Magical Girl Phantom Ascension
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Kikuko Yukimura was a normal girl... until one day, she died. Yet in death, she is offered a chance to save lives.

Suddenly thrust into a new job with magic and spirits and strange revelations about the world, she must answer to two separate bosses with different goals... And personality quirks. All this, while still dealing with the trauma of her own demise; can she unravel the fractalline web of mysteries enclosing on her city and find peace?
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1A - You Are Already Dead


Undead Demi Kuudere Tsundere
Your Haunted Attic
Episode 1: Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

You are dead, well before your time.

This fact hangs inescapably heavy over your head, almost blotting out everything else, as you sit in the middle of the graveyard, staring glumly at your own tombstone. Reading and re-reading the kanji imprinted upon it, some part of you keeps hoping that this will turn out to have been a mistake, that the next time you read them it will magically turn into someone else's name, but the cold reality is literally set in stone before you.

What is your name?
> Write-In

You remember why this happened, if vaguely; it was an accident in the middle of the city. You had looked both ways before crossing the road, but a car screamed out of nowhere and mowed you down too fast to evade. The specifics dance away from your consciousness, and trying to recall more just gives you fleeting wisps of unimaginable pain. It's not a difficult decision to leave those memories alone.

The funeral is over, too. You had regained consciousness in the middle of it; awakening to the smell of incense and the sound of your own eulogy by a temple priest, and sitting up from the coffin to try to assure everyone you were fine. It didn't take long to realize they couldn't hear or see you, and you had left your body behind. (Nor could you return the same way you vacated it, and the skin-crawling discomfort you felt in the attempt lingers unpleasantly when you think back on it. Despite the clear attempts to clean you up, there was a distinct misshapenness under the kimono they had dressed you in, speaking to the fatal damage you had suffered. Perhaps it is for the best that you didn't succeed…)

The service was an awkward affair, after that, sitting beside yourself as a procession of acquaintances took their turn at your coffin, offering kōdenbukuro envelopes, burning incense, and paying their questionably sincere respects. Classmates who never gave you a second glance sang your praises out of clear obligation, while distant relatives struggled to find something relevant to say. You tried not to take it too personally, since it wasn't as though you were any more familiar with them, but it still stung a bit to realize how few meaningful connections you had had.

But then, last in line were your brother and parents, and as each in turn stepped up to your coffin, it suddenly hit you that this may be the last time you would see them. The full reality of the situation hadn't entirely sunk in until now, but you found yourself tearing up. Looking away, you unsuccessfully attempted to wipe your eyes clear, despite the part of your mind urging you to watch and listen closely. In the end, you missed everything they said, but you could at least tell that every word of it was meant. Somehow, that only hurt more, and you yearned desperately to turn back the clock, if only to see their faces and properly hear their final words.

You're going to miss them more than you realized.

The rest went by in a blur, a surreal blend of morbid hyperawareness in the moment that immediately melted away into mere flashes of memory. Flowers placed all around your body, pressing your forehead against your own still face, framed for a moment by beautiful Red Spider Lilies and Chrysanthemums, before the coffin lid shut forever. Your wry disbelief as everyone filed out while the shrine staff draped the box in banners, telling your spirit it was time to move on - move on to where? And listlessly following after as your casket was wheeled outside and loaded into the back of a hearse, clambering in beside it before they shut the back of the vehicle, not even thinking to wonder about the destination until it came to a stop again.

The moment you saw the crematorium, you decided you had had enough, and just sat down unseen on the building's front steps as the coffin was taken inside. There was a cold emptiness gnawing within you now, a void of thought and feeling where there should have been something more. Everything ceased to register, until hours later, you were jolted back to awareness by the staff and your close family emerging again. In their arms were two urns - one with your ashes, you knew, and the other with the powdered remains of your bones.

Then was the drive to the graveyard, and the burial. Once again you quietly slipped into a free seat in the procession of vehicles, and followed your family to a small open pit prepared among the endless rows of markers. That was uncomfortable in a different sort of way, watching the first urn be gently lowered and dirt packed on top, knowing that some part of you was still in there. Were you supposed to stay there with it? That didn't quite seem right, but staying up top, watching from the edge of the now much-smaller crowd struck you as wrong too. Still, you stood and watched, until the tombstone was pushed back into place, and everyone quietly filed away.

And now here you sit, alone, as the sun sets behind the trees and distant mountains… and sets on your grave. You were just a normal teenage girl, until this happened; but now you are dead, well before your time.

~~~ .oO◯Oo. ~~~​

Just as the last rays of light slip away beneath the horizon, casting your home city of Hitotsutani into twilight, something strange happens. An eerie mist billows from the trees, from a doorway you suspect wasn't there a moment ago, and following moments later, a shadowy specter appears. Smoke billows in the faint breeze, seeming at first to obscure their exact form, but the closer you look the more it feels like the dark clouds are their form… yet you still detect shape within. The paradoxical sight makes your head hurt, so you simply look away for a moment, watching them from the corner of your vision. "Are you the grim reaper? Have you come to take me?" You ask, somehow knowing you'll be heard this time.

"Not quite," the stranger says with what could be a light chuckle, which you suppose makes sense given their lack of robes or a scythe. "Rather, I am a Shade, and I am here to give you a job offer."

"Why me? I'm dead." On some level, you're alarmed by how calm you are about all of this. The painfully overpowering emptiness from before has faded, and yet your placidity feels inappropriate for the circumstances. Not acceptance of what may come, just numbness.

The Shade's gaze shifts to the side, though you can't see any eyes. "You meet the necessary criteria," they begin, sounding like someone trying to use long-rehearsed lines in a context they were not meant for, "and, well, your current… condition… means you should in theory have less to hold you back from taking this offer." You simply nod wearily and gesture for them to go on, unable to argue with that logic.

Their initial stiffness breaks down as they continue, swiftly devolving into nonsensical rambles. "I wouldn't do this under normal circumstances, you see, but recruitment is at an all-time low. Living applicants have started turning the job down a lot more frequently in the past six or seven years; something about someone named Sachiko-san, and some 'Magician Troupe Sinisteria'? I've never even heard of such a thing before, and there's nothing untoward about the job itself, but there's this sudden strange level of suspicion involved that I just don't understand." Misinterpreting your blank stare, they cough and awkwardly conclude in their original tone. "I still have a couple of others in this region who have expressed interest, but any sort of additional help is more than welcome."

"I… see." You're not sure you understand any more than they do, but nod again regardless. "So, what is the job?"

"Ah, sorry!" the stranger gives the impression of a sheepish grin, realizing their blunder. "It's… how would you like to become a Magical Girl?"

"A magical girl?" You cock your head, confused. "I consider being a ghost pretty magical just on its own… or is that more supernatural? Kind of spooky, really." You can feel yourself struggling to stave off the imminent realization that you are indeed a ghost now, burying the acknowledgement under pointless semantics.

"A Magical Girl is a transforming warrior who protects humanity against the forces of darkness!" The stranger explains, sounding suddenly passionate. "Unknown to the general population, you fight against all sorts of magical beings that seek to do harm in the world."

"Oh, that kind of magical girl?" You remember watching some shows like that as a kid, (Mystic Midnight Voyager Kairi, was it? A young witch and her friends traveling the world and beyond on brooms, fighting evil and solving problems wherever they went…) but you haven't really given it much thought in years. Even in your present numbness, it's strange to think that there was something actually real to it. Still... "I guess that would give me something to do…" Sure beats sitting around in a graveyard, moping all the time.

"So, do you accept?" They ask. You have the option to refuse right here and now, but remembering the draped banners from earlier, the answer becomes icy-clear. To linger listlessly, or… Or this. You know that your decision is already made.

"Fine, I'm in."

"If that works for you, yes." The Shade just seems grateful that you accepted at all, taking a brief moment to slump in relief before moving on.

From seemingly thin air, they produce a wide, flat square box and open it up to you, revealing a cushioned interior with several different-colored rings sticking up from indents in the soft lining. "Now to select from these. Choose the one that you feel the most… connection with." Holding your hand over them, you somehow sense an… attitude from each, for lack of a better word.

What kind of Magical Girl will you be?
> Red - Passionate (High offense, low defense, medium versatility)
> Orange - Reliable (Medium offense, high defense, low versatility)
> Green - Clever (Low offense, medium defense, high versatility)
> Blue - Consistent (High offense, medium defense, low versatility)
> Purple - Esoteric (Medium offense, low defense, high versatility)
> Pink - Purehearted (Low offense, high defense, medium versatility)

This is a revised and expanded version of the opening post, not the original version as posted in 2018. You may find the original preserved here.
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1B - Transformation/First Incantation
Reaching for the purple ring feels right, somehow. You're hesitant, and give the others another check to be sure, but the last bit of doubt is erased by the ring shining just a tad brighter. It really does make sense, you realize; you were never necessarily antisocial, but you always kept to yourself, and were accordingly left alone. It created a certain distance that was hard to cross, but outside a few bouts of loneliness, you didn't especially feel the need to.

You pick up the ring, and slide it onto your finger thoughtfully. The universe clicks into place.

"So one thing that's bothering me about this… I still seem tangible." It wasn't until you turned back around to find your body still lying in the coffin that you realized what had happened - despite being invisible and inaudible to all the funeral-goers, you didn't seem to be able to pass through walls, or anything else really. Climbing back into the coffin had resulted in lying awkwardly on top of your own corpse, (an experience you aren't eager to repeat) and getting to the graveyard had required hitching a ride; hopping into the back of the hearse while they were loading the casket. Only now it occurs to you that you could have traced letters into someone's back, or something - though you're not sure what it could have achieved.

Anyway. The stranger chuckles, their ambiguous form somehow conveying sheepishness. "I'll admit that I'm not the one to ask about this - trying something like this is unprecedented enough to begin with. I may be able to see spirits due to my nature, but you're the first I've interacted with in a proper sense, so I don't know the ins and outs. Maybe we should start by making sure you're even able to transform."

"That's a good point," you nod.

You stare at them. They stare at you. (You think. You can somehow tell they have eyes, but when you actually try to concentrate on looking at them all features seem to vanish. It's rather offputting.)

"...So, how do I do this?" you finally ask.

"Ah, I've noticed it varies from girl to girl; some do it very simply, others feel the need to pose dramatically. But in any case, the general idea is to simply focus on your ring, and will yourself to transform."

You try that but accomplish little, aside from making strange faces for a full minute. "Maybe it's broken."

"OH, wait! This is your first time, so the process is a bit different here. You have to recite a particular incantation, hang on a moment, let me read your aura..."

For being a mysterious shadowy figure of indeterminate size, shape, and gender, they strike you as surprisingly airheaded.

"Okay, repeat after me…" They say the incantation, and you repeat it in turn.

Though dark and cold the lonely night
My power creates only light
Curtains cascade across on high

Bringing justice from northern skies

Speaking it aloud feels a bit silly at first, but you focus on your ring as you speak, hoping this will work. As the final syllable rings out into the night, you're suddenly overtaken by a rush of energy. A sensation of sheer joyousness threatens to overwhelm you, and at first you try to fight it. But after a moment, you find yourself not so much giving in as riding along with the flow, letting it take you where it will.

After a few moments, the sensation dies down, and you open your eyes (you hadn't even noticed closing them in the first place) to find yourself wearing a strange cross between a slimming ball gown and a parka. The dress is a subtly shimmering thing, with long bell sleeves and a slightly billowy skirt with a slit up one side. Most of it is in a deep, rich purple shade, but the bottom of the skirt and the edges of the sleeves shift into a greenish teal color. Over that, you're wearing a short white vest with purple fur lining the collar and down the middle, as well as a white sash around your hips. Under the skirt, meanwhile, you have thigh-high boots with miles of lacing (you're glad you don't have to tie it all; the transformation has already taken care of that) and surprisingly solid, heavy-duty soles - they seem more suited to heavy winter hiking than anything. And finally, you realize you're carrying a weapon, that must have materialized in your hand sometime during the transformation as well.

What is your weapon?
> A Staff or Polearm
> A Sword
> A Sickle or Hook
> A Bow & Quiver
> Write-In
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1C - Grimm Beginnings
You give the polearm an experimental swing, nearly accidentally hitting the stranger with it and forcing them to back up a few steps. It seems you'll still have to learn how to use it properly. For that matter, you're not even sure what it is - it certainly isn't a simple spear, going by the subtly curved blade at the end.

"Curious," the stranger notes, gazing at you with a stumped expression. (That once again vanishes as soon as you're aware of it. This is really starting to get annoying.) "As soon as you transformed, you became visible by normal means again."

"Wait, really?" You immediately start patting yourself. "Did it turn me alive again?"

"No, you're still just a spirit," the stranger explains, "but you're able to be detected by normal means again. Unless someone got close enough to realize you aren't breathing and lack a pulse, you could pass for a living girl fairly fine…" they glance about at your surroundings, and add "Try to turn back now. If you're seen here, it could create awkward questions, you know."

"And how do I do that?" you sigh.

"Ah, right," You can almost see the stranger sweatdropping, "Simply the normal activation, but in reverse; focus on being as you were." This time, it works the first time you try it, and you return to the clothes you were wearing before, the staff of ambiguity twinkling as it vanishes into your… hammerspace, or something. The stranger nods. "As I suspected, you are invisible again. This could be a problem for coordination with the others, but we'll worry about that later."

They seem about to speak again, but suddenly they freeze in place, a curious deep ringing sound filling the air, like a bell's tolling that simply does not end. You glance around to find everything else has changed as well; the sky is an uncomfortable blood red, while the ground, the trees, everything else, has turned a dark shade of monochrome grey. The lighting is off, too; making it all look strangely fake. You realize it's not just the stranger that's frozen, but a crow nearby is stopped mid-dive, and you suspect if you ventured further, you'd find everything else in a similar state. Aside from the distant ringing in the background, everything is still and silent in a way you never realized was possible; it feels like it could drive you mad.

"Sorry about all of this, I imagine it's a bit disconcerting," comes a voice from behind you, and you whirl around to find an unfamiliar girl lounging atop a fairly blocky tombstone, one leg kicked up like some sort of pin-up pose. She's wearing a big black jacket and a too-long red tie over a white dress shirt, and has a strange red skirt with seven belt buckles attached to the hem at intervals. Her stockings are black-and-red striped, too, over black formal slip-on shoes with less-formal platform heels, polished to a shine. Her hair is similarly dark, raven locks parted over one eye to hide the other, and you note with horror that she's wearing black lipstick, as she gives you a cattish grin. All told, she looks like someone trying way too hard to be edgy, and despite the circumstances you have to stifle a giggle at her wardrobe.

"So… who are you?" You ask, once the urge to laugh has subsided. "Did you do… all of this?" You wave at the surroundings, before another thought hits you. "Are you another 'Magical Girl'?"

She does laugh, throwing her head back and clutching her stomach, only to start tilting backwards off the gravestone. She manages to turn the fall into a roll, cartwheeling neatly to her feet and wiping away a few stray tears of mirth. "No, I am not a Magical Girl. Yes, I did do this; I needed to talk to you a moment, so I brought you into my world. Or, the world as I see it, I suppose you could say." She grins at you again, and it's really quite creepy. "And I think you know who I am… or do I need to pull out the scythe to prove it?"

How to react to this?
> Yes, Please ("Prove it. I want to see the scythe.")
> No, Don't ("You aren't here to take me, are you?")
> All Business ("You said you wanted to talk. What's this about?")
> Give A Compliment ("You're a lot less skeletal than I was expecting.")
> Speak Your Mind ("Have you spoken to any fashion designer ghosts?")
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1D - An Offer You Can Refuse
You freeze up, not quite sure how to react to that, but you finally settle on "You're a lot less skeletal than I was expecting."

She pouts a bit, trying and failing to look like she wasn't just about to reach behind her back, but brightens up at your comment. "Hehe, thanks. I mean, the robe-and-skeleton look has its place and all, but it's just not me, you know? Let me tell you, it's been hilarious to see the reactions of some people when they see me for the first time, expecting someone a whole lot more… grimm."

You nod awkwardly, not sure if the pun was intentional or not, until she wiggles her eyebrows at you. "...No? Tough crowd." She shrugs. "Anyway, I suppose I should get to the point already."

"I am curious what this is all about," you admit. She takes a seat back on the wide tombstone, and you lean up against a tall cross opposite her.

"There are two reasons I brought you here. I'm sure you have a lot of questions about this whole situation you're in, and I wanted to provide some clarity there. The other reason, is because I have a request to make of you. But, let's start with the AMA."

You glance over at the stranger, their shrouded form still frozen in place. "What's that all about?"

She cocks her head thoughtfully. "I'll admit I don't know the full story there. I can observe, and I learn a lot from talking to the dead, but I'm not omnipotent. But they've been around a while, and seem mostly on the up-and-up, so I don't see any reason to distrust them."

You nod. "Alright. Then I guess the other thing I wanted to ask was… why me? Why this whole thing about recruiting a ghost, and why was I the first one they could contact?"

"Hmm, now isn't that a tricky one." She sighs, taking on a more serious expression. "You stuck around longer because I allowed it, to be honest. Most of the other spirits they tried to approach, I came in and scooped up right before they could make contact; I didn't realize what they were trying to do until just recently, so I let taking care of you… slide a bit, just to see if anything would actually come of it. I'm sorry about that, I guess."

You're not quite sure how to feel about that; this whole situation is mind-boggling enough as it is that you can't even begin to parse out the morality of it.

"And I guess that brings me to the other reason I'm talking to you now; which is the same reason I'm letting their little experiment progress at all," she continues, sitting up straighter as her more jovial attitude creeps back in. "You see, my job is to ferry souls, but I can't actually influence the outside world or interact with anyone until they're already dead. I can observe, but I am actively unable to intervene." You have a feeling you know where this is going, but you let her keep on.

She chuckles wryly, a hint of bitterness creeping in. "Trust me, there are some wars I would have stopped in their tracks if I could, and not just because of the ridiculous workload they gave me. Death is a natural thing, but having to take someone before their time is… not fun, to put it lightly."

"So one of the reasons I wanted to see if this would even work, is with the idea that you could on occasion help me out a little bit, too." A long silence as you stare at each other, before her eyes widen. "Whiiiiich, I suddenly realize, kind of sounds bad when I put it like that. I won't make you do anything bad, and you don't have to agree to it in the first place, but… I think it could help. Leaving one soul, who may just be able to save countless others."

You consider the idea, weighing the pros and cons. You have a choice to make.

Do you acce-

"You don't have to answer me right away!" She adds, waving her hands before you. "Just bringing it up now, to give you time to think it over. Anyway, that should be about it for now…" She stands up again, before another thought hits her, mouth becoming an 'o.' "Right, one other thing I ought to mention. Being a ghost means you can't die the same way a normal human would, but you're not invulnerable. If your soul becomes too fragile, I will have to come and ferry you, or else you may risk being erased entirely. As a magical girl, some of the things you fight may be able to hurt you like that, so be careful, okay?"

You nod in understanding, and she heads to the edge of the graveyard. Out in the road, there's a chopper motorcycle you're pretty sure wasn't there moments ago, its pale white-silver-tan hues standing out amongst the oppressively grey backdrop. As she takes a seat and grips the tall handlebars, she turns to you one last time. "Oh yeah, since you were pretty nice about all of this, I figure I'll give you one last hint - ghosts can go through walls, if they try hard enough." She winks and kicks the stand up into place, engine roaring to life with a sudden ferocity.

And suddenly you're back in the real world. The night sky is a dark velvet shade, the crow you spotted earlier comes to a landing in the grass, the breeze ruffles your hair, and there's no sign of the strange girl or her pale horse.

"Anyway, we can discuss the rest later; for now I'll give you some time to think about this. Would you prefer to stay here, or go somewhere else? Your home, perhaps?" The stranger opens their eyes, and jolts in surprise. "How did you get all the way over there?"

What to say?
> Tell Them (Explain the meeting with Death)
> Don't Say Anything (Brush it off, and don't tell them about the encounter.)
1E - Goodbye To The Graveyard
"Ah, sorry," you say, thinking quickly, "I just wanted to move around a little bit. I'm still listening." You decide not to mention the meeting. Even if Death never told you to keep it a secret, it just feels like something meant to stay between you and her.

The stranger doesn't seem to notice anything amiss, continuing on obliviously. "Alright then. As I said, I imagine all of this at once is a surprise to you, so for now I'll give you time. Always have to account for culture shock, and all that. I can take you somewhere else if you want, or would you rather stay here?"

You glance around. The graveyard is silent and empty, a little bit gloomy but mostly just boring. "I'd like…" You glance down at your arms, remembering that you're invisible now, even if it doesn't really seem like it. "I'd like to go home, I think." It may make you feel worse, but you want closure. You want to see your parents again.

"Where do you live?" The stranger asks, and you tell them. They beckon you to follow, returning to the strange doorway in the back. They raise one shadowed limb toward it, and it suddenly sinks down into the earth, before rising back up looking slightly… different, more normal if anything. You open the knob, and on the other side, impossibly, is your room. "I'll return for you later," the stranger promises, and you walk through.

As soon as it shuts, the doorway vanishes, leaving you alone in your room. Given the funeral, you know intellectually that some time must have passed since your death, but it feels to you like you left only just this morning, and that illusion is supported by your surroundings, unchanged in the least.

What does your room look like?
> A Total Mess
> Lived-In
> Nice And Neat

What sort of hobbies did you have? (Choose up to four, specify priority)

> Cooking
> Fashion/Sewing
> Writing
> Drawing
> Singing
> Music (Specify Instrument)
> Acting
> Dancing
> Martial Arts
> Skating
> Hiking/Mountaineering
> Sports (Specify Sport)
> Reading
> Collecting (Specify What)
> Electronics/Programming
> Cosplay
> Gaming (Tabletop or Video)
> Film/Directing
> Animals
> Photography
> Crafting (Specify: Smithing, Carpentry, Sculpting)
> Ameteur Radio
> Underwater Basket Weaving
> Write-In
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1F - Cue The Angst
Now that you look about, it's really untouched. Honestly, the place is kind of messy; not nearly as bad as it could be, (or has been in the past) but with the healthy clutter that signified it was comfortably lived-in. You're not sure whether to laugh or wince at the irony. There are papers everywhere, sketchbooks and loose sheets, all drawn on, from silly doodles to beautiful works of art. (Or at least everyone told you they were beautiful; personally, you've never been completely satisfied with more than a handful of them, and you suspect even a few of those won't hold up in a year or two.)

The closet door is half-open, and peeking out are your other big projects - a couple being unique dresses that you came up with the designs for, but the vast majority of them are costumes for cosplay. Some from recent popular anime, a few more from games you like, and even some taken from western superhero action movies. You've only once worn one in public, when a convention was staged in your city for once, but mostly it's been a personal thing. You're not necessarily shy about it, but neither did you feel the need to flaunt it about except in the most permissive of circumstances.

On your desk -surrounded by additional sketches- rests your desktop computer, and on the shelf above is a whole row of cases for game disks. (You also have a console underneath, that you had convinced your younger brother to rig into connecting with your monitor; he's much better at that hardware finagling than you. Ah, young kids these days and their technology…) You also have a few books for tabletop gaming, but given your lack of connection to most of your peers, you had to resort to dragging said brother into a short campaign. Then he soon became too bored to continue, so you were left simply playing on your own.

It got depressing fast, and you haven't really touched them recently.

Aside from that, there's not much of note. An acoustic guitar rests across your messy futon, the remnants of your all-too-brief musical phase - you were sure you were getting better, but noise complaints from the neighbors across the alleyway, combined with a scathing brotherly critique of your singing, put to rest any serious thoughts of pursuing the skill. Still, on occasions when you've had the house to yourself, you've managed to look up advice online and get some practice in. You've still been too self-conscious to ask your family if you've improved any, but you hoped it wasn't as painful nowadays. Finally, forgotten atop the dresser is a camera from a few years back, when you'd tried to get into photography. That, too, was an ill-fated endeavor, though less from lack of skill and more the simple fact that you feel more comfortable depicting life with a pencil in hand.

All told, it's an artistic but somewhat eclectic set of hobbies you've managed to waste your short life on, though you prefer to think of it as versatility. It's kept you occupied, at the very least, though your passion for your drawing and your sewing are very real.

And suddenly it hits you - you can't come back to this, can you? You could pick the pen back up and resume where you left off, but if your family noticed new drawings appearing, or your sewing machine seemingly operating itself, it would terrify them. They weren't inclined toward superstition in this day and age, but everyone had their limits. Your own skepticism had been shaken today, by events too strange to conceivably ignore. There is the remote possibility that this was all some strange dream and you were in a coma in the hospital or something, but somehow you found yourself doubting that.

You wind up lying down on the edge of the futon, plucking at guitar strings idly, just quietly enough to avoid being overheard. Outside the window, the stars twinkle distantly, almost drowned out by the glow of city lights below, and a sudden feeling of hopelessness washes over you. Sure, there's this whole 'magical girl' schtick that you remember just enough from those childhood anime reruns to understand the basics of, but the rest of the time? The protagonists of Mystic Midnight Voyager Kairi may have flown off all over the world on their brooms every night, guided only by the moon and stars during the hidden thirteenth hour only they could experience... but once the sun rose, they all still had to return home to deal with school and homework and friends. You, however… you are completely unmoored; you are past all of that now. To the world at large, you may as well be dead… Wait, no, you are dead, which just somehow makes it even worse. You can't just pick up where you left off.

Maybe coming back here was a mistake.

Standing back up, you drift over to the door (your door, not the strange one your benefactor had summoned) and gently, quietly, turn the knob. Even if nobody can hear or see you directly, you don't want to take the chance of freaking them out over things you're interacting with.

The hall is silent and empty; your brother's door is closed shut, no light coming from underneath. You can hear a noise coming from downstairs, too, so you carefully step toward the stairs, a lump growing in your throat.

But before you reach the top, you notice the full-length mirror hanging on the opposite end, right between your door and the one for your brother's room. To your surprise, you can see your own reflection clearly in it. Guess that's one myth debunked… or wait, wasn't that vampires? Either way, it's a surprise to you, and you wonder if anyone living would be able to see you in the reflection as well.

You'd better leave quick before someone comes and tests that out, but before you head down, you take a moment to look yourself over. You look just the same as on the day you died, perhaps just a little before the actual accident. (Going by the lack of blood on your outfit.)

What do you look like?
Task: Height
> Very Short
> Medium-Short
> Medium
> Medium-Tall
> Very Tall

Task: Hair
> Short
> Medium
> Long

Task: Bangs
> Parted
> Covering Eye
> Blunt

Task: Hair Color
> Black
> Purple
> Platinum
> Write-In

Task: Eye Color
> Purple
> Aqua
> Dark Grey
> Write-In

Task: Skin Color
> Dark
> Normal
> Pale

Task: Body Type
> Skinny
> Feminine
> Curvy

Task: Outfit
> School Uniform
> Casual weekend-wear
-> Dress
-> Sweater vest and skirt
-> Sweater vest and pants
-> Write-in
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1G - Family Matters And Broader Concerns
You're just on the shorter end of average, with a petite figure and pale skin and pale hair - made even whiter by your newly deceased status. (It's ironic in a way; becoming a ghost doesn't seem to have changed you too much, at least visually speaking.) Your eyes stand out, though, a dark purple shade that in the dark hallway look like black holes, creeping even yourself out just a tad. You're wearing the same thing as on the day you died; an argyle sweater vest over a dress shirt, a pleated skirt that ends just above your knees, and long socks. Perhaps some would find it a bit ostentatious, but you like it.

The sound from downstairs comes again, jolting you from your self-reflection. Right.

Slowly making your way down, carefully avoiding hitting that one creaky step obligatory in every staircase, you find yourself in the living room; the front door's off to your left, while the dining room and kitchen are to your right. That's where your parents are, their backs to you; your mother slumped over a cup of tea at the table, your father standing behind her, rubbing her shoulders comfortingly. Both look unbearably sad, yet neither speak, the only sound being the occasional sigh and sipping from the cup.

It's strange, to be standing right in front of them yet know they can't see you. To know why they're grieving, but unable to stop it.

Or can you? If you transformed right now, you could talk to them. Tell them you're still here, in a manner of speaking, still watching over them. But how would they react to that? Fear? Denial? (If your brother died instead, and reappeared saying he was now a magical girl, you'd probably think the grief had driven you crazy...) Or acceptance? You just don't know.

Do you reveal yourse-

The doorbell rings suddenly, and your father goes over to get it; you shrink aside to avoid bumping into him. The moment has passed for now, stopping you from doing anything rash, but the temptation remains in the back of your head.

Anyway, the door opens to reveal a rather androgynous stranger dressed in a business suit, and your father steps closer to prevent them from entering. "Is this the Yukimura household?" The voice, equally gender-neutral, seems oddly familiar.

"It's rather late," your father says, somewhat stiffly. "What's this about?"

"Ah, sorry," the stranger says, glancing about the room over his shoulders, before meeting eyes with you and winking, a subtle black mist appearing around them for just a moment. Your own eyes widen suddenly, and you realize who it is. That was… faster than you were expecting. "I'm from the school district, heard about what happened with your daughter. I realize now isn't the best time, perhaps, but I wanted to arrange a meeting for later to discuss what to do about that."

"I'm not sure what there is to discuss, but very well." Your father says. "I'll call tomorrow. What's your number?"

"Ah, let me see…" The stranger digs in their pockets before handing him a business card, then bows slightly at the waist and turns to leave. "I look forward to speaking with you tomorrow, then. Have a good night."

"I'll try," your father mutters, stepping back from the door for a moment - just long enough for you to dart through. He slams it shut just a second after you clear the frame, and you nearly tumble down the front steps in surprise.

Once again shrouded in black mist, the stranger stands before you. "We have trouble already," they explain. "So you'll have to jump into action a little earlier than I anticipated. The good news, though, is that you'll have backup; I was able to convince one of the the other candidates to join as well, before I was notified of the brewing incident."

You wonder who it might be, or if you know them at all, but there is of course the bigger issue at hand. "Right, you were going to tell me what the problem was… What can I expect?"

What scenarios will you be facing? Choose no less than seven points (though more is encouraged)
> Dubious Dopplegangers - 1 Point
Clones of random people have been appearing in the city lately, living lives in parallel with their lookalikes. It's not been causing any problems so far, but there's something strange about the whole scenario…
> Worrisome Discovery - 1 Point
Human scientists have recently stumbled across strange technology from an ancient tomb, and there's reason to believe that if they figure out how to activate it, severe consequences could follow.
> Corrupted Monsters - 2 Points
Human civilians have recently been turning into monsters at random. The incidents have been covered up and they can be turned back to normal, but someone still needs to do the legwork to save them from themselves and figure out why this is happening.
> Slumbering Terror - 2 Points
A long-dormant western dragon sleeps beneath the city, and if awoken, its reign of fire would be devastating. A cult dedicated to unearthing it plans to dig down and wake it up.
> Dark Portals - 3 Points
Strange portals have begun opening up at random, sending people to a hidden dimension, inaccessible to the stranger. Someone needs to go through and find a way to bring the vanished people back.
> The Godfather - 3 Points
A local Yazuka branch has undergone a shift in leadership, and the new head honcho is suspected to be a dark mage in disguise. Even if it's outside the usual job description for a magical girl, someone needs to infiltrate and bring them down from the inside.

[X] Mysterious Juggernaut - Locked In

An unstoppable, unidentifiable entity has been causing direct problems for the stranger's organization, and it's coming to your city soon.
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1H - Starting Monster
"Well, there's a lot going on," the stranger admits, glancing to one side. "And it's been hard to keep up with it, with numbers diminished as they are. So far we've identified four potential brewing incidents in this region; it's possible some of them may be interrelated, but for now there seems to be little connection. And then on top of that, there's been the thefts…"

"Thefts?" You ask.

"Ah, well, that's elsewhere; not our concern. For now, there's enough on our plate as it is. People vanishing, while others have clones appear, suspicious tremors under the city, and monsters showing up. That last item is the current incident, actually; we've managed to isolate and cover up the first two instances, but with a proper magical girl on the field it should be considerably easier to handle, even with your current level of inexperience. Have to have a starting monster somewhere, right?"

"Uh… sure." Nervousness suddenly grips you, and you idly wonder if you should do some research on this stuff. Your Voyager Kairi recollections are frustratingly vague...

"Anyway, I won't waste your time any longer; let me take you there." They wave a limb at the sidewalk, and as before, a door and frame rise up out of it, this time with a push-bar rather than a knob.

Stepping through, you find yourself in the middle of an empty sloping city street, somewhere downtown. Skyscrapers surround you, along with a parking garage nearby. In an intersection at the top of the hill is a hulking figure backlit by streetlights, while down at the bottom near you is another teenage girl wearing a green dress and wielding a strangely-angled tool. Aside from the two of you and the monster, the place seems deserted, but you wonder if there may be a few overnight workers around; a handful of windows in the towering buildings are still lit.

What will you do?
> Transform and attack right away
> Transform and talk to the other girl
> Observe for now, transform if it becomes necessary
> Write-In
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1I - Beauty And The Beast
You decide to remain invisible for now, and see how this plays out. Even if she's as new as you, maybe she has some insight into how this is supposed to work that you lack?

Stepping closer, you give her a quick look up and down. She's half a head taller than you, with a somewhat curvier frame, and a restless disposition. "Where are they?" She mutters to herself, glancing about before returning her attention back to the motionless beast uphill. Her dark green hair is set in a unique style, pulled back into a thick ponytail (held together by a fluffy black scrunchie) at the nape of her neck, that falls straight and smooth until suddenly exploding into a mess of curls at the end. Though one eye is hidden beneath her bangs, the dark bags and puffiness of both are visible under hastily-applied makeup; has she had a bad day? For a moment you want to say something, before remembering you have no clue what to say, and she can't hear you anyway. All told, she seems strangely familiar, though you can't place why.

Her dress is a shoulderless and floaty affair, with layers and layers of translucent cloth in different shades of green overlapping to create a gradient from palest mint up top, to murkiest fern on bottom, with black stockings and full-length gloves to finish things off. The weapon you noticed earlier, you now realize, is a wide bladed hoop inlaid with jade and malachite.

Suddenly, the monster moves, lifting its bulky figure up and beginning to walk to the right… down a different street than you two are on. "Aw, crap," she says, and starts sprinting after it, heels clacking loud against the pavement. "That useless shadow… thing… better get here with my backup now!"

You follow after as she heads uphill toward the beast, and do your best to observe the opposition as you do so. It's pretty huge, standing a story and a half tall upon six muscular legs, ending in appendages that resemble a bizarre cross between hooves and clenched fists. The head is blunt and bulbous, and completely lacks discernable eyes; the mouth is a toothless maw open at an angle that makes you think of a cheese circle. The whole thing is a light grey color, with luminous white carapace on its back and shoulders. All in all, it's a bulky and intimidating beast, akin to an elephant but far meaner-looking.

By the time the two of you reach the intersection, the monster's a good way down the other road; despite its sluggish pace, it's got a long stride. "Hey, you! Ugly!" the verdette calls at it, only to be ignored. "Right, okay. Let's try something else." She lifts up her hoop-blade, grimaces at it for a moment, then shrugs and hurls it with all her might at the creature's backside. It skips off of the pale shell, but leaves a deep gash in the process, and successfully gets the monster's attention. It groans a bit, smashing a storefront canopy overhang with its face as it swings back around.

Now that it's lumbering back toward her, the girl seems to be rethinking her plan. "Uhhh… crap. What was I supposed to do now, again? Should have been paying more attention…" She frowns at this, taking on a strangely melancholy expression, and rubs at her visible eye. "Whatever, I don't have time for this." She makes to lift her hoop-blade before her, before realizing she threw it away, and by this point the creature's almost on top of her. "Oh, this is going to su-"

The beast unleashes a brutal right hook that sends her rocketing through the air and crashing through a second-story window on the opposite corner. You wait a moment, but she doesn't come out, and now the beast is seconds from obliviously stepping on you, too.

What do you do?
> Climb (Take a ride on the creature's leg and look for weak points.)
> Defend (Head up to her location to see how she's faring, and if you can help at all.)
> Distract (Stay on the ground, but try to draw its attention away from her.)
> Retreat (Stay back, stay invisible, continue to observe. Maybe even ask for advice?)
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