Indestructible Spirit (Kancolle AU)

Considering when she finds out Kongou mainly does it for Shits and Giggles and to improve morale.
Say with utter seriousness that calls for a round at the nearest bar.
You know, Sasahara's omake brings to the forefront something I was wondering...

Is it the Kongou-class, Indestructible-class, Hiei-class, or some mix there-of?
You know, Sasahara's omake brings to the forefront something I was wondering...

Is it the Kongou-class, Indestructible-class, Hiei-class, or some mix there-of?
The verse with the Kongou being Japanese has the sister be Kongou-Class
The one with Indestructible going British has the Kongou-sisters becoming the Hiei-class
As for Indestructible herself.... I'm not sure actually.
Sasa...that was hilarious.

And now I want to do a non-canon omake series of the adventures of Kongou and Indestructible.

You know, Sasahara's omake brings to the forefront something I was wondering...

Is it the Kongou-class, Indestructible-class, Hiei-class, or some mix there-of?

In-universe, there is no Kongou-class. Hiei became the lead ship of her class, thus Hiei-class battlecruiser/Fast-BB. Indestructible, meanwhile, became the lead ship of her (British) class, thus Indestructible-class battlecruisers.

Since Kongou was never launched as Kongou, there is no Kongou class outside old Japanese and British documents predating the handover.

EDIT: Though, if you want to look at it this way, you can see them all as the greater Kongou family, as the original design came from that ship.
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A/N – This was a meeting that should never have happened… but alas, in this snip, it did. Any thoughts and comments about how Indestructible would view her totally genki, cool big sister TEI-TO-KU sexual counterpart?
I'd say that they would be closer to being twin sisters than outright bigger and littler sisters. Yes, I am aware that one would normally have to be older, but that's not exactly true in this case, is it?

All around, a nice and funny snip, Sasahara!
Actually if you go by launch dates since Indestructible was delayed enough to have japan just say fuck it send us the gear on a merchant ship instead of with Kongou in the original timeline.
Kongou is the eldest sister.
That's about how I view her as well. I've seen Kongou compared to Jack O'Neill fits.
My view of canon Kongou that, in addition to being an experienced warrior as befitting a ship with her service record, is that she's very people smart. That is, she's very good at reading people, figuring out what their like, and knowing just what to do to get them to go along. She puts on her genki girl act mainly because she finds it genuinely fun, rather then as outright obfuscating stupidity.

This does lead to a scene in my x-over idea with C&C:Generals that results in her going dead serious upon viewing Doctor Thrax in his first televised message since she rapidly cottons on to just how much of a monster he is.
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I personally believe that Kongou is a lot smarter than she lets on, and yeah, I'm one of those who think she's like Jack O'Neill, deliberately clowning around, and so you underestimate her and don't think much of her...

And then outta nowhere she shows up, backhands a 16" shell away like it's nothing, hugs and comforts a destroyer sinking into despair, and then she finishes off the enemy BBs.

She isn't burning love all the time. She can be thoughtful if she wants. PRivately, alone, where nobody sees her, where she doesn't need to keep the act going.
Why do you think she's best girl in Kancolle? It's blatantly obvious that this is the canon portrayal of Kongou, and everyone loves her because of it.

Actually she proceeded to dance around everything ARP Kongo tried to do, if I remember right.

In hand to hand combat, clearly.
It was distressing though, if only emotionally. Kongou couldn't hit Kangou-DESS because of Kangou-DESS being... herself, but it still upset Kongou-DESS.
I imagine it was a rather distressing experience for KanColle!Kongou?

Well... too put it bluntly, it turns out that shipgirl > mental model. However, this just led Kongo's mental model* to retreat to her hull and it does indeed turn out that a full FoF vessel < shipgirl. Or, it would have, if Kongo didn't come to realize that blowing up the naval base would mean killing Kancolle!Maya whom she befriended earlier (because of the association with Arpeggio!Maya) and... well, you can just read the story here.

*A quick point of order here: Kongo (with no "u") refers to the Arpeggio-version while Kongou (with the "u") refers to the Kancolle-version. Apparently it has to do with the different alphabets used in spelling their names and how it transliterates
BTW, If it's well received, could someone please repost it over in SB since I am banned over there?
Wait, what? Sorry, can I ask what's up with that? I had thought you were in a self-imposed ban like here too there...
"I believe I speak with full seriousness when I say this," Indestructible said gravely. "What the bloody hell did you do to me, Japan?"
The same thing they did to the other ship-girls? Putting them into moe cliche/niche archetype characters?
Omake: The Adventures of Indy and Kongou I
Omake: The Adventures of Indy and Kongou: Part I

"Sis, are you sure this is the right way?"


"Not that I doubt ya, but..."

Indestructible, first of her class, sighed softly. Brushing brown hair from her face, she looked over at her younger siblings. Irresistible was the lucky one, her shorter hair not being plastered to her face by the ever-present rain surrounding the sisters. Implacable was doing her best impersonation of her namesake as per usual, green eyes scanning the area around them. 'The area', in this case, being the ocean off the Japanese coast. Ever since her sisters had arrived, Indestructible had been pushing up her training. That was, indeed, what they were doing now. Training the eldest sister in navigation on the high seas.

It was why Seydlitz was back at Yokosuka actually. The three sisters were identical in performance for the most part, so it was easier to just have all three of them train together like this. On the other hand, it also meant that...the three sisters were alone. If they managed to get lost, it might be a problem with not one of them really familiar with Japanese waters.

With that in mind, Irresistible's question made rather more sense.

"I'm sure this is the right way," Indestructible nodded at her siblings, "My crew agrees."

"So do mine," Irresistible sighed, "But I don't have a bloody clue where we are."

That is a strange feeling...

For her part, Indestructible nodded again. She, the woman she now was, had little idea of where they were. But her fairies, her crew, did. It was a distinctly strange feeling, even now. Strange it may be, but it wasn't important for the moment.

"Regardless," Implacable's soft voice spoke up, "This storm is a problem."

"You're telling me. This thing came out of nowhere."

While Irresistible's voice held it's normal devil-may-care tone, there was an undercurrent of worry in it. An undercurrent that indicated just how worrisome this storm was. Random storm fronts were the domain of Abyssals, the monsters striking from fog and rain. Being in the middle of one had both of the younger battlecruisers on edge. Indestructible herself had yet to gain the experience needed to have the same issues, but then, did that matter? Even she felt a chill whenever she looked out at the dark clouds above the sisters.

"We should head back to shore," the eldest sister finally spoke up again.

"Yeah, doubt we'll do any good out in this."

Implacable merely nodded, still worriedly scanning around the three battlecruisers. With a nod, Indestructible started leading her siblings back towards where her fairies said Japan was. It was almost impossible to tell in this storm though, as the rain began to pick up even more.

Now I am worried...

Pushing her bow through rising waves, Indestructible felt the first true bit of fear since she had entered this storm. It would take something stronger than this to sink her or her siblings, yes. But the Abyssals...well, one could hardly blame her for feeling what she did. Her turrets turned ever so slowly, following her eyes and radar as she scanned around her. Indestructible had been sunk by ambush once before, albeit by a submarine. She was ill-inclined to take risk of the same happening once more. Especially if it were one of her sisters, her dear sisters, who took the blow first.

Trying to avoid thinking of that, the British battleship flinched slightly when lightning struck a little too close to home.

"I think we're nearly out of here," Irresistible tried to sound confident.

"The storm does seem to be lessening," Implacable added.

And indeed, they were right. The storm was clearing, though the dark tint to the sky remained.
Indestructible wasn't about to let her guard down though, "Stay close. Abyssals may be on the other side."
It was a testament to how much her siblings- well, more Irresistible who was always the problem child -trusted her, that neither of the younger girls argued. If anything, the three British girls tightened their formation further. All three girls had their turrets ready, as the storm bombarded them with one final fierce downpour before...suddenly stopping. There was no gradual lessening. There was no clearing up.

One second it was raining, the next, nothing.

"...what happened to the storm?"

Irresistible's question was filled with worry, as the girls looked around at the newly clear skies.

"I don't know," Indestructible answered her sister, more than a little worry of her own leaking into her voice.

All around the girls, was bright sunlight. Not a cloud in the sky. And, in the distance, the Japanese coast. Far closer than it should have been, even with the battlecruisers heading in that direction. Something was very strange, and very worrying, here. But what else could they do, but keep going forward? Japan was nearby, and they could think about the strange storm once they were safe in dock. At least, that was what the oldest sister thought.

The battleship did not want to worry her sisters, so it was best to wait.

"Radar has a ship," Implacable, unsurprisingly, was the first to notice something other than the lack of the storm.

And indeed, long brown hair was visible in the distance. Indestructible's sharp eyes recognized the silhouette of the girl. A Mogami-class cruiser, the long brown hair marking her as Kumano. Not a girl she knew well, but...then, did she know any Japanese girls outside her sisters, Fubuki and Shigure well? Shaking her head clear of those thoughts, Indestructible moved in front of her siblings and sailed towards Kumano. Between the battlecruiser's thirty knot speed and the cruiser's thirty-five, it didn't take long for the girls to meet up.

But instead of the relief that Indestructible would have expected on Kumano's face- after all, surely vanishing into a vanishing storm would have at least Seydlitz, and most certainly Hiei, Haruna and Kirishima, up in arms -there was...shock? Shock and a hint of fear.

"Kongou-san?" Kumano's voice even lacked it's normally formal tone, as her blue eyes looked at the battlecruisers.

Twitching at that name, Indestructible sighed, "How many bloody name is Indestructible. Not Kongou."

"I..." the cruiser blinked, before shaking her heads, "I need you to come with me, please."

"Something is very strange here," Irresistible stage-whispered.

Oh if only they had known...

Looking down in her tea, Indestructible reflected on how she had ended up in this situation. A situation that had her sitting at a tea table, with her sisters on either side of her. And across from her, like looking in a twisted mirror, was her. Or, rather, the Japanese Fast Battleship Kongou. Their faces were the same, perhaps a slightly more Japanese look to Kongou's. Their hair was the same shade and length, long brown tresses cascading down their backs. But where Indestructible wore her's loose, Kongou had her's partially tied up in two strange buns on the side of her head. Of course, that was far from the strangest thing about her.

She also wore a pair of radar antennas as a headband, in the same way Hiei and her sisters had done back...home. And Kongou, unlike Indestructible who wore a customized Royal Navy officer's uniform, wore an outfit like her sisters. In short, other than their faces, hair and eye color, the two looked almost nothing alike.

Nor did they act anything alike either. Indestructible's question of 'what the bloody hell did Japan do to her' had not been in jest. Kongou was even more hyperactive and talkative than Hiei had been. And her younger sister had the British girl reeling back home. The idea that she could be even more genki than Hiei was...well. The personality of her counterpart was so unlike her own, she wondered how they could- technically -be the same person!

"So, you have no idea how you ended up here then?"

"Not at all."

And then there was a much younger Admiral Takeda. The man was sitting next to Kongou, sipping at a tea as he looked at the British girls. He seemed inured to Kongou, who was purring as she leaned against the man.

"Hmm," Takeda set his tea down, "Well, nothing like this has ever happened before. We've had kanmusu end up summoning in strange places, but never kanmusu from another world. I don't know what I can tell you, in all honesty, Indestructible-san. You are, of course, welcome to stay here until we figure something out."

"YES!" Kongou sat up in her seat, grinning at her British counterpart, "You must stay here, INDESSTRUCTIBLE! We have so much to talk about, dess!"

And why would I say 'dess' in every other sentence?

"I..." Indestructible sighed softly, "That is not a problem. I would prefer to go to Britain, but I..."

"They would have even less idea what to do," Takeda nodded sagely, "You never served there, I'm afraid. And your sisters were never built. Well..."

The Japanese man turned his eyes on Implacable, who was rubbing her elder sister's back.

"Implacable here was. I recognized her the moment I saw her."

Understandably, Indestructible and Irresistible turned their heads to look at the youngest sibling. Implacable merely raised an eyebrow, confusion clear in her features. The dark-haired girl turned to look at the Japanese Admiral, who just held up a hand. A small smile crossed his young face, as Takeda looked between the Indestructible sisters.

"HMS Implacable, lead ship of her class of aircraft carriers. She returned as a kanmusu some time ago, and looks exactly like you do."

Irresistible broke down into giggles at the flabbergasted look on her younger sister's face, "Oi, you became a nameship little sis? And a carrier at that? You little traitor!"

"I..." Implacable, for once, had no idea how to respond to that.

"SEE," Kongou was little help, "You aren't alone, dess! Your sister also has a TWIN!"

Takeda chuckled quietly, "The situation is a little more complex than that Kongou."

"But we are TWINS, tei~to~ku~!"

As the Admiral fended off Kongou's advances, Indestructible slumped in her seat, putting her head in her hands.

Bloody hell, I don't know how I'm going to deal with this...

Irresistible's continued giggles were little help.

Non-canon, but fun. I also blame Sasa for getting this plot bunny lodged in my head :p
This crack is what we need before the winter event come.

And we'll be having tanaka's salt when it comes....
3 time flagship of the Japanese Imperial Navy Served in 2 World wars and watched in horror as good and decent men were slaughtered as her nation descended into Madness. Also To put a perfect capper into it Was responsible for killing most of her own crew with her Admirals with a Magazine detonation.
Is it any wonder Kongou exults in Living she isn't just living for herself but for those Poor men and boys her Failure to keep safe slain.