- We should totally get Kenjutsu 3. I'll admit it. We should have before, and now that it's cheaper, we absolutely should now.
- We should totally buy up to Iajutsu 3. The fast-draw can be very useful in the right circumstances, Iajutsu 3 shoudl be enough for our needs for the forseeable future, and we should exploit the discount.
- Battle... yeah, Battle 3 is probably worth it too - if only as in investment for Hachiman. Now is absolutely the time to buy it.
- Not sure abotu Defense. Honestly, I have yet to see a situation where I'd *care* about my score in defense. If someone wants to bump it up to 3, I'm not saying they're wrong, but I'd like to hear of at least one realistic case where it's actually useful first
That'd be 8 points (2 for kenjutsu, 3 for iajutsu, 3 for Battle), or 10 with Defense. I might also wish to pick up Perception/Investigation, but the discount is simply too valuable to ignore.
[x] "You are an honor to your family, Wren-san, but there is no debt. Your Uncle deserved Justice and it was my Honor to help give it. The Emperors Under-Hand is sworn to uncover and deal with such matters, from those plots targeting the whole of Rokugan, to those threatening a single member. While there are duties you could take on to further help the Empire, I will not force them upon you by some nonexistent debt. "Remove your mask and ask gently:"Do you want to serve the Emperors Under-Hand Wren-san?"
-[x] Should she accept, instruct her in the basics of what we need. Essentially keeping her ear out for any plots, especially against the Empire, the Matsu or the Scorpion. Note that something is going on with the Crane, and any light she could shed on the situation would be helpful.
--[x] "If I am unavailable, or you cannot reach me for some other reason and the matter is time sensitive you can approach Pale Oak-san. He is a colleague of yours now. You may find his advice helpful in performing your new duties."
-[x] Whether she accepts to job offer or not, ask her gently: "You are quite skilled in treating sword wounds. Might I ask where you practiced the art?"
Spending Time:
[x] Contact Ikoma Genji (by appropriately secretive means - probably including letters). Once he has deigned to arrange for a meeting or other trustworthy channel, reveal what you have found about the source of the Crane's orders. Ask if he might be able to provide you with an example of a message written in the Champion's own handwriting
[x] If successful, approach Doji Mariko. Acknowledge that she is absolutely certain of the source of her orders, but that you are a Villainous Scorpion (who happens to care for her) and you simply cannot shake the feeling that she is trapped in some evil plot. Ask if she might do you the great favor of allowing you to see the missive on which she was given her orders. Surely the thrust of them must be clear to all by now, yes? If there are still portions that she feels she must keep secret, then might you be permitted to see a segment of the writing that does not contain sensitive material?
-[x] If not successful, just spend some time with her, stabilizing things after the recent events, and trying to get a feel for how the dynamic may have changed
[x] Try to spend some time with Kakita Sekawa, reassuring him of your good intentions and providing proper respect. If this can be done on the training yards, all the better.
[x] Training x2
[x] Buy Iajutsu 3 (3 exp)
[x] Buy Kenjutsu 3 (2 exp)
[x] Buy Battle 3 (3 exp)
Actually, etiquette question - would it be reasonable to expect that the updated orders for Doji Mariko be written by her champion directly, or are scribes often used for things like that? If the handwriting comparison indicates that they *were* done in different hands, is that any real evidence of anything?
Obviously, if it's not, I'll be changing my write-in.
edit: because
@primemountain's response to Wren was pure awesome, and I am stealing it shamelessly.