In The Grimdark of Fanfiction -40k

I'm conflicted, really.

I have the basic ideas I could build off of.

The first is an IG regiment going about its deployments and lives of its soldiers with peeks into the commanding officers lives.

The second is the life of a space marine initiate's life in one of the various obscure chapters in the Imperium. I could use a canon chapter if I wanted, though.

The last is a short story of a survivor of a Chaos invasion trying to survive on a planet on the verge of being engulfed in a Warp storm.
If I do go for IG, I'll be using a custom regiment made using the Only War RPG rulebook. I actually have it set up from an RP I GM'd in January...
Fic idea up for adoption;


If I had time to write about Mechanicus and Skitarii fighting Orks on the high seas I would. But I don't, ho hum :(
Today I learned Threadmark is magic and decided to practice.

Anyway TTSD short video where Kitten and Emperor plays Yugioh. Really funny. Go watch it.

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A teaser of sort:

Numeration/Cognomen: The XVIth Legion/The Luna Wolves [defunct]

Primogenitor: Horus Lupercal, aka the Warmaster

Observed Strategic Tendencies: Shock Assault, Rapid Maneuvers and Encirclement, Search and Destroy, Anti-Astartes Operations, Harrowing Actions and Strategic Decapitation Strikes.

Domains/Deployment: Terra [Tertiary], the Grave of Cthonia [The Mausoleum-Fortress of Lupercalios – Legion Fortress-Monastery], recruitment and resource tithe rights on 112 primary worlds. / Numerous independently operating primary Battle Groups of varying strength, with unknown numbers of secondary detachments and units seconded to other Imperial forces.

"The Rebellion is over. The War has begun."

-Attributed to the First Captain Ezekyle Abaddon, post-Battle of Terra.
Warband of the Forsaken Sons reviews
Horus Lupercal, Warmaster of Chaos, is dead, and the Traitor Legions run from the wrath of the loyalists. Amongst them, Commander Arken of the Sons of Horus gathers on his ship an army from the ranks of all renegade Legions, and begins to plan his vengence against the Imperium of Man ...
Warhammer - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 29 - Words: 279,859 - Reviews: 111 - Favs: 98 - Follows: 110 - Updated: Jan 15 - Published: May 25, 2014 - Chaos Space Marines, Daemons, Space Marines
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One of the circulating theories on the SB thread for TTS is that Magnus is not trying to turn Kitten to Chaos, but rather wants to have him as his personal servant because he genuinely recognize his staunch loyalty, being of actually decent intelligence compared to everyone else, and most importantly how he never did anything mean to him personally since they first met. Possible motivation: Force his father to suffer a bit at the hands of the Fabustodes trio, in possibly-vain hope that he'd learn some humility and not to be a jerkass, before eventually rubbing it in his face that Kitten is now serving him.