Hybrid Hive: Eat Shard? (Worm/MGLN) (Complete)

This is good we need more of this a full feature story no less please

Edit: also when she is finished here go to another one and then another and another again and you have the starfield new game + experience
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No, the best recommended safety protocol for dealing with FOOF: DON'T.

If you ignore that, all bets are off.

Insurance will not pay for your funeral; you knew better.
DON'T isn't 'safety equipment', so the earlier statement is correct. You are also correct that the best 'safety protocol' is DON'T. But don't get those two confused, it's kind of important.
Most of you are discussing FOOF, but I'm just over here noting that she started building a Coconut. And has the blueprints for Warspheres. And thinks a military blitz may be necessary this time.
Ethan: "And so children, The War in Heaven between Minerva Stella and Scion began with a full on assault on Scion by Stella lead by a Coconut."

Sherie: "Right, someone is losing their right to tell stories for a few days at minimum."
The only word used to describe the container was "capsule" which is not normally used to describe a bottle.
On the other hand, the word is used for two types of pills.

It was also described as being a 20 millilitre volume - which in american would be equivalent in volume to a sphere 1.3 inches wide - which describes very few things that anyone other than an elephant veterinarian would consider a pill, especially when filled with a liquid. Technically even without knowing the actual internal volume (which is equal to a large bottle of soda in Canada), observers would be more likely to think of it as a small hand grenade than a pill.

A moment later she had a twenty-milliliter mana-created capsule that she filled with a red liquid, though this was deceptive as the capsule was actually a hundred times larger on the inside than the outer volume would suggest. "Well, if you want death medicine..."

Though I suppose calling it "medicine" might lead to that association despite it being a container into which liquid was poured.

At least Crawler was a good boy who took his medicine, so that he could have his just deserts?
Where on Earth did you get that idea?

Based on their personalities. Rebecca is a control freak, Fortuna does not want anything that goes against THE PATH, Doctor Mother (and a stupider name than this I have never come across before) comes across as a flat affect sociopath, Eidelon needs to be THE HERO (and probably loathes that someone got to the name before him). Legend seems to be a good guy, and would probably disagree, but also goes along with their plans because it's the best they have, making him something of a milquetoast they can push around. Number Man is 'just' a retired S9 member. Personalities we know of for at least four of them would have zero issue with ruling the world afterward "for the Greater Good", of course. Eidelon would love it if he survived, being one of the few remaining mega-powerful people.

Just going with the psychology of the people involved. THAT'S where I got the idea.
Just going with the psychology of the people involved. THAT'S where I got the idea.
They all thought they were going to die when Scion popped off. If what they wanted was to rule the world they could have trivially conquered anywhere other than Bet and maybe Shin and proceeded to live a life of leisure for the fifty years they would have before the apocalypse. Instead they spent thirty years constantly fighting to try and save whatever scraps of resources they could on the one planet that was categorically impossible to conquer thanks to all the S-classes, hundreds of thousands of parahumans with unpredictable powers, and Scion.

As per Ward, none of the surviving members did anything even approaching domination of Gimel, despite the fact that two of them were the most broken powerful Thinkers in the setting and would be better suited to making the attempt than literally anyone else.


As far as their individual personalities are concerned...

Alexandria is basically Taylor plus thirty years. She is the only one who might go about it; not because she would want to, but because she's a control freak who gets pissy when people don't do what she says.

Legend had no interest in that sort of thing.

Eidolon didn't want to be a ruler, he wanted to be a hero. He wanted to be Superman.

Hero's dead prior to Scion going nuts, but by all accounts Cauldron's leap into ruthless pragmatism started when he died, so it's unlikely he would have deviated from Legend's mould.

Doctor Mother is probably a psychopath, but she's also not a parahuman so she couldn't rule anything without assistance that the others clearly wouldn't be providing.

Number Man just wants a stable economy, man. It's what he did before the apocalypse and it's what he did on Gimel prior to his death. Liking numbers doesn't make him a conquerer, it makes him an accountant.

Finally, Contessa devoted her entire goddamned life from the age of, like, ten to saving the world, after which she retired. In Ward she helped defeat Teacher before being turned into a Titan (and therefore basically dying). Nothing about that even remotely suggests world conquest, even when it would have been relatively easy to go to a world without parahumans and take over after Scion's death.


In conclusion, your position has zero supporting evidence.
Based on their personalities. Rebecca is a control freak, Fortuna does not want anything that goes against THE PATH, Doctor Mother (and a stupider name than this I have never come across before) comes across as a flat affect sociopath, Eidelon needs to be THE HERO (and probably loathes that someone got to the name before him). Legend seems to be a good guy, and would probably disagree, but also goes along with their plans because it's the best they have, making him something of a milquetoast they can push around. Number Man is 'just' a retired S9 member. Personalities we know of for at least four of them would have zero issue with ruling the world afterward "for the Greater Good", of course. Eidelon would love it if he survived, being one of the few remaining mega-powerful people.

Just going with the psychology of the people involved. THAT'S where I got the idea.
I think that the one thing that adds some context to Cauldron is that they have already completely written off Earth Bet specifically in favor of all of the other Earths. Legend aside, they genuinely do not care what happens to it so long as Scion is destroyed and the rest of the multiverse is mostly fine.
What does that horrible fanfic have to do with Worm canon?
So you're just going to ignore the rest of the post because you don't like the sequel? Fine. It's an absolutely petty dick move, but fine. The rest of this post has no reference whatsoever to anything outside of the text of the first book.


Your position holds no merit whatsoever. If they wanted to conquer a world they would have opened a portal to literally anywhere other than Bet or possibly Aleph and just done it. Any of the members of Cauldron could, with insulting ease, take over any Earth that doesn't have A-list capes, and those only exist on Bet. We know this because the Travellers, who are from Aleph, mention that Aleph capes are all C-list at best.

The only reason they might want to avoid Aleph is because of Haywire's portal meaning that Bet would learn about Aleph being conquered.

I mean, let's be real here, there's nothing that a real world military could do against any one of them, much less if they remained a team. Alexandria is invincible, can lift preposterous amounts of weight, and flies faster than planes. Legend's body automatically flickers into his Breaker state whenever something would injure him, he can fly at light speed, and he has All The Lasers. Eidolon has any three S-tier powers at a given time, so we can safely assume at least one of them would make him invincible because you don't survive as the world's strongest cape if you're an idiot. Number Man is in control of Bet's economy and it would be child's play to do the same in a world without enemy Thinkers trying to thwart him, and money is power. Contessa can achieve literally anything that is possible and isn't directly related to the Entities, so if she leaves Bet she has no blindspots and wins at everything forever. Doctor Mother is just a human, but if she retains access to Eden she can just start over and make Cauldron 2.0.

Instead, they spend thirty years fighting a painful, dangerous, exhausting uphill battle on the one planet they categorically can never conquer (on account of the hundreds of thousands of unpredictable parahumans, Endbringers, Scion, etc) to try and preserve as much of the world as they can before the apocalypse happens.

They aren't trying to conquer the world.
So you're just going to ignore the rest of the post because you don't like the sequel? Fine. It's an absolutely petty dick move, but fine. The rest of this post has no reference whatsoever to anything outside of the text of the first book.


Your position holds no merit whatsoever. If they wanted to conquer a world they would have opened a portal to literally anywhere other than Bet or possibly Aleph and just done it. Any of the members of Cauldron could, with insulting ease, take over any Earth that doesn't have A-list capes, and those only exist on Bet. We know this because the Travellers, who are from Aleph, mention that Aleph capes are all C-list at best.

The only reason they might want to avoid Aleph is because of Haywire's portal meaning that Bet would learn about Aleph being conquered.

I mean, let's be real here, there's nothing that a real world military could do against any one of them, much less if they remained a team. Alexandria is invincible, can lift preposterous amounts of weight, and flies faster than planes. Legend's body automatically flickers into his Breaker state whenever something would injure him, he can fly at light speed, and he has All The Lasers. Eidolon has any three S-tier powers at a given time, so we can safely assume at least one of them would make him invincible because you don't survive as the world's strongest cape if you're an idiot. Number Man is in control of Bet's economy and it would be child's play to do the same in a world without enemy Thinkers trying to thwart him, and money is power. Contessa can achieve literally anything that is possible and isn't directly related to the Entities, so if she leaves Bet she has no blindspots and wins at everything forever. Doctor Mother is just a human, but if she retains access to Eden she can just start over and make Cauldron 2.0.

Instead, they spend thirty years fighting a painful, dangerous, exhausting uphill battle on the one planet they categorically can never conquer (on account of the hundreds of thousands of unpredictable parahumans, Endbringers, Scion, etc) to try and preserve as much of the world as they can before the apocalypse happens.

They aren't trying to conquer the world.
Of course they're not trying to conquer the world; that just leads to people trying to overthrow or replace them.

Instead, they literally control all the parts of the world they want, without having to worry about revolution.

Numberman controls the world's money, top to bottom. Financial control of any government means you control that government.

The three heroes? Control the single most powerful organization on the planet with the possible exception of the CUI. Because seriously, what else on Earth can fight the combined might of the PRT and the Protectorate? Especially led by the Control freak, the 'hero' and laser man?

And, if anything does start going wrong, they have the ultimate Ace in the hole, Contessa, who will do anything her path tells her to do. Since her path starts with Doctor and Alexandria, well.

In effect, according to the setting, Cauldron has already conquered the world, since by WoG, they are the only force keeping the still civilized areas running.

That doesn't even count the number of people that owe Cauldron favors, that are in their pocket through blackmail or bribery, etc.

Sitting on a throne makes a clear target; ruling from the background so that no one can even prove you run things is so much safer.

It's the one thing Cauldron did well.
The best recommened safety equipment for dealing with FOOF and related fluoride materials is a good pair of running shoes. 😅

You're collecting laughing reactions, but its legit not a joke.

There's shit out there so nasty you can't put it out or contain it, all you can do is leave the area and wait for it to burn itself out.

Shit like Chlorine Trifluoride doesn't care if you pour a bucket of sand on it, it'll burn sand. It's its own oxidizer so it doesn't care about fire supression attempts. Literally all you can do is GTFO, and wait it out.
You're collecting laughing reactions, but its legit not a joke.

There's shit out there so nasty you can't put it out or contain it, all you can do is leave the area and wait for it to burn itself out.

Shit like Chlorine Trifluoride doesn't care if you pour a bucket of sand on it, it'll burn sand. It's its own oxidizer so it doesn't care about fire supression attempts. Literally all you can do is GTFO, and wait it out.
I wonder if you could suppress it with a liquid oxygen dump?

As you say, it's an oxidizer, so depriving it of access to air does nothing. But washing the oxidizer off the fuel, with something that isn't itself fuel, might do. And I don't think ClF3 can burn O2.

...Of course, having liquid oxygen and fire in the same vicinity is, generally, an extremely poor idea.
And I don't think ClF3 can burn O2.
Sorry it reacts vigorously.
Chlorine Trifluoride + Dioxygen = Dichlorine Monoxide + Oxygen Difluoride
Two moles of Chlorine Trifluoride [ClF3] and two moles of Dioxygen [O2] react to form one mole of Dichlorine Monoxide [Cl2O] and three moles of Oxygen Difluoride [F2O]
Oxygen Difluouride is a very unsafe gas itself and then will react with any water in the air to form Hydrofluoric Acid. Not something you want floating around after the explosion.
I wonder if you could suppress it with a liquid oxygen dump?

As you say, it's an oxidizer, so depriving it of access to air does nothing. But washing the oxidizer off the fuel, with something that isn't itself fuel, might do. And I don't think ClF3 can burn O2.

...Of course, having liquid oxygen and fire in the same vicinity is, generally, an extremely poor idea.

I mean, without looking anything up;

I suppose in theory cooling something should halt/slow chemical reactions so mebbe? Not sure how practical that is in reality once it starts burning but I see the logic.

Though O2 I'm gonna go with being a bad plan ClF3 burns at ~2400 degrees, LOX is like -200. And will auto ignite with natural atmo at well under 1000C. I suspect pouring it on will just add 'boom' as the existing fluorine fire simply heats it up fast enough to add it to the party.

Sorry it reacts vigorously.
Chlorine Trifluoride + Dioxygen = Dichlorine Monoxide + Oxygen Difluoride
Two moles of Chlorine Trifluoride [ClF3] and two moles of Dioxygen [O2] react to form one mole of Dichlorine Monoxide [Cl2O] and three moles of Oxygen Difluoride [F2O]
Oxygen Difluouride is a very unsafe gas itself and then will react with any water in the air to form Hydrofluoric Acid. Not something you want floating around after the explosion.

Welp, in light of above, never mind. Very bad plan.
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Oxygen Difluouride is a very unsafe gas itself and then will react with any water in the air to form Hydrofluoric Acid. Not something you want floating around after the explosion.
There's no way you're avoiding hydrofluoric acid when you have a ClF3 fire.

And, wait, that's a slow reaction. And the stuff decomposes at fairly moderate temperatures.
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Sorry it reacts vigorously.
Citation, please?

It doesn't react vigorously with nitrogen gas, since that's something that's used to purge it from apparatus. It seems weird, though not impossible, that it would react more with oxygen.
And will auto ignite with natural atmo at well under 1000C.
What does this mean? What's being exothermically oxidized in the 'natural atmo' under that condition? And will it not already be oxidized by ClF3?