- Location
- Elsewhere
That's the best part! They get all the memories of both from both perspectives. That's literally a philosopher's dream....you don't understand what happens, do you? It's not two different people gaining traits from another. When you merge two people's minds together you take every experience and flaw and virtue that makes them their own unique individual and mixes them together. Thus causing a brand new personality with traits that even the previous two beings didn't have. Because it's a new perspective experiencing different events.
Also, yes, I am aware that there is only one being at the end of it.
I kinda disagree with this, though. Or at least the phrasing/implications. Who someone is is not a constant. It develops over time and experiences. You yourself acknowledged this. If something happens and it changes your opinion of something, that's an improvement. A lesson you learned. If your new opinion is wrong, oh well, change it. Just make sure you don't become unwilling to change it if contradictory evidence appears.
True. But it's worth more then upgrading to 11, and probably worth getting even if we aren't going past 10.If Sun's Resilience is relevant, we're doing something wrong. That's the whole point of some of the upgrades in Moon's shop.
Also, keep in mind that every weapon level up multiplies Sun's magic modifier by 1.8 already. That upgrade multiplies it by 2.0 for slightly more EXP than the cost of going from level 8 to level 9. We'd get a lot more benefit from instead raising her weapon to level 10 to get that sweet milestone bonus.
This is also a good point. I don't think that's it. I'll just be happy if it is.... Meh. Resilience isn't actually worth much after a certain point, a point we're more or less hitting if you count the MM actually. It becomes all about the End Damage reducers. Which she already has one in the form of Radiance.
So... meh.
Worse, it's unreliable. Because it can be anything from 1 to X. If you're relying on that, you're already fucked.
If was called SomethingSomething Fusion, I would at least say you're probably right about what's happening. Since it's Connection... not so much.
You remember Nepgear's No Longer Human upgrade? Ability names are (or should be) very on the nose when you look at them.
It's fairly trans-humanist, with how they are connected more deeply than humans are in our world, I'll admit, but... well, most magical girls kind of are on some level.