Omake: The Goddess, the Devil, and the cat
They petted and rubbed our chin, they're cool.
We don't know who they are, so we don't care that much. But they were petting us, so we enjoyed it.
The battle for the universe. Homura Akemi, the Devil, rushed in, bow drawn.
Madoka Kaname, Goddess, did the same.
Just as they reached each other, Madoka slid to a stop, "Homura-chan, wait!"

Homura stopped, but didn't lower her weapon, "I already told you, Madoka, I won't stop protecting you! I refuse to let you-"

"It's not about that..." Madoka lowered her bow, "I just... I just want to spend some time with you, you know? It's been so long since we've just... enjoyed each others company. Homura-chan, I won't fight you... but please, can we... do something fun?"

Homura contemplated the proposal for a minute, before lowering her bow, shrugging, "Sure. I don't see why we can't."

Madoka beamed, "Thanks, Homura-chan! So, any ideas?"

After a moment's deliberation, Homura realized, "There's a universe where I'm a cat."

Madoka lit up with excitement, "Can we pet her, Homura-chan? Can we? Can we?"

With a clap, a small black kitten materialized in Madoka's lap.
"Of course we can," Homura smiled, sitting down next to Madoka.

"Homura-chan, you're so fluffy!" Madoka giggled, petting cat!Homura's head.

"Who's an adorable kitten," Homura crooned as she scratched the kitten's chin, "You are, you are."

Little cat!Homura just meowed softly.
'Fluffy soft soft. Thank you for petting,' she purred.

Sayaka stood off at the sidelines, staring in befuddlement at them.
"You're insane," she muttered, "both of you."

Homura froze, clapped her hands, and went back to petting cat!Homura.

"Hey!" Sayaka yelped as something fuzzy and red dropped into her arms, "What gives?!"
She looked closely at the bundle of fur. It unraveled, and blinked at her.

'Sayaka!' little cat!Kyouko mewled, licking her face.

Sayaka stood frozen like that as the little KyoukoKitten licked her face and crawled onto her shoulder.

"...You know what," Sayaka giggled as she pet cat!Kyouko, "You're alright, transfer student!"


"You're under arrest," the police officer dragged Tomoe Mami away from Nagisa Momoe, who was being comforted by another officer with a shock blanket and hot cocoa.

"No, you don't understand!" Mami protested, kicking and flailing, "I love her!"

"It's going to be alright now," the officer consoled Nagisa.

Nagisa just shuddered, quavery voice whimpering, "She promised me cheese."

This is semi-canon. In the sense that, yes, this happened, and no, it doesn't matter. At all. This has literally zero effect on how Meow Quest will play out.
And no Mami didn't do anything lewd, she's just a creep.
[x] Stay silent. Listen. You shall know all their secrets!
You are kitty stealth supreme! Everyone's secrets shall be yours!
However, much to your dismay, the outside voices are too muffled to hear correctly!

You lay in the darkness for a while, you don't know how long, before the bag cracks open.

"Eeeh?!" Madoka starts in surprise, "Homura-chan?!"

You meow plaintively.

[] Release me!
[] Hello Madoka. Surprise.
21 - Going to School/Girls Can't Love Cats
OOC: Technically the "you're back" vote won, so I chose the cutest one.

[x]You're back!
'You're back!' you enthusiastically cheer, looking up at her.

-[x]Does this mean I can stop hiding, now?
'Does this mean I can stop hiding now?' you ask, trying to climb out of the bag.

"Homura-chan, I can't bring pets to school!" Madoka whispers under her breath.

-[x] Paw at her hand.
She tries to push you back into the bag. You paw at her hand.

"Mew," you vocalize, "Mew."

"Hey!" you hear blue girl gasp, "Madoka, you brought that kitten to school! It seduced you!"

The green girl's voice cuts in, "What?! Girls can't love cats!"

[] This kitten does.
[] Be cute. They pet you.
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[X] This kitten does.
'This kitten does. This kitten loves Madoka,' you say as you crawl up Madoka's sleeve.

"What was that?" Hitomi is startled.

"Madoka is doing ventiloquism," Sayaka sighs.

"No, she's really talking!" Madoka protests.

[X] Be cute. They pet you.
You meow at blue and green girl, being your usual cute self.

"Aw, she's adorable!" Hitomi exclaims, gently rubbing your head.

Sayaka just stares at you with a suspicious glare.

[] Write in....
[x] Don't listen to Blue, Green she just misses her mate Red.
'Don't listen to Blue, Green,' you purr contently, 'She just misses her mate, Red.'

"Eh?" Green girl looks to Madoka, "What do you mean?"

"I'm telling you, it's really Homura-chan talking! I'm not doing anything!"

'I am amazing cat, pet me please,' you hop onto Madoka's desk.

-[x] Keep acting adorable
You roll onto your back, mewling. You are the cutest.
Green girl rewards you with chin rubbing.
Blue girl is unaffected.

-[x] If there's no one else around change back to girl form.
Nope. This room is filled with other humans!
In fact, you're attracting a crowd!

"Oh, a kitten!" someone exclaims.

"So cute!" another gushes.

"It's so soft!" somebody starts petting you, and everybody joins in.

You see no reason to stop the attention.

[] Write in...
[X] Yes worship me, praise me, bow before me humans
-[X] Be the center of attention.
You are the cat queen. It is you. All your humans do your bidding, which is to pet you. Truly, you are the center of attention and loved by all, as all this petting clearly indicates.

--[X] Realize that while having so many humans pet you at once is nice, there's only so much room for their hands. Fortunately, you have a way to fix this: turning into a human.
Not everyone can pet you all at once though... lack of surface area.
Ah, you know!
Humans have more surface area!
Because they're bigger.
In a flash of purple, you're in your human form, draped over Madoka's desk.
"Nya!" you mewl excitedly. More petting!
Everyone stopped. Why did everyone stop?
You look up. Everyone is just staring at you.
Madoka looks mortified.

"Aha!" blue girl jabs a finger at you, "I knew you'd show up again, you cosplay harlot!"

"What?" Hitomi gasps, "I thought she was a magical catgirl or something!"

"No! It's fake!" Sayaka grabs your tail, "I'll show you!"
and she YANKS

[] Write in...
[X] Hiss.
[X] Bite her hand.

You yowl in surprise and pain. That really, really hurt!
Hissing, you turn around and chomp down on blue girl's hand.

[X] ...Human teeth suck.
"H-Hey!" blue girl shouts, "Let go!"
You gnaw on her hand as she flails. Hm. Human teeth suck.

[X] Turn to cat. Attack.
You turn back into a cat, and proceed to latch onto her face.

"OH GOD IT'S IN MY HAIR!" she screams as you scratch her forehead relentlessly.

"Homura-chan, stop!" Madoka shouts, yanking you off of blue girl.
You curl up in Madoka's hands, and begin to cry.

'Blue girl pull tail. Hurt!' you mewl, trembling.

Blue girl is writhing on the floor, clutching her face. That's... blood, yep.

Kyubey stares through the window, 'I don't understand.'

[] Garner sympathy from Madoka.
-[] As catgirl
-[] As cat
[] Write in...
[X] Garner sympathy from Madoka.
-[x] As cat

'Blue girl mean!' you whine, nuzzling her hand, 'I hurt!'

"Oh, Homura-chan, it'll be alright," Madoka hugs you close, then glares at blue girl, "How could you pull her tail?"


[x] When you think no one is looking, lick the blood off your claws. Proudly.
Everyone is looking at Sayaka.
You take the moment to lick your sharp claws clean of blood.

[] Write in...
[x]Be smug.
Hmph, blue girl got what she deserved.
You haughtily preen yourself.

[x]Monopolize Madoka's attention.
'My tail hurts,' you whine pitifully.

"Oh, Homura-chan," she hugs you to her chest, ignoring her thrashing friend.

[X]Pull my tail again, and I'll tell Red.
'Pull my tail again, and I'll tell Red,' you transmit to Sayaka, who just screams...


People are starting to snap out of their funk, and helping Sayaka.

[] Hide in Madoka's bag.
[] Write in....