Thief of Words
Trans lesbian librarian
- Location
- Best book girl
- Pronouns
- She/Her
Hardened Devil-Body:
Infernal Ox-Body. Gives extra -2 and -4 health levels. Is the source of ours.
By Pain Reforged:
At cost of 1B, cease to suffer wound penalties from bashing damage. If your Incapacitated hl is reached by bashing damage, you remain conscious. Mind, this ceases to apply when the scene ends. Including the bit about not falling unconscious.
Wind-Born Stride
Add (Essence) to Dashing speed in yards. DV penalty for dashing is -0. Also, you can dash and do other things.
Sacred Kamilla's inhalation
Turn away from a corpse, breathe in, breathe in corpse. Boom. Magic breath for an amount of time which ramps up based on your Essence.
Freedom Lets Go:
Turn your back on an intimacy. Spend Essence. Your feelings toward them are gone. If desired, your memories of them as well. Where forgotten, individuals will be selectively edited out of your memories and replaced with others or a generic person-ish blur (i.e: Well, yeah, I did that...with...someone. Can't remember who it was, though. Meh. Not important.)
Loom-Snarling Deception:
Super Duper Precog-proof disguises. Any fate reading / precog / etc that reads you gets a return which is identical to a story you determine when activating the charm.
Mother Sea Mastery:
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
Kimbery moves upon and through herself freely,
for her nature is its own dominion. Upon learning
this Charm, the character gains the following:
• She adds (Essence) bonus successes to all Attribute
and/or Ability rolls to harvest food from liquid
or move effectively and safely via a liquid medium.
Attacks never benefit, not even to remove obstacles.
Examples of valid actions include: fishing, gathering
kelp, swimming, resisting fatigue from swimming,
holding one's breath while submerged, balancing
on a ship's deck in turbulent seas, piloting aquatic
vehicles and riding aquatic mounts.
• As an aquatic being, she ignores the -2 penalty
terrestrial beings suffer to move while submerged. Her
actions move through liquid like air, allowing her
to do seemingly impossible feats like swing sledges
and fire bows underwater.
• She may multiply her swimming speed by
her Essence rating. Obvious currents of ichor
drag her forward and trail behind (Essence x 100)
yards while using this power, adding one success
to track her for a half hour. She can accelerate
other means of personally moving via liquid (such
as walking on it).
• With Essence 3+, neither she nor any aquatic
mount she rides suffers fatigue from actions this
Charm assists.
Infernal Ox-Body. Gives extra -2 and -4 health levels. Is the source of ours.
By Pain Reforged:
At cost of 1B, cease to suffer wound penalties from bashing damage. If your Incapacitated hl is reached by bashing damage, you remain conscious. Mind, this ceases to apply when the scene ends. Including the bit about not falling unconscious.
Wind-Born Stride
Add (Essence) to Dashing speed in yards. DV penalty for dashing is -0. Also, you can dash and do other things.
Sacred Kamilla's inhalation
Turn away from a corpse, breathe in, breathe in corpse. Boom. Magic breath for an amount of time which ramps up based on your Essence.
Freedom Lets Go:
Turn your back on an intimacy. Spend Essence. Your feelings toward them are gone. If desired, your memories of them as well. Where forgotten, individuals will be selectively edited out of your memories and replaced with others or a generic person-ish blur (i.e: Well, yeah, I did that...with...someone. Can't remember who it was, though. Meh. Not important.)
Loom-Snarling Deception:
Super Duper Precog-proof disguises. Any fate reading / precog / etc that reads you gets a return which is identical to a story you determine when activating the charm.
Mother Sea Mastery:
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
Kimbery moves upon and through herself freely,
for her nature is its own dominion. Upon learning
this Charm, the character gains the following:
• She adds (Essence) bonus successes to all Attribute
and/or Ability rolls to harvest food from liquid
or move effectively and safely via a liquid medium.
Attacks never benefit, not even to remove obstacles.
Examples of valid actions include: fishing, gathering
kelp, swimming, resisting fatigue from swimming,
holding one's breath while submerged, balancing
on a ship's deck in turbulent seas, piloting aquatic
vehicles and riding aquatic mounts.
• As an aquatic being, she ignores the -2 penalty
terrestrial beings suffer to move while submerged. Her
actions move through liquid like air, allowing her
to do seemingly impossible feats like swing sledges
and fire bows underwater.
• She may multiply her swimming speed by
her Essence rating. Obvious currents of ichor
drag her forward and trail behind (Essence x 100)
yards while using this power, adding one success
to track her for a half hour. She can accelerate
other means of personally moving via liquid (such
as walking on it).
• With Essence 3+, neither she nor any aquatic
mount she rides suffers fatigue from actions this
Charm assists.
Factual Determination Analysis said:FACTUAL DETERMINATION ANALYSIS
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Principle of Hierarchy recognizes the binary nature of existence – true or false? While this Charm is active, the warlock can recognize as such all deliberate lies presented to her. The character can also recognize the use of half-truths and deliberate omissions, though doing so does not tell her which part of the statement is true. Ignorance or genuine delusion are not detected, and the truth is not supplied alongside the detection of a lie. If this Charm is contested, add the Infernal's Essence rating in bonus successes to the roll-off.
Invasive Exteroception Technique said:INVASIVE EXTEROCEPTION TECHNIQUE
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Factual Determination Analysis
The comprehension of She Who Lives in Her Name knows no boundaries. The Infernal's sense of touch extends (Perception x 10) yards in all directions, allowing her to make sensory rolls to acquire tactile details within that range. This special sense of touch ignores physical barriers such as walls or flesh, allowing the Infernal to be as intrusive as she likes. While these "touches" apply no actual physical pressure (and never qualify for the Touch keyword), the Infernal can apply the benefits of Keen Touch Technique (Exalted, pp. 226) to any roll, intensifying her curiosity such that its subjects experience phantom caresses. If opposed by anti-scrying magic, this special sense provokes a roll-off.
With Essence 4+, the Infernal can spend one mote to expand this Charm's range by a factor of (Essence x 2) for one tick. This applies only to sensory rolls, not abilities granted by further Charms.
Essence-Dissecting Touch said:ESSENCE-DISSECTING TOUCH
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Lattice
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Invasive Exteroception Technique
The meaningless static of the material is penetrated by the exacting scalpel-caress of She Who Lives in Her Name. This Charm enhances its prerequisite, providing the same benefits as the Solar Charm All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight (Exalted, pp. 222) within its range, allowing the Infernal to run her fingers through the delicate interplay of energy that weaves the world..
The Infernal's aesthetic preferences shift subtly while benefiting from this effect. She reduces the effective Appearance ratings of other characters by one for every point of Wyld mutations they possess, while anomalies are treated as having an effective Appearance rating of zero. Other characters continue to perceive normal Appearance ratings, even when interacting with the Infernal.
For the purposes of Lattice effects, "Wyld mutations" does not solely refer to mutations inflicted by proximity to the infinite Chaos that borders Creation. It also refers to any mutations applied by anomalies, as well as any "random" mutations, undesigned and unintended – those applied by an uncapped demesne or tainted concoction or interbred bloodline would qualify, while those applied by a mutagenic manse or deliberate genesis project would not. Chaotic spitballing is abhorrent – design must be intelligent.
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