@The Laurent
Instead of the above would this work to assuage your concerns?
Hmm still not happy but seems to fit.
Our response (currently winning) feels very scorpion-y in a way...which is a good thing in some circumstances, but we're currently trying to buck an accusation of being slimy dishonorables, and all.
It's why in general the turning of the, 'Are you insulting the Lion' is important, but it'd be interesting if we could find a way to take the 'We're more Lion than you' ground, because right now he's being a blunt blusterer and that's helping him, but if we can somehow attack the underpinning of the bluster...hrm, not sure.
So...Rokugani Trump?Yoritomo Courtiers basically revolve around intimidating other people into getting their way and being completely unflappable otherwise. The only way to win this game is to either not play or change the terms of how everything is being discussed.
Of course, the problem here is that he undoubtedly has high Willpower and so is good on defense and attack so long as he keeps intimidating everyone into listening to him.
What I might consider would be to omit the "But I suppose it is typical for the Mantis to bluster their way through things." bit. Perhaps a bit too overtly insulting, and if they were trying to get us to challenge them to a duel we would be giving cause for them to challenge us instead.[x] "I am impressed Yoritomo-san by your audacity. Truly, to proclaim that the Lion Priests are inferior to the Scorpion in their own court? If it wasn't so obviously wrong, I'd almost think you had a point. But I suppose it is typical for the Mantis to bluster their way through things. Yes let's accuse the Scorpion for the failure of my own bushi and hope no one notices I blatantly insulted my hosts...it is an unorthodox tactic if nothing else. Not one I would have used though."
A slight shrug.
"Still I suppose I should thank you for the compliment, to say we are so skilled and powerful, that must be quite the esteem you hold in us. But really you give me and my kinsmen too much credit."
I'm going to note that this is the sort of post that can derail threads in ugly ways, and lead to pretty serious arguments.
What I might consider would be to omit the "But I suppose it is typical for the Mantis to bluster their way through things." bit. Perhaps a bit too overtly insulting, and if they were trying to get us to challenge them to a duel we would be giving cause for them to challenge us instead.
Probably worse. Right now, we've descended to a certain level of rudeness between us - the Yasuki have straight-up claimed that the Scorpion have done many dishonorable things int eh past, and he's implied heavily that we personally did one int eh present. I don't *think* that that particular claim is going to give him much of a pretext for dueling - and the level of pretext is going to be important at least as far as getting iajutsu support. Still....Might it be better to make a personal insult instead? "But I suppose considering how you've acted that it's typical for you to bluster your way through things." Or would that still be duel-worthy?
It's potentially useful, but I get the impression that our spy network can basically work on hunting the Nothing or hunting the rebels/kolat or trying to track down things on the other delegations. They can't do but so much, and we've had other priorities.As a sidenote: We probably should see if we can leverage the spy networks we have access through proxy to check out the delegations particularly hostile to us. Even they are not involved in some great overarching plot against us, I'd rather keep track of them even if only to avoid getting sucker punched.
Okay, it was just a thought.Old news, and they could turn that back round on us in a number of ways by now.
Ah but the question there was if that was just a target of opportunity or if it is based on what @gman391 notedThere's also a degree of face saving if he can spread sufficient doubt about the legitimacy of the Wasp's unbelievable failure.
Do the Phoenix kick their asses in canon?The Phoenix and the Mantis have beef.
Two years later in canon time, the Mantis invade the Phoenix lands feeling that the Phoenix are too weak to stop them and that their Imperial Charter gives them permission to do so. Yoritomo was persuaded to do this by the Lying Darkness. It may well be that we are seeing the seeds of this being laid.
No way to prove it though.