My impression was that:

1) Divine Sponsorship results in a total rehaul of Magical Girl's powers, discard-and-draw style
2) Divine Sponsorship upgrades Magical Girl's Growth by 3 tiers exactly in CWMGQ.
Um... where did you get that from?
1) is definitely wrong. The DB just looks for someone with the Abilities it seeks

About 2), I can not say anything. It does not seem right to me, though.
Well the whole story certainly works it just didn't appeal to me the same way The Fire That Burns or the Original CWMGQ do. Probably cause the setting took place after the big world/universe shaking event unlike the other two who are experiencing them. Another problem that might just be me nitpicking is a lack of real stakes aside from character death and even that was nullified in the end by Become Whole Again. There should be an actual credible threat to the end goal of the characters cause the only possible ones were subverted by allies before the story started(UES), hinged on a single undevoted MG(China), or got slaughtered by the two most powerful mortals in the setting(Yggdrasil and the Salem expy)

Overall it was okay but if you ever decide to use the CWMGQ system again I'd recommend going with a character who isn't being boosted by a divine being like the twins were here or put them in a setting where there are threats we can't overpower by upping our spell 3 levels or no sell by upgrading an ability by 2.

Lastly I believe you said you aren't cut out for the kill the player style of GM-ing but I believe that's two steps up from the style of Gm-ing in here. That intermediary step would be a challenge the player style where you aren't trying directly to kill them but at the same time you aren't making it easy for them. A way to have made that setting more that style was if there was no established Kibo group at the start and the goal of the quest would have become making a group to fill that hole. But this is coming from someone who has no idea how to run a game like this so take all that advice with a grain of salt.

Anyway I wish you well on whatever you next quest is if you choose to do one.
Overall it was okay but if you ever decide to use the CWMGQ system again I'd recommend going with a character who isn't being boosted by a divine being like the twins were here or put them in a setting where there are threats we can't overpower by upping our spell 3 levels or no sell by upgrading an ability by 2.
I am not going to go into this system or setting again, it turns out the whole thing just does not work for me. That aside, you are not wrong.

Then again, I am not a fan of the great world-ending plot being thwarted by the protagonist and nobody else. Better design decisions in the beginning would have allowed me to better balance allied and opposed sides, but I made mistakes there and had to work with what I produced.

I learned a great many thing throughout this Quest though; perhaps it will be useful somewhere down the line.
Um... you do remember that Thirteenth Hell is not the only faction in the Unified Dark? What kept the faction together was the war, the threat of being annihilated alone. Once the fighting is over, the UD will splinter into the respective factions that each go do their own stuff.
Well, they weren't, but then you killed off the others. So they kinda are now.
1) Divine Sponsorship results in a total rehaul of Magical Girl's powers, discard-and-draw style
2) Divine Sponsorship upgrades Magical Girl's Growth by 3 tiers exactly in CWMGQ.
1) There's no need for a Divine Entity to overhaul Abilities. They can sponsor even without an Affinity match if they want (and the respawn option isn't necessary either). I imagine having a matching Affinity would make it easier to convince 'em.
2) If the sponsor cares enough, Growth rank can increase up to two tiers. (e.g. Summit, if picked for WEAPON-hood could only be boosted up to Myth. Which is why it would never happen :V)
. What data I have on divine sponsorship does not indicate going up in their growth Affinities is a standard procedure
It's a part of the same process as sponsoring someone in the first place, though? I thought that info was available publicly...

I would rather think that DBs choose girls with suitable Affinities if they have the choice. The Radiances had theirs changed, but the others have no indication of that being the case.

That aside, I somehow have the feeling that upgrading Growth Affinities is not a standard based on information that is mainlines-spoilers for now and I am not allowed to talk about.
No, going up a growth affinity is normal. The Radiances were abnormal because their non-growth affinities were also altered.
So how did everyone react to the twins becoming the sun and moon?
Well, they weren't, but then you killed off the others. So they kinda are now.
And then I put in other races instead, so they are not the only ones again.

It's a part of the same process as sponsoring someone in the first place, though? I thought that info was available publicly...
Not as far as I can remember.
No, going up a growth affinity is normal. The Radiances were abnormal because their non-growth affinities were also altered.
Anyway, okay. Made some tweaks to the Saints' sheets. Previous statements are withdrawn.
My impression was that:

1) Divine Sponsorship results in a total rehaul of Magical Girl's powers, discard-and-draw style
2) Divine Sponsorship upgrades Magical Girl's Growth by 3 tiers exactly in CWMGQ.

Um... where did you get that from?
1) is definitely wrong. The DB just looks for someone with the Abilities it seeks

About 2), I can not say anything. It does not seem right to me, though.

1) There's no need for a Divine Entity to overhaul Abilities. They can sponsor even without an Affinity match if they want (and the respawn option isn't necessary either). I imagine having a matching Affinity would make it easier to convince 'em.
2) If the sponsor cares enough, Growth rank can increase up to two tiers. (e.g. Summit, if picked for WEAPON-hood could only be boosted up to Myth. Which is why it would never happen :V)
Actually, I've found just where I got the impressions for Divine Sponsorship - and I was (maybe) incorrect - it was a Divine Being Weapon thing instead:

I have a question regarding Divine Being weapons, like the WEAPONs and the Maidens of the Apocalypse. What does increasing their levels and Affinities do? Because I'm seeing at least four Affinities backing both the WEAPONs and Maidens, but I have no idea what that accomplishes.

They completely replaced their original Affinities and upped their growth by three levels from the originals.

See, "completely replaced their original Affinities" for my (1) and "upped their growth by three levels from the originals" for my (2).

Which is actually really intuitive in CWMGQ if it's "+3 to Growth Affinity", because it makes Maker a corresponding non-Maker (Story from Story Maker, Legend from Legend Maker) and really boosts Story (up to Epic).
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