In Thunder's Echo (Legend of the Five Rings Quest)

[X] Remain silent

Our life isn't our own. Hot headed dueling without permission from our lord is exactly the sort of thing we've got to avoid for the sake of our clan.

Also, @Maugan Ra, can we retroactively buy Dangerous Beauty?
@Maugan Ra Hey, would there be a difference between "Volunteer to act as Mariko's champion" and "Offer to act as Mariko's champion"?

It strikes me that if we volunteer, it makes it sound as if we're definitely saying "pick me" and that she should pick us. She might feel pressured to pick us; or at least, if she doesn't pick us, it probably has some social results or something.

Whereas if we just offer ourselves as an option, it lets her pick whether to choose us or the Kakita without feeling pressured.

[X] Offer to act as Mariko's champion

I'm not sure I feel comfortable jumping at this duel; but on the other hand, it would feel odd to stand by and say nothing.
[X] Remain silent

Few reasons to accept and plenty to remain silent. There is no need to involve the character in everything, much less when the other person already has preparations for this exact event, and we've been specifically told to keep a low profile. Mariko isn't some helpless individual, she is a Samurai and the head of the Crane delegation here.
Nah I don't think she's a brute. But man if I was little more 'YOLO' about things I'd vote something like this

"Well hello to you too Matsu-san, fine day, fine day until just now. I can only assume that you decided that what happened to Matsu Ginewei-san was a positive life choice to follow. Truly your ancestors are proud of you for doing this on a festival scene and challenging a courtier at that...because of course going up and challenging the Kakita directly was right out, and would have made sense."

"Truly you are a formidable tactician with the height of Courage in you. After all that's what you're here for right? To show that the Matsu are not afraid of the Doji. Even if you look like a fool and a bully doing so while in a public street when we've done nothing to you personally. I can only assume that this is part of a grand master strategy as the Matsu have proven so inspired at it since the lamented dissolution of the Akodo. Why in fact a suspicious mind like mine might assume that this all an elaborate act, but no Matsu would be so foolish and dishonourable.'

"By the way I'm Bayushi Naoto, I know you didn't introduce yourself, but I feel that courtesy and respect are important."

....Yeah something like that.
@Maugan Ra : How important is the Festival of the River of Stars?

Beacuse the Lion here is disrupting it something fierce. Her clan is the one organising this little shindig. And does not Courtsy say that one should be coutious, even to ones enemies? This Lion is currently faling at bushido. Since Lions are all about Bushido, she is faling at life.

Besides, we are a Scorpion. We do not play fair. Doji is pinned since it is an insult directly at her, but she has a capable courtier standing right next to her. Let us twist the entire event around. Let's make the Lion choke on honor. It can even be true.

[X] Speak clerarly, let our voice carry to the masses:"I have met several Matsu samurai. They are brave and honorable. Do not let this disgrace, this complete failure of Bushido, ruin the Festival for us all. I know she is not the face of the Matsu. They rule their wrath, not lose themselves to it so far to make a public spectacle of themselves and disrupt the very celebration their Clan is holding.

That was ill done samurai-san, whatever your grievance.Even an incompetent and desperate Scorpion would not provoke an honor duel so poorlly, in a way so damaging for their Clan. For disrupting my day, insulting the Matsu, disturbing the peace and breaching the basic tennents of Bushido, I would offer my sword Doji-sama. But my life is not my own.

Though I do belive you have a prefered retainer for dealing with such...matters. Or is there a Matsu here, preapared to clear this stain from the Lions honor?"
[X]Spend a Void point on this Courtier(manipulate) roll.
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Well given the offered options I think our best case scenario is that we win and Doji Mariko falls into our arms hopelessly in love. Our worst is that Matsu kills us. Given I'm not one for waifuing I'd prefer to remain silent, however Gman and Garlak raise good points.
Our best case scenario is to offer ourselves as champions and then shame the Matsu into Seppuku. I imagine the Naoto style duel will be immensely popular among Cranes.
My vote was a total joke option. I mean it's fun lambasting people, but it's not like, what we really should do. Although asking who she is is probably a good idea.
Hmm... Putting it this way:

Is there a reason for us to risk our life for another clan?

Especially since we don't have our boss's permission to risk our life.

I think we should do or say something to respond so it doesn't look like we're just leaving Doji out to dry; but I'm very leery about actually committing/risking our life.
I am trying to keep my vote to a reasonable standard. Our life is not our own. Volunteering to defend her is not something we can do. At all. Not with the politics and loyalties involved. We do that, we might as well switch to Crane.

But for all those people who want to voluntear to defend her, this is something we can realisticly do. We are a very good courtier. Meeting the lion Sword to Sword is stupid and ineffective. If you want to defend her, then let us defend her like a Scorpion should. Acting to our strengths. A 9k5 manipulate roll (with void) is a lot more agreeable then going up against a Lion trying to duel a Kakita.

We end up not risking our life, since we clearly state it is not ours to risk. We defend Doji, and risk very little. At worst, we lose good will from the Lion. It costs us allmost nothing, sets us up as defending not only Dojis honor, but Matsu honor and Bushido itself as well, and lets the Lion keep a way out. All they need to do to resolve this is for one of their own to cleanse the stain.
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[x] Volunteer to act as Mariko's champion.
-[x] "Matsu-sama, whatever your quarrel with Mariko-san, you are acting unspeakably rude. You are demonstrating a deep failure of Courtesy. Additionally, by saying such things to Mariko-san, you insult *me*. If your rage is such that it overwhelms all propriety, and can only be soothed by the dance steel and blood, then I will be your partner. Mariko-san, with your permission?"
[X] Remain silent

We ARE supposed to keep our heads low, and the lady in question has a rather powerful bodyguard to champion her.
[X] Try to Defuse the Situation

I don't know how to Make this Situation less Explosive so i would like it if someone would help me
But this Problem Could go out of hands and if we handle this very well it could mean Lion and Crane owe us a favor
At least thats how i see it so if i got anything wrong please point it out

Edit: Damn that's embarrassing :oops:
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[X] Try to Diffuse the Situation

I don't know how to Make this Situation less Explosive so i would like it if someone would help me
But this Problem Could go out of hands and if we handle this very well it could mean Lion and Crane owe us a favor
At least thats how i see it so if i got anything wrong please point it out
You mean defuse, as in make something (usually a bomb, but here a situation) inert, rather than diffuse, meaning to spread out like a fart through a room.
[X] Try to Defuse the Situation

I don't know how to Make this Situation less Explosive so i would like it if someone would help me
But this Problem Could go out of hands and if we handle this very well it could mean Lion and Crane owe us a favor
At least thats how i see it so if i got anything wrong please point it out

Edit: Damn that's embarrassing :oops:
Too late, the offense was already given and it was too direct, too great, lacking any factors that could potentially reduce the problem. There are no grounds for one to claim it was just a misunderstanding or that the parts involved were too drunk or otherwise not in their right minds. Things have been said that cannot be taken away, really, and neither can really back away from this.

Edit: Well, at least without an immediate major catastrophe I guess. If there was suddenly an incursion from the forces of the shadowlands a couple leagues away from the town, I'd guess that the whole thing might be forgotten or at least postponed. :p
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Wooh, Etiquette checks. I'll make a general one here and extend that out over the various requests.

Etiquette 6k3 = 20

@Maugan Ra - could we please get an Etiquette check on the implications of agreeing to be her champion in this? What would it mean to her if we do or if we do not? What would it mean to the Lion if we do? Is there any way to have it not be a duel to the death and/or not kill the Matsu without dishonor to those involved?

Mariko has a Kakita duelist in her employ, so she is unlikely to feel utterly abandoned if you chose not to volunteer. Offering to put your life on the line would be a powerful gesture, but beyond that the implications would depend on how Mariko herself interpreted everything.

For the Lion... you're a Scorpion, so most of them are unlikely to believe that you are getting involved out of principle. The standard assumption would be that you're connected with Mariko in some way that makes a lethal duel worth risking in order to maintain.

The only way to avoid making this a duel to the death would be if your lords insisted. For you, that's Bayushi Kimoko. Given Mariko's status, the Lion would probably have to ask Matsu Ketsui. Either of them could insist on making it a duel to first blood or until one combatant cannot stand or whatever.

@Maugan Ra

Actually, I'm going to request an etiquette (or whatever skill is appropriate here) roll(s) for the following:
  • Can we volunteer without breaching etiquette?
  • If we volunteer, would it likely alienate the Lion?
  • Can we even volunteer to champion someone who isn't even from our clan or allied to it, let alone go through a duel to the death without first clearing it with our boss?
Edit: Damn slimy squid ninjas! :p

You can volunteer without a problem, though seeking Kimoko's permission would be required before the duel actually takes place (likely in a few days). As for alienating the Lion... honestly, even killing the Matsu wouldn't do that.

You need to remember that the Lion are all about Bushido. If a Matsu insults someone, is challenged and then killed in a fair duel, they're actually likely to respect the opposing duelist more. An honourable death in keeping with centuries of tradition is something they outright aspire to.

@Maugan Ra do we have any suspicion or idea as to whether somebody would be trying to pull something here?

I mean... Who benefits? Assuming this situation plays out in some way, who would actively desire a confrontation?

You tell me.

Also, @Maugan Ra, can we retroactively buy Dangerous Beauty?

Sure, why not? Mostly because I am entertained by the idea of Naoto removing his mask and suddenly all the ladies swoon.

@Maugan Ra : How important is the Festival of the River of Stars?

Not particularly, in the grand scheme of things. If you were actually at a temple service or something then this would be a serious matter, but just being challenged in the street is something that happens, and does not reflect on the choice of day in any notable way.
Wooh, Etiquette checks. I'll make a general one here and extend that out over the various requests.

Etiquette 6k3 = 20

Mariko has a Kakita duelist in her employ, so she is unlikely to feel utterly abandoned if you chose not to volunteer. Offering to put your life on the line would be a powerful gesture, but beyond that the implications would depend on how Mariko herself interpreted everything.

For the Lion... you're a Scorpion, so most of them are unlikely to believe that you are getting involved out of principle. The standard assumption would be that you're connected with Mariko in some way that makes a lethal duel worth risking in order to maintain.

The only way to avoid making this a duel to the death would be if your lords insisted. For you, that's Bayushi Kimoko. Given Mariko's status, the Lion would probably have to ask Matsu Ketsui. Either of them could insist on making it a duel to first blood or until one combatant cannot stand or whatever.

You can volunteer without a problem, though seeking Kimoko's permission would be required before the duel actually takes place (likely in a few days). As for alienating the Lion... honestly, even killing the Matsu wouldn't do that.

You need to remember that the Lion are all about Bushido. If a Matsu insults someone, is challenged and then killed in a fair duel, they're actually likely to respect the opposing duelist more. An honourable death in keeping with centuries of tradition is something they outright aspire to.

You tell me.

Sure, why not? Mostly because I am entertained by the idea of Naoto removing his mask and suddenly all the ladies swoon.

Not particularly, in the grand scheme of things. If you were actually at a temple service or something then this would be a serious matter, but just being challenged in the street is something that happens, and does not reflect on the choice of day in any notable way.

How much does Dangerous Beauty cost? XP-wise?
Hmmm, interesting. Yeah, I'm going to keep my vote to remain silent because I don't feel the risk reward here being good enough. Sure, if we win it'd be great, but it is likely to be a duel to the death, our boss is a crazy lady who would likely tell us to go for it and so is the Lion Daimyo here. Furthermore it's not like Mariko needs us to be her champion, she has a Kakita on her retinue, and as much as we might want to troll him, I wouldn't say it's worth that much risk.
[X] Remain Silent.
[X] Buy Dangerous Beauty for 2 XP.

Not sure whether I can do this or not, but honestly, since Dangerous Beauty doesn't immediately apply, this is more me wanting to get it before I forget about it. And it's funny.
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How much does Dangerous Beauty cost? XP-wise?

For a Scorpion? 2xp.

Mechanically it gives you +1k0 to Temptation rolls with the opposite sex (potentially also members of the same sex, but L5R has absolutely nothing anywhere regarding gay characters, which is a bit odd, so I'd have to homebrew any etiquette relating to them etc). There are also a bunch of minor roleplay benefits inherent in you being, well, dangerously sexy.
Nah I don't think she's a brute. But man if I was little more 'YOLO' about things I'd vote something like this

"Well hello to you too Matsu-san, fine day, fine day until just now. I can only assume that you decided that what happened to Matsu Ginewei-san was a positive life choice to follow. Truly your ancestors are proud of you for doing this on a festival scene and challenging a courtier at that...because of course going up and challenging the Kakita directly was right out, and would have made sense."

"Truly you are a formidable tactician with the height of Courage in you. After all that's what you're here for right? To show that the Matsu are not afraid of the Doji. Even if you look like a fool and a bully doing so while in a public street when we've done nothing to you personally. I can only assume that this is part of a grand master strategy as the Matsu have proven so inspired at it since the lamented dissolution of the Akodo. Why in fact a suspicious mind like mine might assume that this all an elaborate act, but no Matsu would be so foolish and dishonourable.'

"By the way I'm Bayushi Naoto, I know you didn't introduce yourself, but I feel that courtesy and respect are important."

....Yeah something like that.
I would go with "I'm sure Matsu Ketsui-dono will be overjoyed that you saw her mistakes in welcoming the Crane as guests and have taken it upon yourself to correct her."

I'm amending my vote to include buying bishiness dangerous beauty.

[x] Volunteer to act as Mariko's champion.
[x] Buy Dangerous Beauty for 2 XP
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