
Happy 2025 Everyone!

Let's hope that this year will be good on us!

(And, who knows. maybe that Result Screen you've been waiting for may get released.)
The Planned Units

Anne Bounchuy (Amphibia 2019)


Martial : 5/ ???(25)
Diplomacy: 16
Stewardship: 13
Intrigue: 11
Learning: 14
Occult: ???(4/44)


Blue Heart's Vessel: By tapping in the Blue Gem's power, Anne gets a +20 Martial Boost and a +40 Occult Boost. However, if she overuses the powers, then she receives a general -8 Malus to all Stats until she's recovered.

Novice Athlete: +10 to Martial rolls whenever she can use her Acrobatics skills.

The Calculator (Lego Batman Movie)


Martial :11
Diplomacy: 15
Stewardship: 17
Intrigue: 21
Learning: 17
Occult: 1


C-Class Supervillain: +4 to Diplomacy rolls involving the Criminal Market. Also, +10 to Gotham and Supervillain related Rolls.

Mini: +20 to Intrigue rolls and Actions relates to infiltrating a Territory.

Broker: +14 when searching Information on encrypted databases, or on the Internet.


Dr.Facilier (Disney's "Princess And the Frog", 2009)


Martial: 10 (Not the fittest physically; why bother training when you have Voodoo Magic?)

Diplomacy: 18 (Smooth talker and good impromptu dancer)

Stewardship: 16 (Managed to run a half-successful business, while being a black man in 1920's America.)

Intrigue: 35

Learning: 15 (Well-spoken man, but probably couldn't get a higher education because of the societal norms he lived through.)

Occult: 24 (A GREAT bokor)


I've got Friends on the Other Side: On occasions, Facilier may ask his Friend on the Other Side for help.

roll 1d6:

1= +20 Occult

2= + 8 Diplomacy

3= + 6 Martial

4= Free ReRoll/ Dodge/ Autosuccess (if DC for an action is lower than 60)

5= + 15 Intrigue

6= +4 Learning

Certified Bokor: +20 when actively dealing with the Voodoo Religion.


Voodoo Talisman: +7 Martial and +30 Occult when Actively Used, as well as being the source of Facilier's power. If this Item is destroyed, then Facilier is automatically defeated and dragged to the "Other Side", effectively dying.

Tarot Deck: When actively used, raises the Occult score by seven points ( +7 Occult) for the remainder of the Encounter.

Bokor Cane and Hat: +3 Intrigue and Diplomacy when making First Contact with new people (Hat). +2 Martial when in a fight (Bokor Cane).

Vivian (Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, 2004-2024)

Special Stats

HP: 25/25

FP: 30/30


Martial: 18
Diplomacy: Mid - High
Stewardship: Mid
Intrigue: Low - Good
Learning: Low - Mid
Occult: Good - High


Pyrokinetic: Vivian can control Flames.


Zatanna Zatara (DC)


Martial: 20



Learning: 20


Occult: 38


The Amazing… Zatanna! :

Livewire (Superman: The Animated Series, 1994)


Martial: 13

Diplomacy: 10

Stewardship: 18

Learning: 14

Intrigue: ??? / 35

Occult: 21


SHOCK-Jock Extraordinaire! :

Dr. Edgar George Zomboss (Plants vs Zombies)


Martial: 4

Diplomacy: 7

Stewardship: 19

Intrigue: 23

Learning: 45



Zombotanies (Plants Vs. Zombies)

Mook Group (Zero)

Plant-Zombies (Undead/Plants)


Robustness: 9 | Agility: 4 | Intelligence: 6 | Sensibility: 2 | Charm: 1

Will = ?? || Strikes = 15 || Speed: 18 (Hungry) || Size: Normal || Actions: 8


Persuasion: 1 (2 Charm)

Deceit: 0 (1 Charm)

Presence: 7 (16 Robustness, 8 Charm)

Athletics: 1 (10 Robustness)

Prevent Harm: 6 (15 Robustness, 10 Agility)

Melee: 6 (15 Robustness, 10 Agility)

Acrobatics: 1 (5 Agility)

Ranged: 6 (10 Agility)

Legerdemain: 3 (7 Agility)

Stealth: 3 (7 Agility)

Driving: 0 (4 Agility)

Endure: 3 (5 Sensibility, 12 Robustness)

Insight: 0 (2 Sensibility, 4 Agility)

Travel: 2 ( 4 Sensibility)

Academics: 0 (6 Intelligence)

Science: 0 (6 Intelligence)

Mechanics: 0 (6 Intelligence)

Linguistics: 0 (6 Intelligence)

Craft: 0 (6 Intelligence)


Zombies on your Lawn: The zombies are back... and they're weird. They can come back from the dead, and go down relatively easily. However, they are always Voracious*.

* Voracious: This Mook will not stop until they've accomplished their task.


Zombotany: Once the Turn starts, roll 1D6 for the number of Mooks present in the fight. Then, roll 1D7 for the quality of the number of Mooks. (meaning: if you rolled a 5, then you must roll the D7 5 times.)

  • 1 = Pea-Botany: The most common type of Zombotany. Add 2 to Melee Rolls and 3 to Ranged Rolls whenever this Unit appears.
  • 2 = Wall o' Dread: Increase Robustness by 4 Points.
  • 3 = Squash:
  • 4 = Snow Pea: Inflicts Slowing * / Freezing * when hitting a target.
* Condition - Freezing: Target makes a TN 20/30/40 Prevent Harm check at the start of their Turn. On a failure, they take a physical strike. This status is removed by taking an action that would thaw the ice, or after 3 rounds.

* Condition - Slowing: Target has their Speed halved for the next 2 Turns, or until it is manually removed.

  • 5 = Tall-Nut: Add 8 Points to Resist Harm Rolls.
  • 6 = Jalapènõ: Inflicts Burning* if not defeated in 3 Combat Turns or less, then dying.
* Condition - Burning: Target makes a TN 30/35/40 Prevent Harm check at the start of their turn. On a failure, they take a physical strike. This status is removed by taking an action that would douse the flames, or after 3 rounds.

  • 7 = Gatling Pea :


The Zombotanies are a… peculiar community of Zombies.

No one knows where they came from or why they have mutated Plants for Heads, but they've proven themself to be some of the most adaptable Zombies of the last couple of years.

Being able to follow commands and organise themself, they've been considered by many (of those who lived to tell the tale) as some of the most advanced zombies yet; but at the same time, their relatively slow walking speed and Large Heads who Make for Easy Target have dropped them down significantly on the "Zombie Danger List".
Turn 2 Results (Unfinished)
Turn 2 - May
[Martial] Rebuild your Eggmobile
DC 50/60

Rolled 66 + 9 (IVO Base Martial) - 1 (Injury) = 74
[Thanks to: @Cyberphilosipher ]
"That seems to be a solid design?" Ivo smiled as he saw the floating craft hum and the roar of its engines.

"Well, there's room for improvement, but for all the need for it, it is effective; now I won't need to sort our plane ticket costs." He finished.

"RISE, MY EGGMOBILE!" He shouted in glee.

Reward: The Eggmobile (MK Mov.19) got rebuilt! Ivo now has a means to Travel to other Parts of the World. +10 to any Travel-Related Rolls.
Unlocked options to "Upgrade the Eggmobile".

[Diplomacy/Stewardship] Contact "the Broker"
DC 50/70/90 - 30 = 20/50/60

77 (already a Success of the Third Kind) + 11 (IVO Diplomacy) = 88 [Solidified As a success of the Third Kind]
The Broker is a character from DC named Calculator. He offered his services.

Reward: Contacted the Broker, AKA Calculator
-Hire Him (The Broker becomes an Hero Unit)
-Do something else (The Broker will work for you, but won't get the bonuses or maluses of an Hero Unit)

[Stewardship] Buy a Business
-- Papa John's [DC 25]
-- Lolbit Byte's Shop [DC 20]
-- Olive Garden [DC 20]
DC 65 Total

Rolled 84 (already Buying all of them, slight bonus with Lolbit) + 17 (IVO Stewardship) + 10 (AMERICAN Base) = 111

Being an entrepreneur feels… good. Weird, but good.
You've managed to buy two struggling Franchises that have been affected by the Merge, which seems to have made Agent Stone complacent.
You also managed to acquire a… peculiar robotics shop…. that was run by an Animatronic Fox. While you would have normally disassembled the bot to see what made them work, they managed to talk you out of it.

"... And so you see, Mr.Boss Man - can I call you that? - ; My Bytes are exactly what you need to get rid of pesky intruders and/or adversaries that snoop around where they shouldn't!" The Orange-White Fox, Lolbit, quickly spoke.
"Bu-" "Oh! Did I forget to mention you get a Complimentary Laser if you don't disassemble the poor worker here?!" They replied, shoving a small - purple - saucer-looking robot your way.
"...Pleasure doing business with you…"
Uh. That was weird.

Rewards: Obtained [Papa John's], [Olive Garden] and [Lolbit Byte's Shop]. You have more of a presence in the [Restaurant] Market, alongside a minimal presence in the [Robotics] Market.
You can now take Actions to "Mass-Develop Bytes". They can be incorporated into the Badnik Army to make them even stronger.
Obtained the UFO (Byte)! It has been added to your Items (Hero Unit Page)

[Intrigue] Search for the Blue Blur
78/88/98 - 30 (EXP Spent)= 48/58/68
71 + 15 (IVO Intrigue) = 86 [Triple Success]

Reward: Found out that Sonic (Paramount) is still operating in Green Hill, Montana. You also found out that he is in contact with a Yellow Double-Tailed Fox from a similar reality.
[Learning] Study some SCIENCE!
DC Variable

35 [minor thing] + 45 (IVO learning) = 80 [big thing]
Reward: If done 3 times, obtain a 1d4 + 1 Learning Stat Upgrade for the Main Character. Chance of getting some ideas and projects.

Progress Update: (1 / 3) → (2 / 3)
[Occult] Project H.a.U.N.T.e.D.
DC 200 [ 0/200]

ROLLED 59 + 6 (IVO Occult)= 65
Progress (65/200)

-Ivo Personal-

Re-Inspect the Cartridge = 51
Watch your Movie = 100 + 28 = 128 [5 /60 → 133 /60] Astonishing Success!
Ivo gets contacted by Carrey
Carrey: hey Ivo, want to come over for movie night
Ivo: *looks at his work, which is going nowhere*... eh, I think I can manage. Can i bring the movie
Carrey: sure!

–after watching the movie in full –
Ivo: …what the hell is a Tails?
Carrey: Just the DeuTeragonist of the sequel. Speaking of which, would you be interested in us (Hollywood) involving you with the project?
Ivo: WHAT?!

REWARD: Ivo spent some time With Jim Carrey. It was… a pleasing evening.
Now Ivo has seen the Full Movie, including the "post-credit" scene.
Ivo has been offered to come take part in the production of the Sequel.

Build some Mook Badniks = 1d3 → 2 + 1 = 3
Build some Mook Badniks = 1d3 → 3 + 1 = 4
Total Mook Badniks Obtained = 7

-Stone Personal-
Upgrade the Latte Shop =
69 (minor improvements to the Shop [¼])
Buy Stuff = 71
Last edited:
Turn 2 Rival Reports (Unfinished)

—Rival Reports—In the Immediate Area—

BEN (Creepypasta): 90

[Fight against us and BEN]

Hollywood: 51

Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit? , Disney): 32

Doctor Facilier (Disney, Princess and the Frog): 84

Kira (Death Note, Composite Version): 62

Spinel the Abandoned (Steven Universe Movie): 29

Heisenberg (Breaking Bad): 36

Tricky (Madness Combat): No information available, may lead to a Quest.

Slade/Deathstroke (Teen Titans): 38

Benedict "Father" Uno (Codename: Kids Next Door): 32

Mandark Astronomov (Dexter's Lab): 36

Katz (Courage the Cowardly Dog): 31

Mandy (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy): 65

Lord Bogey (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy): 78

----World News---


Assorted Superheroes (Multiple Sources): 50

The various supers face many disagreements with each other this past month, as they try to find a place for themselves in this new world. Thankfully this month has cooled tensions enough the inevitable superhero brawl hasn't been too destructive.

There is some talk of maybe creating an organization to self monitor themselves, but just as many argue they should be part of their respective governments, while others say they should be focussed on finding a way home.

Assorted Supervillains (Multiple Medias): 78

The villains have had an easier time adjusting to this world than the heroes. The bigger names were grabbed by the big heroes, while the ones who drew attention were nabbed by either police, other supers, or just got themselves killed. That left the cunning, the subtle, the humble, those who knew how to blend in even in different mediums. The ones who had worked on squads, teams and leagues were quick to coordinate with other similarly minded villains, make safer plans and take advantage of the fact that most heroes had a whole rogues gallery, outnumbering them significantly.

Recently they've been in contact with a mysterious person who wants to take advantage of this cooperation, to help create a profitable organization. They were calling it The Network.

Justice League & Avengers (DC and Marvel) : 28

ONU (United Nations): 22

NATO: 99

U.S. Government (Real Life): 94

Putin/Russia (Real Life) VS Ukraine (Real Life): 86 VS 55

Anastasia Romanov (Don Bluth): 69

→Grigori Rasputin (Don Bluth): 19

France (Real Life): 74

Maleficent (Disney, Sleeping Beauty) : 82

Quasimodo (Disney, The Hunchback of Notre Dame): 59

Judge Claude Frollo (Victor Hugo's Book "Notre Dame de Paris", Chapter 3) : 35

→Kalos (Pokemon): 67

Lady Oscar (Berusaiyu no bara, 1972-1982): 84

UK VS Yharnam (Bloodborne) : 98 VS 11

Voldemort (Harry Potter): 44 [Converting toxic HP fans into DeathEaters]

Germany: 25

Grimhilde (Disney's Snow White): 99 [She becomes a major politician in Germany, and appears on the news]

Scandinavian Coalition ( Norway, Sweden, Denmark) VS Arendelle (Disney) : 61+97+12 VS 85 = 170 VS 85 [Denmark loses against Arandelle/Elsa, but the other Nations win the War. Sweden integrates Arendelle in their Nation. Despite this, Arandellians still receive better benefits and Treatments. Plus, Arendelle is seen as a legitimate "Special Status" Country]

→Norse Pantheon (Norse Mythology): 4 [Baldur dies, Shit happens]

Italy (Real Life): 14 [A string of crimes happens in Italy. The Corleone Clan has more of a presence in Sicily, corruption is higher, and Scylla feasts on some poor rich sap.]

Roman Empire/Senate : 13

Sicily (The Godfather): 69

Syracuse (Eris, Dreamwork's "Sinbad the Sailor"): 1 [Oh Fuck!]

Pleasure Island (Disney Pinocchio): 40

Scylla (The Odyssey): 40

Greece (Real Life): 89 [Better Economy. With the return of the hellenic Deities, the state finds itself prosperous once more. Most of their National Debt is solved via tributes to the gods. However, there's a split in the country: a Religious split. On one side, the Orthodox Church; on the other, the Hellas ]

→Greek Pantheon (Greek Mythology): 66

Mnemosyne (Greek Mythology): 94

Greek City-States (The Trojan War, The Iliad): 37

Leonidas (300): 70

Olympus (God of War) VS Kratos (God of War): 53 VS 72 = Kratos Wins some important Fights.

Ramses II/Egypt (Prince of Egypt) VS Egypt (Real Life) : 45 VS 67

Egyptian Pantheon (Egyptian Mythology): 43

Turkey (Real Life): 83

Troy (Greek History, The Trojan War): 21

Persian Empire (300) VS Rebellions: 16 VS 54

Agrabah (Disney: Aladdin): 43

China/Empress Mulan (Chinese Mythology):18

→Hyuguur Groups : 76 [Helping the Empress]

Chinese Pantheons (Chinese Mythology): 30

→Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda 2): 71

Jack Spicer (Xiaolin Showdown): 55

Japan: 52

→Kanto, Johto, Hoenn & Sinnoh (Pokemon Manga): 70

Shinto Pantheon (Shinto Mythology): 43

Kira (Death Note, Composite Version): 5 [O O F . ]

British Raj (Pirates of Carribean) VS India (Real Life): 36 VS 68

Hindu Pantheon (Hindu Religion): 59

Indian Spider-Man ( ?? ) : 99

Australia: 84

Mad Max Gangs : 6

→ The Mercenaries (Team Fortress 2): 63

New Zealand: 77

Colombia: 94

El Dorado (Legend, Inner Colombia): 37

El Dorado (Dreamworks, "The Road to El Dorado"): 71 [thanks to the weakening if these "clones", they succeed]

Aztec Pantheon (Aztec Mythology): 26

Brasil: 75

Kingdom of Hawaii (Real Life + Hawaiian Legends): 39

→Lilo (Lilo and Stitch):23

Pelè : 97

For Later

Lolbit (FNAF World): 48 [Ability to buy the Reapers and Bombs]

Homer J. Simpson (The Simpsons): 47

Big Jack Horner (Puss in Boots): 100 + 91 =191 [BIG JACK HORNER IS BACK, BABYY!!!!!!!] [Big Jack Horner is now a MAJOR PLAYER in EUROPE, Owns the North-Western part of Spain]

S.H.I.E.L.D. VS H.Y.D.R.A. : 90 VS 87

Risky Boots and ???[Pirate!Shantae] (Shantae and the Pirate Curse): 23 + 64 = 87

Gotham City (Detective Comics) VS Gotham's Criminal Underbelly (Various, Arkham City): 62 VS 14

---Special — Private Reports –

Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog Movie): 29

Council of Deaths: 8 (oh shit. Something bad happened and Loboʻ is Not Happy.)

Backrooms "Prisoner"/"Guests" : 93 [Sirenhead tries to escape, does he succeed? 1d2 (1=yes , 2=no)]

Galactic Federation (Lilo and Stitch): 12

Gallaxhar (Monsters Vs. Aliens): 27

Atlantis (Mythos): 85

Atlantica (Disney Little Mermaid): 24

Yen Sid (Composite: Kingdom Hearts + Fantasia) : 76

Arceus (Pokemon): 68

The Beast (Over the Garden Wall): 12

Griffith (Berserk, Composite): 14

H.P. Pantheon (H.P.Lovecraft) : 28

Sauron (Books, Lord of the Rings): 30

Middle Earth (Lord of the Rings, connected via New Zealand): 34

The Underground/Mt.Ebott (Undertale): 66

Frisk (Undertale): 74

Conker (Conker's Bad Fur Day): 45

Random Event Roll: 64

(Something above 60, so good stuff)
Turn 1 Rival Reports (What wasn't shown)

—Rival Reports—In the Immediate Area—

BEN (Creepypasta):23 [Trying to detect us.]

Hollywood: 85 [Movie ideas, we could see the script for Sonic-Movie-2 , Unlocks Actions.]

Well, it looks like Hollywood is still making films despite the recent chaos.

*Shuffle shuffle* What's this, an email from Jim Carrey? Let's see here… "Ah! Apparently the Blue Rat's film is getting a sequel, and Jim wants to check that he's in character when he plays me." Hmm, this has possibilities…

Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit? , Disney): 40 [Trying to get his company back/trying to do crimes.]

Hmm, well this is interesting. The transport company Cloverleaf industries has recently come under the control of one Judge Doom. From what I can tell he's trying to worm his way into politics with donations to various LA politicians, nothing new there.

Doctor Facilier (Disney, Princess and the Frog): 48 [Dealing with Louisiana]

"Thank you for joining me. I'm Elizabeth Kuebel and this is WDSU; And here's our top story of the night: The strange disappearances plaguing New Orleans - both in the original and newly manifested areas of the city. We go now to our reporter on the ground, Arielle Brumfield; Arielle, what can you tell us?"

"It's not looking good: while since the event there has been an increase in criminal activity, this is something else. There has been an increase in missing persons cases with no evidence of where they might have gone. When asked 'why', the New Orleans chief of police said that, at a certain point in the investigations, all traces of the missing persons vanished.

"Certainly worrying, have you heard anything else that might shed light on these disappearances?"

"When we interviewed the relative of one of the missing Victims -who wishes to remain anonymous - , they said they remember seeing shadows in the shape of a man the day before they disappeared."

"Well, considering what's happened that's very worrying, we here at WDSU will keep coming back with more as the situation develops;

This has been Elizabeth Kuebel and good night."

[Unlocks action to "Investigate the disappearances]

Kira (Death Note, Composite Version): 29 [Trying to do their job/Change name]

It looks like the Japanese Serial killer Kira - A.K.A Light Yagami - is on the loose. Using something called a Death Note he can cause heart attacks and control those killed; more interestingly, he needs a name and face. Note to self: either stay out of Japan until he's caught, or only go if I know where he and his Death Note are hiding. That thing sounds useful.

Spinel the Abandoned (Steven Universe Movie):68 [Finding one of the Gems, being incredibly confused, breaks some buildings.]

William Afton (FNaF Books): 70 [Melting the robots]

Charlie Emily (FNaF Books): 22

Heisenberg (Breaking Bad): 80 [Big Drugs. Unlock Intrigue and Martial Actions to deal with them.]

Tricky (Madness Combat): No information available, may lead to a Quest.

–For Later–

Anastasia Romanov (Don Bluth): 3 [Almost Deadly wound + TRAUMA! -10 Martial, -7 Diplomacy.]


Grigori Rasputin (Don Bluth): 82 [Found a new demonic benefactor in Chernabog (Folklore). +10 to his occult, will gain bigger boosts the more pleased Chernabog is]


Maleficent (Disney, Sleeping Beauty) : 64 [Made contact with the Unseelie Court (Mythology). They both respect and fear her.]


Quasimodo (Disney, The Hunchback of Notre Dame): 21

He breaks some power lines and accidentally causes a blackout. Minor hit to his rep.

Judge Claude Frollo (Book, Chapter 3) : 45 [Bombing of cars happens around him. He gets pissy AND scared shitless]

Homer J. Simpson (The Simpsons): 75

Karma has caught up to Mr. Burns, and he is now on the run, leaving his power plant to someone less blatantly evil who can keep up with laws and regulations. Improved quality of life for everyone, Homer included.

Big Jack Horner (Puss in Boots - The Last Wish): 83 [Great things, he now has 1 Powerful Magic Item]

It seems that Spain's culinary world is being taken by storm.

The plum pies of Horner pies - owned and operated by an adult version of the nursery rhyme character of the same name- have been flying off the shelves almost as soon as they hit them. Almost as if they were Enchanting… Well, that's what the recensions say.

Hmm… well, good for him I suppose; I might even try them if I'm ever in Spain.

S.H.I.E.L.D. VS H.Y.D.R.A. (Marvel Comics): 83 VS 63

Well, this is big news. According to what Shield is willing to tell the press: when the Nazi decedent Hydra tried to recruit from America's Neo-Nazi population, they apparently got infiltrated and many of their America based cells were either captured or are running back to Europe. On one hand, a bunch Nazi's were killed or arrested which is always good, on the other that's a potential group of idiots to take advantage of gone…. oh well, there's always more idiots - and better options- out there to exploit.

Empress Mulan (Chinese Mythology)/China: 46

Empress Mulan liberates concentration camps, and now has a lot of angry Uyghurs siding with her in the Chinese Civil War. (If we're showing off the ugly reality with the Ukrainian-Russian War, may as well do this, right?)

Roman Empire/Senate : 75 [Willing to free slaves in exchange for robotic replacements. Will pay greatly for them]

Colombia: 25

Being invaded by a bunch of immature, testosterone-driven man-children thanks to Mantel Industries (Haze).

Brasil: 91

BOPE (from The Elite Squad) is cracking down hard on crime and corruption in Rio, and is thinking of ways to do the same with the rest of the country. (I'm a little iffy since the film is kinda controversial, but I'm having a hard time thinking of anything else.)


Council of Deaths: 41

Death from The Last Wish isn't happy Big Jack Horner is back in the land of the living, but is convinced by the others to put that aside for now to do their (heavily increased) work.

Pleasure Island (Disney Pinocchio): 48

Looking to expand their business to adults (something like what's in DVV).

Backrooms "Prisoner"/"Guests" : 74 [A couple of prisoners try to escape]

Escape Attempt (DC 140) [Roll 1d150] : 102

Galactic Federation (Lilo and Stitch): 90

Manages to keep things together while keeping out hostile invaders. Looking into bounty hunters to capture criminals within their borders.

Gallaxhar (Monsters Vs. Aliens): 30

One of his probes gets captured by the Federation. They know Gallaxhar is no good, but not sure to what extent just yet.

Atlantis (Mythos): 62

Made peaceful contact with the ONU. Now having to get used to not being as advanced as they thought they were.

El Dorado (Legend, Inner Colombia): 69

Some of Mantel's goons get captured and sacrificed. No one cares, and their Nectar-lased blood creates some... interesting side effects.

Olympus (God of War): 40

Dealing with Kratos, and too prideful to ask for help from their various counterparts.

Atlantica (Disney Little Mermaid): 33 [Merpeople get afflicted with pollution-related disease. Hundreds die, thousands are recovering. Triton is not happy. Neither is Ursula]

El Dorado (Dreamworks): 48

Yen Sid (Composite: Kingdom Hearts + Fantasia) : 6 ( [The Mysterious Tower - Kingdom Hearts] crash landed on the Moon in a fight against the Heartless. Said tower is now a Prison with Yen Sid as its first captive] )

Arceus (Pokemon): 85

The Beast (Over the Garden Wall): 93

The Beast is in Germany now, right? If so, made a deal with Maleficent to ensure Edelwood trees grow in her woods and to curse said woods to people who fall into despair faster when they're in there.

Griffith (Berserk, Composite): 7 [Griffith gets pummeled by the JL and is now imprisoned in the Phantom Zone]

Sauron (Books, Lord of the Rings): 9 [His invasion of New Zealand ends in catastrophe as mutant sheep (Black Sheep) devours most of his army. Said sheep then proceeds to bite Sauron and beat his ass on Live TV]

Greek Pantheon (Greek Mythology): 50 VS Imprisoned Titans (Greek Mythology): 66 [One titan escaped. Roll 1d12 for which one it is]

1d12= 8 → Mnemosyne, Titamess of Memories.

Egyptian Pantheon (Egyptian Mythology): 24

Apep is an issue. He's being held off for now, but the lack of prayers supporting the gods and the ones opposing Apep are an issue that they need fixed.

Norse Pantheon (Norse Mythology): 47

They are not happy that the Nazis try to associate themselves with them, and destroy a large chunk of them to prove they do not support them in any way.

Hindu Pantheon (Hindu Religion): 33

Aztec Pantheon (Aztec Mythology): 68

Not sure why there are so many El Dorados around, but they're not complaining. Noting how the rest of the world is looking at them, they suggest to their followers to find alternatives to human blood and hearts to give them power.

Chinese Pantheons (Chinese Mythology): 48

Dealing with the supernatural threats to China (Sun Wukong is making a monkey (kek) out of Kai [Kung Fu Panda 3]).

Shinto Pantheon (Shinto Mythology): 5

"Guys, where's Amaterasu?!" Amaterasu is missing. *-to expand, possibly a small interlude told from someone's POV. Someone other than Ivo, that is.

H.P. Pantheon (H.P.Lovecraft) : 25

"Why is space so full of life!? I don't like this!" H.P. Pantheon uncomfortable with all the new players in space. Keeping their distance for now.

Middle Earth (Lord of the Rings, connected via New Zealand): 74 [Having a good time seeing Mordor lose ground to sheep of all things. Now they're taking this moment to build defenses around them to prepare for either Sauron or the killer sheep]

The Underground/Mt.Ebott (Undertale): 65

Frisk (Undertale): 64

Conker (Conker's Bad Fur Day): 91

Ends up in the Underground and, after saying something along the lines of, "You're not going to make me king here too, are you?", has been treated really well and even made some new friends. Still trying to adjust to everyone not treating him like crap for once.

----World News---


Assorted Superheroes (Multiple Sources): 13 [Our First Look into Superhero Business, we Unlock Actions that let us search this topic. Multiple heroes fail, but some minor criminals get caught. Their Reputation goes from 30 to 19]

Justice League & Avengers (DC and Marvel) : 26 [Doing their best but stretched thin. Avengers are concentrated in New York(s) and the JL is focusing on immediate world ending threats.]

Putin/Russia (Real Life) VS Ukraine (Real Life): 17 VS 28 [Ukraine pushes back Russia, minimal casualties. See "2021 Russia-Ukraine" for more information. Obviously, I had to make the war happen earlier. Sorry for that, needed some realism and some real tragedy]

U.S. Government (Real Life): 52 [Troops occupying Canada are called out to leave to regain Alaska. Relations between the two countries have improved, and the commies on American soil are scared]

ONU: 78 [Acknowledgment of many New Nations, Peace talks. Denouncing Russia for War Crimes]

NATO: 40 [Concentrated effort in Yharnam and Falconia, trying to stop the French Revolution]

France: 95 [Several inventors and scientists from history are freed and living in France. France is now researching the Ultimate Serum]

UK VS Yharnam (Bloodborne) : 99 VS 54 [We gain knowledge of the Bloodborne world, also the British push back the Hunters]

Germany VS Mirror Kingdom (Brothers Grimm/German FairyTales): 66 VS 95 [Grimhilde blows up part of Berlin. Nothing that can't be repaired, but the Germans are pretty pissed off. Grimhilde gains 4 Funds]

Scandinavian Countries
(Finland, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark) VS Arendelle (Disney) : 72 VS 60

Greece (Real Life): 58 [Dealing with the fact that Troy exists again, the Gods have appeared, Xerxes is losing and the economy is Booming]

Greek City-States (The Trojan War, The Iliad): 3 [Infighs. Corinth goes to war with the whole of Thessaly. Accidentally attacks one of Greece's Headquarter Buildings.]

Troy (Greek History, The Trojan War): 46 [Dealing with both Xerxes, Leonidas, the Greeks (both types) and Turkey]

Japan: 80 [Good stuff. VideoGames, Kira, Pokemon, Yakuza and Population. Also, Japan's National Debt decreases.]

British Raj (Pirates of Carribean) VS India (Real Life): 6 VS 28 [The Raj is pushed back, rebellions can now happen in the Raj, may allow Jack Sparrow to appear]

Australia: 29

It's Mad Max land out there, and the government isn't much help. (Not to put too fine a point on it, but from my understanding, Australia's government is pretty corrupt.)

New Zealand: 55 [Victory against Sauron, but problem with the Black Sheep. The country gathers its best sheepdogs to herd the sheep into the portal to Mordor]

Kingdom of Hawaii (Real Life + Hawaiian Legends): 60 [Lilo becomes friends with Pele, we are in the middle of the First Movie, Meaning that Stitch is not yet Fully Friendly]

Persian Empire (300) VS Rebellions: 65 VS 69 [Xerxes can't do everything himself, The Caucasus Nations get free, Turkey is at risk of joining the war]

Agrabah (Disney: Aladdin): 71

A beacon of stability in the Middle East. Seeing an influx of immigrants as the Genie helps make things more suited for them.

Ramses II/Egypt (Prince of Egypt) VS Egypt (Real Life) : 31 VS 51 [Egyptian Civil War, unlocks Learning Actions.]

Gotham City (Detective Comics) VS Gotham's Criminal Underbelly (Various, Arkham City): 2 VS 32 = [Arkham Asylum Breakout, some Rogues may get out of Gotham.]
Turn 3 & Turn 4 Rival Reports (Barely Started)

Rival Reports—In the Immediate Area

BEN (Creepypasta): 60 (He starts to attract some people)

Hollywood: 68

Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit? , Disney): 65

Doctor Facilier (Disney, Princess and the Frog): 69

Spinel the Abandoned (Steven Universe Movie): 97 [Found the Stevens, and she heavily injures the Stevens. Spinel gets the invitation to the Council of Deaths.]

Heisenberg (Breaking Bad): 16

Tricky (Madness Combat): No information available, may lead to a Quest.

Gotham City (Detective Comics) VS Gotham's Criminal Underbelly (Various, Arkham City): 4 VS 37

----World News---


Assorted Superheroes (Multiple Sources): 2

Justice League & Avengers (DC and Marvel) : 79

Norse Pantheon (Norse Mythology): 100 + 32 = 132 [Great things, Baldur gets resurrected, Ragnarok is avoided (again). Other Great stuff happens]

Aztec Pantheon (Aztec Mythology): 14

Putin/Russia (Real Life) VS Ukraine (Real Life): 38 VS 48 [Ukraine starts pushing back]

Anastasia Romanov (Don Bluth): 43

Grigori Rasputin (Don Bluth): 45

U.S. Government (Real Life): 69

ONU: 21

NATO: 92

France: 9

→ Maleficent (Disney, Sleeping Beauty) : 31

→ Quasimodo (Disney, The Hunchback of Notre Dame): 76

→ Judge Claude Frollo (Book, Chapter 3) : 54

Lady Oscar (Berusaiyu no bara, 1972-1982): 51

Kalos (Pokemon): 48

UK VS Yharnam (Bloodborne) : 29 VS 5 [Bombing of Yharnam, Father Gascoine perishes during the fights]

Germany: 41

Italy: 65

Roman Empire/Senate : 77

→Sicily (The Godfather): 80

Syracuse (Eris, Dreamwork's "Sinbad the Sailor"): 79

Turkey: 25

→Troy (Greek History, The Trojan War): 46

Persian Empire (300) VS Rebellions + Caucasus Nations: 96 VS 52+68 = 96 VS 120 [Armenia is Liberated]

Greece (Real Life): 50

Olympus (God of War): 28

Greek Pantheon (Greek Mythology): 76 VS Imprisoned Titans (Greek Mythology): 99

[2 Titans escape. Roll 2D11]

11 and 3 (Hyperion, Titan of Light; Epimetheus, Titan of Afterthought]

the D11 becomes a D9.

Greek City-States (The Trojan War, The Iliad): 99

→Leonidas (300): 44

Mnemosyne (Greek Mythology): 98

Ramses II/Egypt (Prince of Egypt) VS Egypt (Real Life) : 85 VS 47

Egyptian Pantheon (Egyptian Mythology): 74

Empress Mulan (Chinese Mythology)/China: 82

Liberated Groups: 94

Chinese Pantheons (Chinese Mythology): 12

→Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda 2): 78

Japan: 89

Shinto Pantheon (Shinto Mythology): 60

→Kanto, Johto, Hoenn & Sinnoh (Pokemon Manga): 68

Kira (Death Note, Composite Version): 65

British Raj (Pirates of Carribean) VS India (Real Life): 32 VS 88

Hindu Pantheon (Hindu Religion): 91

Australia: 47

New Zealand: 57

Kingdom of Hawaii (Real Life + Hawaiian Legends): 27 [Natural disasters, Shadow war against the Aether Foundation. Near the end of the First Movie of "Lilo and Stitch"]

→ Lilo : 63

→ Pelè : 27 [Pelè Loses an arm while catching Lilo, who was about to drop 5000ft from the sky into the ground]

Colombia: 77

→El Dorado (Legend, Inner Colombia): 73

→El Dorado (Dreamworks): 36

Brasil: 43

For Later

Homer J. Simpson (The Simpsons): 6

Big Jack Horner (Puss in Boots): 98 [Big Jack Horner solidifies his control over the North-West of Spain]

S.H.I.E.L.D. VS H.Y.D.R.A. : 96 vs 38

Lolbit (FNAF World): 85


Council of Deaths: 65

The Joker (Batman: the Animated Series): 42

Pleasure Island (Disney Pinocchio): 21

Backrooms "Prisoner"/"Guests" : 11

Galactic Federation (Lilo and Stitch): 2 (Big Jailbreak, Intergalactic Humiliation)

Gallaxhar (Monsters Vs. Aliens): 87 (Gallaxhar escapes containment)

Atlantis (Mythos): 82

Atlantica (Disney's "The Little Mermaid"): 49

Yen Sid (Composite: Kingdom Hearts + Fantasia) : 35

Arceus (Pokemon): 53

The Beast (Over the Garden Wall): 70

Griffith (Berserk, Composite): 30

Guts (Berserk, Manga): 76

Sauron (Books, Lord of the Rings): 20

H.P. Pantheon (H.P.Lovecraft) : 96

Middle Earth (Lord of the Rings, connected via New Zealand): 97

The Underground/Mt.Ebott (Undertale): 30

Frisk (Undertale): 25

Conker (Conker's Bad Fur Day): 13

Rival Reports—In the Immediate Area

BEN (Creepypasta): 76

Hollywood: 33

Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit? , Disney): 35

Doctor Facilier (Disney, Princess and the Frog): 60

Spinel the Abandoned (Steven Universe Movie): 96 [Great point in her career, like never before. She will be able to destroy us all, 'cause a Death She Has Become.]

Heisenberg (Breaking Bad): 49

Tricky (Madness Combat): No information available, may lead to a Quest.

The Joker

----World News---


Assorted Superheroes (Multiple Sources): 84

ONU: 81

NATO: 90

North American Situation

U.S. Government (Real Life): 25

Justice League & Avengers (DC and Marvel) : 50

European Situation

Putin/Russia (Real Life) VS Ukraine (Real Life): 80 VS 89

→Anastasia Romanov (Don Bluth): 71

→Grigori Rasputin (Don Bluth): 76

France (Real Life): 68

→Maleficent (Disney, Sleeping Beauty) : 71

→Quasimodo (Disney, The Hunchback of Notre Dame): 29

→Esmeralda & Esmeralda (Hunchback of Notre Dame, Book and Disney): 23

→Judge Claude Frollo (Book, Chapter 3) : 34

Lady Oscar (Berusaiyu no bara, 1972-1982): 7

→Kalos (Pokemon): 94

UK (Real Life) VS Yharnam (Bloodborne) : 90 VS 91

Germany (Real Life): 74

Italy (Real Life): 79

Pleasure Island (Disney's "Pinocchio" , 1940): 15

Roman Empire/Senate : 49

→Sicily (The Godfather): 18

Syracuse (Eris, Dreamwork's "Sinbad the Sailor"): 50

Turkey (Real Life): 32

→Persian Empire (300) VS Rebellions: 95 VS 87

→Troy (Greek History, The Trojan War): 79

Greece (Real Life): 99

→Greek Pantheon (Greek Mythology): 34

Olympus (God of War): 81

Mnemosyne (Greek Mythology): 65

→Hyperion (Greek Mythology):

→Epimetheus (Greek Mythology):

African Situation

Ramses II/Egypt (Prince of Egypt) VS Egypt (Real Life) : 96 VS 39

→Egyptian Pantheon (Egyptian Mythology): 68

Wakanda (Marvel Comics):

Ethiopia (Real Life):

Chad (Real Life):

Algeria (Real Life):

Asian Situation

Empress Mulan (Chinese Mythology)/China: 7 [Assasination attempt, Mulan loses a leg]

→Chinese Pantheons (Chinese Mythology): 96

→Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda 2): 11

Japan (Real Life): 67

→Kanto, Johto, Hoenn & Sinnoh (Pokemon Manga): 19

→Shinto Pantheon (Shinto Mythology): 24

Kira (Death Note, Composite Version): 90

British Raj (Pirates of Carribean) VS India (Real Life): 28 VS 76 [British Raj desperate struggle. They "win" against India, but lose too many weapons and Characters. Option to recruit/obtain Elizabeth Swann, Bagheera-(Disney), Mowgli-(Disney), Mowgli-(JungleBook), Captain Jack Sparrow and William Turner Unlocked]

Hindu Pantheon (Hindu Religion): 26

Australia: 47

New Zealand: 94 (Fully functional portal to Middle Earth, Sauron cannot expand in the Southern Hemisphere.)

Kingdom of Hawaii (Real Life + Hawaiian Legends): 65 [Lilo becomes the Hawaiian equivalent of an Archangel/Demigoddess. End of the first Movie, great relationship with Lilo, Pele and the Galactic Federation.]

→Pele (Hawaiian Legends): 56

→Lilo (Lilo and Stitch): 29

Colombia: 8

El Dorado (Legend, Inner Colombia): 1 [Conquistadores Galore, El Dorado falls to the corrupt Spanish-Colombian Government] {El Dorado is out of the game}

El Dorado (Dreamworks): 55

Brasil: 97

Gotham City (Detective Comics) VS Gotham's Criminal Underbelly (Various, Arkham City): 51 VS 50 [Special Event unlocked.]

For Later

Homer J. Simpson (The Simpsons): 74

Lolbit (FNAF World): 20

Big Jack Horner (Puss in Boots): 3 [Someone has gravely injured Jack Horner, who gets a -10 Martial Malus]

S.H.I.E.L.D. VS H.Y.D.R.A. : 39 vs 64

Norse Pantheon (Norse Mythology): 77

Aztec Pantheon (Aztec Mythology): 79


Council of Deaths: 42

Backrooms "Prisoner"/"Guests" : 43

Galactic Federation (Lilo and Stitch): 19

Gallaxhar (Monsters Vs. Aliens): 71

Atlantis (Mythos): 97

Atlantica (Disney's "The Little Mermaid"): 85

Yen Sid (Composite: Kingdom Hearts + Fantasia) : 25

Arceus (Pokemon): 27

The Beast (Over the Garden Wall): 6

Griffith (Berserk, Composite): 82

Sauron (Books, Lord of the Rings): 22

H.P. Pantheon (H.P.Lovecraft) : 70

Middle Earth (Lord of the Rings, connected via New Zealand): 74

The Underground/Mt.Ebott (Undertale): 27

Frisk (Undertale): 7 [Existential crisis, -10 Diplomacy for 2 Turns]

Conker (Conker's Bad Fur Day): 61

RAndOm Event Roll : 6

(Oh shit, it's near the bottom. Prepare for bad shit.

The Exterminators, Adam and Lute from 2024's "Hazbin Hotel" appear, before the show gets even made. They will wreck shit. They are the "Scrapped form", so Adam is more draconic than jackass]
Final Bits - The Full Compendium.
Table of Contents - Worldwide Edition


Connection to the Mushroom Kingdom from: Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Beijing, Cairo, Mexico City, London, Montreal, Moscow, New York, Nairobi, San Francisco, Rome, Paris, Tokyo, Athens (NES "Mario Time Machine", 1993 // "Mario is Missing!", 1992)

( Doctor Mario, 1990) (Tetris, 1984) ("Dance Dance Revolution", )

(Warner Brothers's "Looney Tunes", 1930-1969-2010's)

Warner Movie Lot (WB's "Animaniacs" , 1993 - 1998)

→ (Hulu's "Animaniacs", 2020)

(Dorothea Gillim's "The Amazing Colossal Adventures of WordGirl", 2007)

(DC Comics)

→(Lego Batman 3)

(MARVEL, 1939-1947-1961)

(Scott Cawthon's "Five Night at Freddy's" series, 2014-2023)

Hyrule Connections ("The Legend of Zelda")

Robot Masters (Capcom's "Megaman 6", 1993)


The Seas

Atlantic Ocean (North and South)

Davy Jones's Locker, The Flying Dutchman (Seafaring Myths, 18th Century)

Dead Man's Chest, Flying Dutchman, Kraken ("Pirates of the Caribbean")

OG!Atlantis (Old Seafaring Mythology)

→ Animated!Atlantis (Disney's "Atlantis: the Lost Empire", 2001)

→ Live-Action!Atlantis ("Aquaman", 2018)

Pacific Ocean (North and South)

Moby Dick (Herman Melville's "Moby Dick", 1851)

Portal to Destiny Island (Square Enix & Disney's "Kingdom Hearts", 2002)

Indian Ocean

Arctic Ocean

Antarctic Ocean

Mediterranean Sea

Fata Morgana (Italian Sailor Folklore)

Scylla, Charybdis, Circe's Island, Calypso's Island, Polyphemus Island, Island of the Lotus Eaters, Island in the Sky ("The Odyssey"--> "EPIC:The Musical" )

Black Sea

(Kevin MacDonald's "Black Sea", 2014)



Europe Big-Powerful Countries: Western-Central Side


United Kingdom

(Fairytale "Jack and the Beanstalk", 1734)
→ (Bryan Singer's "Jack the Giant Slayer", 2013)
→ (Disney's "Mickey and the Beanstalk", 1943)
Sherwood Forest ("Robin Hood" Folklore)
→ Animated!Nottingham's Castle , Animated!Sherwood Forest (Disney's "Robin Hood", 1973)
(Matter of Britain - "Arthurian Cycle, The Round Table", King Arthur Mythos)
Animated!Camelot, Mad Madam Mim's Cottage (Disney's "The Sword in the Stone", 1963)
(Charles Dickens "Oliver Twist", 1837-1838-1839)
(Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol, in Prose. Being a Ghost-Story of Christmas", 1843)
(Lewis Caroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", 1865)
Dr.Jekyll's Study, Mr.Hyde's House (Robert Louis Stevenson's "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", 1886)
(Arthur Conan Doyle's "Sherlock Holmes", 1887→1891)
Gressenheller University, Layton's house/office (Level-5's "Professor Layton" series)
(J.M.Barrie's "Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up", 1902-1904)
[+] ()
  • Darling's Residence (Disney's "Peter Pan", 1953)
→ Darling's War Bunker (Robin Budd's "Return to Neverland", 2002)
  • (Steven Spielberg's "Hook", 1991)
Toad Hall (Kenneth Grahame's "The Wind in the Willows", 1908)
Animated!Toad Hall (Disney's "The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr.Toad", 1949)
(Dodie Smith's "The One Hundred and One Dalmatians", 1956)
De Vil Manor (Disney's "101 Dalmatians", 1961)
(Disney & Robert Stevenson's "Bedknobs and Broomsticks", 1971)
Composite!Hogwarts (J.K.Rowling's "Harry Potter" Franchise, both Books and Movies)
(Alan Moore's "V for Vendetta", 1982-1985)
→ (Silver Pictures's "V for Vendetta", 2005)
Joestar Manor (Hirohiko Araki's "Jojo's Bizarre Adventures - Part 1: Phantom Blood", 1987)
62 West Wallaby Street, Wigan, Lancashire (Aardman Productions "Wallace and Gromit" Franchise, 1989 - Present Day)
Tottington Hall (Aardman's "Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit", 2005)
London's Warp Pipe (NES's "Mario is Missing!", 1992)
Knight Man Stage (Capcom's "Megaman 6, 1993)
Edd's-world (Edd Gould's → Tom Ridgwell's → Matt Hargreaves' "Eddsworld", 2003/2004-2012 → 2012-2016 → 2020-Ongoing)
The Dead World (Tim Burton's "The Corpse Bride", 2005)
("Flushed Away", 2006)
Yharnam (FromSoftware's "Bloodborne", 2015)
Galar (Nintendo's "Pokemon Sword/Shield", 2019)


Festival of Fools (Victor Hugo's "Notre-Dame de Paris", 1482)
Court of Miracles, Palace of Justice, Animated!Notre Dame (Disney's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", 1996)
(Charles Perrault's "La Belle au bois dormant", 1697)
Maleficent's Castle, Aurora's Castle, Fae Cottage (Disney's "Sleeping Beauty", 1959)
Le Château de la Bête (Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont's "La Belle et la Bête", 1740)
Beast's Castle , Belle's Village, Gaston's Tavern (Disney's "Beauty and the Beast", 1991)
[Brothers Grimm "Cinderella" ( Aschenputtel, Tale 21, 1812)]
Castle of Dreams (Disney's "Cinderella", 1950)
(Alexandre Dumas's "Les Trois Mousquetaires", 1844)
→ ( 199x)
The Opera, Musketeers Training Grounds (Disney's "Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers", 2004)
→ (Nickelodeon's "Barbie and the Three Musketeers" , 2009)
(Gaston Leroux's "Le Fantôme de l'Opéra", 1909 )
→ (Webber's Musical "The Phantom of the Opera", 1986)
(Disney's "The Aristocats", 1970)
Versailles (Riyoko Ikeda's "Berusaiyu no bara", 1972-1982)
Gælic Village (Asterix and Obelix)
Gusteau (Pixar's "Ratatouille", )
Paris's Warp Pipe (NES's "Mario is Missing!", 1992)
("Joséphine, ange gardien", 1997-???)
(Christian Desmares's "April and the Extraordinary World", 2015)
Kalos (Nintendo "Pokemon X/Y", Sixth Generation [2016~])
Agreste Mansion ("Miraculous Ladybug: Scarlet Lady AU", 2021)


Hamelin [German Legend : "The Pied Piper of Hamelin", 1500–]
(Brothers Grimms/Charles Perrault's "Little Red Riding Hood" , 1697)
Fable! Bremen [Brothers Grimm's "Bremen's Town Musician" (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten , Tale 27, 1812)]
[Brothers Grimm "Snow White" (Schneewittchen, Tale 53 , 1812) / (Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot, 1911)]
(Brothers Grimm's "Sleeping Beauty" [Dornröschen , 1812])
("Turtle and the Hare")
(Brothers Grimm's "Rapunzel" [ Rapunzel , Tale 12, 1812 ])
  • Kingdom of Corona (Disney's "Tangled", 2010)
Wolfenstein Castle ( "Wolfenstein" Franchise, 1981-2019)
→ (id Software's "Spear of Destiny", 1992)
Elwood (Cartoon Network's "Over the Garden Wall", 2014)


Scylla and Charybdis // Messina Strait, Aeolus Island // Mount Stromboli (Greco-Roman Mythology)
TYPHON'S Prison - Mt. Etna, Sicily (The Theogony)
Typhon's Foot, Ischia (Roman Mythology)
Entrance to Hell/ Ingresso per l'Inferno (Dante Alighieri's "La Divina Commedia", 1321-1472)
Hell ("Devil May Cry" series, 2001-2019)
(William Shakespeare's "The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet", 1594-1596)
[Constantino Fortunato's "Il Gatto con gli Stivali", ????]
[Gianbattista Basile's "Sleeping Beauty" (Sole, Luna, e Talia,1697)]
[Giambattista Basile's "Pentamerone" (The Tale of Tales, 1634-1636)]
Torre di Ciottoli [Giambattista Basile's "Petrosinella" (Italian Rapunzel , 1634)]
Lecco, Lombardia (Alessandro Manzoni's "I Promessi Sposi", 1825/ 1827 - 1840/ 1842)
Il Paese dei Balocchi, L'isola delle Api Laboriose, Città di Acchiappa-Citrulli (Carlo Collodi "Le avventure di Pinocchio. Storia d'un burattino", 1883)
The Village, Stromboli's Travelling Circus, Pleasure Island (Disney's "Pinocchio", 1940)
(Angela & Luciana Giussiani's "Diabolik", 1962)
La Fogna di Cattivik (Bonvi's "Cattivik", 1965)
Don Vito Corleone's Villa (Francis Ford Coppola's "The Godfather" series, 1972)
Young Joseph Joestar (Hirohiko Araki's "Jojo's Bizarre Adventures - Part 2: Battle Tendency", 1987-1989)
→ ("JoJo's Bizarre Adventures: Battle Tendency", 2012-2013)
Rome's Warp Pipe (NES's "Mario is Missing!", 1992)
Roman Senate (Ridley Scott's "The Gladiator", 2000)
Syracuse (Dreamwork's "Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas", 2003)
Il Credo degli Assassini Fiorentino, Villa Auditore (Ubisoft Montréal's "Assassin's Creed II", 2009 )
Rovine di Villa Auditore ("Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood", 2010-2011)
Clan Passione, Gang Bucciarati ("Le Bizzarre Avventure di Giogio - Parte 5: Vento Aureo")
→ (David Production's "JoJo's Bizarre Adventures: Golden Wind", )
Portorosso, Corniglia-Liguria (Pixar's "Luca", 2021)


(Puss in Boots fairytale)
(Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's "El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha", 1605 & 1615)
Paldea (Nintendo's "Pokemon Scarlet/Violet", Ninth Generation, 2022)


Europe Big-Powerful Countries: Eastern-Central Side


Helltaker's House , Hell (Vanripper's "HellTaker", 2020)
(Vanripper's "Awaria", 2024)
Winged Hussars


(Mozart's "Rondò alla Turca", )
Bambi, Austrian Alps (Felix Salten's "Bambi", 1923)


Czech Republic + Slovakia (Czechoslovakia)


(Sergei Prokofiev's "Peter and the Wolf", 1936)
→ (Disney's "Peter and the Wolf", 1946)
Katyusha (Matvej Blanter & Michail Isakovskij's "Katjuša", 1938)
Moscow's Warp Pipe (NES's "Mario is Missing!", 1992)
Dr. Cossack's Castle (Capcom's "Megaman 4", 1992)
Ex-Tsarist Saint Petersburg (Don Bluth's "Anastasia", 1997)
The Frozen Lake (Dreamworks "Rise of the Guardians", 2012)

The Balkans


Mount Olympus, Ancient Greece (Greek Mythology) {Sappho, Homer, Hesiod, General Stories, etc…} [3000 BCE - 1100 BCE]
Sparta + The Thermopiles (Movie "300", 2004)
  • (Sony's "God of War", 2005-2024)
  • The House of Hades + The Underworld {Tartarus, Fields of Asphodel, Elysium, Erebus, Chaos}, Persephone's Cottage (Hades, Supergiant Games, 2018-2020 )
→ → The Crossroads, Ephyra, Pathway to Mount Olympus (Supergiant Games's "Hades II", 2024)
Theseus Palace (William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream", 1595-1596)
Ithaca, Circe's Island of Aeaea, Calypso's Island of Ogygia, Polyphemus's Island, Aeolus Palace in the Sky (Homer's "The Odyssey", 8th Century/1614 )
→ → Grieving Musical Odyssey (Jorge Rivera-Herrans's "EPIC: The Musical", 25 December 2022 → 4 July 2024 → 30 August 2024→ 31 October 2024 → 24 December 2024)
Skyworld (Kid Icarus, 1986 + Kid Icarus Uprising, 2012)

Athens's Warp Pipe (NES's "Mario is Missing!", 1992)
Centaur Man Stage (Capcom's "Megaman 6", 1993)

  • North Macedonia



(Vlad Dracula Tepesh the Third, The Impaler)
→ Dracula's Castle (Bram Stoker's "Dracula", 1897)
  • Alucard's/Dracula's Castle, Belmont Family (Konami's "Castlevania", 1986)
  • → (Netflix "Castlevania", 7 July 2017 - 13 May 2021)
Frankenstein's Family Castle (Mel Brooks's "Young Frankenstein", 1974)
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu Manor ("Resident Evil Village", 7 May 2021)



( "Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbej", cresciuto in Turchia.
Generale famoso, mandato in Albania per conquistarla. Difetta per proteggere Gli Albanesi.)






Europe's Neutral Powers


Frankenstein Manor (Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein; or, the modern Prometheus", 1818)
Mountain Village (Zuiyo Eizo's "Heidi" , 1974)


Smurf Village ("The Smurfs" comics, 1959)




(Irish Mythology and Folk tales)
The Wizard War (DnD + Youtube)
Possum Spring, Deep Hollow County ("Cave Story", )

European Eastern Bloc






Norse/Scandinavian Countries

Vikings (Various Media)


Lazy Town ( "Lazy Town", 2004-2014)
Stefèn Karl Stevenson's Memorial (Real Life)


Valhalla (Norse Mythology)
Astro Man Stage (Capcom's "Megaman 8", 1996)


Arendelle (Disney's "Frozen", 2013)


(Mythological "Jack Frost" [Jokul Frosti])


Rendlesham, Heorot ("Beowulf", 8th Century)
Grendel's Mother (Robert Zemeckis's "Beowulf", 2007)
Elsinore (William Shakespeare's "Hamlet", 1599-1601)
Time Looping Ophelia (Golden Glitch's "Elsinore", 2019)
(Hans Christian Handersen's "Kejserens nye klæder" // "The Emperor's New Clothes", 7 April 1837)
(Hans Christian Handersen's "Den lille havfrue" // "The Little Sea Maid", 7 April 1837)
Atlantica (Disney's "The Little Mermaid", 1989)
(Hans Christian Handersen's "De vilve svaner" // "The Wild Swans", 2 October 1838)
(Hans Christian Handersen's "Den Lille Pige Med Svovlstikkerne" // "The Little Match-Girl", 1848)

European Microstates

Vatican City
Luce (The Vatican's Official Anime Mascot, 2024)

San Marino


Chantel DuBois's Office (Conrad Venom's "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted", 2012)




(Hugo Pratt's "Corto Maltese", 1967)
Sweethaven Village (Paramount-Disney's "Popeye", 1980)


Ishtar - Astarte - Aphrodite (Assyro-Babylonian Mythology // Mycenaean Greek Mythology)




Asia Major


Siberian Railroad


J'onn's Martian Home (DC Comics)


Heavenly Kingdom (Chinese Mythology)

( "The Ballad of Mulan", 6th Century)
→ (Yueh Feng's "Lady General Hua Mu-lan", 1964)
Tung Shao Pass, Fa Residence (Disney's "Mulan", 1998)

(Wu Cheng'en 's "Journey to the West", 16th Century)

Beijing's Warp Pipe (NES's "Mario is Missing!", 1992)
Wind Man Stage (Capcom's "Megaman 6", 1993)
Xiaolin Temple (Christy Hui's "Xiaolin Showdown", 2003-2006)
Fire Nation ("Avatar: the Last Airbender", 2005)
(Dreamworks's "Kung Fu Panda" Franchise, 2008-2011-2016)



[Shinto Mythology]
The Salesman ("The Laughing Salesman", 1968)
("AKIRA", 1988)
Tokyo's Warp Pipe (NES's "Mario is Missing!", 1992)
Morioh-Cho (Hirohiko Araki's "Jojo's Bizarre Adventures - Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable", 4 May 1992 - 4 December 1996)
Yamato Man Stage (Capcom's "Rockman 6", 1993)
("Shin seiki Evangerion", 1995)
Tengu Man Stage (Capcom's "Rockman 8: Metal Heroes", 1996)
Iron Town (Studio Ghibli's "Princess Mononoke", 1997)
Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Sevii Islands (Game Freak - Pokémon Game Franchise, 1997-2007 // "Pokemon Red/Blue/Green/Yellow Versions" + "Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green" + "Pokemon: Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee", "Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal Version" + "Pokemon: HeartGold/SoulSilver", "Pokémon: Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald" + "Pokemon: Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire", "Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum" + "Pokemon: Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl" 1989-2023 )

Police Precinct of Kanto (Tsugumi Oba's "Death Note", 2003-2006)
→ ( Madhouse's "Death Note" anime, 2006-2007)
Aku's dystopian Feudal Japan (Genndy Tartakovsky's "Samurai Jack", 1 August 2004 - 20 March 2017 )
City A - City Z ("One Punch Man", 2009)
("Persona" Franchise)
Ashina Clans, Ashina Castle, Dilapidated Temple, Hirata Estate (FromSoftware's "Sekiro: Shadow Die Twice", 2019)


Korean Peninsula

(Korean Mythology) <Applied to all countries in this subsection>

North Korea


South Korea

Juri Han ("Super Street Fighter IV", 2010)

→ ("Squid Games", 2021) [Illegal thing, can be shut down]


Central Asia


(Larry Charles's "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan", 2006)







SouthEast Asia



(Street Fighter 2)
Shadaloo ("Street Fighter", 1994)


Sagat/Adon, M.Bison Base ("Street Fighters Alpha 3", 1998)



The Philippines


Rook Island (Ubisoft's "Far Cry 3", November 2012 )


Indian Subcontinent


(Hindu Mythology)
(Kipling's "The Jungle Book", 1894)
Man's Village (Disney's "The Jungle Book", 1967)
East India Trading Company ("Pirates of the Caribbean")





Sri Lanka



Troy (Homer's "The Iliad", 8th Century/1488 )
The Boy who found Fear at Last.

The Levant


(Agatha Christie's "Appointment with Death" 1938)



Persia (Iran)

("1001 Arabian Nights", 1706-1761)
(Jordan Mechner's "Prince of Persia", 1989)



Saudi Arabia

Flame Man Stage (Capcom's "Megaman 6", 1993 )



United Arab Emirates



(Edgar Rice Buroughs's "Tarzan of the Apes", 1911-1914)
→ (Disney's "Tarzan", 1999)

The Pridelands (Disney's "The Lion King", 1994)


Mediterranean Sahara


(Egyptian Mythology, circa 4000 B.C.E. )
->Ramses the Second's Egypt (Dreamwork's "Prince of Egypt", 1998)
Dio's Castle (Hirohiko Araki's "Jojo's Bizarre Adventures - Part 3: Stardust Crusaders", 1989-1992)
Cairo's Warp Pipe (NES's "Mario is Missing!", 1992)
The Race (Turtledove's "World War", 1994-1996)


Old City of Derna (Will Price's "Tripoli", 1950)
Barbary Coast Pirates (Various)
→ ("Pirates of the Barbary Coast", 1986)





("Casablanca", 1942)


Sub-Saharan Africa





South Sudan



Equatorial Guinea



The [Belgian] Congo

Gorilla City (DC comics)
Search Man ("Megaman 8", 1996)


(Moord Nag, Worm)

Horn of Africa


("Army of Two")
("The Cruelest Day")



(Heart of Fire)


Equatorial/Southern Africa

South Africa

District 9 ("Chappie", 2015)
Flintheart Glomgold's Residence (Carl Barks "Duck Stories")


Aqua Man Stage (Capcom's "Megaman 8", 1996)
King Julien's Jungle (Dreamwork's "Penguins of Madagascar / Madagascar" Franchise, 2005-2014)






Nairobi's Warp Pipe (NES's "Mario is Missing!", 1992)


South America

(Disney's "Saludos Amigos", 1942)
(Disney's "The Three Caballeros", 1944)
→ ("Legend of the 3 Caballeros", 2018)


Amazonian Forest

("Ferngully", )


Nueva Grenada, SNOWFLAME BLAST! (DC Comic's"New Guardians #2", October 1988)
Encanto Valley, Casità Madrigàl (Disney's "Encanto", 2021)


Esperança Perigosa, City of Akahim, Morlaidh (DC Comics - Wonder Woman Mythos)
Rio de Janeiro's Warp Pipe
( NES's "Mario is Missing!", 1992)
Plant Man Stage (Capcom's "Megaman 6", 1993)
Rio (Blue Sky's "Rio", 2011)


Paradise Falls (Pixar's "Up", 2009)



Mew Population (Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow Version)


French Guyana

The Andes


Santa Atalaya (Wonder Woman Mythos)
Kuzco Empire/Inca Empire
(Disney's "The Emperor's New Groove", 2000)



Buenos Aires's Warp Pipe (NES's "Mario is Missing!", 1992)


Grenade Man Stage (Capcom's "Megaman 8", 1996)



North America


United States of America

  • Slenderman (Supernatural: High Level Threat)
  • Jeff the Killer (Human: Low Level Threat)
→ Jane
→ → Liu
→ Nina
  • Judge Angel (Human: Medium Level Threat, currently a Vigilante)
  • Ticci Toby (Human: No Level Threat, Rehabilitated thanks to a better understanding of Tourette Syndrome)
  • Sonic.EXE (Supernatural: Medium Level Threat)
→ Tails Doll (Supernatural: Low Level Threat)
  • Eyeless Jack (Human: Medium-Low Level Threat)
  • BEN DROWNED (Spirit: Medium Level Threat)
  • The Rake (Mutant: Low Level Threat)

Shadow Government, Riley's Lab (Netflix's "Inside Job", 2021 → Cancelled in 2023)

(The Three Stooges)

Steel Ball Run


Modern 13 Colonies

Eagleland [] ( "Mother", )

→Washington D.C.

Justice Hall (Justice League, 1980)

→Rhode Island

Quahog/Petoria/Rupertia (Seth McFarlane's "Family Guy", 1999-)
Paragon City


Gravesfield, Portal to the Boiling Isles (Dana Terrance's "The Owl House", 2020-2023)

→New York

Top Cat's Alley Gang (Hanna & Barbera "Top Cat", 27 September 1961 - 18 April 1962)
Coney Island (Walter Hill's "The Warriors", 1979)
Haarlem (***)
  • ("Oliver and Company", )
Camp Half-Blood, Olympus (Rick Riordian's "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" Franchise)
Ninja Turtle Den ("Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles")
Shredder's Den ()
(Marvel Comics's "The Amazing Spider-Man" )
→The Daily Bugle ("The Amazing Spiderman", 2012)
→ ()
Avengers Tower, SHIELD Headquarters (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
The Bronx League ("Mike Tyson's Punch Out" , 1987)
Doc Louis's Gym, The Boxing Circuit (Next Level Games's "Punch Out" + "Super Punch Out!!"+ "Punch Out!! Wii" , 1984-1985-2009 )
("GTA 4", )
("Penguins of Madagascar", )
New York's Warp Pipe ( NES's "Mario is Missing!", 1992)
Brooklyn's Sewage Warp Pipe/Alley to Koop-opolis (Rocky Morton's "Super Mario Bros.", 1993)
→→ The Green Warp Pipe/ Entrance to the Mushroom Kingdom (Nintendo and Illumination's "The Super Mario Bros. Movie", 2023)
Newer New York, Planet Express (Matt Groening's "Futurama", 1999-2003)
Max Payne (Remedy Entertainment's "Max Payne" Series, 2001 - 2012 )
Unova (Nintendo and Game Freak's "Pokemon Black/White Version", 2010)

→New Jersey

Composite!Gotham City (DC's "Batman" Franchise)
→Gotham Suburbs, the First BatCave [Golden Age Batman Comics (1939 -1955)]
→ [Silver Age Batman/DC Comics (1956 - 1971)]
→ {Bruce Timm-Verse}
→ {Burton-Verse}
  • Live!Ace Chemicals, Joker's Parade Balloons, Gotham's Cathedral Belltower (Tim Burton's "Batman", 1989]
Elizabeth Arkham's Asylum for the Criminally Insane, Amadeus Arkham's Grave ["Arkham Asylum : a Serious House on a Serious Earth", 1989]
→ [DC Comics's "Batman : Knightfall", 1993-1995]
Elliot's Family Memorial, Gotham Hospital [ "Batman: Hush", 2002-2003]
→ ["The Batman", 2004]
Lego Gotham City [Travelers Tales's "Lego Batman: The Videogame", 2007]
→ ["The Dark Knight", 2008] [Nolan-Verse]
→ ["Blackest Night", 2009-2010]
Batman-less Gotham City {Rocksteady's "Batman: Arkham Franchise", 2009-2024}
  • Joker's Arkham Asylum [Intensive Treatment, Medical Facility, Arkham Mansion, Penitentiary, Botanical Gardens] ("Batman: Arkham Asylum", 2009)
  • Hugo Strange's Arkham City [Wonder City-Wonder Tower, Park Row, The Bowery, Amusement Mile, Industrial District] ("Batman: Arkham City", 2011)
  • The Past of Gotham City [The Final Offer, Diamond District, Gotham Royal Hotel] ("Batman: Arkham Origins", 2013)
  • The Night of Terror [Bleake Island, Founders Island, Miagani Island] ("Batman: Arkham Knight", 2015)
  • The Incident ("Batman: Arkham Shadow", 2024)
→ ["The Lego Batman Movie", 2017]
→ ["Joker", 2019]
Ivy's Penthouse, Harley's Mall Hideout [ "Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy" , 2019]

Bellwood, Grover's Mill (Alex Soto's "Ben 10" Franchise)


Keystone City ( Flash Comics, 1940~)

("Rocky", 1976)
Tremorton (Rob Renzetti's "My Life as a Teenage Robot", 2003-2006)
("It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia", 2005 - ????)
("Homefront: The Revolution", 2016)
Racoon City ("Resident Evil", )


→ New Hampshire

(Pixar's "UP", 2009)

→ Massachusetts

Innsmouth (H.P.Lovecraft's "The shadow over Innsmouth", 1936)


Powhatan tribes (Disney's "Pocahontas", 1995)

→North Carolina

→South Carolina



Chamberlain (Stephen King's "Carrie", 1974)
→ (Brian De Palma's "Carrie", 1976)


Rocky Mountain


Overlook Hotel (Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining", 1980)
Columbine School Massacre
City of Middleton (Disney Channel's "Kim Possible", 2002-2007)


Mort's Farm ("Mort the Chicken", 2000)
("Slayer X")


City of Green Hill (Paramount's "Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie", 2020)


City of Hurricane, Run-Down Freddy's Pizzeria, Charlie Emily Old House, Dave's Sister Location (Scott Cawthon's "Five Night at Freddy's : The Silver Eyes", 2015)

→ Wyoming

(Asa Mercer's "Banditti of the Plains", 1894)
(Douglas Coupland's "Miss Wyoming", 2000)
Great Fire at the Shoshone's National Forest (Campo Santo's "Firewatch", 2016)

Far West


(Nicholas Meyer's "Time After Time", 1979)
Discovery Bay (Tony Baxter's & Disney Parks, 1979)
Silver Shamrock Novelties <-> City of Santa Mira, Northern California (Tommy Lee Wallace's "Halloween III: Season of the Witch", 1983)
Cloverleaf Industry, Toontown (Disney's "Who Framed Roger Rabbit", 1988)
San Francisco's Warp Pipe (NES's "Mario is Missing!", 1992)
(Warner Brothers, Turner Entertainment & Mark Dindal's "Cats Don't Dance", 1997)
Sector 13 (Walt Disney Company's "Jackie Chan Adventures", 2000)
Titans Headquarters, H.I.V.E. , Jump City/Bludhaven (Glen Murakami and Sam Register's "Teen Titans", July 2003 - January 2006)
Orchid Bay City (WB's "The Life and Times of Juniper Lee", 2005-2007)
DOA Studios/Underworld Entrance, Camp Jupiter (Rick Riordan's "Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief" / "Percy Jackson and the Son of Neptune" , 2005-2011)
Benson's Park (Cartoon Network's "Regular Show", 2010-2017)
Landsharks (Jonathan Liebesman's "Battle: Los Angeles", 2011)
N.C.R. [New California Republic] ( "Fallout", )
Thai Go, Portal to Amphibia (Disney's "Amphibia", 2019-2022)
Las Vistas (Radford Sechrist and Bill Wolkoff's "Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts", January 14 2020 - October 12 2020)

Hotel California ("Hotel California")


Purgatory (Krinkles's "Madness Combat", 2002)
Mojave Desert, New Vegas (Bethesda's "Fallout: New Vegas", 2010)
Lotus Flower Hotel ("Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief")


Gravity Falls (Disney's/Alex Hirsch's "Gravity Falls" 2012)


→ ("The Garfield Show")

Scorching Southwest


Arizona Rangers (Tristram Coffin's "26 Men", 1957-1959)
(Norman Lear's "The Deputy", 1959-1961)
Sedona's Lobo Pack (James Algar's "The Legend of Lobo", 1962)
The Desert Rangers (Interplay Entertainment's "Wasteland", 1988 // "Wasteland 2", 2015)
Flagstaff, Caesar's Legion ("Fallout: New Vegas", )
("Arizona Sunshine")

→New Mexico

Black Mesa, City 17 (Valve's "Half-Life" Series, 1998-2004)
Los Pollos Hermanos ("Breaking Bad", 2008-2013)



Tomahawk Man Stage (Capcom's "Megaman 6", 1993)
Echo Mine (Disney's "Home on the Range", 2004)
(Disney's "The Lone Ranger", 2013)


Swampy South


Madame Medusa's Steamboat Lair (Disney's "The Rescuers", 1977)
(Lackadaisy, Webcomic, 2006-2008-2023)
Tiana's Palace, Dr. Facilier's Voodoo Emporium (Disney's "Princess and the Frog", 2009)


The Operator ("Marble Hornets" Creepypasta/Analog Horror series)


("Megamind", )


Golden Fiddle (Charlie Daniels's "The Devil Went Down to Georgia", 1979)
("The Walking Dead")


Crystal Cove (Scooby Doo)
(GTA Vice City)
(Hotline Miami)

The Great Nothing.


Dorothy's Farm, Connection to the Land of Oz ("The Wizard of Oz")
Smallville (Superman Mythos)
→ (Richard Donner's "Superman", 1978)
Keystone City ( The Flash, 1990~)


Colonel Kernel Sanders (KFC)


Aperture Science (Valve's "Portal" Series, 2007-2011 )
BH!Detroit Suburbs ( "Detroit: Become Human")


( "Hitman 3", )


Central City (DCComics's "Flash continuity", 1990s~ )

→North Carolina

→South Carolina



("The Blues Brothers", 1980)


(Over the Hedge)

Not Directly Connected


Alaskan Communists ("Red Dawn", 1984)
Frost Man Stage (Capcom's "Megaman 8", 1996)
(Never Alone)


Pelé (Hawaiian Mythology)
Pelekai Residence, Jumba's Lab, Reuben's Sandwich Shop (Disney's "Lilo and Stitch", 2002)
Alola ("Pokemon Sun/Moon", 2016)
Ultra-Wormholes, Team Rainbow Rocket's HQ ("Pokemon UltraSun/UltraMoon", 2017)





South Park (South Park, 1997)
NeighborVille ("Plant Vs Zombies" Franchise)
  • (Dark Horse Comics' "Plants Versus Zombies" Graphic Novels, )
Montreal's Warp Pipe (NES's "Mario is Missing!", 1992)
→ Shadow Wizard Money Gang (Youtube, 2023-2024)
Blizzard Man Stage ( Capcom's "Megaman 6", 1993)
Neighborville, Crazy Dave's Shop, Dr.Zomboss Lair (Popcap Games's "Plants Vs Zombies" Franchise, 2009- )
Toronto Movie Lot, Ontario (FreshTV's "Total Drama Action", 11 January 2009 - 10 June 2010)


Spanish California ("Zorro" Franchise)
→ ("Zorro's Fighting Legion", 1939)
  • The Golden God
  • The Flaming "Z"
  • Descending Doom
  • The Bridge of Peril
  • The Decoy
  • Zorro to the Rescue
  • The Fugitive
  • Flowing Death
  • The Golden Arrow
  • Mystery Wagon
  • Face to Face
  • Unmasked
→ ("Zorro", 1975)
→ (Walt Disney Productions "Zorro: the TV Series", 1957-1959)
→ (Toho's "The legend of Zorro", 1993)
Mexico City's Warp Pipe (NES's "Mario is Missing!", 1992)
San Angel ("The Book of Life", 2014)
(Pixar's "Coco", 2017)

Isla de Muerta (Pirates of the Caribbean)


Central America

El Salvador

Costa Rica


The Caribbeans

Rum Runner's Island (Pirates of the Caribbeans Franchise)


(Ernest Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea", 1951-1952)
("Far Cry 6")


Port Royal (Pirate Myths)
Port Royal, Swann Residence (Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean", )


Tortuga (Pirates of the Caribbean)

Dominican Republic



The Triangle (Seafaring Myths about the Bermuda Triangle)
Sea Of Monsters (Rick Riordan's "Percy Jackson in the Sea of Monsters", 1 April 2006)
Ghost Ship (Warner Brothers Entertainment's "Scooby Doo! Pirates Ahoy!", 2006)

Puerto Rico

Lesser Antilles (Grenada,Trinidad and Tobago, Virgin Islands, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Barts, St. Martin, Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Saba, Anguilla)


Motu'Nui (Disney's "Moana", 2016)



Tazmania (Looney Tunes)
M'gann's Pyramid (DC Comics - Miss Martian Mythos)
(George Miller's "Mad Max" Franchise, 1979-2015)
McLeach's Camp (Disney's "The Rescuers Down Under", 1990)
Clown Man Stage (Capcom's "Megaman 8", 1996)
Mann Co. (Valve's "Team Fortress 2", 2007)
Mister Babadook (Jennifer Kent's "The Babadook" , 2014)

New Zealand

Portal to Middle Earth (J.R.R.Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings", 1955)

Papua New Guinea


Marshall Islands

Bikini Bottom (Stephen Hillenburg's "Spongebob Squarepants", 1996)

Solomon Islands


The Internet / Digital Space

The Grid (Steven Lisberger's "Tron",1982 )
→ (Disney's "TRON: Legacy", 2010)
→ ("Tron:Uprising", 2012)
The Matrix ("The Matrix", 1999)
(Kyle Seeley's "Emily is Away", 2015)
Fazbear Hills, Halloween Update, Glitch World (Scottgames's "FNAF WORLD", 2016)
Literature Club / Just Monika (Team Salvato's "Doki Doki Literature Club", 2017)
The Amazing Digital Circus (Glitch Productions's "The AMAZING Digital Circus", 2023)


The Maw ( "Little Nightmares", )
AM's Eternal Torture ( "I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream", )
Addams Family ("Addams Family" Franchise, )

Observable Universe // The Vast Expanse of Space

The Little Prince's planet…. and the Little Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupèry's "Le Petit Prince", 6 April 1943)

Oa , DC Comics (Green Lantern Planet); Qward , DC Comics (Yellow Lantern Planet); Nok, DC Comics (Blue Lantern Planet)

Death Star ("Star Wars", )

("Star Trek", 1966)
(Nintendo's "Super Metroid" 1994)
Corneria ("Star Fox", 1994)
(Christopher Nolan's "Interstellar", 2014)

Solar System



Earth's Atmosphere

The Space Colony ARK ("Sonic Adventure 2", 2001)

Earth's Moon

HAL 2000 (Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey", 1968)
KND MoonBase (Tom Warburton's "Codename: Kids Next Door", 2001)


DOOMGUY, Phobos and Deimos [Mars's Moons] (id Software's "Doom", 1993)
(Corrado Guzzanti's "Fascisti su Marte", 2006)



The Neitherworld ("Beetlejuice", 1988)




Outer Rim

Space Observatory (Nintendo's "Super Mario Galaxy", November 2007)

Milky Way Galaxy

Planet PopStar, Kirby
Monstro, Kingdom Hearts
Traverse Town, Kingdom Hearts 1
Disney-Composite-World, Kingdom Hearts ORIGINAL (Essentially, all KH Worlds are connected in one massive planet - a copy of this Quest's Earth. There is still blank static void separating these places, but they are all in their respective geographical area [Example: "Kingdom of Corona" and "Dwarf Woodlands" are in Neo!Germany, "Castle of Dreams" "La Citè de Clochè" and "Country of the Musketeers" are all in Neo!France….] )
Castle Oblivion, Kingdom Hearts : Chain of Memories

Homeworld, Steven Universe (2014-2017)
Pink Diamond/Spinel's Garden, Steven Universe : The Movie (2019)

Guardians of the Galaxy ( "Guardians of the Galaxy", )

Cluster Prime , My Life as a Teenage Robot

New Stuff to Add



Hell , Paradise Lost (John Milton's "Paradise Lost", 1667) [???]
Heaven, Hell and the Seven Rings, Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel (Vivziepop's "Helluva Boss" , 2019 // SpindleHorse's "Hazbin Hotel" 2019-2024) (???)
Hell ,Ultrakill (???)
The Pizza Tower + Peppino's Pizza , Pizza Tower (???? Maybe near the U.S.A. and Mexico border-state??)
Anton Blast
Hollownest, Hollow Knight (Can be either A separate Planet, or a Place in the Crust of the Planet.)
Celeste Mountain, Celeste (Some Cold Areas, probably either the Canadian/American Border, or in Siberia)
Mt.Ebott - The Underground , Undertale
Hometown/Dark Worlds, Deltarune
Planet Popstar, Kirby
Haltmann Works Company, Kirby:planet Robobot
Rovio, Angry Birds
Pirates of the Caribbean
(they have bases everywhere)
Composite! Halloween Town , Nightmare Before Christmas (???, needs to be accessed via Graveyard/Portal.)
→ The Nightmare Before Christmas, 1992
→Oogie's Revenge, 2002

The Other World, Coraline (maybe British, Maybe American)
The Chocolate Factory, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (maybe america)
→Wonka's Chocolate Factory, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (maybe britain)
Oggy and the Cockroaches

Composite!Oz [Connected via Tornado-Portal/Dimensional-Tear in Kansas]
The Land of Oz (L.Frank Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", 1900)
→ Dorothy and Oz, The Wizard of Oz (MGM's "The Wizard of Oz", 1939)

Forest Maze, Super Mario RPG
Addams Family Home, Adams Family
The Nowhere Islands, Mother 3
Onett, Mother 2/EarthBound
Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney Series
World Tournament, Street Fighter
Fighting Tournament, Tekken
Deadly Tournament, Mortal Kombat

Thembria, TaleSpin (Soviet Union ripoff, but also close to Cape Suzette/California)

(Blumhouse Productions's "Five Nights at Freddy's", 2023)


Falconia, Berserk (next to southern Poland and Germany)
Lordran, Dark Souls (Somewhere between Poland, CzechoSlovakia, Germany and Austria/Hungary [Yes, Lordran is shaped weirdly, existing both below and above the borders of certain countries])
Drusselstein, Phineas and Ferb (Near Prussian Maritime Borders)
Latveria, Marvel Comics (Where the borders of Romania, Hungary, and Serbia meet)
Atlantis, Mythology (Near the coast of Spain and Morocco)


Wakanda , Marvel Comics (South of South Sudan, North-West of Ethiopia)


Sequin Land, Shantae (South of Turkey, North of Lebanon, West of Syria)

South America

Easter Island
Neverland, Peter Pan (Near Belize, in the Caribbean)
Rio (Animated Franchise, unspecified part of the Amazon Rainforest, mostly near Rio de Janeiro)

North America

Mouse Island, Geronimo Stilton (Between Atlantic, Pacific and Caribbean Waters)
Calisota , Disney Comics (Between Oregon and California)
Orre, Pokemon (Between Arizona and New Mexico)
Unova , Pokemon (Near New York and New Jersey)

Jump City, Teen Titans
Bludhaven, Batman Mythos
Camp Campbell, Camp Camp (Somewhere in North America, between the US and Canadian Border)
Danville, Phineas and Ferb (any point where 3 States meet/converge)
FARAWAY TOWN (OMOCAT's "OMORI", 25 December 2020 ) [Somewhere in the Continental United States]

Springfield, Simpsons (????????, somewhere in the USA)
→ Simpsons Movie
→ Simpsons : Hit 'n Run
→ Simpson : The Videogame
→ Simpson "Cape Feare"
→ "A Serious Flanders"

Inkwell Isles 1-2-3, Cuphead (Near The Bahamas and Florida)
Inkwell Isles, Cuphead Show (Off the Coast of California)
Gent Corporation / Joey Drew Studios / The Ink World , Bendy and the Ink Machine (???)
Los Santos, GTA
San Andreas, GTA
Vice City, GTA
Liberty City, GTA 4 (New York area)
Cape Suzette ,Talespin (Central or Southern California)

Total Drama Productions
→Muskoka, Ontario
("Total Drama Island", 2007)
→ ("Total Drama: Revenge of the Island", 5 January - 12 April 2012)
Pahkitew Island ("Total Drama: Pahkitew Island", June 2014)


Alola, Pokemon (next to Hawaii)
Lalotai, Moana (Middle of the Pacific Ocean)
Bikini Bottom, Spongebob Squarepants (Under the Bikini Atoll)
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