Installation Class Quest (A CK2 Style Quest)

Interlude: DESS!
Interlude: DESS!
Kongou didn't have complicated goals. Survive the war, woo the admiral, drink as much tea as possible. All of these things came naturally to her, along with her secret shortcuts, but the thing that came naturally to her the most? Caring. It didn't matter who was in need, what they needed, or how to get it, if someone was feeling down Kongou was your gal.
However... these new girls seemed off. Nothing was wrong with them physically or mentally (Although some of their names didn't quite fit with what she remembered; She had gone through the American WW2 ship list and memorized it to ensure that a good first impression could be made), but emotionally... Something was wrong. Especially Arizona. She seemed... burdened. Almost as if she had too much on her metaphorical plate, but didn't want to say anything about it. It reminded her of her first admiral, Admiral Taichi. He was newly promoted after the Surgical strike on Japanese high command, and that was his first assignment. He was full of vigor, and drive to do his job. However, because of his rapid promotion, he wasn't prepared to deal with paperwork, and it crushed him.
After only a year and a half, he was found collapsed in the hallway. It was determined he had had a stress related breakdown, and emotional burnout. Afterwards, he was honorably discharged. Just before he left, Kongou had questioned the former Admiral. Before the incident, he had always been smiling. Kongou had never understood it, why smile so much in such a serious position? When she repeated her question to the Admiral and he replied "Why do I smile? Well, I smile because I am alive. I could be dead, I could have been crippled, or worse. In fact, I am crippled! I also smile because I know my family is alive. They are alive and out of harm's way, close to the middle of the island. But most importantly? I smile, because the only alternative is to cry. And this planet does not need criers, it needs laughers and screamers and Smilers. That, Kongou is why I smile so much".
And afterwards, Kongou decided to start smiling too, no matter the situation. It was also why she tried so hard to cheer everyone else up. She hadn't told anyone why she smiled, merely because no one had asked. And she would continue to smile, no matter what. After all, all you need to do is Smile, and the World will Smile with you.

(AN: Hopefully I didn't keep you waiting too long, I've never been good at writing prose. I originally tried for a comedy piece, but thought a look behind the mask would fit better. Regular turns will start up after this.)
Interlude: DESS!
Kongou didn't have complicated goals. Survive the war, woo the admiral, drink as much tea as possible. All of these things came naturally to her, along with her secret shortcuts, but the thing that came naturally to her the most? Caring. It didn't matter who was in need, what they needed, or how to get it, if someone was feeling down Kongou was your gal.
However... these new girls seemed off. Nothing was wrong with them physically or mentally (Although some of their names didn't quite fit with what she remembered; She had gone through the American WW2 ship list and memorized it to ensure that a good first impression could be made), but emotionally... Something was wrong. Especially Arizona. She seemed... burdened. Almost as if she had too much on her metaphorical plate, but didn't want to say anything about it. It reminded her of her first admiral, Admiral Taichi. He was newly promoted after the Surgical strike on Japanese high command, and that was his first assignment. He was full of vigor, and drive to do his job. However, because of his rapid promotion, he wasn't prepared to deal with paperwork, and it crushed him.
After only a year and a half, he was found collapsed in the hallway. It was determined he had had a stress related breakdown, and emotional burnout. Afterwards, he was honorably discharged. Just before he left, Kongou had questioned the former Admiral. Before the incident, he had always been smiling. Kongou had never understood it, why smile so much in such a serious position? When she repeated her question to the Admiral and he replied "Why do I smile? Well, I smile because I am alive. I could be dead, I could have been crippled, or worse. In fact, I am crippled! I also smile because I know my family is alive. They are alive and out of harm's way, close to the middle of the island. But most importantly? I smile, because the only alternative is to cry. And this planet does not need criers, it needs laughers and screamers and Smilers. That, Kongou is why I smile so much".
And afterwards, Kongou decided to start smiling too, no matter the situation. It was also why she tried so hard to cheer everyone else up. She hadn't told anyone why she smiled, merely because no one had asked. And she would continue to smile, no matter what. After all, all you need to do is Smile, and the World will Smile with you.

(AN: Hopefully I didn't keep you waiting too long, I've never been good at writing prose. I originally tried for a comedy piece, but thought a look behind the mask would fit better. Regular turns will start up after this.)

Threadmark please
Turn 13
Well, no matter how worried you are for your girls, there's nothing you can do about it. All you can do right now is press foreward with what you have, and not regret it!

Choose TWO of each:

Martial: (1 locked in)

[] Build some stuff: Use your Factories that have been silent to churn out some machines. They will be useless until you get more gremlins, but it's better to have and not need then need and not have, right? Cost: Varied. Reward: Vehicles or weapons that can be used by new gremlins. Chance for success 85%
[] Infantry weapons (Battalion's worth): 6 Material per Brigade
[] Armored Battalion: 14 Material per Brigade
[] Rotor Plane Squadron: 16 Material per Wing
[] Modern Jet squadron: 30 Material per Wing
[] Modern Bomber squadron: 34 Material per Wing

[] Naval Industry: Use some of the Blueprints you got to create some ships. Cost: Varied. Reward: Ships. Chance for success 100%
[] Clemson Class Destroyer: 10 Material, Takes 1 turn
[] Gearing Class Destroyer: 15 Material, Takes 1 turn
[] Fletcher Class Destroyer: 15 Material, Takes 1 turn
[] Atlanta Class Cruiser: 20 Material, Takes 2 turns
[] Brooklyn Class Cruiser: 25 Material, Takes 2 turns
[] Baltimore Class Heavy Cruiser: 40 Material, Takes 3 turns
[] Alaska Class Battle Cruiser: 45 Material, Takes 3 turns
[] Yamato Class Battleship: 70 Material, Takes 5 turns
[] Iowa Class Battleship: 65 Material, Takes 4 turns
[] Lexington class Aircraft Carrier: 80 Material, Takes 5 turns
[] Gato Class Submarine: 50 Material, Takes 3 turns
[] Type VII Submarine: 55 Material, Takes 3 turns
(12/20 Berths being used)

[] Consolidation: Take some of your troops and have them occupy an island. Takes 2 turns. Reward: More land to build on. Chance for success: Varies (As there is no presence on the other islands, this will be 100%. If hostiles do take an island, this will change.)

[] A walk on the high side: Take some particularly talented Military gremlins and put them under the tutelage of the command staff. Takes 3 turns. Reward: More Commander prospects for prolonged Military engagements. Chance for Success: 60%


Not much to do really... (+1 Action to Personal)


[] My new magic materials: Use your new found aptitude in manipulation atoms to create some raw materials. Reward: +200 materials. Chance of success 100% (30% to double rewards)

[] Putting the fine in refinery: Create some refineries at the resource deposits that are on the islands. Cost: 50 Material per refinery (Remember, you can put 2 per deposit.) Chance for success 75%

[] Big Bertha: Expand the Naval shipyard you have to increase production. Takes 2 turns Cost: 20 material. Reward: +5 Naval Production Slots. Chance for success 85%

[] Write in? (Nothing too outrageous people.)


[] Truly tuning in: Listen to US military frequencies to try and find out any operations. Reward: Know what the military is doing in the next turn. Chance for success 75%

[] The power of the internet: Go on the internet and try and find news about anything important. Reward: Civilian News tells you something useful. Chance for success 90%

[] Satellite Hijack: Hack the orbital satellites to get a much better view of the world. Reward: Global Viewpoint Chance for success 30%

[] Sneaky Sneaky...: Take some Talented gremlins and have them learn high level espionage. Reward: spies that can blend in. Takes 3 turns. Chance for success 60%


[] Soul sensor quality: Attempt to increase the fine tuning of your soul sensor to recruit higher quality spirits. Reward: Gain 50 XP in Soul sensing skill. Chance for success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)

[] Omnimancy training: Try and advance your control and knowledge of Atomic manipulation. Reward: +50 EXP to Atomic manipulation skill. Chance of success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)

[] Shipgirling: Use your abilities in soul sensing and atomic manipulation to find some ship spirits and build them some bodies. Takes 2 turns Reward: New girls to help out. Chance for Success 80%

Learning (1 Locked):

[] Blueprint diving: Go on the internet to try and find some usable blueprints for later use. Reward: Possible new ships to produce. Chance for Success 75% (35% to find multiple.)

[X] SOOPER SMOL SHIP MISSILES (SSSM): Take your knowledge of how to make proper SAMs, and combine it with the offensive capabilities of your cruise missiles to make ship borne missile launchers. Takes 2 turns. Reward: Certain Shipgirls will gain a missile pod, which can attack and ignore defense rolls. However, it does not negate dodge rolls, so use them wisely. Cost 45 Material. Chance for success 60%

[] Taking the troops to them: Find a way to make some dedicated transports, from drop ships to Hover boats to APCs. Reward: Gremlin Movements will take half the time to reach a destination. Takes 2 turns. Chance for success 65%


[] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)

[] Know thy friends, Know thy self: Interact with the Gremlins you have on base to better learn how they work. Reward: Increased Gremlin productiveness due to personal attention by princess. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)

[] Personal attention: Personally take care of one project of your choosing. Reward: +15 to Success roll of ONE project. Chance for success ??? (Depends on project) (Repeatable)

275 units of food remaining (+128 per turn)

390 units of material remaining (+245 per turn)


(AN: You thought it would be a long quest update time, but it was I, DINESH!)
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Some spitballing before I get off.

[] Naval Industry: Use some of the Blueprints you got to create some ships. Cost: Varied. Reward: Ships. Chance for success 100%
We have a number of building spots open and plenty of housing available. Perhaps some subs to help round out the fleet? This might not take a Martial action to add to the queue.

Both of these look valuable, although consolidation should drop to 1 turn next turn if we take the Learning logistics action this time.
[] Consolidation: Take some of your troops and have them occupy an island. Takes 2 turns. Reward: More land to build on. Chance for success: Varies (As there is no presence on the other islands, this will be 100%. If hostiles do take an island, this will change.)
[] A walk on the high side: Take some particularly talented Military gremlins and put them under the tutelage of the command staff. Takes 3 turns. Reward: More Commander prospects for prolonged Military engagements. Chance for Success: 60%

We've got lots more production capacity than material production. Probably want to take both of these, unless someone comes up with a good write in. (Only 1 untapped refinery spot on our island as per QM so it might not be worth it though).
[] My new magic materials: Use your new found aptitude in manipulation atoms to create some raw materials. Reward: +200 materials. Chance of success 100% (30% to double rewards)
[] Putting the fine in refinery: Create some refineries at the resource deposits that are on the islands. Cost: 50 Material per refinery (Remember, you can put 2 per deposit.) Chance for success 75%

I really like taking the Sneaky Sneaky action. Since we've made contact Hijacking a satellite doesn't seem super useful when Japan/US whoever can just tell us what's up. Dunno which of the spying options would be better.
[] Truly tuning in: Listen to US military frequencies to try and find out any operations. Reward: Know what the military is doing in the next turn. Chance for success 75%
[] The power of the internet: Go on the internet and try and find news about anything important. Reward: Civilian News tells you something useful. Chance for success 90%
[] Sneaky Sneaky...: Take some Talented gremlins and have them learn high level espionage. Reward: spies that can blend in. Takes 3 turns. Chance for success 60%

We're not desperate for new ships so do some training, I guess?
[] Soul sensor quality: Attempt to increase the fine tuning of your soul sensor to recruit higher quality spirits. Reward: Gain 50 XP in Soul sensing skill. Chance for success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)
[] Omnimancy training: Try and advance your control and knowledge of Atomic manipulation. Reward: +50 EXP to Atomic manipulation skill. Chance of success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)

Only 1 to take and the logistics action can cut that martial action by 1 turn. (Plus other actions in the future)
[Locked in] SOOPER SMOL SHIP MISSILES (SSSM): Take your knowledge of how to make proper SAMs, and combine it with the offensive capabilities of your cruise missiles to make ship borne missile launchers. Takes 2 turns. Reward: Certain Shipgirls will gain a missile pod, which can attack and ignore defense rolls. However, it does not negate dodge rolls, so use them wisely. Cost 45 Material. Chance for success 60%
[] Taking the troops to them: Find a way to make some dedicated transports, from drop ships to Hover boats to APCs. Reward: Gremlin Movements will take half the time to reach a destination. Chance for success 65%

Personal: (3 actions because there's no diplomacy yet)
Lets keep training to grab those sweet stat perks! Arizona's at sea so only Mitchell and Pearl can train.
[] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
Maybe this?
-Mitchel Stewardship
-Mitchell Diplomacy
-Pearl Martial

+1 extra action from Mitchell's stewardship perk. Not sure where we should throw it into.
Just as a reminder to everyone we already took Consolidation last turn. There is no need to take it again.

By the away we are still waiting to be able to pick out the type of Special Ops team we got.

I think we should build some weapons for our gremlins because I think most of them are unarmed at this time. Maybe make some more bombers or as Sgtsoldier123 suggested make some rotary aircraft for Yorktown. Those bombers did us a lot of good earlier. Even if then it was negated by a critical roll for the enemy which was then also negated by our own critical roll.

I think we should leave Truly tuning in alone because we already have made contact with the US. I think this would only serve to sour relations if we ended up failing the roll. which we already did once but got away with it because of a re-roll.
We definitely should consolidate control of the islands. More land means more area to work with. And we definitely work our consolidation efforts south eastward towards the Island of Hawaii itself. Gotta make it to the big island and keep as little unoccupied territort in-between. And besides, lets not let King Kamehameha's efforts in uniting the island chain go to waste just because there's no more people around. We got a legacy to keep together!
[X] Plan: Weapons, Leaders and Training.

Martial: (1 locked in)
[X] Build some stuff: Use your Factories that have been silent to churn out some machines. They will be useless until you get more gremlins, but it's better to have and not need then need and not have, right? Cost: Varied. Reward: Vehicles or weapons that can be used by new gremlins. Chance for success 85%
[X] Infantry weapons (Battalion's worth): 6 Material per Brigade (x3) (18 Materials)
[X] Rotor Plane Squadron: 16 Material per Wing (x2) (34 Materials)
[X] Modern Jet squadron: 30 Material per Wing (x2) (60 Materials)
[X] Modern Bomber squadron: 34 Material per Wing (x2) (64 Materials)

(Total Materials used: 176)

[X] A walk on the high side: Take some particularly talented Military gremlins and put them under the tutelage of the command staff. Takes 3 turns. Reward: More Commander prospects for prolonged Military engagements. Chance for Success: 60% + 15% from Personal attention.

(Sorry if the above would not work as Personal Attention, It's been a while since we had a turn so I have forgotten a couple of things.)


[X] Putting the fine in refinery: Create some refineries at the resource deposits that are on the islands. Cost: 50 Material per refinery (Remember, you can put 2 per deposit.) Chance for success 75% (Build two)

[X] Big Bertha: Expand the Naval shipyard you have to increase production. Takes 2 turns Cost: 20 material. Reward: +5 Naval Production Slots. Chance for success 85%

(Total Materials used: 296)


[X] The power of the internet: Go on the internet and try and find news about anything important. Reward: Civilian News tells you something useful. Chance for success 90%

[X] Sneaky Sneaky...: Take some Talented gremlins and have them learn high level espionage. Reward: spies that can blend in. Takes 3 turns. Chance for success 60%


[X] Soul sensor quality: Attempt to increase the fine tuning of your soul sensor to recruit higher quality spirits. Reward: Gain 50 XP in Soul sensing skill. Chance for success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)

[X] Omnimancy training: Try and advance your control and knowledge of Atomic manipulation. Reward: +50 EXP to Atomic manipulation skill. Chance of success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)

Learning (1 Locked):

[X] Taking the troops to them: Find a way to make some dedicated transports, from drop ships to Hover boats to APCs. Reward: Gremlin Movements will take half the time to reach a destination. Chance for success 65%

Personal: (+1 added in from Diplomacy, +1 extra add from Multitasker perk)

[X] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
-[X] Mitchell
--[X] Stewardship

[X] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
-[X] Pearl Harbor (Gets double the amount gained due to the Young Perk.)
--[X] Stewardship

[X] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
-[X] Pearl Harbor (Gets double the amount gained due to the Young Perk.)
--[X] Martial

[X] Personal attention: Personally take care of one project of your choosing. Reward: +15 to Success roll of ONE project. Chance for success ??? (A walk on the high side) (Repeatable)

275 units of food remaining (+128 per turn)
94 units of material remaining (+245 per turn)

(Sorry If I am missing anything, It's been a while since I last made a plan for this quest and I can't exactly remember how many actions we had per turn. But I think it was 2 action per category + another action we would take from Diplomacy because of having nothing to do in there and finally another action from the Multitasker perk that we could place where ever we want. Please correct me if I am wrong.)
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[X] Plan: Weapons, Leaders and Training.

Looks good although you should say how many refineries we're making. I think 2 is the limit since we have one empty spot left.
Hmmmm...okay so when we complete a ship it automatically becomes a shipgirl...therefore by that same logic( barring any signature 'MSSB' screwery ) if we build an instalation (Probably on one of the islands we are consolidating control on) another Installation class should appear...
[X] Plan: Weapons, Leaders and Training.

Been a bit distracted and so didn't see this updated for awhile. A combination of school work, approaching finals, and the kaisereich mod for HoI IV. Anyways, I'd like to try and give a name for one of the boats being built. Just....What all were we building?

Another thing, anyone remember what the omake ideals were?