I mean, we can flat out buy levels in things; If we survive to a higher rank, we can just go "screw the rules, I have money."

Not worth it for something like that which we can actually train, though. More for the "You need this list of a thousand rare ingredients to form the first rank of this skill." Type of things.
I was under the impression that was just for Techniques, not Cultivation Arts or Martial Arts. I mean, if it is, we should just spend the 1500 points to buy up Lesser Universal Body now and focus on training cheaper stuff as we buy up.

Techniques seem WAY cheaper to train up than Cultivation Arts.
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I don't like the lack of Primordial Qi Crystals in mono focus. Some people appear to be voting for a variant that uses Crystals (30) we don't have?
You took out the qi crystals from the purchase plan... but left them in the resources used :p

I do agree you probably have a point on the tireless... @Kolarthecool, is he right on that?

If you're right, I'll switch my plan over to duplicate yours... which should hopefully let the vote counter merge our votes.
Whoops! Fixed!

Dont forget the requirements of the cultivation art. Without the formation or crystals, you will suffer a malus to cultivation training. The main point of them is to negate that malus, the points they give is a bonus side effect.
We've already got the formation though, so that shouldn't be a problem? Or do we need both? And if we need both, do we need a crystal per day?
Closing the vote in 24 hours.

I was under the impression that was just for Techniques, not Cultivation Arts or Martial Arts. I mean, if it is, we should just spend the 1500 points to buy up Lesser Universal Body now and focus on training cheaper stuff as we buy up.

Techniques seem WAY cheaper to train up than Cultivation Arts.

It does only apply to techniques and martial arts. I may allow you to buy mastery levels in cultivation arts in the future but you would only receive part of the full effect, and none of the art's XP will go towards your cultivation level.

Techniques start off cheaper than cultivation arts but reaching full mastery will be difficult as the need XP rises steeply per rank. Martial arts are the simplest to raise, so long as it's strictly a martial art rather magic kung fu (ex: anything from Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra).

We've already got the formation though, so that shouldn't be a problem? Or do we need both? And if we need both, do we need a crystal per day?

I only mention it in general to explain why you would need them. Using just the formation is fine, it will last the whole month and remove the malus effects too. I will say that there is little reason to save the crystals you already have, the effect isn't so good that it will make a difference later on.
I only mention it in general to explain why you would need them. Using just the formation is fine, it will last the whole month and remove the malus effects too. I will say that there is little reason to save the crystals you already have, the effect isn't so good that it will make a difference later on.
Ah, good - my plan won't need changing then. My reasoning for saving the crystals was that there is no advantage to using them now instead of later - they aren't limited to a certain number per day - so it's best to use them at the end after training, when we can make a plan to the effect of "keep using crystals until either we hit the breakthrough point or run out", and plan for that around other sources of xp.
To whoever created the [Memory Imprint: Experience of Forming Domain] resource in the store, sorry but I have to delete it. Domain is something that will already be included in the story, look forward to it.

Edit: also to the creator of [The Seven Virtuous Sins], congrats on being first to break the 1,000,000 mark. You might find that the price is a bit high and the ranking has changed, this is what happens when words like 'infinite potential' and 'infinitely stronger' get thrown around. Lol, if you guys manage to buy it and go that route, you will win. God of Sin. Infinite power. No questions asked, you win.

Ah, good - my plan won't need changing then. My reasoning for saving the crystals was that there is no advantage to using them now instead of later - they aren't limited to a certain number per day - so it's best to use them at the end after training, when we can make a plan to the effect of "keep using crystals until either we hit the breakthrough point or run out", and plan for that around other sources of xp.

There's no daily limit true. It's a good plan, you can use them up and buy more if you get close to maxing the skill and just need that little push. Keep in mind that it's not an instantaneous use however, it takes time to drain the energy out of the crystal and cultivate with it. Let's say around two hours since this one is meant to have a small bit of energy in it.

Lastly, on a somewhat related note, I should mention that some bottlenecks can't be broken through by just adding more XP. If the Mc hits one of these bottlenecks, based on the point (moving from one realm to another most likely) they'll need to complete some special task, meet a certain requirement, or experience a specific type of stimulus to breakthrough.
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Edit: also to the creator of [The Seven Virtuous Sins], congrats on being first to break the 1,000,000 mark. You might find that the price is a bit high and the ranking has changed, this is what happens when words like 'infinite potential' and 'infinitely stronger' get thrown around. Lol, if you guys manage to buy it and go that route, you will win. God of Sin. Infinite power. No questions asked, you win.
I can't find those anywhere in the thread, what do they do?
I can't find those anywhere in the thread, what do they do?

The first is a 7 part cultivation art where the user gets increasingly powerful by committing sins relating to the seven sins. They also gain special abilities based on each sin.

The second is the domain ability seen in most xianxia fics. Basically a mix between a reality marble and an AT field, where the cultivator makes a set area 'theirs' and can pretty much godmode anyone inside unless the enemy has a domain of their own. I'll be using it for 4th realm cultivators, which basically makes them unbeatable by anyone in a lower realm.
So I'm going to ask this because of my extremely limited experience in this style of fiction.

How would you rank a dude like Dugu Quibai?
Quibble is the word you were looking for, and I was just curious because Dugu is legendary and I would like to see the MC get to that level.

Considering that Dugu Qiubai's whole "thing" is that no one he ever fought was a match for him and he spent his life despairing of ever being truly challenged and defeated, you can't really establish a hard ceiling for him.

That said, given that wuxia is ultimately about superpowered human beings, rather than Daoist Immortals who can rearrange continents at a whim, at a certain point we'll become stronger than him.
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I think it's important we establish what kind of build we want. Our current manual gives us enhanced durability at the cost of speed. Are we going to go for 'slow but tough brawler', pick something up to offset that hit to our speed and go for an all-rounder, become a living piece of artillery by adding some high powered ranged abilities, or just pick whatever looks cool?
I think it's important we establish what kind of build we want. Our current manual gives us enhanced durability at the cost of speed. Are we going to go for 'slow but tough brawler', pick something up to offset that hit to our speed and go for an all-rounder, become a living piece of artillery by adding some high powered ranged abilities, or just pick whatever looks cool?
I think it's obvious that we're going to pick whatever looks cool, but I would hope that we would aim for living piece of artillery on top of some formation work that would let us more lazily acquire beast cores to exchange with the system.
I think it's important we establish what kind of build we want. Our current manual gives us enhanced durability at the cost of speed. Are we going to go for 'slow but tough brawler', pick something up to offset that hit to our speed and go for an all-rounder, become a living piece of artillery by adding some high powered ranged abilities, or just pick whatever looks cool?

I'd go with a mix of the Brawler and Artillery options, so that we're not hindered either in close quarters or long range but we're not spread as thin as an All-Rounder might be. Alternatively, we could just make a piece of equipment to help with our speed and buy that at some point.
I think it's obvious that we're going to pick whatever looks cool, but I would hope that we would aim for living piece of artillery on top of some formation work that would let us more lazily acquire beast cores to exchange with the system.
I'd go with Universal Body/Immortal Sage Awakening alchemist with kitsune blood.

Super tough and strong, super smart, fire, illusion, and pills. Pills and comprehension give us the training bonuses so they're kind of insanely powerful. Illusions and fire are both excellent for pinning faster people down or aoe and providing alternative attacks to the mundane beatdowns.

Ultimately, of course, the system gives us a lot of room to explore options. We're probably going to want to sink a TON of points into training dice before going after anything expensive though.
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A slow but tough build appeals to me as well. Later as the power levels scale up, we can get some more ranged options to try and keep people away.

The Kitsune blood/Immortal Sage awakening seems like a pretty good combo to me, fairly cheap, flexible and scales well. It would presumably let us do some crowd control with fire pretty soon too. We might not be able to create fire right away, but there is nothing I know of to stop us from bringing a bunch of oil, igniting it and manipulating those flames.

For crowd control in the near term, we could also try getting a bunch of ball bearings and spreading them around. Have them made them just dense enough so that between our body and Rumbling Elephant Step, we can easily crush them underfoot, while our opponents will need to be careful lest they slip and fall.

Later, we could combine illusions with shadow clones, attack the opponent with illusions of ourselves for a while, and then when they least expect it, use shadow clones as well to land an attack that's a little more solid.
Hey @Kolarthecool When you say in the chapter how Lesser Universal Body is likely to make us less flexible, at least compared to other Cultivators, would purchasing the Kitsune of Fire Beast Ancestry, and in particular it's flexibility boost, help offset that?

Because Awakened Beast Ancestries sound like they're something that gives a set boost, but also a bit of a scaling boost, as you get stronger. Though it probably falls off pretty quick as you get too far past the 'rank' of the Spirit Beast that was awoken as part of your ancestry...