Life Ore Death - DC Feruchemy [Young Justice]

Oh, another question! Physical items appear to be duplicated between the two realities. That means there are now two helmets of Fate. If Wally puts on the helmet in Earth Junior, will he and Renka both be Fate simultaneously? If so, will it be two separate instances of Nabu or a single consciousness? In either case, if Renka-Fate jumps back to adult world, would Wally-Fate be able to communicate with her while they are separated? I guess I'm wondering how transcendent Nabu is (and Klarion too, by extension).

Edit: I guess the canon version partially answers this. According to the wiki, Nabu's interaction with the world was "unstable" because of the split (whatever that means.) Since one helmet will be hopping realities to join its pair, maybe that will be mitigated?
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Childhood's Hour - part 4
Life Ore Death
My heart to joy at the same tone—
And all I lov'd—I lov'd alone

* November 5 [Ferris PoV]

I stood on nothing, in the middle of nothing, and yet I did not float nor fall. Through the void of darkness, I could feel the presence of my own self, layered with and marbled through the presence of the Lord of Order, as well as one more.

"Hello, Mister Nelson," I said, but did not turn to see him behind me. An exertion of will tore open the viewing window mentioned.

"Ferris, was it? You're a fast learner," he complimented, stepping up beside me.

"This is rather an emergency," I replied, watching as my own hands, in the hands of the Dr. Fate, conjured divinatory symbols of light.

"I know. Batman and Zatara swung by to discuss whether they would put on the Helmet, but they decided not to yet." I scowled at this.

"Doctor Fate!" I shouted up. "The Lord of Order Nabu! I am grateful for your assistance!" Attention caught, the glowing Helmet appeared.

"It is the duty of Fate to combat Chaos in every form, and this is undoubtedly the work of Chaos. The Witch Boy {Wicked} is not on the same version of this plane, but his sorcery is at the core and base of this; he and his cohort cannot channel such powers in secrecy."

"If I tap my atium-mind, will it be safe to age-shift to the under-eighteen Earth?" I asked. "He is there if not here."

"No doubt it is so. You would be able to safely do so, if-,"

I nodded sharply and tapped youth from my atium-mind ring. The world flickered, uncertainly, and I was-

"Ah." I quickly grabbed the Helmet of Fate, which had been back on the shelf in the under-age-18 Earth, and put it on. "I am sorry."

"You should not have been able to do that," Dr. Fate observed, and I perceived even Mr. Nelson felt surprised.

"Should I stop?" I questioned, re-opening the viewing window to watch Fate perform more spells.

"…No," declared the glowing helmet above me. "The power of Fate was split between the two worlds as well, but is now reunited."

"If it is to help this stop, then good," I affirmed, assuming such was a beneficial thing. "I can keep the rate of this tap up for maybe a month."

"I'm afraid you don't have a month, young lady. Nabu! She deserves to know the Helmet is killing her!" Mr. Nelson shouted up.

"How quickly?" I asked, as I did not feel nearly dead. I was familiar with the feeling of impending death. "What is the cause?"

"The inherent destruction desired by your power is allowing Fate greater channeling capacity, but inflicting harm on you as well."

"You're burning the candle at both ends," Mr. Nelson elaborated, to which I nodded.

"If it is only both ends, doubling the shortness of my life, I do not care."

"No," Dr. Fate boomed. "Were you to wear the Helmet of Fate and do nothing more, in two weeks and two days you would be dead. Every spell cast by Fate cuts shorter that amount. The divinations already done upon the Witch Boy's tangled web have lessened it by a day."

"Don't worry, we can get him to let you-," I was already shaking my head as I perceived the thrust of Mr. Nelson's reassurance.

"About eight years ago, I killed my own brother, and first wished I were dead. I lacked the courage to do it myself, and in the end inflicted the fate I could not face on others. Five years in the past, I fell into Ruin's Shardpool and learned what I was truly doing, to both others and myself.

"Three years before now, I confessed all my sins to Father and Spook, and while I did not receive the death penalty, a part of me has wished they had not been so kind. Seven months prior to this day, I pulled my sister from a volcano's ledge, and in her stead tumbled over the edge.

"It was a good death, I thought, and Father caught me. My Intent had been to remain behind as a Cognitive Shadow – as a Sliver I could hold on indefinitely – and aid Spook alongside Kelsier, being more easily able to speak. Instead, Father sent me here.

"I have long felt my own life to be borrowed time, loaned undeservedly, and I have sought to use it well in amendment for the people who had not. I will not flinch from death, for I have nothing to fear less than living with failure.

"I know not how many children are dead," I declared, "but more will die every minute we remain under this effect. Spend my life well, Doctor Fate, because you will not get a refund, but if my life can buy the end of this atrocity then I demand you spend it without remorse!"

Silence echoed in the darkness, after my words.

"Fate shall show that your sacrifice will not be in vain. By my name, I, Nabu, Lord of Order and Doctor Fate {That Which Should Be} do thrice swear it!" The air itself seemed to shiver at this. Mr. Nelson stepped back and bowed his head in respect.

"What is the situation, and what will be done about it?" I demanded, and Nabu complied.

"Even for a Lord of Chaos or of Order, a working of this magnitude could not be done alone. The Witch Boy {Wicked} would require preparation, ritual symbols, a prepared space, capable assistance, and an artifact to properly provide and channel this power."

"It sounds very methodical, like the magic of Order. I assume the Intent of Chaos manifests as causing chaos?"

"Astute indeed," Nabu confirmed. "Moreover, for this working, the Witch Boy {Wicked} would need a sacrifice of his own ideal, as the power of chaos often works against itself. You gave a death toll overestimate, as it is in this moment."

"Fewer people are dead than I fear? Good, so let us keep it… Ah, you mean his power must keep them alive as a cost to him? Irony?"

"A simplistic explanation, but an appropriate summary of such a ritual's methodology." The viewing window showed kaleidoscope patterns of Order's golden light twisting through intricate fractals around my puppeteered fingertips. I could not quite comprehend them, but I barely got that there was something to comprehend.

"Unless you move immediately, if I know the method to his madness I can help strategize my approach. Three minds are better than one, and while you are not maniacal and malicious like Klarion, I expect there are some consequences to your thoughts, as there are to his."

"…Indeed," Nabu allowed. "The Witch Boy {Wicked} has split the world across two planes, but as such he needed to power the divide and in part recreate the halves missing from each. In the world of adults all living beings are real, but objects are not."

"When the two inevitably rejoin once more, items, buildings, and cars will remain in the state they have here, in the child's world, and any adult that is dead or injured in the elders' world will remain as such. Similarly, any children, living or dead, will return to the joined world as they left it, alive."

I frowned in worry. "But if they are in a car crash they will return to a burning car, and if they are in an airplane that has moved they will-,"

"Indeed, but if the two positions are close enough when the spell is canceled, they will desire to slot together as the same. Fate still expects a steep death toll from this act against the world's order-,"

"But only a fraction of the potential death toll, perhaps; all the same, the size of that fraction grows larger with every second. We will-," I tapped my zinc-mind once more with this new information, and quickly came to a satisfactory conclusion. "-need to arrange the adults, especially the Justice League, to be in place when the spell ends, and I suggest we cancel it from this side, as we will need to worry less about members of the Team who die in the assault on Klarion. Can we arrange communication, gather our forces, and act within an hour?"

I did not consciously know exactly what else I was doing within my mind, as I arranged these ideas, but I knew it was significant.

Up to then I had stood on the floor beside Mr. Nelson, under the spotlight, in front of the window, while the Helmet that was Nabu floated above and (I knew it's position despite not turning to look) a ways behind me. I did not move, and neither did the Helmet.

All the same, I came to be in a different place, with Mr. Nelson further away, the viewing window obsolete, and Nabu a bit above me.

"If you do not survive, young heroine, die knowing that I hold you in the highest esteem. The Lord of Order Nabu Tralmanchia-reln offers you honor."

"I thank you, and return it," I answered casually. I knew I was in a hurry, and yet all the same I felt fully confident and serene, certain no time of any consequence would pass while we did this. What this was, I did not care enough to wonder.

I felt there was something more to say. I could not quite figure out what, until I unexpectedly could.

"I am known as the Sliver of Entropy, and as the heroine Ferris, but my given name is Renka. I have no natural family name, but…"

"If you have chosen one, speak it, and I will see it remembered." The Helmet that was Nabu floated above me in easy reach, I knew.

"Thank you. It is a kludged together pun of three languages, made with my mother's name, my position as her eighth offspring, and a dialect homophone for dawn and corpse. Nabu Tralmanchia-reln, the one honored to be your partner is newly named Renka Tyndwisra." I reached up.

"I shall engrave it," he answered.

I laughed, plucked his astral Helmet from the air, and held it clasped in my cognitive hands.

"Mm, excellent. Now then," I declared, "let's do this."

Under that extinguished spotlight, in the place that was only dark, I once again placed the Helmet over my head.

Darkness fell.

It was enough.

In a memorial, inside a mountain, in a room, inside a cave…

FATE's eyes opened.
yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss, I was just thinking last update about how this arc in young justice fics was always made so dark and wondering if there was some magical bullshit to avoid that dark aspect. This is exactly what I wanted.
Renka may be a bit surprised by the consequences of having moved to a superhero-comic universe, in that the only people who stay dead are the ones that nobody cares about.
This is really really excellent, and both answers some of the many logistical questions that it makes perfect sense that Nabu would be able to determine, and gives it an... emotional fullness, a roundness, instead of the pure loss that normally comes part and parcel of this event. It's not even something I could pin down was missing, and then here you are, handling it excellently.
Love this! In particular, this line is perfect:
Spend my life well, Doctor Fate, because you will not get a refund, but if my life can buy the end of this atrocity then I demand you spend it without remorse!"
I also especially like that the cost of chaos magic is reduced casualties. Sweet trade off!

And you fully answered my questions before about how Fate would work in this situation. Now I'm left wondering how much of the damage currently killing Renka is spiritual (and therefore has future consequences) and how much is physical (and will presumably be reversed similar to the other dead and injured on Earth Junior once the spell is broken).
Now I'm left wondering how much of the damage currently killing Renka is spiritual (and therefore has future consequences) and how much is physical (and will presumably be reversed similar to the other dead and injured on Earth Junior once the spell is broken).

From the fact that it's connected to channeling capacity, I imagine the damage is largely spiritual.
Most of my comments on this are in the other thread, but I am also getting concerned with the poem split up between the tops of the entries.
Edit possible indication of demons?
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From the fact that it's connected to channeling capacity, I imagine the damage is largely spiritual
It could also source from the spell trying to push her adult bits back to the other side of the split, which could be physical as well. Enough of her is reduced in age to appear younger, but her memories are intact suggesting that not all her brain is youthful. Having parts of your brain excised magically would definitely be killing if slowly. Abraded comes to mind is an ironic turn of phrase here. On the adult side, they would be seeing a faint trail of Renka DNA wherever she goes in the other world--something Bats could pick up on.
It could also source from the spell trying to push her adult bits back to the other side of the split, which could be physical as well. Enough of her is reduced in age to appear younger, but her memories are intact suggesting that not all her brain is youthful. Having parts of your brain excised magically would definitely be killing if slowly. Abraded comes to mind is an ironic turn of phrase here. On the adult side, they would be seeing a faint trail of Renka DNA wherever she goes in the other world--something Bats could pick up on.
Fate said that it was because of the interaction between him and the bits of Ruin still with her, not the spell.
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yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss, I was just thinking last update about how this arc in young justice fics was always made so dark and wondering if there was some magical bullshit to avoid that dark aspect. This is exactly what I wanted.

This is really really excellent, and both answers some of the many logistical questions that it makes perfect sense that Nabu would be able to determine, and gives it an... emotional fullness, a roundness, instead of the pure loss that normally comes part and parcel of this event. It's not even something I could pin down was missing, and then here you are, handling it excellently.

Love this! In particular, this line is perfect:

I also especially like that the cost of chaos magic is reduced casualties. Sweet trade off

I'll echo these sentiments, I'm glad we're not going super grim-dark with the consequences of the split. Treating the split literally/pessimistically honestly changes the genre of YJ rather drastically, so finding a way around that necessity while not hand-waving is great.
Okay, two more things. The first one is on topic:
Darkness fell.
It was enough.

In a memorial, inside a mountain, in a room, inside a cave…

FATE's eyes opened.
This was such a good ending, but I initially discounted the implication of the memorial. I kept thinking about how Renka might manage to survive, since she's obviously our protagonist. I didn't realize that season 1 and 2 of YJ were separated by a five year time skip, but now that I've been clued in this ending makes a great deal of sense. Renka's sacrifice here is real and complete. There are magical comic book things that will bring some version of her back eventually, but we don't know when and we don't know what the consequences will be.

Well done, Oblo! (This doesn't mean I'm letting down my expectations at all for the other POVs in this sequence. I am expecting all of the awesome.)

Second thing is silly. I finally figured out where my decidedly non-canon mental image of Miss Martian comes from. For some reason, every time I think of her true form my mind immediately goes to a floating green jellyfish thing. It's basically an Oafan from the Schlock Mercenary universe. A combination of reading that webcomic and being immersed in Sveta's character from Ward had me thinking "alien tentacles," and now I can't shake the image.

EDIT: also, "two weeks and two days" --nice obfuscation of another significant 16
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So could rejoining the halves with her on the kids' side cause her to live again? Loving the heavy tone and general sense of tension, though.
Childhood's Hour - part 5
Life Ore Death
Then—in my childhood—in the dawn
Of a most stormy life—was drawn
From ev'ry depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still—

* November 5 [FATE]

There were comrades and aides FATE {That Which Should Be} needed to assemble, and quickly, but the effort of the work was ease.

"William Batson, there is work we need to do," FATE {That Which Should Be} announced, following the bond of trust between them that was threaded through with the Order magic of SHAZAM {Strength For The Weak}, who was a comrade and elder.

An Ankh manifested in the air, marking the world where it recognized the will of FATE {That Which Should Be}, and behind it formed the image of Billy Batson, a boy Pure of Heart and possessing power beyond what he had yet to comprehend. FATE looked upon him and paused, certain that his senior had known, wondering when Billy would learn.

But that matter would be for later.

FATE {That Which Should Be} reached one arm through the image behind the Ankh and pulled the young boy through.

"Whoa! Wait who are-,"

"Renka Tindwysra has taken up the mantle of Doctor Fate to stand in opposition against this evil," FATE {That Which Should Be} declared. "Billy Batson, champion of SHAZAM {Strength For The Weak}, your aid may prove invaluable."

"How can I help?" he said immediately, squaring his shoulders. "Hey wait, aren't you over eigh-,"

Another Ankh formed in the air, linking that space with the Mountain's technological center, where stood Robin and Zatanna.

"We'll find your Dad, Batman, all of them," Robin finished as their transposition arrived.

"Indeed." They both yelped. "It is the will of FATE {That Which Should Be} that this evil occurrence come to an end."

"Holy what in the-! Wait, Ferris?" he squawked.

"None other. Speak your word, Captain, and summon every hero available to this location." Billy nodded firmly.

"Right. SHAZAM! {Strength For The Weak}" He vanished in a flash of lightning.

"Who's the kid?" Zatana asked, still a little behind.

"Wait, can Captain Marvel age-shift too?" Robin realized. "He's a kid! He's younger than-,"

"SHAZAM! Renka, Batman and Zatara are already here and in contact with others in the League."

"Fate smiles upon us. Where are the rest of our comrades?" Patterns of light formed around the golden figure's fingers.

"I- They're out rescuing kids and setting up shelters for-,"

"Worthy, but their efforts may here be better spent." More Ankhs formed in the air. A gold-clothed arm reached out. "Superboy, you are needed. Captain Marvel, return and inform them we will be but a moment." He did so, and disappeared even as Superboy arrived.

"Wha-? Hey!" Conner shouted, curling defensively around the two children cradled in his arms. "What gives?!" Then, "Fate? Ferris?"

FATE {That Which Should Be} looked through the images and selected the next. "Aqualad, you will do more for your home above than below."

"What is-?" he wondered, reaching for his weapons as seawater sloughed off of him on arrival. "Doctor Fate."

"Yeah," Robin said softly. "Renka put on the Helmet. Her powers let her age-shift back to our world, and she seems to have a plan."

"Captain Marvel can do the same thing, or at least that's what the kid supposed to be Captain Marvel says," Zatanna added.

"Kid? How old is he?" Conner asked, juggling the kids. "Hey, can someone grab one of them?" Robin took one toddler from his arms.

"Captain Marvel is a child?" Kaldur slowly nodded. "On consideration, with his words and demeanor, I find the idea explains much."

"Not a bad point, Kaldur," Robin agreed. Then, "Man, he's the same age I started at, except he started three years ago? What gives?"

"Kid Flash, the time to act has come."

"Huh? Oh man, who put on the- Ferris?"

"All shall be explained soon," stated FATE {That Which Should Be}.

"Long story Wally, let's wait until she grabs the others," Robin suggested. "Just try to stay whelmed."

"Yes, and we may yet restore some aster," FATE {That Which Should Be} agreed, gobsmacking them. "Miss Martian. Artemis."

"Whossetheheywhut?" Artemis yelped as the portal opened, flinching back and then leaping in front of the kids before she saw-

"Ferris!" M'gann realized, shoving one kid into her classmate's arms and bolting over from across the gym.

"Indeed. Fear not, children and young adults, these harrowing hours shall soon be at an end."

"Wha- wait! Who the heck are you?" Karen Beecher demanded. "Megan, get back, it's not safe!"

"We shall entrust these ones to you," the golden figure continued, speaking over her, "and take these two for our aid. Have patience, and keep hold of hope, for if all is well the balance of the world shall be restored before the stroke of midnight."

"How do you-? Are you doing this?" Karen accused.

"I am the sworn enemy of the one who has done this, and ere the day is done, I intend to see the Witch Boy {Wicked} undone."

FATE cast another set of small spells, exchanging the children and the young heroines with one last benediction, then the gate shut.

"Now, all our Team is assembled," FATE {That Which Should Be} announced. The next moment, an intricate circle spread beneath them, sixteen paces wide, and far beyond Zatanna's ability to decipher. As it remained, pulsing, three figures coalesced out of golden mist.

"Batman!" "Dad!" shouted the two youngest of the Team. They quickly ran to their parents and mentors, receiving similar replies.

Robin stopped in front of Batman, but Zatanna suffered a moment of terrified heartbreak when she threw her arms around her father, only to see him vanish, the sparkling mists exploding out of the girl's grip as her momentum carried her through it.

"It is no use, child; they may see and speak with you," FATE said, "but even a Lord of Order, alone, cannot wholly bridge this gap."

"Oh Dad, I'm just so glad you're okay, where are you?" Zatanna sobbed in desperate relief as she got back up. "Are you okay?"

"Some act of sorcery has separated our worlds, Zatanna," he answered, "but it shall be undone. I've located the epicenter: Roanoke Island."

"There are two different dimensions, one for children, one for adults, identical in every other way," Batman finished.

"The Witch Boy {Wicked} has struck, although to what end I remain unsure, except for his love of agony," FATE {That Which Should Be} finished. "This working is powerful and complex, but just as FATE alone cannot wholly counter-act it, Klarion alone could never cast it. Moreover, they cannot conceal the channeling of such energies, and I have understood much of their defenses."

"Good," the Batman assessed. "We'll prepare to travel to Roanoke-,"

"No." Half of those present took a step back, with such force did FATE {That Which Should Be} countermand the Batman. "This assault is best performed in the children's world alone; FATE has a method to restore the world. Klarion has prepared constructs, wards, and other defenses no doubt, but on this end, he is alone save for them and his apprentice. Moreover, no death on the children's end will be permanent unless it reoccurs after the end of the split, while those in the adults' world will have no such protection."

"The threat of death will never stop me from doing what's right," the Dark Knight growled.

"Foolishness. Your own death may not make you hesitate, though it is assured if you engage, but your life is needed to save countless innocents after the merge. I do not speak of abstract futures," the golden figure interrupted as Batman loomed forward to argue once more.

"Every child burnt to death in a car crash; every child trapped in an unguided airplane; every child killed by wanton violence and disaster: they are not yet permanently dead. You are the only one known to possess the intellect to organize and guide other heroes to their rescue."


"Inanimate forms will remain as they are on this side, if there is difference to be resolved on return, but ended lives will reappear as we were when the world began, yet where we were left when we were in this world.

"With Captain Marvel to carry information between you, the Dark Knight and his squire are the only ones with the ability to share information on the locations of each world's airplanes, city-spanning fires, catastrophic crashes, and then direct the adults to be on hand when the separation ends.

"In combat, I have no doubt that the two of you would provide extraordinary aid; you have honed yourselves so well that you cannot fail to be of service. In the role I envision, however, although some certainly still will die, your participation will each lessen the death toll by a full digit. What shall you say?"

Even through the veil of another world, with his figure obscured by the formless golden mist, the Batglare was an intimidating force.

"…We'll handle it," Gotham's hero finally growled. "Robin, that means you're sitting this out too."

"Aw man!" the grown Captain Marvel complained. "That means I- no, no, Wisdom of Solomon is saying Renka-Fate has a point."

"Captain Marvel, exchange places with me," FATE {That Which Should Be} requested.

"Huh? Alright, SHAZAM!" Lightning flashed; simultaneously, unseen changes in age spread across the body of the woman who wore the helm.

"Giovanni Zatara, there is no specific purpose for you, so Fate suggests you join the rest of the Justice League."

"I- Great Nabu," he requested, "is there no means by which we adults could take up a part of this burden you lay upon our children?" Silence. Then:

"…You could have worn the Helmet!" FATE {That Which Should Be} thundered, with such vehement rage that they all braced for an attack, though only a verbal assault arrived. "The Witch Boy {Wicked} must have been preparing this disaster for days! Weeks!

"Had I a host for five minutes, FATE {That Which Should Be} could have foreseen this three days in advance, and struck before the foul seed could sprout! Despite my worries, I remained patient with the slow search for a host, as I was assured others brought their might to bear in my absence!

"No more! In twenty thousand years, FATE {That Which Should Be} has never allowed so grave an atrocity, and FATE shall see that it occurs never again! My patience is at an end, my compassion exhausted, my anger overflowed! Klarion is my responsibility, and I will see this duty done myself, no matter the cost!" A spell conjured a golden square in front of Fate, which folded like paper.

"Hey, hey, don't you think that's a bit extreme?" Wally wondered, approaching slowly in the younger world. "What if you get Renka killed?"

"For the Witch Boy {Wicked} to taste defeat, FATE agrees that such would be an acceptable exchange." The magic origami had become a miniature, prismatic Renka between the larger version's hands; it flickered rapidly, like an image on high-speed fast-forward.

"Whoa! Find your whelm, doesn't Renka get some say in that decision?" Robin demanded. The Helmet turned to face him.

"This is my decision and it is final!" The Team staggered back, shocked and cowed; the voice that blasted them had contained not one hint of the reverberation from FATE. "Too many innocents are dead, and dying," Ferris continued. "The Witch Boy dies for this, or I do."

"Just," Artemis began slowly, "just remember: 'When you seek revenge, dig two graves; one for your enemy, and one for yourself.'"

"We fully agree," was the distracted reply. "If the grave can be that of the Witch Boy's {Wicked} final victim, know that this life was well spent, and at a bargain price. This one does not hesitate to lay her health, liberty, and life on the line for her beliefs. Is not that a hero?"

The golden miniature of the woman wearing the Helmet folded down into a small octahedron, like a crystal. The hands of FATE {That Which Should Be} spread, and with that gesture, it reproduced a dozen times, until sixteen groups of four floated in the air.

"This is the current limit," FATE {That Which Should Be} mused. A new gesture reshaped them into birds of glowing gold, and the flock scattered in all directions, out of the cave and up to the skies. "Messages have been sent to a number of government heads; a short explanation, a reassurance, and instructions to contact the Batman for the necessary information exchange. Is all made ready?"

FATE {That Which Should Be} returned to the children's world to find Artemis lacing up a boot, Superboy limbering up with a stretch, and Kid Flash bringing the last set of supplies from their stocks. Zatanna went over to fill her pockets, whispering under her breath.

"We doing this?" Superboy asked, straightening up and tugging on his gloves. The golden circle vanished, and Batman's image with it.

"It is unquestionable that all here would die in defense of their comrades," FATE {That Which Should Be} declared. "Still. If any are uncertain as to being unwilling or unable to fight at peak ability, step forward now, lest you see your comrades die to defend you."

Everyone present straightened up. Even Robin and Billy stiffened their spines, though they still regretted being left behind.

Artemis stepped up first, glancing to Robin. "With our longest serving member on the sidelines, I'm the only baseline human here. I'm in it to win it."

"Magic might be my weakness," Superboy seconded firmly, "but Superman never let that stop him. Let's knock some wizards' teeth in."

Kid Flash said, "I might run at the first sign of danger… but I'm always running toward it, not away, and I'm never slowing down."

"We need to stop this. People are being hurt, and it's horrible, and it's only getting worse," M'gann affirmed. "I'm going to be there."

"All my life, Dad's taught me that magic is more than a tool, it's a beautiful art and a gift. This goes against everything I believe," Zatanna declared.

"So it is," Aqualad concluded. "We are all in, Ferris. Doctor Fate. You have command, and the Team will follow you to the end."

"…No," FATE {That Which Should Be} said. "You will retain command of the Team, Aqualad. When we arrive, FATE alone {That Which Should Be} shall challenge Klarion, but his apprentice and his preparations I entrust to you.

The Witch Boy {Wicked} is too wily a foe to combat without my full attention, so FATE {That Which Should Be} shall not make the mistake of assuming authority. Should a contribution occur in FATE's thoughts, it shall be added, but otherwise your Team shall remain exactly that, and under your command. Robin."

"Y-yeah? Oh, I should probably get the information up and start sorting the data." He tried to busy himself with said task.

"That as well," the Lord of Order agreed, stepping forward to grip his hand. "Do not be deceived, for your presence is sorely missed upon this field; even with the lives at stake, it would be tempting to bring you along for your tremendous ability, but FATE {That Which Should Be} has another motive and intent."

The lightest touch left behind an Ankh on the back of Robin's hand, glowing dimmer and bright again in a slow rhythm.

"Hey, what?" Robin wondered, flexing his fingers.

"This mark pulses in tune with the beating of my host's heart; should it go dark while the world remains unchanged, you will know what has occurred. If we all have fallen, you are the only one FATE knows will be able to rally the allies, strategies, and resources necessary to succeed where FATE {That Which Should Be} has failed. All else will, upon that occurrence, be in your hands."

"Oh." Robin's voice cracked as he cautiously examined the mark. "Right. If the aster gets dissed, I'll be turbed, not chalant."

"Stay whelmed," FATE {That Which Should Be} agreed solemnly. "Billy Batson." He perked up. "The Wizard chose you for more reasons than you can know, though such will not always be so. Remember that your heart is your own, as are your decisions and will. No matter how you were born, no matter what powers you have or gain, all sentient beings are at heart their own, and belong to none other.

"Know that it has been a great honor to fight beside you, and a greater pleasure for you to deem Ferris a friend. May you live to turn ninety-nine, and hold your great-granddaughter's eldest son in your arms."
Perhaps something else passed between them in silence, or perhaps not. "Do we all stand ready?"

""Yes,"" was their unanimous reply.

"Then let it begin."

At 21:16 in the Mountain, a circle of glowing Ankhs appeared, and the Team was teleported to battle.
I think that regardless of how much of an influence Ferris has had on Nabu, this chapter has demonstrated that he fits the older style of comics heroes. He's like Captain America: not the most agreeable of people (remember Civil War), but capital-gee Good. I am absolutely terrified that here and now we're seeing him at his brightest and with the most potential to be a force for good before being forced into an antagonistic role. ...or just seeing him tragically killed.
Is there something significant about the number 16 I'm missing? It seems to pop up randomly too much to be a coincidence.

16 is a number that is mystically significant in the Cosmere where Renka hails from. There are 16 metals that can be used for Investiture on Scadrial, for example, and if memory serves, there are 16 Shards scattered across the Cosmere, of which Preservation and Ruin are two.
Holy fuckin' shit, but somehow you kept building this up and up. I couldn't have envisioned how it could possibly keep ramping after the excellent of last chapter, and yet you did. I applaud. Your Nabu is reminding me why I like him, and also, my anticipation keeps growing for what happens now, in this new instance of events.
Is there something significant about the number 16 I'm missing? It seems to pop up randomly too much to be a coincidence.
16 has supernatural significance in the Mistborn books (and, to a lesser degree, in the wider cosmere that is shared by Sanderson's other books). It doesn't exert a magical effect, but it often occurs as an indication or result of something supernatural happening.

There are 16 standard metals in feruchemy (and allomancy/hemalurgy), and Ruin was one of 16 pieces left over when the powers of creation were shattered. In the books, Preservation arranged for exactly 1/16th of people to gain powers, intending it as a clear sign of divine intervention. (As it turns out that wasn't as obvious to people as Preservation thought it would be.) Later, when magic was diluted and spread more widely through the population, the proportion changed to 16%. (At least, Renka has said so to several people in the story. I don't recall a canon figure for that in the source material.)

Renka's status as the Sliver of Entropy means that she is heavily invested with Ruin's essence. It's natural then that things around her would occasionally tend to order themselves in sixteens, as a mild/benign passive effect. I haven't made any effort to catalog instances from the story so far, but there have been at least a handful.

In this case, where the time-to-death is explicitly the result of her Ruinous essence interacting with more magic, there is a much stronger reason for the number 16 to pop up.

Edit: Note in the most recent chapter that Fate makes the Renka-mail holo-messages in 16 groups of four. I suspect that is her nature bleeding through to color his actions. Not a major effect, and as a Lord of Order organization is an easy thing to adopt, but I doubt Nabu would have decided on sending exactly 64 info packets divided into 16 groups without her influence.
Similarly, the cross-dimensional Skype call spans 16 paces.
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By the way, since this is a Season Finale, I will have an unusual update rate. No, not a longer one.

I mean, the 4 of July is coming up, and it's just too good an opportunity to miss, I think. So
happily, you all get an update a day until it ends on out-of-universe Independence Day. Yay!

That said, I love and appreciate all commentary, and since almost nothing ever gets discussed on a thread after we've moved on to another episode I suggest you get your talking out of the way here.

(Fingers crossed if we get to page 64 in our comments. I doubt it, but in the unlikely event that we do I'll show my appreciation by going on a writing rush and not having an inter-season hiatus while I write ahead.)



Zatanna, stop being more Batman than Robin is. Seriously.

You even want to live in a cave instead of with your beloved father(-figure)!

This you can keep, though.

More seriously, @Obloquy, was this intentional? I don't think it was, but with this post I think I could reasonably describe Zatanna as teenage girl magic Batman.
But, she hasn't had to traumatically watch both her parents be killed and then be averse to death while swearing to fight injustice?

Really, she's just got the usual (or even less so, since she's already getting some therapy) trauma expected from being mind-controlled against her friends by something like Klarion.

The list of spells to use against people is because she spends long periods of time with Renka, and Renka is dangerous in large part because she's a magic-user/meta who has Bat paranoia, only she'll rely on allies because she has Bat-paranoia about herself.

So of course at some point Ferris started coaching Zatanna through spells Zee could use to bring Ferris down, then moved on to other members of the Team as a thought exercise. Why wouldn't plotting out how to take each other down be normal behavior for Ferris?

And Zee would most of all prefer to live in a cave with her beloved father(-figure) instead of in some make-do hotel rooms where she doesn't have friends in the rooms right next door for when her father is off at work.

Does that make Renka her Raz al Ghul?
Eh, maybe? Renka might actually be flattered by that comparison, if she knew more about Batman and Ra's...

This is very cool. I looked up the episode synopsis after the request for title suggestions, and this is already set up to be a far more interesting story than the canon version. It only took them an hour to figure out the basics and start a plan, and this Renka-Fate team up has loads of potential.

It took me a minute to figure out why she removed the earring, but I'm a little surprised that doing so was sufficient. I figured her Sliver status far outweighed the effect of that extra staple, even if it is made of essence-of-Ati.

Focusing on the numbers and the casualties established this as a firm, existential threat in my mind. Maybe the show made that point too, but my reading of the summary played it off as a silly gimmick. So good job.

As an outsider to DC, I am a little confused by the mindmeld about Lazarus pits. I know they grant longevity/resurrection, but I sort of thought there was just the one and that was the extent of the ability. I definitely don't get the reasoning why the Lazarus pit(s) jump to the top of the list of suspected causes, or how they relate to Renka's dip in the shardpool. Are they really that powerful and outward-focused?
1) The "only an hour" thing is part of what I'm proud of in handling this episode. When I was plotting it and went back to the canon timelines, it was unpleasant to realize that after Klarion started it at 7:45pm local time, the divide continued until Billy was in the plane at midnight in the same time zone, and then we still only got "after midnight" for when the Team assaulted Klarion after the scenes in between.

I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that this lasted 6 hours minimum, and at the end it might have been around dawn even (closer to 12 hours). Shortening the time to the attack is a major accomplishment that Renka won't even realize, since she doesn't know how canon went, but we'll remember what she accomplished in comparison.​

2) The earring in particular had an effect like trying to fit a round peg into a round slot, when the peg had a nail hammered half-way into its side. Fate couldn't possess Renka at all with it in, much like Vin couldn't access the Well of Ascension with her earring. Without it, he can use her as a host, but being a Sliver means she's meta-physically powerful enough to potentially fight him off (or co-operate for greater effect), while being the Sliver of Ruin means the power is killing her as it clashes.

3) It was interesting to run the numbers, figure out how many people would likely have an 18th birthday on a given day, etc. The show sort of had to play it off and not focus on the after-effects, or that would have monopolized the plot for everything else. To their sort of credit, they just ignored it as being off-screen instead of pretending nothing was wrong:

In-universe, in canon, the only thing we see after everything goes down is the Team moving Zatanna into her room on November 7, but the entire month of November is pretty much a dead zone event-wise after that. There's the snowstorm where everyone is too concerned about that to reminisce on the disappearance disaster, and then there are no plot events for a solid two weeks. You can easily assume there was a lot of... coping, during all that time, if you want to use it as an excuse.​

4) Renka is wrong in this case, there are no Lazarus Pits involved in Klarion's activities, but in terms of world-altering abilities it was a reasonable assumption for her to jump to. She doesn't know enough about Lazarus Pits to know how similar they are or are not to a Shardpool, she only knows that they're identified in JL databases as places where an unusual chemical mix naturally bubbles to the Earth's surface from deep below ground, and the chemicals have what she considers magical effects. It sounds enough like a Shardpool to her, so it was her first guess.

There's also the semi-fanon interpretation that the Pits run off of geomantic leylines. So it's quite possible that the Lazarus Pits could be used to 'plug-in' to a global magical transfer network to project the effect of transporting all children elsewhere. And genociding a significant portion ofhumanity, both in number and station, is exactly what kind of League level crime Ra'z gets up to.
While they aren't exactly the same, it's not that bad an analogy.

Pre-flashpoint, they would seem to be connected to Gaea, being connected to ley lines, and Ra's al Ghul once built a rather lazarus pit like "Crucible" to summon Gaea and achieve apotheosis as her consort. Gaea liked Superman better.

Post-flashpoint but started pre-flashpoint, Lazarus Pits get their power from Dionysium, the blood of the Hyper-Adapter, a New God artifact, and since it is one of the "sacred five metals" of Batman Metal, presumably one of the diluted versions of Element X.

In the surreal Batman Odyssey, the wellspring of the Lazarus Pits is guarded by genetically engineered creatures who claim to be the Egyptian gods.

So Oblo could connect it to Gaea, the Egyptian pantheon, or the Source rather easily. The hardest part would probably be deciding which deity Oblo wants to go with. :)
Yup. I've seen a bunch of explanations for them, and I know which one(s) I'm using, but Ferris doesn't know about them (so see above #4).

yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss, I was just thinking last update about how this arc in young justice fics was always made so dark and wondering if there was some magical bullshit to avoid that dark aspect. This is exactly what I wanted.
This is really really excellent, and both answers some of the many logistical questions that it makes perfect sense that Nabu would be able to determine, and gives it an... emotional fullness, a roundness, instead of the pure loss that normally comes part and parcel of this event. It's not even something I could pin down was missing, and then here you are, handling it excellently.
I'll echo these sentiments, I'm glad we're not going super grim-dark with the consequences of the split. Treating the split literally/pessimistically honestly changes the genre of YJ rather drastically, so finding a way around that necessity while not hand-waving is great.
Coming up with this is another one of my proud achievements in the fic, and anyone is welcome to steal the explanation for another story.

I knew it was important to have the potential for incredible casualties, but have it not be absolute, as too much either way would kill dramatic tension (too horrific, or not horrible enough). It is grim-dark in potentia because if they don't counter it properly there will...

Well, there will still be thousands of casualties no matter what, but Fate's actions may make it only thousands instead of hundreds of thousands of innocent dead across the world (if it works out). WTR topped out at something like >500,000 deaths in the aftermath, and I don't think that's an unusual number for something on this scale.

My idea for this was a simple limitation: Klarion would want to kill all these people, easy, so why wouldn't he have done this shit already unless he wasn't powerful enough? So he isn't able to kill everyone, there are limits (like the Jeun Ambre Perdue) in part because if he cast the spell without any type of compromise or loophole, he'd have multiple pantheons on his ass (Greek, Norse, Egyptian, Australian, Japanese, etc.) immediately.

And since Irony is one step down from a fundamental universal force in Earth-16, combined with the analytic questions of "What would happen if a building burned down in one world but not the other after they merged again" and "where did Klarion get all the matter for an extra Earth" I ended up with this answer.

I'm glad everyone appreciates it.

Renka may be a bit surprised by the consequences of having moved to a superhero-comic universe, in that the only people who stay dead are the ones that nobody cares about.
Eh, YJ generally didn't play it this way and I'm likely to follow their lead. Assume anyone ending up dead is expected to stay dead unless I very quickly specify a reason otherwise (like a faked death) or they have existing narrative backing for coming back (Ra's al Ghul).

I mean, Renka is of Ruin. Why would this story be about people who don't die?

Love this! In particular, this line is perfect:

I also especially like that the cost of chaos magic is reduced casualties. Sweet trade off!

And you fully answered my questions before about how Fate would work in this situation. Now I'm left wondering how much of the damage currently killing Renka is spiritual (and therefore has future consequences) and how much is physical (and will presumably be reversed similar to the other dead and injured on Earth Junior once the spell is broken).
Eh, there are levels -- Earth-16 has a more complex meta-physicality than the Cosmere so it's more than just Spiritual-Mental-Physical and that level of damage would be spread along multiple planes. Some is easy enough to reverse, some will not ever be reversed, and a lot is in between. Also, I might have said deaths aren't permanent until the merge, but did I ever mention injuries would also be reversed?

Most of my comments on this are in the other thread, but I am also getting concerned with the poem split up between the tops of the entries.
Edit possible indication of demons?
The poem is poetic but otherwise innocuous. The winning suggestion for the episode title - Childhood's Hour - won largely because of including a poem of inspiration about the tital and why it was significant. I'm honoring that my posting snippets of verse along with each story bit.

Might depend on if she died before the merge. It's possible that she'd revert to an adult and pop back into the adult world as a corpse. But yeah, she'll probably be fine.
If something other than the Helmet killed her, she'd probably be fine. The Helmet... it's not so simple.

You also assume she would die before the merge. If she dies before the merge, what makes you think everyone else could pull the merge off at all, given that they lack the League attacking on the adult side and her death would take Fate out of the fight without another host.

I think that regardless of how much of an influence Ferris has had on Nabu, this chapter has demonstrated that he fits the older style of comics heroes. He's like Captain America: not the most agreeable of people (remember Civil War), but capital-gee Good. I am absolutely terrified that here and now we're seeing him at his brightest and with the most potential to be a force for good before being forced into an antagonistic role. ...or just seeing him tragically killed.
Nabu is a hero of the old school; not just comics old school, but myths like Herakles or the Argonauts, Cu Chulainn, and all the others with horrible monsters from before there were a lot of armies or laws to hold the world's worst in check.

Heck, Nabu has been active on Earth for 20,000 years. He predates almost all of our ideas of civilization and civility, but he's the reason a lot of ancient people were alive after all sorts of catastrophes. In Earth-16, he probably brought a lot of Earth's early ideas about law and order to the early people he interacted with.

My favorite idea of describing him is as a Brutal Lawful Good alignment, because he didn't have a lot of the laws he had now. Right & wrong were what he said they were, because there weren't a lot of other courts and governments for most of his activity.

...Not mortal ones, at any rates. He was involved in the Titanomachy, and they were already around then.

Is there something significant about the number 16 I'm missing? It seems to pop up randomly too much to be a coincidence.
16 is a number that is mystically significant in the Cosmere where Renka hails from. There are 16 metals that can be used for Investiture on Scadrial, for example, and if memory serves, there are 16 Shards scattered across the Cosmere, of which Preservation and Ruin are two.
The Mistborn connection was mentioned, but 16 is also an arc number in Young Justice. Among other things, their dimension is called Earth-16, but there's a lot more references to it scattered around too.
Yes, 16 is a thematic number in both series, which is one of my inspirations for crossing them over. It was just too good to pass up.

And I'm using variants of it a lot. It's fun, fitting them in where almost no one else will notice, until some people do.
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