You look at the body that was in front of you, quickly trying to think of what to do. It takes only a few seconds before you take off to try and find Professor Snape. You knew that he could be trusted, he had protected you before and you could only hope that he knew what to do about this. You don't bother to stop to clean yourself up when entering the castle, as you had been planing to. You saw Mr. Filch on the way, when he looked you over he just backed away.
"Glade he didn't make a fuss about our cloths."
When you look down you notice that you had blood on your cloths, likely your own. You were happy to note that the cracks along your body had faded away, so people hopefully wouldn't think that you were possessed again. It would be rather unpleasant to have that happen to you twice in such a short amount of time. You also noticed that your cloths had been damaged by your Cold-Flames.
"Great, now we need new cloths."
Light Cloths Lost
Gained Damaged Muggle Cloths
Eventually you found Professor Snape, you noticed that he sighed when he was you approach him.
"He knows what's going to happen."
"What happened to you
now, Ms. Potter? I am going to assume that whatever that sound earlier was had something to do with this, am I right?" His words sounded tired, though not in the physical way. It sounded more like he was just flat out tired of things happening to you.
" Thought so."
You had to admit that you were tired of it as well. Who on earth had your luck?
"I was attacked by some monster while exercising outside. I fought back and it, well it died. I'm not sure what it is though."
"Is that so? *Sigh* You seem to attract trouble like no-one I've ever seen before. Well fortunately for you I am aware of most types of magical beings, a necessary skill to have in my work. Let us go and see whatever it was that attacked you."
With those words you two depart, backtracking you steps on the way out. When you and Professor Snape get into the Great Hall you find a large crowd of students, all wanting to get outside. Most of the students are Gryfindors, if the colors are correct. Thought you can see a large amount of Ravenclaws as well, with some members of the other houses sprinkled about.
"Lots of colors."
Standing at the door outside was Mr. Filch, who seemed to be keeping everyone inside. He was glaring at the student's and yelling at them to go away, or he would give them all detention.
"What is the meaning of this?"
"Ah! Professor Snape, all of this lot want to go and find whatever it was that Ms. Potter was fighting. I've told them to get out, even given most of these Gryfindors detention, but they won't go away!"
"Have you poked it with a stick?"
You could here the crowd start to wispier at his words. You bet that most of the school would be aware of this by lunch, if not then at dinner. You watched as Professor Snape looked at the entire group of people, some of them looking a little more hesitant with his presence.
"See that, that's a Snape. One look and POOF! No points!"
"If any of you are still here in the ten seconds, then you will
all lose fifteen points for whatever house you are in. Am I clear?"
You watched as a lot of people stopped what they were doing, and started to look between each other.
With that single word most of the people started to hurry out, and as he continued to count the running became even more desperate. You had to admit that he was rather effective at clearing an entire room of students if he wanted to. After a few words of thanks from Mr. Filch you were let out through the front door. You lead the potions professor down to the part of the lake that you had set up your workout area.
He looked over the battle zone, while you looked over the remains of your workout area. From what you could see most of it was ether destroyed, or flung into the lake when the monster screamed the first time. While it did frustrate you that all of your work was for nothing, you coundn't honestly say most of what was gone was a huge loss. The area had been rather makeshift, many of the things that you cobbled together would last through your use but probably wouldn't last all that long. So while it was annoying to lose it, it would be easy to put back together with a few hours.
"A Bean Sidhe, also known as a Banshee. These creatures are Classed as XXXX, which means that they are increadbly dangures and are know to kill many wizards. The only people known to be able to control Bean Sidhe's are necromancers. How did you manage to hurt, much less kill one?"
"That thing was scary."
How much do you tell him?
[ ] Everything
[ ] Leave some things out
- [ ] What do you leave out
[ ] Nothing
[ ] Make something up
[ ] Write in