It's really helpful. I've never used googledocs excel but maybe I should start. Way easier than posting everything on here and then having to trawl through spoilers and text. I'll give it more thought once the next chapter is done with.
Cool. I'd be willing to moderate the shop, maybe PM or tag you when there are ten or more unranked entries, you can rank them and I can integrate them and keep track of version history. As of now there are 21 totally unranked entries (soon to be 22 when I finish my armor idea) and 2 entries that are only ranked by realm rather than dan. (With this being my terminology of splitting things into 15 dans with each realm having three dans. It's nice to have terminology for the low-mid-high ranking)
Armor shouldn't be overly complicated. Xianxia doesn't really focus on enchanted armor and such in my experience. Everyone just wears increasingly elaborate and expensive robes. Which tend to look badass all things considered.
Yeah that's what I was thinking. I was actually thinking of a cool idea for something that's technically armor though so I'll work on that and see how it goes.
EDIT: I have achieved my goal! I am truly a daomaster, for I have discovered an entirely new trait and undocumented spirit beast, invented four offensive techniques, two defensive techniques and one utility technique, forged a powerful weapon and armor, and invented three new pills and an equal number of entirely new cultivation manuals!
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A1C3: Receiving Rewards (1).
A/N: It's Taoist Costco, where all your dreams come true! Got a Dao for you!
But yeah, @The Froggy Ninja has created this spreadsheet for the shop and this spreadsheet for suggested things to put in the shop. Also, @Rotekian, before I can properly rank and price Nightmare's Stride I'm going to need a more precise description of how it functions.

A/N2: The chosen palm technique has been upgraded to a better version. The one you all voted for was only meant to be an example, not a vote.

A filler chapter to get through the voted choices.

[O] Resolute Soul.
[O] Lesser Universal Body.
[O] One Palm Advances, A Thousand Strike.


In a Cultivation World with a Cheat System.
Arc One: The Clan Zhang.
Chapter Three: Receiving Rewards.


It was some time before Zhang Tian could catch his breath.

'What the hell is this!?'

Right as he was thinking that nothing else the system could offer would surpass the repair of his shriveled spirit roots, the system went ahead a rolled out this banquet of rewards. Cultivation manuals, innate traits, and innate techniques. High tier rewards the likes of which many cultivators would kill to get their hands on, and they were being offered to him for free. What sort of face slapping turnaround is this?

'Moreover, what is with these rankings?'

High-Heaven ranked innate traits.

High-Earth ranked cultivation manuals.

High-Mortal ranked innate techniques.

'This.. this is insane.'

To understand Zhang Tian's shock, one first understand the cultivation background of Grand Ye.


To the understanding of the common person, there are a total of four cultivation realms. As the scion of a great clan, and one that has shown great interest in the clans' affairs, Zhang Tian is obviously privy to information the common person could never learn. From his lessons and reading, Zhang Tian is aware that rather than four cultivation realms, there are actually a total of nine realms. Even then, he knows nothing about those upper five realms aside from idle speculation. As for the first four realms, they are in turn-

The Body Refinement realm, where the cultivator purges the impurities from their body and attains a superhuman physique.

The Core Formation realm, where the cultivator creates a core capable of storing Heaven and Earth Qi within their body. In the previous realm, the cultivator would need to remain still for a few seconds in order to draw in Heaven and Earth Qi, and transform it into the Mortal Qi required for their techniques. In this realm, that transformation time is reduced to fractions of a second and the cultivator can even form Mortal Qi while moving.

Thirdly is the Core Ignition realm, where the cultivator infuses the 'Heaven and Earth Qi Core' with Soul Energy in order to transform it into a 'Mortal Qi Core'. With the Mortal Qi Core automatically producing Mortal Qi to sustain the cultivator, their capabilities achieve a whole new level of power. This is considered the true realm of cultivation, with the previous realms being nothing moran than an introduction into the world of cultivation.

Finally, there is the Ascendant Mortal realm. In this realm, the cultivator purges the impurities from their Qi and throws off the shackles of mortality. They become capable of flight and are able to achieve an incomparable level of power.

Within the ranking system used for traits, cultivation manuals, innate techniques, and various types of items, the first cultivation realm can be considered Mortal-rank, the second and third would be Earth-rank, while the fourth would be Heaven-rank. That is the level of difference in the rankings.

In the entirety of Grand Ye, there are perhaps ten or so Ascendant Mortal cultivators. Each one of these powerful existences stands as a pillar for each of the grand clans and great sects, the final weapon of each group. From this information, one can surmise that those items that would be Heaven-rank are also quite scarce. Forget Earth-rank, even a High-Mortal ranking is enough for most cultivators to come running.

This is the cultivation background of Grand Ye.

As such, it can be understood why Zhang Tian would be so shocked at the rankings of the rewards offered by the system. Even if all three rewards were to be within the Mortal-rank, Zhang Tian would still consider them as treasures.

For starters, there are the traits.

It should be known that even in the long-standing history of Grand Ye, let along Heaven-rank, never has there ever been a recorded case of an Earth-rank innate trait. The most powerful trait recorded, from some decades ago, was of a High-Mortal ranked Beast Inheritance within one of the other clans. Even the thought of there being Earth and Heaven-rank innate traits out there is considered mere speculation.

Then, there are the cultivation manuals.

Although Mortal-rank and Earth-rank are right beside one another, one must know that the difference between them is truly vast. Even the gulf between High-Mortal and Low-Earth is considerable. Many of those Earth-rank cultivators out there were only able to reach their current level through decades of cultivating a Mortal-rank art. Within Grand Ye, only within the great clans and major sects can one hope to find an Earth-rank cultivation manual. Even the Zhang Clan, mighty as it is, only has a handful of Earth ranked cultivation arts.

Finally, the innate techniques.

If the gap between Mortal-rank and Earth-rank cultivation manuals can be considered a lake, then the gulf between such ranked innate techniques must be an ocean. The difference in Qi consumption, utility, and sheer power output. In no way can these two ranks be considered similar. The same can be said to apply regarding the tiers within the ranks. In no way can a Low-Mortal ranked technique compare to one that is High-Mortal ranked -excepting, of course, a vast enough difference in the power and capability of the users

Although High-Earth ranked innate techniques are not beyond the bounds of reason for Grand Ye, the High-Mortal ranking is still considered impressive for a technique. In the Zhang Clan, a High-Mortal ranked technique would only be known by the clan head, the various elders and the most trusted members of the clan. Just gaining access to one would cost the average person a few years worth of contribution tokens. Most guards and servants would have to satisfy themselves with just a Mid-Mortal ranked technique.

Now that the importance of these rankings is understood, one can then understand why Zhang Tian's heart skips a beat when he notices a different tier of ranks beside some techniques. Ranks that Zhang Tian has never even heard of before. Immortal-rank and Divine-rank.

Implications regarding the peaks of cultivation aside, this simple fact is actually a form of proof regarding his earlier conjecture. Combined with the knowledge that there are actually nine cultivation realms and his earthborn memories, this serves as the final piece of proof that there is a vaster world outside of Grand Ye. A dangerous one at that.

After all, it's recorded fact that with only a Mid-Earth rank cultivation art and a Low-Heaven rank innate technique, the ancestral founder of Grand Ye was able to slaughter his way through countless spirit beasts and rival cultivators in order to carve out a kingdom for himself. This is the same battle that leveled most of the eastern region of the country and left it a barren waste that has yet to recover these thousands of years later. If such a man was capable of that level of destruction, what of those that cultivate Immortal or Divine ranked techniques? What of spirit beasts of that equivalent ranking? Dangerous might just be understating it.

'But… I was already expecting this, wasn't I? The moment I awoke with these memories, I was already thinking of Grand Ye as nothing more than the backwater nation of a much vaster world.'

Rather than frighten him, this glimpse into the sort of world lying outside of Grand Ye instead fills Zhang Tian with resolution.

'One day. One day I will venture outside of Grand Ye and see with my own eyes all that this world has to offer.'

Full of determination, Zhang Tian turns the full weight of his focus onto making a selection from the rewards offered by the system. This is but the first step in achieving his dream.

The Mortal and Earth-rank innate traits are all immediately ignored after a short glance. Most are simply weaker versions of the Heaven-rank traits available, while the ones that are original can't hope to compete with those Heaven ranked traits. Though the list is much shorter without those weaker traits -and those too powerful to be chosen- Zhang Tian still finds it difficult to choose.

For a moment, he is tempted to select the Pure Yang Body trait. This is pushed by the parts of his psyche that are earthborn. Ever since waking that day, Zhang Tian has been… disappointed with his physical form. Though his body is considerably fit from years of general exercise and basic martial arts training, he would never go so far as to describe himself as 'manly'. Too thin, too soft, and with features that tread far too close to the effeminate side of the androgyny line, his current appearance is a far cry from the thick, muscular frame he'd earned from years of general labor on Earth. His first impression upon looking in the mirror that fateful morning was 'beanpole pretty boy'. A Yang type body would go a long way to changing that.

Though the choice is unbearably tempting -even with the weakness to Yin type effects- Zhang Tian eventually decides to go with the Resolute Soul trait. All of the traits are enticing enough but it is this one that truly calls to him. Though the description is fairly vague, Zhang Tian understands one thing that sets this trait a step above the others; it strengthens the soul.

Trauma regarding his soon to be repaired birth defect aside, Zhang Tian is knowledgeable enough about cultivation to know that a strong soul is a priceless commodity. A strong soul can provide all manner of benefits to a budding cultivator. After all, it is the soul that provides half of the energy required to cultivate. With a stronger soul, ones cultivation path would be smoother. Qi manipulation would come easier; their Qi would hold more 'weight'; and they would be able to show greater resistance to the suppression from stronger cultivators, a feat that would pay immeasurable dividends.

Out of all the available choices, Resolute Soul is the one that stands out as most important to him in the short term. Likely it would be expensive to get it later on, and less useful at that point, so he may as well snatch it up now that it is being handed out for free.

Locking in the choice, Zhang Tian moves on to the cultivation manuals.

A great deal of time passes as Zhang Tian makes his way through the various cultivation arts available to him. Even though he is limited to Earth-rank and below this time, there are still more cultivation manuals available than there were traits. If Zhang Tian is to select the best one from among them, he must carefully parse through the summarized information provided by the system. It doesn't help that many of these manuals also have higher grade supplements that he must also consider while choosing. Luckily for Zhang Tian, his interactions with the system occur at the speed of thought. So while it feels like several hours have passed to the young man, it has barely been a full hour.

Within the many cultivation manuals, Zhang Tian spots a number that he recognizes from both the clan archive and from his reading. He finds the Mid-Mortal ranked 'Mountain Bearing Giant Ape' art practiced by Cho Mang. Then the Low-Earth ranked 'World Illuminating Golden Sun' art practiced by his father. Even the legendary, Mid-Earth rank 'Slaughtering Warlord' art of the country's founder. Yet, for each manual that he recognizes -even if it's just by name alone- there are a dozen more that he doesn't. After a while, it gets really frustrating trying to pick and choose between them all. Dozens of subjective hours pass before Zhang Tian manages to parse through all the manuals and begin making his choice.

A vast majority of the manuals are immediately discarded for one reason or another. Some are too weak to be worth the bother. Some require the committing of acts so evil and vile that the thought alone makes him want to vomit. Others are just too difficult for him to cultivate as he is now. Yet, for each one he discards, there are still three more that call out to him. Truly frustrating.

Idly, Zhang Tian pages through the remaining arts while thinking. Every once in a while, he stops to reread the description of an interestingly named art before quickly moving on. Time passes in the outside world as Zhang Tian flips through the cultivation arts, carefully considering which to keep and which to discard. The moon is high in the sky by the time the young teen manages to finally narrow things down to one choice; The High-Mortal ranked 'Lesser Universal Body' art.

While he is eligible for a High-Earth ranked art, Zhang Tian finds that none of them are really suitable for him to choose. A vast majority of them require him to first step into the second realm of cultivation before he can even begin to cultivate them. Those are the good ones. The ones that don't have the requirement are only marginally better than the Mortal-rank cultivation arts themselves. So, if that is the case, then there is no point in him selecting an Earth-rank cultivation manual now when he can't use it until much, much, later.

Sure, he can just take the free Earth-rank manual now and train himself up to the Core Formation realm using a cultivation art from the clan's archive, but considering that all of the techniques he recognizes within the store are among the…. trashiest? Well, cultivation requires a strong foundation. Knowingly choosing an inferior art to build his foundation from doesn't really sit well with him.

So, Zhang Tian decides to select the Lesser Universal Body art which ranks around the top among the various High-Mortal ranked cultivation manuals. Even better, this particular art is only considered Mortal-rank because it focuses solely on body refinement. If there was even the slightest hint of complex Qi cultivation within the art, it could instantly rank up to High-Earth or even Low-Heaven. Thankfully, whoever created this art decided to split it into multiple parts; the Lesser, which is only Mortal-rank but can be effectively trained all the way to the second or third realm of cultivation; the Greater, which is Heaven-rank; and the True, which is Divine-rank. It is essentially a series of cultivation arts that one can train to the very limits of cultivation.

So, without a seconds thought, Zhang Tian locks the choice in. Finally.

Just the innate technique now and he can move on from this introductory phase of the system. Thankfully, this selection is much easier. The easiest of the three actually. Not only is he already limited to Mortal-rank techniques, but he can also completely ignore those ranked below High-Mortal. As stated earlier, there is a vast difference between even the small tiers of innate techniques. Selecting a Low or Mid ranked technique when a High ranking technique is available can only serve to weaken him.

While parsing the list, he spots a number of recognizable names. There is Cho Mangs' Low-Mortal ranked 'Shattering Fist' technique. The Zhang clan's prized, High-Mortal ranked 'Earth Rending Shallow Step' technique. And again, the legendary, Low-Heaven ranked 'Erasing Spear Art' of the Ye country founder. There are so many techniques within the list. Some, he has only heard of in stories of ancient times, while others seem far too fantastical to be real.

After a while, Zhang Tian notices that he is just wasting time flipping through, and looking at, the various techniques rather than focusing on what he should be doing. Snapping back to attention with a soft chuckle, he immediately returns to the section of High-Mortal ranked techniques. Now back on track, Zhang Tian spends a few minutes flipping through the various techniques before settling on the 'One Palm Advances, A Thousand Strike' palm technique.

A movement technique may have been a better option but the clan already has a High-Mortal ranked one he can learn. There are quite a few better ones within the store but the Earth Rending Shallow Step is not much worse off. As for learning a defensive art, his cultivation art would actually cover that nicely. Done correctly, very few techniques within this rank would be able to compare to the defensive capabilities of his chosen cultivation art, and while the effects could stack, there's very little chance of him facing an enemy powerful enough to require that level of defense anytime soon. Any such enemy would be capable of killing him regardless. Besides, he could also buy a defense-oriented art from the system later if needed, or look through the clan archive for one. Better to get an offense-oriented art.

Especially since he hasn't forgotten what the system said earlier.

Killing enemies to generate points isn't a new concept to him. Not after all of the stories he has already read with such a premise. It's quite likely he'll have to hunt down and kill Spirit Beasts in order to earn those points. If this happens to be the case, then having a powerful attack could prove to be most invaluable.

As for the particular technique in question... well, this is a cultivation world is it not? Aside from sword techniques and Sword Qi, there is nothing more iconic to the setting than the palm strike. And among the various palm arts, there is none better seeming than the 'One Palm Advances, A Thousand Strike' innate technique. A highspeed series of palm strikes that allow the user to strike the target a thousand times in an instant. The sheer insanity of the technique has Zhang Tian selecting it right away.

Sure, it's not as iconic as the 'Thousand Palm Shadows' technique, which uses afterimages to hide the true attack but it is certainly more powerful. A thousand strikes, no matter how light, will surely beat out a single solid strike. Besides, he'll need to eventually learn both techniques to unlock the Earth-rank 'Ten-Thousand Palms Descent' technique. For now, Zhang Tian is satisfied with his selected technique.

With his final choice locked in, Zhang Tian waits as the system verifies his choices. A few seconds pass, then...

Selection Finalized.

This system hopes you enjoy your choices user. Please work hard to grow stronger and unlock more features of this system.

Introduction Complete.
Implementing Changes To Host.


Host, you may feel a slight amount of discomfort as changes are made to your body….

'Discomfort? What sort of discomfort?' Zhang Tian wonders as the system trails off. A moment passes before the young teen suddenly pales. Sweat forms on his brow and he gulps, having recalled a particular story with a similar system. Discomfort was usually an understatement of what the main character of that story had to suffer through.

'Hey.. uh, System. This won't hurt right?'

Worry not host! This great and gentle system will ensure you are not disturbed during the repair and elevation process!

'That didn't answer my que-'

Zhang Tian is cut off mid-thought as his entire world dissolves into pain. His mouth opens to scream but no sound is made. Within his mind, Zhang Tian wants to writhe and flail about from the sheer agony he is currently experiencing, but something has paralyzed his body. The system isn't allowing him any actions that would draw attention from those outside. All he can do is lay there and suffer.

A sensation spreads through his whole body. As if a million-billion red-hot needles are being stuck into each and every one of his nerve endings. His heartbeat rockets to insane levels, pumping streams of liquid ice torturously through his veins. Countless hands of molten steel seem to rip and tear through his flesh to grab directly onto his bones, the sensations of heat and cold clashing in a manner suitable to drive one mad. Then, the hands begin to twist.

If one was to enter Zhang Tian's room at this moment, they would immediately pale at the sound of loud cracks and squelches, as bones and flesh are destroyed and reformed. If they were to throw back the blanket, they would immediately vomit. Not even Cho Mang would be able to recognize Zhang Tian from the pile of tenderized flesh and pulped bone laying on the bed, the blood and viscera held together by an invisible force.

Thankfully for the young man in the center of all this, the pain has long driven him unconscious.

Hours pass as the system is left to its process.
Well now, that was an interesting excursion into this world's ranking system. So if I've understood this correctly, Mortal techniques focus on manipulating the body, Earth Techniques do stuff with Qi, and Heaven techniques... put Soul energy into the equation?

Also it says the founder left the eastern region a barren waste, but just how strong was he? A city-buster?
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The question is can we be trained in techniques without the need to spend points and if so we should see if we can have our family teach us. Better to save the points for things we cannot achieve otherwise.
Fair point. Not like 200 points is much to us anyway. Class one beasts give 50-100 points upon killing them and they're pretty common and should't be too hard to beat once we start Refining our Body. Especially if getting Cho Mang to hold one down while we slit its throat counts.
I bet we could probably pass off our miracle healing as our nascent Resolute Soul appearing to be shriveled until it awoke.
EDIT: Maybe if Immortality of Flowing Water is cheap enough we should get it. Movement techniques are good but Offense and Defense are the pillars of a good combatant.
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Well now, that was an interesting excursion into this world's ranking system. So if I've understood this correctly, Mortal techniques focus on manipulating the body, Earth Techniques do stuff with Qi, and Heaven techniques... put Soul energy into the equation?

Also it says the founder left the eastern region a barren waste, but just how strong was he? A city-buster?

Exactomundo on the rankings.

Not quite city buster levels, the wasteland thing happend over numerous battles and was assisted by his enemies too. He wasn't at the level to do that alone with a single attack. It's just an impressive feat to imagine when you're too weak to accomplish the same.

The question is can we be trained in techniques without the need to spend points and if so we should see if we can have our family teach us. Better to save the points for things we cannot achieve otherwise.

Yes you can. I just limit this by making what is available this way crap compared to what you can get from the system. After all, the system shop spans the entire cultivation world outside of your piddly country. Sort of like the difference between NPC made equips and Player forged gear in most MMOs.

I bet we could probably pass off our miracle healing as our nascent Resolute Soul appearing to be shriveled until it awoke.
EDIT: Maybe if Immortality of Flowing Water is cheap enough we should get it. Movement techniques are good but Offense and Defense are the pillars of a good combatant.

The next vote will involve that yes. Plenty of options you can crib from other stories. You can say you met an old grandpa in the woods, found some interesting looking item, ate something weird. I'll leave it to you guys.
Nightmare's Stride is an illusion technique that hides the amount of effort and the exact path the user is taking while chasing someone. Magnifying the fear of being chased and giving the impression that the user is chasing directly when in fact they are intelligently predicting the direction the prey will run so as to run a shorter distance. Someone who runs directly away from the illusion ends up running a zigzag route while believing the chaser is barely running even if the user is actually running as fast as possible.
The weakness of the technique is that it does not actually increase the user's speed.
Why would we need to explain anything? If they've never seen a heaven ranked trait how would we know thats why our spirit roots were shriveled. Just let them make their own assumptions.
If an explanation is requested, I'd vote we just say we had a vision. Something vague and spiritual, about a wilted sapling that persisted in its attempts to grow until it finally began to blossom due to persistence.

There's no reason they should assume we know exactly what happened to us.
I kind of like the vague innate knowledge of our condition thing as something common in setting.
Can we buy things in the shop regardless of rank? Because I kind of want to get the XP boosters first, and those are all in the Heaven range
Why not go with an old wrinkly ball of a man, laughed after looking at our soul, and decided to unlock the trait, after we told in a backhanded manner "That if our soul is so bad you do something about it" or something to that effect.

If in doubt blame small wrinkly old people.
Can we buy things in the shop regardless of rank? Because I kind of want to get the XP boosters first, and those are all in the Heaven range

As long as we kill a couple hundred Class 1 beasts or a couple dozen first realm cultivators to get the points sure.
sounds like a plan! various dao souls here we come!
seriously though, it might take a long while to grind to that extent, but the xp boosters are all traits that will persist through all the various cultivation stages, so it would be wise to get them out of the way right now, when we're about as 'safe' as we're going to get, things haven't escalated to absurdity yet and the help of the clan is still pretty significant.
sounds like a plan! various dao souls here we come!
seriously though, it might take a long while to grind to that extent, but the xp boosters are all traits that will persist through all the various cultivation stages, so it would be wise to get them out of the way right now, when we're about as 'safe' as we're going to get, things haven't escalated to absurdity yet and the help of the clan is still pretty significant.
I feel like that might not be a great idea. In order to get all the unique dao plus one weapon plus all seven elements at just rank one we'd need to kill 600-1000 beasts or 175 cultivators and it'd cost as much as a mid immortal manual.