[X] Blue could heal things. Can we heal things?
[X] Heal Blue. She's stealing our attention.
-[x] Hide in Madoka's bag once finished or if unable to heal her.
Last edited:
Hey, what'd I miss-

Oh Doc. That was awesome. Thank you for making my day.

Say, uh, guys? Health Officer for the class? Madoka. Who we are currently keeping from bringing her friend to get medical attention for her head-wound. Those things bleed badly. You get a single nick behind the ear, and you can fill a damn tea cup - I'd know, from personal experience.
[X] Blue could heal things. Can we heal things?
[X] Heal Blue. She's stealing our attention.
-[x] Hide in Madoka's bag once finished or if unable to heal her.

Why not worth a try
[X] Blue could heal things. Can we heal things?
[X] Heal Blue. She's stealing our attention.
-[x] Hide in Madoka's bag once finished or if unable to heal her.
[x] Hide in Madoka's bag once finished or if unable to heal her.
-[x] Class Rep: Shouldn't the health officer escort Sayaka to the Nurse's office? Madoka: Oh, right! Up we go, Sayaka-chan!
Vote tally:
##### 3.18
[x] Hide in Madoka's bag.
No. of votes: 7
Ugolino, MacroDaemon, veekie, kylina, MrLZRS, James Birdsong, Walker Of Chaos

[X] Hide in Meduka's bag.
No. of votes: 1

[x] More Hugs
No. of votes: 2
angelofwhim, Hyp3rB14d3

[X] Blue could heal things. Can we heal things?
[X] Heal Blue. She's stealing our attention.
-[x] Hide in Madoka's bag once finished or if unable to heal her.
No. of votes: 3
Higure, Wzd_JA, Krecart

[x] Hide in Madoka's bag once finished or if unable to heal her.
-[x] Class Rep: Shouldn't the health officer escort Sayaka to the Nurse's office? Madoka: Oh, right! Up we go, Sayaka-chan!
No. of votes: 1

[X] Sayaka's blood: clot faster.
No. of votes: 1
