Votes are split and I'm a little beat from filming a project, so I'll delay the update a few extra hours while I sleep. I'll write in the morning, hopefully with a majority vote but if nothing changes I'll flip a coin and start typing.
Act I - 10. The Local Connection
HAHAHA, I LIED. I spent the day preparing for travel instead of writing! MWA HA HA HA HA!
But seriously, I will be away from my workspace until the 28th, so expect infrequent updates through then. Hopefully, it won't be too restrictive on my writing time, but you never know.

[x]Investigate the Taint

Day 2

You wave the guards goodbye and head back to the tavern. It isn't very far, and looking up you see you've barely burned any daylight. You've still got the majority of the day ahead of you. Convenient!

Still, you wonder, is that all there is to being Tainted? While the guard had been helpful with giving you the legalities of your situation, you don't think that was the full picture. There's more than just law if that girl's explanation was anything to go by. There were things the Tainted had to endure beyond mandate. No way a guard would be completely aware of that or have any effect on it if they were. They only had as much control as the law gave them.

Therefore, the best way to learn more about the societal repercussions of your affliction was to ask someone who knew the society here well. And, hopefully, would refrain from teaching you the bigotry first-hand. A local who didn't care for the bias of her home. Sadly, there was really only one person you knew who fit that bill.

You step into the Marching Mare to find her in her usual spot, sitting behind the window reading another book. Before you've even stepped up to the counter, she's already set it down and facing your way.

"Good performance last night," she smiles. "And thank you for cleaning the tables. You've only been here two days and you're already proving to be such good help."

"Yeah, no problem." You rub your head nervously. "Um, can I talk to you about something?"

There's a hint of caution in her voice. "About what?"

"My, um," You glance around, making sure nobody is in earshot. "What would happen if people found out about my you-know-what?"

She gives you an odd look before glancing towards your chest. You're covered pretty well, but her gaze makes your Seal feel exposed. "Oh. Hold on." She stands and shifts through something on the other side of the wall. She pulls out a small sign that reads "On break, be back soon! <3" and steps out from behind the window. A moment later, she's standing beside you. "Let's go outside."

You follow her behind the tavern. For a building on one of the main avenues towards the Synagogue, it has a pretty sketchy back alley. Though, most back alleys are sketchy. They also make great escape routes, if you know their layout. Sadly, you don't. You should probably fix that at some point.

"Alright," Mary still wears her customer-service smile, even in a sketchy alleyway. "You asked about people figuring out you're Tainted, right?"

You nod. "I asked some guards about it, but they only gave me a few laws I needed to follow. The girl at the Synagogue who informed me of my Taint gave a few more things, and put it in harsher words."

She shrugs at you. "I haven't been to the Synagogue since I was a little girl, so I have no idea what they're saying about Taints anymore. Could you give me a run-down of what you know so far?"

You nod. "Laws are that Tainted can't leave the city, sleep in the same quarters as Clean, or study magic without Synagogue approval. The Maiden also told me that Tainted have to get their Seals renewed and let those around them know they're infected."

"Hm," She adopts a thoughtful look. "Laws are the same as I know, and the Holy Girl you met seems to have a pretty harsh, but not incorrect, view on the Tainted. That's to be expected, though. The holier-than-thou types who join that group tend to look down on anyone they see as less pure than them. The Tainted are either people to be pitied or persecuted to them."

You blink. "But she was Tainted." The innkeep looks at you, incredulous. "I'm serious! She had a Seal and everything."

"That's…" She seems confused but shrugs it off after a moment of thought. "Huh, she must have warned you from experience. She's not wrong to say Tainted are required to make themselves public, but it's not law and it's not walking down the streets shouting 'I've got a Taint, run away!' It's more…"

She bites her lip, thinking. "There's been a lot of prejudice against the Tainted for years. Ten years ago, the whole city was divided and about to come to blows. Taints were more obvious back then, they'd change people into something that looked human, but didn't act like it." She paused, looking into the distance. "The Synagogue would slap a Seal on them and shove them into the slums. Tell them not to mix with anyone else, not to leave because they were doomed to become monsters. They didn't like that very much. Just as the rioting started, a few houses were burnt to a crisp and we all thought that civil war was about to start, a priest came and stopped the whole thing." She shrugs. "No idea how he did it, but they gave him the post of High Priest for it. Since then he's been trying to change things, but he can't change the people." She looks at you.

"People are afraid of the Tainted. It's not that you have to scream out that you're Tainted, or even wear a sign that reveals it to everyone. But if someone gets close to you and they find out what you are? There are generations of people who remember what the Tainted used to become when they were outcasts. People feel betrayed, like they just found out they were friends with a murderer. So the general rule is to be upfront about it." She smiles softly at you. "Though you don't have to worry about me, you let me know almost immediately. And as long as you keep bringing me customers with your guitar, I could care less about what you are!"

You smile back. "It's a mandolin."

"See! I'm already less interested." She looks out towards the street. "Speaking of, I should probably get back to work. The customers you bring are only worth it if I'm there to take their money." She starts to head back.

"Wait!" You catch her just before she leaves. "What about the Seal Renewals?"

She shrugs. "I haven't been to the Synagogue since I was a little girl, remember? You'll have to ask someone there about it." And with that, she was gone.

You stand in the alley behind the Marching Mare, thinking. You still have an hour or so left before the sun reaches its zenith. Should you head to the Synagogue? You might be able to find some more info about the Taint there. Plus, you could get your Seal Renewals scheduled and started. Though, looking around, you could also go exploring through the city. Maybe you'll find something interesting? Or you could just stay here and study some more. You know, like the scholar you claimed you were. Alternatively, you could just take a nap. Decisions, decisions.
One hour remains in the Midday segment. What shall you do?

[] Investigate the Taint
-[] Synagogue

[] Explore the City
-[] Random Direction
-[] Down the Alleyway

[] Study Like a Nerd (1d4 Research)
-[] Choose Stat to Improve

[] Sleep (Skip to…)
-[] Afternoon
-[] Evening
-[] Tomorrow (Cannot Skip Evening)
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Interesting. We should probably look into the riots, the way they started and how they were ended.

...some other time.

[x] Explore the City
-[x] Random Direction

I am going to vote for it every single time until it passes. :rage:
Act I - 11. Temple Time
Well, at least you guys are thorough in your investigations. Which is more than can be said for most fictional detectives. coughcoughDeckardcoughcough


[x] Investigate the Taint
-[x] Synagogue

Day 2

You underestimated the amount of time it took to get to the Synagogue. The last time you were here, it was the cool of the morning, and it took you at least half an hour. Now, you're stumbling your way across the bridge at High Noon, and all your layers are working against you. That last hundred meters over the water feels like an eternity as you shamble towards the shining Temple before you. You barely even register the odd feeling of rushing water against your Seal when you cross the other side.

When you do finally make it in the foyer, the cool air feels like heaven. The stone, normally icy this far north, is soothing as your face meets the nearest wall and you blissfully slide into a heap against it. You stay there for a moment, simply appreciating the cold.

"Um, excuse me, sir?" A timid voice calls.

You contort to see a woman, dressed very similar to the Maiden who slept on your lap. She wore a black robe with long sleeves that hid her frame, and a black headdress that wasn't very successful at concealing her brown hair and wide hazel eyes. She smiles at- oh wait your head is upside-down, she's actually frowning. She looks very concerned.

"Are you alright, sir? You're sort of causing a scene."

You turn your head to see a few other visitors to the church are looking at you strangely. Oh god this is a public place, isn't it? You feel incredible heat rise to your cheeks as you lift yourself off the ground. "I-I'm fine, th-thank you," you manage to stutter out. "C-could you just point me to where I need to go for a Seal Renewal?"

The Maiden offers a pitying smile. "Of course. This way." She walks through a side door, you trailing a few steps behind.

As soon as you're out of the foyer you breathe a sigh of relief. What was wrong with you? Before you came here you used to be unflappable, and now you can barely handle an odd look in public or having a conversation turned on you. What was happening to you?
y o u b e c a m e w e a k
"So," the Maiden's soft voice shakes you out of your reverie. "How long have you had your Seal?"

"Only since yesterday," you reply easily. "I just got in town and realized I needed a Screening to study magic. Turned out I had a Taint and I was told I needed to come schedule some renewals for the Seal."

You almost run into the girl, whom you realize is barely up to your nose in height. "Oh?" Her voice doesn't sound soft anymore. If anything, you'd almost describe it as predatory. "You got your Seal yesterday, huh? Tell me, did you meet a young Maiden with blue hair while you were here, by chance?"

You blink. "Uh, yeah. She took care of me while I was unconscious after the Screening. Filled me in on the basics." You can see her shoulders shaking. "Is everything alri-"

"OhmygodyouretheboyAnnatalkedaboutareyoureallyfromafarofflandcanyouplaymusicisthatamagicinstrumentwhatdoyouthinkaboutAnnadoyoulikehersheseemstolikeyouMaidenscanthavelovelivesbecausetheyresupposedtobepurebutthatgirlsspecialsinceshesalreadyTaintedsoIhavetolivevicariouslythroughher are you getting any of this?" She's grabbing you by the scarf, yanking her face way too close to yours, a nasty glimmer in her eye and a wild smile on her face. "Details man, give me details!"

"I-" What. "What?"
w h a t ?
"What, did you not hear what I said?" She huffs in annoyance. "Of course, the first guy she shows any interest in, and he can't even keep up with a few simple questions." She lets you go. "This is fine, this is fine, we can work with this."

"Work with wha-"

She claps her hands together, completely interrupting you. "Right! First, we need to get your renewal scheduled, and then gossip." She resumes walking, this time significantly faster.

"Wait, gossip? Who's interested in me?" You struggle to keep up with her without breaking into a jog. "Why do I feel like I'm being hustled?"

She slows down as you come to an intersection in the hallways. "Oh, my apologies. I'm Miriam." The Maiden collects herself and extends a hand. "I'm not normally this excitable but, well, Anna finding someone she can and wants talk to is the biggest piece of drama since Incident Number Two Hundred and Eighty-Seven."

A pause. You hesitantly take her hand. "Den. Wha-"

"I have taken a solemn oath never to speak of the event in detail." Dammit. "Now follow me so we can get your renewal scheduled." She continues her way down the winding corridor, you a few mere steps behind her.


It is only an hour later that you exit Library Bet with a small note in your hand. A reminder that you have five days until your next renewal. The paperwork was rough, but you managed a weekly schedule with a certain Priest Loammi, who you'd meet when you returned for the ritual.

"About that gossip," Miriam, now much calmer than before, gives you a mischievous look. You gulp. "Anna said you're some kind of wizard with your instrument. Is that true?"

You nod. "I specialize in Harmonic Magic. It's part of the deal." Her eyes widen the slightest bit.

"I've never heard of that kind of Magic. Does that mean you're a mage?" She seems surprised when you nod. "And here I was thinking Anna was just being poetic, but you really did use magic to improve her mood, didn't you?"

You try to remember, "I just played her a song from home. Harmonic Magic amplifies the emotions of the musician onto his audience. Anything she felt was probably the lingering feelings she got from me. How do you know about that, anyway?"

Miriam smirks. "She told me." Really? "Well, I can't keep you here forever to give me gossip material. I have my own duties to get back to." She takes a single step down the hall. "Let me guide you back to the foyer."

"What do you do here in the Synagogue?" You try to spark some conversation after a minute or so of silence. "As a Maiden, that is."

"Me personally? I work in the kitchens and clean, mostly. I'm our top cook!" She smiles proudly. "It's quite fun, making meals and experimenting with all the different…"Damn it…

She continues on about the wonders of the culinary arts, but you're not listening anymore. Your pace slows as well, ignorant as she continues ahead, equally unaware of your lagging stride. What was that? you wonder.
Why did it have to be now, of all times?
Something… you can feel something. Something brushing on the edge of your mind.
It's okay, it'll be fine as long as they keep walking.
No, not your mind. You've felt magic that affected your mind, and this wasn't the same. This didn't brush against your consciousness in the same way. This went beyond that, or maybe around it? It felt like something was touching your core, in a way you could best describe as a push or a pull against your chest.
Move on, will you! Just go away!
The constant burning in your Seal lessens.
Shit, shit, shit, turn around, go away, go away go away go away!
You turn, looking down a side hall you don't remember being there a moment ago. Unlike lamp-lit corridor you stood in, no lights shined a way down this path. It faded into black a few mere steps in. There was something unnatural about that shadow, as though it were watching you intently. And beyond the shade, you knew, was whatever had reached out to you.
Oh, fuck me.
You just barely register the fading footsteps of Miriam, and you notice she's just about to round a corner down the hall. You nearly call out to her-HELP, HELP SOMEBODY HELP ME!

You stumble. You can feel it, the thing beyond the shadows. It's screaming, it's calling, calling for you. You feel something in your Seal like something is trying to break through.
Get off me, bitch!
You can't speak. You can't breathe. You can barely move. Your eyes dilate. Your stomach twists as though being punched.
Oh, God, God please help me! Somebody, anybody, please?
The shadows watch you, judging you. They dare you to choose, to pull back their veil or to walk away. You can feel it, you can feel them studying you, waiting for you to make your move.


At the highest point of Temple Synagogue stands a solitary man, his arms raised to heaven. Upon his lips were the most ancient prayers of Zak, the supplication of the Old Tongue begging for salvation. The holiest of all words spoken in all of the world.

And even in the midst of this sacred ceremony of the highest import in all the land, High Priest Absalom paused his petition to God. On the wind, he heard the subtlest of changes. A voice, so quiet as to nearly be mistaken for that of a member of the congregation below. If the man had not been listening for it, waiting for the Word of his God, he would have missed it. And yet, what he heard was not his God. It was unfamiliar, foreign. It was the voice of another creature, no less important, and much more frightening.

"Father?" A Priest whispered from his bowed position on the platform below, trying not to disturb the ceremony. "Father, are you alright?"

The ocean behind his eyes tossed and turned, uncertain. Something was happening below, something that had not occurred in all the time he had been High Priest.

"The Labyrinth moves, Loammi." He replies rigidly. "It has revealed itself to someone new."

Loammi flashes through a range of emotions: surprise, fear, anger, rage, and finally a steely calm. "For what purpose?"

Absalom looks out over the city. From his vantage, he could barely see the little dots which meandered across the painted canvas of Temple City's streets. Buildings bled into one another, one color mixing with the next until he could only tell between districts, the beautiful white of the West end, the multi-colored and vibrant Southern district, the dull homes in the East, and the muted tones of the North. He had no idea of the exact number of residents in his City, but he knew they numbered well into the thousands, very likely into the tens of thousands. He knew each and every soul that resided here was filled with history, various scars and blemishes that shaped them into the person they were. Some were spotless besides a single Taint, and some were Clean despite every twisted act which choked them. Thousands of people, whose sins all weighed down upon him at this very moment. He felt the weight of each and every one like a chain around his neck.

If the Labyrinth were making itself known to someone new, they could all be put in jeopardy. The foundations upon which this nation was founded were shaking in ways even Absalom had not predicted. Was this the result of his own actions? Had his desire to change the ancient laws been the source of this sudden development? He looked to Loammi, who eagerly awaited his answer.

"I do not know," said the Wise and Holy High Priest of the Zakran Synagogue, and his response filled both holy men with an unsettling dread.


The Shadows challenge you with a Choice.

[] Enter the Labyrinth (Chase the Source Beyond the Shadows)

[] Leave the Synagogue (Resist the Calling)
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Before you came here you used to be unflappable
"N-not like that! I meant the tavern, with my mandolin, or something. Out here, on the main floor, in public, not… ungh." Sweet merciful heaven you are only making this worse.
You were the very image of stoicism, and let no one tell you otherwise, Den.
"I-" What. "What?"
w h a t ?
I was already giggling at the easily excitable maiden, but this made me burst out loud.
It is only an hour later that you exit Library Bet with a small note in your hand. A reminder that you have five days until your next renewal.
Frankly, I expected a lot more of bureaucracy to be involved. People checking for whether we didn't miss the scheduled renewal, that sort of thing. The guards being unaware of it threw me for a loop.
If the Labyrinth were making itself known to someone new, they could all be put in jeopardy. The foundations upon which this nation was founded were shaking in ways even Absalom had not predicted.
Well, doesn't that sound ominous?
Whenever the nation is being founded on some eldritch principle that the populace at large is oblivious to, the very rules of narration demand it all coming down once the cat is out of the bag.

[x] Enter the Labyrinth (Chase the Source Beyond the Shadows)
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Act I - 12. Drift Compatibility
[x] Enter the Labyrinth

Day ??? ???

w Ho aM i?
Your legs feel heavy. Your lungs can't expand properly. Something weighs against them. Your throat is sore, a feeling like a vice slowly closing around it. Your eyes strain to see into the dark, but they are opaque. Light filters into the hall for a few mere steps before turning into purest black. The shadow looks at you, a gaze you cannot explain but you innately sense. Just as you could tell when someone was looking at you when you were in a crowd, so now could you tell that this shade was observing you, to see what you would do next.
i Wa ss Om E oN e,o nC e
You shift forward a single step. Deeper into the dark. The vice against your neck tightens, yanking you back slowing you. "Trying to run away, stain?" Shrill laughter sounds from behind you.
mA n, oR Wo m An? i dO N o TR e C Al l
A woman steps before you, looking not a day over twenty. Her long black hair shines in the torchlight, free of the headdress she should be wearing. Her robe is long gone, leaving her in the tunic underneath. "Rumor is that you were flirting around, with a Taint no less. A total stranger played you a song, and you couldn't help yourself and stripped for him."
sH e L i Es
You try to reach forwards, held back by another woman touching the empty air in front of you but grasping nothing. The shadow is so close. It beckons to you, like a siren upon the rocks. You listen to her song, that sweet symphony of desperation that cries for you alone. You do not fear the reef, nor the stony shards upon them. Odysseus -prey- you are not. You are a monster, like her. The siren, she calls not for your death. She appeals to you for help.
I aM s uRe o fLi t Tl E
You reach out again, grasping toward the veil slipping from the grip of the girl's lackeys. Your nails, though nothing special, are long enough to carve a red line across her stupidly pretty face.
i d Ono t Kn oW m ysE l f
"Agh, bitch!" She screams, grabbing the scratch you cut in her. It wasn't deep, and would probably heal before they'd finished beating the shit out of you, but you were proud of it nonetheless.
aN d y Et
"Shut it!" You scream, fighting against the hold the other girls had on you. They yank your arms back. It hurts. Your shoulder, your back feels like it's on fire. Somebody, anybody, please help me. Please!
Id O Kn o wT H iS
The ravenette stands, furious, and swings at your face. Your head snaps to the side a breeze brushes past your fingers, lifted to defend against a strike that wasn't coming. You stand before the inky wall, hunched like a defenseless girl. You straighten yourself up. Your legs are heavy. Your lungs strain for air. Your throat is clamped like a vice. Your arms are straining against some resistance. Who are you, again? You don't recall. But you know this:
You touch the veil. You are here. You are not in the hallway. You are in torchlight, pure blackness. You are standing crawling through the shadows. They whisper to you praise, they whisper to you damnation. They warn you, they console you. A million disparate voices speaking to you as one. They call you child, they call you father. Your mind cannot understand what it is trying to say, and so you do not. You let the Labyrinth speak to you, and you hear it. Its words are unlike anything else, the sound of fire and thunder and a still voice whispering across the lake. The song of a Siren.
AnD You a re mi n e,cH IlD
The shadows expel you something ahead of you. You look up to see you, a familiar boy across the hall a defenseless girl held down and covered in bruises. It's you. Three girls stand between you and you, the ravenette and her two lackeys, who hold you the defenseless girl down.

"You know, I think I remember a few curses from Naomi's 'therapy' sessions." The black-haired bitch continues, sadistically unaware of your the boy's presence. "They're supposed to discipline the impropriety out of us. I wonder if they'd even work on a Tainted whore like you?" She grins like a demon. You hear it, you and you, the Siren's song. A song of command, of deliverance. To move, to wait. To work separate, together.
A s O n E
Your voice does not work. One of the lackeys is choking the other you, preventing you from casting any Spiritual Magic. Your blue hair is yanked back, and both of you try to grab at your heads. The free you winces, finding your short brown hair unmolested, the restrained you groans in pain.

"My sister stretched out her hand against her Brothers and Sisters;
she violated her covenant.
Her speech was smooth as butter,
yet impurity was in her heart;
her words were softer than oil,
yet they were a whore's incense.

The woman stretches a hand against you the girl, sick saffron energy spiraling into her palm. She presses the energy against your the girl's forehead. You scream, pain coursing through both your bodies.

"Cast her down
into the pit of destruction;
This woman of promiscuity and treachery
shall not find peace nor rest, only your judgment.

Fire burns its way through your veins, working its way towards your Seal. The pain that had dimmed now shot through your core, burning away at your soul. You've never felt pain like this only once before. In the memories behind the wall. In the flames that constantly burned within your being.

You scream, both of you. The ravenette turns towards you, shocked. All four of your eyes glare at her, ablaze with pain and hate.

She did this to you? Every chance she could. You should fight her. You tried, it didn't work. You are alone, Lo-Ru's posse is always with her. You lose every time. You smirk, both of you. You aren't alone anymore.

Just as the lackeys loosen their grip on you in surprise, the woman moves, ready to cast another spell at you.

You move before she has the chance.


Welcome to combat, kiddos. It's very simple, overall. Each Magic Stat has its own tree of specialties it operates in and casting a spell allows you to attempt any action which fits in the Stat's purview. For instance, Divine Magic (so far) specializes in defense, while Demonic Magic is almost purely offensive. Harmonic is a support skillset that focuses buffs and debuffs but leaves you immobile. It's best when you have a partner to buff. Choose a Magic, and write-in the action you want to attempt. Otherwise, you can fight like a normal person, punching, kicking, swinging a weapon, or dodging. The strategy is up to you, and you, and you.
And congrats. It took 10 updates, but you finally did it. Den became Anna. Was it worth the wait?

Battle Start!
Initial strategy -

[] Charge Lo-Ruhamah (the leader)

[] Magic (write-in objective and target)
-[] Divine
-[] Demonic
-[] Harmonic (Bad Idea when solo)

[] Wait

[] Attack your captors (write-in how)
-[] Lo-Ruhamah (the leader)
-[] A Lackey

[] Wait
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[X] Magic (Anna, Protect)
-[X] Divine
[X] Attack your captors (Tackle, Grab)
-[X] Lo-Ruhamah (the leader)

So did the two protagonists become Entwined? Can we try to paralyze them with Demonic Magic? Is Dan from our world? Between him saying that he needs magic to go back home and describing the monster as Lovecraftian it clearly seems so.
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What I am wondering is if we are connected specifically to Anna, or to a bigger whole. And why nobody had experienced it before, the "iam MAGIC AnD You a re mi n e,cH IlD" has implications that this is bigger than the two. So does the existence of the place of shadows - is that what Father Absalom called 'the Labyrinth'?

So, just before Den was about to be drawn into the Labyrinth (?), he felt a shadow calling out for help. There was a moment when their perspectives didn't quite merge. Did Anna see a shadow from her perspective? Did she (mentally) call out to it? Or was it the call that allowed for the connection to be forged in the first place?

The transparent text shows Den feeling discomfort even before Anna was assaulted. But then, how and when did the connection form? Was it something they happened when they first met?

-[] Harmonic (Bad Idea when solo)
Are we solo?

I imagine that there is only one person physically present, but the text said 'you are not alone anymore', and there is a choice between two actors.

Also, are there no lasting debuffs in Harmonic school? With three targets I felt it would be a natural choice for an Area-of-Effect attack.

Choose a Magic, and write-in the action you want to attempt. Otherwise, you can fight like a normal person, punching, kicking, swinging a weapon, or dodging.
I take it that normal and magical actions are mutually exclusive?

Is a vote for Den to do one thing and for Anna do another (like the one above?) a valid one? How does any of this work? Are we picking a single action per character? A strategy for the entire combat scene?
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Also, are there no lasting debuffs in Harmonic school? With three targets I felt it would be a natural choice for an Area-of-Effect attack.
There are, and you most definitely could do that (in fact, that's probably Den's specialty), but you would be immobile while you got out your mandolin to play a Harmonic tune and probably shot in the face with a curse.
I take it that normal and magical actions are mutually exclusive?
Exactamundo. You'll attempt to dodge automatically and you can move around while casting, but you can't punch someone and use a spell in the same action.
Is a vote for Den to do one thing and for Anna do another (like the one above?) a valid one? How does any of this work? Are we picking a single action per character? A strategy for the entire combat scene?
Den and Anna are both physically(?) present, for whatever physical means after shadow-eldritch-angel-demon physics. And they are sharing some sort of link (no matter the narrative reason, I claim Neuromancer), so yes, you can vote for both of their actions.

A strategy will give you more control, but individual actions (as above) work just as well. If a strategy calls for specific actions and other people vote for the same actions, they all lump together. E.G. if you were to come up with a strategy that involved using Divine Magic to protect Anna while she tackled the leader, your strategy already has three votes no matter what specifics you put down. That could mean a plan to form a shield behind her while she jumps on Lo-Ru's back, or one to give her a general buff to her defense while she suplexes the woman. Both involve the same actions, but the specific strategy dictates how they are implemented.

TL;DR: Strategize or just write actions, doesn't matter to me. The former gives specifics for the latter, but I can work with both and they will broadly do the same thing. Strategizing is really important if you're trying to get specific outcomes, such as no visible damage or attacking a specific part of someone.

If you have any further questions, don't be afraid to ask. I am aware my explanations may create more questions than they answer.
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[X] Magic (Anna, Protect)
-[X] Divine
[X] Attack your captors (Tackle, Grab)
-[X] Lo-Ruhamah (the leader)
Ah. I was not entirely sure what happened - could be that Den physically manifested himself in Anna's room somehow, or could be that he projected his consciousness there and they now have access to both characters' abilities. Now it's a bit more clear.

[X] Magic (Anna, Protect)
-[X] Divine
[X] Attack your captors (Tackle, Grab)
-[X] Lo-Ruhamah (the leader)

I suppose it's best to understand through experience.

Also, we only have magic school levels denoted on the character sheet. How do we know what kind of magic we have at our disposal, and if it is even capable of doing what we require of it? Your 'research points' threadmark mentions some spells by names (like Shield and Levitate), but they are nowhere to be found on our sheets.
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[X] Magic (Anna, Protect)
-[X] Divine
[X] Attack your captors (Tackle, Grab)
-[X] Lo-Ruhamah (the leader)
How do we know what kind of magic we have at our disposal, and if it is even capable of doing what we require of it?
Character Sheets updated in response. Magic Levels now include the characters' understanding of what each Magic does. There will also be in-story mention of this topic in updates where the characters use Magic (as it seems Den will in this next update) so I'll hold off on revealing more until that's posted.
Act I - 13. You Are (Not) Alone
Sorry that this was so late. Yesterday I was in the mountains with no signal, couldn't access the google doc. Still, got the update done before I drove back home. Tonight may have an update if enough people vote, but otherwise, I'll wait until tomorrow and go back to the normal schedule.


[X] Magic (Anna, Protect)
-[X] Divine
[X] Attack your captors (Tackle, Grab)
-[X] Lo-Ruhamah (the leader)

Day ???

Combat: Round 1

You Den lock eyes with you Anna, just beyond the raven-haired witch. It's difficult to describe the phenomena you are experiencing. It's not like anything else you've experienced, where you read the other's body language and gaze to silently communicate. This is beyond that. Your self-image is… merged. You look at you the man and you recognize it as your own body, or if you focus on seeing through his eyes you can see you the woman, and again you feel like you're looking at yourself from the outside. And yet, both bodies feel natural, as though you've had them for all your life.

It is this united consciousness which makes the plan you kick off work as effectively as it does.

You the man dash to one side, making yourself a more difficult target for the curse to hit. You know that Lo-Ruhamah is skilled with her Magic, considering the curse she gave you was custom-tailored to inflict as much pain as possible. There are no spells in all of Spiritual Magic which by nature cause that much pain. The only possibility is that she's mastered her incantations well enough to successfully modify them. Lucky for both of you, the full spell is impractical for combat, so whatever she launches at you will be a quick-and-dirty bastardized version.

You the Maiden rip your arms forwards and out of the lackeys hands as you the Bard begin to summon Divine Protection on you. The consciousness originally belonging to you Anna momentarily marvels at the Magic you feel flowing through both bodies. You feel something like a gate opening within you, foreign Magic rushing out like a tide as you call, desperately call for the Angels to help you. You cry out and plead for protection from those who would seek your harm.

Divine Spell (1d20): 1 (+1 per Level)

The gate shudders within you. Something is wrong. The tide of Magic twists and decays, dying, changing into something it was not meant to be. Something is wrong. The dead Magic morphs into something else, something ancient and alien and horrifically intelligent. Something is wrong.
O h ? y OU ar EtR ul YU ni QuE, ch IL d.
The gate groans as the being from beyond attempts to free itself, its very form made from the corrupted essence. It writhes and slithers through the portal, uncomfortable in this reality. The coagulated Magic escapes into your body as the gate collapses, unable to withstand any further strain. You feel it worming its way deeper into you, but you have no time to worry yourself with the creature.

The woman finishes her short incantation, launching an angry bolt of crimson towards you. Even with your constant movement, she's good enough to track and get a bead on you, which you recognize just as the blast flies straight towards your face.

Dodge (1d20): 9 (-1 Summon Failure Effects) = 8

You duck your head just in time, allowing the spell to sail past harmlessly. You attempt to get a read on your own spell's effects just as the other you jumps onto the woman's back, fully escaping the lackey's grip and dragging the ravenette down.

You feel the creature burrowing into your spine. It's not just in one body, as you would expect. Both are feeling the exact same crawling sensation simultaneously. It moves up up your back before pausing, and then continuing towards-
tH iS w iLl n Ot Do
Your Seals burn, the Magic in them shifting, corrupting, dying, reigniting, becoming something else. It momentarily shakes your concentration, allowing Lo-Ruhamah a chance to throw the you on her back off balance.

Grapple Check (1d20): 8 (-1 Summon Failure) = 7 vs (1d20):1
WOW the dice are not kind today

She tries to swing her arms backwards, which works for a single moment. You keep your legs wrapped around her, and leverage your momentum to put her into an armlock. The result is you the girl forcing her to the floor as you plant a knee in the small of her back, pinning one arm underneath and the other in your grip, extended at an angle behind her. The once helpless you has pinned down your oppressor. Your Seal continues to burn as the thing burrows deeper inside it.

Dodge (1d20): 18 (-1 Summon Failure) = 17

You shift to one side as a lackey lashes out with her foot, attempting to kick you off her leader. You keep a hold on the ravenette's wrist as you bend out of the way, allowing your earlier assailant a clear path towards your captive's over-extended elbow.

"AAAAGGGHH!" she screams, her arm bent at an odd angle. You stay on her back, keeping her down. The lackey seems reluctant to attack you again, though her partner remains ready. The you who came from the shadows stands to one side, away from the melee but ready to interfere at any moment. You hear pained sobs from the woman on the floor.


Oh, I forgot to mention. You can't technically fail a spell. You'll always summon some sort of being who's willing to lend their power for your cause. Sometimes it misinterprets you, sometimes it's not effective, or sometimes it's a little slow. Sometimes it burrows into your spine and throws off every roll that round. You never know.


Battle Continue!
Plan for your next round of Kombat.

Den, the Man from the Shadows

[] Magic spam with... (Write-in objective and target)
-[] Divine
-[] Demonic
-[] Harmonic

[] Join the melee! (Write-in how and target)

[] Deal with the Creature
-[] Analyze
-[] Remove

[] Wait

Anna, the Girl with the Sacred Tattoo

[] Spirit Magic (Write-in target)
-[] Curse - slow/stun
-[] Cure - basic heal/antitoxin/anticurse. Also dulls emotions
-[] Energize - remove fatigue, increase reflexes
-[] Relax - Calms negative emotions, sometimes adds euphoria

[] Attack your captors (Write-in how and target)

[] Wait
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Oh, I forgot to mention. You can't technically fail a spell. You'll always summon some sort of being who's willing to lend their power for your cause. Sometimes it misinterprets you, sometimes it's not effective, or sometimes it's a little slow. Sometimes it burrows into your spine and throws off every roll that round. You never know.
Welp that 1 was really unlucky.
[X] Magic spam with... (Lackeys, Disable/Stun)
-[X] Demonic
[X] Attack your captors (Lackeys, knock them down after they are disabled or failing that just punch them)

I wanted to use Anna's spirit magic but it probably isn't a good idea while the creature is in the seal. It probably isn't smart to let it stay there for now either but I think the seal can hold on for a little longer.
[X] Magic spam with... (Lackeys, Disable/Stun)
-[X] Demonic
[X] Attack your captors (Lackeys, knock them down after they are disabled or failing that just punch them)
[X] Magic spam with... (Lackeys, Disable/Stun)
-[X] Demonic
[X] Attack your captors (Leader, attempt to pin)

Guys, Anna is currently grappling?