Magical Girl Home Base Quest

[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1
[X] No (Unlocks room: Medical Center, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)
I think helping fix up whatever magical girls that come to us is more important than mission control

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1
As much as I want to make a level 3 trinket we have two requests for wands and zero for trinkets.

Also @7734 is there supposed to be a build a costume option? Cause it seems weird that isn't an option given we know magical costumes are a thing and one of our tenets asked for a magic pair of jeans like it is a thing we can make.
[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1

We're gonna be a regular adventurers guild by the time we're done
Does duct tape and superglue fix most magical girls, or was that a specific power?
When you don't have anything else, it works well enough for normal people.

[X] No (Unlocks room: Medical Center, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

I'm of the opinion that things always go wrong at some point, and it's best to be prepared for that.

No feelings for what to make. Everyone needs everything, it's a dice roll what will be most useful at any given point.
My informal studies are that people either vote after they're done reading the update and the thread, or they miss that vote. This is a way of encouraging more vote-after-read reactions.
Honestly this encourages me to not care because it tells me the chance of missing the vote is a lot higher then normal. In reference to the voter limit, not the time limit.

[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1
[X] No (Unlocks room: Medical Center, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1
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Does duct tape and superglue fix most magical girls, or was that a specific power?

That's Basic Hobo First Aid. Superglue makes a decent emergency bandage, and duct tape makes a decent pressure binding for when you need something to stay put.

Also @7734 is there supposed to be a build a costume option? Cause it seems weird that isn't an option given we know magical costumes are a thing and one of our tenets asked for a magic pair of jeans like it is a thing we can make.

You can't build those yet because they're pretty complicated. It's probably going to be your first workshop upgrade.

X] No (Unlocks room: Medical Center, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

your formatting is borked.
[X] No (Unlocks room: Medical Center, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Trinket
-[X] Level 3

Let's do what we're best at.
If we do not build Mission Control/Medical Center this week, do we get to build it in a later week?

Because uh, both of those are good to have.
[X] No (Unlocks room: Medical Center, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1

Showing off is great and all - but if I need a new pair of shoes and tell the shipowner that with the implication that I'll be buying soon I'm not going to be impressed by him having even a very shiny shirt.
@7734 Do we have to do maintainence on the habitable parts of the building very so often, or will it be handwaved?

[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1
Week 2: Your coffee can of money may now contain ten thalers and a clipped dubloon
A life saved. Yay.
No new lodger. Boo.

[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)
They are tough enough to survive with meatball surgery and we may get a healer later. Organisation on the other hand is essentially nill at present.

As for what to build… we don't really have a choice.

From the infopost:

The sword and shield of Magical Girls, used for casting magic offensively and defensively. Without this, a Magical Girl is toothless, and can't really go out to get her daily bread.

From the Contacts tab of the spreadsheet:
Trissa: Wand – I 1 week
Eowyn: Wand – III 5 weeks
Trompdoy: Wand – none
Calypso: Wand – III 1 week
We are going to be making Wands and little else for at least three weeks if we don't want MGs sitting around unable to work.

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1

Does duct tape and superglue fix most magical girls, or was that a specific power?
Duct tape is known as Universal Fixing Substance for a reason.
[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1
[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1
@7734 Do we have to do maintainence on the habitable parts of the building very so often, or will it be handwaved?

That's not what costs matinence. People cost matinence.

So wait, Trissa is not kicked out ?

She got the boot, but she's still in the area.

If we do not build Mission Control/Medical Center this week, do we get to build it in a later week?

You're choosing which one to develop for later; you're in no shape to build anything.

Yeahm, turns out I just misread that part and thought she did have perforated intestines.

She might have had that, but MGs are almost infection-proof. They can heal from literally anything that doesn't kill you. Eventually.
[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1

Lots of girls need wands, so that's a given. I like the idea of more coordination, the medical center is nice but since MGs heal so well it's not as pressing as it otherwise would be.
[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)
[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1

[X] Yes (Unlocks room: Mission Control, requires 20 Magical Girl contacts, ???, and ??? for construction)

[X] Wand
-[X] Level 1

I'm trusting that meguca fortitude's enough for them to do things in plainclothes for a bit. Wands => Bounties/Loot => Buying Power after all, and we can't do crap if we run out of stuff to make with.

Still kinda miffed we can't have mahou shoujo nuclear assassins running around alpha-striking gribblies with stupidly overpowered boomsticks. Really hope a T3 Trinket does something ridiculousvlike summoning a magical combat mecha or something.
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Really hope a T3 Trinket does something ridiculousvlike summoning a magical combat mecha or something.

That's like T4 but yeah. Combat summons are entirely part of the amulet focus tree. T3 is basically a turbocharger and focus for big shiny magic tricks. Basically think Hibiki's portion of Gungir from Symphogear S1 for power effects (lessee the finale, being T4 territory (