"I'm Broken..." [HP/AU]

Bean Sidhe, or the wailing woman, were also known as the washing woman, as they would often appear crying while washing bloody clothing. Like many other sidhe, they can be distracted by something relevant to their status. Thus:
[X] Cut your elbow with your athame, and stain your robes.
Bean Sidhe, or the wailing woman, were also known as the washing woman, as they would often appear crying while washing bloody clothing. Like many other sidhe, they can be distracted by something relevant to their status. Thus:
[] Cut your elbow with your athame, and stain your robes.
Is Alice this familiar with mythology? I'd say not, since prior to Hogwarts we had her reading psychology and stage magic books instead. She also might just not have her athame on her. Since, you know, she's outside of the castle.
Is Alice this familiar with mythology? I'd say not, since prior to Hogwarts we had her reading psychology and stage magic books instead. She also might just not have her athame on her. Since, you know, she's outside of the castle.
Depending on where you live and the race you hail from, this stuff can be learned from early childhood.
We have demonic fire. Explain me why we should run when we can burn her to death ?

[X]Try putting her on fire.
-[X] If it doesn't work, run away, screaming for help.
[X]Try putting her on fire.
-[X] If it doesn't work, run away, screaming for help.

Demonfire first, then run like hell. Nothing else we have even has a chance of working.
[X] Try being polite on the off chance that it works.
-[X] if no banana,try seting her on fire.
--[X] If it doesn't work, run away, screaming for help.

Edit:i totaly missed how well this goes with my sig.:rofl:
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[X]Try putting her on fire.
-[X] If it doesn't work, run away, screaming for help.

Is Nyx still not up, or did I miss something?
[X] Run for the castle!
No. of votes: 1
[X] Run for the castle!
-[X] Shout for help.
No. of votes: 1
[X] Cut your elbow with your athame, and stain your robes.
No. of votes: 1
Frakir's brother
[X] Calm down please.
No. of votes: 1
[X]Try putting her on fire.
-[X] If it doesn't work, run away, screaming for help.
No. of votes: 6
archangis, HanEmpire, Enjou, Chiperninerm, BBBence1111, DiceOfStupidity
[X] Run around the castle
-[X] Yell for help
No. of votes: 1
[X] Scream back at her, as loud as you can. See how she likes it!
No. of votes: 1
[X] Try being polite on the off chance that it works.
-[X] if no banana,try seting her on fire.
--[X] If it doesn't work, run away, screaming for help.
No. of votes: 1
WastingPixies threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 25
2 2 1 1 7 7 5 5 10 10
WastingPixies threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: 2 Total: 16
5 5 1 1 6 6 4 4
WastingPixies threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: 3 Total: 16
3 3 6 6 7 7
Burn, freeze, and wail!
You looked at your arms, with the blue lines running down and around your body. The images of the cold flames danced in your minds eyes, as they tried to flicker to life. For a second it looked as if the demon magic would respond to your commands, before the flames flickered out of existence. With a quick thought you reached into your pocket, keeping an eye on the women that was slowly approaching you. It was hard to get an idea of what she was thinking.

Attack Roll: 1

As your left hand went for your wand, your right went to your head. Grasping your head you tried to fight the thoughts and images that came to your mind. Figures walking to you, dressed in blue as you were covered in red. The whispers of fear and hate, as you felt the guilt of your past. You fought the images of what you had done, tried to suppress your fear of it happening once again. You reached out and waved your wand, yelling the incantation spell to make the cold flames.

But your mind had betrayed you, instead of a controlled stream you felt the flames explode outwards. You were washed in a cold that made you swore frost was rolling down your arms, as you steeped back on the frosted ground. You fell to your back and shivered as a cloud left your cold lips. You instinctively pulled your arms together, trying to conserve what heat you had left.

Heath: -2

Forcing yourself to look, you saw the women rise from the flames. Thankfully you could see that even with your disastrous attempt to attack the women, your spell still did damage to her. Her dress was covered in frost, with some parts still aflame. You were thankful that you managed to avoid such a fate, as your body was free of such flames. The being pulled it's hand from its face, revealing that the skin along its faces was cracked. You saw the women readying to so wale, preparing bracing yourself for the attack.

Readying for the attack: 5
Attack: 1


You looked to see her wail begin, before turning into a scream of pain. The ground shook, as her face shattered! She screamed to the skies, letting her pain be know to all around. You had no doubt that many in the area where now aware of the presence of the still burning lady. With her pain body still alight with flames you pull your still cold hands from your arms and once more intone your spell.
Attack: 10

Forccing your will into this spell, you could feel the demonic magics around you drain from the area, flowing though you and into your wand. With a single word all of the magics around you were released into a focused fire storm, freezing and burning everything around you. The flames wrapped around your attacker, joining with those of the last attack. Her pained screams rang in your ears as she franticly fought against the flames.

You took a step back for her as she flung herself around rapidly, before launching herself at the waters of the swap. You were catching your breath, as the last spell had taken a lot out of you. The women tried to submerge herself in the water, attempting to dose the flames. Though it seemed to be doing little to help, though from how she was acting you could only guess that it had the opposite effect then she intended.

You watched as the being slowly fell to the ground, with the area around her freezing even more then it was before. After a few moments the women stilled, and did nothing but sit on her knees as her body flickered with the flames. As she stilled, the lines on your body seemed to flash. The flames around you slowly flickered and died, and you could feel the magics of the flames once more go into you. You looked at the glowing cracks along your body as they faded into nothingness. You looked at the women now stilled, with her body laced with ice.

She was dead.

What do you do?
[ ] Loot the body?
-[ ] What do you try and take?
[ ] Leave to inform a member of staff?
- [ ] Who?
[ ] Something else?​
[X] Leave to inform a member of staff?
- [X] Severus Snape

Claim your kill and get help rendering her down for potions ingredients. I'm sure this can only go well!