In a Cultivation World with a Cheat System (Xianxia inspired quest).

Realistically you could just use differently-valued small items and then have the larger sums of money be in the form of either increasingly rare items or letters of credit with large clans or banks (i.e. cultivator consortiums, minor clans in themselves but ones who profit from lending/storing money & valuables) and so forth. Cultivator economics are basically a mix of barter and non-fiat currencies, which doesn't make sense for their relative sophistication as anything other than "this is cool." Having complex financial systems would push focus toward systemic and interpersonal issues more, which is cooler but in a more sophisticated fashion than LN demand.
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That said, being able to sink continents is really only below-average as an endpoint for Xianxia, IMO; honestly, I think our view on it just tends to get skewed by the really crazy stuff that often sticks out to us far more and thus becomes emblematic of the genre in our minds. The ones where you train for literal millions of years at a time and casually eradicate galaxies as an opening move are not the typical ones, just the ones that become memorable due to how ludicrous they are (and how several of them are often the ones recommended to people as "gateways" into the genre). In fact, I'd say the ones that have a better grasp on when the constant escalation just starts to wear thin are usually the much better ones.
That's for the weak, I like my xianxia with training times of trillions and attacks that destroys an universe or two......
Guess which novel it is :p
That's for the weak, I like my xianxia with training times of trillions and attacks that destroys an universe or two......
Guess which novel it is :p

To each their own, I suppose. Personally, I find it bores me to tears. Biggatons are a poor replacement for an actual story and characters that aren't as boring and two-dimensional as literal squares.
Sure. And wouldn't it be awesome if you won the lottery, too? It might even happen! But you really should know better than to expect it.

What I can say?

I'm more of a hopeful guy.

Edit: And I do know better, but does that mean I'm gonna stop hoping it becomes a thing? Hell no.
That's because of inflation. Not the normal economic kind, but the kind where the author dumps big piles of coins and such right away to show how valuable the protag's bullsh*t swag and loot pulled from corpses is. But then you have to go up from there, so either you use the magic credit card or the MC ends up with enough gold, gems and magic crystals to build a new island out of them.

True true. Too bad it works so well. I really can't see myself writing the MC looting a tough opponent only to get a handful of change back. Just doesn't work well no matter the value of the small coins.

Any suggestions? Figuring out a decent, non cliche, economic system is hard. A fantasy bank like Gringotts makes sense but then why would enemy A carry any loot on him rather than have it in his bank?

Realistically you could just use differently-valued small items and then have the larger sums of money be in the form of either increasingly rare items or letters of credit with large clans or banks (i.e. cultivator consortiums, minor clans in themselves but ones who profit from lending/storing money & valuables) and so forth. Cultivator economics are basically a mix of barter and non-fiat currencies, which doesn't make sense for their relative sophistication as anything other than "this is cool." But having complex financial systems would push focus toward systemic and interpersonal issues more, which is cooler (in a more sophisticated fashion than LN demand).

Trading in rare and unique items, or services might just be the best option. Having currency works but it will get ridiculous after a while. Especially when most items shown to be worth buying in Xianxia tend to also be considered priceless. Trading in cultivation techniques and resources seems like the sort of thing people would value after a point.

I mean, you could just say that most cultivators in this setting become like Human Bijuus once they reach a certain level of power or something, or that to reach the true heights of cultivation requires becoming a Sage and then going from there. And the endpoint is stuff like the Sage of Six Paths, or just the Ōtsutsuki in general. Hell, Truth-Seeking Orbs alone are so versatile you could have at least a dozen different guys using them without any overlap in their fighting styles.

That said, being able to sink continents is really only below-average as an endpoint for Xianxia, IMO; honestly, I think our view on it just tends to get skewed by the really crazy stuff that often sticks out to us far more and thus becomes emblematic of the genre in our minds. The ones where you train for literal millions of years at a time and casually eradicate galaxies as an opening move are not the typical ones, just the ones that become memorable due to how ludicrous they are (and how several of them are often the ones recommended to people as "gateways" into the genre). In fact, I'd say the ones that have a better grasp on when the constant escalation just starts to wear thin are usually the much better ones.

Yeah, I have to agree. I think limiting things to city busters will be fine for this. Being able to fling nukes around is already good enough, there's no need for characters capable of destroying entire planets or galaxies with a sneeze. The cultivation path I have for this setting leads to extreme levels of power but I dont plan for it to be too absurd... maybe. We'll see if we get there lol.

I actually meant what the fluff for them would be, and what kinds of cultivators would tend to practice them. Also what they'd be called, since the names are both Japanese and don't always sound setting-appropriate if translated. "Shigan," for example, means "Finger Gun."

I think they'd be pretty basic martial arts all things considered. Compared to the rest of OP, the moves aren't that silly or difficult to understand so most cultivators could use them or something similar. They'd be basic cause all you need is a good level of fitness and some absurd amount of control over your whole body, no mystical energies or w.e. That's the sort of stuff that's usually covered in the first cultivation realm of any setting.

The fluff of the abilities doesn't need to be changed at all. 'Clench your muscles really hard for this move', 'relax everything and flow with the wind for this move', 'use all of your speed and power to kick off really hard', and etc. Nothing there that's really comparable to the profound mumbo jumbo of most Xianxia techniques.

As for names, they'd probably get more flowery lol. Just take an animal and relate the move to one of its body parts or actions. Shigan for example could be 'Piercing Horn of the Sacred Bull' or 'Penetrating Tiger Claw'.
That's because of inflation. Not the normal economic kind, but the kind where the author dumps big piles of coins and such right away to show how valuable the protag's bullsh*t swag and loot pulled from corpses is. But then you have to go up from there, so either you use the magic credit card or the MC ends up with enough gold, gems and magic crystals to build a new island out of them.

I mean, you could just say that most cultivators in this setting become like Human Bijuus once they reach a certain level of power or something, or that to reach the true heights of cultivation requires becoming a Sage and then going from there. And the endpoint is stuff like the Sage of Six Paths, or just the Ōtsutsuki in general. Hell, Truth-Seeking Orbs alone are so versatile you could have at least a dozen different guys using them without any overlap in their fighting styles.

That said, being able to sink continents is really only below-average as an endpoint for Xianxia, IMO; honestly, I think our view on it just tends to get skewed by the really crazy stuff that often sticks out to us far more and thus becomes emblematic of the genre in our minds. The ones where you train for literal millions of years at a time and casually eradicate galaxies as an opening move are not the typical ones, just the ones that become memorable due to how ludicrous they are (and how several of them are often the ones recommended to people as "gateways" into the genre). In fact, I'd say the ones that have a better grasp on when the constant escalation just starts to wear thin are usually the much better ones.
Being able to sink continents would be very, very low end for endpoint Xianxia. You have to factor in that in pretty much all Xianxia's starting worlds/realms are usually 1000's of times larger than earth/naruto. Then once you get into the "ascended" realms they are usually billions of times larger.
I can't think of any Xianxia where the characters don't need to travel for at least a few days between citys. These are usually supersonic + characters taking days to travel between backwater city's.
Closing the vote 1 hour after this post!

Being able to sink continents would be very, very low end for endpoint Xianxia. You have to factor in that in pretty much all Xianxia's starting worlds/realms are usually 1000's of times larger than earth/naruto. Then once you get into the "ascended" realms they are usually billions of times larger.
I can't think of any Xianxia where the characters don't need to travel for at least a few days between citys. These are usually supersonic + characters taking days to travel between backwater city's.

Very true. Some stories it takes days to even travel within the same city. Boggles the mind.

My greatest sadness is that we don't have a solar exaltation as an option.

I don't know nearly enough (i.e. anything at all) about exalted to try my hand at it.
Closing the vote! Final tally is for the original cultivation system.

Everything. I never got into it and other than a few crossover fanfics, I've seen nothing of it.
Eh.... too late, but...

Exalted are basically people, chosen by the gods, granted immense power and ability.

Their differences in terms of power are this:

No bleeding to death or dying from mundane diseases and poisons.

The skill system is from 1 to 5. It takes normal people months to years to reach 5. It takes a properly specced exalt hours. Yes, this means that an exalt can quite easily become the greatest possible within human limit in any skill, if they are predisposed towards it at character creation.

They can channel the local mana (Essence), unlike normal people.

They find it easier to learn skills (with less xp) than normal people.

Their basic powers, excellencies, enables them to channel essence to become even better in whatever skill they are learned in.

This is the real gist of it.

Imagine the greatest speech, the most powerful moving piece of persuasion you can remember from human history. Maybe's its Dr King's 'I Have a Dream' or JFK 'Ask not what your country can do for you' or Lincoln's 'Four Score and Seven Years' or the Nuremberg rallies or whatever.

Now imagine someone who gives that speech, every time, all the time. Or one equivalent to it. Without fail.

In a way, you have to picture Hollywood or stage plays again. Go listen to a Joss Whedon or Tarintino movie, or watch some Shakespeare or Mamet or an Aaron Sorkin show. Listen to all that snappy dialogue delivered with perfect timing by trained actors. Then compare it to real life.

Listen to actual real life speeches or dialogue sometime. Hear all those ums and ahs and pauses and hmms and people struggling to find the right word? The fact is that people in the real world aren't very good at talking in a compelling way. It takes the actors in movies and plays months of preparation and rehearsal, and often multiple takes and retakes to get that snappy banter and compelling speech just right. Then you add in a bunch of other stuff; stirring emotional music, expert sound mixing so that you hear exactly what you are supposed to hear, perfect camera angles, body posture done just so.

Then you have to realize that Exalts are like this all the time. At least, the ones with any investment in social skills are. Their casual interpersonal conversations are as witty, well timed and interesting as the best written plays and shows you have ever seen. They are entertaining and compelling, they draw your attention in the same way your favorite piece of entertainment does. And if they decide to bust out the mojo for a major set-piece they are delivering the World's Greatest Speech every. Single. Time.

Compare it to action heroics. An Exalt who limits himself to just Excellencies is going to basically be John McClane or Rambo. They're not going to seem like they're throwing around obviously magical superpowers. What they are going to do is just be insanely, overwhelming consistently excellent at their job. In the real world a person firing an assault rifle on full-auto from the hip will be lucky to hit anything more than five meters in front of them. An Exalt has one in each hand and rakes it back and forth, killing entire squads of enemies like a lawnmower. Each individual shot is not anything spectacular in and of itself. A person could shot another person. The trick is that the Exalt is getting every one of them.

He's the swordsman from the Kurosawa film, walking through a gang of a dozen enemies and in six neat moves killing every one of them. If you saw it in real life you'd call bullshit but its theoretically possible.

The same principle that applies to this level of physical excellence applies to their social and mental excellence. They consistently and routinely perform at the level of Hollywood perfect people. An Exalt with nothing but Excellencies is Hannibal Lector/Sherlock Holmes/Bruce Lee, outsmarting and outtalking and outfighting everyone who meets them with contemptous ease.

And then they get into post-Excellency magic and they leave 'Hollywood action hero' in the dust and ascend into full on mythological/anime superhero bullshit.

Think about the world champions in trivia shows.

An Exalted master of Lore would not only have that much knowledge in every topic imaginable, but would also be able to lecture about any of the topics, on the fly, as if they were a professor in the subject who had spent months preparing a lesson plan. They're the people who would walk into a room, glance at a problem which had gone unsolved for months, write down the correct answer, and, perhaps most importantly, be able to explain exactly why it was correct.

They're people who have wikipedia stored within their memory and who can make incredible connections between seemingly unrelated topics. If there's an argument they want to make, they'll have countless examples to back up why what they believe is true.

Then they get charms. Charms are not..... truly superpowers. They are excellence and perfection and skill brought up to eleven.

You good at swords? You get better. You hit twice as fast. You can defend yourself perfectly well, even though surrounded. You can defend yourself with the ease of defending against one attacker, despite there being thousands. You can summon your sword to you from across the room, and then store it in a dimensional pocket, and then conjure it from magic itself. You start with arrows that hit better. Then arrows then hit even if you are upside down in a a raging hurricane of fire. Then arrows that can smash apart carriages, houses, and walls.

I.e. charms let you do anime bullshit, and the higher your power, the more esoteric and large-scale the effects are. They are always developed from your own innate skill honed until you can do the impossible, making it so that whatever a normal human can do, an exalt at his base can easily match him, and then later on leave him behind in the dust.
The act tough king is born!!!

All hail Yours Truly!

Ok, here are a few things to scratch off on our check list.

First we need a mythical pet for a sidekick. But not just any mythical beast will do. Only holy chickens(Phoenix) or panda are accepted.

Second we need a victory pose and a group victory pose that we and our minions need to know by heart.

Third, we need a moto suitable for the act tough king. Personally I prefer "Arrogant to the weak, cowardly to the strong."

Last we need to find a designated arch nemesis that's both lucky and resilient enough to be reusable. That is to say, if we need anything we can just find our nemesis and beat him up to get it.
The act tough king is born!!!

All hail Yours Truly!

Ok, here are a few things to scratch off on our check list.

First we need a mythical pet for a sidekick. But not just any mythical beast will do. Only holy chickens(Phoenix) or panda are accepted.

Second we need a victory pose and a group victory pose that we and our minions need to know by heart.

Third, we need a moto suitable for the act tough king. Personally I prefer "Arrogant to the weak, cowardly to the strong."

Last we need to find a designated arch nemesis that's both lucky and resilient enough to be reusable. That is to say, if we need anything we can just find our nemesis and beat him up to get it.

God, no.