"I'm Broken..." [HP/AU]

[X] I tried to blow it up with the blue fire, but it just exploded and froze up both. Then it tried to scream and it's face shattered like dropped porclain.
I would like to apologize for the lack of update right now. With how crazy things have been at work and some ideas rattling around my head for a story I'm going to write in the creative writing sections, I haven't put a lot of focus on this quest. What's more frustrating is that I was going to get some help with something that was coming up, but the person that I recruited to help has been busy with some of there own things.

Thankfully we should be able to focus on that. So if all goes how I would like the update should start sometime soon. With that in mind, here is the current vote tally.

[X] Everything
No. of votes: 16
tricholysis, Kirbstomp, Enjou, HanEmpire, Avalon Du Lac, HavocKeeper, Trondason, Prefixmancer, veekie, Olgol2, DiceOfStupidity, BBBence1111, Jazzberry, Jedarol, Reji8627, MobiusC
[X] I tried to blow it up with the blue fire, but it just exploded and froze up both. Then it tried to scream and it's face shattered like dropped porclain.
No. of votes: 1
[X] My mother love
No. of votes: 1
I would like to apologize for the lack of update right now. With how crazy things have been at work and some ideas rattling around my head for a story I'm going to write in the creative writing sections, I haven't put a lot of focus on this quest. What's more frustrating is that I was going to get some help with something that was coming up, but the person that I recruited to help has been busy with some of there own things.

Thankfully we should be able to focus on that. So if all goes how I would like the update should start sometime soon. With that in mind, here is the current vote tally.

[X] Everything
No. of votes: 16
tricholysis, Kirbstomp, Enjou, HanEmpire, Avalon Du Lac, HavocKeeper, Trondason, Prefixmancer, veekie, Olgol2, DiceOfStupidity, BBBence1111, Jazzberry, Jedarol, Reji8627, MobiusC
[X] I tried to blow it up with the blue fire, but it just exploded and froze up both. Then it tried to scream and it's face shattered like dropped porclain.
No. of votes: 1
[X] My mother love
No. of votes: 1
:( Hello darkness my old friend :cry:
Hey! Not only am I running two quests myself, little Sis, but Snape is a really hard guy to write on a good day.

Patience. I will get it too you. Soon...

INTERLUDE - The Prison

The Prison

The sounds of shuffling parchment echoed throughout the dark halls of the prison. The shifting sounds giving the only hints of life throughout the cold, dark halls of the old stones. As the cool winds of flowed around the castle, the sounds of paper grew. Deep within the castle, past all of the magics and carvings, throughout all the defenses, there was one great cell.

There was an old man that sat in that cold cell, with a small light that floated above him he looked down on the pages of the news. For so long he has watched the passage of time, as the days and years flew away he sat in his cell. He had learned of the war with Voldemort, of the fools who called themselves the greatest of pure blood. He had heard of their use and abuse of the dark arts, as they played with it like children. He held nothing but contempt for those that think themselves the masters of magic, yet understand so little of it.

He had been held prisoner by his own will, staying here when he could so easily leave. For the first time in his long exile, he had found something that held his interest. Even with the calls of every hero and the lies of all the politicians, this was the first thing that had held his interest. He would admit if any were to ask, that his interest was for about the cause then the event itself.

Looking to the papers in front of him, he wondered how the event came to pass. It had been so long since he had seen Albus, that he could only guess what the old man could do to lead to such an event. With the man's interest, he held no doubt that Albus had something to do with it.
δαιμόνιον Sighted in Hogwarts, Assaults Girl-Who-Lived
Banished by Potions Master

That the protégé of the old man's had been possessed by a demon, well that was interesting. Demons didn't take much interest in the affairs of children, as they rarely had enough power to be of interest. With how close Albus thought himself to the girl, he figured that the man would have something to do with it. Looking throughout the pages of Daily Prophet, he could only shake his head at how many of them misunderstood the events that could transpire.

Leaning back into his tall wooden chair, the ancient man pulled his fingers together and smiled. For so long he had stayed in the confines of this stone prison, watching the world go by without his actions. For days and weeks and months and years, the world had passed him by. For so long he had stayed with his books and the news to keep him occupied, but for once he had felt an actual interest in the world outside.

Perhaps it would be fleeting, in his age he had found the world tiresome. He found the actions of politicians to be a nuisance, and the claimed of lords to be like the sound of flies in his ears. He wondered if his mind would once again settle, if he would once again stay within his cell. Watching the world go by from his place of exile. Though he wondered if perhaps he wouldn't, if instead this interest was one that would grow into something more.

He figured that only time would tell. So as he picked up the papers in front of him, the sounds of rustling paper was once again the only sound in the dark prison that gave a sign of life. That shifting sound once more gave off the only hints of life throughout the cold, dark prison. As the cool winds of flowed around the great castles doors, there was no name to mark the prison. Just one line.
For the Greater Good.
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So, not as long as I would like. Honestly this wasn't was was planed to go here, but I needed to put something out and it helped improve my rather disasters day. Hope you all like it!
Grindelwald is starting to get interest in Alice... well I wouldn't say no to a Dark Mentor who doesn't want to kill all the Muggles. Oh he still thinks pure bloods should be at the top, but he at least he never advocated casual murder and cleansing of an entire group based on birth... ironic for the guy who's suppose to be the Nazi of the Wizarding World.
He had learned of the war with Voldemort

He had heard of their use and abuse of the dark arts

the lies of all the politicians

With the man's interest

the protégé of the old man's

the ancient man pulled his fingers together

in his age he had found the world tiresome

Dumbledore had something to do with the daimons? Was he testing her, or possibly training her or something?
Dumbledore had something to do with the daimons? Was he testing her, or possibly training her or something?
While certainly possible, I think Grindelwald is just thinking that Dumbledore had something to do with it because he usually has something to do with everything at Hogwarts (especially the Girl-Who-Lived). In this quest though, he's been shown to be woefully ignorant regarding Alice's circumstances.

Then again, Alice ran into a freakin' Banshee so who knows.
I've come to a rather annoying conclusion about the next update. It will probably just be you and snape talking before I give you the vote. So in that line I'm going to just give you the vote since its a bit unrelated.

Do you repair your workout location?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
- [ ] Do you build another in a deferent location?
-- [ ] If so, where?
[X] No
- [X] Do you build another in a deferent location?
-- [X] Look around the castle in order to find one. Maybe there's a suitable room for it.

We could find the Room of Requirement this way.
[X] No
- [X] Do you build another in a deferent location?
-- [X] Look around the castle in order to find one. Maybe there's a suitable room for it.
[X] No
- [X] Do you build another in a deferent location?
-- [X] Look around the castle in order to find one. Maybe there's a suitable room for it.