Was Marmyadose crafted by the fae though? I mean it was probably amped up by them after the Herk died but I'm not sure if fae really played a big part in greek myth.
I think I might have tripped over how this arc is going to end while watching extra credits.

The summoning of Marcus Aurelian.

The man who erected Romes second set of walls, saved Rome no less than 5 times, and was an adherent of Sol Invictus.

All we have to do is make sure noone catches him taking a leak.
Considering Ares and Mars are practically interchangeable at least I think in LB5.2 Vulcan and Hephaestus are probably the same.

Not really.

Although the Romans tried to copy paste the Greek gods over their own in a wildly successful cultural appropriation move, there are differences. Mars is the soldier's god, yes, but he's the Roman soldier's god, disciplined, steadfast and a protector of the farms. This is rather unlike Ares, who is mostly... shall we say enthousiastic, reckless and destructive?
Not really.

Although the Romans tried to copy paste the Greek gods over their own in a wildly successful cultural appropriation move, there are differences. Mars is the soldier's god, yes, but he's the Roman soldier's god, disciplined, steadfast and a protector of the farms. This is rather unlike Ares, who is mostly... shall we say enthousiastic, reckless and destructive?
Also Nasu!Ares was (before Sefar dunked him like Michel Jordan in Space Jam) a walking weapons platform from space.
In Which the Roman Agenda Forms
A/N: Sorry this took forever, I've been pretty tired (and had a lot of OT last week). No real content warnings. I do address a quirk of Roman society two times, and it results in Matthew shape-shifting, but there's no active bigotry.

She'd fought too hard for this.

Daji - never 'Vitch', not 'Tamamo-Vitch' (she was herself, and no one else) - prowled the halls of Remus' Palace. The cold didn't touch her, regardless of the ice that draped the walls.

Once this elegant building belonged to Nero, but when Remus appeared the entire capital of Rome fell under his sway.

"Enjoying yourself?"

Daji stiffened, but didn't turn. "Of course. Your gifts were everything I could have wanted." Don't move. Don't breathe except to speak and respond.

A musical titter. "How sweet of you. The other two are hardly as gracious." The short girl in a seafoam dress prowled around Daji, coming into view before her. "Even with my connection to the Origin, hunting down the Saint Graph of the true 'Su Daji' was a little tiring. Add in drawing on the memories of a future destroyed, and well…" She shrugged. "At least you had the spark of divinity to work with. The others were as human as could be."

Daji kept a polite look on her face. "I see."

"Hm. Making you was quite an adventure. One tail, discarded. One legend, conflated. And then I had to hunt down a nine-tailed nogitsune to bring you up to par." Manaka smiled beatifically. "The real Su Daji was a horror in human skin, but she was human. Those of that era believed she was the first incarnation of Tamamo-no-Mae, and so we had you." She tilted her head as she folded her hands behind her. "Though, that's merely in this timeline. Who knows what could have been in another? The world as seen through the kaleidoscope is impossibly vast."

"Who can say?" Su Daji kept still, despite seething internally. Whatever the girl appeared to be, she was the one who held her bonds. She wasn't to be trifled with, no matter how she crushed the image of herself Daji built up.

Manaka tapped her lips. "Tell me, have you seen him?"

"Who?" Daji's eyes narrowed despite herself.

"Ah." Manaka shook her head. "He wouldn't be here, not for you. He's probably looking for our little one." She paused. "The fairy child is here. If he appears before you, kill him. Do not toy with him, and do not capture him. The longer he exists, the worse the chances are for my gamble."

"He'll die, I assure you of that." The shadows writhed, birthing a lanky figure in the half-light of the snow-obscured moon.

Daji's head snapped up, her soft lips baring her pointed teeth. "Flauros."

The long-haired magus in the top hat smiled mockingly. "I'm sure you'll go whining to Remus about my ill behavior and I'll need to eat crow, but it's worth seeing you so downtrodden."

Manaka sighed. "Honestly. For a fragment of Goetia, I wouldn't have expected you to be so spiteful."

Flauros snorted. "I tolerated indignity after indignity. First, I became the babysitter for that insolent brat Olga Marie. Then, despite my cajoling, Marisbilly still didn't manage to kill the anchor to the foreign goddess. Against all rational possibility, he not only survived but thrived. Even Roman was still breathing at the end." He grimaced. "And I still didn't get my revenge on them for wasting my time. Olga Marie escaped her fate to be placed into Chaldeas, and Animusphere committed suicide rather than face death at another's hands."

"Poor you," Daji crooned. "Such a burden to have things go less than perfectly."

Flauros' lip twitched as his eyes glowed red. "While Olga Marie perished, her soul wasn't consumed as it was meant to be. I don't trust that creature further than I can throw her, not with a foothold in Avalon of all places. Added to that, this is the second member of Team A - Marisibilly's best and brightest - that I've seen active. Kadoc Zemlupus is nothing to fear, but Ophelia Phamrsolone may well be key to bringing Remus down. And until you finish incubating, the destruction of Chaldea isn't assured."

"Why Flauros, it almost sounds as if you're worried," Manaka teased.

"Chaldea vanished from my sight. And thanks to the bargain you struck with the Faerie Queen, the extent to which the Demon Gods can intervene is woefully limited." Lev's eyes blazed. "Had you left well enough alone, the throne of heaven would be filled and a new humanity born."

"Which wouldn't include my Saber." All affectation of pleasantness dropped. "And that was reason enough for me to take your reins. All of you. A world without my Saber isn't a world worth having."

Flauros sneered. "So you say, Sajyou. So you say. I merely wished to alert you that the entity from Seraphix made itself known. It appeared in the frozen wastes between here and 'Per Aspera Ad Astra', shortly after the deployment of Chaldean forces."

Manaka frowned. "The oil rig? I would have thought it was consumed with the rest of the world."

"Some outside power preserved it. A conduit whose might may well rival that of Goetia himself." Lev crossed his arms, clutching his cane so his knuckles bulged. "I cannot detect it, not fully. As of right now, it is spared from the flames that consume human history."

Su Daji huffed. "I see. Well, whatever the case may be, Chaldea's efforts will end here. I will dispatch the Masters, and any who follow." She leered at Flauros. "Even if it would be far more entertaining to have them languish in my care."

Flauros closed his eyes as a look of irritation flashed across his face. "Do as you will. I'm the one who will clean up after all is said and done, regardless." He stepped to the side - into the shadows and through a wall, fading from view.

"Hm. Perhaps I ought to deploy additional aid?" Manaka mused.

"If you wish." Daji schooled her expression once more. "Boudica may not provide a sufficient stumbling block, but between Remus and I? We should be more than sufficient once we bring our combined power to bear."

"Hm. If you're so confident, then I'll leave it to you." Manaka turned on her heel. "But if you need anything, feel free to reach out! After all, we don't want a repeat of Orleans."

"Then why don't you stay and help," Daji muttered rebelliously. Immediately, she slipped her hand over her mouth.

Manaka paused.

For a moment, there was silence.

"The same reason I do anything. I made a deal and have to abide by the rules. I'm already forcing things further than intended, and I'm sure I haven't begun to see the consequences. However… I wonder what she has that will be able to deal with what I've placed on the board?" Manaka shrugged delicately. "Ah, well." She began to walk. "Oh, and Daji?"

The fox-woman froze as Manaka turned just enough to look at her, her luminous blue eyes shining out of the shadows.

"Be careful. It wouldn't do if you forgot what you were up against."

And with that, she was gone. No movement of shadows, no wind, nothing. Just a sudden absence of Manaka Sajyou.

Su Daji laid a hand on the wall, slowly lowering her other hand from her mouth.

She'd fought too hard to get where she was. She didn't have the absolute power that 'she' had in ancient China, she'd had to prove her devotion to her sin. In order to become a Beast, she had to risk everything, to suffer the indignity of- of omnipotence reaching inside her and affixing random bits and pieces.

She knelt to the almighty that became a girl when faced with Prince Charming.

She couldn't afford to slip up now.

Gilgamesh gave surprisingly good hugs.

"You know, rewarding him for binding a person into compliance might be a little counterproductive," Hakuno offered dryly. Cu just stood behind her with a twitching smirk.

On the one hand, Gilgamesh didn't pick me up like Cu Chulainn would. On the other, I found myself pinned to his chest as he pet my hair.

"Is this… okay…?" Ritsuka asked haltingly.


I raised my eyebrows at Roman's image as he floated over Mash's shield. He visibly fumed, every line in his body ready to do violence.

"I mean, I'll put up with it because it's pretty chaste, but the instant his hands go below my ribcage all bets are off." I didn't shrug because dislodging Gilgamesh's arms sounded like a bad idea.

"I will take what victories I can, including the suppression of that nuisance." Gilgamesh radiated smugness and pride. "And not only that, but you extracted a boon from her." He paused before placing his chin on my shoulder. "Though I would like to know what price Chaldea is paying for it."

"Oh yeah. Hey Ritsuka!"

He crossed his arms. "What."

"Make a contract with Hakuno Kishinami!"

Phamrsolone raised an eyebrow. "Does that have something to do with the current topic?"

"Yeah. BB wants her safe and sound, so that's the best course of action." I nodded, frowning as Gilgamesh lightly pressed his cheek to mine. "Don't push it."

He waited a moment, then slowly removed his arms and stepped back. "Just remember, princeling - I do as I wish, when I wish." In spite of the words, his tone was more playfully teasing than foreboding.

Though I wonder if there's a difference…

"Why would BB care about my welfare?" Hakuno murmured. "I've never met her before in my life. Or afterlife. Any of it."

"She was pretty hardcore about it, though mostly she wanted to make a bargain so she could screw us over. Maybe not directly, but in a way that'd make her laugh," Cu chimed in as he scooped me into a bear hug, frog-marching me away from Gilgamesh.

Mash gave me a flat look. "I suppose we should be grateful Medusa and Musashi aren't here."

Roman finally stopped shaking in silent fury. "What I want to know is how having a contract with Countess Ada of Lovelace will affect Chaldea. Having someone help with the software side of things would be invaluable, and she's a top Servant from what our sensors tell us - despite her youth. There's no downside to this, and from what you said about this entity...."

"BB jumped into a deal with the Fae expecting me not to put in several failsafes. I've had Morgan in my noggin for at least eight years." I stared at Roman.

He stared back. "Did she take her stupid pills today?" he asked faintly.

"Guess so."

There was a beat of silence.

"Well, good job anyways," Roman said with a shrug. "If we can restore Brynhildr to full health and have her on an even keel, that'll be a coup."

Sigurd had been mostly quiet, gazing into the middle distance. "And you're sure that this will work?"

"Yep. Fairy Runes are no joke, especially when used to enforce a bargain. She can't hurt me directly or by proxy. That means any act she takes on my behalf has to be flawless and as intended. She also can't withhold information if it would go against my welfare, or strike out at you guys. And of course, the definition of my welfare is what I define it as." I couldn't help but feel smug. "She gave me an opening and I milked it for all it's worth."

"You're similarly bound, though," Mash pointed out. "From what you said, that means you have to help her too."

"Well, yeah. But I was gonna anyways, and thanks to her bindings, she can't use mine to fuck us over." I grinned.

Ritsuka and Phamrsolone exchanged a look. "It could be worse?" he offered.

"Far worse," she agreed. "At least she can't threaten actual retribution."

"Right. So how are you guys holding up? We've gotten better readings since the connection; that weather's really dangerous. I'm amazed Lord El-Melloi II is doing so well, same with Cu Chulainn. Nobunaga's Magic Resistance is just high enough to blunt it, to give you insight." Roman crossed his arms with a worried look.

"To be honest, these codes have been working wonderfully," Phamrsolone said with a soft smile, lightly touching her jacket. "It doesn't feel much different from a mild winter back home in Germany. Also, walking is far less treacherous than I'd thought it would be."

I puffed my chest up, despite Cu's arms pinning me to his torso. "I knew enchanting the whole thing would be a good idea! Boots and all!"

Mash gave a small smile before giggling with her eyes closed.

"Yeah, good work, you." I felt the muscles in Cu's chest flex against my shoulders as he shifted me under his chin. For someone who had an aversion to entrapment a month ago, I'd gotten used to this pretty quickly.

It definitely helped that Cu was… himself. Loud, brash, and unafraid to let you know where you stood with him.

"Hm. The Authority in use by Remus is reduced, and yet you believe it should still hold sway?" Gilgamesh's eyes narrowed. "Interesting."

"Could it be Mash's Self-Field Defense?" I asked. "I mean, it would also explain why the codes are holding up so well. Less work for them to do."

"Self-Field Defense?" Phamrsolone looked confused.

"A skill that enables protection of an allied camp. The user does not benefit, but it reduces the harm dealt to allies." Sigurd's glasses gleamed. "As it outright reduces the effect, that takes place before negation effects such as Magic Resistance. And I believe it would work with the Codes crafted by Matthew."

"Wow. You knew all that off the top of your head?" Ritsuka's eyes widened.

"Not the definition of the skill, but the rest followed once I had it," Sigurd demurred. "The Crystallized Wisdom I wear is not merely for show."

"I thought you were just nearsighted," I muttered.

Gilgamesh coughed into his fist, eyes closed.

Roman placed his hands together as though praying. "Right, then. Ritsuka and Ophelia were starting to properly fill us in. What's the situation?"

Da Vinci slowly poked her head over Roman's shoulder, eyes shut and smiling.

"The enemy is Remus, possessing the Norse… god?" Ritsuka looked at Phamrsolone, who nodded. "Right, the god Fenrir's Authority somehow. He's trying to freeze out all of Rome. He's accompanied by a Beast candidate known as Su Daji."

Roman froze, paling despite the hologram-blue appearance. Da Vinci went supernaturally still.

"Lev's working with them."

Roman started to sweat and shake.

"Apparently the Servants Jing Ke, Lu Bu, and Brynhildr engaged, but were defeated," Ritsuka continued. "The first two were confirmed killed, but…" He looked to me.

"Brynhildr is with Baba Yaga. Got a look at her too. She looks… well, like an old lady I guess. She's tending to her injuries." I tilted my head. "At least I figure that's what wiping a forehead with cloth means. She could be marinating her."

Sigurd went stiff.

Unlikely. Baba Yaga tends to eat idiots and rude people.

"Whoop, nevermind, it's tending. Morgan says only morons and assholes are on the menu," I corrected myself.

Everyone stared. Except Gilgamesh, who shrugged nonchalantly.

"Can't be a tool if you're unconscious!" I chirped.

"Moving on," Ritsuka intervened in a taut tone, "Boudica has appeared and is focused on killing any Roman she sees while leading the Iceni. She sounds like she's more focused on that than the welfare of her people."

"Given she's sacrificing them when she can't get captives to keep Su Daji off of her back, that's an accurate assessment." Hakuno's expression darkened.

"Hm. That goes fairly counter to her normal mindset, from what I know. She's probably either been summoned as a Berserker or Avenger," Da Vinci mused, finally speaking up.

Roman let out a shocked yelp. "D-d-d- LEONARDO! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Presence Concealment Device or sleep deprivation? You decide!" Da Vinci chirped.

"Doctor?" Mash crossed her arms with an imperious glare.

"Right, then! Anything else? Do we have allies? Well, obviously-" Roman tugged his collar. "But besides Hakuno, you said the Romans were sheltering you. In the time period you're in, it should be the rule of Nero himself-"

"But Nero's a girl?" I blinked in confusion.

Roman froze.

"And she looks a lot like Artoria," Ritsuka added.

"It is uncanny," Sigurd mused. "I ran across the Saint of Orleans as well; perhaps they're part of some larger family tree?"

"I unno. Morgan did it?" This time I did shrug, because I knew Cu wouldn't get offended and turn me into a pincushion.

Excuse me!?

The other Morgan!

...it bears investigation.

Roman shook himself. "Right, then. So who else is there?"

"Caligula, Gaius Julius Caesar, Cleopatra-" Ritsuka counted off on his fingers.

"Caligula is interesting, but I'm surprised Cleopatra came given her history with Rome," Da Vinci mused.

"Tamamo-no-Mae is also here," Phamrsolone added.

"Why is one of the Three Great Monsters of Japan in Septem!?" Roman's countenance was overcome by sheer panic. He visibly forced himself calm. "Alright. Fine. So long as she's an ally, you should be safe." He exhaled. "As though a Beast candidate wasn't enough…" he muttered.

"Well, we'll be alright. If Su Daji manifests as a Beast, we have Lord Romulus to play his part as a Grand Servant - Lancer." Mash gave a sweet smile, but I could tell from the look in her eye she knew exactly what she was doing.

...my baby sister's growing up and trolling people! Aaaah!


Mash winced as Roman began to spasm in anxiety, lightly touching her head.

...how do you say? 'Nope, don't like that.'

Is she okay?

We'll see. Galahad can't possess her, but he can make a nuisance of himself if he so chooses.

That sonuva-

"And that's what we have thus far," Ritsuka concluded. He paused. "Anyone else have anything to talk about?" He looked around the room, eyes landing on me. "Matthew?"


"You do have a tendency to forget important information. Or that it's, well, important." Cu squeezed me apologetically.

"Oh. Did I tell you guys that Morgan crammed King Arthur's scabbard into my chest cavity back in the fire-pit Fuyuki?"

Ah. From the look on Ritsuka and Roman's faces, I hadn't.

"Well, you told Musashi and I, so I figured you'd tell them." Cu sighed, ruffling my hair. "I stand corrected."

Hakuno squinted at me. "What are you, exactly?"

"Chaldea science experiment that went terribly right. Oh, you told him about Spartacus, right?" I added, looking at Ritsuka.

"I did. You were tuned out," Ritsuka acknowledged.

Mash looked like her headache had passed, but there was an uncomfortable look in her eye.

Fou padded out of thin air and perched himself on her shoulder, in front of the entire audience.

"...since when can he do that?" Gilgamesh asked with a look of slight concern.

Hm. Hmmm.

Matthew, no.

Matthew, yes!

"Well, he had to file the paperwork, but he has a license!" I chirped.

"A… license." Gilgamesh's gaze was heavy.

"Fou, fou!"

A small vortex of golden glimmers coagulated in front of Fou, creating a square of paper in his mouth. It was an illusion, but still.

Phamrsolone approached slowly, a look of mild concern on her face. She leaned in and squinted.

"...really." The exhaustion and exasperation filled her voice.

"It's true, though!" I grinned.

"What'd you do, you imp?" Cu grumbled, letting me go but leaving an arm around my shoulders.

"What does it say?" asked Sigurd, curiosity overtaking his still features.

"It just says 'I do what I want'." Phamrsolone shook her head.

Mash giggled as Fou dropped the 'license', letting it scatter into gold sparks.

Gilgamesh, meanwhile, got a thoughtful look on his face.


He looked at Hakuno, and she planted her hands on her hips with narrowed eyes.

He huffed and turned his head away. "If you insist."

Roman's jaw dropped at the reaction.

"So, about that contract?" Ritsuka asked in a polite, if slightly high-pitched tone.

"...Romani broke. We'll contact you tomorrow. Bye-bye!" Da Vinci waved and the image over Mash's shield vanished.

For a moment, there was stillness.

"Chaldea sure sounds like an interesting place…" Hakuno mused.

Nero was feeling great. She'd had a full night's sleep, she was ready to face the day, and off to recover some of her new allies! Rome had a fighting chance now!

She picked a room at random and swept in dramatically. "Good morning! Phoebus shines upon u-"

Slowly, Matthew sat up. His hair feathered out from his scalp, and his eyelids hung low with sleep. At his side, Cu Chulainn stirred, his hair flowing like an azure river across the bed.

Both were covered from the waist down by blankets, but neither were clothed (to Nero's knowledge).

She blinked, once.

Cu Chulainn's muscled arms tugged Matthew back down, and the younger man simply pitched sideways into his grasp.

Well, at least her doppleganger had taste!

"We're gathering for a meeting," Nero continued. "Tamamo and I are collecting the various members of your group!" She thought. "Except the small loud Archer and the tired Caster. They were up all night familiarizing themselves with our resources and fortifications with Caesar."

"Nobunaga and El-Melloi II," Matthew groaned, rolling back upwards. Cu's arms followed, and the Lancer was pulled along with his movement. Cu Chulainn's eye glinted as he smirked, draped over Matthew's shoulders like an incredibly well-muscled cape.

Nero was partial to pretty boys and prettier girls, but there was a certain appeal to such a situation.

"Leggo," Matthew grumbled, struggling to get to his feet. "You're heavy."

"You could move me," Cu teased.

"Not without hurting you I couldn't." Matthew managed to get his feet on the floor, Cu dragged along on the bed behind him as he struggled across it.

Something in Cu Chulainn's expression turned tender as he got up onto his knees- and he was clad from the waist down in his bodysuit. Now that Matthew had emerged, he was also wearing some silvery non-metal material as well.

Cu leaned forward and gave Matthew a peck behind the ear before rolling off the bed and upright on his feet in a smooth motion. Pale blue light encased his body and transformed into his armor. He held a hand down, palm-up as he towered over Matthew with a slight smile.

Matthew's armor appeared in a flicker of silver, and he took Cu's hand as he rolled his eyes. With a lurch, he was pulled to stand in front of Cu as his wings twitched on his back.

Wait, since when did he have wings?

"Jerk," Matthew grumbled fondly.

Cu winked. "You love it."

Nero jostled herself, shaking out of her stupor. "Right! Tamamo's gone to get Mash and Ritsuka, and Hakuno has gone to rouse Gilgamesh - she was insistent that she was the only one who should. That leaves Ophelia and Sigurd."

Something flashed in Matthew's eyes, but it was gone in seconds. "Alright. We'd better get a move on."

Nero nodded and turned on her heel, swanning dramatically into the halls with the two men in tow. After a few steps, she paused.

"Something else?" Cu Chulainn asked.

"Erm… well, it's of no matter to me, but are the two of you…?"

"Yeah, we're together." Matthew's tone was matter-of-fact.

"Right. Well, there's… social concerns…" Nero hesitated. "I'm sure things are different in your time, but- well, people will assume you're his, ah. Catamite." She turned with an apologetic look.

Matthew blinked a few times. "And?"

"It's… people will look down on you? Just, if it's a concern, you should play it off as friendship," she cautioned.

Matthew tilted his head. Then, his body rippled and changed in myriad subtle ways (which Nero, of course, noticed).

His fingers lengthened slightly, and the nails seemed almost clawlike. His pupils thinned into something feline, devouring the light of the halls as they grew. The ears stretched until they came to a defined point, and his skin took on an unearthly pale tone, almost like marble.

He was every inch a spirit, something that chose to look human rather than was one.

"I'm fae and human, but if moving further in one direction than the other is gonna keep people from being stupid about who I sleep with, then I'll just fake it." Matthew stretched his arms overhead nonchalantly before folding his hands behind his head, insectoid wings twitching once more. "Anything else we need to worry about?"

"Not at all! That's an elegant solution, I have to say. Most would say 'when in Rome, do as Romans do'." Nero smiled brilliantly.

"Eh. I'm not going to go out of my way to be rude, but I'm not going to hide who or what I am." They began to walk once more.

"You still look beautiful. Is this what you'd be if you were fully fae?" Cu Chulainn mused.

"Maybe? I mean, you've seen my true body."

"I have." Nero felt herself grin at the way the warrior's tone deepened ever so slightly.

Cute! They were cute!

"Good Moooorning," a soft voice crooned in Ritsuka's ear.

"Mmn. Mash…?" he muttered blearily.

"Oho? That's an interesting reaction."

Ritsuka's eyes snapped open to see Tamamo-no-Mae looming over him, looking down with an amused smirk.


The fox-woman tittered into her sleeve. "So jumpy! Don't fear; this is the safest place to be in all of Septem." Her smile darkened slightly. "And do take that as you will. There's no small amount of threats out in the cold."

Ritsuka swallowed, moving to stand up. "Right. So…"

"That girl of yours, the Shielder. She's Mash, isn't she?" Tamamo rested her chin on the knuckle of her index finger. "She seems a bit… strained."

For a moment, Ritsuka thought. After she'd poked fun at Doctor Roman, Mash had seemed to have a mild headache, though it faded. And the ritual to connect to Chaldea had taken a little longer, though he'd assumed it was due to the snow interfering.

"Hm. If one is to fight in this battle, they must do so wholeheartedly. To be divided is to fall." Tamamo turned slowly, her tail weaving behind her. "You, at least, are committed. In part because you do not truly understand what you face - the nature of 'Beasts' or 'Grand Servants' - but I wonder. You do not seem like a man who loses conviction. You could be shaken, perhaps, but I don't foresee you breaking."

"Do you mean Galahad?" Ritsuka asked.

Tamamo paused. "You've noticed, then. He was one of the strongest knights of Camelot. His legend is bound to the Holy Grail itself. And yet your Shielder has only deployed a bastardized version of his fortress, and barely shown any of his more preternatural defenses. Even her form has been taught by another. Your knight has given less than the bare minimum, and even I can tell his discontent grows."

Ritsuka stared at Tamamo. "How do you know all this?"

"Observation," Tamamo said dismissively.

He frowned. No answers, then.

"It's an unfortunate situation, to be sure. Whether he accepts the means by which he was called, the point remains that the only one who is punished by his misbehavior is a girl who has done no true harm to any who did not deserve it." A flicker of distaste crossed Tamamo's face. "Truly, a holier-than-thou knight of purity isn't to my tastes. What an offensive man."

"Morgan did call him the 'fun police'," Ritsuka muttered. "But is he lashing out at Mash, now? And why?"

"Perhaps less lashing out than expressing displeasure. Telepathic communication can be uncomfortable for one unused to it, especially since raw emotions can flow along the conduit." Tamamo made her way to the door of his bedroom. "Though by withholding his strongest powers, he is severely handicapping the girl at a juncture where such is no longer an option. Were this another life, and only the incinerator in play… ah, but that's a story for another time." She looked back and gave a small grin. "Now then, Master of Chaldea. Let's see if you are everything your benefactor believes you to be. Come along - Romulus awaits."

Ritsuka couldn't help but frown, even as he followed. "But if Galahad's hurting Mash… hm. Hm. Ah!"

"Oho? Is that a plan I hear?" Tamamo asked with a sly smirk.

"Well, BB can mess with people's Saint Graphs, right? Maybe she could force Galahad to cooperate!"

Tamamo slowly turned until she fully faced Ritsuka. "What."

"Well, first we'd need something she wants. Since Hakuno doesn't remember her, it makes sense that they met or something, but she forgot. Unless BB's just a stalker…?" Ritsuka gave Tamamo a questioning look.

"Well. Both are somewhat true," Tamamo admitted hesitantly.

"Right! Well, Matthew could unearth those memories. Have him make another bargain with BB, and we're set. And since she's already bound not to harm him, she'll be super pent-up with that malice of hers, so Galahad will really get it!" Ritsuka smiled beatifically. "Everyone wins!"

"Except Galahad. In theory." Tamamo's eyebrow twitched.

"Even my kindness has limits. Messing with my Servants is Not Allowed." Ritsuka's smile didn't fade.


There was a weight on Ritsuka's head as paws dangled over his forehead.

"I… see. There's still getting Matthew on board with this, however," Tamamo cautioned.

Ritsuka snorted in amusement. "It's Matthew. After what Galahad put him through, he'd sell him to BB for uncooked rice."

"My brother would sell Galahad to Satan for one corn chip. Now what are we talking about?" Mash wandered up, fully clad in her armor.

"Troubleshooting!" Ritsuka replied cheerfully.

"In which the trouble is handled by shooting it, I assume," Mash replied with a sigh. "Please don't let my brother influence you so much, Senpai."

Tamamo hid her mouth behind her sleeve again as she gave a wide grin.

These kids were fun. Morgan chose well!

Ophelia waited in the audience chamber alongside Sigurd. Gilgamesh loomed, leaning against a pillar off to the side, his crimson eyes passively scanning the room.

Caesar sat on his throne, now clad in gold armor and red cloth, wings emerging from his back. He was visibly contemplative, gaze flickering over the assembled Chaldeans. Cleopatra sat at his side, idly stroking his hair.

Caligula sat on his own, expressionless. He stared straight ahead, unmoving.

"Will Nobunaga and Lord El-Melloi II be joining us?" Ophelia asked.

"Zhuge Liang is examining the ramparts of Per Aspera Ad Astra," Caesar replied. "He and Nobunaga are also looking into staffing the areas. Our human soldiers are better put to policing internally, given they have little recourse against Remus' elementals. Meanwhile-"

"NOBU!" A deformed-yet-adorable mini-Nobunaga popped out from behind the throne, flintlock in hand.

"Yes. That." Caesar grimaced.

The little abomination skittered out of the chamber, an honest-to-god wheel of feet propelling it onward.

Ophelia felt as though she were in a Saturday morning comedy.

"There have been worse ideas," Sigurd murmured to her aloud, likely for their hosts' benefit.

"Also… less… annoying…" Caligula rumbled.

Spartacus, now Caligula. Ophelia had never heard of Berserkers being so lucid. And from the mission reports, it was a trend - Lancelot, Heracles…

Even if 'befriending' Berserkers were his only talent, that would make Matthew worth his weight in spell components. Not literally, because using him as spell components was a very, very poor idea why did she need to have that mental image-

Though, no- Caligula had been mostly aware since they'd arrived. Was it something else…?

Nero walked past Ophelia with a quick look and a smile, making her way to the center throne. "We have arrived. Once Ritsuka and Mash are here, we will begin." Once she reached her throne Nero turned and sat, crossing her legs leisurely.

Matthew stopped next to Ophelia, eyes glowing. Actually, literally glowing. It was the least human she'd seen him, with the ears, wings, and his general appearance.

"Did something happen?" she asked in mild concern.

"Naah. Nero just warned us about some Roman social stuff that could be a hassle if we socialize, so he decided to put on a scary face to keep 'em at bay," Cu Chulainn drawled dismissively. He slung an arm around the shorter man, causing Matthew to lean into his side.

Hm… ah, there was that stigma. Men could penetrate whoever they liked, but the receiving partner was often looked down on as womanly and weak. By appearances, the people would make snap judgements about the two (though Ophelia did not know and had no wish to know the details of their intimacies).

Though given the sexism of the time, that begged the question how Nero was able to rule… Eh. There were greater concerns, such as the witch and valkyrie they were meant to find, and the Beast and demigod they were to fight.

"It's nothing new to me," Matthew muttered. His eyelids were lowered, and his expression calm.

Ah. Ophelia remembered how he would avoid the majority of the staff, and how it took Pepe multiple weeks to draw him into the same room. Keeping people he didn't trust at bay was the norm for him.

"Sorry we're late," Ritsuka called, holding a hand up in apology. Mash followed behind him with a sheepish look. Fou rode on Ritsuka's shoulder.

Tamamo stepped from behind Nero's throne with a sly look. "And all that's left are our fearless leader and Hakuno."

"Do not think me unaware that you left me out of your count," Gilgamesh intoned darkly, appearing in a swirl of golden light between the two groups.

"Hm. Did I? I can't recall." Tamamo's smile took on a vicious cast.

Gilgamesh's eyes narrowed, but almost as soon as light began to gather behind him it stopped.

Ophelia's eye widened upon seeing Matthew's hand on the tyrant's elbow.

"There's a time and a place. If you want to take insult that badly, please wait until we're not up against some kind of world-ending threat," he said quietly.

After a moment, Gilgamesh gave an indignant huff. "I will grant your request… for now. Should she press her luck, I make no promises to withhold my displeasure."

"Oh good, you're still behaving yourself." A geyser of green binary erupted from the floor, and when it fell and faded Hakuno stood in its place. "Tamamo, please don't bait him. His patience isn't the best on a good day."

Tamamo blinked innocently and held a hand to her sternum, opening her mouth-

"And so we are gathered."

Her ears drooped as she slumped with a sheepish expression.

Romulus appeared on his throne, gazing down upon them. "What news?"

Hakuno turned to Romulus. "We've secured the cooperation of the entity known as 'BB' in recovering Brynhildr. In exchange, I have entered a contract with Ritsuka Tohsaka as his Servant."

Romulus frowned slightly. "I see. Will you be travelling, then?"

Hakuno looked to Ritsuka with an apologetic grimace. "I should stay here for as long as I can. I'm using my own talents to help with the defenses."

"Then… one of us will have to stay here." Ritsuka crossed his arms. "We can pass most of our Servants back and forth, except primaries."

"And we won't know what it will take to wake Brynhildr once we make contact with Baba Yaga," Ophelia mused. "Not to mention Boudica is out there, to say nothing of Remus' own forces."

"So we have no idea how long it will take to accomplish the mission, especially with a cohort of five Servants max," Ritsuka finished with a nod.

Ophelia exhaled, closing her eye. "And then there's the issue of Matthew. He's required for whatever Baba Yaga has in store, that much we know. Not to mention he's the one contracted to BB for this."

Matthew let out a soft grumble.

"And Hakuno isn't the only one who has to remain stationary for the moment," El-Melloi II announced. Ophelia opened her eye and turned to see him and Nobunaga approach. "My talents were requisitioned to prepare for an assault on Boudica's forces, removing one of our rivals."

"I'm manning the offensive part of our defense by myself." Nobunaga's eyes gleamed darkly. "With my artillery and Nobus, we can keep the walls locked down against most threats outside one of the bigwigs showing up."

Which meant the only Servant she had that could go was Sigurd. On the one hand, she was glad the Servants she chose were of help. On the other, she was… invested in whatever the outcome would be of this excursion, and she knew Sigurd would be as well.

"Well, there's a slight problem with some… possible solutions."

The room's attention turned to Da Vinci's hologram as it appeared. The genius wore a beatific smile that was only marred by a single drop of sweat from her temple.

"As it so happens… well, you remember that special space in your roster, right? That we made specifically for you?"

Ritsuka slowly turned to fully face Da Vinci. "I do," he replied in a mild tone.

"Well, moving Servants out of that is somewhat difficult, and-"

Matthew shot her a flat look. "Seriously. You put Hakuno in the ally slot, and now we can't transfer her?"

"That would seem to be the case. For now." Da Vinci kept smiling.

"...how long would it take to move her?" Ophelia asked, dreading the answer.

"If she was here, it would be a non-issue, but when considering how new the tech is, and the nature of the interference… three days?" Da Vinci began to sweat more.

Ritsuka shuddered before taking a deep breath. "I. See."

Ophelia closed her eye, doing some quick calculations. "Da Vinci, is it possible to move Matthew's contract from person to person?"

"Only with his consent and Ritsuka's, and the instant he wants out he snaps back to the original. Mash was the first primary and is locked to Ritsuka, Matthew has some leeway," Da Vinci explained quickly.

"Then the solution is obvious. Ritsuka Tohsaka will remain with us, and Matthew Kyrielight will accompany you on the quest." Caesar rested his chin on his fist as he leaned forward. "You will need to shift the other contracts around, but other than that all will be well."

Matthew's lips thinned, and he looked from Ritsuka to Ophelia.

"Matthew…" Mash reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Ophelia remained silent.

"We don't have time." Matthew closed his eyes. "If we have to do it, we have to do it. Can't take Hakuno away from here, and knowing our luck it'll take both me and BB to set Brynhildr to rights. The longer we let this sit, the longer it takes to take the fight to Daji's group. So it is what it is."

Ritsuka nodded. "Okay. Da Vinci, do it." He paused, then wrapped an arm around Matthew in a sideways hug. "We'll be waiting for you to come back."

Mash pat Matthew's shoulder gently and stepped away, followed by Ritsuka.

"Alright then. So for the most part, we're shuffling Servants around." There was the sound of keys clattering as Da Vinci's hologram seemed to type. "Shifting Zhuge Liang and Nobunaga Oda to Ritsuka Tohsaka. Shifting Matthew Kyrielight and Cu Chulainn to Ophelia Phamrsolone." Da Vinci paused. "Any other takers?" she asked mildly.

Gilgamesh frowned dangerously. "Dare you dream of passing me around like some party favor?" His imperious gaze burned through Ophelia. "I leave my craftsman in your care. Should anything untoward happen, you will be held responsible."

"Careful, Gilgamesh. You might make people think you care about him or something," Hakuno sniped.

The King of Heroes said nothing, merely turning his baleful glower to the young woman.

"Very well. Unfortunately, we cannot spare Caesar and Nero's power wanes when she travels too far from here," Romulus mused. "Tamamo-no-Mae is needed to tend any wounded we receive, and I cannot see Cleopatra leaving Caesar's side."

"Congratulations, your eyes work," Cleopatra interjected with a scowl. She paused thoughtfully. "Why not send Caligula? He and the other Berserker can follow along with them."

Oh. Oh dear.

Ophelia glanced at Sigurd, who frowned slightly as chagrin flickered in his eyes.

"I… might be able to keep Spartacus in line? But what about Caligula?" Matthew looked worried, even as Cu Chulainn put his weight on his shoulder.

"...for...Rome…" The Emperor of Death stood in a gradual, smooth motion.

"It's settled, then." Caesar smirked. "Caligula and Spartacus will accompany you. A Saber, a Lancer, two Berserkers, and a Caster. An excellent direct assault team."

"At least the two of us can use magecraft," Sigurd murmured, glancing at Cu Chulainn.

"This is gonna be interesting," Cu drawled. He grinned. "I almost feel bad for anyone who gets in our way. Almost."

Ophelia closed her eye and breathed deeply.

"Do you have a heading?" Romulus asked.

"I've got something like that, yeah," Matthew replied. "Will you guys be okay here?" He looked to Ritsuka and Mash.

"Do not fret. Hakuno is no small power, and in your absence I will see to both Ritsuka and Mash's safety personally." Gilgamesh inclined his head.

Da Vinci's jaw dropped, and her pupils shrank.

"...thanks." Matthew gave a small smile.

"Hmph. You may thank me by-" Gilgamesh began.

"Oh, here. You might like this." Ophelia watched as the faerie handed a small object to Gilgamesh.

"Another ring?" he asked, frowning.

"It allows you to generate and control air currents. It's pretty versatile." Matthew smirked.

Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes as he turned the ring over. "...acceptable," he said grudgingly.

Hakuno giggled as Gilgamesh dismissed his gauntlet, sliding the ring onto his left index finger. The ring finger was already occupied.

Matthew's gaze softened for a moment before Cu Chulainn steered him over to Ophelia and Sigurd.

"Ophelia Phamrsolone."

She straightened her shoulders under the regard of Gilgamesh.

"As I said, I leave him in your care." He looked to Matthew. "Hurry back. I'll notice if you are gone."

Matthew crossed his arms. "I hate this fucking snow; of course I'll be back as soon as I can," he retorted.

"Trust and believe, none of us are enamored of it," Caesar drawled.

"And it's so cold," Cleopatra groaned.

"We wish you the best of luck, Ophelia and company." Nero smiled. "Take care."

"I'll look after Senpai. Matthew-"

"Ehh. I'll look after her." Matthew sidled over to Ophelia, then placed an elbow on her shoulder. "It'd be a dick move if I didn't look after her, when you do your best to look after everyone."

Mash smiled, relieved.

"Then we're off," Ophelia announced, straightening her spine. She paused. "Where will we find Spartacus?"

"Crushing oppressors outside, probably," Cu muttered.

"Last I saw, he was scaring the Iceni away," Nobunaga chimed in. "They're pretty pathetic if you ask me. There's no heart in their attacks."

A calculating gleam entered Matthew's eye. "Hm."

Zhuge Liang cast his gaze over the group and smirked. "I think you'll come up with something. Just remember, the main driving force behind them is Boudica herself."

Ophelia nodded, feeling the contracts slide into place. "Then we'll be off."

"In the meantime, we'll keep an eye out here. I doubt things will stay quiet for too much longer." Ritsuka nodded firmly.

Ophelia turned on her heel, Sigurd, Matthew, Cu, and Caligula at her back.

She wouldn't fail.

Well that sure turned things into a cluster.

Thanks, Da Vinci.

It won't be forever. Though- What!?


I'm sorry, I need to go - the lake - I'll be back!

Morgan's murmurs faded into the back of my mind, trailing off.

"Are you alright?" Phamrsolone asked.

I nodded, brushing some snow out of my face. "Something came up, is all. For Morgan," I explained as she looked nonplussed.

"...Berserker?" Caligula frowned slightly.

"No, Caster. She's the source of my powers, and she talks to me." I looked ahead, where Cu kept point. Spartacus hummed merrily as he trudged along behind, and Sigurd cleaved to Phamrsolone's side.

The snow kept falling, but I felt like we were going in the right direction. The ground wasn't level by any stretch, and there were visible bulges in the snow cover. I hoped they were plants.

"Many… come. To Rome. Few… arrive." I met Caligula's eyes. Against all odds, something like sadness was there. "Tried. We. Tried."


"There's no glory to be had here. No honor, no war- only slaughter." A curl of distaste entered Sigurd's voice.

"The snow too, is an oppressor." Thanks, Spartacus. Couldn't tell.

"Which is why we need to secure more assistance, and find out what we're up against. And…" Phamrsolone grimaced. "We won't win this by hiding in Romulus' city. We need to take the fight to Remus and Daji."

"With each passing day, more will die a cold and lonely death." Sigurd's eyes glinted behind his glasses.

"So we better pick up the pace," Cu cut in, something dark in his voice. "Matthew? Anything you can think of?"

I thought. "Okay. Let me out front."

Quickly I stepped forward, leaving the middle of the group until I stood at Cu's side.

"What do you-" Phamrsolone began.

"Show me the way to Baba Yaga."

It was different from when I compelled a person, or when I listened to the whispers of the World. The landscape shifted, and the snow melted away. Grass lined the sides of the paved road, stones leading forward. And in the near distance, what could only be called a manor loomed over the trees, not far into the woods.

I held onto the vision, and used my illusions to twine the knowledge into a set of runes that floated in midair.

"Well, we aren't far," I mused.

"That's an awful lot for a tracking spell," Cu observed in a mild tone.

"It's less tracking and more holding on to the location I saw. It's maybe an hour's walk." I swept my hand behind me, and heard Phamrsolone's startled gasp. "At least, when we don't count the snow. Which we won't, because magecraft."

"A bit of warning, next time." Sigurd didn't sound upset, but…

"It's fine, Sigurd." Phamrsolone picked up the pace, entering my view. "Time is of the essence, after all."

We proceeded in silence for a few brief moments.

"Matthew… I was wondering something."

I tensed. "Yeah?"

Phamrsolone gave me a long look. "Pepe spoke of you fondly - and often. We'd take tea together more than once a week. What he said and what you've demonstrated match up to an extent."

"But?" I was hyper-aware of Cu closing in, guarding my back. Sigurd was relaxed, with no indication of aggression. Spartacus and Caligula seemed to be paying no attention at all, focused on keeping watch (such as they could).

"I'm aware that I've been out of commission for… a month?" She tilted her head.

Fuyuki the first was a day's journey, a week for the Shroud, a few days in Orleans, a week and change before the second Fuyuki, then Halloween shortly before… "A month and a half, give or take."

"Yes. And you've already proven far more personable than he'd indicated." Phamrsolone paused. "I would have hoped you'd be more open with me, given my friendship with your sister, but…"

"I had my reasons." I faced forward.

"Yes. You're closer to her now. It's good to see." Phamrsolone looked ahead. "She did confide that there was a gulf between you. I'm glad to see you've started mending it."

"That was Galahad's fault."

"Her spirit?"

"A knight of the Round," Sigurd mused. "A paragon of virtue and strength, defender of the weak. A fine warrior, too."

"He tried to kill me when I was twelve, right after he was summoned," I said drily.

Phamrsolone's gait slowed, not quite stumbling. "Wh-what?" Her eye was wide.

"He thought my Morgan was the local one, and jumped to conclusions." I frowned. "And now he's still holding back on us."

"I. I see." Phamrsolone crossed her arms. "And Mash?"

"She knows, now. But he can't possess her like that anymore. Doesn't mean he can't make a nuisance of himself." I exhaled.

"There are… more questions I'd ask." Phamrsolone was hesitant.

I gave her a wary look. "Shoot. The worst I'll do is say I won't answer."

"When you injured Lord Animusphere- none of us were aware of your reasoning. He kept Lord Kirschtaria away to protect him, but Lord Kirschtaria wished deeply to understand why."

I blinked. "Uh. Well, the experiments they were doing on me were yielding results, so they were talking about putting Mash back under them."

Phamrsolone frowned. "Experiments?"

"Treatments. Widening magic circuits, imbuing alchemical mixtures. Bone infusions, nervous system manipulation…" I ticked off each atrocity on a finger as I counted them.

"...I see," Ophelia whispered, almost numb.

"Yeah. Then there was the other stuff, with Gut. Who… who knew about that, by the way?" I felt my hackles rise again.

"I was told by Pepe. It's why I was… more forward in befriending Mash. I think Hinako told him." Phamrsolone paused. "I think Kadoc figured it out. Daybit, I'm unsure- but I don't think Lord Kirschtaria knew. I can't see him accepting that behavior."

"Why?" I frowned.

"You never had a chance to properly interact with him, especially after the attack. He was guarded; all magi are. But he'd do things. Give books to people, or he'd give Pepe tea to share with me. He'd offer kind words and pleasant conversation." Phamrsolone paused again. "Even with his position, he still reached out, in his way. Though there was one thing."


"He looked forward to working with you." Phamrsolone turned to me. "I don't think he knew the depths of what Lord Animusphere had done, but he wished to befriend you as the holder of your contract. That was the impression I had."

I didn't say anything as Cu bumped my shoulder with his. My runes fluttered in the air as we walked.

"For what it's worth… I do understand your hesitance to reach out to others, at least initially. It seems you've overcome that in some regards. I'm glad." Phamrsolone turned away. "When you've been hurt like that… when you haven't been loved, and only receive expectations… it's hard."

I kept watching her, noting how Sigurd's lips quirked into a frown.

Phamrsolone touched her eyepatch, nails brushing beneath the socket. "I know those feelings very well indeed." Her voice was a whisper over the snow.

I bit my lip for a moment. "You too?"

"A Mystic Eye does not ascend to Jewel Rank in a generation without sacrifice," Phamrsolone murmured dully.

"So you're like Mash and I."

"Not precisely. I'm still the heir to the Phamrsolone legacy, and meant to carry the name forward. Find a proper match, pass my eye forward."

"What about what makes you happy?" I asked, feeling my temper rise. "What about what you want?"

"I… determination is difficult, for me. When your sight can reduce everything to a single path, then-" She cut herself off.

"Do you want to save the world?" I asked.

Her walk slowed before resuming. "Yes."

"What else? What do you like?"

"She's fond of sweets. And has no small talent in making them," Sigurd noted.

Phamrsolone's eye flashed. "Sigurd," she warned.

"It's a harmless question," he responded innocently.

"What… is… your… joy…?" Caligula rumbled.

She paused. "I enjoy quiet conversation. Efficiency. Old legends. Um. Chocolate. Cake."

"So simple tastes, right?" Cu hummed. "It's not bad to take pleasure in that sort of thing."

"I… I like Mash. And…" She hesitated. "Lord Kirschtara. But I- such feelings aren't- for a magus-"

"So? Do those people make you happy?"

She straightened her shoulders. "Yes, but even after all is said and done, I have a duty-"

"Fuck them, Ophelia."

At that, she did stumble, only for Sigurd to catch her as she regained her footing.

She turned her gaze to me, eye wide and vulnerable.

"If spending time with Mash makes you happy, do it. If you want to try loving Kirschtaria Wodime, do it. If you want to make a cake to share with your friends while talking about old legends, do it. Don't hesitate. You only have so much time, even if we make it through this. Don't waste it on people who don't love you. They're not who you're saving the world for, are they?" I tilted my head.

Pha- Ophelia looked away, bewildered. "I… see. So that's why you're doing this?"

"Ritsuka, Mash, Kadoc, Hinako, Pepe. Morgan, Da Vinci, Fou. The Servants I've met and befriended. The people I've come to love. Roman too." I squeezed Cu's hand as it found my own. "And maybe I want to save the world for you too, now. I want to see it with everyone. I want to see your world."

Sigurd gave me an appraising look.

"We're gonna do this, Ophelia. And it won't be for the ones who made us. It'll be for the people who really sacrificed, people like Olga Marie and Mash. We'll do it for ourselves, and if they benefit - that's just collateral." I grinned.

For a moment, she was expressionless. Then a small smile stole its way across her face. "How very selfish. But it suits you. And it's not an ugly reason, anyway."

"That's right! Wow the world, and make them regret that they ever tried to treat you like a 'thing to be used'. Right?"

We stopped as the snow seemed to thin in our immediate area.

Spartacus cast his gaze around, smile in place.

"I was wondering if I'd ever see you again, especially since the Singularity faded. But lucky me, I was the first to find you guys!"

A silhouette stepped out of the snowfall, clad in white-and-lavender clothes. Red eyes twinkled in a pale face framed by dark hair shot through with white. A blade was belted to her waist.

"Well, they'll wait in other times to help. Still, it's good to see you again!" She smiled brilliantly.

My breath caught.

"Holy-!" Cu's jaw dropped.

"Alter-Ego Servant. Composite Servant Sitonai! In this endless snowfall, I'll guide you true!"

I stumbled as she tackled me around the middle.


She grinned. "Miss me?"

She glowered at the glowing city. Seated in a cradle of warmth as her own people froze, useless to strike out at the Roman scum.

"Do you remember the plan?" the magus asked, adjusting his top hat as he gripped his cane in the other hand.

"We will draw them out, and strike them down." Boudica clenched her fists.

"Very good. Hopefully we'll have the fortune that they'll bring the fight to us. And in exchange, I'll smuggle a few refugees to Daji, sparing the tax on your warriors for the week." The man gave a sedate smile.

"Hmph. You heard him! Fight as though your lives depend on it!" she ordered.

Her men shivered, and not merely from the cold. Cowards. When dismantling an empire, sacrifices must be made.

She drew her sword. "I said FIGHT!"

The Iceni warriors dashed away, screaming as they clutched their weapons. Weak.

The horrors they'd experienced were nothing compared to what became of her precious children.

Boudica let out a raging cry as she stormed forth, dark orange flame dripping from her blade and body.

As they charged, Lev Lainur Flauros twirled his cane. "Hm. Time to see if this little plot bears fruit. Ah well, it's a diversion at best." He smiled. "After all, with the fire Manaka lit under her… it's only a matter of time."

"The Second Beast hunts tonight."

As he sank into shadow, wisps of flame flickering off of his body, he failed to notice the angry lavender eyes fixed on him.

Fou sneezed, vanishing as the snow fell.
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Nero was partial to pretty boys and prettier girls, but there was a certain appeal to such a situation.
Huh, so Nero's bisexual with a preference to woman? Is that canonical, I wonder? Suppose that's one way to explain her romantic affection to the /Extra protag regardless of gender...
You still look beautiful. Is this what you'd be if you were fully fae?" Cu Chulainn mused.

"Maybe? I mean, you've seen my true body."

"I have." Nero felt herself grin at the way the warrior's tone deepened ever so slightly.

Cute! They were cute!
I love that Nero ships Cu and Matthew, yup. Very nice to see homosexual relationships not being discriminated against.
Caesar sat on his throne, now clad in gold armor and red cloth, wings emerging from his back.
Why does Caeser have wings?
Hm… ah, there was that stigma. Men could penetrate whoever they liked, but the receiving partner was often looked down on as womanly and weak. By appearances, the people would make snap judgements about the two (though Ophelia did not know and had no wish to know the details of their intimacies).

Though given the sexism of the time, that begged the question how Nero was able to rule… Eh.
Now I'm wondering how Nero is ruling despite being a woman, too. Maybe it's a similar situation to Arturia, where she's pretending to be male? No, doesn't fit with her personality. The populace treat her as a guy for some reason? She was popular enough with commoners back then I could see them not caring much re: her gender...
Fou padded out of thin air and perched himself on her shoulder, in front of the entire audience.

"...since when can he do that?" Gilgamesh asked with a look of slight concern.

Since always. Independent Manifestation be hax, yo.

As they charged, Lev Lainur Flauros twirled his cane. "Hm. Time to see if this little plot bears fruit. Ah well, it's a diversion at best." He smiled. "After all, with the fire Manaka lit under her… it's only a matter of time."

"The Second Beast hunts tonight."

As he sank into shadow, wisps of flame flickering off of his body, he failed to notice the angry lavender eyes fixed on him.

Fou sneezed, vanishing as the snow fell.

So does the Fourth Beast, Flauros.
Fuck you manaka, literally fuck you. When the Fae are the only ones who keep to an agreement then you know the world is fucked.

So, Fou is beginning to regain a lot of strengh and deciding to take a more active role for what we see here.

Vitch is butt hurt, but that is old news, just this time she has an enabler that has helped her to incubate faster.

I dont know why, but i love the idea of Matthew being a powerbottom and sticking it to the romans, although even the romans know to never fuck with the Fae if they want to live.

Ophelia just got herself a fae friend that will fuck over anyone that wants to use her like an object and now has received the peptalk she needed to change and be a bit more selfish and less magi-like, we shall be hearing Wodime/Pharmsolone pitterpatter of little feet in the halls of chaldea in the distant future.....god now im seeing Kirsch as the dorky, embarrassing dad that loves to brag about his children and support them.

I support the idea Mash had, lets see if we can summon Cursed Arm to use his arm to summon satan and sell Galahad to him.

Nero is a closet Fujoshi, you cant get that image out of my head, and she will be like Carnival Phantasm Medea, only more dignified
I'd find it funny if Daji/Vichi did turn into a Beast only for Fou to show up and bitch-slap her. And then Amaterasu will probably drop a Sun on Remus when the Fenrir fragment is open and vulnerable.

No, no. Daji prepares to go all out... only for Tamamo/Hakuno to contact Amaterasu, who promptly purges Daji/Vitch of Manaka's modifications and possesses her. Then Amaterasu deals with Remus; since he can't use Fenrir's Authority to its full extent, he has no defense against the embodiment of the Sun.
"Right, then! Anything else? Do we have allies? Well, obviously-" Roman tugged his collar. "But besides Hakuno, you said the Romans were sheltering you. In the time period you're in, it should be the rule of Nero himself-"

"But Nero's a girl?" I blinked in confusion.

Roman froze.

"And she looks a lot like Artoria," Ritsuka added.

"It is uncanny," Sigurd mused. "I ran across the Saint of Orleans as well; perhaps they're part of some larger family tree?"

"I unno. Morgan did it?" This time I did shrug, because I knew Cu wouldn't get offended and turn me into a pincushion.

Excuse me!?

The other Morgan!

...it bears investigation.
... fuck it, I probably need to dig up the old post I made tracking the Saberface chronology and update it. Who knows, maybe it'll get referenced.
I'd find it funny if Daji/Vichi did turn into a Beast only for Fou to show up and bitch-slap her.
Someone photoshop Tamamo to color it black and hot pink, then slap it into this.
Read up on Manaka.

We have Big Sis Morgan waging a war to bring back humanity so she has a chance to slip her Arturia back into a timeline versus a Root-connected Yandere waging a war to... probably something something get Arthur back.

... I'm kinda wondering what mess Goddess Rhongomyniad might throw in as well now.

Edit: Oh, right, and ya know, the whole thing where the entire fate of humanity is being warred over by two love-stricken girls, so there's that.
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Wow.... this was packed. Incredibly so. And nice to see that even with a new coat of paint, Vitch is still Vitch. It'll make her defeat more enjoyable. And it's intresting seeing that Ritsuka is considering jailbreaking Galahad Spirit Origin as a viable option here.

Also, Illya-Sitonai arriving earlier opened the door to Shirou, Rin and Sakura from the 5th War Singularity. That'll bring a lot of shenanigans considering their alternate counterparts (when applicable) are set to appear later, with Shotaro/alt!Shirou already there.
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Read up on Manaka.

We have Big Sis Morgan waging a war to bring back humanity so she has a chance to slip her Arturia back into a timeline versus a Root-connected Yandere waging a war to... probably something something get Arthur back.

... I'm kinda wondering what mess Goddess Rhongomyniad might throw in as well now.

Edit: Oh, right, and ya know, the whole thing where the entire fate of humanity is being warred over by two love-stricken girls, so there's that.

I don't think that Morgan is doing this for Arturia's sake, more for the sake of Humanity and/or Camelot.
Finally, finally Ophelia gets her time in the limelight. (Sigurd should cut down on the sweets.)

SITONAI! SITONAI! SITONAI! Everything about her intro was awesome. I'm glad we get to see her.

Daji's scene at the beginning was really good. You can see her similarities to OG Tamamo, though they are minute.

Great chapter! I'm excited for what's to come!
Manaka sighed. "Honestly. For a fragment of Goetia, I wouldn't have expected you to be so spiteful."
Eh blame the fact that their a defective tool thats been corrupted by human emotions and can't seem to find anything positive.
"Had you left well enough alone, the throne of heaven would be filled and a new humanity born."
Ha! We all knows thats never going to happen
Flauros sneered. "So you say, Sajyou. So you say. I merely wished to alert you that the entity from Seraphix made itself known. It appeared in the frozen wastes between here and 'Per Aspera Ad Astra', shortly after the deployment of Chaldean forces."

Manaka frowned. "The oil rig? I would have thought it was consumed with the rest of the world."
Oh damn who else is hearing the words "ara ara" from a bodhisattva of sinful delights?
A conduit whose might may well rival that of Goetia himself." Lev crossed his arms, clutching his cane so his knuckles bulged.
That seems to be happening quite often doesn't it? Seems that no one actually wants for you to succeed or even seem all that powerful in the grand scheme of things.
Poor Roman- his mind is getting abused as hell from all this wtf
Cute! They were cute!
I see that Nero also ships CuXMathew
"Right! Well, Matthew could unearth those memories. Have him make another bargain with BB, and we're set. And since she's already bound not to harm him, she'll be super pent-up with that malice of hers, so Galahad will really get it!" Ritsuka smiled beatifically. "Everyone wins!"
Truly I have to wonder how the fuck any of the knights of the Round liked Galahad if seemingly everyone we've met so far hates his guts. Seriously how the fuck is he the son of Lancelot- who is more likable as a freaking madman!?
"My brother would sell Galahad to Satan for one corn chip. Now what are we talking about?" Mash wandered up, fully clad in her armor.
Ya know I gotta wonder what Type-Moon Satan looks like. I've seen eldritch horror Satan, traditional Satan, Welsh Satan, little kid Satan who's a fanboy of Sun Wukong, and even sexy devil girl Satan.
Caesar sat on his throne, now clad in gold armor and red cloth, wings emerging from his back.
Waaaait......is this himbo Caesar?
"NOBU!" A deformed-yet-adorable mini-Nobunaga popped out from behind the throne, flintlock in hand.
"Show me the way to Baba Yaga."

It was different from when I compelled a person, or when I listened to the whispers of the World. The landscape shifted, and the snow melted away. Grass lined the sides of the paved road, stones leading forward. And in the near distance, what could only be called a manor loomed over the trees, not far into the woods.
Well we're off to see the witch~ The terrible witch of the forest~
"If spending time with Mash makes you happy, do it. If you want to try loving Kirschtaria Wodime, do it. If you want to make a cake to share with your friends while talking about old legends, do it. Don't hesitate. You only have so much time, even if we make it through this. Don't waste it on people who don't love you. They're not who you're saving the world for, are they?" I tilted my head.
Yeah you'd think that Magi would have plenty of children more like Kariya who'd say "fuck off" to the magical bullshit.


She grinned. "Miss me?"
Man I wish that we had the other Psuedo servants here just so that Illya could troll them.
She drew her sword. "I said FIGHT!"

The Iceni warriors dashed away, screaming as they clutched their weapons. Weak.

The horrors they'd experienced were nothing compared to what became of her precious children.
Why do I have the distinct feeling something going to happen where she either curses her own tunnel vision, gets backstabbed or has a mental break down via magical fuckery
As they charged, Lev Lainur Flauros twirled his cane. "Hm. Time to see if this little plot bears fruit. Ah well, it's a diversion at best." He smiled. "After all, with the fire Manaka lit under her… it's only a matter of time."

"The Second Beast hunts tonight."

As he sank into shadow, wisps of flame flickering off of his body, he failed to notice the angry lavender eyes fixed on him.

Fou sneezed, vanishing as the snow fell.
Sooo did Fou just call dibs? Cause I feel like Fou stalking Lev is him calling dibs on tearing the fucker apart like he's the bunny of caerbannog
Man, it like of you threaten to take away a dog's favorite toy they are gonna get upset or something.
Also, I was thinking more about E Pluribus Unam, don't blame me my mind wanders when its supposed to be comparing the slave codes of the Empires of old, but how many people have made the oath to "defend the Constitution of the United States"? At a rough glance, it would be every person who served in the US military and Coast Guard, every Representative and Senator that has served, every ambassador, each VP, and the President's oath takes it a step further with preserve and protect added to it.

Hmm, I may need to take this idea for my own story...
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