Okay...since apparently I need to chime in:
Mutation-wise, she'd be more apt to head towards BRR than CFE. Not permanent, pings off her body image issues (which are entirely still a thing since she's been repeatedly called a monster or inhuman thing since waking up from the chrysalis) less that way.
I thought so. There's a reason it wasn't on the charm development list after all.
Also, you're still going mostly-full munchkin on a lot of stuff, guys. Consider for a moment: Uncertainty is offering the simplest MA charm he knows.
Hint: it's a test.
If she can't start with and succeed at the simple principles of a lesser art, she's not ready for the virtue style he's willing to teach her from at this level of Sifu. If she never takes that charm, never accedes to his authority as her Sifu? Then not only is she not a worthy student, but to his mind she's angling for trouble based on her current heavily Pyrian load out. SWLIHN is both proud and humble.
Mmm, probably need to make it more explicit. Voter attention span shifting means that you're going to see it being forgotten whenever a crisis happened.
You may recall that the MA charm was on the training list right until the following things happened:
-Lawsuit pushed things slightly towards social charms. But not strongly. MA still on track.
-Danny discussion. MA still on track.
-Fought Oni Lee. MA no longer on track. Combat charms dominates discussion, paranoia combo returns.
-Aftermath of defeat. MA forgotten entirely. Paranoia combo now reaching "Lets train the whole combo at once" levels.
Silence is intentional here. All optimization attempts should be carried out in character, rather than out of it.
Short version? Taylor doesn't know. So neither do you
Can I request that intentional silence be explicitly mentioned in the future?
Because you're currently only fostering increasingly wild optimization plots.
They breed and mutate in silence.
Instead I'll be spending our XP based upon the decisions made in other votes as well as offering some more generalized training options going forward. Probably.
I'll back this up at present. We have jarring different perspectives on spending priorities.
How about this for training and XP spending allocation while retaining some level player choice?
1) Post current IC priorities/objectives. Post list of 'approved' charms.
2) Open the floor to discussion on how best to spend the XP to narrow down the spending focuses. Potential room for argument to add or remove certain items for consideration.
3) Close the discussion over a day or two, and then organize expenditure into several general thrusts.
So you get something like the following training/spending suites. Every Last Detail is locked in by previous vote and general consensus.
[] A Plan For Everything
-Based on the IC belief that Taylor had not nearly prepared enough to go crime fighting. Seeks to preempt any such recurrance
-Consists of Bureaucracy, Lore, Trains Perception, War, SWLIHN Mythos Exultant or Just as Planned. Possible(if unlikely, since she doesn't think she took any unnecessary risks) increase in Temperance.
[] Strength of a Great Typhoon
-Based on the IC belief that Taylor needs to fight more good. Seeks to get good, by taking the offensive to crime.
-Consists of Martial Arts. Trains Perception, War, Death Dealing Journey, Distance Eliminating Translocation or Five Dragon Claw. Possible(if unlikely, due to general lack of interest by voters) increase in Valor or Compassion.
[] Steadfast as a Mountain
-Based on the IC belief that she's too fragile, please don't hurt me no more. Seeks to get good by taking the defensive. Being impossible to injure is a good start.
-Consists of Martial Arts. Trains Perception, War, Scar Writ Saga Shield, Five Dragon(whatever the E1 defense charm was)
[] Objection!
-Based on the IC belief that the PRT will cover immediate issues, that she should focus on the lawsuit. Seeks to make sure the lawsuit works, and on the longer term, to see that the gangs are brought to justice.
-Consists of Bureaucracy, Lore. Trains Incorrect Value Rejection. Possible(if unlikely, due to Taylor's justified squeamishness) purchase of Cerebral Probe Inquisition or Binary Instruction Implementation.
[] Capitalism ho!
-Based on the IC idea of improving the PRT's resources so they can fix everything.
-Consists of Bureaucracy, Lore, Craft. Trains Aperion Isolation Alchemy for the purpose of giving Armsmaster unlimited resources.
-Is not actually a serious option, since she neither knows of the local PRT resource limitations, nor is she actually bought into it yet.
Well, also chess is Attribute + War. So...not necessarily the choice that most lets Taylor shine.
Could be worse. Could be testing by having her teach someone to play chess. All 1 die she gets for Charisma + War.
Sure, it doubles her effective aptitude...to merely bad.
Well, she'd play DECENTLY the first time if she spent some time reading up on chess strategies and preparing it, she can use Every Last Detail + SWLIHN Excellency.
Still without actual War, it's not going to impress more than average guy.