Less serious quest idea: Chaos apocathary bets that he can make female Marines, Abbadon takes him up on the bet, chains him to a Khornate Berzerker to provide 'motivation'.So I had an idea for a Warhammer 40K fanfic based around a custom Successor Chapter. The premise is that when this chapter is founded in the 26th Founding, an Apothecary in the new chapter discovers a strange, but benign mutation in the Gene-seed. After some additional study, the Chapter Master considers the mutation one that can be safely ignored and the information is put in storage in case it is required.
Then the chapter is nearly wiped out when the Tau Empire begins another wave of expansion and they barely beat the Tau back. Realising that the Tau will not take this major strategic defeat lightly, the new Chapter Master and the surviving commanders have to rebuild quickly, but without compromising the chapter by lowering their standards in recruiting trials.
Then one of the senior commanders asks the question that sparks weeks of debate and arguments, and at least three duels.
"Why don't we take advantage of the gene-seed mutation?"
And so starts the story of a select group of female aspirants.
Before anyone says anything, I am not trolling. This is a serious idea I had.
seems like that would make things difficult, but being stuck with an even crazier person seems like a chance for shenanigansLess serious quest idea: Chaos apocathary bets that he can make female Marines, Abbadon takes him up on the bet, chains him to a Khornate Berzerker to provide 'motivation'.
Oh boy, female Marines.So I had an idea for a Warhammer 40K fanfic based around a custom Successor Chapter. The premise is that when this chapter is founded in the 26th Founding, an Apothecary in the new chapter discovers a strange, but benign mutation in the Gene-seed. After some additional study, the Chapter Master considers the mutation one that can be safely ignored and the information is put in storage in case it is required.
Then the chapter is nearly wiped out when the Tau Empire begins another wave of expansion and they barely beat the Tau back. Realising that the Tau will not take this major strategic defeat lightly, the new Chapter Master and the surviving commanders have to rebuild quickly, but without compromising the chapter by lowering their standards in recruiting trials.
Then one of the senior commanders asks the question that sparks weeks of debate and arguments, and at least three duels.
"Why don't we take advantage of the gene-seed mutation?"
And so starts the story of a select group of female aspirants.
Before anyone says anything, I am not trolling. This is a serious idea I had.
If you make said female space marines accurate to what an actual female space marine would be, I think people would calm down more.And just like that I'm reminded why I never write 40K fanfics. Yeah sure, more power to me, but what you're really saying is don't bother, go write something else.
Because a "female" Space Marine would look exactly the same as a "Male" one.If you make said female space marines accurate to what an actual female space marine would be, I think people would calm down more.
As in not a SoB but rather take a space marine.
Eh.And just like that I'm reminded why I never write 40K fanfics. Yeah sure, more power to me, but what you're really saying is don't bother, go write something else.
This bunny has been burning in my brain for a while.
In canon 40K we know of the 20 sons of the Emperor, 18 named and two deleted from all Imperial records. Superhumans with great size, strength, enhanced physical capabilities and highly intelligent. They were also made to be very charismatic, as they were to be the generals and leaders of the Imperial military.
Now the thing that struck me when I read about the Primarchs getting scattered by the Warp vortex is that they all came out completely intact on the other end. These sorts of phenomena tend to do bad things to the individuals caught in them unless you have strong and well control psyker abilities or appropriate shielding etc.
And so the idea of a crippled Primarch took root. That the infant's unconscious attempts (all Primarchs had some degree of psyker capability considering their 'father') to resist the vortex caused it to strike at him in return. Twisting and distorting his form, devolving him until he was little normal than a normal human. He kept the mental aspects of a Primarch but would not become a nearly invincible giant in a handful of years. He would mature and grow just like an ordinary human but would have a rather extended lifespan in comparison.
As for where he landed? An isolated world that was fairly comparable to 21th century Earth (got blasted down at the beginning of the Age of Strife but managed to rebuild). The boy was adopted, grew up and joined the military, rising up through the ranks. He became known as an excellent commander who could bring out the best in his soldiers, always getting the job done and having an uncanny knack for picking the right people for the job.
However all that changed when an invasion began that no one could have predicated or prepared for (No it wasn't the Fire Nation attacking).
He pulled every rabbit out of his hat that he could, but in the end the world's forces were overrun and nations conquered, he was imprisoned and the invaders tore apart human society and history to rebuild it for their own purposes. Fortunately his 2IC and some other key personnel managed to escape and form a resistance movement. It took time but they finally managed to find and break him out.
At which point the invaders started having problems with the disobedient monkeys who wanted their planet back.....
In case anyone hasn't figured out the cross yet:
The crippled Primarch is the XCOM Commander.
So thoughts?
...So. Deamonids. That is honestly even more terrifying than normal Warpy nastiness.
when you say stuff like that, pls link.Wasn't that from an SB Space Marine Chapter quest on SB a few years ago?
Actually no, it's from someone's Dark Heresy campaign that they posted to the 'net... I'm pretty sure, at least. Cool story, at the very least.Wasn't that from an SB Space Marine Chapter quest on SB a few years ago?