As of this moment, you would be in a slugging match that no one, not even the British, wants to be a part of. And Frankly, Russia would win, but barely. It would depend entierly on what happens in Germany, and if Russia either steamrolls the HRE and Austria, or they managed to cow them.
How strong is Austria's army as of right now? How much can they muster up after the civil war in the Balkans gets cleared up? Was thinking that France + Austria could withstand a Russian offensive if Prussia is suitably cowed/annexed. I guess a hypothetical slug match between the Franco-Austrian alliance and Coalition (Britain, Prussia, Russia) would depend on how good our power bloc rolls during peace and wartime. But then, again maybe it's best to prevent war altogether by making war with us so costly for Russia (and British because they bankroll everyone) that they just don't fight. Winning against Prussia handily could make Alexander wary of war with us, though he's still ambitious and hot-blooded as he wasn't humbled from an Austerlitz... yet.
1. Lack of a powerful navy to counter the British, and assert dominance over its neighbors in a way that would defend the Russian Heartland
Somes line from Wikepedia about the state of the Imperial Russian navy as of 1787: The Black Sea Fleet possessed 35 line-of-battle ships and 19 frigates (1787), and the Baltic Fleet had 23 ships of the line and 130 frigates (1788). In the early 19th century, the Russian Navy consisted of the Baltic and Black Sea Fleets,
Caspian Flotilla,
White Sea Flotilla and
Okhotsk Flotilla.
During the
Napoleonic Wars, the Russian Navy had limited sea-going capability, with the 1802 Committee to Improve the Condition of the Navy concluding that the dire state of the ships of the Baltic Fleet, suffering as they did from extensive rot and a lack of copper plating, was incapable of defending
Kronstadt and
St Petersburg.
In essence, I guess Russia will only ever get a large, quality fleet if they start to roll godly. Then, again Tsar Nicholas I did expand the Russian navy in 1825.
2. Trying to secure its own borders from Austrian and French allied opposition.
I mean, Alexander could just ally with us but then again, Austria might not be so happy what with the Russians funding partisans. Then again, he would only ally with us if British naval superiority gets significantly weaker; or ours get significantly stronger, which would only happen if we allied with new Spain (probably not happening what with Old World Spain being our ally) or America.
3. Secure itself in arms.
Is Russia rolling for army reforms? I would rather not face a well-trained Imperial Russian Army that received reforms ala the Prussians. We flat-out just lose in a prolonged war I think. unless we can get the upper hand strategically (extremely hard) or tactically (very possible).
That's literally an option to not only get rewards and roll bonuses, but add them into the story.
Go for it.
Use any sheet that has been posted for guidence.
Will do. Just want to show support of this wonderful quest in a more meaningful/explicit way.
also, is there a map of the world as of 1799? If not I might try to make one