"I'm Broken..." [HP/AU]

"Alexander Black (born July 1 1980) is a pure blood wizard and son of Sirius Black and Cyrina Ambrosius. Though his mother Alexander is realted to Salzar Slytherin, unlike the rest his family he able to speak parseltongue."

Will you take his hand?
[X] Yes
Do you accept Hagrid's invitation over?
[X] Yes

we should look into having parts of ourself that we can regrow (and with magic that's a lot of things) removed and used to make things,like a prosthetic brain for ghosts to keep long term memorys in.
though even then you never got very far

you eventually just threw your hands in the air and gave up

where you saw your rather small head of house

something that you you were rather glad to see

and unlike others didn't judge people based on their house.

you didn't think to get in cleaner clothes before

Heading up to your dorm you changed into one of your pairs of school robes

you would need to decide what to do with them later

You weren't surprised about that people had known that you had something to do with the why no one could go outside, you'd figured that everyone would know by now already

and it wasn't like this was going to get into the news.

You can only wonder what will happen once Nyx is awake and strengthens the shields even more.

After much internal debate you eventually decided to visit the ghost ball.

Ability gained

Mind Shield-----♦♦◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊
It'd be fun if the voices reacted to OOC stuff like this.

Then again, does Alice even know anything at all yet about the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black?
"Do you know if you have a relation to the Black family?" You responded with a no, not knowing much about your parents and nothing about theirs. "The Black family is known to have a curse that runs in it's blood. From what my mother explained, who is a Black by birth, this curse somehow makes it so the Black family has a large amount of members who suffer from mental instability. I don't know where the curse came from though."

You looked at him in thought. You had to wonder if that was a cause of your insanity, or was there more to it? If you had a relation to the Black family it could explain some things. Could you simply be the victim of some type of curse? How could you find out if that was the case or not? You didn't get a chance to ask Draco, as he told you that he had no idea how to cheek up on these things sort of things. It was simply something his mother had taught him, warning him of the chance that he could suffer from the curse as well.

Will you take his hand?
[X] Yes
Do you accept Hagrid's invitation over?
[X] Yes
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Will you take his hand?
[X] Yes
Do you accept Hagrid's invitation over?
[X] Yes

Why wouldn't we accept?
Will you take his hand?
[X] Yes
Do you accept Hagrid's invitation over?
[X] Yes
So we are resisting foreign mental influence by picturing a metallic muscular young man.
Oh my.
Will you take his hand?
[X] Yes

Do you accept Hagrid's invitation over?
[X] Yes
Ugh, I was really hoping to have an update out by now. I just can't seem to get my head into writing this though! I have other thoughts about some of the things I wan't to do elsewhere, and I just can't get my thoughts on this quest.

It's really annoying.
Dancing with ghosts
You took the man's hand, before going onto your first dance. Your body was covered in the glowing blue lines, softly glowing as you and the ghost danced across the dance floor. The sounds of the music washed over you as you followed the lead of the spirit that held your hand, guiding you along as the song and dance continued.

You did not know how long you had danced, but as one song ended another began, and your dance started again. Eventually you had to excuse yourself, having grown quite tired. Alixander went to the sides of the ballroom with you, as you pulled out your food he started up a conversation.

"It has been a long time since one of the living joined us here, though you are the first that I know of that could touch us."

You nodded as you started to take a bite in your food. "It was the aftermath of a demonic possession that's letting me touch you, it also helped me fight off a Bean Sidhe."

"What business does a Bean Sidhe have in Hogwarts?"

"I have no idea, it attacked me as soon as it saw me."

He nodded and held his hand to his chin, thinking on something. You fell into silence as you finished your meal, once it was done he took you back onto the dance floor. As you danced he would give you small pointers, telling you where you were doing things wrong in the dance. While you knew that you would still step through his feet while dancing, you were happy that it wasn't happening as often.

Time once more flowed past you, and eventually you were interrupted by Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, who told you that it was close to curfew. With a wave to Alixander you left the ball as he told you that if you came back to the ball, he would be happy to dance with you again. You called a thanks over your shoulder as you left for bed, having worn yourself out with all the dancing.

The next day you wondered down onto the castle grounds, heading to the small wooden hut that Hagrid lived in. The wooden hut was on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, with a good eye you could even see the place where you were attacked from here. Though you had to know what to look for to find it. A large crossbow fitted for a man of Hagrid's size was resting by the front door, along with a pair of equally sized galoshes.

Knocking on the front door you could hear some frantic movement, followed up by booming barks. It was easy to hear Hagrid's voice ring out.

"Back, Fang - Back!"

The door opened a crack as Hagrid's large bearded face appeared, he told you to wait a second before he opened the door. The man was struggling to hold onto the collar of an enormous black boarhound, a feat given the size of the man. The hut itself only had one room, with hams and pheasants hanging from the ceiling. There was a large metal kettle boiling on an open fire, and in a corner there was a bed with patchwork quilts over it.

"Make yerself at home," Hagrid's words barley left his mouth before he let go of Fang, who bounded straight to you and started licking you all over. You were happy to note that while the dog looked rather fierce, he was not what he seemed to be at first glance.

"Glad you stopped by. Thought it might be nice to relax, you know, without all the people talking about you." As he was talking he poured some of the boiling water into a large teapot, before he tried to give you some rock cakes. You politely declined the cakes, telling him that you had already eaten before coming down. He looked a little sad but quickly got over it, happily eating them himself.

The two of you fell into a nice conversation about your classes, avoiding any mentions of your possession. During the conversation Fang rested his head on your knee, before drooling on your robes. You were surprised to learn that Hagrid wasn't a large fan of Mr. Filch, calling him "that old git."

"An' as fer that cat, Mrs Norris, I'd like ter introduce her to Fang some time. D'yeh know, every time I go up ter the school, she follows me everywhere? Can't get rid of her – Filch puts her up to it.'"

You were rather confused about all the hostility towards Mr. Filch, from what you could tell most of the students didn't like him. You really didn't understand why, he was rather polite to you. The only time that he seemed to have been ready to jump on you was when you made a mess after the fight with the Bean Sidhe, and he let that slide due the fact that you were just attacked.

While you and Hagrid talked about some of your classes, your eye noticed a piece of paper that was lying on the table under the tea cosy. Picking it up you saw that It was a cutting from the Daily Prophet, the magical world's newspaper.

Investigations continue into the break-in at Gringotts on 31 July, widely believed to be the work of dark wizards or witches unknown. Gringotts' goblins today insisted that nothing had been taken. The vault that was searched had in fact been emptied the same day. "But we're not telling you what was in there, so keep your noses out if you know what's good for you," said a Gringotts spokesgoblin this afternoon.

Do you ask about it?
[ ] Yes
-[ ] Do you ask bluntly
-[ ] Do you ask subtly
--[ ] How do you ask the question
[ ] No​
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[X] Yes
-[X] Do you ask subtly
--[X] Speculate about the kind of valuables the wizarding world stores in vaults versus what muggles store.
You took the man's hand

It was the aftermaths of a demonic possession that's letting me touch you

While you knew that you would still step through his feet while dancing, you were happy that it wasn't happening as often.
If ghosts are tangible to us, shouldn't we step on his feet instead of through them?

who told you that it was close to curfew

Knocking on the front door you could hear some frantic movement

Make yerself at home

Glad, you stopped by.

without all the people talking about you

You politely declined the cakes

avoiding any mention of your possession

calling him as "that old git."

and he let that slide due to the fact that you were just attacked.

Daily Prophet, the magical world's newspaper.

Yay, it's alive again. :D

[X] Yes
-[X] Do you ask bluntly
--[] "Wasn't this the day that we went to the bank? Why do you have this clipping? Was the vault the one you emptied?"

IC reasoning for figuring it out. Also, Hagrid is more liable to let things slip if he's more flustered.
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If ghosts are tangible to us, shouldn't we step on his feet instead of through them?

Yay, it's alive again. :D

[X] Yes
-[X] Do you ask bluntly
--[X] "Wasn't this the day that we went to the bank? Why do you have this clipping? Was the vault the one you emptied?"

IC reasoning for figuring it out. Also, Hagrid is more liable to let things slip if he's more flustered.

You didn't go to the bank with Hagrid. Just pointing that out.

Also, thanks for pointing out my typos.
Welp. Confusing canon with quest I guess. If so, I don't know why we would ask him about the clipping bluntly, or at all.

Also, Alice's schizophrenia is suddenly cured. Apparently all we needed to do was touch a Black to transfer our madness curse back to its origin. :p


There have been other posts in the past without the voices chatting about, most of which were because I didn't know what to have them talk about.

People don't usually have clipping of newspaper sitting around unless they have an interest in whats in the paper, and this one is a few days old. So you do wonder why he has it on his only table.
Well, then.

[X] Yes
-[X] Do you ask bluntly
--[X] "Why do you have a clipping of a break-in at a wizarding bank?"
--[:V] "*gasp* Was it you who stole from the vault? *shiny eyes* Will you teach me?"
[X] Yes
-[X] Do you ask bluntly
--[X] "Why do you have a clipping of a break-in at a wizarding bank?"
--[X] "*gasp* Was it you who stole from the vault? *shiny eyes* Will you teach me?"

[X] Yes
-[X] Do you ask bluntly
--[X] "Why do you have a clipping of a break-in at a wizarding bank?"
--[X] "*gasp* Was it you who stole from the vault? *shiny eyes* Will you teach me?"
[X] Yes
-[X] Do you ask bluntly
--[X] "Why do you have a clipping of a break-in at a wizarding bank?"
--[X] "*gasp* Was it you who stole from the vault? *shiny eyes* Will you teach me?"
[X] Yes
-[X] Do you ask bluntly
--[X] "Why do you have a clipping of a break-in at a wizarding bank?"
--[X] "*gasp* Was it you who stole from the vault? *shiny eyes* Will you teach me?"