Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by VE12 on Dec 15, 2019 at 10:18 AM, finished with 122 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Believe the mercenary leader and take the medicine to his parents
    [X] Attack him. He's lying
    [X] All or Nothing
    -[X]Attempt to trick the Merc in to physical contact
    -- [X] Seal the memory of how to control his limbs.
    --- [X] Pick up weapons.
    --- [X] Kill him
    --- [X] Get medicine
    --- [X] Run to Frigga and Odin heal them.
    --- [X] Bring destroyer to Loki
    - [X] If sealing fails use strikes to make him drop the weapons as a priority, go for the kill whenever possible.
    [x] Trickster is still my motherf***ing middle name.
    [x] Trickster is still my motherf***ing middle name.
    -[x] Agree to take the medicine and reach down for it.
    -[x] When in close proximity go for the kill (hopefully it is a one-shot) [add my +12]
    -[x] Take all the weapons and rush to Odin's chamber to administer the medicine.
    --[x] Make the Destroyer switch position with you. Thanos would be on your tail.
I think its weird that we have other users controlling characters, other than that I have no other complains.

What do you propose then?
QM controls everything? Which will lead to everyone complaining about conflict of interest.

I assumed Thanos gave three of the most powerful artefacts on hand to someone he had a personal relationship with an not some kind off the classified list, but if he really is just a merc we could turn this around. Bribe him with a blank cheque in exchange for the powerful items he's holding and to call off the rest of his men, or get them to turn on Thanos. Maybe we can leverage our vast wealth to end this invasion as well as start it.
The Merc maimed the King and the Queen.... He is not an idiot.
Any of you guys want to use bonuses, and on what roll (s)? Or do you wish to wait for the outcomes.
Sorry, I was away for this... but it looks like I would have wasted it if I were here.

I say really goddamn stupid plan in that he literally could have just asked instead of doing this whole convoluted bullshit plan that was completely unnecessary. And now it's looking like game over thanks to some really bad rolls solely because of a bad choice we had no way of knowing would lead to these consequences. I mean for fucks sake, this all happened just because we put a branch on some world. I mean I wouldn't have minded some excitement but this whole thing just seemed way too much.

Though what really freaking sucks about this whole thing is that it does feel like a punishment for us succeeding too well. We become amazingly successful and end up creating a universe wide financial system, get our damn home world wrecked.
I hear you, but Thanos literally is known as the Mad Titan, so I'm not going to give the QM a hard time over having a literally insane character have a "convoluted bullshit plan that was completely unnecessary."

To respond to the other deleted post....Thanos is insane. Legitimately. Like...that's his characterization. That's why the methods he uses are insane. But effective. And the whole thing makes sense...he's just also insane. I will stress it again.

Oh never mind then, but why would he even do that without talking to loki first that's what bothers me.
See above: insane.

No I'm saying...the plan no one listened to was already insane.
Yes. Snapping your fingers and making half of all life die out doesn't solve the problem; in fact it makes it worse:
Half of all life on planet X dies, among this is a vital piece of the ecosystem that was endangered by some natural event like forest fire or something, that further half of their population dooms them to extinction, their extinction means the ecosystem collapses: what once was a living planet is dead.

The "reverse-snap" is also a non-solution: all the things that were there come back... five years later. This means that all the Planet X stuff that was dusted come back to a planet of dust to die a slow, painful death.

But it wasn't a crit fail it failed by like 2 points how can you think that an apropriate level of punishment?
We attracted attention. Attention that we ended up not wanting; shit like that happens in real life, too.

That is like having an option be "Buy a Dozen Roses", have the players choose Roses, and then have the player character be crippled because the character is allergic to the color white and the roses turned out to be white. And, when players complain that they thought the Roses were red, respond that they should have written in to buy red roses.
Thank you for the laugh — your rant is quite humorous and makes an excellent point.

Or that The player of Thor (who we also did not know was player controlled) would weaken Asgard for the hell of it.
That is.... actually pretty in-character.
Especially considering (a) Thor 1 hasn't happened, and (b) he's like a twentieth the age he was in Thor 1.

To be fair, you guys did create a extremely big company with incredibly lax security and continued to overlook that issue.
Are you as insane as Thanos? — We've been taking the beef-up security option pretty consistently, how were we supposed to know that all that investment would be 106 people?

Also: we did take security options each turn. They gave us 6 Asgardians and 100 Titans. So, our focus on security and prior successes probably were for naught or a huge negative.
I have my +14 since we never got to sneak attack the merc.
[X] Trickster is still my motherf***ing middle name.
That makes it a plus 34 so far.
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- The only enemies left alive are the Merc Leader and Thanos.
- The Merc Leader is giving us medicine, not the cure. Odin and Frigga would require medical assistance after this.
- The Merc Leader is powerful even without Gungnir, Hofund and the Sceptre. He has something special that would be applied in combat roll.
- Thanos needs to be killed ASAP. He still has Titan to draw his forces from. He can easily win within the next turn. (Yes he would win with the double attack.)

Edit: Also
"Loki, disappoint me. I thought you understood, that I had gotten through to you." Thanos' soft face turns hard and rough. "It seems I must consider other options. Or may be a lost cause. I--"

Thanos is pissed.
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Omake: Loud birds aren't good for stealth Loki
Loud birds aren't good for stealth Loki.
Loki Odinson, was busy performing a very important task. A very, very important task that has a very high risk of failure, especialy when this time he is somewhat handicaped.

Such task required timing, finesse, precision, subtleness, stealth an-

*CAAAAWWW* required stealth and b-




Being quiet!

"Shush will you!"

"Did you heard something?"

As fast as possible, the somewhat stealthy prince hides and drags the not-stealthy-at-all giant bird with him, lest he wishes to be caught by whoever heard them, for he cannot fail his task.

From the place he is hidden he could see that the one who might have heard them is a plain young girl, with red hair who looks to be in her early twenties. From a distance he could see another one who seems to carry a bag with her. Probably bought something.

The red haired keeps looking from a distance for a few more seconds before turning around and saying.

"It must have been my imagination."

It is not until that both girls are from a safe distance, and fifteen seconds later that Loki breathes a sigh of relief. Being caught so easely would have been embarrasing.

Though the responsible for that would have been his companion for this task. The task of be-


...the task, of being sneaky.

" really can't help yourself, can't you?"


"Oh right, I still haven't taught you how to communicate."

That's right, Loki is again in his self-imposed training to improve his stealth techniques, making himself increasingly harder to spot or detect no matter where he is.

Such abilities would be a huge help should he need to infiltrate an important spot, tail someone without being noticed and...well, pranking others.

The last one is the least important reason by a long shot.

He swears!

Having already started training the previous years, he though things would be easy enough fof him, especialy when he showed a knack for it. As such, he had the brilliant of bringing his newly bought pet with him.

Things weren't bad...if we ignore them almost being caught five times. In the first forty minutes since they started and counting.

Frankly speaking, he should have expected that. He only recently bought the roc and began to properly train him. While there was progress, it wasn't a big development.

Being quiet obviously wasn't included in the training. Yet.

Thanfuly the bird would be quiet for a little while when he would actively order him, otherwise they would have being caught at the very beginning...though considering that not even one hour has passed since they began the training...

Yeah, that doesn't paint a pretty picture for him.

But if there was one thing that Loki Odinson was not, it was being a quitter, so even though he has to carry such a glaring handicap with for the entire training, so be it.

Though he still couldn't help but say out loud.

"Loud birds aren't good for stealth."
Canon, @KnowledgeKing?
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I think he should go for a binding, that is the only guareentied one shot we have unless we roll really high. Considering our luck up to this point I would not bet on high rolls.
I think he should go for a binding, that is the only guareentied one shot we have unless we roll really high.
What is is with binding? I don't think we ever got a clear answer on whether it's binding as with rope, or binding as with The One Ring/Horcruxes.
If anything we should be using Enchantment; why? Easy, because we are much better with Enchantment than binding/sealing.

And in this case, it's a pretty stupid use-case. I mean "Seal the memory of how to control his limbs."? That's probably going to be an insane DC; instead, consider the actual situation: he's wielding three massively powerful artifacts. (Even ignoring the Mindstone, which IC we don't know about, that's pretty stacked.) — So what's the smarter thing to do? Easy, Turn the mind against itself: Enchant up some enhancement of paranoia.

I mean you're a merc, who is holding multiple extreme-power artifacts, led by a guy who attacked a world to "make a friend"... even if you don't know that last part, it's obvious that you, now, are a target.

How much time does it take to do a binding spell that you ask for? And what is the DC?
Good question.
How much time does it take to do a binding spell that you ask for? And what is the DC?
Look at how long it took to use on Thanos to see how long.

How much DC would it take to bind someone's limbs?
How much DC would it be to seal the memories of how to fight?
How much DC would it take to seal the memories on how to use the artifacts?
How much DC would it be to seal away the skills to fight?
Shouldn't the "Trickster" plan include having Frigga check the medicine to make sure it isn't actually poison or completely useless? That merc is wielding the Mind Stone, so that alone makes me suspicious.
What do you propose then?
QM controls everything? Which will lead to everyone complaining about conflict of interest.
I think the issue is that other the players seem like they purposely screwed us over in this case. Which is not helped in that Thanos was given a freaking infinity stone at the start despite him in canon not even trying to acquire them until much later.
You just said that he "wouuldn't notice it immidetly" aparantly that includes the literal decade that has passed between these 2 turns... and really the guy that rooted out all corruption on Asgard can't see whats happening over an entire decade? not even worth a roll?

Rooted out what now? That was just business stuff. And there's a big difference between Asgard and the Universe. If you don't understand the scale then....

And no it's not worth a roll. It'd literally be impossible in the decades between the posts.

So he would've attacked us this turn even if we never would've interacted with him at all... and never even touched titan with a ten foot pole ok

You not reading? He attacked this turn because

A. The Titan branch failure got you on his radar
B. You said yes to meeting with him.

He never ever wanted to rule anyone in canon! As soon as he completed his task in IW he bounced and then HE DESTROYED the stones so he could never missuse their power.

Also 1. you're telling me that a single bare failure of ours last turn on establishing a bank on Titan somehow gave thanos the ability to change his planets entire destiny when no one listened to him before and he didn't do anything to stop it in canon. how did that happen? Why did it work what did thanos do differently and why did the people listen to him this time?
And 2. What you call a "god-like" success last turn didn't offset Thanos plan at all, he still decided to fake Invade us anyway. How is that godlike in anyway? what did we get out of this? We don't even use Money in this quest. All that critical success did was screw us over. Name one thing ONE THING that this did for us mechanically that's positive. Creating that company barly changed anything for us despite it supposedly affecting the entire universe HE literally took out a lone during this critical success action that he used to screw us harder lol shouldn't the reward be something like us descovering his plan or something.

And you say that you don't even roll for him anymore so he didn't even have to beat a DC to succed you simply let him do that while we critted how is that fair? or even balanced. That doesn't sound "Perfectly balanaced as all things should be" to me

And? This isn't canon. Thanos has changed based on his circumstances.

1. He looked at Phoenix Financial and their customers and stole from said customers. Loki heard about it which allowed the electronics roll this turn. He then used that money to get the resources necessary. They didn't listen to him. He just did it. Then once he saved them...they made him King. Since he saved the entire planet.

2. Why would it? It's a stewardship roll as in business and money. Mechanically? It allowed expansion and another action from the Titan PF Branch with bonuses.

And it didn't screw you over. If you didn't get the success, Thanos would do the exact same thing. He only took the loan for appearances. He didn't need it.

You got to take that up with your other voters. I was asked specifically to play them as NPCs who don't roll but do what makes sense for their level of power/stats. So I did. And I never claimed to be balanced btw.

Creating the company destroyed Asgard. Oh, and allowed a huge loan to Thanos that may or may not have been used to fund the attack.

It is a bit much for a mild failure on Titan and choosing a badly worded option would lead to this situation. Particularly since there was an intentional lack of information on the QM's part (hiding all suggestion of an invasion despite there being decades and a spy network in place.)

And stating that meeting Thanos was an obvious bad choice is a bit unfair- the quest never described him as brutal, or as insane (prior to the invasion). And, in the MCU, it was never decribed as Thanos having the insanity of not being able to comprehend other beings' motivations like he does here.

And, many people were thinking that saving Titan, the thing that caused his insanity, would have prevented that.

With the utter lack of information, hiding of information, and differing characterization of Thanos, it was an unfair trap option. It was an option we really couldn't have known was risky and sounded like it was a meeting somewhere else.

Edit: also, there was no way for us to know that Thanos was being controlled by another player or that he would start with an Infinity Stone (why the heck was that even decided) and Mind-controlling lance. Or that The player of Thor (who we also did not know was player controlled) would weaken Asgard for the hell of it.

Edit 2: Also "you could have written it in" is not a good response when the option we were choosing was so ambiguous such that we did think we were meeting somewhere else. Why would we write "meet at Titan" when we thought the action was to meet at Titan.

That is like having an option be "Buy a Dozen Roses", have the players choose Roses, and then have the player character be crippled because the character is allergic to the color white and the roses turned out to be white. And, when players complain that they thought the Roses were red, respond that they should have written in to buy red roses.

No, visiting Titan caused this...which isn't the destruction of Asgard btw. The loan was for appearances.

Doesn't make sense to give you that information when Loki himself doesn't have it. The controlling of another player didn't matter much. We collabed on him doing this. I may have even suggested it as an in character thing to do. The Infinity Stone is to explain how Thanos got the Mind Scepter. Since otherwise it'd just be completely random.

Also Thanos is insane, not unable to understand others' motivations. Just like in the MCU when he thought the Universe would be grateful when he wiped half of them out.

Thor was also something in character. We KNOW Thor constantly left Asgard and cared little about "The Weak Old Man" and his rulings. If it wasn't in character to me, it wouldn't be an option.

I'm not saying the write-in is a perfect solution. I just mentioned it. Or you guys could've asked more questions. Because at the moment it was a yes or no, which means full control was given to the requester/Thanos. Until you ask questions and counter.

It'd be more like...the Jotun options. Or Casket of Winter options. You guys know Loki has issues with those and it will reveal his heritage, even tho IC he doesn't. Same with Thanos being the Mad Titan.
As I said: PvP. And the other players know our every move and more of the setting while we didn't even know there were other players.

This is untrue. They don't even read the quest. I have to tell them what happened and why they're activated and what they're responding to.

I think the issue is that other the players seem like they purposely screwed us over in this case. Which is not helped in that Thanos was given a freaking infinity stone at the start despite him in canon not even trying to acquire them until much later.

See above. Also see my last post. He wasn't given one. It was put on Titan so the movies make sense without me literally pulling something out of my magician's hat. It was the same way last quest. The Mind Stone was on Titan.

Also isn't our company one of the mos frequently used across the universe meaning that if Thanos stole from across the universe we would know because our buisness has fingers across the universe.

Read. Loki did know. He just didn't know who because they did it in a way unfamiliar to Loki. Electronically.

The more I read of these quests the more sure I become that stat grinding is the way. The company fucked us, friends fucked us, our pet got one shotted our family gets subverted by hidden players that go off and have epic adventures while we are getting wrecked. And now apparently meta knowledge must be abused. We know where all infinity stones are grind stats like hell get the stones and one shot every single threat. Then we can make a company.

Well..if you lose to a group of that irony? Or poetic justice?
(This is a joke btw).

Also I'm not even sure how one stat grinds in this system. It's just crits...

@KnowledgeKing Can we get the description on the leader Merc?
Like any badges/insignia he is wearing?

There are some Loki might recognize if he saw them again. But he has no knowledge of the specific groups they represent right now.

We're not allowed to even leave Asgard without like a 2000 point crit or a critical fail.

Incorrect. You couldn't leave ONLY because the roll was super low. Like... a 30 or higher would've been yes. And there are multiple options to leave. Read.

@KnowledgeKing can you specify whether he meant Odin' s direct knowledge?

He wants Odin's secrets. So yeah.
Shouldn't the "Trickster" plan include having Frigga check the medicine to make sure it isn't actually poison or completely useless? That merc is wielding the Mind Stone, so that alone makes me suspicious.
With the way, the Merc described Odin's and Frigga's injuries... Do you reckon that the latter would even be conscious?

I think the issue is that other the players seem like they purposely screwed us over in this case. Which is not helped in that Thanos was given a freaking infinity stone at the start despite him in canon not even trying to acquire them until much later.
The thing is Giga started playing Thanos when Phoenix Financial contacted Titan for the Branch... and his first action was to make a ton of money (by stealing from Loki's business).
I don't like that he had an Infinity Stone from the start. And at the age of 50 he is already as powerful as Hela.... I mean sure it is achievable... Hela was 41 when Odin sealed her... but still, I agree, it stings.

(And Thor is being controlled by Megacookie, since the start. And we all know how he loves being a dick.)
Maybe I can't find it... And that's why I am asking the person who originally asked. And won't there be time differences between various Binding/Sealing Spells?
Attempts happen in seconds, if you go back to when Loki trained it martially it says it could end battles in one touch.

Edit: @KnowledgeKing We didn't know we had to ask questions when Thanos set up the meeting. I thought logically since Thanos asked for Loki this would be a meeting with PF. He didn't say prince Loki, he said Loki. Some others thought it would be on Titan because why would Loki bring someone he doesn't know in to the palace. Loki isn't irresponsible and naive like Thor, unless asked in an official compacity I thought he would default to PF. This was just ooc for Loki to do especially knowing his brother and father are out.

It's also ooc for Frigga to just let Thor go when she knows how precarious the situation. Thor also respected Odin until the Frost giant invasion where Odin said no to war. That's where he thought of him as a frail old man.
@KnowledgeKing: Regarding the "fake" Infinity Gauntlet in the vault, what is it actually here? For the MCU proper it makes more sense as a model, explaining why would Hela know it is "fake" and why Odin has a fake for something that was made only recently before Infinity War.
I'm not saying the write-in is a perfect solution. I just mentioned it. Or you guys could've asked more questions. Because at the moment it was a yes or no, which means full control was given to the requester/Thanos. Until you ask questions and counter.
This was pointed out but we were missing a lot of information including that we were apparently supposed to meta game which we had absolutely no way of knowing and despite the fact that it's been repeatedly pointed out that the issue with meta gaming is that the info may not be relevant for this quest due to butterflies. Another issue is that you seem to make the mistake in that you while you assume that something is obvious to you, the QM who actually has all the info, it's really nowhere near obvious to the players because their own logic lead them to different conclusions based on the information that we the players had.

Also still think it was extremely unfair for this invasion to happen. Two actions for this to happen was way too little and was pretty much impossible to predict.
@KnowledgeKing: Regarding the "fake" Infinity Gauntlet in the vault, what is it actually here? For the MCU proper it makes more sense as a model, explaining why would Hela know it is "fake" and why Odin has a fake for something that was made only recently before Infinity War.

It most likely is the Infinity gauntlet... just with fake gems on it.
Eitri had a blueprint of the Infinity gauntlet when he made it for Thanos. Eitri already had an experience making that item.
Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Dec 15, 2019 at 11:52 AM, finished with 136 posts and 14 votes.

  • [x] Trickster is still my motherf***ing middle name.
    [X] Attack him. He's lying
    [X] Believe the mercenary leader and take the medicine to his parents
    [X] All or Nothing
    -[X]Attempt to trick the Merc in to physical contact
    -- [X] Seal the memory of how to control his limbs.
    --- [X] Pick up weapons.
    --- [X] Kill him
    --- [X] Get medicine
    --- [X] Run to Frigga and Odin heal them.
    --- [X] Bring destroyer to Loki
    - [X] If sealing fails use strikes to make him drop the weapons as a priority, go for the kill whenever possible.
    [x] Trickster is still my motherf***ing middle name.
    -[x] Agree to take the medicine and reach down for it.
    -[x] When in close proximity go for the kill (hopefully it is a one-shot) [add my +12]
    -[x] Take all the weapons and rush to Odin's chamber to administer the medicine.
    --[x] Make the Destroyer switch position with you. Thanos would be on your tail.