Installation Class Quest (A CK2 Style Quest)

Turn 13 Results
Turn 13 Results:


[X] Naval Industry:
Your Fletcher Class Destroyer, along with the Brooklyns are finished in short order, and promptly assumes shipgirl form. The Fletcher eventually decides on the name Doolittle, while the Brooklyns aren't really decided yet.
(In queue:
Iowa Class battleship: 3 turns
Lexington Class Aircraft Carrier: 4 turns
Yamato Class battleship: 3 turns

[X] Build some stuff: Use your Factories that have been silent to churn out some machines. They will be useless until you get more gremlins, but it's better to have and not need then need and not have, right? Cost: Varied. Reward: Vehicles or weapons that can be used by new gremlins. Chance for success 85%
[X] Infantry weapons (Battalion's worth): 6 Material per Brigade (x3) (18 Materials)
[X] Rotor Plane Squadron: 16 Material per Wing (x2) (34 Materials)
[X] Modern Jet squadron: 30 Material per Wing (x2) (60 Materials)
[X] Modern Bomber squadron: 34 Material per Wing (x2) (64 Materials)
d100=98 (Natural Crit!)
Due to your efficiency in managing materials, your engineers only used half of what you gave them!
Result: All weapons created for 1/2 cost.

[X] A walk on the high side: Take some particularly talented Military gremlins and put them under the tutelage of the command staff. Takes 3 turns. Reward: More Commander prospects for prolonged Military engagements. Chance for Success: 60% + 15% from Personal attention.
Your Gremlin canidates have been selected, and are beginning training smoothly.



[X] Putting the fine in refinery: Create some refineries at the resource deposits that are on the islands. Cost: 50 Material per refinery (Remember, you can put 2 per deposit.) Chance for success 75% (Build two)
The Refineries go up quickly. You now have no open spots for refineries anymore, but you should be fine.
Result: 2 Refineries Built, No refinery spots left in island chain.

[X] Big Bertha: Expand the Naval shipyard you have to increase production. Takes 2 turns Cost: 20 material. Reward: +5 Naval Production Slots. Chance for success 85%
You very nearly didn't start this. Luckily, your Administrator Gremlins were able to catch onto the schedule before it was too late, and the Berths are now constructed.
Result: +5 Ship berths (Now at 25 berths).


[X] The power of the internet: Go on the internet and try and find news about anything important. Reward: Civilian News tells you something useful. Chance for success 90%
All seems well. After the near fiasco with the cocky celebrity, the Military put an off limits order on the public.
Result: You will not be accidentally revealed by the public.

[X] Sneaky Sneaky...: Take some Talented gremlins and have them learn high level espionage. Reward: spies that can blend in. Takes 3 turns. Chance for success 60%
d100=3 (Critical Failure)
What even happened? One misread application led to the wrong type of training, and now your entire espionage unit thinks that every James Bond novel is fact and are absolutely terrified of actually doing some espionage.
Result: Your Gremlins are terrified. You must retake this action at a malus of -10.


[X] Soul sensor quality: Attempt to increase the fine tuning of your soul sensor to recruit higher quality spirits. Reward: Gain 50 XP in Soul sensing skill. Chance for success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)
Your studies go well. You don't gain huge leaps in skill, but sometimes you don't need to.
Result: +50 EXP to Soul Sensing

[X] Omnimancy training: Try and advance your control and knowledge of Atomic manipulation. Reward: +50 EXP to Atomic manipulation skill. Chance of success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)
Your panic at the Gremlins and nearly missing out on the berths means you didn't get any work done for Omnimancy.
Result: Nothing


[X] SOOPER SMOL SHIP MISSILES (SSSM): Take your knowledge of how to make proper SAMs, and combine it with the offensive capabilities of your cruise missiles to make ship borne missile launchers. Takes 2 turns. Reward: Certain Shipgirls will gain a missile pod, which can attack and ignore defense rolls. However, it does not negate dodge rolls, so use them wisely. Cost 45 Material. Chance for success 60%
The Research is done. You can now put Missile batteries on ships! While the only thing that has enough space are Battleships and Aircraft Carriers, You can still do wonderful things with them!
Result: BBs and CVs can launch missiles. (NOTE: This will only apply to ships being built from beyond this point. You can have a ship in dock retrofit with one, but it will cost 10 Materials and 1 turn.)

[X] Taking the troops to them: Find a way to make some dedicated transports, from drop ships to Hover boats to APCs. Reward: Gremlin Movements will take half the time to reach a destination. Takes 2 turns. Chance for success 65%
The Research goes swimmingly.
Result: Research started.


[X] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
-[X] Mitchell
--[X] Stewardship
You took some time to yourself to practice your managing skills. You think it went well.
Result +3 stewardship to Mitchell.

[X] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
-[X] Pearl Harbor (Gets double the amount gained due to the Young Perk.)
--[X] Stewardship
While you are practicing, Pearl comes in and watches you. By the end of your practice, her eyes are sparkling, and she suddenly rushes off to her room. Hopefully she won't do anything crazy...
Result: Pearl gains +8 Stewardship

[X] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
-[X] Pearl Harbor (Gets double the amount gained due to the Young Perk.)
--[X] Martial
A few hours later, you come across an unbelievable scene; Pearl is playing Hearts of Iron 4, and not even 10 turns in she has conquered over half of the map. It's exceedingly scary...
Result: Pearl gains +16 martial

[X] Personal attention: Personally take care of one project of your choosing. Reward: +15 to Success roll of ONE project. Chance for success ??? (A walk on the high side) (Repeatable)

You have heard reports of a small abyssal girl washed up on the shore. You immediately rushed out there, thinking it was Pearl, but to your surprise this girl was the complete opposite of her. She is still unconscious, but in the infirmary.

403 units of food remaining (+128 per turn)
547 units of material remaining (+245 per turn)

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Turn 13 Results:


[X] Naval Industry:
Your Fletcher Class Destroyer, along with the Brooklyns are finished in short order, and promptly assumes shipgirl form. The Fletcher eventually decides on the name Kentucky, while the Brooklyns aren't really decided yet.
(In queue:
Iowa Class battleship: 3 turns
Lexington Class Aircraft Carrier: 4 turns
Yamato Class battleship: 3 turns
In ironic name choice considering we are building an Iowa...

I mean we very nearly got a natural 1 soooo...

You have heard reports of a small abyssal girl washed up on the shore. You immediately rushed out there, thinking it was Pearl, but to your surprise this girl was the complete opposite of her. She is still unconscious, but in the infirmary.
H...hoppo? Is that you?
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...why is a Destroyer naming itself using Battleship naming conventions? Battleships are the only boats named after states in USN schemas, Destroyers get named after famous people, which is probably a good thing because otherwise there'd only be fifty-two names for every Destroyer in service, and there'd have to be a lot of sharing going on.
Ship Names (Add suggestions if you want to)
For you good Dinesh...

Making a new post to be thread marked for names for new American ships, please submit any suggestions if you have them

Crossed out names have been used

Newly constructed American ship name list
Naming conventions here

  • Doolittle
  • Alden
  • Thompson
  • Pioneer
  • Lily
  • Halsey(for Admiral "Bull" Halsey)
  • Rodger Young
  • Audie Murphy
  • Byers (for Edward Byers)
  • Antrim (for Richard Antrim)
  • Cassin (for Cassin Young)
  • Willis (for John Willis)
  • William's (for Jack Williams)
  • Ward (for James Ward)
  • Wahlen (for George Wahlen)
  • Voorhis (for Bruce Van Voorhis)
  • Tommich (for Peter Tommich)
  • Street (for George Street)
  • Herbert E Schonland
  • Munemori (for Sadao S. Munemori)
  • Agamemnon(props if you get the reference)
  • Clarkstown
  • Leviathan
  • Hydra
  • Dagger
  • Adder
  • Jacobs
  • Marshton
  • Baltimore
  • Jimmie W. Monteith, Jr (for his ridiculous levels of awesomeness)
  • Fredericksburg
  • Crescent
  • Austin
  • Guam
  • Virgin Isles
  • Hyperion
  • Hawaii
  • Normandy
  • Arizona
  • Puerto Rico
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • Alaska
  • North Dakota
  • Virginia
  • Kansas
  • Yorktown
  • Kipper
  • Solomon Sea
  • Cabal
  • Kandahar
  • Vagaries
  • Anaconda
  • Shock Valley
  • Serenity(for Firefly(don't judge me))
  • Tonne
  • Leyte Gulf
  • Twain
  • Pollock
  • Beluga
  • Sand Shark
  • Molly
  • Mullet
  • Sockeye
  • Volgensis
  • Prietella
  • Labridens
  • Antalya Bleak

  • Abraham Clark
  • Marcus Daly
Repair Vessels
  • Heracles
  • Horus
  • Bastet
  • Medusa(after the Navy's first purpose-built repair ship)
  • Achelois

Destroyer Tender

  • Sawatch
  • Aleutian
  • Black Hills
  • Absaroka
  • Beartooth
  • Collegiate

Submarine Tender

  • Cornelis Drebbel
  • Jamul
  • Kelphit
  • Rugaroo
  • Silverfox
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Battlecruisers were to be named after famous ships of the USN, although any carrier names could probably be used for them. The first couple of carriers were named like battlecruisers.
For some reason I really want to build a hospital ship called Payne or Hertz...(don't judge me) also I have been putting together a plan for next turn that I like to call "Theres no such thing as overkill, only 'do we even have the resources to do this?'"
Also, puerto Rico, virgin isles, and Guam should be in the category for Large Cruisers because they're territories and not states. Also battlecruisers should be names of famous Navy ships.
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didn't we take an action on turn 12 to take over an island? what happened there? Also, what island was it? or was it covered off threadmark?
didn't we take an action on turn 12 to take over an island? what happened there? Also, what island was it? or was it covered off threadmark?
It should finish next turn based on the way the ship construction timer works, dont really know about which island though

And ResNon I already have a naming convention sheet, what I need is for people to suggest more names(I'm not all that creative)
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Rumor Mill 6
Major Abyssal Fleet Destroyed!: In a shocking turn of events, one of the main fleets of the Harbor Princess was absolutely obliterated! One of the eldest Re-Classes to date had been spotted, who supposedly had shown up not even 2 weeks after blood week. Japan and America's Military seem to be Gobsmacked, not only for the Re-class going down so quickly but also for...

Surprise American Shipgirls!: American Shipgirls appearing out of nowhere! Nobody knows where they came from, only that the arrived to help. USS Arizona had been the leader, maybe they came from Hawaii?

Japan finally fed!: Because of the convoy successfully making it through to the islands, Japanese people are out in droves to get some food. The American shipgirl fleet seems to be overwhelmed by the support but is coping well.

(Arizona will return in three turns.)
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Turn 14
After the scare of finding the small abyssal princess, you immediately put her into the infirmary. Like Pearl, she won't die from it. Unlike Pearl, she does have bad injuries, and will take some time to heal. In the mean time, your soldiers will finish taking the island soon, and your constructions are going well. Hopefully, you can make some good.

(??? Will take 3 turns to heal)

Choose TWO of Each

Martial: (2 Locked)

[] Build some stuff: Use your Factories that have been silent to churn out some machines. They will be useless until you get more gremlins, but it's better to have and not need then need and not have, right? Cost: Varied. Reward: Vehicles or weapons that can be used by new gremlins. Chance for success 85%
[] Infantry weapons (Battalion's worth): 6 Material per Brigade
[] Armored Battalion: 14 Material per Brigade
[] Rotor Plane Squadron: 16 Material per Wing
[] Modern Jet squadron: 30 Material per Wing
[] Modern Bomber squadron: 34 Material per Wing

[X] Naval Industry: Use some of the Blueprints you got to create some ships. Cost: Varied. Reward: Ships. Chance for success 100%
[] Clemson Class Destroyer: 10 Material, Takes 1 turn
[] Gearing Class Destroyer: 15 Material, Takes 1 turn
[] Fletcher Class Destroyer: 15 Material, Takes 1 turn
[] Atlanta Class Cruiser: 20 Material, Takes 2 turns
[] Brooklyn Class Cruiser: 25 Material, Takes 2 turns
[] Baltimore Class Heavy Cruiser: 40 Material, Takes 3 turns
[] Alaska Class Battle Cruiser: 45 Material, Takes 3 turns
[] Yamato Class Battleship: 70 Material, Takes 5 turns
[] Iowa Class Battleship: 65 Material, Takes 4 turns
[] Lexington class Aircraft Carrier: 80 Material, Takes 5 turns
[] Gato Class Submarine: 50 Material, Takes 3 turns
[] Type VII Submarine: 55 Material, Takes 3 turns
(12/20 Berths being used)

[X] Consolidation: Take some of your troops and have them occupy an island. Takes 2 turns. Reward: More land to build on. Chance for success: Varies (As there is no presence on the other islands, this will be 100%. If hostiles do take an island, this will change.)


Not much to do really... (+1 Action to Personal)


[] My new magic materials: Use your aptitude in atomic manipulation to create some raw materials. Reward: +200 materials. Chance of success 100% (30% to double rewards)

[] Big Bertha: Expand the Naval shipyard you have to increase production. Takes 2 turns Cost: 20 material. Reward: +5 Naval Production Slots. Chance for success 85%

[] Write in? (Nothing too outrageous people.)


[] Truly tuning in: Listen to US military frequencies to try and find out any operations. Reward: Know what the military is doing in the next turn. Chance for success 75%

[] The power of the internet: Go on the internet and try and find news about anything important. Reward: Civilian News tells you something useful. Chance for success 90%

[] Satellite Hijack: Hack the orbital satellites to get a much better view of the world. Reward: Global Viewpoint Chance for success 30%

[] Sneaky Sneaky...: Take some Talented gremlins and have them learn high level espionage. Reward: spies that can blend in. Takes 3 turns. Chance for success 50%

Learning: (One Locked)

[] Blueprint diving: Go on the internet to try and find some usable blueprints for later use. Reward: Possible new ships to produce. Chance for Success 75% (35% to find multiple.)

[X] Taking the troops to them: Find a way to make some dedicated transports, from drop ships to Hover boats to APCs. Reward: Gremlin Movements will take half the time to reach a destination. Takes 2 turns. Chance for success 65%

[] Architecture: Take an Online course on Structural Architecture, learning the finer points in how to properly construct things. Reward: All building actions gain +10 to their rolls. Takes 3 turns. Chance for success 70%

[] Teaching?: Take a course in how to Teach, in order to better teach others. Reward: Personal action unlocked. Takes 4 turns. Chance for success 50%


[] Train a stat: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)

[] Train a skill: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 100 to chosen skill. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)

[] Know thy friends, Know thy self: Interact with the Gremlins you have on base to better learn how they work. Reward: Increased Gremlin productiveness due to personal attention by princess. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)

[] Personal attention: Personally take care of one project of your choosing. Reward: +15 to Success roll of ONE project. Chance for success ??? (Depends on project) (Repeatable)

403 units of food remaining (+128 per turn)
547 units of material remaining (+245 per turn)

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Alright... so any ideas? We seem to be in a really secure position right now... though that's what the Americans thought during 1941 in Pearl Harbor.