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Note: Green text, when used in something the MC is viewing from the system, is visible to MC...
A1C1: Zhang Tian.


Hiding from the light of day.
Calgary, Canada.
Welcome to IaCWwaCS. A Xianxia inspired quest in an original setting. As I can't claim to be an expert in Chinese culture or idioms, expect there to be a few mistakes here and there. Though, I will try to stay close to what I've seen in actual Xianxia stories.

As always, suggestions and criticisms are welcome. If anyone thinks they can help make this a better quest, don't hesitate to pm me.

Now then, let's get to it.

Note: Green text, when used in something the MC is viewing from the system, is visible to MC. Uncolored text is only visible to the voters.

If anyone is interested in acting as a Beta or just as a sounding board, feel free to send me a PM.


In a Cultivation World with a Cheat System.
Arc One: The Clan Zhang.
Chapter One: Zhang Tian.


A cool breeze blows through a valley located at the base of a tall mountain. In the far distance, a large, bustling city can be seen. But here, just a few hours walk from those city walls, all is peaceful. Within this valley is a small lake that is fed by the waters of a river, one that climbs up around the mountain and off into distant lands. The wind blows swiftly through this valley, ruffling the tall grass and tree leaves, as well as causing small waves to form on the surface of the lake. On the shore of this lake stands a solitary figure. A young man with his hands clasped comfortably behind his back.

Looking to be around fifteen years of age, the teen is tall and slim in stature with soft yet angular facial features. The young teen is swathed in an extravagant robe of black silk with silver patterns in the form clouds. His coal black hair is long and lustrous, reaching down to his waist at the back while the front has been tied back by a number of delicate, golden hair clips. His eyes are a pale green, containing within them a hint of warmth and amusement that matches well with the soft smile on his face. From each of his ears dangles a small bead of polished jade the same color as his eyes. A matching amulet with a silver symbol carved into it hangs from his neck.

Were any of the locals from that distant city around, they would loudly exclaim in recognition at the sight of this young man. Shouts of 'Second Young Master Zhang!' ringing out while they rush forward to kowtow before him. Were any strangers about, they would instead recognize the symbol carved into the amulet hanging from his neck. A pair of words centered within a circle; Zhang Tian. This amulet of jade and silver is the symbol of the Zhang clan of Ye Country, one of the four Great Clans of Grand Ye, and unusable by non-clan members under punishment of death. Thus, by putting the two pieces of information together, one can conclude that this young man is Zhang Tian; the second young master of the Zhang clan.

Or, at least, that would the case to anyone but Zhang Tian himself.

What no other person knows, is that just under two weeks ago the life, and identity, of the young Zhang Tian had been irrevocably changed. Having transmigrated from the planet Earth, the twenty-six-year-old Canadian laborer John Smith had found himself inhabiting the body of Zhang Tian. Or rather, as he'd decided when equilibrium was finally reached between their two psyches, Zhang Tian had woken up one morning with the memories of the earthling John Smith.

As one can imagine, such a thing has a way of changing one's perspective. However, just two short weeks later, the two psyches have already fully merged into one entity. An entity containing the best parts of both individuals.

'Although,' Zhang Tian can't help but think, frowning slightly though his eyes remained fixed on the lake waters. 'It would have been nice if whoever did this also fixed my defect while they were merging our souls together.'

With the addition of John Smith's psyche, came the addition of his memories and such, and John Smith had been an avid reader of fantasy stories. Fanfictions written by the best, and worst, the Internet had to offer. Translated works of Xianxia, Wuxia, and Xuanhuan from those wonderous lands to the east. Not even John himself could say how many such stories he'd read in his short lifetime. With such a wealth of knowledge and experience to call upon, is it any surprise that Zhang Tian is willing to believe in the involvement of a third party in this matter?

No. Clearly, a ROB is to blame for this situation. Not that either part of him is complaining about the merge. Zhang Tian was just upset that the ROB hadn't seen fit to fix the defect that he'd been born with while it was mucking about in his soul. The same defect that had completely crushed the excited mood of his earthborn counterpart when he'd learned of it.

Unlike on Earth, but much like in a great many of the stories John had read, the people of this world are capable of Cultivation. By taking in the essence of the world, commonly known around these parts as 'Heaven and Earth Qi', the people of this world are capable of performing superhuman feats. Things like crossing dozens of meters in an instant, leaping over tall buildings, conjuring and controlling the elements, and even unassisted flight, are commonplace in this world. Even people Zhang Tian personally knows, people from his clan at that, are capable of such feats and many more.

Learning about this had put the John Smith part of him in such a high mood. After all, the displaced man had been wishing for magic and/or superpowers his whole life. Then he'd learned that Zhang Tian was born with a rare defect that prevented him from Cultivating. This single fact had brought his mood crashing down, as well as digging up some long-buried emotions within Zhang Tian. There'd been a sliver of hope when the two psyches had fully merged become one soul, but that hadn't panned out

In order to cultivate in this world, a person must have strong Spirit Roots. These are metaphysical pathways that form a link from the body to the soul. By learning how to draw out Soul Energy through these pathways, one can then interact with Heaven and Earth Qi and use their Soul Energy to draw it into the body. This mixed energy, commonly referred to as 'Mortal Qi', can then be used in a myriad of ways depending on the individual's talent and cultivation method.

'Sort of like Magic Circuits, OD, and Mana from the Fate series.' as John had put it.

The problem with Zhang Tian is that he was born with shriveled Spirit Roots. This rare condition means that his Spirit Roots are too weak and malformed to allow his Soul Energy to pass through them. Even just trying causes him to suffer through excruciating pain. As if countless needles are piercing his organs and muscles. Trying to push past the pain and force the matter isn't even an option, doing so would cause irreparable damage to his soul and shorten his lifespan. There'd been hope that the addition of John's soul, or at least the machinations of the ROB, had fixed this problem but no dice.

So here he is, the same old Zhang Tian with a bit of extra and completely unsure what to do with the changes in his life. Previously, he'd been content to live out a simple life running a number of his clan's businesses while leaving the more dangerous matters to his fellow clan members. This whole transmigration matter has reignited long forgotten dreams of power and greatness. It's almost painful to think of what could have been, knowing from John's many stories that there is likely a vast and fantastical world outside of Grand Ye. Maybe even other worlds and dimensions.

A sigh rings out.

'But what can I do about it? These are the cards I was deal-'


The sound, and spray, of the water a few meters in front of him erupting upwards cut through his thoughts. Smiling softly once more, Zhang Tian watches as the waterlogged figure of an older man bursts up from the lake to land beside him with a soft thump. Clad only in a pair of black shorts, the man is almost a whole foot taller than Zhang Tian with a thick, muscular frame. His black, short cropped hair is currently soaked flat to his head and there is a fierceness in his brown eyes. The many scars dotting his form tell a tale of one who has faced combat many times to emerge damaged but victorious.

"Cho Mang." Zhang Tian speaks softly, turning to fully face the man. "You've returned."

"Young Master." The man, Cho Mang, replies in greeting.

This newly arrived man is none other than Cho Mang, an orphan child that was taken in and raised to serve the Zhang family. Back when Zhang Tian turned twelve years of age and was granted permission to venture outside of the clan compound on his own, it was Cho Mang that was assigned as his personal guard. Having acted in the role of Zhang Tian's guard and manservant and for the past three years, it is Cho Mang that is without a doubt the closest confidante of Zhang Tian.

"Any luck?" Zhang Tian asks. He is already aware of what the answer will be but the question is asked nonetheless.

Rather than a verbal response, Cho Mang instead holds out his left hand which has been clasped tightly shut this whole while. Slowly opening his fist, Cho Mang reveals the three, gumball-sized orbs held within. These orbs are a murky brown in color and seem to be formed of a soft, jelly-like substance as they wobble and slosh around in Cho Mang's cupped hands.

If any others were to see these three orbs, they would surely exclaim in shock. After all, these are the eggs of the Spiral Horned Toad, a Class 1 Spirit Beast that most would be fearful of facing. The eggs laid by this beast are considered to be quite valuable as they are a critical ingredient to forging the Arterial Reinforcement Pill, a high-grade cultivation resource that is very beneficial to all cultivators in the first realm of cultivation. A single one of these eggs could fetch enough silver to feed a small family for many months.

"Oh good, that's just enough." Zhang Tian says, smiling wide. "Put them with the rest."

In a move that would have many frothing at the mouth in desire, Zhang Tian crouches down to open a bulging sack lying at his feet to reveal what has to be nearly a hundred more of such eggs. In a move that would have had those same people coughing up blood, Cho Mang dismissively tosses the three new eggs into the pile before moving to wipe his hand clean. These are precious crafting materials that many would kill for yet these two are treating them like common trash. One is keeping them in a sack with no form of protection or preservation, the other has just tossed them about while looking like they'd sullied his hand. It's enough to almost drive one mad with rage.

Of course, these two wouldn't care for such things. Not only can the Zhang clan afford to buy ten times this number of eggs without batting an eye but of the two men, one is incapable of cultivating while the other has already cultivated to a realm where the resultant pills would be useless for his continued growth. What reason do they have to care about such materials?

"Well, this should be all that we need." Zhang Tian affirms, eyes darting over the bag of toad eggs before returning to Cho Mang's form. "Any troubles?"

Snorting, Cho Mang holds out his other arm for Zhang Tian to inspect. In this hand, held by its long, webbed feet is the body of a brown-skinned toad. The creature is almost the size of a small child, even while excluding the foot long spiral of bone jutting out from between its bulbous eyes. Said eyes are blank in death and a long, barbed tongue hangs limply from its wide, sharp-toothed maw.

"Nothing I couldn't handle." Cho Mang answers in a boastful tone.

Chuckling, Zhang Tian stands from his crouch and slings the sack of toad eggs over one shoulder.

"Right. Well, get dressed and let's head on back. Two days out in the wild is plenty enough for me."

As Cho Mang moves towards a nearby pile of clothing, Zhang Tian is unable to hold back another sigh as he shakes his head. These past two days at the lake with Cho Mang have certainly been fun but they've done nothing to help lift his spirits or clear his mind. In fact, they may have just made things worse.

These two days in the wild have really served to drive home just what he's missing out on with his inability to cultivate. Watching Cho Mang chop firewood with his bare hands, chase down a deer on foot for their meal, and keep watch the whole night without the need for rest had been envy-inducing enough but it's the egg gathering that really takes the cake. This time, for example, the older man had been underwater for fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes without needing to come up for air. Fifteen minutes where he'd fought, and defeated, a Class 1 Spirit Beast while suffering from a disadvantage due to the terrain. All without taking so much as a scratch. If Zhang Tian tried to do the same, he'd drown long before the toad could tear him to shreds.

It was all just so unfair. Why did he have to be born this way!?

Seeing Cho Mang dressing so they can leave, Zhang Tian can only sigh once more before turning away.

He makes it five steps before suddenly freezing in place, his expression twisting into one of shock and confusion.


As he dresses, Cho Mang can't help but sneak a glance or two at his young master. His eyes glimmer with a touch of happiness each time they land upon Zhang Tian's form. After their many years together as master and servant, Cho Mang has come to view the second young master of the Zhang family like something akin to a younger brother. One that he is immensely proud of.

When it was discovered that Zhang Tian could never cultivate, many had expected the young boy to wallow in despair. After all, everyone in the Zhang Clan knew just how much the young Zhang Tian was looking forward to practicing the art. Ever since he first watched a flashy mock spar between his older brother and father, the young Zhang Tian was completely enamored with the world of martial arts and cultivation. At that young age, when others were out playing and running about, Zhang Tian was instead in his father's study, reading history books about ancient heroes and their amazing feats. To be like them was his greatest wish.

Then his illness was discovered and his dreams crushed.

Like all the rest in the Zhang household, Cho Mang believed the young master would be broken by the discovery. It was one thing to want to cultivate but have little talent, but to want it yet be completely unable to ever cultivate? Greater men had been broken by less. In fact, Cho Mang knew of at least one fellow warrior that had opted for suicide after his cultivation base was destroyed in a training mishap. It was considered the sensible decision.

The days following the revelation had been quite stressful for everyone in the Zhang household as they took care around the young Zhang Tian. No one wanted to draw the ire of a young, upset noble after all. And Zhang Tian had been quite upset. Every toy and bauble he owned was destroyed. His sheets and clothes were shredded. Not even those storybooks that he once held precious escaped his fury. No one could calm him, not even his beloved older brother.

So it came as quite the surprise when, after just three days, Zhang Tian ended his tantrum. The previously ferocious boy simply appeared at the breakfast table one morning with his eyes dry and a look of determination on his face. To this day, none -not even Cho Mang, know what happened to the young boy but the Zhang Tian that emerged from his bedroom that morning was filled with a new resolve. If he couldn't be a Martial Warrior, then he would serve the Zhang clan in another manner.

From that day onwards, Zhang Tian devoted himself to his other studies. Finances and business management, history and etiquette. Any and all subjects deemed necessary for a young noble to dabble in were tackled, and eventually conquered, by the boy. The best tutors and teachers of the nation were hired at his behest, each imparting their teachings on the young Zhang Tian and leaving with words of praise about his intellect and work ethic. It was clear to all that Zhang Tian was shaping up to be a capable scion of the clan.

This was, of course, a relief to many in the clan. Even ignoring the cruel and spiteful nature that could have been bred from the despair over his affliction, there was still always that small chance of Zhang Tian instead turning into a 'silk pants' young master. With the way his parents and brother consistently doted on him, no one would have been overly surprised if Zhang Tian grew up to be like one of those many useless, spoiled, arrogant young masters.

Thankfully, that didn't happen.

Instead, Zhang Tian became a studious young man with a prosperous future ahead of him. Where other young masters of the same age wasted their fortunes away in bars, gambling dens, and pleasure houses, Zhang Tian spent his allowance on books and instructors. More often than not, he spent his days cooped up in his room or in the public sections of the clan library, pouring over one text or another.

So it was a bit of a surprise when the studious Zhang Tian asked to accompany Cho Mang on one of his resource gathering missions.

Like everyone else in the clan, Cho Mang would often go out on these missions from time to time. The Zhang clan might be rich and powerful, but they aren't so frivolous as to just hand out cultivation resources to every guard and servant. Doing so would impoverish the clan in no time. Instead, Zhang family servants and guards can purchase those items from the clan at a discounted price or complete missions to earn contribution points. These points can then be traded in for copies of cultivation manuals, innate techniques, pills, equipment or even personal guidance from a clan elder. Resource gathering missions like this one reward the most points, as those resources can be used to craft a number of pills and equipment that the clan can sell for profit whereas the rewarded points can only purchase one or two items. So, seeing as his charge would rather spend his days at home rather than wandering about the city, Cho Mang would often go out for a day or two to complete a mission.

When Zhang Tian asked to accompany him on one such mission, Cho Mang was greatly surprised. Surprised, but also glad. Honestly, seven years cooped up at home is not healthy for a young man. Even Lady Zhang was beginning to worry about the way her youngest was always buried in some book or another. A few days outside the clan compound would do him a world of good.

Of course, Cho Mang had been given a bone-chilling reminder -from the patriarch himself at that!, of what would happen to him if even a single hair of Zhang Tian's was harmed.

Which is why Cho Mang, consistently on his guard for danger to the young master, notices right away when Zhang Tian suddenly freezes in place.

Moving In a blur too fast to follow, Cho Mang appears beside Zhang Tian with his head darting about in search of a threat. His entire form is ablaze with power as a corona of barely visible, blue-tinted energy swirls around him. The soft earth beneath his feet craters, as if an invisible might is being exerted on it. A low hiss is heard as steam rises from Cho Mang's muscular form, the water covering him being flash boiled in an instant. The air is thick with tension.

"Young Master?" Cho Mang questions after a few moments of nothing happening. Though his keen senses are unable to detect anything threatening in the immediate area, Cho Mang doesn't drop his guard.

Jolted by the voice of his servant, Zhang Tian seems to shake himself awake.

"Ah, it's nothing. I was just struck by a sudden thought." Zhang Tian replies, his affable smile slipping back into place. "Sorry to worry you, Cho Mang."

Frowning, Cho Mang can only nod his head and return to dressing himself. There doesn't seem to be any danger as far as he can tell, and he trusts Zhang Tian to speak up if there is anything troubling him.

"Come, let's return home. I.. I feel like I have much to think about."

Nodding, Cho Mang falls in line behind his master as they make their way back towards the city. Due to having his young master along with him, Cho Mang is forced to travel at a much slower pace than he usually would. What most people would consider a normal walking pace is naught but a slow crawl in the eyes of a cultivator of his level. The short journey that would normally take him a dozen or so minutes at most, takes hours instead. Still, Cho Mang is in good spirits the whole while and follows at his master's back without complaint.

Unlike the initial journey out to the lake, filled with all manner of questions and amicable conversation, the return trip is made in complete silence. Zhang Tian seems to be deep in thought the whole way back, pondering whatever matter brought him to a stop earlier. Having years of experience with his master's many moods, Cho Mang knows it's best to remain silent and leave him to his thoughts.

Like that, two hours pass in silence before the two finally reach the city gates. Just in time too, as the sun begins to set and night falls over the land.


Named for the vibrant coloring of its various buildings, Crimsonwood City is considered one of the five major cities of Grand Ye. Located in the southernmost reaches of the country, it serves as a major hub of trading and tourism for all those in the region. With the surrounding mountains and the Crimsonwood Forest -a stretch of Spirit Beast infested woodland that encompasses the entire southern border of the country- so close by, the city also serves as a major defensive position for the rest of the country. Tens of thousands of souls pass through this city every day while millions more live within its thick walls.

To the west of the city lies the Zhang compound. A sprawling expanse of homes and shops built atop (and into) a number of short hills, the lands of the Zhang clan are expansive enough to be comparable to a small town. The sturdy gate and reinforced walls surrounding the whole compound give it a feeling akin to a large, defensible fortress.

With his emblem on display, Zhang Tian passes through the city's checkpoint and into the clan compound without issue. Only once they have stepped through the compound gates does he speak again.

"Cho Mang. You go and finish the mission without me. It's already this late so I will return to rest."

"Yes, young master."

Handing the bag of valuable resources over to Cho Mang, Zhang Tian turns and departs for his own home. Looking at the departing back of his young master, Cho Mang can only release a sigh full of worry before vanishing in a blur of movement.


Over a thousand steps are required to scale the series of hills that the Zhang clan compound is built upon. Every hundred or so steps up the stone stairway elegantly carved into the central hill, there are a number of smooth pathways that branch off towards groupings of homes, training grounds, and other assorted structures. These are all the small villages and districts that make up the whole that is the Zhang clan. Ignoring every one of the branches, Zhang Tian continues on towards the top of that long stairway. His pace is neither hurried nor rushed, Zhang Tian simply proceeds up the stairway one graceful step at a time. Zhang Tian would even stop every once in a while to greet and speak with the various guardsmen and servants that are also walking up or down the stairway. Like this, he slowly makes his way up the hill.

With the numerous stops along the way, it takes over half an hour for Zhang Tian to finally reach the top of the stairway. Nonetheless, there is a pleased smile on his face as he crests those final few steps and lays eyes on the structure atop of the hill. Before him stands a majestic building that seems to loom over everything below it. It is a manor house so ostentatious that one would not be wrong to compare it to an imperial palace. This is the house of the Zhang clan patriarch, Zhang Tian's father, and his family.

Rather than enter through the ornately decorated doorway, Zhang Tian simply nods to the two men guarding the entrance before turning and making his way around the building. A few minutes more of walking leads Zhang Tian to a walled courtyard. Within is a vibrant looking garden surrounding a deep pond thriving with fish. This harmonious piece of nature is only disturbed by a stout building constructed a short distance from the pond. This is Zhang Tian's home.

Though he has a room within the main manor, this auxiliary building was gifted to him by his parents some time ago. It is a place of absolute privacy that Zhang Tian is able to use however he chooses. If he were to turn around and go to the other side of the manor, he would find a similar looking courtyard belonging to his older brother

"Young master, you have returned." A gruff sounding voice calls out.

The speaker is a short, portly man in the decorated armor for guards of the Zhang clan. He stands to the left of the only entrance into Zhang Tian's courtyard.

"Welcome back young master." A soft voice chimes in.

This speaker stands on the right-hand side of the entrance. This guard is a woman, one that is tall and thin with a polite smile on her face.

"Hn. Thank you." Zhang Tian affirms, offering the two a nod as he passes them by. These two have been assigned to guard his home this week. The week previous was a different pair of guards and the week following will bring about yet a different pair.

The fourth elder, who handles the protection of the clan grounds, prefers to swap the various guards around rather than letting them get lazy with doing the same task every day. A boring guard job like this one is considered downtime for the guards. A welcome break from the normally intense training and long patrols they would have to do.

Walking through his courtyard, Zhang Tian proceeds to enter his home. As always, the interior of the building is spotlessly clean yet messy as well. The servants assigned to his home have long gotten used to the methods of cleaning the house without disturbing the mess of papers and texts scattered about the place. There is a homely feel to the whole place that causes Zhang Tian to smile as he shuts the door.

With slow and diligent movements, Zhang Tian proceeds to prepare and consume a small meal before changing into his sleepwear and extinguishing the Qi powered light crystals in the room. Only then, nestled under the covers of his bed with no chance of disturbance or distraction, does he pay attention to the block of text still floating at the forefront of his mind.

Compatible User Detected.
System Initialization Complete.

Welcome, User.

You have been accepted as a suitable host for the-

[][System] Naruto System.
A system based on the Naruto world. Through the system, the MC can purchase and use any items, jutsu, bloodlines and etc from the Naruto world.
(The cultivation system of the world becomes one more focused on 'Blood Legacy' abilities and elemental manipulation).

[][System] Bleach System.
The system items are instead of the Bleach universe. This includes the abilities of all spirit factions as well as the personal techniques, weapons or tools of individual characters.
(The cultivation system of the world is more focused on weapon use and 'Spirit Beast Transformations'. I.e: temporary Hollowfication)

[][System] One Piece System.
Same as the rest. The MC can buy anything from the One Piece universe. Multiple devil fruits can be eaten by the MC but he can only have one active at a time.
(The cultivation system of the world is more focused on temporary physical enhancement with spiritual energies and close quarters martial arts.)

[][System] Supreme Cultivation System.
A cultivation system unique to the setting. The MC can buy weapons and armor, pills, techniques and etc that are unique to the setting. This is a freestyle system where the effects of purchasable items are basically anything the voters can imagine. The more powerful the voted purchase, the more expensive it will be -though cheaper alternatives will always be provided if the MC can't afford the voted choice.
(A cultivation world similar to most high fantasy Xianxia stories. The techniques of NPCs are all quite flashy and basically boil down to 'whatever cool idea pops into my head'.)


Voting is closed!
Last edited:
Character Sheet
Zhang Tian (Age: 15)

Cultivation Realm
: Upper-stage Body Refinement (999 / 10,000 xp).
Foundation: Stable (Impurities: 15.45%).​

Attributes are ranked out of 10 ranks: Dismal --> Poor --> Below Average --> Average --> Above Average --> Good --> Great --> Excellent --> Perfect --> Peerless.

Rankings are in relation to other cultivators within the same cultivation realm.

Attributes can temporarily increase or decrease when facing opponents of a lesser or higher cultivation base.

: Good.
Speed: Below Average.
Vitality: Great (Armored: any attacks of a lower rank will be negated).

Comprehension: Great.
Insight: Good.
Knowledge: Excellent.

Cultivation Speed: Peerless.
Qi Creation: Above Average.
Qi Capacity: Excellent.
Qi Regen: N/A.

System Points: 260 (Pending: 10,000)

Training XP
: 3d10.
Bonus XP: 2d20.
Combat XP: 1d100.

Tireless (Mid-Mortal).
Those that are determined do not stop. They do not relent. They do not yield.
  • Reduces all stamina consumption by half.
  • Zhang Tian requires half the time to rest and recover.
  • Qi Capacity has a minimum value of Great.
Prodigy (Low-Earth).
A person who possess unnatural comprehensive abilities thus allowing them train at a far quicker rate then others.
  • Doubles the experience from training and combat.
  • Comprehension has a minimum value of Great.
  • Insight has a minimum value of Above Average.
  • Cultivation Speed has a minimum value of Excellent.
Resolute Soul (High-Heaven).
Your soul stands strong and resolute. Your will is absolute. Your convictions are unshakable.
  • Cultivation efforts are easier. Qi is easier to control (+5% XP to cultivation and technique training).
  • Zhang Tian's soul has a 'weight' to it, noticeable by others as a sense of undeniable confidence and surety.
  • Grants a slight defense against mental and soul attacks.
  • Grants complete immunity to the suppression effect from stronger enemies.
Lesser Universal Body.
Using the primordial Qi of Heaven and Earth, the cultivator forges their body into a universe of its own.
  • Progress: 5000 / 5000.
  • Makes the body increasingly dense and durable.
  • Qi Capacity has a minimum value of Great.
  • Qi becomes slightly chaotic in nature, allowing it to disrupt the balance of elemental Qi when used to attack.
Requirements: items of suitable durability must be absorbed when attempting a breakthrough. Qi used to cultivate must be completely free of elemental influence.
One Palm Advances, A Thousand Strike (High Mortal).
A speed-based technique where the user attacks so fast that it looks like only a single palm strike but the target is actually hit a thousand times.
  • Mastery Level: Basic (41 / 600).
  • Damage: Good.
  • Qi Cost: High (4.6 sec prep time).

Rumbling Elephant Step (High-Mortal rank)
The user channels the might of a stampeding elephant, advancing ever forward and crushing all in their path. Greatly increases Strength and Speed while active. Can cause slight tremors that can destabilize the footing of others
Mastery Level: Initiated (0 / 250)
Utility: Good.
Qi Cost: Medium (2.5 sec charge time)​
Zhang Family Style.
A simple martial arts style refined over generations by the Zhang clan. It is predominantly a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes, and open-hand techniques such as knife-hands, spear-hands, and palm-heel strikes.
  • Mastery Level: Intermediate (0 / 800).
Shop Items
1x {Lesser Universal Body} cultivation manual.
1x {One Palm Advances, A Thousand Strike} technique.
2x Primordial Qi Crystal (Low Mortal).
The Qi within this crystal has undergone a refinement process. Though there is less energy stored inside it than that within regular spirit crystal of the same size, the purity of the energy within is incomparable. Can be used to craft certain items, pills, or formation plates. Single-use item.
Effect (hidden): +1d20 XP per crystal.
Capacity: Low.
Cost: 20 SP.
Sell: 2 SP.

Unnamed Knuckle Dusters (Unranked).
Simple knuckle dusters forged of black iron and inscribed with basic runes for durability and lightness.
Effect 1: Increased striking power with fists.
Effect 2: Reduced rebound from techniques using the fist.
Sell: 10 SP ea.​

Inscribed Prayer Beads (Mid-Mortal).
Inscribed with various runes and blessed by the heavens, these simple-looking prayer beads are capable of warding off evil and vengeful spirits. When fully tied around a class-1 spirit beast, the beads will suppress it's powers by one rank.
Effect 1: Wards off evil and the restless undead.
Effect 2: When tied around a class-1 Spirit Beast, reduces all of the target's attributes by one rank.
Durability: Average.
Cost: 150 SP.
Sell: 5 SP.​

Iron-Silk Bodysuit (Mid-Mortal)
A black, full-body, mesh suit sewn with the silk of a special breed of spirit beast. It is as soft and comfortable as it is durable.
Effect 1: slight increase to defensive ability.
Effect 2: negates slashing attacks from weapons of a lower rank.
Sell: 25 SP.​
Cultivation Resources
Cultivation Pills (High-Grade, Low-Mortal rank).
Assorted pills that strengthen the body and improve Qi flow. Only useful in the Body Refinement realm.
Effect 1: +1d20 XP to all training per pill.
Effect 2: +0.35% Qi impurity per pill.
Duration: 30 uses remaining (24 hour cooldown).
Sell: 0 SP ea.​
Cultivation Liquids (High-Grade, Low-Mortal rank).
Various liquids that assist cultivation when applied to the skin. Only useful in the Body Refinement realm. Single-use item.
Effect 1: +1d100 XP to all cultivation arts per use.
Effect 2: +0.25% Qi impurity per use.
Duration: 6 uses remaining (24 hour cooldown).
Sell: 0 SP ea.​
Cultivation Liquids (High-Grade, Mid-Mortal rank).
Various liquids that assist cultivation when applied to the skin. Only useful in the Body Refinement realm. Single-use item.
Effect 1: +1d200 XP to all cultivation arts per use.
Effect 2: +0.45% Qi impurity per use.
Duration: 1 use remaining (24 hour cooldown).
Sell: 0 SP ea.​

10x Assorted Black Iron Weapons (Unranked).
Various weapons forged of black iron and inscribed with some basic runes. Useful for beginner level training, or selling to the system shop.
Sell: 20 SP ea.​
Medicinal Paste (High-grade, Low-Mortal rank).
A paste that assists in healing, apply lightly to any bruises or cuts.
Effect: reduces healing time and debuff from wounded state by a minor amount.
Duration: 15 uses remaining.
Sell: 0 SP.​
Medicinal Pills (High-Grade, Low-Mortal rank).
Pills that assist in healing when consumed. Eat one to heal bruises, cuts and minor fractures. Can be taken with cultivation pills.
Effect: reduces healing time and debuff from wounded state by a minor amount.
Duration: 10 uses remaining.
Sell: 0 SP.​
0x Class-1 Beast Core.
An item containing close to eighty percent of the Qi from a slain Spirit Beast. Can be used as a cultivation material for certain arts or techniques. Only useful for Mortal rank arts and techniques. Single-use item.
Effect: doubles XP to cultivation arts or techniques that require a beast core.
Sell: 50 SP ea.​
0x Class-2 Beast Core.
An item containing close to eighty percent of the Qi from a slain Spirit Beast. Can be used as a cultivation material for certain arts or techniques. Only useful for arts and techniques up to the Mid-Earth rank. Single-use item.
Effect: doubles XP to cultivation arts or techniques that require a beast core.
Sell: 500 SP ea.​
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System Store
System Store

Shop Suggestions!


1d10 training dice.
Number of current d10 TD x 500 points.​

1d20 training dice.
Base Price: 1000 points.
Number of current d20 TD x 1000 points.​

1d100 training dice.
Base Price: 5000 points.
Number of current d100 TD x 5000 points.​

Mastery Level +1: Increase the Mastery of a technique by one rank.
Current level of the technique x 1500 points.​

Partial Body Repair: repairs all physical damage to the body such that the host is in no danger of dying. Takes a number of minutes.
50 points.
Full Body Repair: fully repairs the body to its optimal state. Takes a number of hours.
100 points.​

Partial Soul Repair: repairs damage to the soul such that the host is in no danger of dying. Takes a number of minutes.
100 points.
Full Soul Repair: fully repairs the soul to its optimal state. Takes a number of hours.
200 points.​

Partial Body and Soul Repair: repairs damage to the body and soul such that the host is in no danger of dying. Takes far less time than the seperate versions.
500 points.
Full Body and Soul Repair: fully repairs the body and soul to their optimal state. Takes far less time than the seperate versions.
1,000 points.​
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Mechanics and Glossary
Quest Mechanics.

See the Legend in the Character Sheet for some info. Again, attribute values are determined in comparison to the average cultivator of the same realm.

Strength and Speed should be self-explanatory.

Vitality: This measures stamina. The better the Vitality attribute, the longer Zhang Tian can last in a fight, or go without rest.

Comprehension: This determines how talented Zhang Tian is at comprehending new techniques. The better this attribute, the more Mastery XP his techniques gain. Comprehension can be raised by increasing knowledge and studying the Dao of various aspects of the universe.

Insight: This relates to Zhang Tian's ability to see into the heart of others. This lets him see through the schemes of other people, determine their base nature and trustworthiness, and understand their motivations.

Knowledge: This relates to Zhang Tian's knowledge regarding matters relevant to his cultivation level. It only applies to matters of cultivation, resources and items, and spirit beasts.

Cultivation Speed: How quickly Zhang Tian gains cultivation XP and advances through the realms.

Qi Creation: How quickly Zhang Tian creates new Qi through mixing his soul energy and the Qi of Heaven and Earth. Only relevant for the first cultivation realm.

Qi Capacity: How much Qi Zhang Tian can use before he runs out. Determines how long he can realistically last in a fight.

Qi Regen: How quickly Zhang Tian recovers Oi while resting or cultivating. Not relevant in the first cultivation realm.
Items, techniques and cultivation arts are ranked out of 5 ranks: Mortal --> Earth --> Heaven --> Immortal --> Divine. Each rank is further divided into 3 tiers: Low, Mid and High.

Techniques have 5 mastery levels:

Initiated --> Basic --> Intermediate --> Advanced --> Full. Mastery XP is gained through training and combat.
Zhang Tian is considered to have above average Intelligence and Comprehension at minimum. This grants him a starting number of 3d10 training dice, 1d100 combat experience dice, and 2d20 bonus dice.
  • Extra training dice and bonus dice can be temporarily gained from use of certain resources or facilities.
  • New dice can be permanently purchased from the system store.
Training Dice: Everytime Zhang Tian trains, the training dice are rolled and the resulting number is the amount of XP gained. This XP can then be allocated to any abilities that have an XP bar. Filling the XP bar will cause a rank up in the ability.

Combat Experience Dice: Training is good and all but real world experience is better. Every time an ability is used in a fight, Zhang Tian is able to gain some understanding of the ability. At the end of every combat, each ability that is used gets a 1d100 XP roll. This is the same regardless of how many times it was used in the fight.

Bonus Dice: These dice only can be assigned to certain abilities. Mainly just those that can be easily/subtly trained as Zhang Tian goes about his day. For each day that passes, the assigned abilities will gain bonus XP.


Cho Mang:
Zhang Tian's bodyguard and friend. Age 26. He is extremely loyal to Zhang Tian and views him like a younger brother.

Crimsonwood City: Zhang Tian's hometown. The main hub of southern Ye. It guards the rest of the country against the beasts in Crimsonwood Forest to the south. The name comes from the color of the wood used to construct various structures.

Cultivation Realms: there are a total of nine cultivation realms, each is divided into three stages of Early, Intermediate and Upper/Peak.
  • Body Refinement: the stage where the cultivator uses their Qi to refine their body and clean it of impurities.
  • Core Formation: the cultivator creates a core of Heaven and Earth Qi inside the body, allowing Mortal Qi to be created instantaneously within the body.
  • Core Ignition: the cultivator infuses the Qi core with Soul Energy, allowing Mortal Qi to flow freely through the body.
  • Ascendant Mortal: the cultivator purges their Qi of impurities, releasing themselves from the shackles of mortality. They become capable of flight.
Elders of the Zhang clan: the strongest experts in the clan, they deal with the important matters of the clan and act as the final defense of the clan.
  1. Unknown.
  2. Unknown.
  3. Zhang Nien: an upper-stage Core Ignition realm expert. Zhang Nien is a three-star Alchemist of great renown in the southern region of Grand Ye.
  4. Name TBD. The fourth elder is In charge of the Zhang clan's internal security. They are in the intermediate stage of the Core Ignition realm.
  5. Unknown.
  6. Name TBD. The sixth elder is in charge of the clan archive. They are in the intermediate stage of the Core Ignition realm.
  7. Name TBD. The seventh elder is in charge of managing the various businesses of the Zhang clan. They are in the early stage of the Core Ignition realm.
  8. Name TBD. The eighth elder is in charge of resource allocation and missions. They are in the early stage of the Core Ignition realm.
  9. Zhang Huo: the 'hidden' ninth elder. Zhang Huo is in charge of information gathering, espionage, and black ops. His stealth based cultivation art has crippled his cultivation so that he is unable to advance past the early stage of the Core Ignition realm.
Grand Ye: Zhang Tian's country of origin. It has four great clans, five main cities, and an unknown number of smaller towns and villages. Not much else has been said about it yet.

Guo Yue: Zhang Tian's personal maid and hidden guard. Age 32. She is a skilled cultivator that takes her duty as a maid very seriously. Guo Yue is highly respectful when dealing with Zhang Tian but won't pass up the opportunity to tease her 'little brother'.

Huang Yi: Mother of Zhang Tian. In her late 30s. Huang Yi is a beautiful, young-looking woman with a kind and warm personality. She dotes on her children and enjoys teasing them. She has a love for nature and plants. Upper-stage of the Core Ignition realm.

Professions: referring to jobs that can only be done by cultivators, these professions commonly require control of Qi and one must usually increase their cultivation base to advance in their profession. Professions are ranked with stars; ranging from one-star at the beginner stage, to nine-stars at the grandmaster stage.
Alchemist: a mix of diagnostician, physician and chemist, Alchemists are capable of creating all manner of medicinal pills and fluids using spiritual plants and beast parts. They are highly sought after in any organization and are well respected.
  1. Must be capable of creating a Qi flame. Can work a Pill Cauldron to craft pills.
  2. Must be knowledgeable about the effects of over a thousand pill materials and understand how these materials will react when mixed with other materials. Must have a 50% sucess rate at crafting Mortal-rank pills.
  3. Must understand how to create, use, and decipher low-rank diagnostic inscription arrays and formations. Must have a basic understanding of the body and soul. Must have a 50% sucess rate at crafting Earth-rank pills.
Beast Tamer: TBA.

Formation Master: TBA.

Inscriptionist: using special materials and runes, inscriptions are able to create a number of arcane items and effects. Most notable, are interspatial storage rings and battle scrolls.

Spirit Forger: a mix of blacksmithing, wood-carving and jewel cutting, Spirit Wepon/Armor/Tool Forgers are able to use special metals and materials to create powerful equipment with special effects.
Xun Jingyi: Daughter of the City Lord of Crimsonwood City.

Zhang Mei
: Daughter of the first elder. Age 17. A candidate for the position of clan head. Upper-stage of the Core Formation realm.

Zhang Min: Son of the seventh elder. Age 18. A candidate for the position of clan head. Upper-stage of the Core Formation realm.

Zhang Hai
: Father of Zhang Tian and patriarch of the Zhang Clan. He is a middle-aged man. Zhang Hai is very prideful and loving when it comes to his family and clan, but is ruthless when it comes to dealing with those outside the clan. He is an Upper-stage Core Ignition realm specialist, just a step away from stepping into the Ascendant Mortal realm. He plans to enter seclusion soon to attempt a breakthrough.

Zhang Hua: Older brother of Zhang Tian. Age 20. A talented genius within the Zhang clan, Zhang Hua is aiming to become the next clan head of the Zhang Clan. The peak of the Core Formation realm.

Zhang Tian
: the MC. Age 15. Born with an illness that prevents him from cultivating, Zhang Tian gained mystical powers when his soul was combined with that of an older man from earth and a mysterious System later awoke within him. Zhang Tian is intelligent, observant and studious. His primary expression is that of a calm smile and he is generally a level-headed person.
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[X][System] Supreme Cultivation System.

The only outside context powers we need are genre awarenes.

Sleeping Dragon Awaken yo.
Adhoc vote count started by OneArmedYeti on Mar 1, 2018 at 11:03 AM, finished with 10 posts and 6 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by OneArmedYeti on Mar 1, 2018 at 11:41 AM, finished with 13 posts and 9 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by OneArmedYeti on Mar 1, 2018 at 12:25 PM, finished with 14 posts and 10 votes.
[X][System] Supreme Cultivation System.
If I just didn't read that Naruto System novel that sucked I would choose Naruto System.

I really need to finish my Xianxia Quest mechanics before summer.With hard numbers and biggatons and FTL speeds and Daos and calculations and cultivation techniques... it will be hard.
As I can't claim to be an expert in Chinese culture or idioms, expect there to be a few mistakes here and there. Though, I will try to stay close to what I've seen in actual Xianxia stories.

I'm neither a native nor an expert either, but I'm enough of a Sinophile that I might be able to point out a few that stand out to me.

Shouts of 'Young Master Tian!'

Usually, you wouldn't refer to someone you're showing deference to by their given name. They'd be calling him "Young Master Zhang," and maybe "Young Master Zhang Tian" if there was another "Young Master Zhang" around at the time. You actually have to be pretty close to someone to be on a first-name basis with them, especially in public settings.

This might be helpful: How do you address someone in China?

"Cho" is either an outdated romanization of a character which would be spelled as "Zhuo" nowadays, or it's how the character is spoken in a completely different language. It is, for example, the Korean form of the characters that in Mandarin are transcribed as "Zhao," and in Minnan it's their version of the surname "Cao."

Here's a good list of ~500 traditional Chinese surnames you can use, BTW: Hundred Family Surnames - Wikipedia

contribution points.

I'd go with something more physical like "tokens" or "tallies" instead of "points." It just strikes me as a very modern, abstracted way of talking about and envisioning something. That's less a "China" thing and more a presentism thing where we let modern concepts and vocabulary creep in to a setting that would envision such things quite different, if they did at all.


[X][System] Naruto System

Most xianxia systems are often very samey in an actual fight once you get past the difference in degrees and terminology, and it has a tendency to devolve into a lot of dull series of people calling out moves and onlookers gasping in awe at the "genius" of the fight as they describe every ability that's being thrown around as the two essentially stand at opposite sides for all it actually matters to how the fights go down. As @Lacrimosa put it in the Xianxia thread, "Its like the people aren't really fighting and its the sword arts that are actually fighting."

Naruto has that problem at its highest end, but it has a lot more room for cleverness, tactics and creativity, which makes the person just as important as the jutsu he's throwing around. Now, I'd actually prefer One Piece, since it's even better at not just devolving into two people throwing around what may as well be ki blasts with fancy names and descriptions, but it seems that no one agrees with me except @moonrune.
[X][System] Naruto System

I'm torn between this and Bleach; the focus on hollowfication would make for a very interesting powerset, I think, but the Naruto system has some interesting and versatile abilities that I'd enjoy seeing used.
Adhoc vote count started by x50413 on Mar 1, 2018 at 3:37 PM, finished with 23 posts and 19 votes.
[X][System] Supreme Cultivation System.

There's few of these around.
[X][System] Supreme Cultivation System.
If I just didn't read that Naruto System novel that sucked I would choose Naruto System.

I really need to finish my Xianxia Quest mechanics before summer.With hard numbers and biggatons and FTL speeds and Daos and calculations and cultivation techniques... it will be hard.

Yeah, that's what spawned this idea. I can't believe I actually managed to finish that thing. What a shit ending it had. I'm hoping to do better, though it does provide so good reference material.

I was going to go with the Naruto system only for this but I let the idea fester and grow for too long lol. It might still be the Naruto system but I also have unused plans for an original cultivation system so that could be fun too.

I'm neither a native nor an expert either, but I'm enough of a Sinophile that I might be able to point out a few that stand out to me.

Usually, you wouldn't refer to someone you're showing deference to by their given name. They'd be calling him "Young Master Zhang," and maybe "Young Master Zhang Tian" if there was another "Young Master Zhang" around at the time. You actually have to be pretty close to someone to be on a first-name basis with them, especially in public settings.

This might be helpful: How do you address someone in China?

Thanks for helping!! :D

I definitely felt that using his first name was wrong, should have gone with my gut feeling. I'll edit it better.

"Cho" is either an outdated romanization of a character which would be spelled as "Zhuo" nowadays, or it's how the character is spoken in a completely different language. It is, for example, the Korean form of the characters that in Mandarin are transcribed as "Zhao," and in Minnan it's their version of the surname "Cao."

Here's a good list of ~500 traditional Chinese surnames you can use, BTW: Hundred Family Surnames - Wikipedia

While I'll be looking up Chinese names and their meanings for some characters, my main method will be to go with words that flow together well when spoken/read. As for whether it's outdated or not, I don't plan to pay attention to such things. This is a fantasy world based loosley on ancient china after all, not actual ancient china. Think we can give those sorts of mistakes a pass.

Still, I'll prob be resorting to that handy list in the future XD Google keeps failing me when I try for a random name generator or a good list that doesn't need you to scroll through hundreds of names in alphabetical order.

I'd go with something more physical like "tokens" or "tallies" instead of "points." It just strikes me as a very modern, abstracted way of talking about and envisioning something. That's less a "China" thing and more a presentism thing where we let modern concepts and vocabulary creep in to a setting that would envision such things quite different, if they did at all.

A token might be better. I only went with points since it seems to be the main system in almost every story I've read. They always have some emblem that records the stored points like a credit card. You're probably right about modern concepts coloring things.

Most xianxia systems are often very samey in an actual fight once you get past the difference in degrees and terminology, and it has a tendency to devolve into a lot of dull series of people calling out moves and onlookers gasping in awe at the "genius" of the fight as they describe every ability that's being thrown around as the two essentially stand at opposite sides for all it actually matters to how the fights go down. As @Lacrimosa put it in the Xianxia thread, "Its like the people aren't really fighting and its the sword arts that are actually fighting."

Naruto has that problem at its highest end, but it has a lot more room for cleverness, tactics and creativity, which makes the person just as important as the jutsu he's throwing around. Now, I'd actually prefer One Piece, since it's even better at not just devolving into two people throwing around what may as well be ki blasts with fancy names and descriptions, but it seems that no one agrees with me except @moonrune.

Yeah, I'll be trying to avoid that in this quest. Most Xianxia does ten to boil down to audience reactions or people standing around and directly exchanging hits. Ancient Godly Monarch, one of my favs for a while before it got tedious, does this in a really annoying manner. Every time the people fight it's always one person throwing a blow, the other matching it and then the stronger side coming out on top. Then it repeats until either one side loses, or the MC manages to blow through the tough opponent with determination and some hidden ability.

Expect some basic concepts such as dodging, countering, tactics, and creative use of abilities in this quest. Of course, as is a staple in such universes, these things won't matter in the face of overwhelming power so try not to hit too far outside your weight class.