How wide is the concept of "you"?
- Location
- the bottom of a coffee cup
- Pronouns
- She/Her
Okay. So your vote staves off an inevitable duel, or concession. And tries to make the dude who just flat out disregarded his boss and's orders to challenge her considerate boyfriend--who volunteered to defend her against a Matsu with no hesitation--to a duel look like a cock. The thing is that A) we've already shown that we're prime husbando material and B) There's not much lower Sekawa can sink.It won't. I fully expect it to end in a duel. The entire point of this is to make him look like a complete dick to Mariko so that when we lose we still win because we showed we cared about her feelings and thoughts while he didn't.
I don't see the point of it.
e- I feel like I might be blowing things out of proportion to an extent, and surrendering the right to champion Mariko mightn't be as bad as I feel like it is. I suppose the Etiquette check will have to tell what's what.
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