Bad End
Brother James of the Iron Warriors, veteran of countless battles (well, sort of countless, he knew that he had fewer of his "countless" battles than some of his brothers, he'd been welcomed into their ranks only a century ago), blinked blearily at the ceiling.
"Ugh, that's the last time I go partying with the Slaaneshis." He promised himself for the fourth time. He was tired and sore all over. All over. He didn't even want to know why his nose was sore, and he promptly decided that he wouldn't think about it further. He'd… probably had a good time, though, if he could remember it.
He blinked at his surroundings. Everything was… bright. Far, far too bright.
Probably a Slaaneshi pleasure palace of some kind. Why was it so bright? He was pretty sure even they didn't want hangovers in excess. Or maybe they had hangover cures they didn't bother sharing with other servants of the dark gods. Or maybe he was wrong and they made everything bright to enhance the hangovers. Crazy bastards.
And, unfortunately, he didn't have his helmet with its dimmers.
At least it was quiet. Weirdly but blessedly quiet. He hoped he hadn't gone deaf. Ah well.
He squinted as he looked around him. Bright, gaudy, and empty. Some might have called the barracks of the Iron Warriors dull, but he'd far prefer those to… this. He shook his head, making himself focus.
James had no idea where he was, or where the exit would be, so he simply started walking. Standing out in the open while disoriented was a terrible, terrible idea, and building a trench in the middle of this golden corridor was probably also a bad idea. Maybe he'd find a safer spot to fortify… somewhere else.
And sleep off the hangover, and then properly come up with a plan for getting out of there.
Maybe his brothers would track him down?
No, no, they were more likely to avenge his death than rescue him.
Even if rescuing him would be easier.
Ah well.
Time to walk.
Brother Cassidy Gonzales Enrique Percival Francis Jiminy Edwardson and more names besides looked to his Companion, one of the Companions, Brother Bill Gregory Dominic Fredrickson Lesley and six more names besides.
"How are the Blood Games looking?"
Brother Lesley handed a clipboard to his brother, "Well enough. We managed to seize a dozen traitor astartes, including an Iron Warrior"
"Ah, excellent." While training against the more esoteric of the Chaos legions was a good idea, the siegecraft specialists would likely provide the most useful insights in how best to defend the Imperial Palace.
Brother James shook his head. Too many Aquilas, too much gold, too much vague chanting. Damn Slaaneshi's and their bizarre, parodic artwork. He was tempted to take his knife and deface some of the symbols, but, no, they'd get annoyed at him for doing so. Even if his headache was getting worse.
Brother Cassidy looked over the clipboard. "And it looks like you have the honor of hunting the Iron Warrior this time."
"Truly?" Brother Lesley frowned, glancing at the clipboard. "This says that you're the one hunting him."
"I wouldn't be here if I were assigned to that task."
James was increasingly convinced that this wasn't a bizarre mockery. Sure, Slaanesh worshippers might do something like this, to eventually deface it, but they really didn't have the patience to build something of this scale without some twisted exaggerations or depraved mockery hidden in the margins.
He hadn't noticed a single instance of genitalia hidden in the artwork yet.
Luckily, the hangover blocked the sheer mortal terror that he suspected he should be feeling right now, and so he continued on for a lack of anything better to do, trudging along the golden corridors.
"See, it says here that you assigned to it-"
"No, it says that I'm observing your efforts-"
Brother James looked to the left of himself, and then to the right.
It… it wouldn't be that easy, would it?
He just wasn't seeing the guards, right?
"Wait, wait, ignoring that you're the one who is supposed to be hunting him-"
"Of course-"
"If you're not tracking him, and I'm not tracking him, then-
He pursed his lips, frowning as he stared upwards.
He'd… probably feel like an idiot if he didn't at least try, even if it was an obvious trap.
He pulled a melta grenade from his waist, and quietly pulled the pin.
Brother Cassidy frowned, "Where was he placed?"
"Uh, let me check the map, should we tell the Captain-General?"
"We probably should-"
A quick moment to calculate the angles and-
"Well, where is he now?" The Captain General wasn't yelling, because that was beneath him, but the yelling was very strongly implied in his voice.
"We, er, don't know."
"Track him down then. Who knows what clever acts of sabotage or trickery an Iron Warrior might-"
He tossed the grenade upwards where it landed precisely in the desiccated figure's lap.
The psychic scream was heard across the Imperium, as the Emperor, after ten thousand years on the throne, finally died.
The Imperium had fallen. Oh, there were still planets that held on, but with the loss of Terra and, arguably more importantly, the forges of Mars, as well as the loss of the Astronomicon, the Imperium stood no chance of recovery, the bloated corpse, existing on momentum and spite, finally dying the death that had been so prolonged.
And in the depths of the warp, a great demonic figure stood, observing a much smaller one. "Rise, child of mine."
Brother James, the Slayer of the Emperor, stood, and gazed upwards.
Only with the a-temporality of Chaos could Perturabo have saved the man standing before him. It had not been an easy task, and he'd needed to ask for favors (and so many were eager to grant them, now) but it would be a poor reward for this most worthy of his sons, who pierced the fortifications built by Dorn himself, to have simply allowed the man to have had his soul ripped apart by the warp overspilling into the materium following the false Emperor's death.
And now, he had finally reconstituted the soul of that champion, resurrecting him. "I suppose I should not be surprised," he said to the disoriented figure, "that it was on of the Iron Warriors, my sons, who dealt the final blow to the Imperium. While others may have doubted us, our resolve, our fury, and our expertise was all that was needed. Rise, champion, and receive the honors that you are due, and have been denied to us so frequently."
His brothers who had doubted, the fools who had sneered at him- at his Legion, all would know the error of their ways.
Brother James looked upwards in awe at his primarch, the progenitor of his line, and spoke, "I'm sorry, have we been introduced? I don't think I've met you-"
James exploded for the second time.
So, yeah, ever since I first heard of the Blood Games, I thought to myself that that sounded insanely risky.