Prologue - 3. Social Link Up(?)
This episode of Lev Tahor shortened and delayed to you by Dark Souls II: Scholar of the Effects of Sado-Masochistic Game Design on the Human Mind. I swear From Software laughs at my suffering, but those unfinished trophies won't let me quit just yet.


[x] Talk to the Innkeep (get a room)
-[x] mention you're a Bard

With a sigh, you close the Tome and reattach it to your belt. You'd already shirked study once today, you could probably afford to do it again. Besides, you had a decent excuse. Sleep and security were just as if not more important needs to fulfill. Plus, you had an ace up your sleeve that ensured you'd get a decent discount. You slung your mandolin over your shoulder and strode towards the counter.

"Is there something else you needed?" The woman asked as you approached, setting her book into her lap. She seemed fairly observant for a bookworm.

"A room, if you have one."

She nods, looking to one side. "We have a few on the second story." She lists off a price just a tad more expensive than you're comfortable with.

No worries, Den. You prepared for this. You think, desperately. "You wouldn't happen to have anything cheaper, would you?" You silently pray for that to be the case.

To your disappointment, her head shook a negative. "Sadly not."

Time to work your magic. You sigh and turn away, your mandolin swinging along your shoulder. "What a shame!" you proclaim, drawing upon your strongest magic: the Power of Bull(crap). "Here I was hoping to stay in such a lovely establishment, but alas it seems I must seek refuge elsewhere."

Persuasion Check (d20): Roll = 6 (+1 per Harmonic Lvl) Total = 8

"Yes," she replies, returning to her book. "Quite the shame; I was hoping to keep a fellow bookworm like you around for a while longer."

You immediately burst into frantic stuttering. You were not expecting your wiles to falter so quickly, nor for them to be turned on you so thoroughly. Quick, beat a hasty retreat! Live to bluff another day!

"W-well, um, I c-could stay. I-I mean I don't have a lot of money, per se. B-but I'd be willing to, um, try and e-entertain you tonight as payment…."

You are officially a blubbering fool. A blubbering fool talking to a woman you're beginning to notice is quite pretty, observant, willing to talk to you and oh god did you just insinuate what you think you insinuated.

"N-not like that! I meant the tavern, with my mandolin, or something. Out here, on the main floor, in public, not… ungh." Sweet merciful heaven you are only making this worse.

To your relief, the Innkeep begins to chuckle to herself as she peeks at you from behind her novel. "However fun that'd be, I'm sorry to inform that we already have entertainment for the night."

And hearing that, your frantically beating heart begins to sink like a rock. "Oh…"

"Don't worry," She continues. "Tonight is the last night she's contracted to be here. We'll need someone to fill her role for the next week, and if you're willing I'll happily provide you a discount until you're done."

Revitalization! Just like that, your hopes are soaring once again. In spite of your overwhelming embarrassment, you can't help the smile that crosses your face. A guaranteed week of work is a fantastic opportunity, even if you're only getting a discount instead of the usual free lodging. On one hand, unless you're tipped well you'll still be losing money. On the other hand, a pretty lady has personally requested you to play at her venue. Ugh, but is the gain worth the cost? Decisions, decisions!


Accept the Innkeep's proposal?

[] Yes (Lodging at discounted price, evening time frame set to "Play at the Marching Mare" for the week)

[] No, pay in full (Lodging for the week, evening time frame free)

The sun seems like it'll be setting soon, what do you plan to do this evening?

[] Watch tonight's entertainment. Who dares steal your limelight?

[] Talk to the Innkeep further
-[] About what? (Write-in)

[] Go exploring (choose a cardinal direction)

[] Go to sleep (skip to morning/Soul Screening)
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You immediately burst into frantic stuttering. You were not expecting your wiles to falter so quickly, nor for them to be turned on you so thoroughly.
Even if we failed utterly, I doubt the city of this size only has a single inn even in this very district. We could very well find a better deal than at the very first inn the city guard pointed us towards. I suspect it's probably more expensive than other similar establishments of its kind, since it's meant to house travelers who don't know the city all that well or don't want to bother looking for better offers.

Also, how old is Den, again? He is referred to as a kid, but that can mean "anywhere in their teens" coming from older people.

[x] Yes (Lodging at discounted price, evening time frame set to "Play at the Marching Mare" for the week)
[x] Watch tonight's entertainment. Who dares steal your limelight?
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[x] Yes (Lodging at discounted price, evening time frame set to "Play at the Marching Mare" for the week)
[x] Watch tonight's entertainment. Who dares steal your limelight?
Even if we failed utterly, I doubt the city of this size only has a single inn even in this very district. We could very well find a better deal than at the very first inn the city guard pointed us towards. I suspect it's probably more expensive than other similar establishments of its kind, since it's meant to house travelers who don't know the city all that well or don't want to bother looking for better offers.
It wasn't a complete failure, you still got a potential job and discount out of it. Though you'd be right in guessing the place is a tourist trap. There are probably cheaper places in town but that'd require exploration and a little bit of luck on your side.

Also, how old is Den, again? He is referred to as a kid, but that can mean "anywhere in their teens" coming from older people.
Den's 21, but he doesn't act or look it. Most people would assume he's university age, but after interacting with him for about *checks watch* thirty seconds they'd change their guess. He's like a lot of isolated intelligent people, lagging a little in social or interpersonal areas (consequently making him seem less mature) but making up for it with stronger specializations or learning skills.

On a related note, the Character Sheet has been updated with a snippet of Den's backstory. I'd encourage speculation but if SV has taught me anything it's that speculative fans can accurately guess major plot points long before they become relevant. In other words, go wild and let's see how many secrets of the narrative you guys can figure out before Act 1 starts.
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[X] Yes (Lodging at discounted price, evening time frame set to "Play at the Marching Mare" for the week)
[X] Go exploring East
[x] Yes (Lodging at discounted price, evening time frame set to "Play at the Marching Mare" for the week)
[x] Watch tonight's entertainment. Who dares steal your limelight?
[x] Yes (Lodging at discounted price, evening time frame set to "Play at the Marching Mare" for the week)
[x] Watch tonight's entertainment. Who dares steal your limelight?

Path of the Spoony Bard, ho!
[x] Yes (Lodging at discounted price, evening time frame set to "Play at the Marching Mare" for the week)
[x] Watch tonight's entertainment. Who dares steal your limelight?
Prologue - 4. A Princess and Her Knight
[x] Yes (Lodging at discounted price, evening time frame set to "Play at the Marching Mare" for the week)
[x] Watch tonight's entertainment. Who dares steal your limelight?

You hide away in your corner as the dinner rush begins to trickle in. You're almost glad that you aren't playing tonight because no matter what you tried you were unable to fully calm the blood rushing to your cheeks. Every once in a while you sneak a peek over in Mary's direction, only to find her peeking right back at you with that treacherous smile.

Oh, the innkeep's name is Mary, by the way. It was one of those things she said after you agreed to play to her deal, but were too flustered to properly process. It was jumbled in there with some congratulations on the purchase as well as an exchange of coin. Now that you think about it, she asked for surprisingly little. It might have cost you a bit more than you normally liked to spend, but it was nowhere near the price she initially gave you. You glance her way, wondering why she'd do something like that for a complete strang- oh god she's making eye contact look away before she notices.

On account of the soft chuckling coming from her general direction, you're certain she did just that. So much for keeping your blush to a calm and manageable level. You breathe a heavy sigh of relief when the rush appears in full force and drags her attention away from you. You liked your limelight, but that was just plain awkward.

Speaking of the limelight, you quickly scan the room for anyone who might be tonight's entertainment. Most seem to be the usual crowd for a tavern, if a little wealthier. There's the workers playing card games at their table, a few guards relaxing for the evening, the stereotypical shady crowd in the back, a wealthy gentleman sipping wine with a much younger woman, a small family taking seats near the stage. Now that you're paying attention there seems to be a wider audience than usual for such a place. Are they all here for the girl who's playing tonight?

You spot a man and woman near the back, both about your age. The man has black hair and is in some sort of tunic, while the woman is wearing a plain dress that accents her blonde locks. They're standing there somewhat awkwardly, seemingly looking for a seat before the woman takes off towards the innkeep. The man glances around and, finding all the nearby tables full, begins to walk towards you.

It's at this point you realize that your corner booth is one of the only ones to still have empty seating. The giant pack seated next to you and the manuscripts spread across the table were probably what deterred other customers from intruding, though that doesn't seem to be stopping this man. You quickly begin to pack said objects away.

"Is this seat taken?" he asks, motioning opposite you. You shake your head as he sits down. "I'm David."

"Den," You reply, still cleaning the table. You notice his outstretched hand and hesitate for a moment before grasping it. "Nice to meet you."

He shakes it. He has a strong and calloused grip. He looks around the crowded room. "I assume you're here to see Aurelia perform?"

"Is that the girl who's playing tonight?" You ask. "I only got in town this afternoon and heard about it from the innkeep. Thought I'd see who the fuss was about." You follow David's wandering gaze. "It seems there's a lot of hype for her."

He nods. "With good reason." He seems like he's going to elaborate before pausing mid-breath. Whatever he was going to say is cut off as the sound of a harp softly fills the room

The crowded tavern quiets in less than a moment as the blonde from before, still dressed in that simple dress, stretches her fingers across the heavenly strings. The workers are frozen mid-play, the guards lower their drinks to the table, and even the hunched shoulders of the shady figures in the corner seem to relax. The couple pause with their fingers touching ever so subtly, and the children at the edge of the stage are all stock still, eyes wide as they watch the magic before them.

And what Magic it is. This isn't a mere feeling like your own, but something well beyond anything you've ever witnessed before. From her instrument stretch thin tendrils of magic that spiral and dance through the air, twisting and turning this way and that as they flow with her music. They weave patterns that pull on your heart with a terrible sense of familiarity, but your mind claims you've never seen anything like them.

And yet, your heart tells you these impossible shapes and symbols are the story of a broken Kingdom. That they are the pride that its walls could not be felled, and the horror when they burned instead. They are the desperate cries of help from a despairing people. They are the shattered dreams of a million slaves under a cruel dictator as any chance of escape fades into obscurity.

But they are, too, the unshakeable faith of a child who refuses to give in. They are the illogical assurance that there is still hope to be found. They are the cries of the poor, the weak, and the hopeless made into a rallying cry to hold desperately onto their faith. And it is that hope and faith which shine the strongest, breaking through the despair and filling you with a resolve to do anything and everything to take back the home which you'd lost, which that cruel Warlord had taken from you at any cost. You would climb any mountain, delve any depth, and cross any distance to regain the Kingdom which rightfully belonged to you. For your people, for your heritage, for your mother, and your broth-

Wait a moment.

You pull yourself out of your reverie, drenched in a cold sweat. That, that was nothing like you'd ever experienced. None of that was your own, not a single memory was yours, and yet it felt like you'd just relived your entire life in an instant. You look towards the woman, Aurelia, with awe. This was the true power of Harmonic Magic? To not only share your feelings, but your past, your history, your ambitions, your very soul?

You look across the table to your bro- to David. You can see the myriad emotions on his face, the pride, the wonder, the pain, the regret. At least this was your first time experiencing it, but you can't imagine what it must be like to relive your own life so vividly and publically.

"It was her last night," he says, perhaps catching your glance. "She wanted to leave an impact before we go."

"She did" you assure him, just as the song builds to its last crescendo. As she belts out the final note, the strings of magic glow brightly, filling the tavern with a warm, resolute light before bursting into nothingness. The crowd which had crammed into the building begins to stir as they exit their stupor. There is a moment of awkward quiet.

Aurelia begins to wilt as the silence grows oppressive. She grasps her harp tightly, like a lifeline, before she finally swallows and bows. She steps off the stage and hurriedly approaches your table, face burning with embarrassment.

"Come on, David. Let's go." She says, hurriedly. He pauses, a conflicted look crossing his face. "Come on." She urges, looking more and more uncomfortable by the second.

Finally, he nods and gets up. "Thank you for the seat." He says to you before holding his sister's arm and heading for the door.

It's as the duo are about to reach the door that the silence is broken by a single clap. Your eyes dart to the young woman from before, seated across the older gentleman. Tears are streaming down her face as she claps again. And again. And again.

Like a match to tinder, the room explodes into applause. Some people are shouting and whistling, others are crying uncontrollably, and everyone is visibly moved by young Aurelia's song. You find yourself cheering and clapping so hard your hands burn.

The siblings are frozen in the doorway like deer in the headlights. The shock on their faces is clear as day. It's only with great effort that Aurelia, tears flowing freely down her face, steps back inside and gives a proper bow. The cheering doubles.

You're quite alright with having your spotlight stolen by someone like her.


When the cheering dies down sometime later, the tavern is in full celebration mode. The chatter is lively loud, almost everyone has a smile plastered on their face, and the children are running free without a care in the world.

Your table is just as joyful if a bit subdued. Aurelia and David sit beside each other and across from you. Aurelia takes another drink of what you assume to be her fourth glass of water, still attempting to calm down. "I was certain we were about to be driven out of town."

"For that?" You ask, incredulous. "That was the greatest demonstration of Harmonic Magic I'd ever seen! And the song, the emotion!" You fall back into your seat. "I have no idea how you did it."

The siblings share a look. "Well, she's been practicing since the time she could speak." He informs.

"Mother always loved singing, and I wanted to make her proud." She fiddles with her glass. "It probably helps being the rightful heir of a royal bloodline of the literal Magical Kingdom, too."

That had struck you as odd, how the Zoroaster Kingdom didn't actually have a King or Royalty. You hadn't asked when you were there two weeks ago because, honestly, it hadn't seemed important. But from the hopes in Aurelia's song, it seemed these two were planning to start a civil war.

It's a little selfish, but you're honestly a little glad you left the country in time to avoid that. Who knows what would have happened to you if you'd been caught up in something crazy like that.

David puts a hand on her shoulder. "I think she'd be proud of you." The two smile at each other. You feel you've just caught a minor dose of diabetes.

"I'd love to stay and chat more about your Magic," you say, grabbing your pack. "But I just finished riding from Zoroaster to here, and I'm beat."

Aurelia nods. "I'm pretty exhausted, too." She flops against David somewhat unceremoniously. "I think I'll take a nap right here."

David gives you the most longsuffering look you've ever seen. You get the feeling he's not as excited to have a princess sleeping on him as most people would be. "Go on and sleep, I can handle 'her highness' here."

As wave them both goodnight and head to your room. You pass by the counter on your way upstairs, but curiously find another girl in the window instead of Mary. She probably went to bed, it was pretty loud and wild for a bit there and you doubt she would have been able to focus on her book.

As you enter your room you immediately spot the bed on your left. You dump the pack on the floor and flop onto the mattress, exhausted. You have just enough time to remember you have a Soul Screening tomorrow before the mattress's softness becomes too distracting and sleep overtakes you.


Good news, Prologue's almost over. No IC votes this time since you guys voted "yes" to the screening in the morning. You'll get an update tomorrow that lets you have fun with that (unless this project I've got due tomorrow night delays me, in which case you'll get the chapter Monday night/Tuesday morning), but for this time I'm asking you guys to vote about the entertainment you guys were hired to do.

However fun it would be for me to write seven future updates dedicated purely to you playing music in the Marching Mare, I don't know how fun it'd be for you guys to read. I'll give you some options to choose from, but if you think of a better idea feel free to write it in.


(OOC)How do you want me to handle the "Play at the Marching Mare" updates?

[] Write a short update with a unique song as the focus (may include lore and backstory snippets)

[] Merge with the afternoon votes (you'll get a short paragraph at the end of those updates mentioning anything important. This will progress time faster)

[] Interludes (view the Marching Mare scenes from someone else's view. May contain worldbuilding).

[] Write-in
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Finally, he nods and gets up. "Thank you for the seat." He says to you before holding his sister's arm and heading for the door.
They were heading for the door, and despite the roaring applause I've not seen them stop. I was fully confident they've left by the time the audience regained their wits, so the next scene caught me by surprise.
That had struck you as odd, how the Zoroaster Kingdom didn't actually have a King or Royalty. You hadn't asked when you were there two weeks ago because, honestly, it hadn't seemed important. But from the hopes in Aurelia's song, it seemed these two were planning to start a civil war.
I don't know how they do it in magical kingdoms, but I find it rather implausible that the royal family in exile with enough powerbase to start an insurgence let alone a civil war would be giving concerts at taverns spreading word of their intentions.

Then again, fantasy warlords are rarely good politicians and none of them ever read the Evil Overlord list.

[x] Merge with the afternoon votes (you'll get a short paragraph at the end of those updates mentioning anything important. This will progress time faster)

How you describe our daily activities would depend on what kind of quest this is, but I'd rather keep the momentum going. It is best to expand on the lore when people are hooked and can't get enough of the story, or when they are relevant to the decisions the character makes.
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[X] Interludes (view the Marching Mare scenes from someone else's view. May contain worldbuilding).
The Exiled Royalty of Zoroaster
They were heading for the door, and despite the roaring applause I've not seen them stop. I was fully confident they've left by the time the audience regained their wits, so the next scene caught me by surprise.
*eyes the quoted passage* Where the hell did the next line go?
Thank you for spotting that, edited for clarity. I swear I had a line there explaining she'd stopped.
giving concerts at taverns spreading word of their intentions.
I didn't say this in the post (because I was dead to the world when I finished writing) but I think I can provide an adequate explanation for that. David would likely have explained this to you as well, seeing as you admitted you'd been to Zoroaster and didn't recognize them.
The Royal Family of Zoroaster was run out of the capital about a generation ago. The King and Queen were killed in the invasion and the Princess was forced into hiding. The conquering Warlord put out a decree saying the Royal Family would not be harmed if they stayed out of the capital (which they have). This is all fairly common knowledge that the last generation would recall as the most important event in recent history. As far as most know, that's the end of it.
What David tells you is that the old Princess had a rebellious child in Aurelia, who on her eighteenth birthday dragged him along with her as she stormed the capital to demand her Kingdom back. The Warlord laughed in their faces before exiling the two from the nation by force. They've been seeking asylum in Zak for the past few years, and Aurelia has been moonlighting as a singer to make connections and get funds for her little revolution. She's more famous here for her musical ability than as a Princess, though people have suspected for a while. This was her big reveal before she goes off, but David doubts whether it was a wise idea to let her do it. He really can't say anything, though. She's the Princess, and he's just a knight who happens to be related to her. He does as she orders.
Alright, I am getting even more confused by this explanation.

First things first, did Aurelia tell her own story in the song, or does she have talent/magic to make the audience feel whatever she sings about, regardless of whether she lived it herself? At first I imagined the latter to be correct (bards singing about royalty of the past are a bit more common than royalty moonlighting as bards), but then Den mentioned magical music as an act of sharing one's soul, and there was this bit:
For your people, for your heritage, for your mother, and your broth-

Wait a moment.
You look across the table to your bro- to David.
At that point I was sure Aurelia sings about a personal experience, which makes David her brother, and Den mistakes him for his brother because he is in a magically induced trance that makes him feel what the singer feels.

But how can one be a brother to a Princess without bearing the title of a Prince? Why is he a knight subordinated to her?

Is he illegitimate, or something?
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Prince(?) David, Sworn Knight to Princess Aurelia
I understand you're confused, and your interest excites me. I'll go line by line for ease and try to fill in gaps that won't lead to spoiling a later plot.
First things first, did Aurelia tell her own story in the song, or does she have talent/magic to make the audience feel whatever she sings about, regardless of whether she lived it herself?
Both. Harmonic magic will, as stated before, amplify the feelings of the musician. They could potentially tell any story which meant something to them, whether they lived it or not. Den is proficient enough with this magic that he could probably put vague images in people's mind as they listen. Aurelia is a bit more talented than you (she's maxed out the stat) which means she can do a lot of cool stuff, and she told her own story, so she had plenty of strong emotions to bolster the magic she attempted. The combined aspects is what made it so powerful, allowing her to do something incredible that could put a crowd of 30+ people into a hypnotic trance.

TL;DR Aurelia told her own story, but anyone who max their stats, had strong emotional attachment to the story, and rolled a crit success could do the same.
But how can one be a brother to a Princess without bearing the title of a Prince?
Is he illegitimate, or something?
He's not of the royal bloodline of Zoroaster. He's grown up with them calling him "brother" and "son," but he's well aware that he's really nothing more than a lucky kid that the old Princess had pity on. Though as you obviously noted when Den was still fighting off Aurelia's influence, she doesn't see him as anything less than her dear brother.
Why is he a knight subordinated to her?
Everyone, including Den, might consider him the rightful Prince of Zoroaster even when knowing the truth, but David doesn't. He's a street rat that received more grace and mercy than he deserved. He plays as Aurelia's knight to protect her, as thanks for the kindness her family showed him, and because he doesn't see himself as worthy of much more. Whether that's an honorable or stupid decision is up to the opinion of the reader.
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Prologue - 5. The Soul Screaming
[x]Submit to a Soul Screening in the morning

Day 1 of incarceration

You exit the inn as sunlight starts to glint across the rooftops of Temple City. The streets are still coated in shadow, and your eyes are only somewhat adjusted. In the distant dark, a rickety cart rolls away, driven by two faint figures. You smile, silently wishing the two Zoroasters well before you turn the other way and start walking.

You amble through the shade of the unfamiliar city, taking care to watch your step on the cobbled road. In the cool of the morning, you find only a handful of people milling about. Most seem to be shopkeeps, stepping out of their venue to flip a sign or clean a window before going right back inside. You don't really notice them until they call out a greeting, which you return. You're having some trouble adjusting your eyes due to the glare coming off the Temple Synagogue's shining cap, and it's taking all your focus to keep you on the road.

The way you see it, the Synagogue's central location is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, there's not a street or alley in the city where it can't be seen. Even were it not situated atop a great rock, the spires and golden dome that stretch from the Synagogue's roof tower over everything except the high walls which encompass the sprawling cityscape. Each one shines in the morning sun like a golden beacon, beckoning pilgrims to approach. You couldn't miss your destination if you tried.

On the other hand, you could barely look at the building for fear of being blinded. You cover your eyes as a precaution and count yourself lucky that the road seems to be heading in the right direction.

It's nearly a half-hour later that you're close enough for the reflected sunlight to pass over you. When you can see again, you're able to more fully appreciate the Temple.

The towering structure rests atop a great rock in the center of a small lake. The island, if you could call it that, was about as wide as a small village and completely consumed by the religious center above it. From every cardinal direction extended a stone bridge to the shore. You assumed it was meant to make the place seem more holy, but it only made it seem more isolated.

As you cross one such bridge, you notice that more people seem to be out. Everyday citizens roam along its length, coming or going from their time of prayer. Nuns and monks are filling lamps with oil, while the occasional priest quietly nods as you pass before looking off into the distance, lost in thought. Even this early, the Temple is the heart of the city. And it beats sickly.

You cross the bridge and feel a strange wave pass over you. It's sudden and piercing like water was being poured through you. It lasts only a second before it fades, and you stand there for a moment trying to understand it.

"Does something trouble you, my son?" a voice questions from behind you. You quickly snap from your reverie and turn around.

Before you stands an old man dressed in a plain white tunic. He looks at you with eyes like the ocean, swirling with knowledge and wisdom.

"Are you a priest?" You ask the old man.

He smiles at you. "Of a sort. Is there something I can help you with?"

"I'm here for a Soul Screening."

"...I see. Follow me." He begins his ascent into the Temple Synagogue. You hesitate for a moment, then follow after him.


For a while, the two of you walk in silence. The old man leads you through a series of winding corridors and twisting halls dimly lit by oil lamps, up a handful of flights of stairs and down a dozen more. It is only once you have given up any chance of memorizing your path out that he speaks again.

"Tell me, are you a traveler?"

You nod, then realize that he can't see you. "Yes. I came here to study magic."

The old man hums. "If I may be so bold, why?"

You frown. Wasn't it obvious? "Because Zak is the only nation that has Spiritual Magic. No one, not even Zoroaster knows its secrets. Only mages who study in Temple City are able to use it."

"Yes." He says, stopping in front of a great pair of faded oak doors. "Only we teach the art of Spiritual Magic, as far as we know. Quite a rare Magic, if only one group in the whole world can wield it." He turns to you, his eyes hard. "So tell me, why would you travel all the way from Zoroaster, if not further, to take it? You obviously searched their libraries for it, if you knew it was sorely lacking. What about Spiritual Magic is so important to you that you would seek it out like this?"

You open your mouth to reply, but your words die in your throat. You're unable to meet his gaze for more than a few seconds. His eyes look through you, beyond any excuse you intended to give. You know he'll see right through any lie you tell. So you speak the truth.

"If I don't find the spell I need, I'll never see the people I love again."

The old man hums once again. "And if the spell you seek does not exist? What will you do then?"

"It exists." You know it. You're certain you wouldn't be here if it didn't.

The old man is not convinced. "And what if you're wrong?"

"If I'm wrong," you meet his gaze head-on. "Then I'm already dead to them." You can't help but smirk a little. "Might as well take the chance."

The old man stares at you for a moment longer, searching your eyes for something. Whatever he was looking for he must have found, as a smile began to cross his own face.

"Beyond this door is a Purification Chamber. When you enter, please remove all of your clothes and step into the water. After that, I shall conduct the Screening." He steps away, motioning to the handle. "It should not take too long, you'll be out before you know it."

You push your palm against the ancient wood, and the thick door swings wide without any more effort. Beyond the doorway are a series of stone steps leading into a pool of inky black water. The room has no light, save that coming from the lamps in the hall behind you
You take a hesitant step forward, and then another. On the third step, you hear the solid oak doors close shut behind you. You turn around, only to find nothing there. No wooden door, no old man, just more of the stone stairway, leading off into the void.

You turn back towards the pool, lit in an impossible blue glow. The light comes from nowhere, and yet you can clearly see the reflection of something on the liquid's surface.

You sigh as you begin to take off your clothes. At this point, you're convinced you're in some magical pseudo-realm created for the sake of the Screening. Best to just follow the priest's orders and get this whole thing over with.

In a moment you're standing at the edge of the pool dressed in your birthday suit. A breeze passes and you shiver. If this place is as artificial as you believe it to be, you have to wonder why the designer chose to make it so cold. Though as you take a step into the water, you realize that it's surprisingly warm. Step after step, you move into the pool until you're wading waist deep.
You whip your head around. What was that? For a moment, you swore you heard something…
There! Again, that strange sound echoed across the void. The water shakes, as though something was disturbing it.
You jump to the side as something bursts out of the water. You barely catch a glimpse of it, nothing more than a glance, but the sight of that thing turns your blood to ice. Your instincts scream at you to run, to hide, to cover yourself and cower from this creature. Whatever it is, you cannot let it touch you. Something deep inside you tells you that doing so would do something terrible to you.
The beast writhes in the water, twisting back on itself and propelling like a torpedo towards you. You dive to the side again and feel it pass within a hair's breadth of your back. Your skin feels clammy, your spine freezes up, and you desperately look for a way out of here.
"Get me out of here!" You scream to the priest, to God, to anyone who's willing to listen. "Please!" You twist away as it leaps at you once again, and you fall under the surface of the water for a moment. You close your eyes and suck in a breath just as you find yourself submerged.
You open your eyes.
You open your mouth.
You scream.
Blood. Blood, everywhere. Under the surface, the light shines far, far below you. Where the floor used to be is now a vast and empty void that extends as far as the eye can see. And the water which you swam in… you realize it was never that. It was blood. The whole time, the pool was filled with warm fresh blood.
The creature appears before you. A mass of writhing darkness, bending into and out of itself, taking on one shape for a moment before twisting into something with one dimension too many to be comprehensible before collapsing back into a pseudo-Euclidian form.
Suddenly, you feel an intense burning pain against your chest. You scream, agony you'd never experienced before coursing through you like wildfire.
N O !
The creature spasms violently. Tendrils lance out from it, grasping towards you before they begin to melt away into the bloody miasma around you. It thrashes, darkness curling inwards and outwards and shifting and burning and oh god it hurts it hurts it hurts make it stop make it stOP MAKE IT STOP OH GOD IT HURTS MAKE IT STOP
Your eyes snap open. You try to scream, but rather than your voice what comes out of your throat is a torrent of blood. You choke, you cough, you vomit up the stuff that had filled your lungs. You gasp and wheeze, tears rolling down your face as your lungs and your throat and your chest all burn.

"Son?!" A voice calls. It sounds familiar. Older, almost kind. You've heard it before, but you can't place it.

"Father, what can I do?" asks a second voice. Female. You've never heard this one before. You wonder wh-oh god there's still blood in your lungs. You begin to expel the dreaded liquid from your esophagus violently.

"Bring some water. And a spare change of clothes." The first voice commands.

The second hesitates. "I've never seen a Screening this bad since…" The second half goes fuzzy. Your head is pounding, your ears are ringing, and your chest still burns. You feel your balance go and your mind begin to slip.

"...ow, child! We're losing him!"

"R-right! Upon my bosom, find your rest, and in my soul…"

You pass out before you can hear anymore.


Prologue Completed. Loading Act 1...

Act 1 Loaded. Playing Disc.


The room was stuffy. Too stuffy. That was the first thing you came to focus on as the fuzziness in your mind faded and you awoke. How difficult it was to get a proper breath with how hot your lungs felt. The soft crackling of flames came next as the first bit of grogginess slipped away. You frown. You don't remember having a fireplace in the Marching Mare. Where was that coming from?

In a moment you will never forget, you open your eyes.

Right in front of you is the face of a beautiful young woman, blue hair framing her delicate face. Her head rests softly against your stomach, a worried look across her face. She twitches oddly every now and then, and her hand clasps at something that isn't there. Looking at her, you feel an incredible sense of concern and relief well up inside you. And that… doesn't make any sense to you. Right now, nothing does.


What do you do now? (Pick 2)

[] Focus on the girl
-[] wake her
-[] grab her hand
-[] become her
[] Survey the room

[] Examine your chest
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The room was stuffy. Too stuffy. That was the first thing you came to focus on as the fuzziness in your mind faded and you awoke. How difficult it was to get a proper breath with how hot your lungs felt. The soft crackling of flames came next as the first bit of grogginess slipped away. You frown. You don't remember having a fireplace in the Marching Mare. Where was that coming from?

In a moment you will never forget, you open your eyes.

Right in front of you is the face of a beautiful young woman, blue hair framing her delicate face.

[x] Examine your chest
[x] Focus on the girl
-[x] become her

It's tempting by how out-of-context this is.
Normally you don't offer hidden choices, because there usually is a good reason why you don't show them with the rest.
Let's discover it.
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