Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
/slow blink/ h-huuhh?! - Sunset.exe
Please don't let this be a communication fuck up for drama points. Let love be the drill to pierce the heaven trump the misunderstanding field at play here, please.
*coughs and avoids eye contact*
Good news, everyone: next chapter is almost done, so the cliffhanger will only last two days! :V
"Worse, you aren't even taking it seriously. You talked about your magic tutors 'humiliating' you? That's nothing! Do you have any idea how many of Celestia's tutors and schoolteachers disparaged me for being a 'gutter-trash charity case?'
What I'm getting, between this and mention of Cadance's tutors being also disparaging (albeit to a less severe degree), is that Celestia has an absolutely terrible choice in tutors.
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What I'm getting, between this and mention of Cadance's tutors being also disparaging (albeit to a less sever degree) is that Celestia has an absolutely terrible choice in tutors.
- In my time if your tutor was alive an not a cactus they already counted as a great one! I remember like it was yesterday, Discord turned my unicorn tutor into a teapot and I needed to interpret his whistling to get my magic lessons.
1. At no point did i want to strangle Sunset, at most i wantedto face palm and possibly give her a hug (she really, really needs a hug), so, improvement?
2. YAY for Cadence and Sunset friendship (though someone needs to tell Sunset that she should notuse herself as a measuring stick for ponies talent/skill at magic)
3. Happy that Celestia finally makes the adoption official instead of merely practical.
What I'm getting, between this and mention of Cadance's tutors being also disparaging (albeit to a less severe degree), is that Celestia has an absolutely terrible choice in tutors.
I don't think Celestia generally makes the time to personally select tutors or other staff. I also think the public sector in Equestria has been suffering from 1000 years of nepotism and aristocracy.
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Tutors at the royal castle do seem to be somewhat suspect about their skills.
Though the metaphor for twine is probably just fine.
Because, to answer Sunset Shimmers question, they probably to think that intangible connections are too difficult for foals, and i would not be surprised they were right.
I imagine that Celestia prunes the aristocracy and bureaucracy topiary where she can... but Prince Blueblood is a perfectly cromulent noble.

I imagine there may be some pruning of tutors in the not too distant future.
but Prince Blueblood is a perfectly cromulent noble.

In fairness to Blueblood, the whole "elements of harmony" thing doesn't seem to have been very well popularized or emphasized in the public zeitgeist. I mean, none of them got tickets to the Gala before they outright asked Celestia; when by human standards they should have been presented with (literal) fanfare as 'saviors of the realm'. All Blueblood knew he was dealing with was some lowborn social climber would-be socialite dressmaker mare who has apparently decided to stick to him like a particularly stubborn limpet. A whole lot of what comes across as boorishness could also be interpreted as attempts to scare her off without making Rarity loose face by actively and publicly calling her out.
Hundred years later, it is said sunset still wasn't told about the birds and the bees.

Anyway, FINALLY proper communication.

And right after Sunset started to evolve into a proper Tsundere and not well... a tsuntsun or whatever.
pls pls pls let this actually happen, let this be the first genuine foundation for future communications between these two

And Celestia probably just had about a thousand years worth of Nightmare Moon flashbacks which may have spurred her to action faster than she otherwise would have. It doesn't help that she's had several centuries reinforcing the idea that she's basically completely alone in the world stuck ruling when she'd rather be wandering around, hanging out/teaching, and eating cake.

Sunset just kinda forced the issue through her own brand of incredibly arrogant stupidity - which she's now making small steps to get out of
Cadence: Alicorn of Love Rocket Fuel
(Excerpt from a Changeling spy's report on the impending Nightmare Moon crisis)

Princess Celestia's Plan for Nightmare Moon's return: Surrender immediately to minimize collateral damage and hope somepony can get the Elements of Harmony working.

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza's Plan: Surface to Moon Missiles???
I'm hoping Sunset accepts. She obviously won't be expecting much, but in her thorn protected heart it is her deepest desire.

It'll hopefully be the next step in repairing their relationship. On the other hoof there will be pushback from other ponies. Which could cement Sunset's stance of not wasting time on others. While the two princesses push her to do exactly that.

One thing is for sure. Voice will be pleased.
Oh Sunset. I know you're going to misinterpret this but please at least don't do so in a way that is going to hurt you more right now. At the very least slip a yes in among whatever terrible response you give.
There is no way that Sunset doesn't see this as because of her impending Alicorn-ification. She already thought that Celestia was sorta slotting her in under the "cute young child" category due to her upcoming extended lifespan/transformation into an Alicorn.

The only question is if she rejects it out of spite (thus hurting Celestia rather deeply), or if she lunges for it as fast as she can anyway despite thinking she knows the true reasoning behind it.
Sunset Shimmer, daughter of Celestia, is ripe for all the drama and comedy anyone could want, even without any misunderstandings from Sunset at this time.