one from Futurama... there are a lot of them, and I'm sure I am still missing some.

No actual Christianity, because that was not included.
Damn, my version in this world is so fucked.

I'll explain why. Near where I live there is a place called "Casa del Diavolo" or Devil's House in english, where local legends say that the devil decided to make his home there because of the bloody battles that took place in the past and the coming and going of thieves, bandits, cutthroats, prostitutes, drunkards and other types of riffraff that the devil felt at home when he was there.
Damn, my version in this world is so fucked.

I'll explain why. Near where I live there is a place called "Casa del Diavolo" or Devil's House in english, where local legends say that the devil decided to make his home there because of the bloody battles that took place in the past and the coming and going of thieves, bandits, cutthroats, prostitutes, drunkards and other types of riffraff that the devil felt at home when he was there.
Wait, are you Umbrian?

Oh diamine, sei proprio in un vel casino, allora.

Because to the West, you have Tuscany and its messes (Promessi Sposi and multiple versions of Pinocchio).
To the East, the less-prominent-but-still-present Emilian-Romagnoli Comunists.

To the North, there's the entrance yo Dante's Inferno (Divina Commedia) , as well as Ezio Auditore and several famous italian myths.

And to the south, you have the entire Roman Senate/Empire.

Damn, it is not a good time for your In-Quest equivalent.

(But yes, the Devil House is indeed "being used by it's owner" right now. Hope your in-quest self knows how to run fast.)
Wait, are you Umbrian?

Oh diamine, sei proprio in un vel casino, allora.

Because to the West, you have Tuscany and its messes (Promessi Sposi and multiple versions of Pinocchio).
To the East, the less-prominent-but-still-present Emilian-Romagnoli Comunists.

To the North, there's the entrance yo Dante's Inferno (Divina Commedia) , as well as Ezio Auditore and several famous italian myths.

And to the south, you have the entire Roman Senate/Empire.

Damn, it is not a good time for your In-Quest equivalent.

(But yes, the Devil House is indeed "being used by it's owner" right now. Hope your in-quest self knows how to run fast.)
Si, sono Umbro.

but also in real life my land has always been a land where various factions came to call the shots, so we are experts in dealing with beings with unstable temperaments. then the devils can be treated and talked to in a civil manner compared to other entities and in addition we have a lot of information about them that gives us a huge advantage on how to deal with them. if you know yourself and know your opponent, you will never lose.