In The Grimdark of Fanfiction -40k

TTS gave me a silly idea. While battling his way through Horus' flagship, the Emperor gets caught by a sudden Warp vortex (courtesy of Tzeench, of course) that throws him forward in time ten thousand years.

What happens?
TTS gave me a silly idea. While battling his way through Horus' flagship, the Emperor gets caught by a sudden Warp vortex (courtesy of Tzeench, of course) that throws him forward in time ten thousand years.

What happens?
Well, this would probably change those 10k years to begin with. With no living corpse and golden throne as the symbolic centre of the Imperium... I mean, basically, instead of "The Emperor is... indisposed at the moment. Call back in 10,000 years" it would be "The Emperor has LEFT US". I think this would cause a significantly bigger shock. Given the tensions that already existed anyway after the Heresy... well. Who knows if the Imperium would even survive this?
Hey, it's the Warp. Those looking on didn't notice anything, so either the Emperor returned to where and when He was and deliberately didn't share what He saw in the future, or He straight-up got copied.

What I'd expect is for the Emperor to dish out a MASSIVE chewing-out while everyone is so frightened that they're seriously considering committing suicide for redemption.
Refer to the videos on the last page.

Anyway, I also had a new idea just now. What if the souls of all the psykers ever sacrificed for the Astronomicon accumulate inside the machine and reach critical mass, birthing a new Emperor-class psychic entity? Could the Imperium interpret it as the Emperor's return?

Or hell, maybe the Emperor actively had a hand in it. Like, he knew he couldn't lead humanity like this, so he helped the entity's birth and mind-cloned himself into it.
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Like a week ago a /tg/ thread for emperor pics turned partially into an emperor-headcanon thread. Someone on there was looking for nonstandard ending emperor theories. IE: not starchild or new chaos God.

Something came to me a few hours ago.

We know for a fact that The Emperor's mind/soul is splitting.

What if the end game of that is that the process that makes the Emperor reverses itself? Suddenly, Shamans. Shamans with bits of the Emperors knowledge, and personality and goals, but still their own people. With all of his holiness (unless repudiated/voted out?) Able to act as mini astronomicons. Undecided if they should mass suicide again, unsure if it will work.

Basically The Emperor goes into cloud computing
I have an idea

A story following the travels of a squad composed of non standard chaos marines, one for each god.

  • A World Eater that focuses on ranged combat more than melee and is precise and efficient, killing most targets with as few bolts as possible. Calm and focused demeanor.
  • A Death Guard that takes pride in his appearance and generally tries to keep as clean as possible, a hard task for a rotting abomination. Snobbish and believes himself better than anyone else, is also pretty selfish, viewing Papa Nurgle's diseases as for him and him only.
  • An Emperor's Children marine that cares little for pleasure and food, all he wants is to adventure, see the galaxy and have fun with his brothers. Surprisingly selfless and is a pretty nice guy to anyone that knows him.
  • The Thousand Son sorceror, he was told that Tzeentch had everything planned out and that his fate was already descided, while most of his fellow sorcerors end up developing devious and convoluted schemes to get what they want he instead just charges straight in to any scenario, after all why should he try and make grand schmes when everything is set in stone anyway, better just to wing it and hope for the best. Carefree and impulsive.
The idea of these guys getting up to crazy hijinks due to the sorceror and EC marine would be the main hooks, with the WE having to find a way to get them out of the mess as efficiently as possible, with the DG complaining about everything the whole way.
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The World Eater Havocs have the nickname the "Teeth of the World Eaters" in older lore. Make of that what you will. :p
I'm not sure they would stay together for even one week before killing each other.
Somehow the EC marine convinces them to stay comrades through a cheesy as fuck speech about friendship, brotherhood and roadtrips.

The WE is with them as more marines means a more effective squad.

The DG sticks with them as they tend to attract more fire than him, preserving his good looks.

The TS just doesn't care ("Tzeentch brought us together for a reason and he'll part us when it suits him") and also a pretty good psyker.
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TTS gave me a silly idea. While battling his way through Horus' flagship, the Emperor gets caught by a sudden Warp vortex (courtesy of Tzeench, of course) that throws him forward in time ten thousand years.

What happens?
With no Emperor to oppose him, Horus has basically won - although with loyalist reinforcements due to arrive soon and no certainty that the Emperor won't return shortly, it may be a difficult victory to capitalize on. Chances are that humanity goes entirely down the path of Chaos and another Eye of Terror forms around Terra (Eye of Terra).
New Text to Speech.

I love how there's just a moment, and you'll know what it is when you see it, where you(or at least I) have to stop the video and laugh because you know just how little the Emperor is going to enjoy what he hears next.
Ready Reserve

(WH40K x Kancolle One-shot)

"He called us his hopes, Rogal Dorn."

The one that called herself Nagato turned, her tiny form standing several paces away. Thirty-nine other tiny human-like females were arrayed behind her in military precision, nearly immobile.

"We fought at his direction against the enemies of man for longer than any other. Shortly after you and his other sons were stolen from him, he ordered us to this place. We did not understand his intent-"

I attacked the equivocation. "Would it have mattered if his intent was known?"

Nagato stared up at me, with no visible fear, a touch of irritation visible on her face. Clearly she was a leader, and unaccustomed to being interrupted. "No, it would not, though he did ask council of us, occasionally." The small woman looked up at him, fiercely. "We did, in fact, question the necessity, but not the order."

I rubbed my hand across an ancient inscription in marble without removing my eyes from the woman. It did, indeed, indicate that the Emperor's Escorts waited here. It was highly irksome that I knew nothing of these women. It was far more bothersome that I had never known of this place, deep inside the defenses of the palace, until advised of it by an alarm indicating a component failure.

This place under the Palace that I had, somehow, never seen, despite my need to know everything about the palace when it was my given duty to fortify it. My father had never seen fit to tell me of this secret. Was even I considered suspect in those days? Did my father harbor secret fears of me while he allowed me to labor in his defense?

This place that had survived the attack of the traitors, so long ago in years, so recently as measured in pain. I brushed aside the pain. My father clearly had many doubts and concerns. If he had any of me, they were certainly extinguished before I placed him upon his throne, never to move again.

The stone and metal indicated an age far older than the most of the Palace. The machines were not designed to slow time. They were clearly some sort of psionic interference equipment. Highly complex components with functions I could not guess at had failed completely. Intentionally. Catastrophically. Puddles of metal and slag where some parts of the complex machines had once been. The atmosphere was thick with non-reactive gasses. Xenon mostly. Even an hour after the chamber had opened, a human would collapse here, in seconds. Even my own body felt the stress caused by the rareness of oxygen. The women were unbothered by the toxic atmosphere, clearly not human despite their appearance.

I needed to test them. "You were not meant to return to your sleep. There is no option for that now."

The woman stared at him. "We never asked to sleep. We obeyed orders. I asked you before, but you did not answer me, Rogal Dorn. Does the Emperor still live?"

"My father lives. If you can call his current state life. He has no use for a harem. I was not aware that he ever had a use for a harem, Nagato." I delivered the last, with a barb.

Nagato's face grew grim, and she took two heavy, angry steps forward, causing seismic activity. The stone under her feet cracked. If I wished to do so, I could similarly crack stone with my tread, but it seemed as if Nagato had done so by accident. I warily increased her potential threat by several orders of magnitude, and considered leaving the room, as there were thirty-nine others present with her.

She faced him fiercely. "Young one, I served the Emperor for nearly forty-thousand years before you existed. Despite the fact that you are his blood-kin, I and my sisters know more of him than you could possibly imagine." She stared at me. "We forget nothing. Physical interactions were not why we existed, but there were times when your father needed them. We were not a risk. He could not father progeny on us. Some of us were physically capable of engaging him without him needing to be concerned about harming us accidentally with his casual strength."

Young one?

I controlled my irritation. "So you say." The topic of non-primarch siblings had come up before, in conversations with my father. He told me that he was absolutely certain that he had never had other children, that there was no chance of it. Looking back through memories, I was able to verify that he never claimed to have completely avoided sex. I had made an assumption. "You claim much, including admitting inhumanity."

There were several scowls from the beings behind Nagato as she spoke. "Do you have any doubt that this was your father's work? He warned us that when we woke, things would be different, that mankind would need us. That his sons would need us."

I looked over the vast arrays of machinery. It was, indeed, clearly my father's work. I could not dispute it. "This is, indeed, his work. There is no doubt."

Nagato nodded when my eyes returned to hers. "Your father, the Emperor, woke us in order to combat a great threat to the world when he was young. We served him to defeat Abyssals, minor chaos entities based in the oceans of Earth, back when the Earth had oceans. After that, we served him in war and in peace, as ordered."

"He woke you? Explain."

"We are the spirits of machines, Rogal Dorn. Our bodies are steel with the appearance and ability to move in the manner of flesh. We are not only spirits. We are not only machines. We died the first time as full-fledged warships of an ancient design. The deaths of our crew, who cared for us as we cared for them, created enough psychic energy that the Emperor could raise us to serve mankind. We are not human, but we are entirely of humanity."

Her words seemed to ring true. "You claim to be literal machine spirits. Not artificial minds of code, defined by codexes." It seemed too good to be true. I had been carefully testing with all of my senses since first entering the chamber. There was no stink of chaos here. These were not daemons.

"Exactly, Rogal Dorn. We were your meant to serve the Emperor's Sons as we had served the Emperor. To fight by your sides. To offer advice and companionship. Immortality is a heavy burden on beings of blood and flesh."

"So you say." It was an automatic response, defensive. I wanted to take it back.

Nagato stared up at him, expression unreadable. "Yes. So I say. So your father said. Even the Emperor and his sons are touched by fears of death, torn by the deaths of loved ones."

I began to grow angry. This being, whatever it was, presumed to speak with my father's mouth? "Why, then, were you not present for my father's battle with Horus? If you were his escorts in battle, why did he set you aside?"

"Beware, Primarch Dorn. You approach the limits of my patience." The woman showed no fear of him at all, only irritation.

"Are you threatening me?" I asked, incredulous, tightening my fist, preparing for battle, for flight. I had come here alone, expecting machine failures, not an encounter with mysterious strangers.

Nagato's eyes flicked to my hand, and her expression shifted from irritation to sorrow. "Your reaction shows me that we are needed, Rogal Dorn. You immediately see physical threat when the reality was conversational warning. We do not know why we were commanded to sleep. We questioned it. We were not provided an answer. We obeyed our orders." By the end of the statement the sorrow in Nagato's voice was gone, and she was speaking crisply.

I shook my head. She was right. I had overreacted. "I apologize, Nagato. I rarely enter into conversation with anyone who will contradict me. Very few of my marines will do so, and few of my brothers remain alive. Some of those brothers, if I were to meet them, would not be alive for long."

I looked away from the woman, knowing that my expression would frighten her. "If your last memories were from the era when I and my brothers were stolen from my father, a great deal has changed. None of it for the better."

Nagato nodded sadly. "We were told to expect this, that when we returned we would be needed by the survivors, both his sons, and the rest of Mankind." Tears streaked down her cheek. "He also said he would never be able to speak to us again, and refused to speak further on the topic. You say that he has not died. This tells us that he is alive, yet unable to communicate. Otherwise he would never refuse to speak to us."

She walked closer, and put her tiny hand on mine as she started speaking in a soft, sad voice. "In my mind, he bid us farewell less than two hours ago, Rogal Dorn. I see his fate in your face. How long has he been suffering?"

I looked down at the woman, who was looking up at me. I recognized the pain and anguish in her eyes, a mirror of the pain and anguish I still felt when remembering when I had placed my father on the Golden Throne.

"Too long, Nagato." I whispered hoarsely, and wiped my cheek. Unlike my marines, my sons after a fashion, I and my brothers could cry. I had once asked why. I had not received a satisfactory answer.

Nagato stared up at me. "Rogal Dorn, would you like to know the last words given to us by your father?"

I looked at her, and nodded. What son would not?

Forty emotion-cracked voices spoke as one, echoing through the chamber. "When you wake, your new admiral will be the first to shed tears with you over my fate."

I looked up to see forty tear-stained faces framed by an ancient salute.

"Command us, Admiral Dorn."

I initially intended to start this out as a WH40K smash-and-bash story, but the muse grabbed me, and said Nuh-uh.

If anyone wants to run with it, feel free.
So, not sure if this has been done or not, but I have seen Samus mentioned in the context of Warhammer: 40,000, and so I was wondering if people have tried to do a fusion with Metroid yet.

I had a few basic thoughts, but I do admit that I'm hardly an expert on the lore of the setting, so correct me if I make any major mistakes. First, I don't think it would damage the lore all that much for the events of the Metroid series to be confined to maybe a couple dozen solar systems or so. It's not exactly small, but is still reasonably able to fit within the lore of the universe.

During the post-War in Heaven general age of decadence for the Eldar, the Chozo emerge.

They are not a peer of the Eldar, but with their knack for sorcery blended with magic and their discipline, they prove able to give the Eldar enough of a bloody nose whenever they decide to raid the territories surrounding the Chozo that the Eldar who were just looking for a good time decide to screw that (not in their usual fashion) and go raid someplace else for a while.

Also quiet Chozo discipline and an ability to kill themselves by willing it makes them really dull captives considering the amount of effort needed to capture them.

After keeping their territory safe for some time, the Fall happens, and the Chozo are horrified by the creation of a new Chaos god. The event, while it does stop the warp storms preventing travel in the galaxy, was enough of a shock to their people, whose technology was always designed to be in balance with warpstuff, was suddenly destabilized.

Quite a bit of chaos happened, some Chozo fell to Chaos, but they managed to stabilize things, and eventually decided that, well, with a new Chaos god, and many warp entities taking new notice of their civilization, they had no desire to follow in the steps of the Eldar, and set about initiating their own slow decline and trying to make sure that the humans and minor alien species in their territories know enough to be able to handle things when they're gone.

Then the Space Pirates, a different minor race near Chozo territories that had survived largely because the Eldar had assumed that they also fell under Chozo protection, raid a planet and leave a single human girl alive.

Survivors of the Chozo choose to raise this girl and give her their legacy, augmenting her abilities in the process.

The plot of the Metroid games happen, with a few changes.

I'm not sure if the Space Pirates should be devotees of Khorne or Tzeentch.

On the one hand, they're bloodthirsty maniacs.

On the other, they do love pushing their love of science to strange and dangerous heights, and do have a fondness for mutations.

Unless Phazon is counted as a disease, I'm not sure if anything about them really appeals to Nurgle, and we've seen no real indication that they have any particular interest in more sensual pleasures.

Phazon and the Ing probably need to be considered Warp related somehow. I do kind of like the idea of the Luminoth being so hardcore that they managed to survive their homeworld being half-converted into a Daemonworld and still tried to find new weapons and ways to force the Warp off of their planet. Maybe they had something like a substantially less effective version of the Cadian Pylons.

Metroids can probably be considered a bioweapon designed to take out both the X and possibly warp entities (they are reported as draining and taking something from their targets that the Space Pirate science teams can't identify, which might imply they're eating souls/life energy of some sort).

Also, Other M was just Tzeentchian propaganda.

What I was thinking was having the story set during the Great Crusade. While the Emperor is tracking down his wayward son, his fleets report hearing of a strange power armored human who is larger than normal.

Obviously once they find out anything beyond that, it is pretty apparent that Samus is not, in fact, a Primarch, but it is still an interesting patch of space for the Emperor to encounter.

While the Emperor is not fond of aliens, and might end up suspicious of a woman who had her genes altered so dramatically by aliens (and also has a decent amount of alien DNA running through her veins), I think he might approve of a species that let itself die out to leave its legacy to humans.

Samus would not appreciate his approval.

Not a hundred percent sure where the story would go from there. I like the idea of her being near Primarch levels, which might necessitate using the 900 G calcs. Just for the bit of contrast of having this Primarch level woman who is the child of an alien legacy compared to the various Primarchs as the legacy of the Emperor.

She probably gets herself involves in the Great Crusade, whether by helping the Federation resist it or joining it should the Federation accept the Emperor's offer (so long as the Emperor has a nice big check with her name on it).

That's what I have so far; any thoughts?
That... Actually comes together pretty well.
*thumbs up*


Unfortunately, I'm not a hundred percent sure what to do with the idea.

I admit, I'm not all that familiar with the Great Crusade era, even though I think this idea probably works best in that timeframe.

So, I've been wondering, just what sort of story could spawn from this, and how would contact between the crusading fleets and Samus herself best be initiated?

There's the possibility of it happening while she's on the job (say, the Federation hired her to take out a couple ork warbosses whose Waghs were approaching Federation territory, and a crusading fleet happens to arrive to purge the orks in the middle of her infiltration), having the Federation just hire her to investigate these rumors of a vast fleet approaching, or possibly just having the Emperor or a Primarch pop into one of the bars that Samus visits during her downtime.

I was even bouncing around the idea of her getting hired by the authorities of a borderline lawless planet to uncover the activities of a particularly deranged serial killer, only to discover that while the serial killer was genuinely something of a madman, his employers weren't much better. (Nostramo, to be blatant).

A cat and mouse game of both of them hunting each other while Samus attempts to pick up more information, only to get interrupted by a huge fleet arriving might be interesting.

In terms of what she actually does, it depends on how the Federation decides to react to the burgeoning Imperium of Man and the Imperial Truth.

Even if, post Fusion, the Federation and her are on somewhat shaky grounds (to say the least), I can see her putting that aside if she sees that they are under threat of being conquered, and might be willing to assist, especially considering the Emperor's policies regarding aliens (being raised by aliens and having aliens as good friends gives her a bit of a different perspective, even if she has also seen some of the worst of what the aliens have to offer).

Assuming they go along with it, that results in her likely going along with a few jobs, and possibly interacting with the Primarchs.

Not really sure which of the Primarchs she'd get on best with, honestly.

As an extremely proficient personal combatant who tends to keep herself fairly isolated, as well as having past experience with the Warp, I could see her getting deployed to places where the Emperor wants a chaos infestation wiped out without possibly risking the spread of the knowledge.

There are a lot of potential points of conflict between her and the Imperium, including her knowledge of the warp, compassion towards aliens, alien DNA in her veins, and she spent a fair amount of time working for a reasonably effective (if occasionally somewhat sketchy) democracy.


Honestly, all I really have is worldbuilding that could fit the Metroid verse into WH:40K, but not a lot of plot to go with it.

Some ideas that I think could be neat if written well, but no coherent storyline, which is one of the reasons that I posted the idea here.
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I remember a story where four unusual chaos marines come together and run something ofan orphanage. One was a apothecary, one had a demonpossessed sword, but it was a demon of order, one was some kind plague marine who absorbed disease and the last ewas i think a sob turned raptor. Does anybody know what i,m talking about?
I remember a story where four unusual chaos marines come together and run something ofan orphanage. One was a apothecary, one had a demonpossessed sword, but it was a demon of order, one was some kind plague marine who absorbed disease and the last ewas i think a sob turned raptor. Does anybody know what i,m talking about?
what is this even