Installation Class Quest (A CK2 Style Quest)

Any chance you could give us a stewardship action that we could do right now to expand how many berths instead of having to waste a turn in making it and then being stuck with only making destroyers and unable to make any Cruisers in time for the battle?
Alright, I changed my plan a little bit to instead have it like this.

I switched out a personal action for a stewardship action so we could expand the naval unit capacity, Unfortunately I had to cut 1 Alaska Class Battle Cruiser from the queue because We could not afford both it and expanding the Naval unit capacity along with the new barracks that needs to be built. In it's place I have placed a order for a Brooklyn Class Cruiser which left just enough spare resources to build all three things

Here is the Math: We have a max of 175 units of Material on this turn.

1 Alaska Class Battle Cruiser, 35 Material each. so times that by 4 and it's 140.

The Shipyard and Barracks cost 20 material Each. so both of them would cost 40. So in total 180 material for all. so 5 material to much.

So I changed it to 3 Alaska's (105) and a Brooklyn. A Brooklyn costs 25 material so in total with the Alaska's that would be 130 Material, combined the 130 with the Shipyard and Barracks 40 material and and it's a total of 170 material, just 5 short of our max. Sucks to lose out on a Alaska but we need the Shipyard and Barracks more.

The Personal Action I switched out for the extra Stewardship was the training for Mitchell but I kept the training for Pearl seeing that she already has a vastly superior Martial skill then Mitchell so I thought it better to try and improve her skill at this time.
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Regarding Costs
I have been receiving some questions about how cost works. I will try to explain here:
1. The first thing to go down using cost is the stockpiled resources. This is in hindsight rather obvious, but it bears to be repeated.

2. The next thing to be reduced is income. If you go over your surplus, then the extra will be taken out of the income you would get that turn. IC, this means that you had to overtax your refineries, and they need re-adjusting, which means that you take 2 turns of reduced income.

3. The My Magic Materials option directly adds to your stockpile immediately, which means that if it succeeds the bonus, you have an extra 200 materials to use from the get go and not affect your income.
I hope this clears some questions up.
I was bored so decided to look some random stuff, and came across some ships and defense system that might be interesting:
I-400-class submarine - Wikipedia Aircraft submarines, and I think Japan might have at least one or two shipgirls of this class. Such as the lead.
Laser Weapon System - Wikipedia Energy weapon, need I say more?
Type 212 submarine - Wikipedia Modern design, but read somewhere of thoughts of using them to deploy drones or something.
USS S-1 (SS-105) - Wikipedia US Aircraft submarine
United States S-class submarine - Wikipedia
USS Sable (IX-81) - Wikipedia Member of the corn belt fleet, though might not be helpful beyond a trainer.
USS S-28 (SS-133) - Wikipedia Sunk on July 4, 1944 near pearl Harbor from an unknown cause. We could try to summon her or due an omake?
Opinions or whatever?
Alright, in light of the new information to reduce material costs of my plan. Knowing we can tap into our income is useful to know, but we can't afford to overtax ourselves so soon. Maybe later if we're in a real huge emegency, but for now, we'll have to suffice with one less battle cruiser. Hopefully whatever shipgirls we manage to summon will help shore up any gaps in our forces.
Oh okay, Thank you very much for that information that is quite helpful.

So as long as we succeed on the Magic Materials we can get 4 or more Alaska's without penalty.

Thank you very much for this info!
USS S-28 is a good Omake reward, I'll give it an OK.
S-class seems a bit too... small for the purposes that you need, but I guess I could put it in for a bare success on a blueprint roll?
Sable is perfectly fine though, If we were to summon her she would get a skill that allows her to train pilots or other carriers with much more gains.
Type 212 is late game. No ifs ands or buts.
LAWS can be used on a greater crit learning roll.

Also @Captain.Cat, your welcome.
The magic materials option is definitely a tempting choice to justify making 4 battle cruisers, but we should weigh it against the other stewardship actions. We definitely need larger production for ships and more barracks for our gremlins. Our income is decent enough to not need a refinery option. As nice as a flat +100 to possible +200 bonus materials would be nice, expanding operations is still critical.
True But I chose to use one of my extra actions that I got from diplomacy and using to get the Magic Materials. You could do the same but you would have to either cut the extra actions in Piety or in Personal to do so.

Edit: Alright seeing that I was doing Magic Materials anyway I decided to go ahead and add back the battle cruiser while removing the Brooklyn.

No major changes other then that besides doing some needed recalculating due to fact that I forgot to add the price of the SAM missiles which cost 15 materials. The new number of Materials adds what I assume will be a normal success with the Magic materials which will make it so we have 70 materials left over for next turn.
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Holy shit we got the yamato class already?

now we jsut need to reserch the Design A-150 class, which was basicaly a super yamato with fcking 20-inch guns.
I was thinking, but if we were ever to summon USS Wolverine (sister of Sable, who trained a future president) would she have wolverine characteristics? Like how Macon's a catgirl. As well as probably enjoy a certain x-men?
I'll be making a vote tally just so it's easy for everyone to know where things stand at this time.
Adhoc vote count started by Captain.Cat on Aug 16, 2018 at 11:37 PM, finished with 315 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan Preperation
    [X] Taking a closer look: Besides knowing that there is a Re-Class leading the fleet, you know nothing about it. Send some jets to find out the exact composition and formation of the fleet. Reward: Knowledge of enemy ship types, what formation they are in. Chance for success 70%
    [X] Naval Industry: Use some of the Blueprints you got to create some ships. Cost: Varied. Reward: Ships. Chance for success 100%
    -[X] Brooklym Class Cruiser: 25 Materials, Takes 2 turns
    -[X] Alaska Class Battle Cruiser x3: 35 Material, Takes 3 turns
    [X] Big Bertha: Expand the Naval shipyard you have to increase production. Cost: 20 material. Reward: +5 Naval Production Slots. Chance for success 85%
    [X] You require additional Spacing: You are out of space to put the Gremlins. Make some more. Cost: 20 materials Reward: +10 to all living spaces for combat units. Chance for success 80%
    [X] Truly tuning in: Listen to US military frequencies to try and find out any operations. Reward: Know what the military is doing in the next turn. Chance for success 75%
    [X] The power of the internet: Go on the internet and try and find news about anything important. Reward: Civilian News tells you something useful. Chance for success 90%
    [X] Soul sensor quality: Attempt to increase the fine tuning of your soul sensor to recruit higher quality spirits. Reward: Gain 50 XP in Soul sensing skill. Chance for success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)
    [X] Omnimancy training: Try and advance your control and knowledge of Atomic manipulation. Reward: +50 EXP to Atomic manipulation skill. Chance of success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)
    [X] Shipgirling: Use your abilities in soul sensing and atomic manipulation to find some ship spirits and build them some bodies. Reward: New girls to help out
    [X] Blueprint diving: Go on the internet to try and find some usable blueprints for later use. Reward: Possible new ships to produce. Chance for Success 95% (55% to find multiple.)
    [X] Consult your scientists: Go to the gremlin scientists that you have to get some help on an idea. Reward: New project to work on. Chance for success ???
    - [X] Suggest the possibility of awakening built ships into shipgirls.
    [X] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
    [X] Personal attention: Personally take care of one project of your choosing. Reward: +15 to Success roll of ONE project. Chance for success ??? (Depends on project) (Repeatable)
    [X] Plan: Gearing up and scouting the enemy and training to fight.
    [X] A whole new meaning of the word Projectile: Besides SAM missiles, you want to figure out how long range missiles work. They could be very useful, and you could make them even better! Cost: 15 material. Reward: Gain Cruise Missiles, which can attack targets from super long ranges. Chance for success 65%
    [X] Taking a closer look: Besides knowing that there is a Re-Class leading the fleet, you know nothing about it. Send some jets to find out the exact composition and formation of the fleet. Reward: Knowledge of enemy ship types, what formation they are in. Chance for success 70%
    [X] Naval Industry: Use some of the Blueprints you got to create some ships. Cost: Varied. Reward: Ships. Chance for success 100%
    [X] Alaska Class Battle Cruiser: 35 Material, Takes 4 turns (will be able to be sent out for battle) (build 4) (Total cost 140 Materials)
    [X] My new magic materials: Use your new found aptitude in manipulation atoms to create some raw materials. Reward: +100 materials. Chance of success 100% (30% to double rewards)
    [X] You require additional Spacing: You are out of space to put the Gremlins. Make some more. Cost: 20 materials Reward: +10 to all living spaces for combat units. Chance for success 80%
    [X] Big Bertha: Expand the Naval shipyard you have to increase production. Cost: 20 material. Reward: +5 Naval Production Slots. Chance for success 85%
    [X] Truly tuning in: Listen to US military frequencies to try and find out any operations. Reward: Know what the military is doing in the next turn. Chance for success 75%
    [X] The power of the internet: Go on the internet and try and find news about anything important. Reward: Civilian News tells you something useful. Chance for success 90%
    [X] Omnimancy training: Try and advance your control and knowledge of Atomic manipulation. Reward: +50 EXP to Atomic manipulation skill. Chance of success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)
    [X] Shipgirling: Use your abilities in soul sensing and atomic manipulation to find some ship spirits and build them some bodies. Reward: New girls to help out
    [X] Blueprint diving: Go on the internet to try and find some usable blueprints for later use. Reward: Possible new ships to produce. Chance for Success 95% (55% to find multiple.)
    [X] Consult your scientists: Go to the gremlin scientists that you have to get some help on an idea. Reward: New project to work on. Chance for success ???
    [X] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
    [X] Personal attention: Personally take care of one project of your choosing. Reward: +15 to Success roll of ONE project. Chance for success ??? (Depends on project) (Repeatable)

Adhoc vote count started by Captain.Cat on Aug 16, 2018 at 11:40 PM, finished with 315 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan Preperation
    [X] Taking a closer look: Besides knowing that there is a Re-Class leading the fleet, you know nothing about it. Send some jets to find out the exact composition and formation of the fleet. Reward: Knowledge of enemy ship types, what formation they are in. Chance for success 70%
    [X] Naval Industry: Use some of the Blueprints you got to create some ships. Cost: Varied. Reward: Ships. Chance for success 100%
    -[X] Brooklym Class Cruiser: 25 Materials, Takes 2 turns
    -[X] Alaska Class Battle Cruiser x3: 35 Material, Takes 3 turns
    [X] Big Bertha: Expand the Naval shipyard you have to increase production. Cost: 20 material. Reward: +5 Naval Production Slots. Chance for success 85%
    [X] You require additional Spacing: You are out of space to put the Gremlins. Make some more. Cost: 20 materials Reward: +10 to all living spaces for combat units. Chance for success 80%
    [X] Truly tuning in: Listen to US military frequencies to try and find out any operations. Reward: Know what the military is doing in the next turn. Chance for success 75%
    [X] The power of the internet: Go on the internet and try and find news about anything important. Reward: Civilian News tells you something useful. Chance for success 90%
    [X] Soul sensor quality: Attempt to increase the fine tuning of your soul sensor to recruit higher quality spirits. Reward: Gain 50 XP in Soul sensing skill. Chance for success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)
    [X] Omnimancy training: Try and advance your control and knowledge of Atomic manipulation. Reward: +50 EXP to Atomic manipulation skill. Chance of success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)
    [X] Shipgirling: Use your abilities in soul sensing and atomic manipulation to find some ship spirits and build them some bodies. Reward: New girls to help out
    [X] Blueprint diving: Go on the internet to try and find some usable blueprints for later use. Reward: Possible new ships to produce. Chance for Success 95% (55% to find multiple.)
    [X] Consult your scientists: Go to the gremlin scientists that you have to get some help on an idea. Reward: New project to work on. Chance for success ???
    - [X] Suggest the possibility of awakening built ships into shipgirls.
    [X] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
    [X] Personal attention: Personally take care of one project of your choosing. Reward: +15 to Success roll of ONE project. Chance for success ??? (Depends on project) (Repeatable)
    [X] Plan: Gearing up and scouting the enemy and training to fight.
    [X] A whole new meaning of the word Projectile: Besides SAM missiles, you want to figure out how long range missiles work. They could be very useful, and you could make them even better! Cost: 15 material. Reward: Gain Cruise Missiles, which can attack targets from super long ranges. Chance for success 65%
    [X] Taking a closer look: Besides knowing that there is a Re-Class leading the fleet, you know nothing about it. Send some jets to find out the exact composition and formation of the fleet. Reward: Knowledge of enemy ship types, what formation they are in. Chance for success 70%
    [X] Naval Industry: Use some of the Blueprints you got to create some ships. Cost: Varied. Reward: Ships. Chance for success 100%
    [X] Alaska Class Battle Cruiser: 35 Material, Takes 4 turns (will be able to be sent out for battle) (build 4) (Total cost 140 Materials)
    [X] My new magic materials: Use your new found aptitude in manipulation atoms to create some raw materials. Reward: +100 materials. Chance of success 100% (30% to double rewards)
    [X] You require additional Spacing: You are out of space to put the Gremlins. Make some more. Cost: 20 materials Reward: +10 to all living spaces for combat units. Chance for success 80%
    [X] Big Bertha: Expand the Naval shipyard you have to increase production. Cost: 20 material. Reward: +5 Naval Production Slots. Chance for success 85%
    [X] Truly tuning in: Listen to US military frequencies to try and find out any operations. Reward: Know what the military is doing in the next turn. Chance for success 75%
    [X] The power of the internet: Go on the internet and try and find news about anything important. Reward: Civilian News tells you something useful. Chance for success 90%
    [X] Omnimancy training: Try and advance your control and knowledge of Atomic manipulation. Reward: +50 EXP to Atomic manipulation skill. Chance of success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)
    [X] Shipgirling: Use your abilities in soul sensing and atomic manipulation to find some ship spirits and build them some bodies. Reward: New girls to help out
    [X] Blueprint diving: Go on the internet to try and find some usable blueprints for later use. Reward: Possible new ships to produce. Chance for Success 95% (55% to find multiple.)
    [X] Consult your scientists: Go to the gremlin scientists that you have to get some help on an idea. Reward: New project to work on. Chance for success ???
    -[X] Suggest looking into creating Anti Ship missiles (ASM for short) and Guided missile destroyer (DDG for short.)
    [X] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
    [X] Personal attention: Personally take care of one project of your choosing. Reward: +15 to Success roll of ONE project. Chance for success ??? (Depends on project) (Repeatable)

Adhoc vote count started by Captain.Cat on Aug 16, 2018 at 11:41 PM, finished with 315 posts and 6 votes.
Alright, now that I'm back home, I've decided to once again change up my plan, and that meant removing Omnimancy training, putting in the Magical Materials for the minimum of +100 bonus materials, and bumping up our production of Alaska Class Battlecruisers to 5. Yes, I know that means we'll be immediately filling up our naval production slots, but that would give us quite the bit of firepower to bear when it comes down to the fight. After all, we're gonna be facing off some really tough opponents. We can't afford to skimp, even if it means we end up tying up our production right now. Still, unless something were to go horrifically wrong, we'll end up with 5 more slots, and if our recon of the enemy forces works out, then we can use the other 5 slots we'll gain to refine and fill in the gaps that our Battlecrusiers might not fill in. It's definitely a bit risky if things don't roll our way, but hopefully it'll pay off in the upcoming fight.
Hmm, not sure if we're allowed to surpass our current cap on Naval units even if we are building another shipyard to hold them in the same turn.

The reason we will surpass the cap is because the USS Arizona is taking up a space in the naval units.
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Well we did end up going over our limit when summoning more gremlins. Then again, summoning isn't entirely comparable to construction. And yeah, with USS Arizona taking up space, we would end up going over if we don't expand our cap. Either way, I'll see if the QM will allow this or not.
Fun fact I learned while looking over the Alaska Class Battlecruisers, They are capable of carrying up to 4 small aircraft, Granted the historical ones they had were scout float-planes but we may be able to equipped them with maybe something with a bit more bite to them depending on how nice Uber_Fail_Dinesh is feeling to us.
… Honestly guys? We did just unlock modern attack helicopters and other types of helicopters right?

How dangerous would it be if we got a carrier and swapped the WW2 aviation for attack helicopters carrying either modern AShMs, modern torpedoes or just using rocket pods and maybe anti-tank missiles?

Because I can't help but feel that they're probably more dangerous, except maybe the last one, than WW2 dive and torpedo bombers... Though most likely at greater risk from hostile air... So depends on just how well we can kill their fighters I suppose. And seriously, there should not be any flight concerns with swapping the WW2 planes for modern helicopters I'd think...

I mean, I just looked up and compared the Blackhawk and Avenger bomber from WW2 and whilst the Blackhawk is larger in every dimension, it's only the rotors that have that being significant. And those can be folded up even better than the Avenger if that had folding wings. Maximum take off weights the greatest increase though at 10 600kg+ compared to the Avengers 8 100kg+ weight. But that's the maximum weight so I think we can get by with less. And even then the weight shouldn't be a serious concern...
Too be fair we are unable to build a Carrier due to lacking blueprints for one and I expect for the upcoming battle there will not enough time to build one either. Plus I think we don't have anti ship missiles as of this time either. I did place ASM's as a suggestion for our next learning action. We can and probably should build some jet bombers and fighters for the upcoming fight.

Anyway I'm thinking of changing my vote to Plan Preperation if no one is going to break the Tie soon, but I'll wait a little bit until the QM gives an answer as to rather we can build more then our current cap which WMG's plan has in it.
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Turn 10 Results
Turn 10 Results:


[X] Taking a closer look: Besides knowing that there is a Re-Class leading the fleet, you know nothing about it. Send some jets to find out the exact composition and formation of the fleet. Reward: Knowledge of enemy ship types, what formation they are in. Chance for success 70%
d100= 99 (Greater Critical Hit!)
That was... very informative. Apparently the Re thought that she only needed pure firepower, and took no less than 3 Ta classes with her, 4 Wo classes, 5 chi classes, and 6 I classes. They also have absolutely No anti-air coverage, so any attack using bombers will be absolutely devastating. They also are in absolutely no formation right now, and seem to be ignoring any kind of CAP. If handled correctly, you could neuter this before it starts...
Reward: Knowledge on fleet, fleet has absolutely no discipline

[X] Naval Industry: Use some of the Blueprints you got to create some ships. Cost: Varied. Reward: Ships. Chance for success 100%
-[X] Alaska Class Battle Cruiser x5: 35 Material, Takes 3 turns (Max out current production slots)
Costs: 175
d100=2 (Critical Failure!)
This is bad. Apparently a misheard command sent the wrong production order, and now instead of 5 Alaska's your only getting 2, along with 2 Brooklyns and a Fletcher! At least the Order went through...
Reward: 3 Alaskas changed into 2 Brooklyns and a Fletcher


[X] My new magic materials: Use your new found aptitude in manipulation atoms to create some raw materials. Reward: +100 materials. Chance of success 100% (30% to double rewards)
d100+15=108 (Critical Success!)
Those insights that you made were really useful! You managed to figure out how to double the returns normally, and quadruple them with some good luck!
Reward: My new magic materials now gives +200 normally, +400 on crit. +400 Materials

[X] Big Bertha: Expand the Naval shipyard you have to increase production. Cost: 20 material. Reward: +5 Naval Production Slots. Chance for success 85%
d100+15= 113 (Greater Critical Success!)
This went extremely well. Using your newfound genius in Architechture, you managed to not only double the berths you had, not only triple them, but even found a way to make Capital shipyards!
Reward: +10 Ship berths, Shipyard automatically upgraded into Capital Shipyard (Now can produce capitals ships, such as Battleships or Fleet carriers without using 2 berths).

[X] You require additional Spacing: You are out of space to put the Gremlins. Make some more. Cost: 20 materials Reward: +10 to all living spaces for combat units. Chance for success 80%
d100+15=113 (Greater Critical Success! AN: YOU DID IT AGAIN)
Your mind is getting a great workout from this! You managed to double the space required, and when the new gremlins asked for some equipment, you made some without even thinking about it!
Reward: +20 Unit spaces to all branches, 2 Wings of Veterans outfitted (1 Jets, 1 bombers, both Modern)


[X] Truly tuning in: Listen to US military frequencies to try and find out any operations. Reward: Know what the military is doing in the next turn. Chance for success 75%
Some of the information was Garbled, but it seems that they are performing a summoning attempt after the convoy makes it to japan.
Reward: Knowledge that US summoning will be attempted after convoy

[X] The power of the internet: Go on the internet and try and find news about anything important. Reward: Civilian News tells you something useful. Chance for success 90%
Some information on the internet allows you to find out the "Faces" of the Japanese Kanmusu. They are Akagi, Yamato and Nagato. Hmm, you might need to tell them (or at least Akagi) about pearl...
Reward: You now know who you will be talking to in regards to Kanmusu.


[X] Soul sensor quality: Attempt to increase the fine tuning of your soul sensor to recruit higher quality spirits. Reward: Gain 50 XP in Soul sensing skill. Chance for success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)
d100= 90 (Critical Success)
You were much more successful with fine tuning your skills this time around. You feel as if you have reached a new level in your skills
Reward: +200 EXP (This comes from a perk that I forgot to put down, will put it up after update) [Soul sensing has reached a new rank: Grand Master! (50/500 to High Master.) Training in Soul sensing and Atomic Manipulation will only give 1/2 the results from now on.

[X] Shipgirling: Use your abilities in soul sensing and atomic manipulation to find some ship spirits and build them some bodies. Reward: New girls to help out
Chance for Success 80%
d100+35= 101 (Critical Success!)
Your first forays were kind of small, with 2 Clemson Classes, USS Alden and Thompson, being rather shy and Boisterous respectively. The next one surprised you with a Heavy cruiser, a Baltimore class to be specific. You knew this because she was Baltimore, and she seemed rather demure. She was also able to launch planes, so that was good. The biggest surprise was the Japanese Heavy cruiser Maya. Apparently she was Sunk in a nearby battle as a Kanmusu, and when she saw you she attacked. Luckily Arizona was there to stop her. After you explained your circumstances and the fleet heading towards the convoy, she agreed to work with you to stop the attack. She seems to be less on guard since the summoning, which is good.
Reward: 2 Clemson Classes, 1 Baltimore class, 1 Takao class


[X] Blueprint diving: Go on the internet to try and find some usable blueprints for later use. Reward: Possible new ships to produce. Chance for Success 95% (55% to find multiple.)
d100+30= 125 (Greater critical Success! AN. He Is crying right now...)
Well, you found more. By god did you find more, from small destroyers such as he Clemson class, to Cruisers like the Baltimore class, to even a battleship, and the Iowa class at that! But the one that really took the cake? the one that topped all of it? It was the one you found on the beach again. Knowing that it would be good, you immediately opened it, and were shocked to not find blueprints for a battle ship, but an aircraft carrier! A Lexington class at that. You knew this would take some time, but by god would it be worth it.
Reward: Clemson class blueprints, Baltimore class blueprints, Iowa class blueprints (Pre-1980s), Lexington class blueprints.

[X] Consult your scientists: Go to the gremlin scientists that you have to get some help on an idea. Reward: New project to work on. Chance for success ???
- [X] Suggest the possibility of awakening built ships into shipgirls.
d100=92 (Critical Success!)
You went to your scientists to follow up on the awakening thing they were talking about, but to your surprise they had already done it! With Yorktown no less! She was rather confused at first, but soon came on board when learning who you were. You now have your own Fleet carrier!
Reward: Can awaken Museum ships on a shipgirling Greater crit from now on.


[X] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
- Train Mitchel in Stewardship
It was hard to call up your memories, and you didn't get much from them.
Reward: +1 to stewardship

[X] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
- Train Pearl in Martial
Pearl however, gets much more then you! She seems to be a tactical genius in the making.
Reward: Pearl gets +6 to Martial (NEW PERK TO BE ADDED SOON)

21 units of food remaining

400 units of Material remaining

(AN: Still hasn't stopped crying... It's starting to get weird now)
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I think this quest's qm needs a crit chart, or to clip the crit rewards a little bit. Two more turns like this and that poor kingdom hearts ck2 style quest will be outdone for fastest build-up to world domination (in 5-11 turns the players were ready to blitzkrieg Xehanort's minions, and possibly Xehanort. Sora's mother... final fantasy magic style white mage's shouldn't have laser beams).
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