Lets Get To It! Rwby Ideas/discussion Thread

What about Glavenus?

edgey sword rex
For Adam? I already considered it as one of the top choices for him, but that's only if you don't want to use it for one of the other "big blade" characters like Ruby. Maybe give him one of the variants like Acidic or Hellblade to feed into how super speshul he considers himself to be. I still lean towards Deviljho for him more due to its attitude and behavior (although it could be matched with Cinder as well for the whole mindless raging hunger thing).
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For Adam? I already considered it as one of the top choices for him, but that's only if you don't want to use it for one of the other "big blade" characters like Ruby. Maybe give him one of the variants like Acidic or Hellblade to feed into how super speshul he considers himself to be. I still lean towards Deviljho for him more due to its attitude and behavior (although it could be matched with Cinder instead for the whole mindless raging hunger thing).

I figure Ruby would be more Hunter or other, while Blake and more Fang related characters are of the Rider side of things
What if the UNSC discovered Remnant during the Insurrection and attempted to annex them, several years before they ever encountered the Covenant?

You know I actually like this idea a good bit, though I think the UNSC would more likely use a carrot and stick approach rather than a straight forward invasion. Offering protection and trade deals all sorts of goodies, something I could see Atlas and Mistral's leadership jumping on while Vale, Vacuo, and Menagerie would be far more resistant. Kinda tempted to take my own crack at this concept to be honest, our heroes dealing with a Vichy Earth scenario except it's an Earth-based government that's the antagonist.

The Covenant:
If I recall their issue with humanity was them being deemed the true heirs to the Forerunners & or Primordial and wanting to wipe them out as a result right? If so, would they have any issue with Remnantians who very pointedly would not share that genetic origin point regardless of aesthetic similarities? Cos if can tell the different, then Remnant just got an ally... Kinda XD

That was the reason why the Covenant's Leadership launched their genocidal crusade against mankind. Those outside this small circle were told that humanity was an affront to the Gods and their presence on so many worlds rich with forerunner artifacts was blasphemous. Being a population of deranged zealots the general response was 'seems legit, dues vult!' or however that goes. Trying to convince them that Remnants humans shouldn't be targeted for extermination just isn't going to work. They'd just be 'humans with unholy powers' and Faunus would be 'humans with extra' part. Trying to convince the Covenant otherwise is a doomed endevour.

I'm reminded of how Iberia's Jewish populace claimed to have been present in the peninsula since biblical times as way to convince their Christian neighbors and rulers that they shouldn't be blamed for Christ's death since thier ancestors weren't in Palestine when that happened. A claim that meant nothing since the general viewpoint was that all Jewish people were guilty. Even though it was the Romans who did the deed. At the end of the day the public justification for this persicution and expulsion was a desire to create a religiously and ethnically homaginus Spain along with the siezing of wealth and property from the other.

The UNSC was dealing with the Insurrection for something like thirty years with no stopping in sight & the war started back up again after the Covenant was dealt with, indicating that however much they "Lost popular support because terrorism" they clearly hadn't lost that much among their own. Honestly it kind of feels, just based on the wiki summary, that the world builders couldn't decide if the Insurrection was an actual organized rebellion, or the stereotypical "Bomb throwing anarchists" cos like, we know how "Civilians with regular equipment try to fight the government" goes, badly.

So, acting on the assumption the Insurrection is actually a functional military threat they are already gonna be having issues. Adding to that is the fact agents from the Insurrection will likely discover Remnant first, or have an easier time getting there and or potentially collaborating or offering mutual aid. Mostly because the Insurrection is outer territories & if Remnant is a new discovery its likely out territories too.

Yeah the writing for Insurrection was not the best.

The assumption that makes most sense is that the Insurrection is a blanket term for a broad number of cooperative rebel movements that very in size, equipment, and motivation.

Touching on the comments about the Grimm, UNSC weaponary is pretty formidable stuff. Orbital based weaponary would be useful against the kaiju grimm as well as larger hordes. Cordinated formations of air and land vehicles would be great Grimm counters, even infantry with the right kit and support could do a lot against them. Not to mention the scale of what the UNSC could field to boot, of course the more esoteric Grimm could as you say circumvent these strengths in many horrible ways. Not to mention Salem herself though I imagine in the initial years she'd be playing possum and watching how things play out.

So I could see the UNSC securing control of Remnant and said control being eroded as the locals better organize and the more esoteric aspects of Remnant prove more and more difficult to deal with as the war with the Covenent spirals out of control.
That was the reason why the Covenant's Leadership launched their genocidal crusade against mankind. Those outside this small circle were told that humanity was an affront to the Gods and their presence on so many worlds rich with forerunner artifacts was blasphemous. Being a population of deranged zealots the general response was 'seems legit, dues vult!' or however that goes. Trying to convince them that Remnants humans shouldn't be targeted for extermination just isn't going to work. They'd just be 'humans with unholy powers' and Faunus would be 'humans with extra' part. Trying to convince the Covenant otherwise is a doomed endevour.
Depending on when this happens it may be before the Covenant has even started their war with Earth, plus I would note that I am pretty sure many in the Covenant found the treatment of humans weird. Apparently there's an exchange between two of the warrior types regarding how strange it is that humanity have put up such a good fight but have not yet been offered membership in the Covenant.

I would also note that the Grunts had a full on rebellion because of their treatment and rather than getting the 'dues vult' treatment were basically acknowledged as far more formidable than previously expected and awarded more rights.

Add in that Aura could be potentially hugely useful and I am not sure I agree that the Covenant would just mindlessly attack.

Then again I find "Evil multi species coalition bad & un-thinking" to have been a meh story point in universe anyway XD

Yeah the writing for Insurrection was not the best.

The assumption that makes most sense is that the Insurrection is a blanket term for a broad number of cooperative rebel movements that very in size, equipment, and motivation.

Touching on the comments about the Grimm, UNSC weaponary is pretty formidable stuff. Orbital based weaponary would be useful against the kaiju grimm as well as larger hordes. Cordinated formations of air and land vehicles would be great Grimm counters, even infantry with the right kit and support could do a lot against them. Not to mention the scale of what the UNSC could field to boot, of course the more esoteric Grimm could as you say circumvent these strengths in many horrible ways. Not to mention Salem herself though I imagine in the initial years she'd be playing possum and watching how things play out.

So I could see the UNSC securing control of Remnant and said control being eroded as the locals better organize and the more esoteric aspects of Remnant prove more and more difficult to deal with as the war with the Covenent spirals out of control.
Evidently XD

I think that makes a lot of sense and would also help explain why they never strictly form their own distinct faction or political body, because beyond a general antagonism with the UNSC, there's not a lot of unified ideology of methodology.

I feel like I already addressed all of these points in my original post so not sure what to say here, sorry genuinely not trying to be rude but as far as I can tell I bring up and addressed all these points and I am unsure this really challenges anything I said so not sure what to offer :/

Sorry I hope I don't come off as confrontational here, I am very thankful for the like & the response and its cool to see you here.
Here's a White Fang worldbuilding idea from something I found on Reddit:

How about creating WF splinters based off of the real-life IRA naming scheme for anti-treaty militants?

Provisional White Fang, Continuity White Fang, Real White Fang, Official White Fang, New White Fang, White Fang Brotherhood, Revolutionary White Fang, Authentic White Fang, etc. etc.
Crossposting from SB and Doubleposting:

Question: Would making a RWBY/Fallout fusion even... work?

Say that Salem managed to bring down Ozma's "King of Vale" persona during the Great War, causing the war to grind to a stalemate. Eventually, the Mantleans manage to achieve uranium fission and force the Valeans to concede. Mere years later, Mistral and Mantle come to blows over a naval incident, and the two atomic-armed nations blast each other to bits.

Vale = New Valean Republic
Vacuo = Monarchy centered on Vacuan King, intermarried with Mantlean CEO family.
Argus = Argus city-state, cross-cultural Mistralean-Mantlean influence
Mistral = warlord zone, rampant slavery
Atlas = Grand Atlesian Enclave*, strip-mines the corpse of Solitas below for minerals

*When Ozma reincarnated, they still hoped lifting Atlas off the ground would be beneficial. One of his Atlesian allies completed the project while Ozma was still trying to get used to his new host. Additionally, the Great War encouraged Atlesian industries to build factories on Atlas.
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I am now mirroring Red Ruin on this site.

Edit: Since I highly doubt most people know what it's about, it's a crossover with First Encounter Assault Recon of all things, and the story goes... more or less like this:
Red Ruin

Years ago...

Qrow Branwen took a sip from his flask. He glanced at the small girl seated next to him on some fallen log and felt deeply sorry for her; Yang had the everything of someone in desperate need of a sip herself, but Qrow wasn't about to offer.

"You've gone all quiet, Firecracker," he drawled.

The blonde said nothing. It wasn't like Yang to be quiet, and that worried Qrow more than he was going to admit. Hell, she was as quiet as...

Qrow looked in front of him.

Ruby stared back. It was a blank, emotionless stare that seemed focused on something somewhere inside your skull, and the deep, deep dark circles around those silver eyes only emphasized it.

Ruby stared at him some more, and then went back to staring at Yang.

The younger of Qrow's nieces looked bizarrely unperturbed by what had nearly happened. Sure, both of them looked like hell, but Ruby always looked like hell to some extent, depending on when she last slept. If anything, she looked a little better- at least she wasn't flinching or crying out at things only she could see. Or whispering.

Qrow had only seen Ruby this calm when Summer had been alive.

Yang, on the other hand... She'd blurted out everything to Qrow after he'd killed the Beowolves, and then fallen into a silence that he didn't like one bit.


"Where is she?" Yang asked. Qrow didn't need to guess who "she" was.

"No idea, Firecracker," he admitted, "she talks to me, sometimes. Messages. Nothing to trace her by."

A long, long silence.

"... Does she ask about us?"


"... Could she come back?"

"She could, maybe." A sigh. "She won't. And trust me, I've tried to get her back enough times to know."

Small hands gripped the edge of her blouse, and Yang lowered her head.

A small part of Qrow wanted to slap some sense into Taiyang. The rest of him understood that the man had quite a few reasons to have taken Summer's death (and it had to be death; nothing else would've kept her away) as hard as he had, and that he was hardly a comforting sort of presence.

Ruby tilted her head, one way and then the other. She kept staring at Yang. The red cloak that Summer had gifted her shrouded her and pooled onto the floor. Qrow saw Yang look up at her sister, and then Ruby was suddenly half a meter further from them than she had been.

Yang winced. "Sorry," she whispered.

Ruby said nothing. Did nothing. Just stared and stared.

The word had been like an apparition, coming from absolutely nowhere and then leaving so quickly you were almost sure you'd imagined it. Qrow couldn't even quite remember having heard it; it was just... there. Soft and harsh and a bit too much like the whispers that followed his niece around for Qrow's piece of mind.

"I'm sorry," Yang said, a little louder, "I shouldn't have come here. It's just..." A hiccup. "I promised mom I'd take care of you, but it's just so... So..."

Yang fell silent.
"... My fault."​
"It's not," Qrow snapped, "Don't ever think that. You didn't ask for any of this."
And boy did Ruby have a glare on her. Positively milk-curdling material. Qrow was almost impressed.

"Isn't," he drawled.
"My fault."​
Qrow snorted. "Kid, if you go around claiming everything bad that ever happens as something you're responsible for, you'll never stop trying to make up for it." A sip from his flask. "You'll always be running yourself ragged and feeling miserable. And that ain't any way to live. This was Yang's fu- mistake," he hastily corrected himself again; being around Harlan was contagious in all the worst ways, "and kids like you two make 'em all the time --heck, this isn't even half as stupid as some of the things I got up to when I was your age."

Yang sniffled.

Ruby didn't move. Which is why Yang was so startled when she glanced up and saw her little sister suddenly in arm's reach.
"... Promise."​
Yang blinked. "Wha?"
"Promise you won't burn."​
That phrase made no sense to Qrow, and it was about the most words Ruby had ever said in one go with him to hear. But Yang seemed to understand; she sat straight up and looked at Ruby in the eye.

"I promise."

Again, Ruby didn't move. Not immediately.

She shuffled closer to Yang, bit by bit. Stopping often. Retreating once. Advancing again.

Qrow watched the whole thing in fascination. Yang was being about as patient as Yang could be. Sometimes she looked about to urge Ruby to move faster, but bit her lip and visibly forced herself to settle down.

Ever so slowly, Ruby made it to the log, and crawled onto it, red cloak bunched up around herself. She trembled once and, with a cry, threw herself at Yang.

Yang froze. Wordlessly, she put her arms around her little sister and pulled her tight. Ruby squrimed, but then, almost immediately, went still.
"... Warm."​
"... Huh," Qrow said, "I thought she hates being touched."

"S-she does." Yang sounded and looked as shocked as Qrow felt, "she doesn't even let me get close..."

"She thinks I'm gonna burn her."
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So, this post ont he main thread:

Left me musing on an Epic/Odyssybut with RWBY characters, I went through a ton of characters, trying to align people best, but then had two perotags and multiple villains and it became a whole thing. Anyway, I realized that one could actually smooth things out a lot by picking a protag and one villainous/morally questionable group that best fit them and going along those routes.

IE, I feel Blake or Ruby are the best fits for Odysseus with Yang being Blake's spouse and Penny or Weiss being Ruby's.

Meanwhile for the Zeus and say Poseidon could easily be the brothers but to keep it factions, the Olympians could easily be say, the White Fang for Blake and some hangers on with the various foes being Salem's canonical followers or Atlas's. Meanwhile for Ruby it could be Salem's entourage with some add ons, like the conspiracy. Bother Blake & Ruby could easily find a looming egomaniacal threat with like one or two none hateful assholes in Atlas being made the Olympians and so on.

Thus rendering it more a case of what story one wants to tell and who fits best.

Like Salem can make an amazing Scylla and be the thing Ironwood-Poseidon fears, but its not like there aren't women covering Thunder Bringer, ;) and so on.
So, this post ont he main thread:

Left me musing on an Epic/Odyssybut with RWBY characters, I went through a ton of characters, trying to align people best, but then had two perotags and multiple villains and it became a whole thing. Anyway, I realized that one could actually smooth things out a lot by picking a protag and one villainous/morally questionable group that best fit them and going along those routes.

IE, I feel Blake or Ruby are the best fits for Odysseus with Yang being Blake's spouse and Penny or Weiss being Ruby's.

Meanwhile for the Zeus and say Poseidon could easily be the brothers but to keep it factions, the Olympians could easily be say, the White Fang for Blake and some hangers on with the various foes being Salem's canonical followers or Atlas's. Meanwhile for Ruby it could be Salem's entourage with some add ons, like the conspiracy. Bother Blake & Ruby could easily find a looming egomaniacal threat with like one or two none hateful assholes in Atlas being made the Olympians and so on.

Thus rendering it more a case of what story one wants to tell and who fits best.

Like Salem can make an amazing Scylla and be the thing Ironwood-Poseidon fears, but its not like there aren't women covering Thunder Bringer, ;) and so on.

Odysseus - Ruby

Eurylochus (who I hear was Ody's Brother-In-Law) - Blake

Polites (the sunshine with open arms) - Penny

Circe - Coco
So Ruby pretending to be insane to try to get out of going to war?

That was not brought up in the musical, but yes Ody did try to get out of participating in the Trojan War because an oracle prophesised a long delayed return home. Given his beloved wife had given birth to their son not long before it is perfectly understandable for Ody not want to leave home.
That was not brought up in the musical, but yes Ody did try to get out of participating in the Trojan War because an oracle prophesised a long delayed return home. Given his beloved wife had given birth to their son not long before it is perfectly understandable for Ody not want to leave home.

Well that and getting dragged off basically just because one guy's wife left his ass.
RWBY riot quest idea:

Set five years before canon, the players control seven minor organizations and groups of their own creation, all scattered across Remnant. Each turn is split between six months, with the players voting on what direction or actions the seven groups take to further their own disparate goals in revolting against the status quo and creating a more equitable society on Remnant. The quest will continue even when canon is reached, increasing the possibility of interacting with the major plot (and possibly getting violently disbanded by crisis events of hostile forces).

Options include active Huntsmen/Huntress teams, White Fang chapters, worker unions, military or volunteer militia units, protest groups, private companies, secret societies, and more.
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(Apologies for double posting)

I was talking with Whale on SB about Red Ruin, and it got us thinking:

With the exception of the Ace Ops and Huntsmen/Huntresses, the majority of the Atlesian Armed Forces' non-robotic rank-and-file troops seem to be mostly human.

Obviously, some of this can be explained as RT animation limitations and an in-universe general distaste among Faunus for the Atlesian military, but could there be an additional reason?

Is it possible that Atlas still has segregated combat and non-combat formations (outside of the Ace Operatives and Huntsmen)?
(Apologies for double posting)

I was talking with Whale on SB about Red Ruin, and it got us thinking:

With the exception of the Ace Ops and Huntsmen/Huntresses, the majority of the Atlesian Armed Forces' non-robotic rank-and-file troops seem to be mostly human.

Obviously, some of this can be explained as RT animation limitations and an in-universe general distaste among Faunus for the Atlesian military, but could there be an additional reason?

Is it possible that Atlas still has segregated combat and non-combat formations (outside of the Ace Operatives and Huntsmen)?
Well there's also the fact that the troop uniforms conceal the entire body other than the mouth (since they're generic mooks), so any non-protruding faunus features would be covered up. But the Atlas military can still be discriminatory without being officially segregated (since even Jacques Schnee has to pretend he's an equal opportunity employer at his own high class party).

I've seen theorizing that Tortuga, the fallen Ace Ops member who Marrow recently replaced, could've been a tortoise faunus. In which case, it could be a form of Tokenism to just have one faunus member position on the Ace Ops, and that kind of unspoken bias would be consistent throughout the rest of Atlas' military.
Would bagpipes be an Atlesian/Mantlean instrument, or a Valean one?

If Flynt gets a trumpet for a weapon, I don't see why someone wouldn't have bagpipes for a weapon.

Part sonic emitter, part machine gun, part actual instrument.

View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=SyX-ffcxC_8

you bring up the weaponized trumpet

here is a weaponized trumpet (at least for one clip, but it is his primary weapon)

View: https://youtu.be/Qbi6PxtiE-8?si=K2s4bj1a-54XQPZi&t=273
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had a thought
RWBY x TMNT crossover
Instead of falling into the Ever After, RWBY, Jaune and Neo end up in New York.

Yang: Why does the after life look like Mantle?
What about a crossover with Genndy Tartakovsky's Sym-Bionic Titan?

The Galalunian trio land on Remnant rather than Earth.
Julius Steel is an Atlesian general under Ironwood's command.
Solomon is a Valean militia commander and one of Ozpin's inner circle members.
I feel like you can just composite Steel and Ironwood by giving the latter the former's role in the series, given Ironwood's descent.
Part of me wants to keep them separate. Ironwood is commander-in-chief and Huntsmen-trained, but Steel directly commands the Altesian task force protecting the Vytal Festival and Project HMER (Heavy Mechanized Emergency Robot), a larger variant of Cordovin's Colossus.
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Sorry for the belated responses!

Also never watched Sym-Bionic Titan, nothing to add there sorry ><
Odysseus - Ruby
Eurylochus (who I hear was Ody's Brother-In-Law) - Blake
Polites (the sunshine with open arms) - Penny
Circe - Coco
Definitely fair and viable picks to be sure, though by that same token, Blake as Odysseus, Ruby as the brother in law, & I guess Sun kind of works, but I do see your point that overall Ruby meshes better.
Well that and getting dragged off basically just because one guy's wife left his ass.
She was kidnapped.
Options include active Huntsmen/Huntress teams, White Fang chapters, worker unions, military or volunteer militia units, protest groups, private companies, secret societies, and more.
This sounds like fun but that many orgs per player sounds like a lot to micromanage.
Is it possible that Atlas still has segregated combat and non-combat formations (outside of the Ace Operatives and Huntsmen)?
Given it is still entirely legal to segregated Faunus in business or public places, I think its possible, though I also imagine its not overt policy and more like intense biase, with few making it through application, or training if they do, let alone their first assignment if they make it that far.
Yang: Why does the after life look like Mantle?
Hahaha XD

But yeah definitely some potential there!