@Kolarthecool Good luck with the new place and the new job. RL comes first.

After we train a bit, Does Crimsonwood city have any Body Refinement death row cultivators we can arrange with the City Lord to fight in life or death battles? I want the sweet, sweet system points :) We can say that it is to temper ourselves, and I suppose we would get some combat EXP out of it as well. Cho Mang can stand ready to intervene, so it shouldn't even be too risky. I imagine that arranging something like this will grow much harder as we grow stronger and further away from our home base, so may as well take advantage of it now. Plus I kind of want to see a fight scene :p

Yeah. We can buy a bag that allows us to store other stuff in the inventory, but it's a bit expensive.
Useful for if/when we have stuff we want to hide though.

Edit: I worry over how it would be narratively to have two fighting plots in a row, maybe it would be best to skip this?
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A1C8: Stocking Up (2)
A/N: A bit unsatisfied with this but I didn't want to hold it back for much longer. Planned to have more interaction and more 'Tell' than 'Show' for getting the items but it just wouldn't write well. So I'm just going to speed through this bit, and the training, so we can get to the fun parts.


In a Cultivation World with a Cheat System.
Arc One: The Clan Zhang.
Chapter Eight: Stocking Up (2).


[O] Plan 'Plan Your Frog Soup Wisely'... cont.
[O] The best material suitable after selling beast cores for more points.
[O] Armor.
[O] Ask that the clan send out disciples to acquire even more Beast Cores.​

"Selling cheap! Low-grade Qi Pulsing Pills. Three tokens per batch, silver is acc-"

"Intermediate-stage Body Refinement looking to help in missions or hunting! I know two strength-type fist techniques and practice th-"

"Buying ingots of Qi infused Iron, fifteen tok-"

"Looking fo-"

A cacophony of voices fills the air as people strive to be heard over one another. The scene is a hectic one, as several tens of people bustle about in a large, plaza-like space. The loudest voices belong to those that are standing behind small, makeshift market stalls, or on top of carved boulders and such. These people yell and shout, looking to attract attention so that they can buy, or sell, their wares or services.

Quietly mingling among these shouters, is a much greater number of individuals. These people are the ones that are looking to buy something, hire someone, or just push their way through the crowd in order to reach the building on the other side. Said building is tall and square, with an appearance similar to that of a grand pagoda. It has a wide entrance, the doors having been thrown open for the long line of people stretching out from inside the building.

This place, is the Mission Hall of the Zhang clan.

It is here that members of the Zhang clan receive, or hand in, mission requests. This building is also where one can trade in their contribution tokens for resources and equipment. With the wealth of resources stored inside of this one building, it is no wonder this is one of the most heavily guarded areas within the Zhang clan compound. Tens of guards patrol the area on a constant basis, while numerous traps and formations lie in wait for the signal to defend the storehouse.

As a place where those with currency come to spend it, it is also no wonder that the plaza in front of the building has become akin to a marketplace over the years. In this place, clan members with the time, and inclination, are able to sell all sorts of goods and services. As there aren't always enough missions to go around, and some would rather stay in the compound and quietly cultivate rather than travel out to complete missions, some enterprising members of the clan have found different ways to earn tokens. Selling services is one way; be it for training, assisting with a mission, or just a general hunting party out in the wilds, these people are willing to offer their service to anyone able to pay. Selling goods is another way; either a finished product from those with a profession, resources from hunting, or a material the seller no longer has use for, all manner of goods can be found in the plaza at a reduced price.

In the plaza today, is one such individual; a young man by the name of Wei. Standing at the edge of the crowd with an uncomfortable frown on his face, Wei looks across at the large storehouse. A few sharp looks are thrown in his direction but upon seeing his tall, wide frame, and the annoyed scowl on his face, most just turn away and continue minding their own business. The ones that don't, gather close with amused looks on their faces. The reason for this, and for Wei's discomfort, is the loud argument taking place just a few steps behind him.

"-stard! You think I was born yesterday!? This shit isn't even worth dog farts and you want me to pay how much!?"

"Pei! Dog farts? You're the dog fart, your whole family is dog farts! You listen here, eight tokens is as low as I'll go. If you want it, pay up. If you don't, then just scram!"

"Y-you! What did you just say about my family!? Motherfucker, I'll kill yo-"

Wei sighs and shuffles another half a step away from the arguing duo.

It all started off so simple. All they had to do is come down here, buy the goods, and then deliver it back to Senior Brother Lao. A simple enough errand that would net them some extra pills to add to this months ration. Simple, until Brother Li decided he'd try to haggle the price down so they could keep the remaining tokens after. Now, the seller won't go lower and Brother Li is too angry, and too embarrassed, to back off. Now, they've drawn a small audience that is excitedly waiting for a fight to break out.

Wei sighs again.

'How long have they been doing this back and forth already? Can't we just pay and go?'

Sighing for a third time, Wei scoots another half a step away from the arguing duo in the hopes that the onlookers won't lump him together with them.

'If this goes on any longer, the guards will show up to settle things.'

As his eyes sweep over the crowd in a nervous search for approaching guards, Wei freezes in place. Disbelieving, Wei stares in shock at the figure making its way through the crowd some distance away. A figure he has only seen once before from a far distance.

'T-that… is that?' Wei stutters in disbelief.

Within the younger generation of the Zhang clan, there are a total of twenty-three main branch members. Among those, there are six that manage to stand apart from the rest.

The first, is The Prodigy; Zhang Hua. Said to be the best candidate for the clan head position, Zhang Hua is the rising star of the Zhang clan. At just twenty years old, he is already a step away from breaking through to the Core Ignition realm. Even at twenty-three years of age, Wei has only just stepped into the intermediate stage of the Core Formation realm. This is a feat that is already considered quite good. One can see why the likes of Zhang Hua can be considered a genius compared to others.

Second of the six, is The Beauty; Zhang Mei. A talented and skilled genius in her own right, Zhang Mei is said to also be a heaven defying beauty. Though he has never laid eyes on her, Wei has heard from plenty others that Zhang Mei is perhaps the most beautiful woman in the entire country. An ice cold fairy hiding a fierce, fiery temper, and wielding the skills to back it up, Zhang Mei stands in a league of her own.

Third, is The Strategist; Zhang Min. Another talented genius, Zhang Min is said to be highly skilled when it comes to tactics and strategy. Blessed with a sharp mind and a perceptive eye, rumors abound of the genius tactics Zhang Min has employed in both mock battles and real clashes within the central region.

Fourth, is The Drunkard; Zhang Xu. A lazy, layabout that is only good at drinking wine, gambling away his money, and harassing women, Zhang Xu is widely considered to be the shame of the Zhang clan. His infamously lecherous ways are widespread within Crimsonwood City but his identity as the son of the son of the Zhang clan's fifth elder means that none dare to speak against him.

Fifth, is The Smith; Zhang Sun. Oldest of the six at twenty-two years, Zhang Sun is famous for his talents in the forging of spirit weapons and armor. Though his cultivation is lacking from what Wei knows, Zhang Sun's skill in the Dao of Forging is indisputable. At a young age, he was already skilled enough to be apprenticed to an elder in the Forge Master's Pavilion of the central region. Though little is heard about the distant Zhang Sun these days, many within the clan still expound on his talent.

Lastly, there is The Scholar; Zhang Tian. Cursed with a defective body that stopped him from cultivating, Zhang Tian decided to instead train his mind. A short seven years from that point, and Zhang Tian is now widely considered the most knowledgeable person within the young generation. Though Wei is disbelieving of this fact, it remains a widespread rumor that no one has tried to dispel.

The reason for Wei's shock is because, just now, he could swear he saw 'The Scholar of the Zhang clan' walking through the crowd. The fine robes of black and silver, the long black hair with gold clips, and those dangling jade earrings. Though he has only ever laid eyes on Zhang Tian once before, and from a far distance at that, Wei is convinced that the young teen he just spotted in the crowd is in fact that same Zhang Tian.

'Why would he be here?'

One must know that the title of Scholar is one that Zhang Tian has well earned. Other than a few mandatory gatherings or important occasions, it is said that Zhang Tian never strays far from the books in his home, or the manor study. An obsessively studious young teen, it is rare to see him anywhere but at the clan archive, or the main grounds at the top of the hill. He is an existence that very few in the outer branches of the clan can ever hope to meet.

'Does it have anything to do with yesterday's rum-'

"Oi, Fatty Wei. Let's go."

Startled, Wei looks to his side. Lost in his thoughts as he was, he seems to have missed the end of the argument between Brother Li and the seller. Looking back, Wei sees the seller looking back at them with a smiling face. Well, they didn't fight at least.

Sighing in relief, Wei turns back to the scowling face of his fellow clan mate.

"Ah, Brother Li. Did you get it?"

"Humph. What sort of nonsense question is that? I said I would get it, so of course I got it. Come, we can't have Senior Lao waiting on us."

Nodding, Wei follows, his previous thoughts forgotten.

"So, how much did Brother Li manage to save?"

A red flush immediately overtakes the other mans face and he looks away with a cough. Given the final expressions of the seller and Brother Li, Wei can easily guess how things turned out.

"None. That cheap bastard was too good. He didn't back down at all, and Senior Lao has already been waiting this long…"

Speaking up to here, Li stops and looks around them in confusion. Seeing this, Wei also glances around. To their surprise, the once calm crowd seems to be churning in excitement. People can be seen running to and fro, and there are suddenly more people standing on boulders and shouting.

"Gathering a party to hunt beasts, hurry before it's full!"

"Looking for a beast hunting party!"

All the shouts follow along this vein, the people all suddenly forming groups to go out and hunt beasts. Li and Wei stare in confusion, wondering what exactly is going on.

Getting fed up with everything, Li reaches out and snags the collar of a passing teen.

"Oi, you. What's happening?"

The teen looks affronted at the action but quickly quails under the glare of the two older men.

"A-a new mission just came out, sirs."

"New mission?" Li mutters, sharing a glance with Wei.

"Y-yes!" the teen affirms. "The mission is for beast cores. As many as possible."

Wei and Li share another glance, frowning in confusion. A mission like that is not so big a deal as to cause the reaction they are seeing. Beast cores are an essential component to quite a number of different professions and cultivation methods. Because of this, the Zhang clan would always accept them in large quantities. Selling cores to the Zhang clan is a good income for many of the brave adventurer types in the city. In fact, there was a mission just like this one some weeks ago; to gather a few hundreds of beast cores to prepare the rewards for the gathering in three months. It's strange for the mission to appear again so soon but it doesn't explain the mood of the crowd.

Saying as much to the teen, Wei and Li recieve enthusiastic nods as the teens eyes seem to shine.

"Something different must have happened. The reward this time is three gold for a Class-1 core, nine for a Class-2 and fifty for a Class-3! The quality doesn't even matter."

Having received a shocking piece of news, Wei and Li stagger back a step. Released from Li's grasp, the teen dashes off and disappears into the crowd. Neither man pays this any attention though, shocked as they are.


To understand their shock, one needs to first understand the market surrounding beast cores. Due to their use in a wide variety of areas, beast cores are among the most sought after of cultivation materials. Because of this, they are purchased at the same standard rate all over the country. According to the market price, a Class-1 beast core can sell for around one gold coin. Class-2 beast cores can be sold for up to five gold, while the Class-3 can go for up to a staggering forty gold. Things like the cultivation stage of the slain beast, the purity of its bloodline, and its elemental affinity can sometime affect these prices but generally, the price will hover around there. These are all shocking amounts to the common person.

A single gold coin is worth a hundred silvers, each of which is in turn worth a hundred coppers. When you consider the fact that a small number of coppers can feed an entire family of commoners for a whole day, one can imagine the sort of fortune contained in a single gold coin. Only the most affluent of families can have more than a dozen gold to toss around. For the Zhang clan to be buying beast cores at such an increased price, this is a tremendous opportunity for those able to seize it. Even if the money will have to be divided among various people, it is still a large profit for the average person.

Of course, contribution tokens are the only currency used within the Zhang clan. Within these walls, things like gold and silver have little value. But, the clan compound is also located so near to a major city. A city with shops, restaurants, bars, gambling dens, and pleasure houses. Places that will gladly accept copper, silver, and gold...



"I will return to Senior Luo on my own. You go now and prepare. Drag that lazy ass Kuan out of bed if you need to, we leave in the afternoon."


Without even a moment of hesitance, Wei dashes off towards their district. Li follows right behind, leaving the frenzied plaza at their backs.

As for the one responsible for this frenzy? He is already a distance away, walking up the sloping hill with a cheerful smile on his face, ignorant of the frenzy his actions have caused.

After all, what those outer branch members see as a reason to rush out and slay monsters, Zhang Tian simply sees as disposing of a few months worth of pocket change.


Entering the clan head's manor, Zhang Tian makes his way through the halls at a measured pace. This morning has been quite the profitable one for him. All of the gifts aside, the young teen has also managed to gather up quite the haul from within the clan. Given access to all of those materials he has been unable to use for many years, Zhang Tian did not hold back in taking what he pleased. Moreover, due to the clan elders holding an important meeting in the morning, Zhang Tian was basically free to access the clan's resources as he pleased. Since Zhang Hai has already sent out the order, none of those lowly managers would dare to dispute it.

His first stop, at the large, tower like structure that serves as the clan archive, net him one of the best techniques of the Zhang clan. Well, the best within Mortal-rank at least. Though there are a number of Earth-rank techniques within the upper levels of the archive, and even more within the clan treasury, such techniques are far beyond the current Zhang Tian's ability to learn. Instead, the young teen selected one of the top movement techniques within the archive. A technique that greatly complements his chosen cultivation art. That being, the-

Rumbling Elephant Step (High-Mortal rank)
The user channels the might of a stampeding elephant, advancing ever forward and crushing all in their path. Greatly increases Strength and Speed while active. Can cause slight tremors that can destabilize the footing of others
Mastery Level: Initiated (0 / 250)
Utility: Good.
Qi Cost: Medium (2.5 sec charge time)​

As far as movement techniques go, it really cannot be considered as the best. Most movement techniques focus on evasiveness and flexibility. This technique is far cruder, focusing instead on using speed and strength to bull through all obstacles. It's crude and simplistic, but there is a reason Zhang Tian has chosen it.

With the expected increase in density from the 'Lesser Universal Body' art, Zhang Tian cannot expect to be the nimblest of cultivators. This statement could be rendered false with a powerful enough movement technique, but that is a matter for the future. At this current stage, there is no way Zhang Tian will be able to match his peers in matters of flexibility and evasiveness while cultivating such an art. As such, he will have to play to his strengths. The 'Rumbling Elephant Step' is one part of that.

With the increased strength and density from cultivating the 'Lesser Universal Body' art, Zhang Tian can expect to bring out to full capabilities of this technique. Nigh unstoppable once moving, with each step causing the ground to tremble. Even with his slim frame, Zhang Tian can expect great things from using this technique. Just the thought of it has him quickening his steps. The sooner he can start training, the better.

This technique is the only one Zhang Tian has taken from the archive. He already has a top tier offensive technique to train, and his cultivation art covers his defense quite well. Better to focus on these few techniques rather than spread himself thin. His time is limited after all.

Aside from the archive, Zhang Tian has also swept up a few items from the clan storehouse. With the gathering coming up, however, his choices were actually quite limited. Cultivation pills, medicinal supplies, equipment and beast cores. These sorts of items are all in low supply at this time. Not only is there a great need for rewards for the gathering, but all those able to attend are also using this time to cash in their tokens and prepare. Because of this, Zhang Tian had to show some restraint while raiding the storehouse. Still, what he did manage to snatch is more than worth it.

Cultivation Pills (High-Grade, Mid-Mortal rank).
Assorted pills that strengthen the body and improve Qi flow. Only useful in the Body Refinement realm.
Effect 1: +1d80 XP to all training per pill.
Effect 2: +0.50% Qi impurity per pill.
Duration: 30 uses remaining (24 hour cooldown).
Sell: 0 SP ea.​

Cultivation Liquids (High-Grade, Mid-Mortal rank).
Various liquids that assist cultivation when applied to the skin. Only useful in the Body Refinement realm. Single-use item.
Effect 1: +1d200 XP to all cultivation arts per use.
Effect 2: +0.45% Qi impurity per use.
Duration: 2 uses remaining (24 hour cooldown).
Sell: 0 SP ea.​

A single months batch of cultivation pills, and two vials of cultivation liquid. Far less than what he was already gifted but the quality of the items are much higher. Using these in place of, or with, the resources he has already gathered, Zhang Tian can expect a rapid rise in his training. Such items would cost the average clan member a few missions worth of contribution tokens, but for some one of his standing, acquiring them is as simple as speaking the words.

In addition to these resources, Zhang Tian didn't hesitate to also sweep the storehouse for beast cores. A search through the remaining stock net him-

20x Class-1 Beast Core.
An item containing close to eighty percent of the Qi from a slain Spirit Beast. Can be used as a cultivation material for certain arts or techniques. Only useful for Mortal rank arts and techniques. Single-use item.
Effect: doubles XP to cultivation arts or techniques that require a beast core.
Sell: 50 SP ea.​

10x Class-2 Beast Core.
An item containing close to eighty percent of the Qi from a slain Spirit Beast. Can be used as a cultivation material for certain arts or techniques. Only useful for arts and techniques up to the Mid-Earth rank. Single-use item.
Effect: doubles XP to cultivation arts or techniques that require a beast core.
Sell: 500 SP ea.​

A very small number, perhaps, but that is to be expected. Beast cores have a wide variety of uses. They can be used to make pills, aid cultivation, empower spirit equipment, power formations, and much more. Because of this, whatever cores the Zhang clan acquires are almost always used up or handed out quite quickly. The supply is only just able to meet the demand. The cores Zhang Tian snatched up, are those spares that are wither unclaimed or deemed too low quality to be of use. Thankfully, the System doesn't seem to care about quality. Whether it is from an Early-stage beast or an Upper-stage one, the system will reward the same number of points for the core. Even then, however, there are still too few cores in the clan storage to satisfy his needs. For this reason, Zhang Tian has dug into his own pocket to issue a mission for cores. He has even offered prices that are much higher than those of the market, all to draw willing sellers his way.

In addition to years of auctioning off gifts, Zhang Tian has also made a number of profitable investments. Because of this, the young teen has amassed a sizable fortune of his own. A fortune that he hasn't really had need to spend before now. Now, all of that money is being focused towards aiding his cultivation. No amount of gold will allow him to buy higher tier resources, or even the lowest grade Spirit Crystal that cultivators use as currency, but for his needs right now, he has plenty of gold to spare.

It will be expensive, certainly, but it's not like he is expecting to see many Class-2 core, let alone a Class-3.

One should know that Class-3 spirit beasts are essentially the elite of Spirit Beasts within Grand Ye. Though there are a number of Class-4 beasts roaming about in the Forbidden Zones, it is the Class-3 beasts that one is more likely to encounter. Able to defeat tens of Core Formation realm experts with ease, Class-3 Spirit Beasts are akin to a force of nature. To defeat such a beast and harvest its core, one would need to first step into the Core Ignition realm at the least. The chance of someone on that level bothering to move for a mere fifty gold is ridiculous. Fifty gold might seem like a fortune to the common person. but no one capable of acquiring such an item would even blink at it. Moreover, it is more likely such an existence would sooner use the core that sell it off.

No, at best Zhang Tian can expert a few Low-Grade, Class-2 beast cores from his venture. Regardless, the young teen is quite looking forward to the haul of beast cores in a month's time. A month being the longest he can expect to run such a mission. Not only will the merchant houses and clans raise a fuss if he hikes the price up for too long, but the Zhang clan will also need cores to continue functioning. Zhang Tian can't exactly keep sweeping them up.

Aside from those cultivation materials, Zhang Tian also looked through the clan armory. Set as he is for weaponry at this time, the teen decided to simply withdraw a piece of armor from the storehouse.

Iron-Silk Bodysuit (Mid-Mortal)
A black, full-body, mesh suit sewn with the silk of a special breed of spirit beast. It is as soft and comfortable as it is durable.
Effect 1: slight increase to defensive ability.
Effect 2: negates slashing attacks from weapons of a lower rank.
Sell: 25 SP.​

A simple looking, skin-tight bodysuit, that covers everything from his neck to his wrists and ankles, the armor Zhang Tian has chosen is truly a strange one. Despite it's appearance, however, one cannot deny the effectiveness of this armor. When struck, it offers all the resistance of a thicker set of armor and will even release a sound akin to that of metal plate. While it is weak to piercing attacks, the defense against blunt and slashing attacks is no joke. Flexible, strong, and easily concealed beneath his clothing, this armor, coupled with his cultivation art, will make Zhang Tian a difficult opponent to put down.

With just these few items in hand, Zhang Tian feels more than ready to begin his training.

With confidence in his steps, the young teen enters his fathers study with a slight tap on the door frame. Zhang Hai looks up from the papers before him, a slight smile appearing at the sight of his son.

"Tian'er, are you prepared?"

"En." Zhang Tian nods.

"Very well. Come, let us go to the cultivation grounds."

Saying such, Zhang Hai stands from his desk and moves towards the door. Along the way, he pauses to pick up a certain box which he hands to Zhang Tian. Taking the box of his supplies from his father, Zhang Tian follows along as Zhang Hai leads the way towards the cultivation grounds.


Upon selling the beast cores, System Point balance will be at 3,500 SP. Due to the previous vote, 2,000 points will be spent on a suitably dense material for cultivating. Remaining balance is 1,560. Does Zhang Tian buy anything with it?
[][shop] Write-in.
[][shop] Save Points.​

Zhang Tian is about to enter his first training period. This closed-door cultivation session will last for one month.

Dice will be rolled daily for a total of 30 rolls.

There are 3d10 training dice. Assign training dice.

[][training] Lesser Universal Body (# of dice).
[][training] One Palm Advances, A Thousand Strike (# of dice).
[][training] Zhang Family Style (# of dice).​

There are 2d20 bonus dice. Assign bonus dice.
[][bonus] Lesser Universal Body (# of dice).
[][bonus] One Palm Advances, A Thousand Strike (# of dice).​

Will Zhang Tian use any cultivation resources?
[][resource] Write-in: Which resources to use and how many. Keep the cooldown period in mind, using too many of a particular resource will cause harmful side-effects (I.e: I will use exactly as many as you write-in, even knowing that it's unsafe).​


Character Sheet Updates.

Vitality increased to Above Average.
Vitality gains Armored trait from Iron-Silk Bodysuit (any attacks dealt with a Strength attribute of a lower rank will be negated).
New techniques and items added.

Voting is closed.
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[X] Partial Plan: Even Split, Bonus Focus

[X][training] Lesser Universal Body (1d10)
[X][training] One Palm Advances, A Thousand Strike (1d10)
[X][training] Zhang Family Style (1d10)

[X][bonus] Lesser Universal Body (2d10)
....You know what? I'm very tempted to focus entirely on our universal body.

[x] Plan Monofocus

[x][shop] 28 Primordial Qi crystals: 560 points
[x][training] Lesser Universal Body (3 dice)
[x][bonus] Lesser Universal Body (2 dice).
[x][resource] Elemental Dispersing trap (+5% xp LUB), 30x Cultivation Pills (High-Grade, Mid-Mortal rank) (1/day), 30x Primordial Qi Crystals (1/day)

Boost the foundation~
Wait... @Kolarthecool Looking at the shop.
1d10 training dice.
Number of current d10 TD x 500 points.​

1d20 training dice.
Number of current d20 TD x 1000 points.​

1d100 training dice.
Number of current d100 TD x 5000 points.​
Are these permanent upgrades?
Either way, does that make a d100 training die free?
[X] Plan Grab Multipliers Early
[x][shop] Trait-Prodigy: 1,000 points
[x][shop] 28 Primordial Qi crystals: 560 points
[x][training] Lesser Universal Body (3 dice)
[x][bonus] One Palm Advances, A Thousand Strike (2 dice).
[x][resource] Elemental Dispersing trap (+5% xp LUB), 29x Cultivation Pills (High-Grade, Mid-Mortal rank) (1/day), 30x Primordial Qi Crystals (1/day) 1x Cultivation Liquid (High-Grade, Mid-Mortal Rank) (day before last)
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[X] Plan Grab Multipliers Early
[x][shop] Trait-Prodigy: 1,000 points
[x][shop] 28 Primordial Qi crystals: 560 points
[x][training] Lesser Universal Body (2 dice)
[x][training] Rumbling Elephant Step (1 die)
[x][bonus] One Palm Advances, A Thousand Strike (1 die)
[x][bonus] Lesser Universal Body (1 die)
[x][resource] Elemental Dispersing trap (+5% xp LUB), 29x Cultivation Pills (High-Grade, Mid-Mortal rank) (1/day), 30x Primordial Qi Crystals (1/day) 1x Cultivation Liquid (High-Grade, Mid-Mortal Rank) (day before last)
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So instead of assigning dice, can we just say "cultivate x until next level. Then cultivate y."

Not this time.

I'll add such an option to future votes, allowing you to use excess xp on a different skill rather than focusing one.

Wait... @Kolarthecool Looking at the shop.

Are these permanent upgrades?
Either way, does that make a d100 training die free?

Yes they are permanent. No, the base price would be 5000, ignore the terrible math. Fixed it.

We have 1d100s already. They are the ones that are used when we have a real fight. The don't get rolled for training.

Those are seperate from the ones you can buy. It was my error.

@Kolarthecool, can you cost and rank the rest of the submissions?

Will do.... later, just about to go to bed. Sorry.
I wonder what a qi-purifying bracelet would cost
[X] Plan Grab Multipliers Early
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[X] Plan Grab Multipliers Early

An extremely rough estimate:
Rumbling Elephant Step (Initiated 165/250)+1175 -> (Basic 0/500?)+1090 -> (Intermediate 590/1000?)
One Palm (Initiated 165/300)+1175 -> (Basic 0/600?)+1040 -> (Intermediate 440/1200?)
LUB (2189/5000)

With the assumptions and the variability of dice, things could go a lot differently.
....Well, I know it's probably too late to swing the votes, but I can try.​
[x] Plan Monofocus

[X][shop] Trait-Tireless: 300 points
[X][shop] Trait-Prodigy: 1,000 points
[X][training] Lesser Universal Body (3 dice)
[X][bonus] Lesser Universal Body (2 dice).
[X][resource] Elemental Dispersing trap (+5% xp LUB), 30x Cultivation Pills (High-Grade, Mid-Mortal rank) (1/day), 30x Primordial Qi Crystals (1/day), 1x Cultivation Liquid (High-Grade, Mid-Mortal Rank) (day before last)

Now with Added Prodigy!

Edit: Plan changed to reflect plan Tireless monofocus, flaws and all.
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