After grabbing a bowl of cereal (and then realizing that as a ghost you probably don't need to eat… and then realizing you don't care; you want some comfort food, dammit) you mull over your options. Part of you is really really tempted to just spend the day at home and do nothing in particular… but nah, if Death or the stranger show up needing you for something, it could be a pain if your family comes back. The stranger… maybe you could call them up, get some answers out of them. There's still so much you don't understand… But no, you decide; you're still having trouble wrapping your head around yesterday's revelations; no need to add even more to the pile just yet.
Your thoughts drift back to school, and Midori. Normally you're not exactly the type to be terribly concerned with other people's business, but in this case, it does involve you in a way… and frankly, on some level you're just plain worried about her.
After washing the dishes and putting them back away, you slip out the laundry room window again, leaving it like you found it last night, and head to school. If the walk last night was strange because of the darkness, now it's even weirder because of how normal everything seems. You didn't bring your bag, figuring you wouldn't need it, and the lack of the familiar weight of your textbooks leaves you feeling like you could float away altogether.
Can you float? Something to ask the stranger, or probably Death, next time you see them.
Soon enough you arrive, pushing through the front doors and hoping it'll be chalked up to heavy winds or something. (There's barely any breeze today.) Fortunately you're between class periods, so there's nobody around to see.
Checking the time, you find that it's a quarter to eleven; homeroom is well over by now. You struggle to recall what other classes you shared with Midori - the vague recollections of her watching you were at different times, you're sure of it, but since you never really thought much of it, you're not sure now where to look.
You consider sneaking into the offices and trying to find her class schedule, but between the inconvenience of dodging around the teachers to do so, and the sheer creepiness of such a move, you instantly dismiss the thought. This is already weird enough without getting into her private information. You may be worried, but you're not about to turn into a full-fledged stalker on her behalf.
Instead, you ultimately settle on a more passive plan - visiting your usual classes, knowing you'll have to cross paths with her eventually. Even that strikes you as a bit sketchy somehow, but it's too late for second thoughts. And so it is that you head up to the third floor, to find your history class.
The door's closed firmly (and you doubt you can use the wind excuse to enter) but on the upside, there are windows bordering the hall that let you look in without any trouble. You find your own spot easily; the sole empty desk, (you suppose even the time for the customary white chrysanthemum in a vase has passed you by,) nestled near the back corner and looking out over the school grounds. From there you search for Midori in the rows behind you, but she's not there, or really anywhere in the classroom. You evidently just never had this class together.
Alright, maybe you should try sweeping the school for her? Again, that option feels uncomfortable somehow, and not every classroom has the hallway windows like this one. Besides, it's not long now before the class period ends; you can afford to wait a couple of minutes. Sitting down against the wall, you idly wish you'd brought your sketchbook...
Soon enough the bell rings, and you hear the other students start to shuffle about. And then suddenly the hallway is flooded with people, and you do your best not to bump into anyone. There are a few mishaps, but fortunately the crowd is thick enough that nobody realizes there's an invisible dead person among them. Soon enough you're deposited in your next class, quietly taking a seat at your usual desk, and glance about. Aha! Midori's come in just a little ways after you, taking a seat in the back row, one column over, and is setting out her books. You've found her… so now what?
What do you do?
> Get her attention... somehow
-> Write-in
> Just wait and observe for now