Installation Class Quest (A CK2 Style Quest)

Hmmm, I don't know about THAT (becoming our own country). We were a US military base, and unless the US has done something to completely alienate Michell, we were going to rejoin the US military. Part of the reason why I was against the Tourism aspect.
I understand what you mean now but we are still going to need space for a lot of personnel and the stuff to supply,feed,equip and keep them happy as well as the small fact that this is THE ENTIRE BLOODY ISLAND OF HAWAII including the abandoned cities that are still mostly standing(if I didn't forget something) which may make the US consider resettling the island but yes I do realize now that that is something to be discussed at a later date
Resettlement is going to be a bitch though, what with the fact that Hawaii was just plunked from it's spot and placed somewhere in the South China Sea. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if China tried claiming Hawaii, citing the fact that it is currently on their territorial waters.
Bah, I'm sure challenging the USN has been the People's Liberation Army Navy wet dream ever sense it's conception. Besides, their going to try to claim it. Occupying it is another thing entirely

(also, has anyone noted that the acronym for People's Liberation Army Navy is PLAN?)
wait....Solomon islands?
we are complete idiots, the Solomon islands are right next to Australia and rumor mill 1 states "the islands" so not just the main one but all of them
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AHEM, I was talking about the map, I personally do not condone the conquest of Oceania (yet), you will have to convince me of the merits of conquering a former British prison colony.
*cough* I mean of course that you meant I didn't say anything what were we talking about again?
I wonder how the summoned and natural born shipgirls will react to the new ones that we built/will build(especially the Yamatos and Iowas) also we should really build Shimakaze some sisters, there is only so much that rensouhou-chan can do about her loneliness.