Life Ore Death - DC Feruchemy [Young Justice]

i was under the impression he is going to come to a point where he can't deny it anymore and everything hits him at once?
He didn't even do that in the "magic is totally real" episode. Or when they fought a bunch of magictians casting a curse on the entire world. Or when he was actually on the same team as a wizard of the more traditional sort.
I feel the opposite. It's like demanding that no one use the word science and instead refer only to specific fields because you hate the word. He hasn't even thought to ask any of the magic users he has ready access to about what magic is and how it works before writing them off as idiots or charlatans. Sure you can call it Thaumic Weave Manipulation or whatever but if the people who spent their entire lives figuring out how and why drawing squiggles in chalk and shouting nonsense allows them to impose their will on reality call it magic then that's what it's called.
Yeah, I generally find him insufferable. Not really sure how but this is story somehow has Wally com across as more of an annoying but tolerable little brother that's sometimes funny than the arrogant blowhard I'd say he is in canon. Still obviously have no respect for his opinions or his status as a hero but he comes across as much more likeable.
Inspire, Respire, Expire ___ Episode 06
Life Ore Death
Inspire, Respire, Expire - part 1
* August 14 [Superman PoV]

"I need to speak with Ferris," Batman announced, stepping out of the shadows near Metropolis's Zeta Tube. I frowned.

We'd had an uneventful afternoon, and had spent most of our rounds discussing philosophy, legality, and Ferris's frustration that several of the villains she'd captured had broken out of prison.

She'd struck me as a little too supportive of the death penalty, but when I brought up rehabilitation programs she'd brightened up and affirmed her preference that villains mend their ways rather than be killed. Further discussion had not swayed her from her stance, but she expressed the view that the punishment of villains was supposed to stop them from hurting people, in her mind. If they could be convinced to do good, and rehabilitated, that was even better.

I couldn't say I disagreed.

She'd further admitted that she would be a hypocrite otherwise, as it was what she was trying to do herself. I'd pressed a little more about what she had done in her past, and she answered that she had told it to their ruler afterward, and he had forgiven her and helped her work to fix their world and people as much as she could.

Renka had also repeated something she'd said to Batman: that killing evil people should be done to stop them from hurting people. I argued that there were better ways, and she agreed that those ways should be used first, but countered that defeating and imprisoning Sportsmaster had not stopped him from escaping and hurting more people.

I'd asked her why she felt she had the right to make that decision, and she stated that she did not, and would not try to kill him if she could avoid it. But she wanted to better understand our laws and courts so that she could understand how people who were supposed to make those decisions made those decisions.

I did not and could not support the implications that she would make choices like that after she had learned, but with her recent revelation of computer capability, I gave her the web address of a site that was, essentially, a For Dummies book about the subject of legal proceedings.

'And now this.'

"What is this about, Batman?" I asked. "I haven't heard of Ferris getting into any fights recently, and she's been with me this afternoon."

"You can come along, but I need to run a few medical tests," he answered.

"Am I sick?" she asked.

"No, that is not what I'm worried about." The Zeta Tube hummed into activity. "If you would follow me to a more secure location." We walked through and ended up at an isolated branch of STAR Labs. I considered asking him why not Wayne Tech, but Renka didn't know Batman's identity, obviously.

"What is this all about?" I asked instead.

"Just a moment. Ferris, if you would step onto this platform." She hummed and did so. "Thank you. Do not move while it is active."

"Well?" I asked.

"One of my safe-houses in Gotham suffered an almost untraceable break-in last week," Bruce answered as the machine hummed and sensory wands rotated around Renka.

"And you believe she was responsible? I don't believe Ferris has even been to Gotham in her life!" 'He really is taking her paranoia too far when he suspects her of things that his tests said she couldn't be involved with.'

"I wish to double-check a hypothesis and eliminate her as a suspect before I do anything else," Bruce retorted coldly. "Truth be told, I hope that she is involved, knowingly or not. It would be significantly better than the other possibilities."

"What other possibilities?"

Bruce grimaced behind his cowl. "The safe house had very trace signs of activity and use, but none of the security systems that monitored for break-in attempts were triggered, and I could not find how the culprits entered or left. It was a low-use site, and did not have access to sensitive information, but the event was disturbing. When I had Jordan scan it earlier today, he turned up very small traces of a unique form of radiation."

"Dimension-jumpers?" I worried, remembering our difficult and disturbing encounter with the Justice Lords several years ago.

"Yes. I am checking both to see if the radiation on Ferris has continued to decay at a stable rate, without spikes from re-use, and to see if the dimensional signatures are from the same origin. If they are not…" he trailed off.

"Do you know if they will be the same Justice Lords, or from another alternate dimension?" I asked.

"I do not. But it may be alternate members of the Team, instead. The retrievable recordings suggest that the ones who broke in were not adults."

"Alternate dimensional teenage rebellion and hijinks?" I suggested. I rolled the odd turn of phrase around my head.

"That would be the best scenario. Until we find further information, I have to assume that this may be a prelude to larger-scale action. You can step down now," he added to Renka.

"What next?"

"That was the only important thing. You are free to return to the mountain. The dimensional radiation is receding at the expected rate." She raised an eyebrow.

"I am happy to hear that. You can ask me for help," she added.

<Recognized: Ferris, B06 >

"I think she was hinting about something there, Bats," I suggested. 'Not that I know what, but they've presumably had talks I don't know about.'

"I'm not the only one she's hinted to. Or was I wrong, and she hasn't been suggesting that you spend time with Superboy?" I frowned.

"She mentioned it, but then she had the good manners to not push me when I said I didn't want to discuss it with her."

"But have you thought about it? The boy needs you in his life."

'Everyone always needs Superman. How many people ever need Clark Kent, or Kal-El? Am I never allowed to need things or people or time?'

"No, he doesn't. In fact, what he needs is not me in his life! He needs to not have people reminding him every day of what he is not, and weighing him down with burdens that he can't carry! He has people in his life already."

"None of them are his-,"

"If you say what I think you are going to say I'm leaving," I warned him, hammering down a lid on my frustration. 'Bruce always wanted to be a father, and he chose to bring a child into his life. Why must he project onto me?' My annoying friend remained silent. "Please keep us all updated on the Justice Lords possibilities," I finished.

"There was one other thing," he added as I moved to the Zeta Tube.

'There's always just one more thing. It's never enough.'

"What?" I asked.

"Ferris will be celebrating her birthday on the sixteenth. For Aqualad's present, he has arranged with Orin and I to offer her a civilian tour-day in Atlantis. If she is amenable, they expect to return and begin her surprise party between five and six. If she declines the offer, you may be recruited to keep her occupied during the party set-up. Either way, you are invited to join, as her sponsor on the team."

This was substantially more cheerful than the other subjects of the afternoon, enough that I could almost feel my mood lifting, and I paused to consider a few present ideas. 'Possibly some books about famous court cases? She also expressed an interest in psychology, and in the history of superheroes.'

"Are you planning to attend?" I asked.

"No. There is distance between us which she appreciates, and we both intend to maintain this state of affairs at the moment." I gave him a look as odd as that statement deserved. "Diana and John Stewart both said they would try to find time to attend. Of course, you would be in the mountain with all of her team as well, for however long you attend," Bruce emphasized. I narrowed my eyes, but he didn't pursue the subject.

"Do you have any ideas about presents?" I asked instead. "I had a few books ideas, but they might be beyond her unaided English skills at the moment."

"Kid Flash is giving her encyclopedias, and Miss Martian has expressed interest in DVDs. Superboy," I held back a twitch, "is so far undecided, but Robin is giving her a book of famous quotes, and a set of jewelry-smith's tools to repair or alter her own metal-minds. Aqualad is providing the tour, and will no doubt fund the purchase of a souvenir. Diana has not discussed the subject with me, but as I doubt she would make efforts toward citizenship papers without greater consultation, she will probably offer either more militant gifts, or money. I would also recommend cash as a good gift."

"It seems rather impersonal," I objected. Bruce raised an eyebrow at me behind the cowl.

"On the contrary: Ferris has no income, disposable or otherwise. She has a card to use for purchases, but the League provided it, and she has only used it on trips grocery shopping for the team, barring two small purchases. Money that she can, may, and is supposed to spend on frivolous, personal items… I do not believe she has possessed much in her life."

I frowned. "You may have a point there. And she's never had any graduations where she would receive it, so a birthday is right."

"Or a bat-mitzvah, if Harmonism has an equivalent to that tradition," Bruce added. I chuckled in agreement and resolved to ask.

* August 14 [Renka PoV]

I flinched when Kaldur called out, "Renka, I would like to speak with you a moment," after dinner.

"Here?" I asked, twitching.

'Aqualad probably does not deserve this. He has known I am a fratricide for ten days now, and he has neither told the League nor gone out of his way to shun me. But that is also disturbing. He is the only one who knows this, and I cannot imagine why it would not be bad, and I do not want… maybe he has a memory spell he used to forget? No, or he would have wondered why I have been flinching these past few days.'

"Wherever you feel comfortable," he offered. I huffed a sigh.

"My room," I invited, leading the way. We entered, I locked the door from the inside, and I did my best not to curl up into a ball of self-consciousness. Sitting would have been counter to that, so I did not make myself comfortable. "So," I murmured, "I think I know what this is about. Our talk on the motorcycle." Kaldur grimaced.

"I am willing to discuss that if you desire, but if the League knows and still allow you on the team," I twitched at the emotional barb, "then I can take it on faith that you had your reasons. I am sorry for the way I - however inadvertently - violated your trust, and will not speak of it if you do not wish to do so." I eyed him carefully.

'So he does not know that they do not know,' I realized. 'I could leave him like this… until it comes up and he asks the Batman or the Superman and those lies all come tumbling out. Rusts. Might as well take care of this now. The worst that can happen is that they tell me to leave.'

"The League does not know," I snapped. "The Superman does not know. The Wonder Woman does not know. The Batman does not know. I do not want them to know. You are the only person here who knows I murdered my eldest brother."

Silence hung between us.

"Ah," he said softly. "I… would not have guessed." He wet his lips. "Renka, I know that people can make horrible mistakes, and that people change, and that families are not always perfect-,"

'My murder was not Marosh's fault!!!' I snapped forward and glared at him in furious frustration. Appropriately, he recoiled, and I bit back my most desired venomous responses.

"My brother should not have died," I hissed clinically. I would never let it be tolerated that Marosh be remembered as a criminal or villain. Kaldur raised his hands in a gesture to pacify.

"I did not say he deserved to die. I will not force you to discuss it. I do know that speaking about an old pain may 'bleed poison from the wound' and let it begin to heal, but if you spoke with other people in the past, then I will not force you to speak here," he assured me. I considered it.

"What did you wanted to speak about?" I asked instead.

"You have previously expressed interest in learning about and visiting Atlantis." I pricked up my ears. "The Batman and My King have arranged for that to be possible in two days. The day after tomorrow, if you desire."

"How would I breathe?" I asked. 'I've had more luck with tapping speed to store breath, but it's not a perfect system and I can't grow gills either. Can I?'

"Our magic includes spells and enchantments that would let you temporarily breathe underwater. The Batman has also been willing to provide protective clothing and technology to also help you breathe," he answered. I considered it slowly, enthused by… wait…

"How would I see?"

"While it stings for a few moments, humans can safely open their eyes under the water," he informed me. "Also, there are goggles that can protect your eyes. I can show you how everything would function tomorrow, if you are interested?"

"Very interested much, thank you," I assured him. I considered if I wanted to reach out and touch him, as physical contact was usually a reassuring act. Instead, I then considered what we had discussed before.

'I will never forgive myself for my brother's death, but I have had many people remind me that I did not want him to die, even if I wanted him to not stop me. I was a young, frightened, stupid child. I know what I would say to someone else in my position.'

"My eldest brother's name was Marosh," I told him. "He was the first child of my mother, Tindwyl, and he helped raise all of us as well. He was a farmer." I drew in a deep breath. 'Should I discuss the breeding program? It would explain… no, I do not want excuses. I will let him assume the worst if he wants, and then correct him later if I need to.'

"You do n-,"

"No, but I should," I told Kaldur. "I have told people at home, including my other brothers and sisters. I can tell you, please do not tell anyone else."

"I promise," he agreed. I smiled sickly and leaned back against the wall. I desperately wanted to fidget and distract, but I forcefully stilled my hands and met his eyes.

"Several of my brothers, but not Marosh, were trained at a young age as stewards for nobles. Butlers. One of my elder sisters, and two of the younger, would become handmaidens. I would have done that, or farm, or weave, or… many things. But two of my others sisters were taken for… other reasons." I cut off Kaldur. "I do not wish to say specifics. But I saw my sister Llewyndru taken for this when I was twelve, and heard that I would do the same thing when I was more old. Older.

"I was scared, and I decided to run away instead. It was… selfish." I caught myself agitatedly drumming my fingers in a rhythm. "If a skaa ran away, on a farm, his family was often killed by the nobles. We were under the church, not the nobles, but I did not know that my family would all be safe. If I was caught I would utterly die. But I was slow, for months, because I had years. I went more into forests to learn to hunt and find root plants. I looked at maps. I ran around carrying things to train. I stole metal for metal-minds and practiced… that was very dangerous. If the Steel Ministry knew I was a Feruchemist, and that my mother was as well, my family would all be killed."

"That is horrible," Kaldur told me. He moved to touch me, and I shifted my weight, but he paused before I felt the need to pull away. "I am sorry that your childhood was so hard."

"Hard? Yes, but I made it hard also. I had good family, food, home…" I reminisced over the early days when I was happy, energetic, and, once upon a time, innocent. "When I was ready, I ran away. Only, my brother found me at the start. He did not want me to run, and tried to stop me. Threatened to call the guards. Not tell them I run away from Terris, no, but from our home. Say that I planned to run live with neighbors or cousins in another village…"

"He wanted you to… did he not care about- about the... the fate you were afraid of?"

"He cared. He hated my fate. He loved me, and thought it was a horrible thing. But it was a horrible thing I would survive," I emphasized, and added in the hint, "just like our mother and sisters survived. He wanted me alive, and knew that if I ran, I would die horribly. 'You may always hope that life will improve, but death cannot'," I quoted.

"We have a similar saying: where there is life, there is hope."

"I like that," I decided, and exhaled. "So. My brother Marosh found me as I ran into the forest. He was a man mostly grown, and I was twelve, but I was a Feruchemist and he was not. I had never fought, but when he tried to grab me…" I trailed off, and pictures of my angry hate and terror and the feeling of power as I struck returned to me.

"You fought him?" Kaldur assumed.

"Fight?" I laughed. "Like I fought Black Canary. I tapped pewter and hit him in the head. It was my first fight, the first time used all that strength. His head was like an egg. I got yolk all on my hand." My fingers twitched as I remembered the rush of power, followed by the warm, sticky goop of brains and the few shards of bone. The hard-becoming-softness of the impact.

Neither of us said anything more at first.

"You were a child, untrained in fighting. That is why we train," Kaldur told me. He thought for a moment. "It is both to fight and hurt criminals, but also to only hurt them, to not kill people by mistake. You cannot be held responsible."

"You tell me nothing other people have not said," I diagnosed. 'On good days I can even bring myself to believe it.' "I killed my brother. I wanted him hurt and stopped, even if I did not think to want him dead. Then the noise when I screamed called two guards, and I killed them as well and continued to run. For all I knew, the next morning the church could have killed my family, but I did not know. Instead, I ran from guards, from soldiers, from priests, and from monsters. More things happened," 'including another few scores of murders,' "but that is the beginning," I told him heavily. "What do you think?"

"I think… it is a sad story, and I am honored that you have trusted me with this," he said solemnly. I smiled slightly. It did not look like he despised me. "You are not the first person to kill by mistake, because of fear. Especially with powers you do not understand. Know that you still have my support."

"Thank you," I told him evenly. I did not have any more tears to shed about this, and I wished I did, so instead I moved with my arms. It was not a tight hug, nor a long one, but we stepped apart with a nod.

'I do not think his good thoughts will last, if he knew how many people I killed, and for what reasons, in the years after I first ran away, but for now… right now, this is good. Someone has begun to understand, be it for better or for worse.'

"Just to be clear, tomorrow I will show you the ways you can breathe underwater, and the next day you will come with me to Atlantis?" he repeated.

"If I like the things to breathe, yes." I frowned, considering. "Is it safe to bring my metal-minds?"

"It should be. We have spells to prevent rust, and one day should not be long enough for damage to accrue. Occur. For damage to happen," he clarified. I nodded.

"Then if you will excuse me, I wish to meditate." I'd had some luck with using speed to increase the way I stored breath, and if I was going to be under the water, then I wanted as large a cadmium-mind or three as I could store for extra breath. Kaldur nodded and left.
AN: Next episode, Renka travels to Atlantis. And meets some interesting people.
wow, I think this is the first young justice fic I've seen that has Superman have a halfway decent reason for his treatment of superboy. You really do a great job of showing that each character is a person rather than a puppet for Plot. Also I'm glad we got some more backstory on Renka.
Inspire, Respire, Expire - part 2
Life Ore Death
Inspire, Respire, Expire - part 2
* August 16 [Kaldur PoV]

<Recognized: Aqualad, B02 >

I inhaled, feeling and reveling in the change as the ocean water fed and nourished me. The surface world was not so uncomfortable, but Atlantis was home.

A familiar man hung in the water near the gate.

"Greetings, young Kaldur'ahm."

"Greetings, Prince Orm," I replied respectfully, swimming forward to offer a salute.

<Recognized: Ferris, B06 >

"And this is our visitor, I assume. A member of your team on the surface world. Greetings, fair Ferris," he called.

"Indeed, although I must apologize, as Ferris does not speak our tongue." I turned back to Ferris- 'Should I call her Renka? She has never expressed a strong opinion either way. Ferris for today, then.' –and swam back to steady her. Ferris inhaled and exhaled very carefully, smiling as her materials continued to function properly.

She wore her same swimsuit, but under it she wore a jacket of enchanted flounder scales against her skin, and a separate, redundant choker of enchanted eel skin. Both let her comfortably breathe underwater, and while the spells could wear out within a week, they were more than sufficient for a one-day visit. A pouch held several compressed air canisters and re-breathers that The Batman had provided, just in case.

"Ferris, welcome to Atlantis," I told her in English. She stared at me for a moment, but our trials yesterday had ensured that the spells allowed her to speak and listen underwater as well. "The man before us is Prince Orm, brother King Orin. He offers you greetings."

"Ah," she murmured. Ferris offered a bow deeper than was formally required.

"I understand you only intend to stay for one day?" Prince Orm clarified. "I do not believe any particular events or celebrations are planned for today, but you have the run of the city. I hope you enjoy your visit." He swam away, no doubt bound to attend other, more important matters of state.

"May I show you the city? A museum? The school of sorcery?" I suggested. Ferris perked up.

"A magic school?" she asked carefully. I nodded. "Museum, then please magic?"

"Certainly? Can you swim on your own?" The city wards included enchantments that slowed some of the erosive effects of seawater, but I had been a little alarmed when had Ferris arrived that morning with more metal-minds than I had seen her wear before. I'd explained that the weight would pull her down, but she had stated that she wished to try.

"I think I can swim," she answered. Despite our practices, she was not a skilled swimmer even in comparison to the other members of our team, much less compared to Atlanteans who had been born in the water.

It was a little frustrating to keep pace beside her, but I had decided to view it as an exercise in patience. We slowly traveled the halls until we exited, and I was privileged to watch her face light up with honest shock and amazement.

"It is beautiful, yes?"

"Yes," she agreed, nodding slowly while her eyes jumped from building to building and attempted to drink in every sight there was. Atlantis was spread out in an array of smooth domes, elegant arches, proud towers, and all the colors of a coral reef. We could see people of every type swim along on their business, and while Ferris's eyes were drawn to the strange sights of a family of octopus-graft Atlanteans, and a group of the more stereotypical merpeople, she also watched a family with new babies, a group of workers repairing a building, and a field trip of young children who were approaching the palace.

"You said there were people like fish, but I did not expect," she mused.

"Perhaps I should have been more specific, but I hope you will not judge them."

"People think like people, feel like people," she answered calmly.

'That one sentence is a refutation of the entire pureblood agenda. I believe I may borrow it, if I can find an elegant enough translation from English,' I decided.

"Our royal museum is this way," I told her. I guessed that Ferris tapped into her strength and speed as I led, but whether or not she did she kept pace well enough.

* August 16 [Ferris PoV]

I was not quite sure whether Kaldur knew or remembered that tapping connection would let me understand any pre-dominant language, and not only English, but I felt no need to correct him. Speaking to me in English when I could not cheat with duralumin was excellent practice, and I was never eager to waste a metal-mind's store.

'At best, I can make it into a prank. At worst, it is a mild inconvenience, or I can pretend it was a miscommunication,' I reminded myself.

Swimming was… difficult. Even after practice yesterday, the motions to grasp at the water and properly kick my legs did not come easily to me. My fingers occasionally slipped apart, and at times I lost distance when I brought my arms around for the next stroke, or veered in the wrong direction. When I had tried kicking, I repeatedly made motions like stomping before I got the hang of it, and it was hard to find a good balance between power and endurance. I ended up tapping into small touches of strength and speed to keep from slowing Kaldur down too much.

I could breathe, but I always felt to afraid to breathe deeply, for fear that suddenly water would be in my lungs. Truthfully, water was in my lungs, but it felt the same as air to me, and I could breathe it safely. There was a taste in my mouth that never went away, but it was not wholly a bad experience, and I was aware in a way I had never been of the pressure the water put on my skin.

Second to its diverse colors, the thing that struck me most about Atlantis was the additional space. Most cities are ultimately flat: they may have towers or rolling hills, but in essence everything important is on the ground, most especially the people. In Atlantis, there were roads, but when Kaldur and I traveled we swam up in an arc, over the roofs of many houses and stores, among fish and the stronger Atlanteans, while the eldest and youngest opted to stay nearer to the ocean floor.

The Poseidonis Royal History Museum was an awe-inspiring building. At its base was elegant marble in steps and pillars, which Kaldur informed me was the same as it had been prior to the sinking, when Atlantis still remained on the surface over two thousand years ago. Their home was older than the era-ending divine struggle that had wracked Scadrial, and more than the water, I felt the weight of that history press down like a comforting, if stifling blanket.

It still had steps and a floor like the Metropolis and Central City Museums I had been to, which was contrary to what I had expected, but the walls and ceiling fit my expectations with plaques and exhibits that would have been unreachable to anyone bound to the ground.

It was here that I finally reminded Kaldur that I was passable at Atlantean language if I tapped connection from my duralumin-minds, so that he didn't feel the need to clunkily translate everything I was interested in reading. It got an amusing stutter out of him, and I made a show of lamenting that I had missed the chance to play some wonderful prank on him.

He suggested that he could forget to mention my ability if we spoke to anyone who thought they could get away with bad-mouthing an ignorant surface-worlder.

"Do you really call them that?" I asked as we moved from the room that covered the Ekkritovalean Civil War to one about Atlantis's connections with the surface world, particularly with old-but-not-forgotten Themyscira. "I was under the impression that you would refer to people by the country they lived in."

'That is still a new idea to me. I mean, I guess Dominances and individually large cities were a touch similar, and I know from reading histories that there were plenty of different kingdoms before the False Ascension.'

"I love my home, but we are very… insular," Kaldur answered. "M'gann mentioned that there are diverse territories and unique local cultures on Mars, but you and I would not distinguish between two Martians from two different locales."

"I absolutely would, if they told me there was a difference to distinguish between," I countered. Kaldur chuckled.

"Yes, but so few surface-dwellers come to Atlantis, and so few of us go above, that there are almost no meetings where such discussion may occur. That is why King Orin joined the Justice League as the Aquaman: to foster stronger ties between Atlantis and the rest of Earth."

"And Mars?" I pointed out.

"And even Scadrial," he teased, which earned him a laugh.

We ate lunch at the Museum restaurant, and I took his recommendation of a seaweed salad and an array of fish flesh. It was surprisingly good; I had expected to eat it politely for the nutrition, but I decided at the end that I would like to have it again sometime.

One thing that caught my interest was the way some people spoke to Kaldur. It seemed that he was a public figure and people treated him with respect when they recognized him, especially the museum workers.

'Oh, yes, the Aquaman is also the King of Atlantis, and Kaldur is his apprentice. I suppose people would know him.'

"If you are the Aquaman's apprentice, are you also King Orin's apprentice? At being King," I clarified. Kaldur spluttered.

"What? No. No, there are no circumstances that would see me ever on the throne of Atlantis," he assured me with some relief. "When My King cannot fulfill his duties, it falls to his brother, Prince Orm, with input from Queen Mera. After them there are number of councilors and generals, distant noble relatives, the lesser Kings of individual city-states, and once given enough time the Atlantean Senate would simply elect a new King."

"You sound relieved."

"Fighting evil to make the world a better place is something that feels right to me, in my heart. There are other ways to improve the world, through charity work, and science, and politics, but I am less adept at them. Leadership is… amenable to me when I am working with our Team, but the actual work of ruling is something I have no taste for."

"Show me which weeds to pluck, and I will leave the growing to someone more adept," I quoted.

"Did you make that up?"

"It is a repurposed saying from before the Catacendre. It was recently changed after growing things became a more enjoyable activity, instead of slave work."

"Ah," he said softly. We moved to a room that outlined the building of more undersea cities, those that had not been among the original city-states of Atlantis, and then Kaldur led me on a detour to another room. "I wish you to see this."

I flinched when I saw some of the displays and exhibits in this new hall.

The History of Slavery and its Abolition in Atlantis

"How very interesting," I stated flatly, my eyes not quite shying away from the fishy men in chains. In one corner, done in white marble, an angular group of muscled, predatory Atlanteans (of the shark-type schema, he would inform me) bore down on a chained and screaming human-type Atlantean with spears, daggers, and teeth.

On the ceiling was tiled out a mosaic of a slave auction where were sold miserable, scarred, and naked prisoners; illustrations of capturing of the merchandise in attacks on other city-states, and of the punishments that enemy soldiers and disobedient thralls could suffer, were scattered about the edges where the mosaic neared the walls.

Statues of human-type Atlanteans stood in a row to brandish whips, swords, collars, and chains. They faced a display on the opposite wall where less humanoid Atlanteans fought in gladiatorial combat for their entertainment, as had once been popular in the Eastern Dominance.

I could not cry, but I wished I were more disgusted than I felt.

'Jaded,' I admitted dully. 'After everything I've seen and heard, I'm uncomfortable, but not surprised or shocked. I just don't have it in me anymore, do I? I'm used to this type of brutality from governments. I wish I could be more disappointed.'

"I wanted you to see this, because it is ugly, brutal, horrible, and disgusting," Kaldur told me. I looked at him for a moment, before I looked back through the room and reluctantly accepted that none of it viscerally repulsed me. I had to make the decision to find it anything more than wasteful or distasteful. "This is my history, and that of my people," he continued softly, "and I am not proud of it. But I am proud that we have learned from these mistakes, and I will fight these wrongs wherever I see them, now that I know what they look like and may recognize them."

"Yes," I huffed. "I understand that."

We stood in the doorway for a few minutes, in companionable silence, and then I swam away to review the new material. It wasn't even emotional masochism – I largely wanted to see what parts may have been different, better, or even worse than what I had experienced in Scadrial.

Learning what a culture looked like after it had successfully set aside that brutal history… seeing that such things would never be forgotten, but that they also never needed to define….

I became confident that my people on Scadrial would grow as well.

Even if that growth continued without me.

"Thank you," I told him when we met again at the doorway.

"Would you like a souvenir from the store?" he offered.

"A souvenir… like what Wa- Kid Flash takes from our missions?" I asked.

A robotic eye . . . an empty Kobra Venom injector . . . the Medusa Mask . . . a broken MONQI head . . . an arrow that may have belonged to Artemis (I was not sure where that came from) . . . the assassin Cheshire's mask . . .

Kid Flash had assembled a shelf of things he brought back as trophies from our missions.

"We have not been on a mission or defeated an enemy," I pointed out. 'Or do "souvenir" and "trophy" have other meanings?'

"Souvenir, in this case, is not a trophy, but an object with which we remember. It is something we can point to and say, 'I got this souvenir when ex and why happened at zee location.' So, 'I got this souvenir from the museum when I first went to Atlantis, and these are the exhibits it reminds me of and let me tell you why I remember those.'"

'I will need to ask more about what ex, why and… oh, he was using X, Y, and Z to represent things in general. I get it now.'

"I do not have any money," I admitted awkwardly. Kaldur had already bought me lunch of his own accord, and this was a private personal journey where I did not bring the League payment-usage debit-card. 'I begin to see why money from a secret identity may be desirable.' I had thought as long as I did important things I would not be terribly interested in material belongings outside of what I needed for the job, but now I began to remember that I might wish to buy objects for other people as well.

"It is my treat; I possess both private funds and a stipend from my studies under My King." I opened my mouth to object and Kaldur smiled threateningly. "If you do not wish to select something, I suppose I may always buy you a gift of my own choice, which may be far more expensive, and not to your taste, and you cannot refuse it for the sake of good manners."

I rolled my eyes, huffed affectionately, and thanked him… after I knuckled him in the shoulder, of course.

The gift store was an array of colors. In Atlantean style, there were bins and shelves and displays of water-proof posters, statuettes, books, photographs, decorated stones, and devices along all the walls, floor, and ceiling. Deciding to tweak him a little, I grabbed what was probably the most expensive thing present, a gaudy miniature of the museum in false-gold (I can tell at a touch if a metal is Feruchemically useable), and innocently suggested, "Can I have two?"

Either he was storm-serious about buying whatever I wanted, or more likely my innocent act was too overdone, because he didn't blink at agreeing to my request.

I pouted, stuck out my tongue, and put it back to look for a genuine keepsake.

I ended up torn between two options: the first was a surprisingly cheap plate of delicately carved stone engraved with sigils and images of Atlantean glory; my second choice was a small standing plaque that held a map of the Atlantean city-states.

There were books and posters that I would have picked before either of those, but I wouldn't be able to read the books outside of Atlantis because they were in their language (Atlantean Greek, he told me), and Kaldur had sadly informed me that the poster were made for underwater display and would degrade in the open air of my room.

I decided on the map, because I didn't want to carry the placard for the rest of that day, and on impulse grabbed the museum guidebook with the most pictures available.

Aqualad paid for both and bought a few more things that I didn't have a chance to see. One of them he showed me – a set of decorative stones with glowing enchantments 'and I really want to learn more about Atlantean magic now.' – and the others he deferred as secrets, for later revelation.

I acceded with (what I hoped was) good grace, and he next took me to the Royal Atlantean Academy of Sorcery.

"How do Atlantean… no, pardon, how does Atlantean magic work?" I questioned correctly. We were using English again to spare my duralumin-minds. I had stored plenty to spare – I may or may not have abused a bronze-mind to do an all night meditation session the night after he made me this offer – but conservation was always a watchword with me.

"In general," he mused, "our magic is predominantly focused on water and the things that live in it. War, pragmatism, and our environment have resulted in well-over half of all Atlanteans being naturally of the water element, and there exist many common spells of the other elements to take advantage of the water abundant in our home."

'Elements? I know the word can be used to mean the pieces of a whole, or conceptual ingredients, such as the elements of a plan being the pieces and steps needed to enact it…! Chemistry, yes! And they also refer to collections of type-pure construct particles as the Periodic Table of Elements! Except… wait… is water an element? I understood it only very roughly, remembering from my time in the Pool, but I had thought water was made of a two-to-one, small-small-larger arrangement of two of the ingredients in breathable air. I believe I have come across a new usage of the word. How confusing,' I lamented.

"Ferris?" Kaldur asked, and I jolted back to attention. We had risen even higher, trying to get above the buildings for a better view as we traveled, since the Academy of Sorcery was on the far side of a different quadrant. He probably expected a response. 'Did he say anything else? No, no, I wasn't thinking for very long.'

"Two things," I told him. "First an experiment, then a question." Swimming had been weighing me down a bit. I wore nothing easy to lose, but I still had on multiple anklets and bracelets of solid metal. I also wore a ring on every finger, and had even threaded more rings through locks of my hair before I put it up in today's ponytail. It would probably be a pain to undo, but I had felt very insecure about venturing into a world (city, place, whatever,) where, without help from workings that I could not perform or maintain, much less understand, even trying to breathe would kill me.

"An experiment?" he asked cautiously.

"I have an experiment about how my iron-minds store and tap weight. I do not think it is gravity that makes me heavier, because it is not gravity that makes iron weigh more than copper."

"No, it is molecular density," Aqualad agreed.

"So," I said, and stored away half my weight. Instantly I shot straight up in the water, feeling it press more firmly on my skin. I stopped when I was third of the distance below the ward dome around Atlantis, and, restored to my ordinary weight, I began to tread once more as my metal-minds tried to drag me lower.

Kaldur quickly caught up, having mastered his surprise, and offered an impressed nod.

"I see. Less weight means less density, making you more buoyant." I nodded in agreement, looking down over the magnificent view in still-new awe. The city was strange, the city was alive, and the city was beautiful.

I had seen similar sights, from the top of Mount Justice, and in the bioship, so I understood how Kaldur could have brought himself to leave this place, but I wanted to stay a little longer.

We watched the city in silence a few minutes more.

"How much time may we be allowed to stay in Atlantis?" I asked him.

"Atlantis is three hours ahead of the mountain," he answered, and it took me another moment to remember what time zones were and how they functioned. I had thought the timing of our lunch was a bit off, but nothing really stood out to me' breakfast had also been off-schedule at the mountain for us both. "If we eat a light, early dinner and stay until eight, we will return in time to eat dinner with our team as well and tell them about the day."

"Two dinners. I am beca-… I will become fat," I lamented with a grin. 'Another sign of how rich this land is, and how far Scadrial has to go. And I will no longer play a part in that, save that I deliver my discoveries after I die again.' I sighed.

Huffing and sighing were very strange activities when I was beneath the water.

"Do not worry," Aqualad replied seriously. "If you gain weight, I am certain Black Canary and I can develop more training to lose it again." I laughed at the joke when he added: "I believe running six hours of suicides up and down the mountain should burn off the additional blubber." I knuckled his shoulder again.

"Nonsense," I announced haughtily, "I am quite thin. Put me on a scale, and a feather is more heavy." I stored weight to shoot up several body-lengths. When Kaldur quickly made his first push to follow me, I tapped my iron-mind and dropped on him like a stone.


We tumbled to an equilibrium less than ten times my height lower in the water, and laughed together.

"To the magic academy?" I suggested. He led the way once more.

"Your experiment was with weight and density," he mused to me. "What question did you wish to ask?"

"Oh! Yes, thank you for remembering. What did you mean water is an element? Like gold and iron and tin, or is it something else? I thought water was a mix of…" and here my Earth-level science skills ran out, "of two ingredients in the air?"

"No, air is… ah! I see where we miscommunicated. Before we," he swept his arms to indicate either Atlantis or Earth in general, "could identify the molecular," I didn't recognize that term but I mouthed it silently and resolved to look it up later, "elements, we believed in the five classical elements. Our system of magic still divides spell craft by the states of being and traits signified by the five classical elements: earth, water, fire, air, and æther."

"What is eather?"

"Æther," he corrected, "is the default form of magic that is less recognizable in our world. It deals with spirit and soul, and the will that shapes the magical energies."

"Spiritual. I see…" I muttered, as comparisons to the spiritual and cognitive realms, and to the forms of Investiture, ran through my head. Then I realized, "I see water, and earth, and ether, but there is no fire or air here."

"There is, but not in their traditional forms," he informed me. Kaldur patted at his chest and then extended an arm. "For fire, there is the warmth in our blood, and the power in our bodies. Electricity and light are often generated, that is, made through our fire spells, and ice can be made by removing the fire and heat from water."

"Ah. Thank you, I see." Idly, without breaking pace as we swam, I fidgeted with storing and tapping heat in my brass-mind. It was the metal-mind I was most skilled with, and easily among my favorites to use. The flushed warmth and chill felt nice.

"Similarly, oxygen is mixed into the water that we breathe," Kaldur continued, "and through clouds and weather air has come to be used for the violent motions of watery tempests. It is also used for water bubbles and barriers in places where we do not wish to be wet, and the spells in your breathing materials are of the air element."

"That makes more sense," I agreed.

Kaldur asked, "Is there a particular way that you divide up your magic? The way you use your metal minds?"

I hesitated. Not only were my instincts telling me not to give away the workings of my Feruchemy, for fear I would be taken advantage of, but I also was not advanced enough to translate the terms well. Additionally, I knew that I could use either or both as an excuse, and Kaldur would accept these matters and drop the line of questioning without any further comments. He was very reserved and diplomatic in that regard.

I knew that it could still be an act – I had even used the same acts in the past and pressured people out of their comfort zone with the "no pressure, I mean it, really," tactics on a smaller scale. All the same, I wanted to trust them all.

I tapped connection from the smaller of my two duralumin-minds.

"We have something called Realmatic theory," I answered in more fluent Atlantean Greek. "It divides the existence into… well, there are debates whether it is into two, or three, or four separate but overlapping Realms."


"Planes of existence. Like pieces of paper stacked and held up to the light, each with some parts of a picture drawn to make the whole of creation," I replied quickly. I didn't expect to run out of duralumin, but I was bad at accumulating it and prone to inaccuracy when I tried to measure the size of my stores or how deeply I had exactly tapped.

"And there are disagreements about the number of sheets of paper in the stack? What are the differences?"

"It is a sloppy comparison. If there are two realms, then they are the Physical and Not-Physical. People who argue for three Realms state that there is one Physical Realm, but divide the other into Spiritual and Mental," 'No, that isn't the right concept translation.' "Sorry, Spiritual and Cognitive Realms. Three is the most common belief."

"I see. Is it your belief?"

"No, I follow the argument of four Realms, but I don't bother to subdivide the physical. So, it might be better to say that I believe there are three Realms, but the Physical Realm is equal to the combination of the Cognitive and Spiritual Realms," I clarified. "Some people prefer to argue for a Temporal Realm, instead, but that is based in Allomancy."


"The only other form of magic on Scadrial," I lied, omitting Hemalurgy. I had every reason to believe that Hemalurgy could still function in this universe, and the idea of koloss running around on Earth repulsed and terrified me to almost unspeakable extents, especially considering the large number of criminals and villains who would happily use it. "It is more complicated and different, too much to explain quickly, but part of it lets Mistings see the past and future."

"Divination," Kaldur identified. "It is not usually considered a trustworthy magic among humans, but when prophecies are handed down by the gods they can have greater repercussions." I scowled in distaste.

"Prophecies. I do not trust in prophecies," I all but spat. I would have hoped that my feelings had not insulted his religion, but if he did take umbrage I was fully prepared to argue my points, even though I would not enjoy it. "I have dropped my spell," I added in English, cutting off whatever response he was going to give.

"Ah. Yes. I would ask about what history you have with prophecies, but with the trouble caused for those they spoke of, I agree." My shoulders and jaw relaxed a bit. "Our general theory is to treat prophecies as either warnings, or instructions, rather than absolutes. But, we are at the Conservatory."

"At the Academy? The school?"

"Yes. Conservatory means the same thing."

"Too many words," I lamented yet again, still smiling. It occurred to me that Kaldur had lived here and attended this school in the past, and I saw some people about his age or older. "Do you know anyone here? A favorite teacher?"

"Yes. I have only been Aqualad for moderate time, and living on the surface for even less. I know many of the students and teachers here, especially Queen Mera."

"The Queen is a student here?" I asked, caught off guard. 'Either I misunderstood something, or they teach people much longer than I am used to, or… I do not think the respected Queen would be a child that age married to the adult King.'

"No, no. Queen Mera was a teacher here before she married My King, and she still enjoys teaching classes and seminars. I was privileged to have studied briefly under her with Garth and Tula, my two closest friends, before I became Aqualad. If you are interested," he added astutely, "I had planned to sit in if my Queen was teaching a class, and to introduce you after."

"Please, yes please!" I agreed immediately. 'A respected ruler who actually does a good job, who takes on and fulfills multiple responsibilities, and is also a knowledgeable (probably powerful) magic user? Four dozen times yes!'

Several people greeted Kaldur (and I was reminded that his full name was Kaldur'ahm) as we navigated the halls. This was an old building at the base, with ground-bound architecture, but it became more oceanic, with doors to classrooms in the ceiling, etc., as we progressed further.

An Atlantean student Kaldur seemed to also be good friends with spoke for a while, both to catch up and give directions to the Queen. I listened in with some duralumin-mind connection and extended an arm when we were introduced.

'I have befriended multiple kandra, despite their dietary habits and actual appearance, and I have spent several days with clans of koloss on three separate occasions,' I reminded myself. 'I will not be so petty as to flinch at a young boy's cheerful touch just because he has tentacles.' I made a particular point to hold on a little longer than was strictly necessary, and to smile with my eyes as well as my mouth; judging from the cheerful babble that Topo erupted in, I had made the right decision.

We had easily five hours before Kaldur and I needed to return to the mountain, so I was perfectly content to stay and indulge his reunion with his friends.

When Topo brought up his recent idea to make something in commemoration of Kaldur's achievements in becoming Aqualad, I jumped in.

"I don't believe I've heard that story. Kaldur, how did you become Aqualad?" I asked intently. 'It's either an impressive story worth hearing, or an embarrassing story worth seeing him squirm over,' I knew.

Kaldur shifted, but before he could fully display either reaction, Topo jumped in.

"Oh, it's a wonderful story!" He spat out something black that I shied back from, wondering if I was supposed to comment on the stain or, like leaking scent, politely ignore it.

Instead, the blackness I would learn was octopus ink resolved itself into clouds of rough outlines.

"On one bitter day," Topo announced in a bard's tone, "our great King Orin, the Aquaman, was in danger. Ocean Master had dispatched his lackey, Black Manta, in an attack on the city of Poseidonis to cover the kidnappings of several citizens. The Aquaman learned of this from his brother, Prince Orm – as the Ocean Master had been seen as he fled like the coward he is – and pursued. But he ordered that his soldiers stay to protect the city from Black Manta's thugs, and thus there was no one to reinforce him when the Ocean Master sprung his trap in a cave system and attacked!"

I winced and reconsidered the so-called wisdom of having a nation's greatest warrior also be their political leader. Even if it was great for morale, and the leader was not a violence-loving muscle head, there was the problem of juggling the military and political battlefields. 'Even the Lord Ruler had his original nine Mistborn to aid him in combat,' I remembered.

"No one," Topo continued, "except for two brave students who had struck out on their own. Garth and Kaldur'ahm had valiantly pursued when they saw the hostages being taken on their way home. They had become caught in the same caves that Ocean Master used to isolate the Aquaman, but the sound of combat caught their attention, and they came upon the brutal fight!"

"We were more lost than valiant, but this is more true than most versions of the story," Kaldur confessed quietly.

Topo carried on: "The Aquaman had been ambushed, and was at the mercy of the foul Ocean Master! But brave Garth and bold Kaldur'ahm saw their liege in dire straights, and with their skills and strength they ambushed the Ocean Master in turn! Forced onto the defensive, he could not hold against the warriors, and the Aquaman recovered his strength and triumphed!

"So impressed was he, that the Aquaman offered to take both warriors as his students. Noble Garth honorably declined, for he felt his place was beneath the ocean's waves. But brave Kaldur'ahm dreamed of the surface world and accepted this offer, taking up the title of Aqualad!" The black cloud finally dissolved, thankfully; its shape had been completely incoherent by the end.

All the same, it was an impressive story of what those with the courage to try could achieve.

I clapped, which had a diluted effect underwater, but got across my message all the same.

"I look forward to seeing what you create from that story," Kaldur assured him. They clasped hands once more. "Now, you said that Queen Mera was speaking in the White Reef Hall?"

"Yeah, she's giving a lecture on… um… I forget, but I think it's the same one from last year that Professor Koire gave that time? But Queen Mera's teaching won't have made half the class fall asleep."

"Thank you, my friend."

"Thank you for the story," I recited with a quick bow before we began to swim away. Topo remembered something else and called after us.

"Oh, Kaldur'ahm! Both Garth and Tula are part of the group that Queen Mera teaches personally now, so don't forget to congratulate them about that too!" Kaldur looked back and nodded before we rounded a corner.

"He was nice," I commented in English.

"Topo," and his name sounded oddly different in English, "is one of the gentlest souls you may ever meet. But few people ever realize that, either because he is shy and runs away, or because they disdain his shape. Thank you for treating him well."

"We live with M'gann, and I have known several kandra," I answered. "I would be a hypocrite to let looks decide me."

It took a few more minutes for us to arrive and find room to float in the back. There were a number of carefully arranged branches and pillars of coral that sprouted into arrangements of desks where students took notes. Each and every one was occupied, with a few hosting two people squished together; some other students floated in the back and took notes beside us.

I almost tapped connection to understand what the speaker (Queen Mera, presumably) was saying about the glowing diagrams on the large wall of glass. Kaldur beat me to it with an explanation that she had finished her lecture and was outlining the practice work assigned in preparation for future classes.

"We will be able to speak with her once the class has been dismissed and the students with questions have dispersed." In lieu of eavesdropping on assignment requirements, I simply spread out my attention and did my best to get a general idea.

'Intelligent, authoritative, and attractive,' I assessed of the queen. Of course, Atlantean standards of beauty and fashion could be expected to have differences from what I was used to, but by what I generally knew of Earth standards, at this distance she appeared both attractive and impressive. 'I wouldn't have expected that a married woman, to say nothing of a monarch, would wear less than M'gann did on our beach day. No, that's unfair – a swimming suit or similar makes sense under the water, and… yes, it's gauzy, but there is more cloth, or whatever it is there, than it originally appeared.'

It took me a bit longer to realize what had really caught my attention.

'The queen isn't just slim, or even fit, but actively athletic,' I analyzed. 'Her muscles are toned, her clothes provide free motion, and she moves with smooth confidence and certainty. Now that I look again, that crown looks less decorative and more like a cut-off piece of a helmet. Not just a courtier or a scholar, but she's seen at least some active combat, like the noble house Mistborn who jockeyed for power in Luthadel.'

"Kaldur," I murmured as some of the students began to leave while a few drifted to the front of the class. 'I'm also surprised at how informal they appear to be with her. Certainly they're using deferential body language, but the students are barely bowing to the Queen, much less fully genuflecting.' "Was Queen Mera a warrior?"

"Almost all the students here will be warriors. Not everyone will see live combat, but all Atlantean citizens spend a minimum of two years enrolled in the military, and our military also runs most middle-level educational institutions."

"Middle education?"

"More complicated than the reading and counting young children learn, but less than the specialized branches of scholarship found in universities. Middle and high schools, but not elementary or college." I nodded, mostly getting the gist.

We began to drift toward the front as the Queen turned to the second to last student in line. I tapped connection, aware that my current ring would soon run out and I would need to shift to another soon.

She had just parted from the last student when she saw us. Her face immediately lit up with a genuine smile.

"Kaldur'ahm! It has been too long. What brings you back to our depths?" He offered her a salute, but smiled as well.

"Greetings, my Queen. I am here escorting a comrade, Ferris, who has begun to learn under the Superman in the Justice League. She is also a magic user of an unusual style, with a unique history, and she has previously expressed interest in what I have told her of Atlantis. Ferris, this is Queen Mera."

She offered me a nod, and with my hands on my thighs I bent into a deep bow.

"I greet you, Queen Mera. Your home has been both hospitable and beautiful; I cannot speak my gratitude that I have been allowed the honor of visiting." The queen laughed like a bell.

"Your words warm my heart," she replied. "You speak our language very well, although not with the Themysciran accent I have come to expect. From where, pray tell, do you hail."

"From the Elendel Vale on Scadrial," I answered. I knew it wouldn't actually tell her anything meaningful, but explaining the alternate dimension thing was a bit ridiculous to attempt, and I'd since decided it was simpler to let more eloquent and believable people give the explanation. In this case: Kaldur.

"Ferris comes from another world, my Queen," he interjected. "Not like Mars, but more like the incident with the Justice Lords." Queen Mera snapped her attention fully to me. "Her world is even more foreign, with different continents and gods, and different magic. She expressed some interest in learning about Atlantean magic-,"

"And more importantly," I cut in, because wasting a Queen's time with the bare basics would be insulting, "I especially wanted to know what you might make of my magic, with your different perspective. Not that I usually call it magic. Truth be told," I joked, "compared to the logical function of my Feruchemy, I have spent half my time on Earth terrified of my inability to make sense of the limits and methods of things such as Zeta Tubes, the Superman and the Wonder Woman's ability to fly, and the capabilities of nanotechnology." Queen Mera tilted her head.

"With the exception of Wonder Woman's flight, which I believed had a different source than Superman's, everything you just named is a result of technology," she pointed out.

"As I have told Kid Flash, there is no difference from my point of view." I shrugged. "When we faced a mission to stop a swarm of nanotechnology, from my perspective, it all began when the Doctor used her magic to create a Physical Realm demon capable of destroying things, and in the end she created an array of mystic runes to work a banishing spell that targeted its undefended Cognitive Realm presence to unmake it."

"Ferris is referring to the Doctor writing a virus and downloading it into the nano-swarm," Kaldur added. An odd look was on Queen Mera's face, and I increased by (I guessed) a third again the rate at which I tapped connection.

"I grew up with what you call twelfth-century technology," I complained to Kaldur. "Allow me my foibles. With what you told me about Atlantis and five elements, your magic makes more logical sense to me than the Zeta Tubes."

"Those terms you used – Cognitive Realm and Physical Realm – are those related to your 'Feruchemy's' usage schema?"

I smiled at Queen Mera's astute question. 'As Kid Flash has said: line, hook, and sink her.'

"Yes!" I exclaimed, genuinely excited now that I was getting somewhere. "May I please borrow that?" I asked pointing to the brush in her hand. One end of the rod was blunt and the other was a lump of sponge, which I assumed was how it wrote on the glass. "Thank you very much. Now, the base of our magical belief is Realmatic Theory, which… ah…?"

I poked the glass with the sponge again.

"The sponge end is used to erase, and the blunt end is enchanted to write," Queen Mera informed me kindly. "Also, I believe you meant to use a term like thaumaturgical philosophy. It isn't important, but it will sound more impressive."

"Thank you," I repeated gratefully. I sketched a circle. "Let us say that this circle represents all of creation. Different schools of Realmatic Theory…."


I finished the rundown I had practiced on Kaldur rather quickly, diagrams included, and found Queen Mera nodding along thoughtfully. I followed up by explaining the side-by-side overlaps bits by drawing separate lines and curves that I then redrew together as a very rough stick figure.

"So that is Realmatic Theory. I would not say it disagrees with most of the way we organize magic, although it seems rather tangential to our approach," she assessed. "You said you call your style of spell craft Feruchemy? Is that any connection to alchemy?" I chuckled.

"You are not the first to ask me that," she was the third, "but no. The closest is the use of chemically pure metals, but they are storage vessels only. The mana, although our term is Investiture, comes from me."

"Chemically pure metals? Is that why you are wearing so much jewelry? They are enchanted?"

"Yes," I agreed.

"Would you mind if I cast a minor diagnostic spell on them? I would like to try to figure out what they do before you tell me, just to see if I can. It is very rare for me to come across a genuine puzzle in recent years."

"I-…" could not think of how that could go very wrong, as long as it was not my spike, and extended my hands, "-suppose so, if it is just on these ones." I was wearing eight rings and four bracelets, which all were metal-minds with a variety of charges.

"Of course," she acceded. She placed her hands over mine, not quite touching, and light gathered as she chanted a series of syllables. The glow remained for a few minutes, and I had the odd experience of feeling my stores ripple like water, though they did not change in size or nature. "I see."

I said nothing, wondering what she had understood. I had read enough fantasy – mostly borrowed from Wally – to imagine several ways her magic might have worked, but I really had no idea about the function of actual magic.

Queen Mera thought carefully, and then she spoke.

"Your pieces are all made of a single type of metal, some of which are pure, and some of which are alloys. The steel rings, as well as the zinc bracelet and ring, contained mana of the same types, so the nature of the spell depends on the store.

"The mana was malleable, rather than rigid or incremental, so you should be able to control the rate at which you store and withdraw the energy. It was gathered like a pool, but with almost a twisted and coiled nature to its history? I am less than certain, but I theorize that you do not build up a large store of energy and deposit it at once, and instead pour in a steady flow over a large amount of time.

By this point, I was both no longer certain that she remembered I was present, and too enthralled in her words to care.

"Following your Realmatic Theory, certain types are designed to affect one realm or another specifically, but still with overlap. Iron very heavily affects the Physical Realm, while steel has slightly greater overlap into the Cognitive… is that because it is an alloy, or am I seeing causation where there is only correlation? No way to tell yet," she mused. "Zinc is cognitive while brass is… physical? But bronze is cognitive with a touch of physical, while tin is physical with some cognitive…"

I almost flinched when I practically felt her mental carriage veer off in the wrong direction, misled perhaps because I wasn't wearing any copper. All the same, she was drawing what felt to me like frighteningly accurate assumptions with little and somewhat misleading data. I'd never bothered to put into words some of things that I was hearing, although none of it was new to me either. Yet. I felt that given more time and guidance, she might begin to understand my Feruchemy better than I did.

'I've shaped quite a fright, alright.' I shook my head. 'Well, now I really hope that I'm not about to run into an evil hero secret conspiracy, or else being "circled by the steel ravens" will be an understatement. I will need to step up my experiments and practices if I don't want to be outstripped in my own specialty.'

"I still don't have enough data to be certain of anything," she eventually concluded, getting out of the trees and onto the path. "Still… ah-hah! Efficiency! Each type of metal is practically a different spell, so you have varying levels of skill and efficiency with them. Jewelry means that you require bodily contact to use them, and… Regarding the vessels, the mana is evenly distributed through the entire body metal. Breaking it would divide the mana in the same pieces, but not disperse it.

"Each piece is coded to you specifically. I couldn't do much of anything to affect or use the mana itself, and I doubt anyone else with Feruchemy could use them either, no?" She looked up, and my face must have been a sight, because the Queen burst into laughter. "We-hehehe-ell? Sorry about that magic-babble, dear; I haven't done that since… not since I got a look at Orin's anniversary present, the year before last," she reminisced. The Queen sighed and returned to the matter at hand. "Well, Ferris? How much of that was wrong?"

"Very little. I once more find an example of why the people on Earth are very, very scary," I told her seriously. Her mind would be a threat in an enemy, but more importantly, it was a challenge that I nearly ached to meet. "You were right about most of the Realmatic effects of the metal minds, and confused due to my dislike for copper as well as a celestial joke," I continued. Then I turned, sketched out the Metallic Wheel, and added the names of the sixteen metals (the Green Lantern knew them all anyway) in Atlantean Greek, which was an odd experience to read and write so naturally.

"Four realms, each with four metals," Queen Mera recognized.

"Yes," I agreed. "The details of each metal-mind differ a little depending on the specific trait it holds, but overall you were much more right than wrong about the realms, the ways I store, my ability to accumulate when I tap, and the way that each is locked to me personally. Shall I start with iron?"

"Start wherever you desire. I haven't been this excited… no, no, I was far more excited just two weeks ago, but this is the second most excited I have been in years," she chuckled throatily.

"Very well. The first four physical metals are iron, steel, tin, and pewter. Iron is, largely, the most physical metal, and I did an experiment to learn about it with Kaldur less than an hour ago. I use my iron-minds to store weight."

"Weight? How? Does it make you more susceptible to gravity?"

"Technically, no," I allowed, and I stored iron, shooting up to the ceiling. Then I tapped it, plummeting back down. I released the iron-mind a little too early, but I still floated down just enough with the added weight of my additional metal-minds. 'If anyone asks, I will pretend I planned it that perfectly.' "I use iron to store density. If I am half my weight for one hour, I can be half again my weight for a later hour. Or double my weight for half an hour. Or double that for half that time."

"And density can make you more or less buoyant in the water," she realized. I nodded enthusiastically and turned to begin sketching a graph to illustrate storing varying amounts of weight over an hour, and then dividing up the areas to show how I could accumulate it for later, more intensive use.

"Kaldur'ahm," I heard the Queen say as she swam up beside me with a second wand, "I would usually meet Garth and Tula for a combined lesson in half an hour on the roof. Please find them and bring them here, instead."

"Yes, my Queen," he answered as I began outlining my area measurements. Queen Mera began writing down a formula as she asked a question about my absolute versus relative storage rates: e.g., if I weighed 100 units of weight and stored half of it for an hour, then if I gained twenty units and tapped that 50% for an hour, would I spend the hour at 150% of a) my weight at storage, or b) my weight at the time of tapping.

"I would gain half of my weight at storage added on to my weight at the time of tapping, so I would spend one hour with a weight of one-hundred seventy units," I clarified, and I sighed in satisfaction. "Like with what you said about different spells, I am only mediocre at using iron-minds, but it tends to be my default for general calculations because it is so easy to measure it and divide it into units, as opposed to speed, or strength, or determination."

Then the moment was gone, and we were once more on a race of magical babble, formulae, and glowing sketches.
AN: I'd originally though of having actual diagrams to go with some of Renka's talks. Give me a few days to work out the kinks in my computer graphic skills and I might.

If anyone has any advice, I'm horrible at computer graphics.
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Most powers work with different source materials. Or different magical items. Cutting off one dosent mean you cut them all off. She can have powers explained like that.
... Waaaait a sec. If tapping a metal mind is dependant on your physical qualities from when you were storing in it, could you simultaneously tap and store multiple metal minds of the same type to compound the effect?

Say you weigh 100 units and store 50% for an hour. Would it be possible to tap that to be 150% and 150 units, while simultaneously storing 50% of your weight in another iron mind? So the second iron mind would be storing as if you were 150 units, and when you went to tap it alone you would be 175 units.

Each iteration of simultaneous storage and tapping would be less of a boost than the previous, since if you repeated the process with Iron you'd end up with 182.5 units in total, and in fact it would be more time effective to just do basic storing for longer. Unless you can store 100% of a given trait, in which case each iteration is a flat increase. 100 taps to be 200, store that and tap to be 300, store and tap to be 400. Overall, 100% store-and-tap would have the same gain rate as just flat storing.

I suppose she could just tap more and store more. Store 50/100 for two hours, tap 100 for an hour and store 75% (150/200). Thus, you've stored 150 for an hour, which is the same as 50 for three hours; more storage potency at the same time efficiency as regular storage. But then you're losing time, and your storage rates become unsustainable.

But even with smaller gains for time spent meditating, which is a problem, there's the benefit of having more potent storage. It seems like a silly thing to worry about when Renka can literally just ask for more metalminds if she needs more storage space, which is more time efficient, but it would probably be effective for her emergency stash and gold minds, both of which are limited.

But the big question is: could she do it? Would it work?
I thought that Mera's clay analogy was a bit off, since it doesn't account for the ability to easily tap at a wide range of withdrawal rates.

It was a great way to do some exposition, but I feel it's a bit late in the story for that role, so it was simply an interesting scene.

Say you weigh 100 units and store 50% for an hour. Would it be possible to tap that to be 150% and 150 units, while simultaneously storing 50% of your weight in another iron mind? So the second iron mind would be storing as if you were 150 units, and when you went to tap it alone you would be 175 units.

Each iteration of simultaneous storage and tapping would be less of a boost than the previous, since if you repeated the process with Iron you'd end up with 182.5 units in total, and in fact it would be more time effective to just do basic storing for longer. Unless you can store 100% of a given trait, in which case each iteration is a flat increase. 100 taps to be 200, store that and tap to be 300, store and tap to be 400. Overall, 100% store-and-tap would have the same gain rate as just flat storing.
Nope. You wouldn't get extra units because if you're tapping 50% from a filled metalmind and storing 50% in another you're effectively just storing 25% of your base. The "extra" is just being transferred from one storage to the other (assuming it's even possible to tap and store at the same time for the same attribute). You aren't getting any units surplus, just slowing the storage rate.

Basically, feruchemy stores energy directly, rather than buffs or percentage boosts.

It's a big thing in the lore that Feruchemy is end-neutral (does not create or destroy energy), while allomancy is end-positive (get more energy at the end than you put in, breaking conservation of energy), and hemalurgy is end-negative.
So, i gotta ask. All those "Dropped Plot" chapters. Are they dropped for real, or is it still worth reading through them? Because I am gonna read through them anyway, i just want to know if it's a waste of time because you rewrote it all in the next chapters, or if "Dropped Plot" might refer to the story arc.

It's an awesome story so far. I have no knowledge of Mistborn or whatever the series was called, but i do love Young Justice, and I find the powerset interesting. A lot can be done by storing physical and mental "stats" and then using them later on.
So, i gotta ask. All those "Dropped Plot" chapters. Are they dropped for real, or is it still worth reading through them? Because I am gonna read through them anyway, i just want to know if it's a waste of time because you rewrote it all in the next chapters, or if "Dropped Plot" might refer to the story arc.

It's an awesome story so far. I have no knowledge of Mistborn or whatever the series was called, but i do love Young Justice, and I find the powerset interesting. A lot can be done by storing physical and mental "stats" and then using them later on.

Read them it's what the arc is called
Inspire, Respire, Expire - part 3
Life Ore Death
Inspire, Respire, Expire - part 3

* August 16 [Kaldur PoV]

"Yes, my Queen," I answered as she joined Ferris at the show-pane. I swam out into the halls and back toward the dormitories, satisfied.

'It appears my gift to Ferris will prove a rousing success. She is getting along splendidly with Queen Mera, and the feeling appears to be mutual. Her Majesty always was a scholar as well, and Ferris is certainly enthused to find someone she can explain her powers to without any shame or paranoia of betrayal. Or perhaps she has since overcome those feelings, and this is the first opportunity she has had to show it.'

I wondered briefly if my gift to her was self-serving – I was taking advantage of this opportunity to also further my own interests by visiting the people I had left behind in Atlantis. Garth and Tula especially had been plaguing my thoughts. I was beginning to wonder about the things I had left unsaid between us, and in particular I wished to speak with Tula.

'No, I am not taking advantage of Ferris's interests to return to Atlantis for my own reasons,' I determined. 'Even if I were to learn that all the people I knew were away from the city, this visit still would have been worthwhile to strengthen her trust in me and for me to teach her about my home.

'Similarly, I did not need to bring Ferris if I wished to return to Atlantis. I have been thinking, ever since I first arrived on the surface, that my time above as Aqualad must be an all-consuming commitment, but that is not so. There are no laws or restrictions on authorized use of the Zeta Tubes, and Wally, Robin, and Artemis regularly use them to return to their homes and live their lives. The fact that I do not have a secret identity does not bar me from doing the same. At the least, I should be able to return to my parents and friends once a week without creating a clash between the Aqualad and Kaldur'ahm.

I looked at what was no longer a familiar hall, and frowned. With the start of a new academic cycle, the student dormitory assignments had changed, and I no longer knew where Garth and Tula's rooms were.

There was also the question of who I should ask directions to first. A young man seeking a young woman's room might have connotations – and not all of those connotations were the type I hoped might become true – but at the same time part of me wanted to see Tula first, alone, and to clear the waters.

'I am being obtuse,' I chided myself.

"Pardon me," I said to a passing second year. "Could you direct me to the third year residences? I am looking for Garth and Tula, with a message for them from Queen Mera." It was entirely true, and I had not invoked my status as the Aqualad, but a part of me still argued that it felt like an abuse of power.

'Perhaps,' I considered as I followed the directions, 'because I have been gone from Atlantis for so long, and because I left so soon after becoming King Orin's apprentice, I lack the time and exposure to understand what has changed in my position. Half of me arrogantly expects the guards to attend when I am alone the same way that they do when I am with My King. The other half fears that the people I grew up with will lose sight of Kaldur'ahm in favor of Aqualad.

'I should speak with My King,' I determined. 'No, this is embarrassing to bother him with… immediately. First I will, sometime soon, consult the court protocols to see what additional rights and responsibilities, if any, I have gained as the Aqualad.'

I came to Tula's door first, and my chest grew lighter even as my shoulders grew heavier. I tasted the water once more. I calmed my beating pulse as I imagined what I would say when I saw her.

I decided to avoid forwardness, but to not be reserved in my affection for a bosom friend of my youth. A greeting, a smile, and if Tula did not initiate a hug as per her usual actions, then I would have far greater worries in my heart other than whether she would accept any suit I made.

My first knock was feeble, and I in a moment of rage at myself I almost overcompensated next. Instead, I rapped out a *tap-tap, tap-tap*, which had been a childhood signal between the three of us.

Most likely, Tula would think that I was Garth, and I could offer a pleasant surprise when she discovered otherwise.

There was no answer. It was not unexpected, as Tula had other places to be than her room in the middle of the day, but it was a letdown. If nothing else I knew that my friends would eventually be on the roof, waiting for their lesson, but a part of me had challenged myself to locate them before that time arrived.

I rapped again: *tap-tap, tap-tap*. No response.

As a last attempt, I placed my palm on the entry plate.

The Conservatory of Sorcery is old, and many of its enchantments are old fashioned. The wards on the doors of private rooms possessed three settings: Only Me, used to keep the room locked when the occupant was either out or occupied with private business inside; Guest List, which allowed in a select few friends, who were trusted to fetch, borrow, or return belongings without theft; and Free Entry, which was the default for unassigned rooms, as well as to let in the Academy's cleaning and maintenance staff.

The glow of the plate was green, and I was happy to know that she had kept me on her guest list, but the locking crystal above was blue, symbolizing that no one other than Tula would be allowed in at the moment. I sighed.

"On to Garth, then" I resolved. If he were also not in his room, then I would try the more popular public areas, and ask of our other friends, before I went to the meeting place to wait for them. His room was in a different hall, on a different floor, but it was not a confusing trip.

*tap-tap, tap-tap*

I waited, and after a moment, a rustle, and a thud, I was rewarded with his voice.

"If you aren't on the staff, then go away," he called through the door. "I have a lesson on combat magic in twenty minutes, and I want ten more minutes to nap, so don't make me warm up for battle early." I chuckled at the threat.

I placed my hand on his entry plate, and both crystals glowed green. I pushed the door open.

"Such a sincere greeting. You are by all means welcome to try, my friend," I responded as I entered.

I saw.

I halted.

Two voices squawked in embarrassment.

When I had envisioned reuniting with my friends, I had made certain unconscious assumptions. We would all be at our best, and in fine humor. Garth would be lithe, cheerful, and dangerous. Tula would be radiant, joyous, and no less threatening toward her enemies.

Even when I had imagined meeting Tula or Garth alone, I had always imagined that we would be put together.

I might have imagined finding Tula in disarray, although I would strenuously deny the appeal of such a scenario if asked.

I might have imagined Garth caught off-guard, or with his hair mussed, especially if it was a result of a sneaky assault.


Never in 1,000 years would I have expected Tula to bear a prominent hickey on her collarbone.

I stepped back outside, closing the door. My shoulders sagged.

'I suppose that life, truly, is stranger and more terrible than fiction.'

An appropriate quote came to mind, taken secondhand from Kid Flash's eclectic collection. In the brief moments I had before my old friends recollected themselves and stepped out, I decided to indulge my grief.

"Despair. I'm in despair."

* August 16 [Overview]

"Why are you out in the hall?" Professor Kay'ekhem asked sharply. "The lecture is supposed to take place in the lecture hall, class. Get in!" The few students who had turned at the adult's voice shifted uncomfortably.

"Um, professor," one of them hazarded, "the room is sort of occupied."

"Occupied? Five or ten minutes I might believe, but the previous class cannot have run over by more than a quarter-hour. Let me through."

"It's not a class, it's Queen Mera," someone called as the eel-graph professor glared his way through the crowd.

"And some other person." The others were now chiming in.

"I've never seen her before. Who is she?"

"I think she's a pureblood, but she was adopted by sharks. It looks like she's wearing a fish skin jacket, see?"

"Hey," called one of the two shark-graph Atlanteans in the group, "that's an ugly stereotype! We don't do that anymore!"

"Um… Actually," corrected the other, "a bunch of the conservative warriors and nobles still do that over in the far South and Southwest, around Nanavue. I know King Sha'ark does, but his is also made of sharkskin so it's tough to notice."

"What's someone from that far away doing over here?"

"Maybe she came as part of Sha'ark's entourage."

"Maybe she's a specialist sorceress," called a pure-graph, "sent to help the crown out with something. I think I'd be lucky to understand half of those formulae, and they're still getting more and more complicated!"

"Maybe she was a shark-graph who figured out how to recreate the pure-graph spells to use on herself!" a gilled student suggested. "Now she's teaching Queen Mera how to do it and then the Crown can make everyone pure-graphs!"

"The Crown wants to take away our family heritage?!" exaggerated an angler-graph who liked to make trouble.

The onlookers erupted into a babble of excited-

"Maybe you should all let me through and I can just ask them!" Professor Kay'ekhem shouted, immediately clearing all the students who didn't want their grandchildren born into detention out of his path. The remaining three who still didn't get out of his way were dragged aside by their more alert friends, fortunately.

The professor entered the hall proper and paused.

The show-pane, which stretched from wall to wall and from ceiling to floor of the considerable room, already had a surprising amount of its space filled up with complicated formulae and graphs. Queen Mera and the unknown young women were swimming back and forth rapidly, adding new images, lines, and calculations as they jabbered. It was academic shoptalk in its purest form, and he felt that getting close enough to hear what they were specifically saying would somehow be… impious.

'Well,' he rationalized, 'I can count on my fingers the number of times I've seen Queen Mera enjoy herself so much. Besides, it's not like I could… well, no, I certainly could kick our reigning monarch out of the hall, and I would suffer no consequences at all. I just don't have the heart to ruin her fun.' He had just resolved to usher the class away and lecture in the Red Fin Hall instead, when a stretch of the graphs and formulae suddenly clicked in his head.

He swam forward, grabbed a glow brush of his own, and the battle was already lost.

* August 16 [Kaldur PoV]

The three of us fidgeted in awkward silence in Garth's room. Finally, Tula sighed.

"Well, that was not the way I would have wanted you to find out that Garth and I had begun to court." She stood. "Still, ridiculously embarrassing meetings aside, I am so glad to see you again, Kaldur'ahm!" She swam over and wrapped her arms around me. I suffered a surge of painful longing, and I wondered if it would be inappropriate now to return the sentiment.

'No. Tula is my dear friend, and I want her to be happy. Garth as well.' I hugged her back gently, and then stepped back and around to offer my hand to Garth as well. He smiled in relief and returned the gesture.

"Kaldur'ahm, I am glad to see you again. It has been too long, my friend."

"You speak as though I have been gone for years," I complained, doing my best to put the awkwardness behind us, "but it has only been-,"

""Two months,"" they chorused plaintively.

"I had expected you to return, if only for a brief visit, within the first month so that you could tell us all about your adventures with King Orin on the surface world," Tula continued. "When you did not, I had to ask Queen Mera, for I feared that you had been injured in the above."

"I apologize Tula, Garth. You are entirely correct, and I have been making the mistake of allowing my new responsibility to those I work beside on the surface to interfere with my connections to our home. Truthfully, it would have been longer before I was first sensible enough to return, were it not for the interest of one of my teammates. I shall endeavor to do better in the future. In my defense," I added leadingly, "the adventures which have preoccupied my attention have indeed been rather exceptional."

"Well, we owe some gratitude to this teammate of yours!" Garth said. "What adventures have stolen you away from us, these past many weeks?"

"I want to hear more about this team you speak of," Tula added. "I had been under the impression that you were working solely under Our King, but has he been assigning you to work with other members of the League of Justice?"

"Not quite with members of the League, but King Orin is not the only member of the League of Justice to have taken on an apprentice. The Batman, The Superman, The Flash, The Martian Manhunter, and The Green Arrow all have students of diverse experiences, and the seven of us have been training together ever since our first, unassigned mission not long after I left."

"An unassigned mission?" Garth asked, and I settled down to elaborate.

"It all began," I told them, "Slightly more than one month past, when Robin, Speedy, Kid Flash, and myself were to be brought into the headquarters of the League of Justice. We all knew each other already, and had worked together before. However, our big day was interrupted by an attack, and the Justice asked us to remain behind, alert for further trouble, as they went to put down the attack." This was a slight fib, but ultimately harmless. "Their caution was wise, for Robin, disciple of The Batman, heard news of a fire at a science lab, and we went to investigate. We discovered that Superman had been cloned by the scientists there, and we freed Superboy. Together, the five of us fought our way to freedom, and after we defended our actions to the Justice League, they assembled us into a small, covert team so that we could gain experience in combat as the heroes who would one day succeed the League of Justice."

"Incredible!" Garth laughed.

"Oh, that sounds so exciting!" Tula agreed. "All we have been doing is continuing our boring studies."

"Not so boring," Garth began.

"Yes, I understand congratulations are in order, that you have advanced far enough to receive tutelage from Queen Mera herself," I told. "Speaking of Queen Mera-,"

""Queen Mera!"" they suddenly chorused in shock, having no doubt realized the time.

"Oh no, we have kept Our Queen waiting! This is shameful, after she took the time to instruct us this day," Tula lamented, whirling around the room to collect her equipment and materials.

"I apologize for leaving you- no, wait," Garth decided. "Do come with us, Kaldur'ahm. Queen Mera always speaks fondly of your work with King Orin, and she will be elated that you have returned. I doubt she would mind your joining our lesson, and if she allows it, we can compare our studies of sorcery with what you have learned from King Orin on the surface."

"About that," I chuckled, also embarrassed that we had lost track of time. "I have already been to see Queen Mera, and she had sent me to find you, and inform you of a change of plans. We are to return to the White Reef Hall for your lesson instead, assuming the Queen does not decide to reschedule entirely."

"The White Reef Hall?" Garth questioned as we passed into the halls. "What is Queen Mera doing there? A lecture?"

"If I am lucky, she and Ferris will still be discussing thaumic theory." I considered the situation, and added, "Although I could not say if such a case would be good luck or bad. I may have created a monster." Garth and Tula twitched.

"Kaldur, you are speaking in the figurative, are you not?" Tula asked nervously.

"There is not a reanimated deep sea trench demon at risk of rampaging through the school again, is there?" Garth asked. I balked, slightly.

"I am speaking in the figurative. Are you? Did such an event really occur?"

""And we will never speak of it again,"" both chorused in unison.

"I must hear this story," I needled.

"We can find you a newspaper article, but those of us involved swore a solemn oath to never speak of it again," Garth repeated, changing the subject. "So, what entirely metaphorical monster have you created in White Reef Hall?"

"And who is Ferris? A new paramour? A teammate?"

"My teammate," I assured them. "She has been sponsored by Superman to join the team, and she uses a unique form of magic known as Feruchemy. When I was sent to find you, Queen Mera and Ferris had commandeered the glow-pane in White Reef Hall to assist their discussion of the theory and function of Ferris's magic."

"And it appears that they are still using it, unless something else has occurred in that room," Garth noted. I turned my attention back to the front, and found myself at the back of a crowd spilling into the hall from the White Reef Hall.

Staring at the mass of people, I couldn't make out details of the whispers or chatter, but the few snatches I heard – regarding the visit of a shark-turned-pure-graph and the Crown's desire to undo Atlantean diversity – made no sense at all.

"Excuse me. Is Queen Mera still in the White Reef Hall?" I asked one of the students crabbing for a view in the back.

"Huh? Yeah, haven't you heard? Our Queen and a bunch of the professors are working on some big project with a visitor from Nanavue. People think someone has actually figured out a way to change type-graphs, but no one is really making gills or tails out of what exactly they're working on."

"From Nanavue?" 'Are they mistaking Ferris for someone else, or has a new researcher also arrived?' "I see. Well, Tula, Garth, and I were asked to report to Queen Mera, so please make way." It took an embarrassing amount of time, speech, and shoving, but the three of us worked our way into the lecture hall.

And stared.

"I… whoa," Garth managed. "I don't think I've ever seen the glass that filled up. I really can't get most of what it's even supposed to mean."

"Yeah," Tula added uncertainly, "I mean, there are like, three professors helping. And Queen Mera!"

My Queen had, indeed, manifested half-a-dozen ethereal tentacles, and each held a glow brush to inscribe sets of calculations and graphs. Her body was beside Ferris as both of them muttered and scribbled whatever problem they were working on. Three other professors swam around the edges, recording figurings of their own, and twice that many advanced students were seated at the foremost desk, taking copious notes.

"Um," Tula balked, "are we really… supposed to be here? I'm not sure I feel comfortable interrupting them."

"It does feel a shame, when Queen Mera appears to be having so much fun," I agreed. After I checked the time, I suggested, "How about we simply wait for them to reach a stopping point? To judge from how quickly the glow-pane has filled since I was here, it should not take too long before they run out of writing space," I joked. Both my dear friends chuckled.

"Only if you tell us about your adventures on the surface," Garth agreed.

I spoke to them of the first meeting of our team, where Speedy left and we were introduced to Ferris and Miss Martian. I passed over our fight against Mister Twister out of embarrassment, but they were impressed when I outlined the enemies and events at Santa Prisca.

I discussed our fight against Psycho-Pirate, who had inflicted rage and fear upon our hearts, and of the interference from Atomic Skull before we eventually captured them both.

The story of our fight against Ivo's MONQI and Amazo, who had copied the powers of the Justice League, had both my friends expressing awe, and Garth once again confirmed that he was glad he had stayed below the surface.

"I could never have succeeded in such dangerous combat," he demurred.

"Speaking of it now, I feel disbelieving that I could have participated in such dangerous events," I said. "However, if there were only one lesson I have taken away from my time in the surface world – and in truth there are many such lessons – it is that times of danger and strife my bring to light reserves of strength and resolve that we did not know we had. After all, Garth," I shared a look with him, "no sane Atlantean would have believed that two untested students could make a difference in a fight between Our King and the Ocean Master."

Tula sighed. "I still wish that I had gone with you two. I felt so useless, injured and forced to remain behind." Garth and I both reached out to console her. Remembering their relationship, I backed away at the last moment, but Garth shot me a look. He pulled Tula into a hug, and I placed a supportive hand on her shoulder.

"It is hardly your fault that you were injured in a fight with Black Manta's men, Tula," Garth reminded her.

"Indeed," I added, "if it were not for your reflexes reacting to the first assault, Garth and I would never have been uninjured enough to pursue the kidnappers."

"Even then, we only became hopelessly lost in the caves, and found Our King by luck," Garth chuckled. I laughed.

"Garth, my friend, I have learned not one, but many truths in my time on the surface. And the truth is that we often make our own luck in life. Were we fortunate? Yes. But we had the luck of the determined, the alert, and the adventurous, as opposed to only the luck of students. Had we never gambled in our pursuit, the risk could never have paid off."

The three of us were silent for a moment, considering.

"Let me tell you," I offered, "of our meeting with the newest member of our team, Artemis."

I spun the story of the nanotech fog, the rescued doctor, and the clashes of personality within our team. I spoke with shame of our interrogation of Cheshire, although Garth and Tula seemed to feel that we had been justified in our acts. I spoke of my own duel against Claw, and how Artemis turned the tides with her precise assaults.

Garth and Tula winced when I spoke of the injuries I sustained against Claw, and were appropriately awed when I related the story of Miss Martian's and Artemis's fight against the monstrously enhanced Sportsmaster.

I also spoke warningly of how close we came to failure: of the way Black Spider's webbing and unconventional tactics succeeded in maiming Doctor Roquette despite Ferris's protection, and how close to death they both were before Kid Flash arrived to reinforce their position and repel Black Spider.

"I wish to say that I envy your excitement, my friend," Garth said, "but I am also glad it is not me."

I laughed.

And, having run out of adventures that I felt comfortable relating, I looked back to Queen Mera.

I was once more taken aback.

"It appears I was wrong – running out of space has not stopped their progress in the least."

It was an impressive sight. The glow-pane was entirely covered in patterned formulae of light. Ferris and Queen Mera were treading near the upper right corner, scrawling more calculations in smaller script between the figures that existed already.

"I fear I must now intervene," I decided. "Wish me luck."

"Should we not go with you to report?" Tula asked.

"It depends: how accurate do you believe to be the rumors about Queen Mera's behavior when she is interrupted in her work?" To my surprise, Garth flinched.

"My friend," he said solemnly, "I now know that I cannot let you approach alone. I personally witnessed none other than Our King suffer her wrath when he interrupted one of Our Queen's lectures a month past. You are not so sturdy as he, and so it is my solemn duty to accompany you into this extraordinary danger. Tula, please watch carefully, so that the bards may sing of our suicidal bravery, should the worst occur."

"Oh no!" she snapped, shaking a finger in her boyfriend's face. "You are not leaving me behind! Black Manta's men have not blasted holes in my legs this time, and I am perfectly capable of swimming along your sides. If anything, I should be the one to interrupt, as Queen Mera is less likely to maim a fellow female than an ignorant boy."

'Perhaps I have spent too much time with Wallace and Robin, but I have a horribly cruel idea.' It was too good to resist, even if it should never work, and so I baited them.

"My friends, even if you are familiar with Our Queen's uncommon tempers, you have no experience with the rages of my teammate Ferris," I warned. "Might I suggest, then, that I distract the woman who began Our Queen's obsession, while you suture her temper. You merely face being maimed, and can protect each other, so speak well to my mother of my passing, and do not tell her how horribly I screamed."

"You think your teammate is so frightening?" Tula asked.

"Are not women more dangerous than men? But I know how to defuse Ferris's temper, and thus I should escape with only an impermanent maiming. I will go now, and as I draw away the center of attention, you two will have the opportunity to present yourselves to Her Majesty as ordered. We begin!" I announced, before they could think much more about our plan.

""Right!"" they chorused. We split up, with Tula and Garth approaching Our Queen while I curved around to Ferris's far side and approached.

"Ferris," I called, "I need to speak with you." She turned to look at me, a question in her eyes, and after finishing that line of numeric she broke away and approached.

"Kaldur," she said, her voice sounding odd for some reason. Ferris fidgeted and, to my surprise, what may have been a blush tinted her cheeks. "Oops. I… do not have any… language," she confessed in English.

"You ran out?"

"I ran out," she confirmed. "What did you say?"

"You have worked with My Queen for a long time," she checked the timekeeper on the wall, "and there are other things to do this day. I did not wish to end your fun, but-,"

""Your Majes- gurk!""

"Whyareyouinterruptingmywor- who? Garth? Tula? Oh my, have I been spending so long on this that our lesson passed by entirely! That was terribly careless of me," she apologized. Ferris began cackling.

"My Queen," I ventured mildly, shocked at what had happened. 'I truly did not expect that to occur.' "I believe my friends will explain how happy we were to see you enjoying your work, and that this time has been well spent, if only you would please, ahem, release them from your tentacular torture.

'I cannot believe that I said that with a straight face.'

"Oh dear! Yes, yes, I was terribly out of line with that."

The dozen ethereal octopus tentacles that had pinned my friends against the glass dissolved.

"And the carnivorously threatening fish summonings?" I pointed out.

"Of course, of course. I hadn't even realized I had conjured those," she muttered irately. The toothy swarm of barracuda, piranhas, anglerfish, eels, and lampreys dissolved back into component æther.

"And the-,"

"Do you wish to join them, Kaldur'ahm?" she threatened. I could not be certain that it was not an idle threat. Thus, I said nothing as the clothing-tight cage of instantly grown coral disintegrated. "And now I need the antivenin for the urchins. *Sigh* Because of course I spiked them with sea urchin. I always summon sea urchins when I'm caught off guard. What is it with me and urchins? I only know that one spell with them, and I learned it when I was in the Conservatory myself, and I just keep using it."

"Wh-wha-what did they say to deserve that?" Ferris asked in English through her throes of laughter. I very carefully did not smile as Queen Mera applied first aid to my recklessly valiant friends.

"Nothing. But interrupting My Queen's scholarship is a trial undertaken only by the brave."

"I can't believe you talked us into that," Garth groaned, floating towards us as the Queen turned to finish ministering Tula. "You silver-tongued-,"

"I was quite happy to undertake the suffering alone, until the both of you quite literally volunteered to suffer in my place," I pointed out, "for which I am quite grateful. You would have done the same thing in my position."

Twitching as numbness left his extremities, Garth considered my words.

"Okay, yes, I totally would have tried. I just never would have pulled it off."

Ferris's laughter finally died down as Queen Mera led a thawing Tula over to join us.

"Garth, Tula, I've completely missed your lesson, haven't I? Kaldur'ahm, why didn't you stop me before time ran away from us?" she scolded.

"Because, Your Majesty, at the time we arrived, you were so obviously enjoying yourself that none of us had the heart to intervene. We considered allowing you such fun to be of greater import than a single lesson. I must admit, however, that I am nearly dying of curiosity to know what these formulae entail. Your audience-," I gestured to the still-present mass of students, assistants, and a few professors. "-seems to believe that someone has developed a way to exchange type-graphs between Atlanteans, or some such."

'Which is a particularly ludicrous guess, as I'm not certain that exchanging or altering administered graphs was even possible before the spells used for the grafts were lost over a millennium in the past.'

"Ah… Well…" Queen Mera blushed, looked away from the staring eyes, and reviewed the board. "There was some work on that in the lower left quadrant," she confirmed, causing me to nearly choke on my own tongue, "dealing mostly with the imposition of prior, foreign, or malleable physical and spiritual identities wholly or in-part onto complete, damaged, and incomplete subjects, but it will require much more figuring out and a good deal of experimentation before we would attempt any actual procedures. Then the upper-left quadrant was somehow diverted into attempting to prove that magic is subject to the laws of thermodynamics through the supposition of unmeasured but not immeasurable reserves and flows of thaumic and psychic energy, which would be chambered in orthogonal planar wells. I have no idea how we got to that from discussing the storage and expenditure formulae of contextual traits and absolute Investiture in Ferris's variety of metal-minds, which is what occupies the central area as well as this quadrant." She looked inquisitively at Ferris, who shrugged and shot me an uncomprehending look.

"Later," I told her in English, to which she nodded.

"And then below us…?" Queen Mera craned her neck and peered down to examine the last section of the glass wall. "Ah, yes! I remember now. That was the section where we dealt with the chemical formulae of physical objects as thaumic mediums, and how such might influence the nature of elemental or conceptual magic that is channeled through it." She turned back to Ferris. "Are two of the traits you use really exchanged in position because one of your gods played a trick on the other?"

Ferris pouted at me and shrugged.

"Apologies, Your Majesty, but Ferris has exhausted the mana-,"

"Investiture," Queen Mera corrected automatically.

"-investiture of her translation spell. She cannot understand your speech at the moment."

"I see." Queen Mera frowned. "That would explain why I suddenly could no longer understand your commentary about using physical objects as fuel to catalyze mana transferals. Which… oh my, did we really work on that all the way back down there? We have been busy." She turned to the professors and assistants. "Copy this all down as exactly as you can, and send me several copies. Kaldur'ahm, inform Ferris that I will have copies sent to her when they are available, and that I would love to speak with her on these subjects again. As it is, I will be nearly late for a meeting. Clear the way!" she called, exiting through the rapidly dispersing crowd at the doors.

"Ferris," I told her in English, "the Queen thanks you for your time, wants you to return to speak with her further in the future, and wishes you to know that she will send copied records of this work to you later. I suggest that we have our early dinner soon, as it is already later than I would have intended. Also, these are my two closest friends, Garth and Tula."

Ferris smiled and extended her hand to each of them in turn.

* August 16 [Renka PoV]

"Make my apologies to the other members of the team, please."

"Yes, very much yes," I assured Aqualad clumsily. My English was more than good enough that I knew better ways to phrase it, but after all the activity that day I was mentally tired and couldn't be bothered.

'Besides, I can make it into one of my tic things,' I'd considered.

"I will leave you here, then," he said, stepping back. Garth and Tula both drifted forward in that annoying Atlantean way that I would probably never get the hang of.

"It was to meet you nice," Tula chirped in staggered English. She was almost too sweet and nice, but that personality type was a pleasant change of pace to encounter, and refreshing in small doses.

Garth didn't know as much of the English language as Tula, but he offered a hand again, which I shook warmly.

Well, I didn't know any Atlantean Greek either, unless I tapped connection.

'Which is embarrassing. I'm… not certain I've ever had it happen to me like that. Sure, I've exhausted metal-minds before, and even done it in the middle of things I was doing – especially fighting and fleeing, and weren't those days nightmares – but to not even notice that I'd exhausted it until that hitch where the Queen and I didn't understand each other… well, at least the formulae and graphs mostly spoke for themselves.'

It was one of the few times I'd actually wished I'd had a copper-mind handy, so I could store away our workings and copy them down later. I had gone through some of the traditional Keepers' memory exercise training, so I might as well have used it.

'Still, Kaldur did assure me that he could bring the copies of it all when he returns from spending time with his friends and parents in two days. And I need to tell Robin that he's in charge for the duration. Palms pressed that we don't have an important mission in that time, but I wouldn't expect it.'

My escort and his two friends slid backwards. I resettled my mesh carrying pack with my souvenirs, offered a final smile, and clumsily paddled my way to the Zeta Tubes.

"I store these in water, yes?" I called, motioning to my jacket and choker.

"In salt water, yes. Filling a plastic bin should be sufficient. Tell the others that I want pictures," Kaldur added with a smile. I shot him a suspicious look, but he offered no further explanation. I nodded once and turned away.

<Recognized: Ferris, B06 >

I arrived in darkness. It should have been almost time for dinner, but the lights were out. Being that the mountain was inside a mountain, and we had no windows, it was absolutely dark. I thought I had seen something in the momentary flash from the Zeta Tube, but I had not had time to process what.

"I am at the mountain, yes?" I asked, tapping into zinc in case of an attack, but only expecting some technical difficulties.


The lights turned on and I nearly jumped out of my skin. Colorful ribbons had been draped across the room, and colorful flakes of paper tumbled down artfully. Everyone-

'Oh, this is a birthday party,' I realized, recognizing the colorful cone hats that they all wore. 'I've seen these on a few shows… that one SpongePaul episode was even devoted to them trying to throw a surprise party. Wait. Is this a party for me?'

I flustered under the attention as everyone – my teammates except Kaldur, as well as the Superman, the Wonder Woman, the Green Lantern, the Black Canary, the Green Arrow, and the Red Tornado – all brushed in around me.

'The traditional response is, "oh no, you shouldn't have," or "oh my, what I surprise, I', so happy",' I remembered. 'But… um… Okay, I have no idea,' I admitted mentally, feeling my cheeks warm. I made sure to smile so that they knew I was happy, but I just… I couldn't… I had no idea what to do.

Thankfully, someone seemed to get that gist, because people began singing, and all I mercifully had to do was listen.

"""""~Happy Birthday to you… ~ Happy Birthday to you… ~ Happy Birthday dear Renka… ~ Happy Birthday to you~"""""

My throat was knotted up, and I really hoped that joyous weeping was a thing on Earth too, or else the lone tear I felt dripping down my right cheek might have hurt the mood. Thankfully, all of them were still smiling, and I made extra sure that I was smiling too.

'I really really need some way to get across my point that I am really really happy and thankful. I mean, no, I don't care about my birthday and this isn't even my calendar, but they cared enough to remember when I didn't, and to throw a party for me.'

Kid Flash was the first one to get in my arm's reach, and he was probably going to say something, but this whole thing was probably at least half his handiwork and I already had my inspiration for getting the point across.

I stepped forward sharply, wove my arms under his, picked him up, and spun him around in a full circle.

Then I set him back down and targeted a startled M'gann next, who reciprocated. Artemis and Robin both apparently had touching-caring problems out the rhamue, to judge from the way they almost unnoticeably leaned back when I turned in their direction, so I nodded respectfully, purposefully stepped past them both, and wrapped up Superboy in a hug instead.

I considered whether it was worth tapping pewter-strength to spin him around, and opted simply to hug him harder and longer instead. I stepped back, making sure to give him a smile too.

Then I rounded on Robin and Artemis, scooping one up in each arm and squeezing them both. Hopefully the close contact might get some ideas through their heads – I knew that Robin already enjoyed poking fun at Artemis, and her Zeta Tube travel logs showed her going from the mountain to Gotham far more often than she directly went home to Star City, so I presumed they were meeting up for extra unpowered-people-training on the sly.

(The only reason I knew about Artemis's travel logs was because I opened the logs up that morning to find the code for the Atlantis Zeta Tube, and the logs automatically stored everyone's travel records to and from the mountain in the same list. I wasn't spying on her intentionally. That said, I was ecstatic that my previously-seemingly-only-lukewarm plan to see if they were interested in each other was having more success than I had believed.)

I spun, and before releasing the both of them I declared to the room at large: "I need more arms to hug people." I let Robin and Artemis have some air and freedom. "Thank you! Thank you. Who is next?"

Each member of the Justice League then got a hug of their own, with two exceptions: Green Arrow, who I did not know well enough, so gave him a handshake; and Green Lantern, who got a handshake and a kiss on the cheek.

He blushed exactly the same color as my brother Purdiin, and I laughed cheerfully even though my heart also ached at the reminder of my missing family.

'Or rather, I am the missing family member to them,' I realized. It must have shown on my face, because Wally had an arm around my shoulders in an instant, babbling something that I was too tired to translate. 'Well, I can fix half of that problem.'

I tapped bronze, and I became at once more refreshed and aware. Then I noticed that there was a green aura around me, and I was shocked to hear Green Lantern speak in my native language.

"I hope this will make things easier. I do still have translation records of your language in my ring," he reminded me. That earned him a one-armed hug and a light kiss on his other cheek.

"Thank you," I told him, relieved of the burden of dumbing-down and translating everything I said. "You're doing a very sweet and helpful thing, especially since my duralumin-mind been emptied out. You know, we do not spend enough time together, Mister Green Lantern. It is a shame, because I liked working with you for many reasons, and this ability is only one of the many. If you should happen to have a free moment, please do remember that I am always happy to see you."

"Wow, it feels a little weird to hear you talk like this," Wally said, and I nodded with a huff. I felt much the same way. By then my bronze-mind had washed away my fatigue, and I was alert and ready for a few more hours of social interaction.

"Thank you, everyone. I cannot express how glad and grateful I am to have such wonderful friends. And my birthday wish is to know what dates I get to return the favor for each of you, so don't forget to tell me."

"Oh, don't worry, I won't" Wally assured me. "But now that we can get this party started, we have party games, and food, and drinks, and games, and a couple movie options, and cake, and a piñata! And best of all, Robin, Artemis, and me all got permission to sleep at the mountain, so we're going to set up a bunch of sleeping bags and have a slumber party in the main room! How does that sound for a celebration?"

"Wonderful," I told him, and I hugged him extra hard.
AN: Hey, I'm baaack! I hope you all enjoyed the warm fuzzies of this last breather episode. Comments? Questions? Concerns? Flames? Go wild.

... Waaaait a sec. If tapping a metal mind is dependant on your physical qualities from when you were storing in it, could you simultaneously tap and store multiple metal minds of the same type to compound the effect?

Say you weigh 100 units and store 50% for an hour. Would it be possible to tap that to be 150% and 150 units, while simultaneously storing 50% of your weight in another iron mind? So the second iron mind would be storing as if you were 150 units, and when you went to tap it alone you would be 175 units.

Each iteration of simultaneous storage and tapping would be less of a boost than the previous, since if you repeated the process with Iron you'd end up with 182.5 units in total, and in fact it would be more time effective to just do basic storing for longer. Unless you can store 100% of a given trait, in which case each iteration is a flat increase. 100 taps to be 200, store that and tap to be 300, store and tap to be 400. Overall, 100% store-and-tap would have the same gain rate as just flat storing.

I suppose she could just tap more and store more. Store 50/100 for two hours, tap 100 for an hour and store 75% (150/200). Thus, you've stored 150 for an hour, which is the same as 50 for three hours; more storage potency at the same time efficiency as regular storage. But then you're losing time, and your storage rates become unsustainable.

But even with smaller gains for time spent meditating, which is a problem, there's the benefit of having more potent storage. It seems like a silly thing to worry about when Renka can literally just ask for more metalminds if she needs more storage space, which is more time efficient, but it would probably be effective for her emergency stash and gold minds, both of which are limited.

But the big question is: could she do it? Would it work?

Nnnooooot the way you're thinking of. Even if that did follow the rules I'm using, after doing each step for an hour you'd end with the ability to be 175% for one hour instead of 150% for two hours if you did it the usual way. That said, I'm following the rule that Investiture (the actual mana carrying the trait) cannot be moved from one metal-mind to another.

So no, what you're thinking of wouldn't work. It was a possibility I played around with her figuring out when I was first brainstorming the story, but I couldn't get it to work and there were other ways I decided on instead.

The rate at which a Feruchemist stores their trait actually does not affect the rates and diminishing returns of tapping that trait. Renka thought it did when she was younger and never really lost that faulty visualization, even though she knows better now, in large part because some elements of Hemalurgy do work with percentage gains and losses.

When she thinks of storing away half her weight, it's not storing 50% of her weight, it's the absolute number of pounds of that is equal to half of her current weight. So, storing 75/150 lbs for an hour. If she weighed 200 lbs or 100 lbs total and stored the same amount of Investiture weight, she'd still be storing 75/200 lbs or 75/100 lbs, she'd just think about it as 38% or 75%.

I thought that Mera's clay analogy was a bit off, since it doesn't account for the ability to easily tap at a wide range of withdrawal rates.

It was a great way to do some exposition, but I feel it's a bit late in the story for that role, so it was simply an interesting scene.

Nope. You wouldn't get extra units because if you're tapping 50% from a filled metalmind and storing 50% in another you're effectively just storing 25% of your base. The "extra" is just being transferred from one storage to the other (assuming it's even possible to tap and store at the same time for the same attribute). You aren't getting any units surplus, just slowing the storage rate.

Basically, feruchemy stores energy directly, rather than buffs or percentage boosts.

It's a big thing in the lore that Feruchemy is end-neutral (does not create or destroy energy), while allomancy is end-positive (get more energy at the end than you put in, breaking conservation of energy), and hemalurgy is end-negative.

The metaphor is off, since as I mentioned a Feruchemist's stores and tap-rate don't vary by how quickly they store anymore than a tub would fail to hold 100 gallons of water depending on how far the faucet was turned up. It might fill slower or faster, but the amount is the same, and you can't tell which water was brought in when the faucet was gushing versus trickling.

Mera used that metaphor after using one spell to analyze an unfamiliar branch of magic. She's a little off, Ferris is a little off in her own way, eh...

To judge from "end-neutral" and your understanding of the lore, I'm guessing we have a fellow Sanderson fan here? What are your favorite works of his? I just finished the Steelheart Trilogy recently, and I highly recommend them, even if they aren't based in the Cosmere?

So, i gotta ask. All those "Dropped Plot" chapters. Are they dropped for real, or is it still worth reading through them? Because I am gonna read through them anyway, i just want to know if it's a waste of time because you rewrote it all in the next chapters, or if "Dropped Plot" might refer to the story arc.

It's an awesome story so far. I have no knowledge of Mistborn or whatever the series was called, but i do love Young Justice, and I find the powerset interesting. A lot can be done by storing physical and mental "stats" and then using them later on.

No these are actual chapters with actual plot. I personally feel that I dropped the ball on them because I dislike the episode they're based on, and I sequel into more character development/interaction, as well as people metaphorically "dropping the ball" in one or two ways, so I titled the arc that, but it's an actual arc with actual plot and developments.

And to PatrickDiomedes, Rocjaw Cipher, KrazyFan1, The Froggy Ninja, piano man, and lostgamer64, thank you for reading and leaving comments!
P.S. If you want to learn more about Feruchemy, Mistborn, etc, a link is down in my signature.​
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Have I mentioned that your character interactions are great? Because they're great. You've given Queen Mera more characterization than I've ever seen before, and it was glorious. Especially the bit about the sea urchins, because it's idiosyncratic enough to be memorable. Plus, your characterization of Kaldur continues to show the sides of himself that he rarely displays, which is always a treat.

...just one thing, though: is there really an Atlantean word for "hickey"? Or is that just translated for the benefit of the audience?
I have a question that I'm not sure was answered!
Will Wally ever starve to death if he doesn't eat something for about three days?
And does Ferris have any tools that can give at least the illusion of a full stomach if not a full one?
"Despair. I'm in despair."
Ugh. Hate that feel. I empathize with Kaldur here, and I cannot even articulate how soul crushingly depressing and terrible it feels to be the guy who was too late in asking their childhood friend out. You form an incredibly deep connection to your best childhood friend, so if you develop a crush on them then it can feel like you really love them. If your advances are rejected then it stings like a bitch, but you can move on; but if you were too late...

Intellectually, you know you never had a claim. You didn't ask, and she didn't ask, and so you never got involved. Intellectually, you might even recognize that you never had a chance, depending on the situation. But emotionally it feels like a rejection, a betrayal, and the loss of an incredible opportunity all in one.

And it's worse than being cheated on in a relationship, because at least there you can break things off and start to heal. With this, it feels similar, but it'll just go on and on forever either way you go. Stay friends? you'll always be reminded. Leave? There'll be a gap in your heart that you used to have a best friend in.

It's... Just...


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Bendalloy allows Ferris to store energy/nutrients and then use them later so she wont have to eat.
so, if she was taken to an All you can eat Buffet, she could potentially store enough nutrients to allow her to live without eating or drinking for an entire year if necessary, all while really getting her money's worth of food easily
so, if she was taken to an All you can eat Buffet, she could potentially store enough nutrients to allow her to live without eating or drinking for an entire year if necessary, all while really getting her money's worth of food easily

I mean, she might get kicked out of the buffet before she got an entire year's worth, but yeah, that's definitely a thing she could do.
so, if she was taken to an All you can eat Buffet, she could potentially store enough nutrients to allow her to live without eating or drinking for an entire year if necessary, all while really getting her money's worth of food easily

Yep it would require 2 metalminds one for food and one for water, and as a side effect Ferris can eat as much as she wants without gaining weight.
Have I mentioned that your character interactions are great? Because they're great. You've given Queen Mera more characterization than I've ever seen before, and it was glorious. Especially the bit about the sea urchins, because it's idiosyncratic enough to be memorable. Plus, your characterization of Kaldur continues to show the sides of himself that he rarely displays, which is always a treat.

...just one thing, though: is there really an Atlantean word for "hickey"? Or is that just translated for the benefit of the audience?

In proper Atlantean Greek, no, but there are slang words that mean the same thing. I'm glad you like the way I'm showing off Mera. And Kaldur; he has a lot of hidden depths, because you very rarely see that much on the surface of him.

I have a question that I'm not sure was answered!
Will Wally ever starve to death if he doesn't eat something for about three days?
And does Ferris have any tools that can give at least the illusion of a full stomach if not a full one?

I'm not sure... he'd definitely have debilitating hunger pangs to work through, and his speed might stop working.
And Ferris can use Bendalloy-minds to store food and drink (in separate ones). That's why, if anyone was wondering, she didn't leave leftovers when, for instance, she had her first meal with Superman in Declaring Dependents. She's still experimenting with what the exact limits are, but bendalloy-minds are going to end up one of her favorite tricks to abuse and I bet none of you could guess how. :D

so, if she was taken to an All you can eat Buffet, she could potentially store enough nutrients to allow her to live without eating or drinking for an entire year if necessary, all while really getting her money's worth of food easily

Depends how big the bendalloy-minds were to hold that much food, but theoretically yes.

Yep it would require 2 metalminds one for food and one for water, and as a side effect Ferris can eat as much as she wants without gaining weight.

She may or may not be able to spontaneously gain or lose weight by storing/tapping without eating anything. You can do it in the game, but I'm not sure about the books, an haven't decided whether to use it.
I originally considered her pretending to be a malnourished, lost-in-the-jungle-for-a-week straggler in dropped Plot to infiltrate Santa Prisca, but she didn't have enough experience to go for it or convince the others to let her. Maybe some other time later...
She's still experimenting with what the exact limits are, but bendalloy-minds are going to end up one of her favorite tricks to abuse and I bet none of you could guess how. :D

By either enjoying a ton of food without any problems or drinking magic potions to delay and enhance the effects until she wants them.
4 ways Ferris Abused her powers (Ridiculously)
Four Times Ferris Abused Her Powers In Ridiculous Ways.

1) "You wanna practice one more times?" Wally asked with a grin. Renka frowned at him in frustration.

"You might as well just go for real and get it over with," Robin advised from further down the couch. "Kid Flash always wins the button mashing mini-games. Just take the loss and move on so we can beat his ass next round."

"Easy for you to say," grumbled Artemis, who hadn't placed first in any of the games yet. Renka thought it over, not moving for a few long moments.

"Fine. Real," she declared bluntly.

"Will do," Wally replied cheerfully. The timer counted down: <3, 2, 1, Go! > It sounded like a woodpecker race.


<Briiiing! Winner: Player 4! > the game announced. The other three gaped.

"Did you... seriously just use a spell to super-speed tap?" Artemis finally asked.

Renka nodded with a smirk and hit the button to start her turn.


2) <Brrrrrrzzzzzzt! >

"Rust and Ruin," Renka hissed as the oven timer rang. A quick circuit of the kitchen showed nothing.

She had gotten a bit ambitious, was attempting to juggle three different dishes at once, and couldn't find the mitts to pull the vegetables out of the oven.

"Fine, fine," she grumbled. 'I probably won't even need gold for this. Just store away my sense of touch, store away more heat in a brass-mind...' She stuck her bare hands into the oven, grabbed the metal tub, and ignored the sizzling sound as she pulled it out and found an uncluttered place to put it. "Not that bad," she assessed.

Angry red splotches covered her palms, and 'yup. Hurts like a bitch,' she affirmed as she released the tin-mind she'd used to dull her sense of pain. She flicked on the cold water from the faucet and ran it over her skin, soothing the prickles somewhat.


3) "You should not drink that this late at night," Kaldur warned. Renka paused from pouring her glass of soda. "It has caffeine. It will make it difficult to go to sleep."

"This... will make me more awake?" she asked slowly.

"Yes. We are expected to be up for Black Canary's sun salutation at dawn tomorrow, and you will likely have to function on two hours of sleep if you drink that."

"Um, do I have to worry about that?" M'gann asked as she stepped into view with her own, almost empty glass in her hand.

"I... do not know," Kaldur answered. Martian physiology was, after all, potentially very different.

"One way to find out," Renka decided, and downed her glass. Kaldur looked at her steadily, unimpressed. "M'gann, first person to sleep gets to skip out on doing the dishes?"

"...Okay," M'gann decided, pouring the rest of her glass into the sink. "Aqualad, warm milk is supposed to help people go to sleep, right?"

"Too late," Renka sang as she dropped onto the couch. It took two moments to nestle into a comfortable spot, a third to focus on her bronze-mind ring, and then she was out like a light.

"...I forgot she could do that," M'gann admitted. She sighed. "Fair is fair; I agreed to that expecting her to have some trick. I just thought I could alter my body chemistry and be asleep faster."

"I will help you with the dishes," Kaldur offered, "and afterwards, please allow me introduce you to some games that surface-dwellers have been known to play upon their sleeping comrades." He plucked a sharpie from a drawer with a faint smile, and M'gann brightened as well.

Renka bore her new artwork with good humor the next morning, although the whiskers were enough to make Black Canary break down laughing for three minutes.


4) "What are those words?" Renka asked Wally. Both were in civvies, exploring Happy Harbor.

"Price lists. Five dollars to enter if you're under twelve, ten dollars if you can show student ID for a Happy Harbor college, free for military service men and people over 65, and twenty dollars for the rest of us. I'm only carrying thirty, by the way, so it looks like the flower conservatory isn't in the cards today unless you have some."

"...I can change my age," she admitted slowly.

"Huh? Like with Feruchemy?" she nodded. "Cool? Could you use that to never get old and live forever?" It would be a long time before he could guess why that made her twitch.

"Not like that," she answered. "But would under twelve or over sixty-five be better?"

"We're gonna do this? Whichever you can hold longer, since you'll need to stay like that the whole time."

"Old," she decided. Before his eyes, Wally watched Ferris grow taller, and then shorter again. Her hair frizzed, grayed, thinned, and finally turned white. Her limbs slimmed and skin hung off of her in wrinkles. Her fingers knobbled and her face sank into itself and her back stooped, just a little. "How do I look?"

"Like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon." She blinked bleary eyes at him. "Ancient, but beautiful. Come on, grandma, let's go look at some pretty plants."