Can we buy things in the shop regardless of rank? Because I kind of want to get the XP boosters first, and those are all in the Heaven range

Yes you can, as long as you have the points. Being able to use it depends on your own power though so buying something too powerful to be used would be a bit of a waste. Traits don't have a minimum power requirement though there may be limits based on other traits you already have and such (ex: opposing Yin & Yang bodies, too many soul affecting traits, etc)

Speaking of which, I wonder... is it better to cultivate a mid-level manual that you're really well-suited for, or a high-level one that you aren

The former. Suitability and affinity will always trump rank in the long run. Of couse, this is if the ranks are close together. Going with a Mortal-rank technique you're suitable for compared to a Divine-rank one that you're not is a bad idea simply because of the sheer power difference of a fully mastered Mortal technique and a Divine one at only initiate level.

, how common are Class 1 Beasts? Our expedition turned up several hundred eggs and that toad had three eggs so there must have been 67-100 toads in that forest and killing them wasn't going to lower the population enough to endanger the potentially profitable resource. Also, how common are Class 2s and how valuable is killing them

They're sparse in the wilds around cities and such but quite numerous in special areas. Like the Crimsonwood Forest south of your starting city. Those three eggs were just the last of a particular clutch, not the full number. While spirit beasts are born/hatched in great numbers, few actually live to full maturity.

Also spirit beasts require an accumulation of Qi to become classed. While those born from a spirit beast have a leg up on normal animals, it still takes a number of years for them to accumulate enough energy to become a classed beast. The higher their parents class, the faster they rank up.

As for class twos, they're the equivalent of second realm cultivators so while the numbers are still high, they're less common than class ones. Most higher class Spirit Beasts will congregate to areas of high World Qi so you wont be running into them randomly unless you go searching for them.

So it's not difficult to go out and hunt a spirit beast, just dont expect to see many of them in a single day unless you're in a special area. Also don't forget that there are others that make a living off hunting beasts.

Does the effort involved in slaying a beast matter?

I'm thining of making it that way. I mean, if you manage to sneak up on a sleeping beast and one-shot it, that's fair. If you set up a trap formation and kill it that way, thats fair. If you have someone wayyyy stronger hold it down so you can finish it off, you should suffer a penalty.

what are the natural lifespans of the four realms we know of?

200 years at first realm. 500 at second. 800 at third. 3000 at fourth.
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The former. Suitability and affinity will always trump rank in the long run. Of couse, this is if the ranks are close together. Going with a Mortal-rank technique you're suitable for compared to a Divine-rank one that you're not is a bad idea simply because of the sheer power difference of a fully mastered Mortal technique and a Divine one at only initiate level.

Cool, that makes varying the manuals we give people more feasible.

Uh... speaking of which, you've got quite a few items in the Taoist Costco Order Form to rank now, and about half of it is mine. Sorry about that. Especially since only 4-5 of them are manuals.

On the plus side, if we ever meet a hotshot young cultivator who's very obviously a competing protagonist, we can buy the Golden Tiger Saber and let him find it as a trap.
So it's not difficult to go out and hunt a spirit beast, just dont expect to see many of them in a single day unless you're in a special area. Also don't forget that there are others that make a living off hunting beasts.
Ok, so if we were careful to avoid other hunters and knew the good spots, how long would it take to farm 250 Class 1s or an equivalent value combination of 1s and 2s?
EDIT: Actually, what rank would a formation that attracts World Qi so as to make a better breeding ground for Spirit Beasts and a good place to cultivate?
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Uh... speaking of which, you've got quite a few items in the Taoist Costco Order Form to rank now, and about half of it is mine. Sorry about that. Especially since only 4-5 of them are manuals.

No problemo. Ranking doesn't take all that long, just has to wait until I'm at home.

Ok, so if we were careful to avoid other hunters and knew the good spots, how long would it take to farm 250 Class 1s or an equivalent value combination of 1s and 2s?
EDIT: Actually, what rank would a formation that attracts World Qi so as to make a better breeding ground for Spirit Beasts and a good place to cultivate?

It would be measured in days, if not weeks. A Qi Gathering Formation is Mid-Earth rank minimum based on its capability. The clans and sects all use them in their closed door cultivation rooms.
Neat. A Gamer Xianxia quest.

I just hope the MC doesn't get too amoral.
Y'know, with how some xianxia stories, the MC just goes killing anyone who looks at them funnily and walks away.

Best of luck, you guys.
Neat. A Gamer Xianxia quest.

I just hope the MC doesn't get too amoral.
Y'know, with how some xianxia stories, the MC just goes killing anyone who looks at them funnily and walks away.

Best of luck, you guys.
This is SV, we are collectively one half Ultimate Warrior and one half Disney Princess. I don't think staying on the straight and narrow will be that hard
I hope that not only the MC stays a decent person but that most of the rest of this world doesn't engage in typical Xianxia behavior. Its nice that the MCs family doesn't seem to follow cliches so far. I think it's a shame that in Rihaku's quest, the option to actually play as a decent kingdom in a Xianxia setting was passed up.
I'm thining of making it that way. I mean, if you manage to sneak up on a sleeping beast and one-shot it, that's fair. If you set up a trap formation and kill it that way, thats fair. If you have someone wayyyy stronger hold it down so you can finish it off, you should suffer a penalty.
Oh no! My plan of having our clan raise magic goats will be foiled!
I hope that not only the MC stays a decent person but that most of the rest of this world doesn't engage in typical Xianxia behavior. Its nice that the MCs family doesn't seem to follow cliches so far. I think it's a shame that in Rihaku's quest, the option to actually play as a decent kingdom in a Xianxia setting was passed up.

It's called 'Even Further Beyond' and it's basically Rihaku's take on the genre. Just look on the first page of the Quest section since Rihaku's quests tend to get a lot of traffic or search for it using the name and Rihaku's. Although from what I've heard of how his voting systems tend to work,it seems that the QM has the final say, not the votes themselves.
Here: Original - Even Further Beyond
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Oh no! My plan of having our clan raise magic goats will be foiled!
Actually it might still work. If we can get a Qi Gathering Formation large enough to have a Beast farm, we could raise the goats and defeat them one by one in single combat. It'll be way faster than going out and finding an equal number of beasts and once we learn everything there is to know about the magic goats fighting them will be easier as well.
Actually it might still work. If we can get a Qi Gathering Formation large enough to have a Beast farm, we could raise the goats and defeat them one by one in single combat. It'll be way faster than going out and finding an equal number of beasts and once we learn everything there is to know about the magic goats fighting them will be easier as well.
You're right. And we don't even need single combat, just a trap formation. :p
It's called 'Even Further Beyond' and it's basically Rihaku's take on the genre. Just look on the first page of the Quest section since Rihaku's quests tend to get a lot of traffic or search for it using the name and Rihaku's. Although from what I've heard of how his voting systems tend to work,it seems that the QM has the final say, not the votes themselves.
Here: Original - Even Further Beyond

The problem with Rihaku Quests is that the QM and the voters are always playing two different games. Rihaku is playing a "Finite" game which means there's a definite goal and an end (it ends when Rihaku tastes enough Salt to fill the abyss that is his pitiless heart). Everyone is playing an "Infinite Game" when they're voting to have fun (there is no quota for fun). While there are certainly people that wants to "Beat" the game, there are enough people that wants to have fun that the votes end up as a compromise making any long term planning impossible.

What usually happens is that Rihaku mines out enough Salt that he has his fill and calls it a day.
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The problem with Rihaku Quests is that the QM and the voters are always playing two different games. Rihaku is playing a "Finite" game which means there's a definite goal and an end (it ends when Rihaku tastes enough Salt to fill the abyss that is his pitiless heart). Everyone is playing an "Infinite Game" when they're voting to have fun (there is no quota for fun). While there are certainly people that wants to "Beat" the game, there are enough people that wants to have fun that the votes end up as a compromise making any long term planning impossible.

What usually happens is that Rihaku mines out enough Salt that he has his fill and calls it a day.
That sounds like a crap way to do a voting system.
That sounds like a crap way to do a voting system.
It's set up to encourage personal investment and active participation in the votes. Rihaku actively argues in favor of whichever options are falling behind to push the vote towards parity, and then rewards good arguments through a totally opaque system. Unlike most other quests, this means votes rarely converge to a consensus and everyone feels like if they only argued just a bit harder it might push their preferred option over the line. It works very well for what it's intended to do.
It's set up to encourage personal investment and active participation in the votes. Rihaku actively argues in favor of whichever options are falling behind to push the vote towards parity, and then rewards good arguments through a totally opaque system. Unlike most other quests, this means votes rarely converge to a consensus and everyone feels like if they only argued just a bit harder it might push their preferred option over the line. It works very well for what it's intended to do.

The unintended (intended) consequence is Salt. The problem with doing it this way is that people are fall for flowery fluff rather than looking at the strict cost, reward, risk and consequence.

Filtering decisions through Values is already impossible due to different Values. Now with Rihaku's meddling, it's not even possible to filter decisions through strategic Interest. That's why most Rihaku quest peters out. Essentially, the "right" way to play the game is never the winning vote.

Just a bit of game theory: Decisions are filtered through Values if one is playing an Infinite game to perpetuate the game. Decisions are filtered through Interest when playing a Finite game to get to the end goal.
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As someone who values flowery fluff as much or over "right" game theory, nothing of value is lost.
Minor announcement, tabs have been added to the Taoist Costco Order Form since having them organized by type would make it easier to add things to the main shop.
A1C4: Receiving Rewards (2).

In a Cultivation World with a Cheat System.
Arc One: The Clan Zhang.
Chapter Four: Receiving Rewards Cont.


Several hours pass before Zhang Tian regains consciousness. The young teen wakes with a groan, his hands immediately rising to rub his temples.

'Ugh, what happened? Why does my head hurt so much.' Zhang Tian wonders, attempting to rub the pain away. Surprisingly, it works. As the seconds go by, the pain in his head lessens.

With a sigh of relief, Zhang Tian sits up on the bed and looks around. The sky outside his window is dark but appears to be lightening, dawn will be here soon.

"This is… my bed? Where is Cho Mang? When did we retu-"

With his headache fading, Zhang Tian begins to remember. The system appearing; the journey back to the clan compound; his rewards and choices: the pain. Everything comes flooding back in a torrent that has the teen groaning once more as his head falls into his hands.

"Heavens damn you, you accursed system. This is what you call a 'slight discomfort'?"

Reporting to the host,

This mighty system has repaired and improved the host's body! Any discomfort felt was due to the degree of changes required to bring the host's body up to a suitable level.

A warning was given. It is not the fault of this generous system that the host is unable to handle such minor discomfort.

A moment passes as the young teen parses through the reply. His hands clench into tight fists as a wave of fury warps his face in an unsightly manner.

"So, you're saying it's my fault for being too weak to handle the pain? To handle having my bones crushed and my flesh torn apart? Is that it?"

That is correct.

For a moment, Zhang Tian looks ready to scream. Every facet of his being looks ready to rage and murder. Ready to tear everything within sight apart in order to sate his fury. The room is thick with killing intent. The moment passes. Rather than act on these feelings, Zhang Tian simply takes a deep breath and exhales. His eyes close and his lips can be seen moving as he counts the passing seconds.

Only after reaching a count of thirty does he open his eyes again. The rage that filled them just a minute ago is gone, instead replaced with a forced indifference.

"Hur Hur. What a good system you are. Then, this lowly one apologizes for his weakness."

This merciful system accepts your apology and offers thanks for the compliment.

Another deep breath and exhale leads to another thirty count, this time accompanied by the low sound of grinding teeth.

"That was sarcasm. I would think such a great system as you claim to be would be able to tell."

This intelligent system does not dabble in such base forms of communication.

Host, it is requested by this loving system that you sharpen your wits if you are to succeed at becoming a top-tier cultivator.



A few minutes of incredulous silence later, Zhang Tian is finally able to take stock of the changes the system has made to his body. The first-

"System, what is this filth?"

-is, of course, the layer of black gunk that coats his body and is staining his sheets. The substance smells absolutely foul and has a consistency similar to molasses. He is covered from head to toe in the filth, leaving him feeling quite uncomfortable.

This 'filth', as you have so eloquently put it, host, is the accumulated impurities that have been purged from your body.

"Impurities?" Zhang Tian mutters, looking at the black substance in a new light. "You cleared my body of impurities?"

Incorrect, host. This virtuous system has cleaned your body and soul of impurities. This is a side-effect of the Full Body and Soul Repair Service.

The young man's eyes widen in astonishment at the reply.

"Then… does that mean I've already broken through to the intermediate stage of the Body Refinement realm?"

Though he was previously unable to cultivate, Zhang Tian has picked up some knowledge regarding what is required to progress through the first four realms. As such, he knows that to break through the bottleneck of the Early-stage of the Body Refinement realm, a cultivator needs to use their Qi to cleanse the body of impurities. Impurities, in this case, is a build up of Heaven and Earth Qi within the body.

The Qi of Heaven and Earth is in everything within this world. The plants and minerals, the water and animals, even the air is rich with Qi. Whenever a person eats, drinks and breaths, they take in small amounts of this Qi, and with it, the Laws laid down by the heavens. This Qi primarily accumulates in the meridians and acupoints, creating blockages that limit the flow of vital energies through the body.

To cultivate is to go against the heavens. It is to throw away the shackles of heavenly law and ascend to a higher existence. Thus, to begin cultivating, one must first cleanse their body of the Laws buried within its very flesh. They must flush the build up from their system, allowing Life and Soul energy to flow freely. This is the Early-stage of the Body Refinement realm, the first step on the long road of cultivation.

It is a process that can take many years to complete.

So, one can understand Zhang Tian's shock at the revelation. If the system has cleansed his body of its impurities already… then, doesn't that mean he has broken through the Early-stage of the Body Refinement realm in one go? What kind of cheat is that? Even those famous geniuses required at least six months to breakthrough to Intermediate-stage Body Refinement.

Incorrect again host.

The host's body has been repaired to its optimal state but due to the host's lack of cultivation, the host is unable to achieve a breakthrough.

It is highly probable, however, that the host will be capable of proceeding through the Early-stage of the Body Refinement realm at a hastened pace.

Host, it is recommended that you begin cultivating as soon as possible. Deterioration of the host body and build up of impurities is an ongoing process.

Though the reply is in the negative, Zhang Tian is still in high spirits. What the system says makes sense actually. There is no Mortal Qi in his body. No lingering power to keep the Qi of Heaven and Earth from reentering his system. Without cultivating and creating his own Qi, how can he possibly breakthrough? So, his circumstance can be considered unique. He is not yet a cultivator. At best, he can be considered an adolescent male with the physical purity of a newborn child.

Regardless of this, Zhang Tian is still happy. After all, the system has removed close to sixteen years of build up from his system. It will take just as much time to rebuild those stores of impurities. He could put off cultivating for the next decade and still start with a leg up. Where others have to crawl to take their first steps into the world of cultivation, Zhang Tian could just sprint right through.


The second change Zhang Tian takes note of, is the difference with his body. Likely, this is tied to the first matter.

Standing from the filth stained bed, Zhang Tian makes his way towards the wall mirror beside the chest of drawers containing his various clothes and accessories. As he walks across the room, the teen catalogs a number of differences in his body. His movements feel lighter; effortless even, as if gravity has less of a hold on him than it once did. His breaths come easier, air flowing in and out of his system with nary a sound. All sorts of pain and discomforts have disappeared, the sort of things he didn't even notice until they suddenly became absent

Everything feels… odd.

Reaching the mirror, Zhang Tian activates the crystals lining it with a touch of his hand and a flex of will. A soft glow fills the room, allowing the teen to take in his appearance…


Moving 'take a bath' higher up on his list of priorities, Zhang Tian ignores the black filth covering him. Instead, he focuses on the flesh below. There is… very little different actually. Despite knowing his own appearance quite well, it takes Zhang Tian a number of seconds before he can even spot a difference. He looks pretty much the same as he did before turning the lights off. Still, there are a few changes that manage to stand out.

His muscles seem more defined. They're no bigger than they were before, just… more apparent. The minor baby fat from his cheeks is also gone, his face is less 'soft pretty boy' and more 'fit pretty boy'. Not a huge difference, but an appreciable one nonetheless. His eyes also seem to be a shade darker, leaning more towards emerald green than their original pale green. Then again, it could just be a trick of the light. Hard to tell really.

All in all, the changes seem to be more internal than they are external. Thank heavens. Anything too blatant would be quite difficult to explain.

Zhang Tian spends a few minutes more looking his appearance over before giving up. If there are any more changes to his appearance, they are far too subtle for him to notice. Instead, the teen turns his attention inward. With his introduction to the system complete, the main screen of the Supreme Cultivation System is now available to him.

Supreme Cultivation System (ver 3.46)

Wisely choosing to ignore that little tidbit at the end, for down that way likely lies madness, Zhang Tian reads on.

Host Level: Uninitiated Cultivator.
System Points: 200.


1x {Lesser Universal Body} cultivation manual.
1x {One Palm Advances, A Thousand Strike} technique.

"Hm. That explains why I didn't get an info dump of my chosen rewards already. System, what is the inventory? How does it function?"

Zhang Tian could feel the hope burning in his chest as he waited for an answer. Although they are widely known of, interspatial storage items are extremely rare within Grand Ye. Only the top tier cultivators could be expected to have one, the construction of the items being so intricate that few could afford one. If the system could also act as a high tier storage item for him…

The system inventory is a limitless storage dimension where the host can store all manner of items and goods. Items may be withdrawn at any time and will appear wherever the host wishes on their body.

Time does not pass within the storage dimension so the host does not need to worry about the wellbeing of any living plants or beasts stored within the inventory.

Zhang Tian feels like cheering.

Host, please note that only items purchased from the store can be placed in the inventory. Non-system items are forbidden.

Zhang Tian feels like crying.

'Damn. So much for that. Well… system, do you sell interspatial items within the store?'

Yes, host.

'Right, not so bad then, I'll have to check on those later.'

Back in high spirits, Zhang Tian continues reading.

[Cultivation Manuals]
[Innate Techniques]


The contents of the various sections are self-explanatory enough and massively expansive. Zhang Tian can only blink in shock as the full list of the store's stock appears within his sea of consciousness. At the speed of thought, he begins flicking through the millions of individual items available. He doesn't even pause to read names or descriptions, he just flips through from section to section. Over ten minutes later, he isn't even close to being a quarter of the way through the full inventory.

Zhang Tian shudders.

'Whatever this system is, whoever created it, they are so far above me. What purpose is there in giving this system to me?'

Knowing no answer will be forthcoming, Zhang Tian returns his attention to the store. This time, he looks for those items he can recognize.

Once again, Zhang Tian is shocked into silence.

He finds many items within the shop that he recognizes, some from his books and others from within the clan. Cultivation pills and weapons, alchemy tools and formation flags, weapons and armor. Each and every single one that he finds is comparable to trash within the eyes of the store.

For example, there is the 'Turpidity Flushing Pill'. This is a highly regarded cultivation pill that is vital for cultivators in the first realm. It is extremely difficult to craft but is also the specialty of the Zhang clan's third elder. A single batch of this pill is sold to several different people each month, each batch selling for hundreds of thousands of silver coins. It is one of the main sources of income for the clan.

The shop is selling a batch of ten for one system point.

More than that, it's not even a good deal since he can just buy a batch of the much better 'Turpidity Cleansing Pill' for ten points. Considering the fact that a single Turpidity Cleansing Pill can be taken in one go, for over twenty times the effect of the weaker pill yet with the same digestion time, the difference is quite noticeable. And that's not even the best pill within the cheap items.

As he looks through the other sections and finds more of the same comparisons, Zhang Tian begins to understand just how low down the totem pole his clan and the rest of Grand Ye must be. If even the trash items from the store can be considered priceless treasures here, what must the lands outside Grand Ye be like?

Sighing once more, the teen continues flipping through the system store until something catches his eye.

Small Ring of Interspatial Storage (Low-Mortal).
A rune inscribed ring that allows the owner to store items within an airless pocket dimension. This item has a limited number of uses before it breaks and expels everything stored within.
Storage Space: 10 chi* x 10 chi x 10 chi.
Remaining uses: 100/100.
Cost: 150 points.
Sell: 15 points.

*1 chi = 33 ⅓ cm. 10 chi = 3 ⅓ m. Using the chi unit because 10 chi translates to 1 zhang. Better to avoid that issue.


Hissing at the high price for such a generally useless item, the teen slouches and dismisses the store windows. He could certainly afford it, but that would be a third of his current points gone in one go. For an item with limited use that he doesn't even need… yes, it's not worth the price. Better to wait until he needs, and can afford, a much better ring. Preferably, one with a larger storage space and longer shelf life.

That said…

"System, how exactly do I gain more points?"

There was mention of killing earlier but surely that can't be the only way...

There are a number of ways for the host to generate system points. The first, and easiest, is to strive to become a top tier cultivator. This caring system will watch over you, host, and will award you points if you perform deeds that are satisfactorily impressive.

"...what does that entail?"

The second method-

"Of course you won't tell me, that would be too easy right?"

-is by slaying enemies of sufficent power. Slaying spirit beasts with an equal or greater cultivation base to the hosts' will generate a number of points for the host to spend. Slaying Cultivators with an equal or greater cultivation base to the hosts' will generate a greater number of points. The greater the difference between the host's cultivation base and that of the slain foe, the more points that are awarded.

"Right, I was expecting that one."

Lastly, the host may exchange certain resources for points. Exculded are cultivation manuals and technique scrolls. The host may exchange any weapons, armor, tools, pills, and e.t.c for points so long as the items contain Qi. Exchanged items are valued at a tenth of their purchase price for those worth ten points or more. Those worth less have no value.

Zhang Tian frowns. Going by those rules, he doesn't really have anything of value to trade. Some of the cultivation manuals and technique scrolls within the clan archive would have value but the system doesn't accept them. Which makes sense actually, otherwise he could just have numerous copies of the scrolls written up and exchanged for points. As for the weapons, pills and such, short of the most valuable items in the clan treasury, everything available to him is valued at less than ten points by the system. Loving or not, there's no way his father would let him 'disappear' such valuable items for no noticeable benefit to the clan.

Short of picking up a profession and eventually making items valuable enough to be worth points, or leaving Grand Ye for more prosperous lands, Zhang Tian might be out of luck with this method.

Additionally, the host may also exchange the Cores of slain spirit beasts for a set price. The cores of beasts purchased from the system do not count for this sevice.

Or maybe not.

A Beast Core is a crystal of solidified Qi that forms within the body of a spirit beast upon death. It contains a sizeable portion of the Qi accumulated over the beast's lifetime. As they are an essential reagent for some advanced cultivation pills, as well as a cultivation aid due to the raw energy stored within, beast cores are generally quite valuable. There are always those thrill seeking adventurers and poor cultivators willing to hunt Spirit Beasts for profit. Zhang Tian could easily buy a number of such cores with his savings, more if he asks his parents for aid.

All in all, this plus the second method are his only way of earning points at this time. Whatever the system means with that first method will just have to wait to be seen. For no-

*Knock. Knock.*

"Young Master, it is time to wake up."

The knocking and soft voice from the door jars Zhang Tian from his thoughts. The teen looks around in surprise. Unknowingly, he has been in thought for hours now. The sun in aready rising and dawn has long passed. Shaking his head clear, Zhang Tian turns towards the closed door.

"Thank you Yue-Dajie, I'm awake."

The voice at the door is a clan servant by the name Guo Yue, or Elder Sister Yue as Zhang Tian has come to address her. Guo Yue has been his personal maid for close to seven years now. The woman is over two decades older than him with average looks and a plump form. She is also his second guard, a skilled cultivator nearly on par with Cho Mang, hiding in the guise of a simple maid. Well, he says hiding but the woman takes her duty seriously. If Zhang Tian wasn't made aware of her prowess, he'd think her a simple maid too.

"Do you require anything else young master?"

"Yes, prepare water for a bath.."

Zhang Tian pauses, looking down at his filth stained form in disgust.

"Make that two baths… and new sheets. I seem to have stained these ones with filth from the wild."

"It will be done."

"Thank you."

A moment passes before Zhang Tian picks up the sound of retreating steps. The teen releases a sigh at that. Two weeks may not seem like a short amount of time but compared to six years of routine, it may as well be two seconds.

Before his transmigration, Zhang Tian had a set morning routine. He would be woken up by Guo Yue removing the sheets from his bed and then shaking him awake when that didn't work. After that, the woman would bathe him, dress him, then escort him to breakfast in the main hall. The typical morning routine of a noble scion.

The new Zhang Tian immediately put a stop to that.

Before his awakening, he'd seen it as a normal routine that someone of his station was allowed. After, he saw it as the pampered upbringing of a lazy, useless twit. Unable to bathe and dress himself without aid? How shameful. Zhang Tian immediately ordered Guo Yue to stop aiding him in such basic matters, choosing to handle them himself. The maid was, of course, off kilter and a tad sceptical but when he woke up the next morning to a simple knock on the door and proceeded to handle his abulations himself, she could only accept it.

Still, two weeks later and she is still pausing at the door as if expecting him to regress to such a lazy lifestyle. Well, she would be in for a surprise after today. The whole clan would be.

'Which raises the question… what the am I going to tell everyone?'

The changes within him might not be noticeable now but what about after he starts cultivating? What about after Mortal Qi saturates his whole body and he begins to exude that oh-so-noticeable presence of a cultivator? Well, there would certainly be questions raised. Questions that may lead to answers such as 'imposter', 'infiltrator', and 'possession', if they're not dealt with right away.

So… how exactly is he going to explain this?

How will Zhang Tian explain his changed state?
[][Explanation] A grandpa did it!
Cultivation is a long and boring process. Sometimes, one needs to find a way to let off steam. Weirdly enough, some cultivators of advanced age seem to enjoy finding young and impressionable minds to wow with their mysterious, mystical powers.
You say some old man approached you in the woods, fixed you crippling illness and left while talking about 'Karmic Balance' and 'Fate'? Sounds totally plausible! In fact, you're probably the fifth reported case this month. These sorts of things are embarrassingly common.

[][Explanation] Found something weird.
Despite their meticulous nature and draconic attitude towards hoarding treasure, most cultivators seem to have a strange habit of leaving heavenly treasures lying around.
You say you found a strange looking artifact that released a pulse of energy when you touched it, fixing your crippling illness? I'd buy that. Do you still have it? No, it disappeared in a flash of light? I expected as much, oh well.

[][Explanation] Ate something weird.
World Qi does weird things to plants. Weirder than what it does to animals, and yes, that includes the Class Six Platypus beast.
You say that you ate some weird herb that upset your stomach but somehow also fixed your crippling illness? Psh, stop wasting my time with such mediocre news and go cultivate before the damn thing finishes its trip through your digestive system.

[][Explanation] Had a weird dream.
Reincarnation is a thing. Sometimes, one reincarnates with memories of their past life.
You say you had a weird dream where you were watching the life of someone that looked exactly like you, and when you woke up your crippling illness was cured? Good, good. Say, you didn't happen to see this other you burying some rare treasures somewhere close did you?

[][Explanation] Write in: the more detailed the cover story, the better.


Voting is closed.
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[X] A Spirit has Blessed Me
general summary:
Two weeks ago a spirit visited me in my sleep and granted me some amount of knowledge. I had thought it a dream until now but when I was out with Cho Meng the spirit returned! It said that it would grant me gifts of knowledge and power in return for becoming strong and defeating many foes in its name, as well as sacrificing certain objects to it. It has already cured my ailment and granted me a Heaven realm trait as well as the first portion of a potent cultivation manual in order for me to become strong enough to defeat foes and gain its favor.